The Brussels Post, 1893-2-10, Page 5e
Fels. 10, 1893
pmex 11trL'l1ur 4izmrdi
'soy, to attributed to au affection of the
Miro Bonnie R•,bortson is home on a h0art. lie wall a mnmbsr of thehu11l Pros•
elfinfrom Savdnaw, bybrrinn ahnroh nt I'1tha! and thern
13. Leine intends erecting a largo bank $erv7u0s wore eotlduoted ky Rev, Rfr, 11?e.
barn the coming Sommer, I .13, asoietud by IL"v. A. SboLenaou,
i3telarretessee. The Foresters' armee on Thursday! Arthurs'law, son 0f Angus Shaw, is offllolosworth. Wo extend per sympathy
Clain Burney is nearly well main. evening or last week was n great 0301300 hoe'• on a visit from t1a .iLnba. to the "11114 d d0 r , see. trial,
3l r. Livingstone in filling Ilia yard with 'Oho 0, 0.1, will have ab lab $90 to the Training 110
5 boon Minuet at w aloud•
lugs good tater paving all expenses, is cauior•tt,i TAT es Nark;
W. E, Erskine id bank again from At. The Lxuo 10 0 3 d
L001t out for 1'ux and his Company
fromTnrunto, next Monday night, ender
the auspice+' of the Forestero' Lodge.
Ethel gains a shoemaker and Belgrave
loses one, in the person of Mr. Madam.,
who cold his dwelling to one euterprisins
young tither, D. Gables, who will utilize
pelt of it as n shop for stitching and on
elp'arillg, and rent the rest.
The „nmol meeting of this Branch
Bible Society was held in the Methodist
churoh on the 1st inot. Tho Brunch was
put in good working order, the old tarri•
tory will claimed, a oommibtee appointed
and collectors for different oonceseiono,
The Methodist minister was elected.
President, W. E. Erskine, Secretary,
and Wm. Bongough is still the old time
" '' let re" s S. No,
earns to Ethel blot Baena-lay and played
a friendly game of football wath the
Ethel "Boyers." After an hour's play
the melt was a draw, fetch side having
soored one goal, W. Smith noted as
referee in fair and impartial manner,
f a p
Tho return matoh will be played in a
week or t ro. The "Rovers" play N. f1
Saturday next and Oranbrouk school
on Wednesday owning. Stumm
"Rover e."
The letter -box at the depot is very
freely used,
II, Poste. has been re -appointed Col-
legiate Institute 'Tr'stee.
Revival eervites are in progress in the
Ontario street Methodist ohurce.
!lie chat of Clinton !'all Exhibition
has been sot for Sept 20th and 27th, and
Uio Honor, the Lieut.•Governor, has
oified his intention to be present on
the 27th.
A. M. Todd was re-elected Pr -sir -lent of
the local Conservative Association ; Geo.
D. eleTegeart. ,e elected Vioe•Preeldent;
J, P. Doherty, seoretary ; ll. R Stan.
bury, Treasurer. Hon. J, 0. Patterson,
131. P., for West Halon, and ex -Mayor
Doiteety were elected honorary presidents
of the Aesooiation.
A bylaw to prohibit cows running at
large •:aa passed, to take effect from
March let. The fire brigade for 1893
wi'l be C. Eilyar, captain ; E. Rumball,
lieuteeant ; .1. Howe, fireman ; R.
Wcioh, Thos. Glow, T. Cottle, te. Wilson,
0. troll, G. Rumball, H. Ross, H.
Glazier, A. Seeley, W. Wheatley, R.
Horsley, R. Stevens. Officers and eel-
aries same as laot year.
Council meeting next Monday,
Tax. collector Moeloy has completed
his work having lifted every cent of the
roll with the exception of $1.00.
Dt pay Reeves Howe and wife left on
Tuesday of last week for a month's holi-
days with friends in Reliance and Prince
.Edward County.
Quarterly services were held at Sun-
shine last Sabbath. Owing to the bmf
roads the,e were not s0 many out as
otherwise plight have been expected.
