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3fIzshitt the,
xloaiti-v it
Saorament will bo administered in the
1;nglieh Oburoh next Sssday by the Rev.
W. F, Brownlee, of Gerrie. Special
collections for the mission fluid of the
diocese will be made,
James Stewart, of Stony Mountain,
Manitoba, returned to his home last
wa,.k, taking with him his newly married
What is supposed to be the largest load
of logs ever brought into Bluevale was
drawn in by D. Patterson, with Duff &
Stewart's team, from Grey, a distance of
eight miles, on Tuesday of last week.
They were two soft elm logs measuring
2,200 feet.
Ib is currently reported tbab L. 0
Dioks, has dr parted for parte unknown
leaving is good many mourners behind.
The Royal Templars have moved all
their furniture from the Foresters' Hall
and in future will meet in the hall over
Mr. Hutchison's shop. They are going
to have a box imolai and an entertain-
ment on Friday, Feb. 17.
The station here is doing a largo bnsi.
nese. The freight and passenger earn•
Inge, for 1899 were ; freight forwarded,
100 ears; earnings, $5,893.75 ; freight
received, 24 oars ; earnings, $608.80 ;
passenger earnings, $1,716.75, showing
an 'nonage of 8897.15 over the previous
yea,. The above oar loads are valued at
24,030 lbs. each,
Mcl3 plop.
MAnnuan.—A very pleasant affair
took place at the residence of Alexander
Rosa on Wednesday evening of last week,
being the marriage of his eldest daughter
to Robert Boyd, a prosperona young
farmer and w .rbhy member of L. O. L.
No. 818, MoXillop. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Musgrave in the
presence of invited guests to the number
of about 100. The bride was attended by
her sister Miss Mary Ross, and the
groom was assiatod by his brother, David
Boyd. A large number of beautiful and
expensive presents were given to the
young couple. The supper which follow.
ed the oeremony was bountiful and made
up of the choicest delicacies of the see,.
son. Mr. Boyd and his amiable young
bride belong to two of the llnest families
in the township. We joie their many
friends in wishing them a long, useful,
prosperous and happy life.
Bela; rave.
W. Simpson, of London, was the guest
of Geo. David last week.
0. Birnev is recovering from a severe
attack of inflammation.
16. Madden has removed to Ethel,
where he will reside in the future.
A meeting of the Liberal Oonserve,tives
of this place was held at Jas. Owen's on
Monday night.
Geo. Taylor bas purobased the 100 sore
farm of W. Tucker, Morris, at a reason-
able figure.
Quite a number from the surrounding
towns attended the ball and supper in the
Foresters' hall on Wednesday night of
last week
Foreators' concert next Monday even.
ing. Among the taleut engaged is the
eomio vocalist, Jas. Fax. Prof. Haw-
kins, Brussels, will be the pianist.
Our townspeople are agitating for the
ebablishment of a publio school here,
and it is really it necessity. At present
the children have to walk a dietanc° of
3� miios.
The Presbyterian congregation amt.
template the erection of a new ohuroh
the oomigg Summer. The site, which is
the gift of Mr. Scott, is adjoining tho
Presbyterian manse. The people, we
believe, favor a brink building capable of
accommodating between three and four
heudrsd heararn.
Rev. W. H. Geddes and Mr. Delgarno,
elder, Whibsuhuroh, and Rev. D, Millar,
Brussels, a committee from the Presby•
tory of 1lfaibbtnd, made tbo annual visita-
bion on Monday lith list„ to Belgrave
ohuroh,(Rev. George Law, pastor) and
found the oongregabion in a prosperous
The County Orange Lodge, of North
Huron, met in the town hell Corrie on
A valuable horse belonging to Rev. Mr.
Brownlee, of this village, was badly out
by etepping on an axe, on a farm north
of Corrie the other day.
The following figures give an idea of
the business done by the C. P. R. at this
station :-
1001, 1002. Increase
Frolght forwarded. -27 7,044.21 1,3131.91
l'asesugor 2,034.10 9,001.05 602.02
The marriage of G. F. Gilliland, of
Waterloo, and Mies Martha, daughter of
R.'Graham, was solemnized in the new
Methodist church on VVednesday evening
of last week, in the presence of a large
concourse of friends. The oetemony was
performed by Rev. J. Green. This being
the first marriage in the new edifice, Jas.
Leeoh, on behalf of the ohureh, presented
the bride with an elegant family Bible,
SI v th.
R. Howard intends putting in a photo
gallery in his new building.
Lawyer Cooke, who has made Blyth
his home for some time, will shortly take
his up residence in Saganaw, Mioh.
Miss Ira Stewart has gone to Toronto
where she will further prosecute her
studies a,. en organist and teaober.
Morris Branch Agricultural Sooiety
intend holding a grand supper some time
this month and expect to have Prof.
Mills, of 1 he Experimental Farm,Guelph,
to addreso them.
The following business mea are having
their store's lighted by eleatrioity :—A.
Taylor, J T. Huoketep, Carte: & Mollen•
ole, Tanner Bros., Dr. Milne, D. B. Mo -
Kinnon, 'A, Kelly, W. H. McBride, Jno.
Bell, 0. Hamilton, J. Mcoullings, I. H.
Ohellew, ;i. M. Hamilton, H. W. Jessop,
S. H. Gilley and the four hotels.
Mrs. Judge Toms has retuned from
A part} of Goderioh people have char.
tared a bo tb for a trip to the World's
Fair at Chicago next Summer. At least
so 'tis said.
H. N. T. Coiquhoun, of Loudon, Grand
Representative on Executive of Chosen
Friends, contemplates the organization
of a council in Goderich.
