The Brussels Post, 1893-2-10, Page 8WALL PAPER 1893. There 11aS been a gignntin combination Of the loading Well Papa AlennfAoturere of the U. S. strange as it may seem there has been no advance io prime as yet—the probabilities are, however, there will bo before another year. Autieipat- fug this we have ordered in exooss of what we expect to sell this aoason. This Neill certainly be to your advantage if you are wanting any, we we not only have a very large variety for you to shouse Irons, but our prh as will be as low if not tower than other years. If you purpose papering your house it will pay you to see our stook, in fact it my pay you wheihdr you intend buyiug or not, as you will then have an idea of the uew things in well papers. We will he pleased to have you all. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sOUTnenN EXTENSION W. 0. & D. Trains leave Brnesele Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SWDTI. GOING NORTH. MBH.. ... .. 7:le a,rv. ' :Mixed 0:1.7 a.m. 'Express 11:09 a.m. I flail 8:1)1 p.m. HaStid .....,., 8100 p.m. Express 0:38 pan, Korai Pews tCllt , A ehiel's amens ye Lakin' notes, Aa' faith he'll prent it. THE ice harvest is on. INFLUENzA bee the floor, Won is a same article in town. READ the supplement to THE POST. THE pitch boles on some roads are terrible. THE moon will not be eolipsed during the year 1898 SCHOOL Board will meet on Friday evening of this week. NEXT Bummer the 33rd Battalion will go to camp at London. REvnal, meetings are still in progress at the Methodist Minch. HAnN'T yon better square up your sub- scription to Tut POST for last year ? NEARLY all the trains are late these days owing to the continued etorms. Doa'T put away this paper until you read Faguaon & Ilalliday's advt. on page 4. THURSDAY of last weak was a great clay for business. Quito anumber of horses were sold. Omen'stn Boas, of Clinton, has been oenvassinG Brussels in the interests of the Home Circle fraternal organization. Two oars of brick were received Wet week by D. L*,wry from Drew to be used le the ereatien of the new postofiice in Brnesele. Play night's =tam blocked the rail. way so that Saturday morning trains were oanoelled and the mail train was several hours late in the afteruoo. (NOVAE Tempters of Temperance will hold their regular semi monthly meeting next Tuesday melting. Good program after initiatory ceremonies. Are you a Royal Templar ? REv. S. SELLga2, B. D., chairman of the Wingholn Dietrict, will pre :oh the r -opening sermons in the Methodist church in this place next Sunday at 10:30 x. In. and 6:30 p. m. Trios. PIERCE has disposed of his rash dance, corner of William and Albert tv streets, to Mrs. Jno. Forbes, of Grey township, for the cum of $800. Mr. b Pierce intends purehasing another property in Brussels.a THE Ronald Fire Engine Works ship- I ped a medium sized steamer to New- c.wtle, New Bruswiok, thie week. There le nothing equal to the "Ronald" for fire iightieg, All bands are now baey at the ;foundry on a large double powerful engine for the city of Toronto. ' lemmata curlers were to have played a match with Lucknow on Thursday of this week to amide who would go to To- ronto fur the final o! mpesition for the Ontario Tankard but the Olepoys would not play on neutral ice therefore our eaters denlieed to curl. Bruaeela of- fered to go to Wingham, Co. Margit 1600X8(; M. M. Cardiff, W. M. ; S. Plum, Seoretary ; Geo, Car- diff, Pin. Sea. ; W. R. Moouey, Treasur. er ; Jas. Bowman, P, M. ; and F. LIc- Cotoheon. Committeeman, all members P of L. 0, L., No. 774, attended the meet- fo bog of the County Lodge at 2orrie on ti Tuesday of :his week. T a Saueeette, the fauey ekater at Mit. land rink, llruesuls, Clue (Friday) even. ing. a*A•n! as •.3 . 1! 11 -00181011"1 allow 1111:1e in hie barber mop wineow. Ulinds Bea. set them up. Means 1ODx of a tnathematinal term of 01111 V,i(It1,U . 