HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-10, Page 4New Advertisements. Locals—J, C. Ayer. Looale—W. Roddick. Bargains --Alex, Strachan, 1110k Routes --R, H. Ferguson. Warm for Salo Wm. G 13,rker. L„oal--Ouw 1htn 31usii Folio CO. Great Values—Ferguson & Halliday, Greet Bargain Store—Alex. A. Ruse, Does this Interest Yo,—IL W. Joseop. 'tae ► t tss4.ts st. FRID.A ], FEB. B. 10, 1898 Cot,. O'Bunau, Mt P„ of Muskoka, warmly supports Mr. McCarthy in his opposition to the Trade polioy of the Dominion Government. Tae members of the Imperial Perlia inept don't mine matters when de- bating public questions and as a con- sequence the words '•liar," "coward," ,to, are favorite epithets with some of these gentleman (?). when they desire to be partioulo.rly emphwie. A GREAT deal has been said and written in reference to a reduction of County Councillors but no satisfactory "r work- able pan has yet been deeidod upou. The various Couplet Connells, as far as we have noticed, are epp•.sed to any of the schemes advanced up to the present. Sr. GEOtiCieff Soul ty, Toronto, is after Goldwin Smith wi n u sharp ethic and want to expel him bees is. he talks Con- tinental Union. The clever but some. what erratic Smith will do as he pleas, s whether his actions suit the brethren of St. George or not. Ix ie currently reported that Hon. W. It, 'r fifth will inmate polittcat life and be made Chief Ju•tioe of the Cana diem Superior Court. Ae to whom hi+ mantle will fall upon as leader of the Opposition in the Local Legislature no one appears to know. Mr. Meredith says he has been seriously h,ndicapped in she House for want of good book. ing. "Ix time of pesos prepare for war" ap• pears to be the motto the German goy ernment hes pinned to the wail and war. like operations, from speech making to the manufacture of cannon, are on the program. Some of their leaning states• men affirm that a Continental war is tin• min,+fit and it behoves them to be found reads. for the greatest struggle Europe ever witnessed. Tree Yankee quarantine against O•tn• adian cattle is another nail in the coffin of ,.,,;eters and drovers in this country if the expected regulations are carried out, It is said it will also militate against steak heing sent to the Exposition at Ohmage if the embargo is not removed. The fuss and kick up both in England and tete U. S. is silly anyhow as Cana. diem cattle are as free from disease as they ever were. Deems the legislation of Meek) Sam. to hill out the well • known fakirs—the Louisiana Lottery Company -and pre. vont them from carrying on their swind- ling h,siness, they have been foiled to a large extent. This Co. has arranged with the Government of Honduras whereby a charter is granted them, for which they oontranb to pay annually the neat little eom of one million dollars a year, in addition to pereontagee on tickets sold. Somebody's good dollars wi 1 he gobbled" to meet this enormous dr •i,.. The Postmaster General of this Dominion should see that gullable Con- nor", are not trapped by their shadowy promisee. Jcoeuta by the following the old time feud between the North and South in the United States is being very properly obliterated and the rival factions united. Th,e desirable state of things has been largely aided by President Harrison's j appointment of Mr. Jackson to the place on the Supremo Court Bench rendered vacant by Jnetice Lamar. 8inoe the civil war aha Southern States have not been repr+stinted in the Supreme Conti wept by fir, tatnar, who was appointed by Mr. Cleveland during the one term in wiles the Democrats have been in office. The Republican party, against whom the solid South wet arrayed, pro- fessed to believe that it wohld nob be safe to appuiut Soothornere to the Sti• preme Court Bench, which le the inter- preter and the preserver of the constibo- tion. Mr. Linoolh kept one or two vacancies open, avowedly with the inten. tion of appointing Southerners to thein after the close of the war, but his assns. sination ender/ hie career before the trine carnet for the appointments. The nom- ination of a Southern Democrat, ani one