The Brussels Post, 1893-2-17, Page 1r it Vol. 20. No. 82 A. ROW ON 711f11 G. T. Broken Heeds and Chewed Finger's, Iv l y t° 40 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, F1RIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1893 t "Iles you I ntnan'r anti strauk me on Bid 9'he 'Trouble Brought lido Contd. , e of head with his fist, knookin; my Dnp off into the oven box, 1 eepteu.rd my nap cud he tame) struck me in same place and again cap tell off, Ifs struelt me 'Vein ou Left side of head, 1 told him to sit down and pot ort hie clothes bore he refused and said I s0uldn't wake him ea thing like y„u telling one to sit teem,' Pratt then collared me by the throat, and Damien etruok - me again while Perot held nee, I told hien to let me gn.1 was attending to my bhoineee. Dundee etruok urn age1,1, Pratt still having hold or mo. I reached over to onal box with my left baud and gob the fire shove', (hanged it to my right hand :aid etreolt Dnt'niop wain... I ui,l tele to nail de. fence. The two of them were at me at this time, Pratt now etruok me on side of head with hie fist. Before tide be had taken the shovel from mo and raised it to strike me but I knocked it out of his hand with my arm. He did nob repeat blow as far as I know. Damien oaugnb me by the throat and I returned the grip on his throab, He tried to anew my nee r but did not succeed. I shoved him book got out from the door and ane the door a loitttng into the passenger part of ear Of "veli. Three o1 tltetu caught soli f me of then, Pratt, Duruion and Laird, all of • once and all p0nuded tie with their fiats, I milled for help and got orb of their hands. 1 made ft,r coach door when Pratt caught me by back of neck anti said "1 arrest you in the Queen's name.” I said be was outside his bounds. Train was moving and 1 wanted to get out to attend to my duties. He wouldn't re lease mu and got no Ti the corner and tried to clown lee, I got upon the seat with my feet and he again refuted bo Int me go. I got away and ;vela over the cars to theongtue, Conductor Got on too coach at Wiugham Junction, At the engine I told the fireman what lad hen paned. Pratt came to engine with fire ehovel in hand and asked for :he driver. He said Inc forbid the driver to mnvs from here till Inc Kot the loan he had arrested, meaning me. He left us then and went bank and brain left for Brne. sets. On arriving there I remained on engine until fireman name and enid they had gone ar town to get a warrant on as MoC,llutn h Id been chewed up bad y. Sew Pratt coming out of Brussels otfiee into waiting room. He said "Your the fellow I Lad arrested." I was in the dis - charge of my duty and train woe no main line, 'Lt•aiti was in danger stand• tett thorn- without protection. Brett would trot let me gu oat to my train the thoagh I asked him to do so. Had pas seagors on train then. He kept me there some minutes, 10 or more. I finally got orb and went to train earl gab it ant of the way for the passenger tree it from tho South to come in. It was not neoeaaaty for Pratt '.o st.ike ate to save Durnion. Cross oxamiued by Mvl'hereou, Dou't I(+low whether Pratt wont to office to deliver shovel to station agent. Hogarth ed kleulioreen were in canoe at Elio time. Suppose Hendwreon could have attended to 0toltl t . well go I could, Pratt caught me by the, tiered, 3 times at least, and other time droppe t hold and might ag•uin. Duston struck me 8 limes be- fore I said anything and agai.e eeverd times. Henderson, Laird, itloGee, Pratt and perique ween toll thele when Pratt tr.eu td stun, ma with shovel. Pratt loaned the motley laet Friday. To best of my knowledge MuOtllutn was Bober tet Kinottrdine and at Wiugham also, I drank nothing on tee train with (barn end was sober u11 the afternoon, as mush so as now. One brakeemen °menet put a train away on a siding safely, It was my duty to eaglet Elendtraon, John Collie said :—Live in Bluevale, was on the train the evening spoken of and recognized Pratt as there also. First saw bun go ting off at Win/gloom and again saw I im between Wingham and Winghaln Jauction. Ile oatne in pas• eenge,• stud of ear and went through to baggage end, I saw Imitate tip against the dear and prat lord hold of him by Barnet. Damon wed,Lttird were hitting ab him end did het hint Pratt was teeing Leitch roughly, choking him. Detente and terra bath nit Leitch at once, Hon der•ea, casae in and colied for help, raid aced he wanted us passengers all ort to their waei•tence. Pratt