3.10 311,, ,l, g„µ(0:,1111,11 L11ore are 43 widowve reeiding in 111W -els 43 the present. Tum Methodist Sut,day school oroheate% le getting np a OI)oie0 seleelion of new music with Lha intenti:in of giving an enteral:merit in the near future. Tele uexa ltluntbly Horse Fair will be held, on 'Pheseday, 1350r0h 20:1, Beep the dam in mind an it will be one ,.1 the big• gest Fairs ever held in Brussels, PITzrA•reiw: 13000., of 'itayner, fu re• mittiug eubeoription for THE POST write as follows s --"T Ir: POST le a weloorne visitor to us for we aro always pleased to hear from the old town of our adoption." W. re, VANSTONE has sold about 400 cords of stove wood this winter and Dan. Lowry has disposed of upwards of 300 verde. Each say they could have hand• led as mach more without July dififoulty as far as finding purchasers was oou• cerned. Tint followine is an aoaWer to the puz eta of the Walton correspondent of planing the first 25 numbers in a square so that when added up anyway will pro. duce same result ; 17 24 1 8 35 93 5 7 14 16 4 6 13 20 22 10 12 19 21 3 11 18 25 2 9 Result 66 when added. flare the first 49 figura in a square similar to above so that when added •!p will geode(*) 133. Jtenx Cnunet'.—The regular monthh' boletuses meeting of the Knox ohnroh Y. P. S. 0. E. was held on Monday evening. The advisability of orgauiztny a Young People's Society of Home Missions was : isa:weed and it wa' decided that it b'• amalgamatedwith tbo Y. P. S. C. E. already existing, under the name of Knox elineo1 Young People's Society of Chris• titan Endeavor and Home Missions. The epereal work of the new Society will be the raising of funds for Home Missions and for the Augmentation Fund. W"a0N's Gumn.—The following are the officers of the Woman's Guild in con- oecli in with St. John's church in this plac'•:—Honorary President, Mre. F. 0. Rogers ; President, hire. T. Selly ; Viae Pre.ident, Mrs. H. Dennis ; Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Rogers ; Assistant Secretary, Hfi • A.. Cardiff ; Treaeuror, Mrs. J. A. Mc 40ghron ; Look -out Oommittee, Afe.lames 6foNauahton, Vanetone and Me well, East of Turnberry street, and Mar.Iamea Konig, Mose and Miss Bur. gess, West of Turnberry street. F. ;Leen SIEDAM1.—Witll a view of en. couraging Public school pupils in their work, the editor of TELE Poot Will offer two silver medals for competition as fol. lows :—No. 1, to the pupil taking the highest percentage in the monthly writ- teu exammatioue in Principal Cameron's Department, marks to be counted from January 1st until the mid.Surnmer ex. 0minalion is over. No. 2 will be pre- sented to the person heading the fist of successful candidates at the Entrance examination to be held in Bruseels next July. Competitiou open to pupils from any eebool. METHODIST Onuarn.—At the close of last Sabbath morning's service sixty-five persons were reoeiyed RS members of the , church. A. number of otho:. ,*•3r° ttn.f avoidably absent.—The quarterly sac. rameut will be di •pensed next Sunday morning. Fellowship meeting com- mences at 0:30.—Internal improvements to the church being completed re•open• Ins services will be held next Sabbath, The work has cost about $225 and to provide for this liability the Trustee, are mates: for l4 492.I oolleute.., next '1011day, A hearty response is expected to this appeal. Osetur 1,—•On Thursday evening of last week the first carnival of the season as he,d on Maitland Skating and Curl. 13 Rink. The night Willi disagreeable ut there was a goodly number in attend. noo. The prizes were awarded as fol. ows :—Jae. T. Rose for Penta' costume J. Reid, best boy'e costume ; Alex. Bird; best comic costume. Quite a number ata,101 in the 40 lap rape. The winners were ltobt. MoNaughton and L. Hembly. W. Graeae and A, McKay were the judges. Bruasela R' -as' Band was in at. teudanoe and oontrtouted a number of al miens. Meet re was present from Seaforth, Wingham and other places, Blatt SOCIETY COLLECTORS.—'1.