HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-10, Page 1Vol. 20. No. 81
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rear fere ie 2 cents in Winnipeg.
A bioptic (eatery is helped of at Berlin.
The eaglet T'Ieurtph baa come out no
as independent daily.
The',Mam t of Dover Township have
killed over 5,000 sparrows tbta Winter.
It le estimated that upwards of eight
feat of avow fell at Owen Sound from
Nov. Oth to Feb. int,
Port hope town hall was burned Fri.
day morning of last week, Loss, $25,-
000 ; insurance, $10,000.
Tile safe in the Police (iourt at Wood.
stook wee blown open by burglars one
night last week and the tout Contents,
$80, adrlan.
A Iship ment of 15,000 lbs. of turkeys
made front Gumpu to Halifax last
week. The wholesale primo was 100 to
120 per Ib,
Sarnia promisee to produce an interest•
ing. breach of prom ise mase shortly, in
whch a town merchant will be deeply
John Dermot', late proprietor of the
Parkhill Review, has been appointed to
a position in the Ontario Agricultural
Department et Toronto.
The coroner' jury at Chnthem have
brought in a verdict of wilful murder
agtaius� fuer of the Frau,nane for the
killing of Constable Rankin.
MRS Elizabeth Martin, of Arthur, was
last week buried beneath a verandah that
gave way under the weight of anew upon
it. The young lady's injuries wore of a
moat serious nature.
The other day while an employe of the
Waterloo Shoddy Mille was picking over
some raga, he oamo across an old pair of
pants, sewed up in which was a sum of
money amounting to about $135.
Mies Josie Robinson, of Amherstburg,
has received word that by the death of
her aunt in Sontland she received $1,700,
and in e little while this will be aug•
mooted by a further bequest of $10,000.
The corner stone of the Canadian Pack-
ing Company's large factory near Loo -
don was laid by Hon. John Curling on
Wadueeday in the presence of about 500
people, The company expeat to begin
operations in April, and will handle about
600 hogs a day.
Hie Lordship, the Bishop of Huron,
and Mrs. Baldwin left London on Friday
last on a trip through Egypt. They took
passage from New York direct for Gib -
ratter. There .they will commence an
easy journey around the Mediterranean.
They will be absent five months.
Charles Patterson, the Woodstock
youth who was arrested at Niagara Falls
charged with stealing $100 from Hyaci•
nhhe Latremouille, the IIamilton boy,
who stole some $700 from the Express
Company, has been allowed bo go home
under suspended sentence.
Lamb week the 10 -year-old son of Dun -
nen Hendershot, Fingal, jumped on a
load of wood passing through the village
to take a ride. In getting off be slipped
and foil under the weigh and his lcuee
was so badly crushed weigh
it is feared
amputation will be usuesssey.
The appointment of Major Robert
Larmour as Genera' Manager of L. et
P. i. 11. ]L, has been oouflrmed, and be
will enter ort hie now duties at once.
Mr. Larmour is en old and experienced
railway man, and the syndtcnte have
been fortunate in securing bis services.
A apeaial meeting of the Durham town
conic:; was hold „n Monday to receive
the resiguation of Captain Moodie, who
has been tower dark since 1877. After
releasing hint from duty the oduuoil ex.
pressed its appreciation of hie past
services and voted him a present of
Mrs.Ivison, of Leamington, will ap-
pear 10 the police court there to answer
to a charge of assaulting, Bev. Mr, Crich-
ton. Some time ago her daughter was
dismissed as janitress of the church, and
Thursday of last week, it is said, Mee,
Ivieon pummelled the minister in ap•
proved style with a broom_stiak.
The Diameter of Militia has decided
upon the 0orpe of noti+e militia which
will assemble for training in campb'of iu-
struotion riuring the coming drill season.
The dates of training will be notified
hereafter. The following are the corps
deeiguateti Military District No. 1, at
Loudon--.Firsb Hissers, London Field
Battery, 251h, 26th, 28th, Seth and 33rd
The identity of the eau who broke
into A. 8. Ball's residence, Woodetook,
last fall, and attempted to murder him,
has at last be•.n establisllud. It will be
remembered the burglar gave his name
to the pollee as Jaen Kelly, of Montreal.
This turns out to be inoorreot, • Hie
name is Telly, and his parents live at 74
Riley St,, Buffalo. Tally le now serving
a fifteen years' term.