followed Leitch into welch and got hitt by the throat up again, a seat Ile had Leitch by the throat 2 ter 3 times, I pulled Laird ori' Leitoh in brggage part. I saw McGee lift a chair in baggage part. At Blue. vale saw Pratt with shovel enquiring for station spilt. :He rain he was goiig to have Leitoh arrested as Inc had hit a man with shovel, Pratt did not eat like a peoe1maker oe oue anpeb'e of malting peace, Henderson toll Pratt Inc had no right to arrest Leitch that the latter wee attending to duty, The four of them were 1iboxiortted and toeing very ;defame lengoe(:o. It was in the baggage de- perbmetrb bob could be heard distinctly in the outer ond. There was ono Indy pa0B0ng,-r, two gentlemen and rnyeelf. The ofl'i, eats of the train were ttppttrently the same eo luteal, sober, 1 did nob strike Laird 1; tb wn were both clown. John Welters, sworn, said ant Oremen on No. 12 train spoken of in this platter, and was firemen on 10th lest, I knew qtr. Pratt, saw hem first that a night wt SViughuon Juitobiou. 1 wait e'.Iled to coach by tt ptotsengee (Unbolts. a con) who bold me they were murdering heti eman and conductor bit the mar. t sly mete wouldu'bgo bank but I did. a I tet Pratt earning to me with shovel 1, hand using Very profane balk, 1 eteeped t out of oar and saw Leitoh then. Saw no o blows struck. On reburning to oar feet o Pratt again with shovel ebill in hand D Ile waisted toga rho brakeman who hit n. the men with the thence. 1 told him be to onuld not get him. Prate threatonerd to d h,:ld the train until he dial get him. 11 ilfu0wnnm aatno in and a woman said she s eves afraid they would fall over bee ate a they .yore drunk' They were all Doming B and eweering in the hearing of the lady. Saw Pratt again ort 13rnesele. Heel hovel yet acrd ammo,: very wild end au Wouldn't give it up for eomotime. Didn't p sen Pratt assault anyone. Flo said Inc to would split the a of b— head open if Inc ,e could get him, Ile was nub looking for fo Loitob ab rho time, the hotter being on lei Laub friday evening a big row occurred on (Inc mixed traits between SVhi mato and Brueee'e, the pertiolpants being Rebt, Dorulon, Juo. Pratt, Seaman 13, Laird, and le J. McGee, all of Kiuoar• dine, on the one aide, told Brakernan A. 1), heiteh a,.4 1 .endnrtnv hone" .10 Callum on the other. Ae a moult a tele. gram wits sent 10 Brussels taking for conetablee to arrest the Kinoardineites on their arrival, and this was done with the exception of MoGee. In the me es Leitch was marked con. eiderably, while Durnion and MaOnilure were banded over to the physicians to dress their wounds, caused by a oar coal shovel, biting, said other pugilistiu novel- ties known only to the bruiser. There ape.: ire t . 1..10 a we le divor;;euc of opinion among the wltneeies called a to who wee the atatckhig party ale.) as t what was the cause of the row outekle the influence of John Barleycorn. Fur then particulars will likely Inc brought t light before the various CR810 ar through hub one thing is certain an that to the publio demand proteoti m while .travelling without running the risk of being maimed for life if ant killed to say uotbiug of being compelled t listen to obscenity and blasphemy. Monday alteruoon the Magistrates Court opened in the Town Hull, Brus eel-, b fore A. Hunter and Joh,' MaUrao, J. P's to bear the case of assault pro feared by Brakeetau Henderson against Constable Pratt, of Kincardine. The Court room was peaked to the door with am interested audience. G. T. Ii. De• teetive Bradley looked after the interests of the pleiutifl while Lawyer McPherson, of Kitm,rline, performed eimil,r duties for the defendaut who plead not gouty. The first allose, milled was Endwistttu Henderson, who seed : -I live at Palmer. atop, em tt G. T. 16. brakeman and was on train ',o. L2 on 10th inst. Oonduutor MoO,tlnm in charge of train, also bud A. D. Leitch as brakeman. At Wiugham Juuction en arrival near switch stoppad for London engine to go around Y, leen. thlotor going, in a 'mw minutes to see what was keeping London train. Soon after he left bitegage oar, R. B. Duruiou got up, (trek off hie coats and put theta on a chair he had sett „n. Mr, Pratt, svltom I re:'ognize here, waughtbrakemen Leitch by the throat, Ittr.tg on to him Iona held him up agaieet door et North end. They were making a noise. Pratt and the othuas wore using profane lwugu Igo Pratt teas the worse of liquor and was drinkinglou train. Pratt p00s.d no re• marks till afters Leitch struck