The chi dr, n'i service in the afternoon
was interesting, the pastor preaching
frum the words. "Rabbi. we know Thou
art n Teaohol come from God."
Hutto H(Mseer: A. young lad from
the Stratford Orphans' Home at Strat-
ford, and oriltinall,y from Bog/arid, aged
15, hong himself Monnay morning in the
Nun of John lion. He had been workh'g
tMorrie about
forft t0W1 sh1 of
John bio
v' t d
'i � � m am. Mr, Roe ha
flys miles from b
a rope hanging from a bee= over a trap
in the floor for the purpose of lowering
seed down into the lower part of the
barn. The lad had tied a rope around
his neck and attached it to a hook on the
outer rope, and stepped in the trap hole.
His lege were not tied, and he could very
easily have saved himself had be so wish-
ed, Mr Roe found the body hanging at
noon. The boy had always been cheer
fel and happy, and seemed to be content-
ed with his home and Mr. Roe, had al.
ways done his work and bad nothing to
complain of. Mr. Boo is one of the most
respectable farmers in that Election, and
naturally feels the shook very much.
The 0. 0 F. had 14 initiations in the
month of December.
The Sans of Temperance are talking
of holding a big concert in the near
Gen. Laird, wbo has spent the peat
few yeoro in Dakota, returned to Ontario
for a visit last Feidtty.
Mrs. Andrew Sharp, accompanied by
her son and daughter, were visiting at
Geo. Hanley's, Clinton, last week.
The tibia; y at the Moohauios' Institute
hat been improved by the addition of
another supply of books. Read them.
It is said that Wm. Eckmier, now of
Morris township, may become a resident
of Ethel for a time ae he has disposed of
his farm.
Min Mamie Newcombe, who has
been attending the Conservatory of
music, Toronto, returned to her home in
E lad last week.
Tom Slemmon and hiseioter, Mary A.,
have been visiting in Sontorth and
vicinity for the past few weeks. Tom
oftei, 6• es out float way. -
The pupils in the senior department
of ourouhool enjoyed a Half -holiday on
Weduenday of last week as the traoher
wee attending the funeral of W. Camp -
how.logging ie one of the principal
pastimes of the fanners just now,
Among the number engaged in the work
we notice R. McKay. Wonder if Bob
intends erecting it house next Sutnmer.
itev. W. 1'. Brownlee, of Gorrie, will
conduct the Church of England services
here on Sunday next, when the Holy
Communion will bo adntinietsrod and
epeoial concentrate for diusoo.•an mss.
sloes will be inadu.
The members of Mr. Barrie Bible class
waited upon hits ono evening Intoly and
preselted him with a beaulifal plush
shaving c6e0, and a handsome cup and
stoner, accompanied by a kindly worded
address. Mr. Barr made a Nuitablo reply
although entirely surprised. The oven -
Mg was !pont very enjoyably. The ad -
chose watt no follows :—
Dli+n Tunomoit,—We, the members of
your Bewley school °lass, are deoirous of
showing you nut appreciation of your
faithful and untiring effort)! in presenting
to us Sabbath after Sabbath the Bible
truths contained in our 7eseons. We
therefore ask you to accept this present
as a small token of our esteem and
wiped, and we trust that our happy
relablons as toucher and obelus may
long continue, and may you be Iong
a iarod to engage in thin noble wont.
May God's blessing rest inion Son and
your tastily, d4 oar best wish. Signed
its behalf of the cissa.
Judging from the amount of material
passing through Atwood, some large
buildings will be oreoted in the township
next season,
Rev. W. F. Brownlee, of Gorrie, i9 an.
pounced topreaoh in St. Alban's ohnrch
bare next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Lee will
pronah nt Gorrie.
Rev. Dr, Moffat, of Tnrento, delivered
a feature in the Methodist church an
Mond ay evening of last week, in the
interes's of the Upper Canada Tract
Seeioty, 1,d • 1nhjrrt bcieg t'nhe Power
of Nn. 1 for ('helot"
75 volumes for the, Inntitute bane ar.
rived ; other'olnmes ordered could only
be prornred in .Europe hence it wilt he
some time before they ranch here. A.
well lighted room has been procured from
J. L. Marler for a library. It is situated
npetcir over lir store.