`115 Seo. retary•Preasarer of Brussels Dranoh wishes to state that only one collector's Molt has been rebarned for Grey town ship up to date. All the Morris town- ship books are in excepting one. WiII the ladies kindly see that the work is completed before .be 2561 inst, and sand in books and Bash so that the annual re - ort may be completed and the money retarded to headquarters for dietribu• on, The returns received by the reasurer for this Braooh so far are in dvanoe of 1801 Hurry up, please. FANCY BXATING—A grand exhibition of ucy and aerouabio skating will aka coo iu the Brussels rusk on Friday ening, Feb. 10th, by John J. Saunders, Tampion figure skater of Canada. The amiiton Speotetor in sneaking of him ye :—"Thure were Ouse 2,000 people at e Palau Rink last ni ebb to wiLneSS the urs skating contest for bhe ohampion. ip of Canada which was carried off by hn J. Saunders, Lf Gels', he being 27 Mite 311841 of tell other Gnnpetilors. ha ease and grace with wi.ich he per. (mar) the most difficult teats fairly ought down the House," Brussels (MS band Id attendance. PIM We will open to the public before and after ex- bition. UURLLNG.—Last Friday two rinks of bigham ousters came to Brussels and eyed a match L. the Ontario Tankard nlpetition, group 15, Brussels, al - mob without practice, won quite ndily as 1110 following more will show :— tross iL8, 390310)3431, Binh N0. 1, Buaa10, S, Nichol .4 'eott, 0, Kneolitel, .'Phornnanu, E, re Dieke8son, T. has, soap .,.,.'l2, J. Inglis, skip 14, Ittnk No, e, F. Boat, D. Sutherland, D Gott, W. Vandten°, C Itoea, S. Rent, Gurria, rklt, 10 1', Patterson, eki11.,,17, flrtieeela won by 10 theta. wing to the snow blockade the night an Wee00ilc01:10 and tbo vi5itorelvoso mpeilod to remain over night, On tllydey a friendly match was played, o home team being efotors with 11 pts. A. MoKtty lead the lee in find ape. `Pm superstition ,,bout the number 1,3 befog unlucky is put into mmtiplied test in the new United Stat, s 25 cent piece. On one tide there are no leas than 10 re - PI fa petitions of the number 13. There are 13 v mare, 18 letters in the scroll held in the el eegte's beak, 13 marginal feathers fu each H wing, 113 tail feathers, 13 parallel lines sa in the Meld, 11 horizontal hire, 13 arrow tit heads in one claw, 13 leaves on the fin branch in the other claw and thirteen eh lettere in the two words 'gnarlier dollar! Jo P.un Delhi Canaille Company was p, a'tablished in DM and has been moat T snetweefal for the last twelve years, The fo bn.iness has grown so fast in that time br th it they have enlarged their promfsoa br three time. The factory has imm0use be oap,e0ity. Tarty thousand CMS can be, hi an (lave been, turned out clay by day. Lt is no unusual tiring for the operatives W of the factory to mai up 47 o dna of their pl celebrated pew per minute, This is ono eo or cite now industries Brussels should th bats. ha Imtn. Iu last i,aue of Tut Pose wo referred to the Illness et Mary Williams a: d also to tLo fact of n e e ma:4111 opo(- 11 anon being performed f,1 the removal of `v a `nmor, 1., Ply Prid,,,y the patient took J a turn for the worse and before the any slimed the vital spark hod fled from the clay tenement. )Vary, or "Tootle" as W slip was familiarly 30.1(00, was! nearly 0. eight and s, half years 01 age and wag a A• bri, ht, old fashioned Mild, a universal fevorfte with all who know her. The 0 ivaera, Nona plane on timeley afternoon, be from the residence of Mary's grand. 00 mother—Mrs, Minoan 1eeguson, Alex. So a':ilor Areas Rev, J. Rose conducted th +tie 5802113, The sorrowing relatives sh lave the sympathy of the eemmunity. alt THE BRUSSELS POST Po, 10, 1893 I]hen, -00 Thursday of this weeIe the lufeet daughter of ihinoan Ale martin, Kine street, dial 1131,r a brief (111(3, yr's ,c -nn..( 3100. .1011E ,l Vtrme71l, woo has hem in the 8m ploy of W. Night. 