Ttnr.;ion, he said he ewes going to arrest him." Dot•nion had etruok Leitch Herne tunes before Leitch etruuk a blow, I helped part then tied Leitch went out of the way of to cugiuo, Au 1110 way down from Kincardine Pratt said as quick as Inc would get past the lino he would be a free nigger and would do ae he d— plettsed. Pratt get the nee fire -hovel and marled it amen all the way to Brus. eels and followed the about while attend frig to my duty, but he didn't really in. terfore with me. I did not eee Pratt get any provocation at all. He was an or• dietary passenger on (Inc train and ht(d no bueineee in the baggage oar. The as, smelting was in flus oar, The oar is a oumbinabiou on,., both passenger and baggage. arose examined by Mr, MoPhoreon. I wee not up town at Itinmrdine. Leitch and McCallum were. .Ckey did not cum, to station in oompeny with Durnion and the others. Dont know that tboy were invited to come, Pratt had hold of Leiteh before Leitoh struck Durnion. It looked as if they weeded to butt him while in dd-chtt ge of duty. Pratt did not say "keep quiet or I'll arrest yon." There was a bottle of Club whiskey in oar when we left Kincardine. They got another bottle at Lackuow, also some pop. I had none, but hada cigar. your of the Kincardine people were disorderly and were drinking and dis trderly wt train. Dont thick Leitoh drank any. Leitoh'teas in and out doing his duty and didn't require to bo on engine that rt(elle There was no change other than neral. Had only 4 oars that night and needed no brakeman on engine. Never heard that Leitch wee bound to liok them. MoDal. bum ran the train and he collected the rnmaey for fares paid. I collected no money but collected tiokebe Beet of Bruit sots, Oouduotor got money from Duru- ion. I did not handle it I bided( tyro• Callum was Bober when he left Kinu„r- dino. T did nob see him get ttuy drink Dont think he was worse of drink, 1 had not the charge of brain. We keep a record boost of car numbers, tee. I made some eniriee in book at Kincardine and 00010 on the way down, as we picked up other care, I oper't say- who proposed to hold the train end go down town at, Lucltnow, 1 did nob go down now ltd lbloOallunn, The shovel is in Palmereton with the owe. It is a metal shovel 11nt1 Leitch struck Duruion on the head with it. Examined by Mr. Bradley, Pratt had bold of Loltoh when Leitch etruok Dur, • ion. Durnion was striking Leitch and trying to get hie hands in his mouth to bite them. He bit ono finger a little. A. D. Leitch sworn said :—I am a brakeeinan also and waa me duty on I>aiu No. 12 on 10th inet. I know Nur, )Pratt who was on train as a pnssen(ter. Iluerd hu.,000profane language, To the best of my knowledge leo was under the in- fiuoaco of liquor. 1 had trouble on way clown with him. Fleet at North of switch at Wingliam Tanotion, I was in baggage end' of ear standing up agaivat deer its Henderson was looking over bills, Durnion Oat on a chair opposite side door. 13.0 hot ups took of hie (oat vent and hat and laid them on chair, ptitlad op his shirt sleeves and stud "1 gen lioklanything in the car or in the County, stepping toward me he Raiff .r.,,..e.�_ Oho engine, Pr1tt didn't seem to act am if Inc wait a passenger. Saw Durnion that 1i,ht, Ile oga bleudmg ouuuid'�r ably. This w,0 at Wtngb!trn Jtwut:ou. Leitch And ivinUalluut were perf oily sober, the o1Ite funs, inutudlug Pratt, worn drunk - (1, A. Hntoheeon, sworn, Raid :--Wee ou train fu queebiot 08 10th hint. I reeogudze Pratt. I was in front of coach when Mr. Saylor came and said they were fighting in b tggage oar, Couduntor eau Mime and oilseed door, Tula wan at Wiugham Ju,oswt. Henderaun name out end walled Iter help from male pea edgers to quell row. Ooliie want in car but Saylor cwt I s1 peed at Wee tlorh• land mulled tit. Dermot hall Leitoh up against door and Laird had also hold of Leitch. Duruiou was ready to strike and Prete ran between them and said "You must not striae him again." Saw Leitch with foot ageinat door and some• body bold of him round the neck. Dont know who it was. 1 called engineer and fireman to name. On return saw Pratt with shove! and he said of he caught that e—of b—he would newer Bailie another men. Did tint Ree Prat? Renault Leibu, iu any way. Cunt say Pratt was delude but shirk be had Been Drinking. The three others were drunk, lirakemau and conduotor were ttppttrently sober, S. S+tylor, sworn rigid :-I am of To Ionto, and wee a passenger on the titin in question. I recognize