Orniouns ELECTED, —Following are the
oMearn of the Ene'orth Leagno for the
ensuing six menthe:—Hon. Pero,. Rev.
J. S. Fisher ; President, R. B. Hamih
tan ; Vioe President• Mies Hattie Avers;
Reeretarv. O. Stewart ; T'roacurer, Albert
hfnllain ; Board of management., H.
Hoar, Miss J. Challenger and Woo M.
llnwkahaw ; Oh. istian Wo•k committee,
Rev. J. S Fisher and Mime Vary
Adams and Hattie Avers ; look•ett onm•
mit.ten.'Wiener, Ida MnBain, 1f; Hawk.
alum, L. Switzer, 9f• Graham and
Moms. A. MaBain and 0 Stewart; Lit-
erary onmmittee, Mimes Mary Adams,
J. Cibalium/e , M. Graham, elf E. Mo.
Ola, and Iiia MoBain ; Uahern, Mies
Prattle Ayers and Miss Ida MoBain ;
Editorsof the Lantern, R. Hoar, Misses
Ileitis, Ayers and Ida MoBain.
1.ieeteeaw pl.
The Directors of the Piano Cnmpenv
have made another call, tho 7th, of 10%
on 011 atnak.
F. S. Bowe has sold oat his barhor
nhnn and billiard room to L. 0. Gress -
man, whn has token nn0eee0ion.
J. J. Stewart has rented and is having
fltted up T. E. Hay's store, next to Wild•
fames imam. shop on Main street, for a
barber ellen.
John Binning has recovered sufficient.
lv to bo able to leave hie mem, nl'hnugh
at his ed"aneed ave oomolete rosenration
can hardly be looked for.
Dr. Dingman and J W. 'nntt w. re the
caneirletes for the ohnermanshin of the
Tisto+el High Salinnt B•i"'. The rate
'u the largo - t
d Tr. 4rntt helm t i
wall � tie,an R
e vat him.
v 'lin eta fin o far
ratepayer,a o _
Mrs. Wilson, wife of Wm. Wi',nn,
tailor, who was taken fr., the Ntra3food
hospital on Monday of ',tet week. dint/
thorn nth p. m, nn -Mews 2^rh alt.
She led been in a very low state of
health fnr some tiro ereviniis to her rel•
mr'vnl, end her in/Invent .was scarcely
Friday of Inst werlr was e. day of un-
n0nn1 interee. to the nnmrrevafion of
Knox ohornet, Listnro', beim! the in.
aentinn of R.v. 7 4. Mariann, of
Montrenl, a• nactnr nil the ellnenfl The
Stratford Preshvtery was nee ant, as wa'
alga Rev. Prinoinal efeVieee, of the
Preohvc,rian Celle •e. M,nntreal, whn 0 3-
droe0ed the congregation. The indwntiem
services took alarm at 3 p w and in the
evening a nnb)Ta reneration ie the fnrm f
a tea meeting won given the new pastor.
atilt the last two weeks awing to the
stormy weather and bad roads.
s rwart(rerar he 3, re frorn Dakota
on a elev. Ile will return to the Wrist,
bat some folks say be wont go beet(
L110,ast Sunday while rntnl•ning from
! ,
church John R1cIutos a, 12th eon„ was
thrown opt of a weigh and had two ribs
b'okeu and was otherwise badly shaken,
We llepo he will suffer no permanent in-
Roht. Dark, wbo has been foreman on
Mr. Diuksun'a farm in Tuoknrsmith for
11 number of 'ears, lots moved back to
the 12th lino, Grey, his time having ex-
pired. Ile purposes going Welt in the
Sleighing Derbies now take a promin
one place in the line of amusements.