1ngai5 for 8omn 13035, has patohueed the general eters huffiness of Edward Snell, I in J44111 e5tewlt- Business Looals. CASH for hides and fnt'e at B. Gerry's, Fon the beet and 110Oet photos go to Parrs hi, CO1trometit3m house to let. Apply to S. 1i, Smale, Foe your photos go to Strong's over Standard Bank, limit its SONS artistic wall papers for sale at W. Roddiok'e, TRUNKS and valises, good stook, low prices. L 0, Richards. HOT and oold lune at ally seasonable hour, at J. MoAlpine's restaurant. J. \lcALeoga has the largest stook of o0llfecliocery in town. Oal1 and sae him. Orseinte server( in any styln—stewed, fried, t•aw n1 by the glass at J. Mo• Alpiue•s, No u,nleorseary tran9fer8and re eheek- ing when you buy your tickets of Grand Trunk ((deme. R59f1)11)10 WO do n0 second °lase work in the photo line. H. J. Strong, over Standard Bank, Sham & Soxs have 130 oonneetion with the American Wall Paper Trust. W. No:idiots, local dealer. DONT forget rhe place to buy cheap harness, cheap because durable, and low in price. I, 0. Richards'. Bx::eE & Sons wa 1 papers are very handsome and of superior gunlitl', For sate at W. Roddielt'a. Roy your Manitoba tickets at the G T 11 depot and have ynnr baggage checked th1°ukh to destination. (loufectiooery of all kinds Map. Fine lot of grapes, o'angee and lemons jest to hand. J. McAlpine. CHEAP I cheap 1 Union Oak leather team harness all eomp'ete, warrented, only $30.00. I. C. Richards. WANTED —A young gentleman or lady to learn photography. Apply at once to H. 3. Strong, photographer, Bruasela. VERY handsome hordere, ceilings and friezes at all aloes at Roddiok's Wall Paper Emporium, one door north of Gilliee d. Smith's Bank. $16.00 per week straight salary to re• sponsible person, male or female, to rep- resent us in your locality—Addrese B, Oanedian Music Folio Co., 7.7 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. '31.3 AYER'S Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free from dandruff, prevents the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and !Hakes it flexible and glossy. All the elements that nature rerAuiree to make the hair abundant and beautiful are supplied by this admirable preparation. BHEDIIATIa1I CURED IN A Dar.—South American 11.heuntatio Cure for Rheumss tiara and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the pause and the disease immediately disappears. the first dose greatly benefits. 75 mitts. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Wrenn pure, vigorous blood coureing through the veins and animating every fibre of the body, onld weather ie not only endurable but pleasant and agree- able. No other blood medicine is so me- toin in its malts as Ayer's Sareaparilta. What it does tor others it will do for you. WmLL•DI etre AND D111ZLIN0.—George Birt tae all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to hien in a way that will insure satisfaotiou. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Residence seco',d door north of the bridge, weal aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.13 D. STEWART begs to inform the public, that lee has set up a first. class emery grinder, with a full aseorlment of wheels, and is prepared to gum saws, sharpen skates and all or any kind of cutting tools. All work done in a workmanlike manner. Charms reasonable. Remember the place at Howe's woollen mill, Brus. sale, If possible bring saws and ekatee on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Timms are a number of business men iu Brussels who, whenever they want letter or bill heads, or any worst re- gniring fi design, send to some large City and place their order. They do this be- cause they think it is impossible to get the work done as they want it at home, and hence order the whole thing else- where. There is another way, however, which will give them as good results at lase cost and at the same time keep the greater part of the work in our own town. The Grip Printing and Publishing Co., of Toronto, make plates from special and original designs, which they furnish, suitable for any business, at a small coat, These can be printed from at Tam POST Publishing Rouse and used for all subsequent orders until a change is again desired. We can take your order or you can write direct to the Grip Printing and Publishing Om, 201 and 203 Youge St., Toronto. Miss, Bnnwg's OASE.