The Watford Guide.Advooatee says :-
"What never 000urred in this n ighbor,
hood before took pleoe in the death and
burial of ,•lr. and Mrs. John Gardiner, of
Metcalfe township. Mrs. Gardiner died
on Saturday night, and her husband
about 24 hours after. Congestion of the
longe was the fell malady that carried ofi
Mrs. Gardiner, while old age and grief
struck down her life'; perbner. The two
19008 buries: on the Tuesday following.
The ferry Omar D. Conger 49,10 oanyhb
in a heavy fee floe at Starnia on her last
trip Friday eight and up to late Satnn
day evening kited been uu,ble to brook
her way out. The passengers aboard of
her eh the time had to walls ashore.
Walking. eaten the ice lass consequently
aged bee, resumed. St. Clair river is
solid ice up as far las the mouth of Bleak
River, while from there to Lake Huron
is ul: a tenter, The lake, however, is
feoeei 801113,
On Wednesday evening there ocotarred
iu 1.10 woods of Wm. Major, eon. 5, Pick•
ing township, nett Whitavale, 005 of the
moat sbooltiug atcidouts ever recorded
Mooed there for years, Chas. Maley,
along with others, was sawing down a
teen, and when the true bagful to loan ho
ran awey in the opposite direction.
Reverse, a weak part a gltont distance
up the trunk gave way and fell in the
dircobion the unfottunate man was
rut ting. The blow broke the trau's
tort, out bib bowols and bared his bead to
hie eknll. The damaged had been ont
front liugiend only about two years and
bee lived in that neighborhood once last
Vett, IIe loan a wife and child,
it Tiff P'1911£4)U(4g 7 f1Y.li►A.
To the 17ditor of Tum Pose.
Dean Sue -Wyatt' you allow mo space
in your paper to give your readers a little
information of my travels, end of the
valley where I am staying. The distance
from Listowel to Smith's Valley is about
000 miles, I left Listowel on the 7th
of January, and arrived in Chicago on
the 8th. T spent 3 days there tatting in
soma of the many sights of that great
city. I visited some of the principal
butldings-the Masonic Temple and the
Chamber of Commerce The Masonic
Temple ie the highest building in the
world, 22 sto oyn hit'h, and there '-e
many other tine buildaugs. The World's
Fair buildings are very fine ; don't mise
the Fair for you may never see the line
again. The stook yards are very lino ;
they cover 1,000 sores of land. A person
cannot imagine what they are like until
they see them. We left Chicago on the
llth of January, at 12;15 a. m., and ar-
rived at Omaha et 0 p m. Omaha is a
doe city, being cue of the most progres-
sive cities in the West, and has doubted
its population during the met five years.
On leaving Omaha we take the Union
Pawtli° railroad for Ogden, we efmOS the
Rooky Mountains at the high et point
that hoe ever been reached by railroad, it
i,. 8,800 feet above the level of the sea.
We travel for two days and two nights
and eau see nothing but rooks and sago
brush, we reached Careen City an the
15th of Jannury. We then take the stage
from Carson Uity to Smith's Valley, a
distance of 57 miles, and roach Smith's
Valley at 10 o'olook at night. The roads,
which go in all directions in thiscountry,
were very bad tbrough the valleys. I
will now give you some little information
about the valley I am living in. It is 25
miles long and 10 miles wide ; there are
only about 6,000 scree under onlbivation,
the rest being covered with sage brush
and grass. The sage brush grows about
three feet high in bandies and no beast
will eat it. They have to irrigate the
land here. They can only get water in
some parts of the valley. The land is
very productive, they grow fine crops of
bay ; they sow a kind of grass called the
Alfalfa, and otbn out three crops of this
bay in a year ; they grow 5 tons per
sere. It is vary fine feed for horses and
cattle. ft is fed to pigs and fowl of all
kinds, and they feed nothing else to their
ho ens, which are kept fat and work all
the time. No grain is fed, Cattle fee,
ten faster on this hay than they do in
Canada on chop, turnips, and hay.
Some ranches fatten as many as 100
head in the Winter. The stock is not
kept in stables, but is allowed to run in
the kraal all Winter. There is no snow
in the valley, it is like Spring, bat you
eau see snow on the mountains all Sum-
mer. This oo entry is beat adapted for
dairying and stook raining. There is a
creamery in the valley, where they make
butter and skimmed milk cheese. Ole
margin is put in the Omen instead of
butter fat. It is nothing like the cheese
made in Ontario. Cheese is sold for too,
per pound and butter for Sdo. Some
mallet keep as many as 100 cows, and
milk their ocws from 10 to 11 mouths in
the your. This is a fine climate for
making cheese, cool at nights and no
snow, butter and cheese bein.c; made a'1
Winter. Servant girls get 520 per month
and have no milking to do, as the men do
all the milking and the Mabalies do the
washing. Sebool teachers get $75 poi
month. There are some fine springs
hers ; I visited the sulphur and hot water
springs. The water is 180 degrees hot
where it comes out of the mountain.