who was on the Confederate side during the war, by a Repablioan President, is equivalent to the strongest kind of declaration by the foremost rerroeenta- tine of the Iiepabiican party that the "bloody chasm" ie closed, and that the loyalty to the constitution of the Smith - ethers who wore Confederates is no more to be doubted than that of the Northern. era who etre 1 odeeale. Therein lies the importance of Prosidont Ilarrison'a set, and the grace of a Renubllcan :President in appointing a Democrat after a losing battle does not treod pointing opt. CS, efleetest) Ne ase. Nevada has only 25 papers. Iianeas produces reeled silk, Germany Waste paper houses, Florida has a woman tea raiser, A Vienne canine halls 1 2,000. Dunopeau ,ailreans are lowed in, Esquitnaux womeu are shoemakers. Loud finers i•at American ioo cream. A Vatican Bible is worth $108.000. The Baez Canal cost 0100,000,000. Police duty employe 89,000 Settees. Baltimore has 15,000 oolored voters. Women are hou.e builders in Finland. Jews number loss than 7,000,000 souls. Mrs, Astor possesses a 016,000 dreee. The "Pennsy" employs 7,671 engineere. Weetern Pennsylvania is in danger of a Hood. It is said the British Army is to be re- organized. Cholera shill prevails in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Unols Sum has 40 per omit. of the world's railroads. Meethelusetbs line free public libraries for all but 8 per cent. of its population. Algernon Sarboris, eou•in law of the late Gen. Grunt. has just died in Italy. The steamer Lt Gasaoges from New York on Saturday took out $2.500,0 10, geld. 'Phe y,nme Ring of Snain, who has both suffering from scarlatina, is eon- valeseent. Wallace W frolrees,tbe wife murderer, was hanged last week at Springfield, Mass. During 1892 there were 130,750 deaths in New York stt.to, the rote being 20.78 per 1,000 population. James Mitchell, his wife find child were frozen to death in a frame pause near Topeka, Kansa+, last week. During the past week 180 British vee• sets handed fit NevtYork. Arnerioa nontee next in number of arrivals with 78. Three feet of they having fallen in Seattle and neighborhood, the people now fear a fl .od when the thaw comes. It is reported that a riot listing two days has taken place at Bogota, Panama, and that 100 men were killed and 500 wnuuded D . Cornelius Tlorz, who is wanted in Paris in connect= with the Panama scandal, has grown w wee of fever, and is now very mach depressed. While searching in a blizzard on Fri- day far his mi sing daughter, henry Graham, .1 Harrison,, tlich., perished almost within reach of his own door. The girl Inas not been found, It is said President elect Cleveland will not remove his family to the White Hose , n March 4th because he fears Baba Ruth might sake scarlet fevsr,from which the little daughter of Russell Her. risen has b. en suffering. Dr. Geo Ianitgm, Fisher, a prominent physician of $inti Sing and ex president of the New York State Medina/ Society, died Pridey evening teem blood poison. inu contracted while performing au oper- ation on Jau. 18th. The ins gorge in the Beaver river at Rock Plant, Pa., broke last Teasley, and in running out washed out a mile of the Pittebure and Lake Erie railroad, parried away telegraph lines and compelled all the factories along the river to shut dotal. Frsepert, on the Allegh+ny river, sntrers from an inu•.dation. Boats and much lumber have beau destroyed. Pharaoh, who drove the Jews out of Egypt 115 0 B. C., was not aware that a Jew would be the Premier of Egypt 1893 A. D. The Jewish Riaz P ;she is now the Prime Minister of Egypt's ruler, even es J,seph, .he son of Jacob, was the Prime Minister of another of Egypt's rulers, From the seat of his power Eiaz beholds th • pyramids which his aloes• tors helped to build for the mammies of the Ph•traohs. Austria announces an electric Immo- rive which is to travel t25 miles an hoar. The Indeoendenee Belga follows with the statement that the North Belgian Com- pany and the North Prat= Oowpany are oonetructiug a line for l000motives, oper. aced by electricity, on which the journey from Brussels to