--Toronto, Feb. 0th,—A meat interesting case has some to light hero, being that of Mrs. Brown, of Agnee St., who for years baa suffered from Bright's Disease, the Wet two of N./1110h she spent in bed. Her feet were ewollen so she could not walk, and being affsoted with paralysis elm was taken to the Toronto General Hospital, where, after undergoing a lengthened treatment which did her no good, and receiving nothing in the way of consolation save a certificate that she wag incurable au14 a permit admitting her to the Home for Inourabloe, Even then she did not give up hope and tried Homeopathic trout. Ment, but with as little results as the other, There seemed nothing left bob to go to that retreat, where only those who are beyond all human aid aa•r. admitted, and there weft for death to relieve her of her sufferings. Sita heard of the wonder• fut euro of Sant Murray, of Gravenhttest, 1 by Dodd's Kidney Pills and she decided to try them. The first weep she noticed very little change, but before sho had finished the second box her bawls began to foal easier, the swelling to (nave her feet and by the third week she could wally something she bad been unable to do for two years before. Now, after i taking Dodd's Kidney Pille for two mouths she is so completely cured that she is about to take up school teaobing again, a calling elle inrwltad lieluen loeing her health. _._...—..........._—_�....- 'i 2'•4.A"D4 tD B4XIC OF c,�� .�.a�• HEAD OFFICE, - TettONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Doliare) $ $7,000,000 OAPTTAT, (ACU' t';vnal . $g (mo,000 dgencl13in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec,Afanitola, United Slates .1Englund. ,Id't A'S°A`t`' ` .a' 1:ii fdF"r''IW. A General Banking Business TrrmnOated. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Colleotious made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed ou deposits of $1,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SOMME ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRit COLLECTION OF PARAMUS' BALE NOr:r' Every faoility afforded,Oustomers living at a distance, W. D. HART, MAN,t0011. GILLIE l & SMITE, BL v� RS Transact a General Banning Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. I`A11MENS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Aga r1X3.,S4 Hams P'Jt;Pde�v.Lfd�'rvrT• Interest Allowed on One Della and Upwards at Onrrent Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Bei.;: Added to the Principal a Rho end of the Month, of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. oo'c effeel to write bnslu'ancc in nil Fngilob er Canadian Companies, or in lint• unl t'oulpanlrs 88 55483• be dOalretl. AGENTs FOR CANADA AND 'MOTEL STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE OF 00timts°E. Nlcnonsoo.—A1 Zetland, on Jan. 21st, the wife of Mr. K. Nicholson of a daughter. aa:a RRx�ca, SHOTTs—RAvErmn.—On Jan. 25313, at the Parsonage, Listowel, by the Rev. Jas. Livingston, Mr. W. H. Bhotts, to Miss Sarah Baveillo, all of Elm. Boyo—Ross.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Feb 1st, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. R. A. Bovd, to Miss Sarah Ross, both of MoRiilop. SHOLbtCE—MoLnooN.—At the residence of the bride's parents, McKillop township, ou Feb, let, by Rev. W. G. Reilly, Mr- Adam Sholdioe, of Cypress River, Man., to Mies Eliza A Muldoon. 92=X1. WILLIAIIo.—In Bruseels, on Friday February 8rd, Mary Isobel, eldest daughter of Richard Williams, aged 8 years, 5 months and 15 days. .11.-CTCTSCN' THURSDAY, 1.11t1. 28RD, 1893.