The stream is used for rnnuing a water
wheel for crushing rook. There is a
silver mine near the springs but mining
ie not carried on very extensively just
now. About 25 families live in the vel•
ley and they are a very sociable lot of
people, more so than they are in Canada.
Almost every nationality is represented.
I will draw to a close my few remarks
for this time. Thanking you for your
space in your paper, I remain,
Yours trnly,
Smith's Valley, Nevada, Jen. 22,'93,
Brussels Council.
The annual monthly meetiog of Bras.
sels Council wee held in the Council
chamber on Monday evening. All the
Board present, the Reeve in the chair.
etinntes of last meeting read and
The following accounts were presence
Mts. Williams, to bal rent, 5 2 00
Mrs. Stewart, charity, 4 00
Mrs. Wallace, " 2 75
Mrs. Cooper, " 3 50
Mot. Slashill, ' 4 00
J. Droadfoot, on salary, 27 00
Mrs, Meadows " 0 20 00
Royal Ins. Co. re Howe mill, 52 50
Balli.ntyne S; Wilton, coal oil, Ro., 7 05
D. Stewart, tatting school caucus, 20 00
Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by
W. el. McCracken thab the above ao•
counts be paid. Carried,
Tax Collector Rosa salted for the re-
mission of the following fitments :-
Time, Moore, error on roll, $ 8 00
T. Rutledge, removed, 5 00
Chris. Seel, removed, 1 00
Moved by John Wylie, seconded by 11.
'Retie that the above spins be romitbed,
Appliaa:tion was made for the minuet
grant to the Band,
Moved by W. U leloCrasken, stoeided
by George Thomson that the sum of
075,00 bo granted, to bo paid quarterly,
on oondibion that a weekly out -door con-
tort be given during the Summer
months and that W. M. Sinclair, 11. L.
Tayier and J. '1. Dapper be the Bend
Committee for, 893. Carried.
A report is to be presented at next
Celinaf! tenting by Band Committee.
Moved by J. Wynn, emended by W. 11.
MoLut .l ten the . I . Dennis, J. G. Shone,
Alex, Mewed, with the Reeve and Clerk,
conetibnte rho Board 61 lioalth for this
year and float I)r, MoNauabtten be tho
Modied Iieel't 1 offloee et $10,00 per
anemia, Carrion,
Bylaw No. 2, 1803, ooinfirmine their
appointment was read three times end
8loveia by J. 4'tlynn, seconded by W.
11. McOraultan that the Assessor's salary,
including Wane, census lar eoltool par
poses, be 555.00 for 1803. Koveri to
amendment by Geo. abomton, seconded
by 11. Boss that the amount be 9113 00,
the tame as psid for 1.891 and 1892, re.
sportively. Amendment declared car-
Eby law No. 3, 1808, reed and passed.
A. lengthy uonemuuioubion was present.
ed by W. 81. Stnahtir making an offer to
sell out the electric light plant to the
town, The snb4eot was disouesecl at
some ieegbh and at. Smelter qu.:t aloned
as to the system but no action was taken
by the Board owing to present state of
The question of charity was briefly
talked over after which the Council ad-
a10\TU%'l' I7Y A111\tTlil�i. REPORT.
The following is the standing of the
pupil+ of Sensate Public School as de-
termined by the :henry Ex• tninabion.
The names of the pupils are arranged in
classes as follows : Ch,ss 1, those wbn
here obtained aver 65%; Class 2, those
between 55 and 65% • Oleo 8, those be.
tween 48 and 55%; Class 4, Moto be
twsen 33 and 45% ; Class 5, those below
33%. The names in the various classes
are arranged in order of merit.
noon 1.
FIFTn-Clash 1-W Armstrong, W.
Stewart, G, Irwin, Dora Smith,
Class 2 -Jas, Duncan, D. Stewart,
Class 3 -Dora Nott•
Samoa FouwTn-Claes 1 -Leon Jeok•
Clara 2-W. Leatherdale, May Shaw,
K. Conley, C. Hunter, F. Wilson.
Class 8• -Mand Cliff.