Eureka Council of Royal Templars is
enjoying a ware of prosperity and enthu-
siasm, no less than 20 candidates being
initiated at the last meeting.
A steam eogiue in full working order
le an attraction in one of the windows of
Crabb's store. The oonstruc:ion and FIT.
rangoment of the machinery refloots
credit on the meobanioal ability of Fred.
Inspector Tom has reosived the first
specimens of school work in his inspere
borate for the Canadian exhibit at the
World's Fair. They number sax samples,
showing penmanship, commercial forms
and drawing, and are nil the work of A.
E. Alexander, a pupil of S. S. No. 3,
West Wawanosh.
The Signal says :--Huron county
council has had big men in it in days
gone by, some of whom have achieved
name and frame. It sent a Greenway to
wrest a premiership from Torydom and
establish Iooa1 Liberalism in the Provinee
of Manitoba ; in the person of the late
Hon. John Robson it also furnished a
Premier t., that distant Province where
the setting sun sheds its latest light upon
this continent, and where the webers of
the Pacific ooean lave the western
boundaries of British Colombia. Of
membereof parliament it has furnished
the late John Holmes, ex -M. P., and the
late W. T. Hays, ex -M. P. P., while
antongsb the living we have the names of
M. C. Cameron, ex -M, P. P, ; Horace
Horton, ex•M. 1'. ; Sheriff Gibbons, ex -
M. P. P. ; Registrar Dickson, ex.14I. 1'. ;
1 John Leokie, now of Toronto, a former
1 warden ; John Moiffillan, M, 2., Dr. Mc-
Donald, M. P., J. T. Darrow, M. P. P.,
T. Gibson, M. P. P., Arohie Bishop,
M. P. P., and other names that do not
occur to the w,•iter.
W. H. Willis has commenced the
teaohiog of vocal ae wall as ilial rUmental
Conductor Waimsley, of the London,
Huron and Bruce, was off duty for some
time, suffering from a broken rib, having
slipped and fallen at the Exeter station.
Capt. Wiggins and Lieut. Seller, of the
Salvation Army, who have been in com-
mand here for the past six months, have
been transferred to Goderioh. Captain
Meston and wife, of Goderioh, are the
new officers here.
At the last regular meeting of Anchor
of Hope Lodge, I. 0. G. T., the following
officers were elected for the ensuing term:
G. A. Newton, C. T. ; Mrs. G. A. New-
ton, V. T. ; E. Sherman, Chap. ; R.
Rogers, M. ; H. B. Elliott, P. 0. T. ; J.
Dodds, F. S. ; Mise E. Rush, Treas. ; J.
Tennant, S. ; Miss M. Wilson, G. ; Miss
McDonald, R. 6,
Seat ortii.
Seaforth Quartette Club sang at a tea -
meeting in Winthrop.
D. D. Wilson is having large quantities
of ice drawn from the dam in Egmond-
John A. Wilson arrived home Wedoes•
day night of last week from an extended
visit to the Old Country.
Our local horsemen have an excellent
lnile track on the Egmondville dam
where they move their flyers.
Collectors have been canvassing the
town for financial aid for the proposed
Orange demonstration in this town on
July 12th,
Julius Duncan, dry goods merchant of
thin town, has taken J. 11. Pyper, his
head olerk, into partnership with him in
the business.
A. J. Willson, of this town, who has
been working in Flint, Mioh., for some
time past, has received a lnorabive posi-
tion as bookkeeper in the wholesale hard•
ware store of Standart Bros., Detroit.
Lancia Sow.
John Armstrong, formerly of Toronto,
has purchased the business from Mrs.
Wallace and is now proprietor of the
jewellery store.
Warden Bryan was met by the Band
and a procession on his arrival from Co.
Council. Complimentary speeches were
made at the Town Hall and everybody
had a good Mine. Oysters had 4o, hard
time of it, however.
Alex. Me3I'llan, of the 6th oon. of
Huron township, died very suddenly on
Sunday, Jan. 29th, from heart trouble.
He was in L.toknow the Friday before
and appeared in his must health, He
was 66 years of age.
Rev. W. Walsh, of Brampton, the
Grand Chaplain of the Orange Society of
Canada, will give a lecture in the town
hall on Tuesday, 14th inst., in aid of the
English ahm•oh. The subject of the
lecture is a "Year's travels through Ire-
The following municipal officers were
appointed for 1893 :— Hugh ,Morrison,
Clerk ; G. A. Siddall, Treasurer ; W. H.
Smith, Assessor ; John N. Ross, Col-
lector ; ail at the same salaries as last
year. T. Lawrenoe's tender losing the
highest for the weigh soales, it was ac-
cepted at $70 per year.
t Nov Man Made.
LONDON EA613, AUG. OTtf, 1879,
1 was afflicted with general debility
and liver affection, and havereoommend-
ed, and will continue to do so, Williams'
Royal Crown Remedy, to all who are
afflicted with the above complaints, and
consider it has cured me—in foot made
a new man of mo.
P. H. McLA041ULIN,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro•
perty at '
6 m 611 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussel:.
System Ito ,OTTator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,•
Hon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J. M. MoL:EOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels,
I have opened out a prime stock
of new Confectionery, Eel runs;
Nuts, Canned Goods. Tobaccoeb,
Cigars, &c., in tin
Iraust one 1,1Block.
Cooked, Raw or by the Glass.
Rot Tea and Coffee
Served at all flours. Lunch
Room. Everything neat, glean,
and sold at close prices,
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart.
Salt and Fresh Fish.
Before Buying your Holiday Confection-
ary and Fruits call on me.