This is an exhilarating and enjoyable
way of spending an evening boei'les there
is always a pleasant surprise in store for
the good folks of the residence that is in
The For'.sterv' oononrn nt Ethel 00d
the Grange social at Fu'ton's soleal
bowie were the (thief attrao'ions on
'I'buroday evening of lest week, Several
eacinl pereie0 that were to he held Fri•
day evening were spoiler! (eying to the
bit! storm.
Tho n,tet blizeard of the season oar
Warred here an Friday last, There Wall
a +31000 b ookade generally. Roads run•
ning north and south are badly drifted
but ,It the time of writing a general thaw
has get in and it 1• hoped that it will
continue wail the snow hanks are re.
tinned to It ntiuimum
The "Excelsior" foolball club held a
meeting in the echont hoose Twee lay
evening for the purpose of shoosing a
captain and other business Fred.
Cardiff was nnanimensly chosen es
captain. The club will be now ready to
renmive nhallonge- from loan! clubs.
The "Excelsior" foot -ball oltb of S. S.
NO 3. are , jotp'309011 to Ethel no Salm'
day, Feb. 4311, and playa 3 the "Rovers"
of that place. The playing at time.. 10460
good although the ground.) were a li'tte
slippery for good foob•ball. The -match
resulted in a draw, one goal math. W. A.
Smith acted a•' referee to the entire
setiefaetion of both clubs.
Plelaher Spading and bride have
taken up their residetibe on the 16th
conoegai •n. Mr. Sperling will take
oLarge of hie farm now as Alfred Wil•
litamson's term as tenant has expired,
Mrs, Sperling was a Miss Bell, of Bean.
shard township, Perth Go. We wish
them many years of happiness and pros.
HyManeen.—On the 11th of January
David 1K., yonugest son of James Living
stun, 15'1, eon., and MI s Lily Murray,
of Belmore, were 0uited in matrimony.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Livingston have moved
into their new residence on lot 27, 16th
cone Grey, and are now nicely settled
Mr. Livingston will likely take charge of
hie father's f,rm. May the sunshine of
prosperity bine on their pathway.
The 12 acro of on the gravel road, a
sboit dietetico from Clinton, owned by
71 Hill,
Of Grey,hoe been purchased
by John Shobbrook, of HulIett forthe
spm of $1828 onsh There in
a Frame
home and outbuildings oil the place. and
while the ern" rty is by 00 metnn hi•.h,
a very goo.) sale has been made, .Vr
Shobbrook will move en it in the Spring.
A short time ago a horse belonging to
G. orge Matheson, of the saw mill, we.
killed at ou0e by a tree falling on it it)
their bush. '•0'1 Tom" did many a,
day's work het his "skidding" days pre
over. Thu day previuns to this two men
bad a close call hn the same bush. A
tree (twang the opposite way from what
,vas expected and tame 00 abase to Mr.
Bird that a cross cut saw he was (tarry.
ing over his .houlder was broken. It
was a eto•o 0a11.
Nota few are trying their skill at
■a w shoeing. One thing in their favor
is that there is plenty of snow. This re-
minde us of an innident that happened
a few days ago when the good lady 01 a
Wen.ltiren. l farm house walled outlier two daughters
was Tennis McDonald is visiting so that they might take anemia together
Mende in Swaforth this week, and unravel the mystery of strange
Watton L. 0. L. was renreeeetee es tracks thetlead across the fields. The
the (10. hadg0 a+ Gorrie nn n nns9 v I girls soon explained the matter by SAKE -
Kra T. T. VfnFihhin i0 vsi'i •' her j ing that a aertam yoeng man who visited
d edam. Hra. Thnmsnn, of •. e"e'mm the house tee previous evening travelled
Don't forget the True Bine annwrt nn ou snow ho •s. Drifting snow done net
Friday evening Seat. It promise' In ha
Mi.0 Swallow. has returned home after
visit with Mrs. (Rev.) Torrance, et
Mrs. O. Douglass has horn very ill
10t•+v hat wn are pleased to learn thee
0116 in renoverino.
new. 1) Fn•reot and wife were relied
army Mfg week to Mount Albert, Ont.,
mina /n the ihn 00 of Mrs. Forrest's
The nhonngranhio concert 11010 in the by the bruits. 'I'he beet wieus of a large
nhnrrh nn Wednesday e evening of circle of relatives and friends accompany
feet wear warn voted too he excellent by the RL, au3 lira. Sholdi„u in starting out
on the matrimonial sea.