Juxrne Fennell' -Class 1-Aggie Rich.
ardson, Myrtle Nott and Frank Smith
(equal), Emma Webster, Elia Ainley,
Ohm. Kendall, Edith McLaughlin, Percy
Cliff, Frances Purdy, Annie Seel, Maggie
Bmker, Goo. Watt.
Class 2 -Georgie Howe, L Danford,
Liuzie McLennan, Robb. MoCreoken,
Reuben hinds, Ira Gerry, bizaie Leath.
erdab,, Clara McCracken, Fanny Rogers.
Class 3-Frecl. Gilpin, Alice Watt.
Clara 4-W. Watt, Aggie McAlpine,
Absent daring Examination -Tons
Smith, Reggie Fletoher, Willie Ainley,
Lida Crooks, Arthur Finn, Norman Hill,
Maggie MoNeil.
Absent during part of Examination-
Thursa Gerry, Elsie Jaekson.
J. H. Cauesiox, Principal.
noeu 2.
SENIOR Tttrnn Cates -Class 1 -Emma
Varooe, Carrie Megaton, Eddie Giewar,
Dalby Kendall, Ida Frain.
Class 2- Harry Cliff, Fred. Hunter,
Lorne Pringle, Fred. Heycroft, Lena
Class 8 -Thomas Ford, Lewin Reid,
Uerbert Dennis, Arthur MoBaughtoe.
Class 4 -Walter McKay.
Class 5 -Son 'DeniCsv, Lizzie Elliott,
Nettie Smith, Charlie Miller.
Jcxron Tnritn CLAss-011W 1 -Lizzie
Downing, Edna Dennis.
Class 2 -Mary Friendship, Jennie Ed.
wards, Annie Attwood.
Class 8 -Jennie Forsyth, Nellie Put -
land, Ida Slashill, Charlie Hoist.
Class 4- -George MoCulloch, Clara
Beam and Robert Cicadae, (equal), Ora.
lone Malloy, Jessie Grieve.
Class 5 -Thomas Kelly, Garfield Beek.
er, Alex. Ross, William McNaauhton,
George Miller, Mabel Finn, Ella Scott,
Geori;e Blashill, Henry Smibh.
Miss Swam, Teacher.
woo 3.
Jogroe 'Palen -Class 1-Tas. Richard-
Class 2 -Willie Murr, Ivan Crooke,
Walter Broadfuob, May Deadman, John
Clan 8 -Hilton Hnnter, Harry Down.
ing, Willie Agar (equal), Katie Smith,
Eddie Hembly, Willie Grieve, Hughie
McMartin, Thos. MuLamhlin, Thos.
Class 4 -Janie Belly, George elm
Lauchlin, Jae. Ward,
Class 5 --Thos. Crozier, Alfred Lowry,
Mabel 13ayorof1, Jas. Smith, Emma Le -
Absent -Bet. Edwards, Lyn& MOM -
Sm00ND Crass -.Glass 1 -Hattie Down-
Olen 2 -Fred. Finn, Christina alalloy,
Percy Watt, Leo Curry, Olive Walston.
Class 3-Lt'die MsOulloob, -.Sarah
Driver, Sidney Ward.
(Mess 4 -George McKay, Edwin Web-
Class 5 -Mary Foraybb, Jessie Mo -
Martin, Eva Smith, Walter Frain,
Willie Shine, Booths Bunter, Willie Mo
Itlltian, efery Bunter.
Absent -Arnold Jones, Ames Korn,
Susie Foraytb, .Ethel Kendall, Eddie
Mise DOweee, Toachee,
noon[ 4.
Sexton PART 2xn-Clese 1 -Alien Ken.
dall, Willie Gond.
Olass 2 -Charlie Billiex, Norman
Smith, Edith Wslkar, Lily liitnds, Annie
Olaes ii-Antrio McKay, Fannie Thom-
son, Milton MaGuirc, Charlie Train.
Clue 4-O1eveatnd Broke', Deride
Trembly, Charlie Richards, Leslie Kerr,
Class 5 -Carrie Edwards, Lily Snot,
Absent -ids 7,ililax,
JIINion P009 2an-eCiase 1 --Harold
Class 2 -dorsa Vahatone,
Crass 8 --
Class 4-$rine Saobb, Pony Richards,
Claes 8 -Florence Armstrong, Robbie
Barge's, Eddie Lowry, Megrim Seobt,
May Konnody, Stella 1Forsyth, Annie
Absent-Iteryl i:'ntland, Daviel Watt,
Peter Snaith.