lir. Pratt. FIe was ou the train with 3 others. They had been drinking, the' I a.uw no liquor 0, bottles. I heard them nciug obeoeao and profanelangnago in the hearing of lady passengers in steno compartment, Pratt need bud language also, 1 did not see Pratt assault Leitch, I saw him have hold of Leitch and said he would arrest him. Durnion's hands were up but I ronldn't follow the blows. Pratt had the shovel and was uoing around threatening that he had power to hold the train, Geo. Aogartle, •worn, said :—I live at Bruseele. At 7:30 p, re, on 10th inst., operator at Wiegh.10 Juuctlut called me up clod said a wild gang on No. 32 are beating brakeman, oto„ have constable redly nn arrival at Breads's. I sent weed to constables rind train arrived et 5:40. Pratt carne along and McCallum tees lett -r said 1 want this roan art sated. Prop was miry and dill nut cure about giving himgel( up. He ttad a fire shovel et hid Incus. He at last g,ve up sleeve!. Pratt wasted Leitch arrested. Ele pre vented Leitch going out of station to his train, perhaps abo.,t 5 minutes bus (Leda, ;inexact hitt to go, nevi then came in and told etc of the row, sere! Inc went. ed the shovel kept for evidence. Pratt was 'seepingLeitob from doing his duty and No. 7 from South suns due on 0010 track. No. 12 ryas on main trach. It i+ onetomary for 2 brakemen to put away a train in such a case. Leitch bed come into ollico to find 001 how train woes. The semsph ire was tip to the Bast and No. 7 wag tate about 25 minutes. Pratt said I have this man amen -ed and I want to turn him over to a constable. 1 refused to auoept shovel. I•. belonged to train and went with it. The brakeman and conductor seemed sober bat very mach oxoited. I told brakemen train cvae late. le. S. Soott, ,worn, said : -I run a Co. Constable of Imran. Saw Pratt nil 10th lost,, iu station year'. He had a shovel in band which lie wanted to deliver to Mahlon master. He gave it to Hogarth. I arrested Pratt and came down town with him. I thought the, whole crowd had been (Nuking except Henderson. I Belgic both Pratt and iltCalium were capable of attouding their business. I know nothing of the assault. Pratt had no objection to arrest and name quietly. 'Phi, oloe-'d the case for the snemoution and en adjournment was made for a half hour for supper, Court esteemed ab 7:00 o'clock, The first witness for the defence wits Jnlue Pratt, defondonb, mho bees (worn said : —On evening of 10th lust•. Mr. Damien asked me' t, oonne'o Brussels with him. I cemented and went to station at • Kin• oerdine. Conductor MoOallum asked Durnion, McGee, Laird and myself In the rear pert of ear where haltg'uge is. kept, The neck wits broken off a bottle of C ub whiskey end Durnion, conductor, Hal stead and Leitch drank berme Wit left Kincardine. After treat started Durnion asked coudnotur whet the faros to Brus eels were. Conductor said "That would but ,ill right," Durnion w 11110l him bo take fares end gave McCallum a e5 bill And told him he could take the baletnoe of faring out of a $L0 bin Inc had given him up town, Centimeter gave $8 to brake. men Henderson were pot i6 in hi, pooket with another' roll of bills he had, Dern• ion asked for tickets, MoOallum said that would be all right, we (mule eutnen with him on freight on Saturday. Durn- ion wit ited something to show I:i d Don. doctor carob. eoulething in small book he had bob gave no tinkete. All went well cars neer Leeknow so ben I noticed Loktnle siding nu to Durnion who wee •ow ntel er the influence ,u1 111100e, Damien and McOallnm were the ansa. Before reaching Lie:Meow the bottle of whiskey was all drank. Conduaor gre.xl to hold brain 2c) minntus if Durnion would go down town and bring bottle of whiekev book. D•trnion, self, McGee, Laird acid bus driver went down own et Lnoknow and canis beck to train nd gob aboard. I was in chair in Oar having lunch when 1 hoard Durnion say o Leitoh •'You Tenet not demi( .u0 telltale 1 that Oloh whiskey for yon know the onduotor i8 not himself this evening." urnion took a betide of p3aio soda Water nd advieed Leitch to drink that for feat 0 might got hart while discharging Ilia tt6iee. I•lo did not wane to este him get net although It';s reported, MuOallum aye, your a fighting man but your feet 0d mine are too big foe fir hiiieg met, obh wore standing up Leitoh with bauh atotinst door and then Leitch drew e' ravel and etruok Itnrnion with it.Il Torn I ell (lepton Le. ie. be WAS 0110111 to O. oat the blow, MoCalboto said "Murder e o— of b-- and struck at Durnion ith it oar coupling link and hit him 011 robbed near whore the ehovel had out in, I caught bold of LeitOb and told hum I would arrest hurt uuf Ruud b over to the agent at lust station e alum: Lurniuu WW1,h,,;nl, cul tt Will to paauetrger part ul our, leaving rind Laird, Mate., Duruion and Oaliutu. I stopp°d 0111011r stop Dula Leiteh t•Init 1,11) of ,,., ..,. I (vent tow, euglne. Heudorson Otte et brake. cable! to agent far a ooueteble, Mr.G Dame null tosheci tele to atop the fight. went bad. through one with I•bovel s du hand nod eeparnt 1 0•.tedu•tor a Lurnrun. 