—Farm Stock, etc. Lot 1, Con. 18, Grey. 0001. menoinl; at 1 o'clock, sharp. Geo. Kirk. by, Auctioneer. Oakley Bros., Proprie- tors. Tunan,tY, FEaY, 28en,—Fare) stools, implemento, &o, Lot 28, con. 7, Grey. Sade commences at 11-o'olouk a. tn. 1Tenry Wanner, proprietor, Geo. Kilkby, auctioneer. East Buffalo, N. •Y., Fob. gth,—Cattle —Two cars and sortie elide of Loads on sale. The good quality of fair weight steers sold at $4,35 to $4.40, or strong Monday values, Sheep and lambs— Tw.'ney three cams o't sale, some of whish arrived late. There were 8 o,u•s Canada; here which sold at $6.50 to $0.60, but this would hardly hold with a heavy 3011 through ; eastern markets improved ; market closed with all lambs sold and quotation. 100 to 15e higher than yester- day. Sheep also stronger, selling at 56.- 15 to 400.25 for 80 to 90 pound sheep ; fancy wetbers bringing upwards of $5.50. Hogs—Only five oars on sale ; beat quot able at $8.60 to $8.70, and heavy Yorkers, 48.60. The storm Monday, which seems to have beet general, prevented the load- ing of hope and amounts for the scarcity. Another feature of the hog trade is that heretofore Canadian paolcet s were oc- casional pnrnhuaere, paying rhe Canadian duty ; now buyers are taking hogs in Canada for sale here. Toronto, Feb, 8t11.—Everything Was soon pinked up at the Western cattle market yesterday and burinces wee good all through. Under lighter reooipte the Market had a firmer tone. Offerings were 28 oar loads, including 800 sheep and lambs, 113 hogs and nbnut a dozen calves. Cebtle—Good cattle were quoted to be worth more than has been the 0058 511108 Christen/se, Everytbiog,sold well. The run being light and the demised mood the market held firm. Messrs. Rogue & Halligan bought four loads of pretty good butohers' cattle for Montreal at prima ranging from 8Se to no per lb. or maybe a little over in au odd instance. Under small reooipts last week's prices wore maintained. Hogs—There were not 125 hog. on the market and these were soon picked up. Choice hogs fetch $7 per cwt. weighed off oars, and other grades in proportion. Drovers repult the 1 000ntry as well•mgh bare of hogs. There is a good dem;dtd for all !duds and none to 0011519 it. (witch cows laid springers --Not many inflame offered. Dealers would pay top prices fo: gaud toward springers, Figures aro pub from 480 to $45 per Head, according to quality. Calves•—'Phone were lolling extra well to- day. One Marilee calf brought 49, and a poor one w3, They were mama and wanted. Sheep and lambs—There wee nut quite ea good a demand Lo•day, but everything was taken before the close. Lambe brought from 518.50 to 45.25 per load, a 003(11ng to quality, and sheep sold at from 44.50 to it6 per head. Wheat —No. 2 spring, Olo to 02c; whibe, (18c to 67o ; rod winter, (leo to 66o ; ,ou6O, 6.1u to 60° : No. 1 hard, 870 to 880 ; No. 2, 880 to 85o ; No. 3, 77d to 78o ; frosted' No, 1, Oa to 70c. Peau --No, 2, 58c to 503 13arlsy—No. 1, 48o to 47o ; No, 2, • 0e to 410 ; No. 8, extra, SOc to 880 ; No, 3, 83e to 35c, Oats—No. 2, 62e to Silo. Flour --extra, 42.75 to 42.80 ; straight roller, 48,111 to 43.20, M11rket unsettled, Safina --White wheat outside at 080 ; goose outside ab 600 • 1vo, 1 hard Men. at North Bay at 88c; No, 2 hard at Noah Bay a1811s. ONUS hero at 5130 to 640, outside at 30o to 31c and to arrive at 34o to S Sc, 1•Td. 2 barley at equal teabout 410 outside, Peas outside at Iso to 590, Su1•u1NRLA1415,—In Gerrie, on An. 201h, the wife el Mr, Japes Bilthorland o£ a daughter. 131803 Moi 171.,6 1,4A.iZIC=TES. Fall Wheat 62 64 Spring Wheat 60 62 Barley 80 35 Peas 53 56 Oats 27 28 Rutter, tube and rolls15 16 Eggs per dozen 15 17 Floor per barrel 3 60 4 00 Potatoes ,. .. 36 40 Hay per ton .... .... 6 00 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail,.. 1 00 00 Hides brimmed 3} Hides rough 3 Sheep skills, eaoh . . . SO 1 PO Lamb shine eaoh 65 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 60 Wool 17 18 Pork 8 53 8 60 THE P EOPLE'S COLUMN. ' ANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A THE POST.good general 801'van A. Apply at "ANTED.