Miss Cooi'kn, Reaelier.
POST U[Wie t S'1'.TI4TICS.
There are now 1,120 money order
offi'es fn the Dominion, of .a,ioh 576 are
in Outarlo, This is an increase of 40
over last year, A rernarkanle feature of
the money order sand+bias given, is the
overwltsalt ng proportion payable in
Canada from the United States, and vie°
versa. Thu cumber of orders issued iu
Canada for the United Status was 188,-
267, for 51,475,102.80, and the number
issued in the Unibee States payable in
Canada was 04,278 ttn0dntiug to 51,515,
212 95. This is out of a total from all
c0mlaries of 225,666 orders iseuod in Can-
ada for $2,615.002,12, end of 124,472
papa,. to ameele i ,. $J,077,ddh.Ou.
Phe number of lettere sent to the dead
letter office at Ottaw t, through leek of
proper address, or other nuns, is enor-
mous. No fever than 1,057,781 lettere,
oiroulars, puateorde, eta., were senb to the
dead letter °Mee daring the year, and of
these 26,011 were registered, and eon
Mined valuables. Over 100 000 letters
sent from Canada to the United Settee
were returned undelivered, while only 11,•
905 letters sent from Canada to Great
Britain were Bent back undelivered.
Letter, eo,rtai elog over $18,000 in east
went astray, and 49505 sent to the dead
letter office. Others for whom an owner
could not, in the first iostanoe, be found,
had ineloned in them much ar:iolee as
promissory notes, money orders for large
sums. °hooks, deeds,mortoage certificates,
apostolic benedictions, aprons, bird skins,
ladies' bonnet., jewelry of all kinds,
butterflies, cakes, candy, smoke balls,
oast, of teeth, coffin plates, corsets,
crucifix, dolls, false palate, garters, glass
eye, gold dust, horse chestnut, humming
bird's neat, maple sugar, nails, ointment,
perfume, pies, plum pudding, soap, tea
cups, window blinds, yeast -in fact al-
most every conceivable article.
Canadian Newv,:t•
11. King Dodds, editor of the Canadian
Sportsman, ie seriortsty ill.
,T. B. fiampidge, Aylmer, handled 543
000 worth of apples the past season,
The temperature at Sw'ft Current, N.
W. T., on Tuesday was 50 degrees below
Capt. Johnson, of the Leamington
Post, is attending the Military Sobool
at Louden.
The large sum of 5205,807 was wasted
by the Dumiuion Governmsnb in over -
Ming the Dominion Franchise Aat last
Rev. James Allen, 81. A., of the Cort.
ternary church, Hamilton, is considering
a mall from the Metropolitan church, To.
A. four-year-old son of Frank Camire,
of Tilbury, drank some creosote a few
days ago, and after four hour's' work his
life wee saved.
Miss .lassie Alexander, who three
weeks ago drank some turpentine in mis.
take for meter oil, is no b iter, and elm
suffers much mein.
James Drysdale, 13, was waiting on
Quinpool road, Halifax, Wednesday
nip',t, when he ran into a passing tribe
and was instantly killed.
There was a big blizzard in Winnipeg
on Tuesday, and the electric street cars
stopped running for seveml bones.
George Gilbert, of Welkerville, has
been arrested at the instance of the Wal.
kerville Brewing Company, charged with
forgery, GtlbOrt protests his innocence.
'Phe Newbury Tribune has gone under
the anew. The proprietor has moved the
plant to Windsor, wham he is going to
pont a tnonthly for the Knights of
1', L. Jones, of Brantford, was elected
President of the Central Farmers' In-
stitute of Ontario. D. A. McPherson, of
G'eagarry, is Vics•President, and A. H.
Pettet, Secretary.
It is stated that the French Govern.
mann will shortly send a commission to
Canada for the purpose of buying nickel
in the Ondbttry distriet The French
Admiralty, it fs sand, will adopt nickel
steel armor for her warships.
Geo. Nigh, of Springfield, sold a tree
in his bush recently which when out
down measured six feet aoross the stump
end and was 60 feet long, after laaving a
SIX boot stomp. The tops when cut into
twetty.inoh stove wood made about
twelve cords.