21o(lnbum sat down in std stopped there 111 train arrived 1Sraeeeu, liven Mat :al nul ordered under merest but atter,varria said I le du„„ n.chi,_p rated eiu•t,: i , •-ilsOtble Sri, to lot me go. Was ttr,n'e od a sen, 1e110 and brought befur° your Worsh Durnion never struck Leitohuntil wee hit with shovel. The etruke broug Durnion to hie knees anti McCallum on0e wreak Durnion with lima. when caughe Leitch I was trylug to preys disturbaoee as a friend of both parti I kept shnvol ac evidence that Duret el been art woe Bud intended giving it staelot) itgeht. Durnion struck at Lett after the I , er 1 it 11,41 Would - 000mr that I did not useprofttne languor est I was exeiteu, but din nut say ' 1 murder way one," Drees summated by Bradley. I on 00m0 to Brussels as a friend with Dur int. Leiteh had beet titled ab Kinen dine that day The row started Rem wrler0 about Wiugham ,(unction. Dur inn, Leitch, Laird and myself were the car at Incttime. 1 swear SAW McCallum wtih a coupling p ou or about Wiugham de nal Leitoh was iu the oar when Ode was don Heudorson was in also. Did not s Oollie until to.dny. I swear I tasted liquor 01 train that dap, I ase, d trio to be held until 1 could arrest the ma I anew I hart no authority to order stoppage. I may have stood at the do, et le Brussels wtiot. wall Leitch a Millar 1 1.11(111't realize or know that the trai was in danger. I went into the ofii with shovel, I never said I would lino° the e— of a b— britt a out. I held Leito w while and no man struck hitt utile Durnion, and I took Leitch away so0 as 1 could. Seamen Laird, sworn, said :—I remit bar the evenitg of the 10th inst, I w alt the train. Knew all thepartien. tilos rncnti°ued were ou board withThere was s .me 5 •hting, saw Leite strike Damien ou h ars ,vith shove Weldon bio l not atsuc)t him before the Saw Pratt, he wait endue a lunch on chair or box. Mu:ullmn went to tb midale tie ,r of oar and Durnion gob n and to,k off his coat mud vest and aske W. H. KERR, Prop. +r. $17:,000, and the fluty $405,67i3,02 ; fn- enrotinll fere and duty on a barrel .,t So a moan remounted to $112,742. Adding wholeerma iutpo.tees' profit, 20 per oout., $108.723, and rets.iler.+profile, say 10 per cont., $25J,469, the cost to the mummers without 1'b • le 6887,112, or anott 15 3 5 stance per imperial gallon. It cows the noneumer now from 28o to 35.,, for he found that the Dominion government paid 85o a gallon for American ail, geed at the experintentel farm. What free oil. wvonld omen for Canada Dr, Shtnrfonald showed by the following oomnutatton :— A car lead of oil 7.85 specific er vity ooete 5 3.4o per wine gallon in barrels, or 3 l 4e in •m k -'g lea tater Ire, I -•r oil tbere.are 3,207 wine gallons. at 5 8.40 per gnllnn, $184 el ; a claty of 7 1 5o on 2,- 673 imperial gallons, 0192.45 ; duty ea 60 barrels at 40e each, $24 ; inep00tion of 60 barrels at 30o eagle, $18 ; freight on 60 barrels, •$66, Teta) Dost at Paroles, $484,86, or 18 1.7e per imperial gallon. This, with the usual profits of the im- porter and retailer, will sell from 28o to 35e a gallon, depending on whet.het the retailer 18 the importer or not. Bat Dr. 3Muadunnld ars teal Hoot itwee eco : •ju,y to Canadian oil nens0mers, as well as to the coopering trine, that the lee com- pel. importere to bring in the commodity in barrels only. A tank car load OF oft, 5,167 gallons, could be imparted, duty paid, for $777.34, or 15 5.100 mats. This m tbod of importation w,ui•1 give to the consumer 3 1.10 cents a g Mon, or $174,778 a year, beeklea giving mniny_ meet to Canadian coopers to make 140,- 000 barrels, which would give employ- ment to et least 2511 men, Then, crude petroleum should be duty free. The change world cheapen fuel, labricatiug and paint oile ; it would oheapon pas, now used for eo many genet al std do. Testable purposes ; indeed, every iudastry in the hand would be benefitted b.