OnATIi oP Wu, CiMMrrtao,L.--On Monday
mnrm0g of last week Wm. Campbell, '.f
the 3r0 17110 of Grey, rose as usual in
goo.' health and called the family. He
Mt mute took a severe pair, in his chest
which mused greet nneasinese, 13 pass•
eel away', however, for a short time. A
few montes Inter with the oxolan8tion,
"Its coming back," he fell into his eldest
son's arms and never wag able to speak
agitin. Rledioai aid was at once sum -
monad but life 1041.0 exthlct before the
(looter arrived. MMMT, Campbell wee the
01)1054 eon of the late Ivy Campbell, of
Kiroudbt'ightohire, Sootland, end was 54
y¢ure of age. Ile wee born in Ayrshire,
Sootland, and came 30 Canada in 1803,
and lived in the neighborhood of Guelph
Mr about 0 year0. Ho lived in the town.
meet mnd6 by vonr Walton norroonnn- ship of Stanley for a time and moved
dentin last Week's 10011¢ of Tt111 Peer. to 7130 the township of Grey about tWenty-
tee area that thorn was a deeming party two year's ago purchasing his present
et Sude'e hotel. Seel a thins( has nob farm. He leaves a family of five, two
averred for years. 'iner0 truly,
Mas, S.tor.
obliterate snow tracks so qu10kly "when
you come to think of it."
Hezene AL.—On Wednesday of last
week Rev. W. G. Reilly, incumbent of
St. John's church, Brussels, tied the
matrimonial knot between Adam 8h01•
dive, of Cypress River, Man., and Mise
Lizzie A. Muldoon, of MoKillop, at the
residonoe of the bride's parents. The
bride was attended by her sister, bliss
L., tool 01TLn. Sholdiee, brother to the
groom, watt gromna+n6n. Valuable, use.
fol and numerals were the gifts received
D. McDougall has purnhane3 a small
fnrm near firsnhroolc, 1fie will have an
011031an Sale of caner, c&o., berme) leaving
hie f"rm here
Ameeting fnr lettittl the milk routes
of nor plasm fnotory will be held pn
Thnredav nftnrnnnn of next week, aom•
menni"a et I e'nlnnlr
Annivere'try 0erviee0 will he held in
Dntt'e nhltrnh next Sabbath. Rev, H.
aleQuarrie, of Wingham, will pronah
morning and evening. An annieereary
ce11Pntinn evnnntn13,
We know what iS the twitter 1v%t11
"Sem body." " gnmehnee" vvnen't "in.
it" nn 0111td69 night or "Snnlehndv"
wield not wonder so muoh about the
oonples. Never pr00ume Itnythins.
Me, Enrron.--T wi011 t0 nevroot a Mate -
Tee Mime/ea.--A tea meeting will be
hold in DnfT'e ohnrolt. Walton, in con.
neotinn with the annivevsery serviette
en lifondo,v next, Fell. 1110. Ad131300008
win be delivered by Rev. Meoors, Mo•
(,luarrie, Winghant ; ROAR end Millar,
11rnoaele, end Ottawell, Walton. This
with one or two reeitatinne and mesio by
the emir will make up a good program.
sons, Ivy and Simnel, and three daugh-
ters, The eldost son ie not yet of age,
Ir. Campbell hee a brother th r Da
id and
a sister, Mrs, Aldxandur, living in Grey.
The fenemab took plate on Wednesday of
last week, to Mol00ryor011 cemetery and
was followed by a very largo cortege of
(Honda and neighbors. His sudden death
is a very 00V0re affliction to the family,
more especially 80 3r0. Campbell has
been seriously i11 for some tinge aid had
The ladies of Walton ars fam0a0 tui• bedtime very low, Mr. Campbell had
getting tip gnod things fh the way es been a Men of very indnetrious habits
edibles theeolOee a goad biro la uxpacted, wild of rugged health and his MI sucfdan
Euelau! renoivod shout 10,037,000 Int
ter ::un the United Settee ear ,veal,
G. rmany reooived 0,800,040 and Prance
MemoLang,l annnfarmer living
o Geavenrt, Ka., diedBao
day night from hydrophobia after suffer.