The Tilso nbnrg School Board has de.
oided to place ventilators in the chimney
of some of the school buiidinge, near the
floor, in the rooms needing ventilation,
this mode having formerly beau quite
successful practised in some of the rooms,
the result being nearly all that oould be
Upon the retirement of the Ontario
Bank from Amhersbburg, a new banking
firm will he tommcncod, to be known
as the Ouddy•Falle Co„ Bankers, The
Messrs. Falls Bros. will still carry on
their iueurance business theta, and bhe
new firm will continue the business in
tate stand at preeenb ocoupiod by Messrs.
The scarlet fever is spreading very fast
in Ayr, and lunch complaint is being
made about the Board of Beattie not
teeing any action in the matter. There
is considerable talk of notifying the
Provincial Betted of Health to tape
action. Pupils are allowed to attend
school while other members of the
family have the fever.
The Toronto Chief Constables' tunnel
repot has bete presented to the Mayor.
The total number of persoes apprehended
01sumeneted far all offerees, including
lrrete01155 of City bylaws, was 8,091, a the
armee of 808 from 1891. .Got felonies,
1,813 tweets; were made, an iuorSaso cf
93 as compered with 1801, Property to
the value of $653,28 wag reported stolen,
of which 5481,50 Wee reseeded,
The fisherman along Lake St. Clair,
the Detroit River and Lake Erie Have
deefdad 10 oegeniee and fight the fah
hatoherise and the fishing laws. When
it etas ntinounotd some time ago that
the Fishery Commission would come to
17otux end !rear the grievances of those
interested, it was Wrought by the latter
they would be allowed to state their
ease ; on tits contrary, however, so they
Charge, the o0mmiesion would hear only
those favorable to the laws al they ere.
Canada bonsbs a "jailonees,"
Andrew 011een has commenced 'nit in
the elloIiigarl Oirnuit Court against the
St. Clair Tumsol Company, oleimine
damages of 55,000, for iojuriee rsoaived
while at work for the Uumpauy,by, svhiol,
be has been permanently crippled.
The house occupied by James T,
Sturgeon, Bayfield, the property of Rev.
Mr. Ryan, took fire Sunday morning and
was burned to the ground; said to be
fully insured. Tee fire woe ceased by a
defective chimney. Mont of the home.
hold effects wet() lost. Logs on house,
5400, household offsets, 5302
One day lest week the youngest son of
C. 110th, of G,leash!, a lits tuij s:evu,,
years of age, shot a splendid specimen of
the Created Moaner, which on being
opened there was found in its etomaoh a
fish over nine inches in length. These
birds, Mr. Vieth says, and in snob
matters he is an authority, are very dee.
tractive to fish, in feet be believes it is
their only fond. They resemble in ap
pearanoe a duck, hence the mistaken
notion that wild ducks destroy many
One of the most cold blooded and de-
liberate murder's ever committed in the
County of Elein was enacted in the gniet
little village of Lawrence Station, on the
Ab' Line dhisiou of the G. T. R., about
twelve.eniles north-west of Sb. Thomas,
about three o'slook Wednesday afternoon.
The particular+ of the crime are ;-Ser•
era' men were employed that afternoon
at Widdifield's Pond cutting and storing
ins, when a dog, the property of Fred.
Glover, started chasing a turkey, the
property of George Young, A diepnte
arose over this trivial affair, when Young
drew a revolver and deliberately shot at
Glover four times, one bullet taking ef.
feat under the left arm a little above the
heart, He lingered for about fifteen
minutes and expired. The =udder was
promptly arrested and lodged safely be-
hind the bars in St. 'Phomas. The resi-
dents of tee village were thrown into a
great state of excitement when the fact
became known, and only for the prompt
arrival of Detective Robb. Stiller, of that
place, the murderer would undoubtedly
have been lynched. As it was he had a
close call for bis life, George E. Young,
the murderer, is a young man of nether
uncouth appearance, with sandy mous.
Mahe and wuiskers, and is aged about 25
years, His father, .lames Young, is also
a resident of Lawrence. The victim,
Fred. Glover, is a young man 21 years of
age, son of James Glover, of Port Stan-
ley. lIs has been employed in and
around then village for some time and
was highly respeoted.
People We Know.
11. Graham is shill confined to his
isles. Leslie O'Connor is in town this
Miss Dolly Shaw is visiting at Lis-
Mrs. J. L. Herr was on the sick list
thin week.
George Broker is visiting at Greenville,
Mise Teenie Sample is visiting in
W i ngban.
Miss Blakeman is enjoying a holiday
visit at Elmira.