• the change, The tariff prevented ue im- porting oil in nulk in tank oars ; it compelled ns to buy high•prioed barrels, upon which the consumer had to pay freigh• and duty, as well as upon the oil; it touk from the coopers of the country a large quantity of legimitate work which rightly belonged to them ; oauseJ a have by leakage ; it prevented the refiner from getting cheap crude oil ; it increased the price of lubricating oils, and prevented the people from getting a supply of the products obtained (ram the rale In tserial. The oil industry wits an extensive one, and required the most careful attention which the rovt•r,ment could give it ; edit, the interests of the people of Can- ada should be considered, and he hoped the government, when they disolosed their policy on thin question, wnnld show that they had clone •omethine to the public interest by reducing the duty up- on oil. (Applause.) Q eeetct•tt.F im me:erred Lotwoen Mueller/1 demotic/or and for Brneeels, no both eldee of Bleevalo, loll I)tin" see Ila "shim 0 rill,. Dnrnien with Me a Link, Dien't A,a Pratt hot,t 1.eitcit 0 1. :Jo ly to make peace. Saw Laird have 'de, Dnrulou by t,ie duvet La niake Niro let •rel It, f ),r•it,1 't'1 being was between I Dumont fetid ,loCallutn, I welted Lien- ee1 Bwoeyuldnnon 0.,'thelp separate then but be , till Joseph IIarlcer, sworn, said : -1 am ed Mayor of 11(1n ar/line and inn wed ac. oar 15imiui1, teS wMcCallum, never saw i1 Levee but twine. They were both in 10 my office on Friday last p, 0t• Leitch ad was there utl y short time and appeared n• ltt very 0.l01. t'tlrl 1' hi tee n -,I ,,inn R, h, nd whether he woe ruder influence of liquor. 1p. McCallum had to mole I think for one Inc holdd'g hie po-ition. Iinow Pratt well. ht He ie a Co. Constable of Brune. It is at very common for him to separate two I combatants. I never knew him once to ut bo under the influence of liquor that es. 1 could possibly deteut. Ho has been 'on serving paper. for me for past 9 years t , and I believe him to be truthful. out This concluded the defence and the ' •t aertgintru-es reer:•m3 t'.•r.ir d• rf Is ma ge, tit Monday, 20th inst., when a nnmber of d other 00080 are to be teemed iu oueneotion with this same row. ly n- S.0.11141ELN QIteeeet0itt, r• e 0. in in on et. e8 to iu a C e. Inc lc h 09 as a.h t. d nee to shut t:tanght in store. Dundee frame with a bottle of plain soda, lloOal Itnn had gone out. Dornio n told Leitcl to dein( the sada and not whiskey 1.'0at perhaps he dldu t know but .Iso Oath= posed him a.; a fighting elan ant ruble to holo anybody i0 Kiuoardine, bn you're not. Leitch said I'm not a fight ing dean and dour what tw li ht. Durno• on placed his baud ou los eltoulcler cud safe, our feet are too big, e8 are too much alike. Lunette seized tite ehovel cud struck Durnion on Ihe head. Be- fore I mead get bold of Leitch Pratt had euized him. le alt didn't strike him bot Leitch reared show' egein end it dropped to tae done. Pratt then pinked up shovel. I waeteeing to hold up Durnion as Inc WAS on one knee, being stunned by the blow. We got hint to his feet. I looked round when MoOallum came end with tut iron he held he struck over ray shoulder and hit Durnion on the head Titus said "1lurdee the e— of b—. Did not sue Leitch again after Pratt took 1.1m away dtetil to -dry, Atter MuCalJum et' mix Durnion the latter fell pattly down nod after pulling hem up he made a race for lie0eliuen and struck hien. They had blows exchanged, We pa. tad them thou .tlo(Jallum mane bank again and struck temni00 twice while Billing iu seat. iia ,derson was in Dar at time. McGee a o, rid I tried to past then several times and oonldt'They were biting each other ou the fingers. I ohoked Durnion to malts him let go. Did not see Pratt strike n.nyona. I gave Leitch a drink. He asked what it was. I seed "plain soca," He drank part or all of it. He rtainted to take any nm'e, Pratt was eroeer till be ar; ivocl at &assets. aloes examined by Bradley. The trouble started between Leitch and Pratt jest going into Witeghttin Junction. Tbsy' had no trouble utly that Pratt tools Leitult away after hitting Dnrniou with shovel. Prabb had heed of Leitoh up netting!) door and took 1111p11 from tbot ont of the oomparbmsub, vleGee, Prtttt, my, self, eleudersou mid McCallum wore iu whew Leitch and Dorman were fighting, D'l"rion bought the Hume tet Kin/mediae and he also bought it ub Luoknoo. I ma sone ander the inOttenoe of liquor. Pratt wag sober, The biting