1ng intense agony fee 24 hove. He was
bitten b a rabid dog last August.
The next palette 6nnntniced for con.
0tenetintl in Upper New Y ek is thee of
Atn;a0t Belmont. The location will b•
Fifth 16001100 and Eighty flrat street, and
the onst will be ttbnut $500.000. The
alt¢, comprising: five lots, cost $275,000,
A flower put fill from an unprotected
window sill in the Rue 91, Denis, Paris,
upon the hear) o' a man who woe passing
be'.eath and frlootured hie skull so that
Ile diel du two Imre with'.et recovering
Large watches, that sell for $1.50, de -
sig ed to be oarried in the overcoat
pock"t, are ut uln lip n, (1 •nneottunt firm.
They are ad 1 to tired to reedy Halo among
men who are too lazy to u'.button their
coat when they want 00 know the time.
A Russian army 0ffioer who has been
experimenting in the training of fa'eone
to oar y dometuheo a -Lye that tame birds
are "nperim• t0 Oarl'ler plgenlla far me
08nger swwioe. The lnl0on 13 ninth the
stronger and some of them have carried
a wei'ltof four pounds without material
hindrance to speed
The Earl of Aberdeen told eh- lobby
reporter of the (mitral Newa at London
that haat feeete+t err. Gla'igteee took d him
to eceept the Governor Goneralobip of
Canada if the ofliee ellould hnnome
060911E during the life of the prawns
0461.1,03. The Ear' accepter) the offer.
Brinell snldiero will weer seamless
soeks in Mtn 8, become.. they insure
greater marObieg etfluionoy. The old
style of steamed 900k8 (hived the skin
and m'lde the soldiers fo it sore ; the
monies souks do oat. letters for the
supple of 900,000 pairs, a ewer's esti•
meted recta.. rnents, have been invited
by the
The m'11 supply pipe of the Netu'al
G to Company at Peru, Ind., burst in the
middle of the Wabash River, caused by
moving i0e, Everything is shut off and
much di0 re a is p e'r(8s'ing. All the
falarge coueamers were ohnt
off. otortea 'The opt61113 ook ds gloum,y 09 the 3)77)0
cannot he repaired iueld of 60 days and
the sup"1y of wood and onal is very short.
In the forests of Oregon, Washington,
Montane nand British Columbia there is
a spades of tree that hag a oftentimes
and coating dripping of pure clear water
front the endo of its lea 011 and branches.
The; extraordinary 0ieh3 may be wittier).
eft at all eoagons Vr•ell het" leaves ore 0n
and 0eem0 &lith lv as plentiful ou clear,
bri017t days us on danmp, (dowdy nights,
The tree is it epeu303 of fir, and the
"'weeping" phenomenon 1- attrib 'te 1 to a
remarkable power of e0ndensation peon
liar to th" leaves anti bark of this
epenie0 or evergreen.
The 0toem wino 1 has prevails 1 in the
N. Htfrse erl days resoled Co.
orad 1r
. let. Near O r
mdalo Col.
Ctae. Smith and a owngmart lcuownas
B.11. started to oroes a gultle, when a
8011W elide caught thein and earned tlieln
200 feet, Smith extriotttwl hdulself, bat
Li,.. 001311 011190013t011. At Asper, Ool,, 11.
W. Shively and Jelin Beadle, two miners.
were naught in au avalanche and killed ;
Frank Haw, a ,nillcnan, was 1081 in a
slide with bis team. sit `1aronov'e saw
mill. feu miles from Aopon, eight men
anri twenty live mules have been snowed
in, and as it is Icemen that they had little
prnvlsmn0, a reeen1,10 parry has started
from Aspen io re'ieve them. Several
slidta have onunrred between Aspen and
Yl8r0n0y'' mill, and itis feared the reg.