Paris, about ane hen• dred and ninety-two miles. will be ac• complished in sighby miuntes, a speed of nearly one hundred and fifty miles su hour. It is farther stated that the trains will be running in about two months. A much married couple have been spending their honeymoon in Denison city, Texas. The bride ie 50 years of age and the mother of 13 children, 8 of whom accompany her on the wedding tour. The group lute also brought along his live ehtldren. He has been married four times, and the bride five times. They arrived at Denieot in a wagon and inteed to make a circuit of their friends and relatives. They reside in the Red River country. A woman appeared on the atresia of Canton, Miss., Mouday, who attnwted much attention. She has a perfectly white face and stands and short kinkty !rah, with the features of a negro. The woman said that she was born black and reutaiued so uutIl she was 15 yeere old, shun she suddenly turned white, re. enaining so for one year, when she turn- ed blank again. Since that time she is alternately white and blank, not alone in sports, but changes oolor entirely. She is fairly intelligent, and says she hes never taken a dose of medinine. She ]lues near Sallie Station, on the Clanton, and Aberdeen road. She says she caw not stand the sun at all, and wears a double veil and heavy glovee. She says if the sun was to shine on par skin for one minute it causes it to blister at ono, She has been examined by phyeicians, who are unable to account for the change in her Dolor. One of the most sensational suits in Wisoonein's history is at an end. The Northwestern Insurance Go. and the Mutual Life, of New Yotk, have paid $10,000. Thrun was a poor mechanic, and is supposed to have been burned to death oat Oat. 27511 while trying to stave furniture front bus burning house. It do- visioped that Three canted life insurance to the &meant 01050,000. The insnranee companies retueed to pay the risks, al- leging that the skeleton found in the mine of the house was not that of Thrun, but one that had been placed in the building and Potting up the claim that Three was not dead, The case was carried into the courts. Now the statement is matte that all the dampen/ere have sebtled. On aha trial Mre. Three, in explaining where Phe and her husband had secured the $11,000 noaossary to pay premiums, said that one evening in the garden Oho hacl been attracted to a certain epos by a entail bpm flame, and digging there had tonna a small box containing 211,000 in gold. T.EIE BRUSSELS POST FEB, 10, 1898 HAVE YOU For Particulars ABOUT THE Settlers' Trains TO MANITOB AND THE NORTH-WEST Send to your nearest Railroad Agent and obtain z copy of "rFre¢ Factgw°Far1rnS" 0 J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. onto KIONEY 04,5, URE Y "Beekache the scavengers means the hid- of the system. neys are in "Delay is trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills glue lac ted kidney prompt relief." troubles result ar75 per cent, in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Livor first oaused by Complaint, and disordered kid- the most dan- neys. gerous of all, Mightaswe// Brlghts Disease, try to haue a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- "The aboue age as goad diseases cannot health when the exist whore kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Nils are used. Sold by all dealers o sent by =Hon receipt ® of price so cents. pe box or six for $aye. 3 Dr. L. A. Snit$ 15 Co. Toruuto• b'v1•ltu for book calla/ Kidney Talk. GB ti � +➢ ? tit INTERESTING flaying secured the absolute control of M. TT. Birge & Son's Celebrated process of Wall Papers and Hangings, I am opening out a FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies & Smith's Batik. My stook is all new and well selected, every design being patented since Oct. 1st, 1892. 20 Full Sets to choose from. Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Papers. Elegant Borders and Ceilings. Full lines of Window Shades and Springs of Latest Designs. Painting in all its Branches carried on as usual. Shop Blinds and Awnings a Specialty. W. RODDICK, House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. We agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer in Brussels for 1898. M. H. BIRGE & SONS, Buffalo, N. Y. BA CAGZ AIMS ! Small Profits AND lick Returns. J. EA is to the front with a full lino of new Goods consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed, and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre- pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward manner. Call and see before buying elsewhere. Cash Paid for Efts. Highest Price for Batter and Poultry. My Motto is Small Profits and (wick Returns. Hoping to merit a share of your Patronage enol Confidence, I am Fours, &c., 3. E A .6.V.L e - e R, Geo. Sinker's old Stand. aramstentteastettoracretsmautcattrrop.talattomattestatitTOW Sale Announced for this week at CEOROE C000'S STORE UnavoidablyPostponed but especial bargains will be given at E. The whole stock of Fine Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers and Socks, Shop Furniture, &c., HAS GOT TO BE SPEEDILY SOLD. A. large quantity of general goods comprising groceries, crockery, glassware, &o , will be sent from Seaforth for the Auction Sale. Private Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices now going on. J. R. GRT1GORY, LIQUID A T 0 R. This being aur season of the year for taking stock we find on looking through it that there are a great many articles we • do not want, but at the same time we know there are others who do, and now is the time to obtain them at reduced prices. Special Bargains in all Lines of Winter Goods, Odd Lines we will Clear at a Sacrifice. Bargains for Mose who will help us to make 01'001n for Spring Goods. Every person who may favor us with a call daring this month may depend on going away satisfied with the bargains they have secured. Alex. Strachan. GOES THIS INTEREST YOU Your money bnys more than it would ton days ago in oertnin lines. Your life can be made pleasanter by the oonssinusuees that you lure dealing in the very best and moat economical way We will save you many dollars on desirable , Bargains in Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubbers and Socks, Trunks, Vaiises, Groceries, Provisions, do. A few figures to convince you that it le our intention to make the month of Febru- ary the best in our selling experience : 1VIen'. Laced Boots Mone Laced Boots Men's Laced Boots 11ten's G.tiber Boots Martha Overshoes Mone Wool Lined Overshoot+ Men's American Rubbers Men's Bootee and Rubbers Men's Long Loather Boots Men's Felt Boots Women's Laced Boots Women'e Laced Boots Ladies' Buttoned Boots Ladies' Fine Buttoned Boots Ladies' Dongolo Buttoned or Limo Boots Lediee' Ovorehoos some slues Ladioe' rine Oxford shoos Ladies' Slippers Children's slippers Obildren's Boots $ 50 76 1 00 1 00 !10 1 00 115 1 26 1 00 1 00 50 85 r 1 00 1 25 50 60 20 20 25 rir Te.1. 1i,iM'4 Men's Slippers Boy's Solid Leather Boots Boy's Long Boots 2 to 6 Boy's Rnbbere Boy's Rubbers for Socks 6 lbs Good Japan Tea. 12 lbs. Tea Siftings 51be. Good Block Tea 20 the Granulated Sugar (Bost) 8 lbs. Pot Barley 201bs. Bird Seed Canned Peaches 2 for 4 Caine Corn, Peas, Tomatoes 8 Sardines 8 lbs. Starelt 4 Paolieges Oo'nebareh 2 Bottles Pickles 2 Wash Boards 2 Brooms 2 Pails 2 25e. Bare Soap rJt, dl Xi. See Our 50c. and 75c. Shoe Counters. 25 50 76 86 60 41 00 1 00 1 00 1 no 25 1 00 25 25 26 25 25 26 25 3 35 H. W. J E S S O i, E L .,lw T o B U T IIIAT VAIVII FERGUSON &HUNT'S. 15 Dress Patterns at $2.00, regular prices $15.00 to $7 00 10 2.50, c, 8.00 to 10.00 5 pcs plain & fancy all wool 88 in. wide, 200., reg'r price 85e. to 50c 10 " " 24 " 18c., " 35e. to 40e 10 't " 24 " 15e., t' 25c. to 30e 10 24 " 10c., 15e. to 20e Iten LADIES Do you want Value in Dress Goods? If so call on us for Bargains. We have put the knife into prices and haus cut Profits in many lines out of sight. NEW SPRING Shirtings, Cottonades, Table Linens, Bleached Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes, Table Napkins, Factory Cotton, Ginghams, Towelings, Table Covers, Slioetings. Early InspeeEiov Invited. FERGUSON & HALUDAY.