was, I think, just after leaving Blunvalo. They were flgetieg all along, at intervals, after leasing Whigham. VI the f;,Ittm• of Tete POST. Mit Lurroa,—IIavutg noticed the re- port of other oreameries, will you kindly allow mu apace iu your valuable paper for the following, The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Saugeen Valley Creamery Aesoeintion, of Neustadt, was bald in th,t village on January 17th., at which a large gathering was preaent. After the °penin; of the meeting by the President, the Seoretory rears the report for the past year, which was voted very satisfactory. The season's make, being far ahead of previous yeare, a counted to 105,793 ;monde, for which they realized the sum .1032,013.49, the average price paid to patrons per Ib. being 170. Tee factory is still inoreasiug, it being found necessary to add another piece tothe pr00ent large building, which will make both sewage and work rooms twice the sire, J. H, Spieling, who has been maker for the past four years, hes been re engaged for the comiue season at alt increase of salary, which epe•tks well for hi, ability to rightly handle the large make expected this season. R. W. Warnes, General Merchant. Neusteclt, Foley. 13, '03. Mao:sent School Hoard, The regular meeting of Brussels Public 1 School Board wets held on Feby. 10th. • Members all previa. The minutes of last regular meeting I were read and passed. 6 gloved by 1,, Reil. seconded by Dr. Grah.,m that the 0ocouut of Ballantyne at Wilton, fold over free] last muetiug, $3.05, be paid. Carried, Moved by Rev. J. Ross, seoouded by A. lewd limb the Proper y committee pro• care three reams of paper to be used for monthly examinations, Carried. Mooed b, A. Mentor, soc,,nded by Dr. Graham that, the Property te1:m11. m provide article+ end material necessary for teaohbug Physics in the Priuoipal's department of the school, Dost of sante tut to exceed $10.00. Carded. The Beard then adjourned. • Oft. M1.1Cl9,tLi) i y COAL 011,, Pel t, MeGeo, sworn, r •id :--1 emcee. her tOt', inst., was on train to Brussels. Mr. McCallntn and Luituh were on le ,aril. There wee a frame about Wing• hn,:t, or bob'een there and the Junction, 11'ilen 11 began I wan in paver ger depart. tient. heard the noise end went in and saw a fling tip in a corner of the oar and triol to stop them. Some Due said "Ile attack bin with ashoval," I melted wee, and Laird said "Bob," 1 sew Du. niun'a fuoc Queered with clop t. I said to Leit 1, tvhab dill you ulriee him for end he re- plied °Dernion struck nee fleet." Pratt wag behind the anti got held of Leitab mid tuehod him ort of the oar and that was the Inst t saw of Leitoh, 1 thought Platt and Lttird were both trying It tneko pesos. I.i"nrd both of them tailing Dtlrinun not to ttriko blue. Dont tidbit Pratt wee under the inflhents of liquor nor do 1 think Leitoh wee. Durnion and McCallum were both roaliy drunk. I have 1eogilently 00011 Pratt step in and etee figbbo, Dida't nun biro abase Leibolt fn any way. prose examined by Bradley. Waal. i bum wee up amongeb Where they ware f fighting, It didn't amount to match after Pratt got Leitoh away. The finger biting Dr. ilaodoneld, of Bast Huron, in his speooh before the lInnee last Thursday seed : - It was important that members should know bale sid'o of this gelation. Last year be had adv totted s ,me re. duction on this excessive taxation of oil —say from 70 a gallon, as at present, to 40 or 5o—ami he held to that °pinion still. The oil men say they ha, e Id vested $21,000,000 in this ba 11008. Parliament muss do an in lustre, of this magnitude full justice. But he would be able to shim Bret the oil mets lead exaegorated the import0nn•' of their in. dustry, the amount of men employed and the Capital invested. Dr. Mood,n- ald quoted the oil men's statement as given in the Globe recently, and said he did not think these cyan had been honest in putting the figures before the oonntry, The Die men say there are 6111 teams and tsametere employed ovary day in the business at $3.50 a day ; that is $655„500 in a year of 800 days. The nil men sny there are 1,570 men at 01.51 a day, $700, 600 a year, and 600 spilled men at $2 .00 a Ilay,; 300,000 it year. The total wages paid is $1,062,000, Fonr per cent, on Invested capital would amount to 5879,• 000, 5 per 00,16 for woe and tear would be $1,080,010, while 2 per cent. profit yrould alnotint to 1113:1,000. The total /unmet thus paid would bo $4,050,000 a year. Ile would show the figurate _dome are intended to Into the Boase astray, The total value of the whole nttpnb of the Paroles ell refiner s in illuminating and lubricating oils, paeefliue w:tx, Oto., was last year $1,608,000. If they have as many glen employed as they say, how can thoy t to y $4,250,000 of expenses and into'eet on thele capital out of all outp It of $.1,008,000 ? For salaries atone they say they pay 01,062,000, or $23,000 more then the entire ontput of the imitate!”