Harry Dennis made a brief visit to
Chatham this week.
Robert Dickson and wife are visiting
relatives in Goderiob.
Mrs. Jas. Cooper has just recovered
from an attack of quinsy.
Inspector Robb was in town this
week visiting Brussels school.
Fred, Tait, of Kinoardine, is visiting
with old friends in Brawls.
Mies E. E. Kerr was visiting Mrs. A.
Bruce, at Bluevale, this week.
George Howe and Thee Smith were in
Galt this week on a besinose trip.
Mies Lily Gordon, of T,uoknow, is
visiting her sister, Mrs T. Fletcher.
J. R. Smith goes to Toronto next week
to attend the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U.
T. Fletcher has been on the siok list
thio week but ie about all right again
A. M. McKay was on the list of
reserves fora few days, suffering with it
bad cold.
Alex. McNeil had one of hie feet frost
bitten and has been compelled to take a
J. 11. Grant, of Winnipeg, is making a
holiday visit with relatives and old
friends in Bennie.
W. J. McOraslten was visiting for a
week or so at Walkerton, Banda and
other Northern planes,
3. Liaemet, relieving operator, was ab
Brussels station for a week, Geo. ilogertb
being away on a Visit.
Mrs, W. Nightingale and obildren and
Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaughton left on Friday
for visit to Toronto.
Stewarb Orerar, of Langdon, North
Dakota, is renewing old acquaintano°s
in end around Brnescie.
D. Stewnrb and Miss Stewart, of North
Eastbope, aro visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels and locality.
Wi11, Stewart, of Durham. is having a
bad tiled with a diseased bone in Ono of
his togs. The doctors ware to operate on
it bhis week.
D. M. Ferguson end wife, of Stratford,
and W. Walks.' and wife ofNow hamburg,
were in towtt last Snuday attending the
funeral of their nice,. Mary Williams.
mast Monday morntgJamoe Herr end
wife left Brussels for St. Louis, 5tiesonri,
where they purpose ineking their home
fur the present. Tuts POST joins with
their many frisnde here in wishing thorn
We reereb to boar that Philip Seel
talks of removing from Brussels. Rlfohf-
llsn is said to be the magnetic spot for
him. We wonder when this ono by, one
annexation will cease, Canada is a
heavy loser every year by it.
Alex. Meltmy, Mill e'reet, had his left
lets injured le,; w rash Ea, tau are while
chopping in the bush. The wound was
0al.sed by the oxo in the halide of a cam.
pitmen flying off the handle. The n,jtlry
Might tiara easily been worse than it
W. H. KERR, Prop,
Additional '.ural News.
W. A, el. A, -fu un•tut-ctiou with the
Woman's Aueiliare eiiestonery Aeeoeia•
Con St. John's church, lirnssels, the
following officers were elected for the
present year ;-I'residect, firs. Reilly;
Vied President, Iiire, J. 112, O'Connor;
iteoordiug Secretary, Miss Thompeoa;
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Harry
James ; Treasurer, Airs.Wm. Blashill ;
Mrs. Thos. ltemetull and Mrs. Johnston
were appointed members of the Board of
CO. ()SANDE LOWS :-The annual
meeting of the Loyal Orange Connty
Lo 1t,e of North 47'i,o0 , a.a L,;1,r, i!: the
village of Gerrie on Feb. 7th, 1803.
There was a good attendance considering
the weather and state of roads. The
following ofl'toers were elerted :-
W. Uu, elaste,, Bro. John Mooney;
Co. Deputy Master, Bro. .Ino. Dana;
Co. Chaplain, Bro. John Wilford ;
Financial Sea., Bro. J. 8. Stewart ;
Recording Sec., Bro. W. J Perkins;
Treasurer, Bro. William Magill ;
Director of C., 130 Geo. Walker ;
Co. L. aturere, virus. lSLuoaauuua and
The next anneal meeting will be held in
Wingham, The re ming 12th of July will
be celebrated by the County of North
Huron in the village of Blyth when a
large crowd is looked for.
hizevtrt.a (Menetr. - The annual meet-
ing of Melville church was held last
Monday sfternoon, Rev. Johu Ross in the
chair. The following items are taken
f,om the printed report ;-Memhsre add-
ed during 1892, 24 ; membership at the
end of year, 248, The receipts for ordin-
ary purposes amounted to $2011.35.
which met all eogegemente, reduced the
debt on the manse $300, and left a
balance or 566.80. For missionary and
benevolent ebjeots 5474.47 were raised,
making the total for all purposes 92485.-
80. The officers for 1893 are the follow-
ing :-Board .1f management, Elder
Stewart, (Queen St.) Walter Innes, .lno.