00010 have been oaught between th in.
A rodent discovery by as
Alrl physician. Oloeo, nsfal-
ly wed lilotltllly by thous-
ands Of T.AMEN. 99 the
0111y perfootly nnt0 and
reliable nedialuo 611000v-
ered. Reware or ngnn•itelplod drnggl.Itu who
odor Interior meditings iu pinto of this. Ask
for 1100x'6 COTTON 13,00'r COMPOUND, 10130 an
eabstitnte; or inclose .1 u,nd 4 three.ceut
Generic, postage stamps la letter, cad we
will send, sealed, by return mull. Pull eeal-
00 particulars iu plain envelope, to ladies
only, 2 stamps. Address rood Lily Pone -
puny. No, s Fisher Block, 101 Woodward
ave. Detroit, Mob.
t•.I.Bulel in Brussels by J, T, PEPPMI}t, G.
A. DEA 1)A1AN 81.1d all resnoantbloldragltinte
In a dangerous emergency, Avsa'e
CHERRY 1r13oTORAL is prompt to act and
sure to cure. A dose Laken on the first
symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, chocks
further progress of these cotnplaims,
It softens the phlegm, Booths the in-
flamed membrane, and induces sleep.
As a remedy for colds, coughs, loss of
voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and even
consumption, in its early stages
Cherry Pectoral
excels all similar preparations. It is
endorsed by loading physicians, is agree-
able to the taste, does not interfere with
digestion, and needs to be taken usually
in small doses.
"prom repeated lasts in my own family, Ayor's.
Cherry Perceval has peeved itself a very ofrio,ent
remedy for colds, soughs, and the various dis-
orders of the throat and lungs."—A. NV. Bartlett.,
Pittsfield, N. 1 I.
"For tiro hist as years 1 have boon taking Ayar's
Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, ma'am assured
that its use has
Saved My Life
1 have recommended it to hundreds. 1 find the
moot effective way of taking this medicine is in
small and frequent do0vo,"—T. 11. Matthews, P.
M„ Sherman, Ohio.
'My wife suffered from a cold; nothing helped
her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral widen effected a
caro:' --R. Aman, Plymptoe, N. S.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by lar. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell Maas,
Prompt) tte act, sure to Care
Y -our best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
R-heumatism, and
S -c rofu l a
Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
R-unning Sores
S -curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
I-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -II cured by
Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer 3: Co„ Lowell, Mass.
Soldby all Druggists. Price $r; six bottles, $s.
Cures others, will dare you
. =�1 .,.
When purolinsing Tieketo that they road
VIA T11tt
Popular Route
For Maps, Time Tables and Lowest
Fares, apply to
Agent, Brussels.
P3 o TU C UAPI71 !
ee��PI1OTOt4R.APIIE/R, +
We make a specialty of
Cabinet Photos, and of family
and other large groupl All
work warranted first-class in
every respect. Give us a call.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for pant favors and
support and whaling still to memo
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by ns,
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
VVxn»leo RoNeo,
LAntes Gear Roma,
EAss0009, cto,
tilrAloo a Full Lino of VIonaioo and
Violin Strings, atm., in atock.
N. Ise—Wane or JtarrISgc macasvaa
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Ales. A. Rose.
If there is one thing that
will delight the heart of Man
Woman or Child,
It's a Bargain.
We have been letting you
know from time to time,
through this paper, of tire
Bargains we are giving in -
General Dry Goods,
Readynlade Clothing)
Bell's Furnishings,
�T Weir
A. great number have been in
to test the genuineness of our
Salo and invariably they went
away satisfied. We knort' this
is a bad season of the year ; that,
money is scarce, but we must
have it, and have it quid:, so the
Greater the Sacrifice,
We moved the stook here to clear
it out and it MUST be done.
We will make it an ob-
ject for you to pur-
chase now and
from us.
You don't need to take out
word for it, ask anyone who has
been here, or better, como and
see for yourself. Wo mean
Garfield. Mouse,