. hither the bubo books or these men aro wrong, lent these are the rospeotivo elate. orients. Reli:tets say they do not facto advantage of the duty, bttt if they do not why aro thoy bore lobbying to have the duty kept up ? (hear, hear,) The oil mon say their oil is sold at only a oenb Oe two more than tho ,lnorfa•tn 0i', and they oettumro NO. 1 welter Maitre Melvin. can oil (speeifio gravity 7.85), with their common Oatladeen obi, bovine, epeodo gravity of 8.02. Oauadittn oil, with te epogi0u gravity of 7.95, is 15o in hulk today, aorording to an oil 0111. That. in the oil that shnnld be compared ; bob everyone kuolva it ie tiotoonlparablo with the fleet class Amor,oan oil. Take the rapt:eg of coal oil. Last year 5,687,140 mperial gallons ware imported. at a ditty of 7 1.5 rents per gallon, the Velum et 8 8.8 Dents per gallon being men tit worst in the quarry. In the sonnies, pert of Llnr ip: 38,000 oranges have been pinked from nue tree. 'Cher. are 200.000 'nett emeloyei neon Ihe 23,000 papers nabliehed in America. It le report11 tire' 50 stemmas in liar- ' seines, France, stave died within the last four day, from a diuoaae resembling cholera. 3(ie 1 T7nm"'rt, of ittly. hoe made Verdi, the oomt nay.., a marquis, in reoog. nitinn of the succoss of his last (para, "1'aletall." 'Ph+ United States legation at Constar. tinnplo beta learned that a Moslem mob burned the American Girls' college in Mareovan. A mine caved in near Hazleton, Pa., Satnrdey,and about 100 feet of the Lehigh Valley railroad's teaoke dropped into the hole. ilobear offers to 1'00 HeniRe in England and Give the T•,rontouiau :150 expenses on hie arrive!. Hanlon will probably stoat this weep, 'rhe Ore loss of the United States and 0uleds. for the month if I)anomb>r, ae °onipii d b; the N -w York Comtncroiel Bulletin, amounts to $L11,354,450. One of .hu wort dIueoters in the history of marble (mementos occurred at West IButte•,tl, Vt., a little after 1 o'clock on Saturiee afternoon, ire a tee eery operated by the Vermont Marble Com- pany, with tvluoh Senator Prootor is connected. A great mass 01 stone fell into the quarry, and seven men were fe- rvently killed and a number of other !in- jured, The victims were crushed se that some could not be tenoguized, The vie. time were a gang at work uhanuoiline and taking ewes, rofuse, and were all middle- aged then. The hilted were Wn. Lulate, Prank. Selig, Pdw•ard Powers, Alexander 13l i1oluest and three unrecognized men. de soon its the aooidonb htppoded the ;decade longer seine( was rung in .it the a,mpany's n(ricee and the mills, geed work oval:mi eo wee stopped at duos. Mb the doctors in West. Rutland and Rut- land were oanod by telopt a ie end re- sponded geiekly. Snores of men aero also sent down into the quarry. Soon the notes apt•ad to the -.treats, and hun- dreds of mon women end ohildro,l hue, lied to the quarry, People tree Fe.tt• laud and Pittsfield began to orris e, mud by 5 o'elook the vicinity of the gne.,,ry was of ,wded. In the crowd were elegy of the relatives attar killed or inured igen, and they were frantic with grief. Tho glittery was opened in 1308. Depth end se Noe considered, it is the largost ruaree in the world. Its porpe,.diuntar depth 1. over 250 feet, and from this the .taseey ons eastward and dtxvnw red nu - ver the hill 300 feet morn, The aooidout was near the extreme and of the quarry, far under the hill. Tho killed and aotne of the injered worn buried ander tots of rook, anal the work of rescue Wag nen0c. sadly di5ivalt. The pause of the °eying in of the quarry is not ponitivoly It:lowu. The mese of stone whittle covered the trete who 'yore at work those by web, r19 near PA on d be estimated, sixty feet, in length two ttvonty feet wide. It fell withrnib the leant weaning, and all wito were at tenet there were covered, 13, 13. seances, trmteurer of the Verwrtb aborele Co,, 8518 that the orate of the aooident is sot c Lead , though thott80.vle" or Pett of the roof that fell was probably loosen- ed by feeezinv. 'there wore about eighty