Robb, er„ A. M. McKay, Wm. Knoohtel,
Jno, B. MOLauohlin, Thos. Davidson,
Jas. Dunoan, Wm. Taylor ' Secretary,
Daniel Stewart ; Treasurer, J. G. Skene ;
Mi-siouary Association, Elder Stewart,
Queen St.), Elder MOLauchlin, Mrs.
arnhill, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Tufts ; Audi-
tors, Walter Incas and D. Stew let -Tan
new member., were received into ohnrch
fellowship last Sabbath.
Warren RATS. The Wingham Advance
says ;-Sear'y a couple of a'eelte ag•' two
boys went to the back of J. T. Cook's
residence and knocked at the door. Mn.s
Cook answered the knock, and one of the
boys a -ked for Mr. Cools, who tv at in-
formed that he was not at home, being in
Toronto• the boy, in answer to enquiry,
said tvlr. Cook was wanted by a genie -
man down town. Mrs. Cook cloyed the
door and expected the boys hal left, but
instead of doing so immediately they
went into a back apartment and took
with them a large cage containing a num-
ber of white rats, One boy afterwards
informed add Bullard that the other
heel threatened to "kick" him if he did
not help carry the mage. The youths
proceeded to the rear of D. Sutherland's
residence, where they deposited the cage
and put the rats into their pockets. Mrs.
Cook, as soon 55 si,e found ant her los,
informed the Chief of the theft and of
the strange milt of the boys, and he
started to work on the case. The rat-
steaters had been to J. MaKelvie's in
attach of a box to put their booty in, and
through othere being in the restaurant ab
the time the fact of them having these
strange little pats in theirposseseion soon
leaked out, and through this the Chid
found ont wbo the boys were. PIs then
proceeded to the school and oalled one of
the boys out, who at first wan quits
ignorant of the affair, but the evidence
was too much for him and he bold all
about it. The rats and cage w, re re-
covered and restored to their owner.
Mr. Uook being from home, no action
was taken in the matter. This petty
thieving is too oomrnon an oa0urrenoe,
and if the elder of these two boys is
naught again in such work he may look
for three years at Penebangnisbene.
I1 nnomron.-Ou Tuesday, January
17th, Rev. D. L. MoOrae, Ph, D„ eldest
son of John McCrae, a well known resi-
dent of this locality, wee inducted into
the pastorate of th, Presbyberian °Introit
at Collingwood Rev. J. A. Rase, of
Churchill, preached the sermon, Rev.
A. McDonald, of Dcutroon, addri.oed
the new pastor and Rev. A. MoGil,vray,
of Toronto, spoke to the congregation.
Among other things be said :-The pros.
anti occasion is one of greet importance
to the congregation, the pastor, end in
fact to every one. Memory recalls the
time when my friend laud I were ordain-
ed, I eineorety trust that the relation
so happily formed today will be one of
riot blessing to you and to him who
has been called to the charge of this oon-
gregation, 1 d y .nn,:a.
nlabiaas. I congratuheartilylatead700
fug the men of 75th choice planed over.
sun. T congratulate the 1'resby.[try. of
Barrie on the addition of meth a member,
and I may oongrabnlebe the town on re-
ceiving my old friend as a oitizen. Oa
every hand with the providence of God
we find room for nothing but oongratul-
Won, It was my fortune to be intim-
ately acquainted with Mr, Mahrae. I
think that I can modestly say that he is
a gentleman and of whom provientle
has made a Christian gasbletnee, a men
who will know no atebinution, a guide
and a pastor. Von will esteem him
highly foe hie work's sake. I have many
pleasant reoalIeobions of the monitors
of this congregation, many aro
my sohoolmabos, May the relationship
established to -day be fruitful to the town
and vicinity. A welcome meeting was
held in the evening. Altar tea address.
os were delivered by a number of minis.
ter's extending the right hand of fellow-
ship to Mr. iltoCrae. On behalf of the
officers and members of the S. School,
li'y. Fnrema" presented the now I •weer
with an addrsys of welcome.
Cram replied expressing his warm in.
tercet in S. S. work. IIe also thanked
the Berrie Presbytery, the minister; of
the town and the 00rrgregatfon for the
warm weldote accorded him,