—A SMART BUY or young mint to learn the Drug and book business. G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist 40.' IF YOU WANT A SITUATION in this City or state, send us particulars of What you would accept. SPAR 0311010, ea Griswold St. 28•Bm Detroit, Bich, YOUNG DRIVING HORSE Sinalo Harness, Gutter and Road Cart all•nearly now for sale at a bargain, 458 own - or has nu /either nae !or them. Apply to Giro. DOBSON, Teachdy Ethel, A,FILK ROTJTES.-.A MEET- / INo 10:'•p a 3115 1 t o 0 1 n of ltl, IV 380 Cheese routes in conlit hale! a with 'Rill 00 '5l. Ftioty, J Will hs . ,o «t Wiese' Hall. Ali interested 10th lot. ,Lt 1 o'clock p. M. Ali interested are naked In attend. L. 380DUNALD, Pres, R. 11. FERGUSON, See. REAL ESTATE. /-1HOICE FARM FOR SALE.— J Being South half Lot 27, 008, e, Morrie, 100 acres, nes rly all cleared. Good buildings, fine young[, bearing orobar,L Immediate pos. session. Easy Terme. Apply to W. et, 8LY0LAIIt, 31, 8011aiter, 440., Brussels. 1..i4ARM FORSALE•—BEItI(I Lot 18 don. 7, Grey township, 00 acres cleared, balance bueh. There 1s a brink veneered house and a barn dex00 foot, good orchard, well, 40. For particular's as to price, tornt0, 40., apply to ELV13ATEMAN, 27.4 Prop., Ethel P.O. '00 AORE I'ARM FOR SALE, l.� 181,0200 aero farm, being 1808111 acr 12, 0011. 10. they, ie offered for sale. 121) 00300 441'9. 0104.35,1 end the balance wel tim- bered. Buildings first-class. Orchard, well, No. School house within 40 rods. Posses- ainn given at once if desired. or t'urthor particulars as to pride, terms, 4c. apply to ri11t8, W4LkI7R, 343 Rosovilt° P, 0. or NELSON BRI01 1000, On fares. "WARM FOR, SAL''.--13EING JL East 4 Lot 15,O0n, 0, Oray, containing SO acres more or lees, 35 auras 010a10d, anti tree from stumps, newly seeded and In good shape, 'a- acres ill Full Wheat and put in well, There is about 0 acres of bush, ppart bard wood, and part eerier and the balance is ppaetu a hmn0. There i0 n boyar 1'aUing spring of leafier, cue well at yard and a Berl uqg to 1110 bush, Plane in drained and (9 811 inneed with. aed0r fennmg. h. eerie ie a good frame house with 11301205 and wood shed attested , c 3ond Irani° barn 0 n poets Buildings ole,eomparatively DOW, good or- 0har4 and garden, animal llonee right at your deer. 8 miles from post oillee 0.71,1 railway, G m17Oe 1rem B1'teeete, The fnrn110 0 50rn03 lot and Dieolyy eiteu,ted. The b4ud in good Mid Los nicely au,1 can be bought very cheap as the owner wants to buy a larger place, Tarns reasonable. Vol' terms and parties- 1:150 apply o111110111 SOS t0 Owner W1[. G.BAltfCplR, 1114f or by letter to Ethel P, 0. c?LENDID FARM 1308 SALE. l.. 131.roc, Iota 11 and 12, oon,18, Township of Grey, County of Huron, containing 200 autos, the pr oporty Of the lata Sohn Robert. son, 150 aures cleared NO free from co • atr,otlobs, 15 0oree boob, mixed tither, Ualanoo partly oleorod, 0Oil Slay loam, ri3Octly. 111111 :g, red by with wtralgh6 rail 000SeO and watered by two w01(8 end a spring privilege. Commodious dwelling hoose, with largo woodshed attaohod and an exeollont collar under hone°. Two largo barna, stone stabling and Other outbuil l• loge, Trop peed beano Orchards, erne- m1.1tta1 trope and email Smite, 19 miloa from Eruseote, a ](Volsy town on the G. T. eeOVeetont to rehoo3 'Marabou and post Oi11Oo, Th18pr0perty hes well, 18. a drat- r..".a grain and stook farm alld eho1ld be seen by intending enroll miters 00 it is direr• el at a bargain, !for further npartioularo apply to 0,0(08. JNO.RO119114T80N, the premises or bylottbeerDANPILstoohd an bbrio(( in Ok 00.4 THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD 1 Got the Bost WALT/ P NrrnU at the Lowest Prices at Pepper's Br1u pure, Lots of Paper at 5o, per Holt. PRICES TALK LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. voi L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, IA • 8oli01torend Oonveynn05o'', OotleO- tlotls made. Oifloe—Vanaloue's 11leakc, Brut• eels. 01.,ylu M. SINCLAIR, W • 113, Su. 8J11Ioe—V,Uletune'sa !nook�� i• do r north of Central Hotel, Private ten Lunda to Loan. �CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, vJ Barrlatere. Solicitors, Notaries ',obit°, Ooderioh, Ont. At, 0. CAMERON, Q. 0.PHILIP HOLT, DDDLIIY HOLUM. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, . a Auctioned, 10 always ready to at. to nil sales o1 farms, farm etoe k, 4o. Tonne cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0, Sales may be arranged at Tun POST Publishing 'Louse, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY., 14001180E Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farm and farm stock a specialty. Orders left. at '1'n,, Poor POblIOhfng Ho use, Bra seals, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKENe OUTLICEN- to aouduottsales of farm st0000'k1at retie noble prices. Knowing the etaueing of uaarly every person I am Ina position to sell to good marks and gat good security when eol,1 on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call, 22• F S. 800TT. BUSINESS CARDS. "‘AT• ofMorriage Licenses, OSloe H. MGORACE.EN, Iseurer at his Grocery, Pllraberrp street, 13ruebulg, N. 13ARRETT, • 80,1th of A.M. MelleTonsorial yE 00,8 Shop—Next hardware Storer Ladies' and obfldrous hair cutting a specialty A MoNAIR, Issurur of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lient,-ilovernor, Commie - 0101)0r, 4c , Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire lueuraaoo Co. Mae at the Oraubrook Post 011loe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAIvi IN9DIDINOE, FIRE" AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER le'k of ynrNaybiO0, Rum. Conveyancer, otrPus Land, Loan and 'Insurance_ Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Ccllec"tuts made, OBiee in Graham's 1 lock, Brussels, 0 IL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Win ' : m it 141 -00od to give !estimation in alt paiutiee. 1.0x108 maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store whore samples of work luny bo seen, Mise ?dories would also take a fow more pupils in music, rp A. HAWKINS, • Oranist in St.Brim- sole, and pupil, in the Art fS Ta ehiuChurch�G of 0. W. Thayer, [Pius. Coo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Tho Farrow's, Turnberry Street, or if preferred at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day at Walton. Terme moderate. MEDICAL CADS. A. t410NAUG1.ITON, .X1.1). • O. M., L. R. 0.P,, Edinburgh, 11, 0. P S. Ont. Residence and eines in Wilson' Sleek, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. DENTAL. 111117 LV TXT! M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College ur Dental Surgeon,. Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. 0r• sroj—Over A. 1t. Smith's Stem Brussels, OARS FUR SERVIOE,-•—THE undersigned will steep fer service on Leh 11, Qon, 5, Groy, a thorn' bred rhsetor White pig, with pedigree ,w,cl froln import- ed stock, Also a thorn' brad r erkehire bog, Terms $,1,00 to be paid at time of 0orylee will privilege of returning if 4100085ary 10.1f A. SHAW, Proprietor. BOAR. F011. SERVIO +'.—'1".FIE Uadorslgned will k00 for aervioo on Nortlrt not 29, don, 7, Morris, a thoro' bred Chester White (log., This pig was awarded prises at Toronto awl London Fairs, (lis faro, "Moya(" has taken 1st at tho (1du8triat 10)' 7„0400. T03025,31,00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning 1: uemesary, SAMUEL WA 3041 Proprtoter, MPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK. I SHIRE BOAR. The nudoi'Biguad win keep for SW:VMS this present 00)0011 the,IImproved large white Yorkshire sig "needy' on lot 20, 0504, 0,503110, to yLIoh u. limited number of SOWS' will bo taken. 'Perms 01.00 to 30 paid at tintms aofseoerwvoio',ery,w, iPth'lLhgarpe0rimvnanyyg'ebuofSorntiu- on ppllaatioss, ROBERT Ni Oori11 Proprietor, tor, VETERINARY. 7 D. WAB'4VIOIC, e 0 Ironer Ors:Mato of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared to treat aU diseases rt clomeetiooted animate in a 00/32.. potent Manner. Partionler altondlon paid to Veterinary dentistry. Calls prompt!? 'at- tended to, doles and enfir)nary ;: wo 'leers north et bridge Turnberry et., i(ruesele