The Brussels Post, 1893-2-3, Page 10Huron Sun lchooi Workers. [comm. uitn.; E, W. E;nghes, nn.. introduced and thole charge of the C.:,.,'utiou. The 1; r•. ; t tion Committee peeneeteil the followiug report : Resolved that we, the olllrere and members of this County of llur n Sun• clay School Association, together with the Sunday school wurkers of this County, Reseeded in co.tt eniion is Biyth, extend our hest wishes to A. H. i.Janoleg, of Clinton, who, on eouou'tt of ill -health cannot be wit'h us, tied we fully recognize his sertioes in the past, and hope that he may soon be able to enter heartily to this work again to which in the past he hes so willingly lent •i' valuable aid. We your Canhin;ttee on i:esolutions recommend that: she petition for a pleL'i- seite for total prehibiuioa, reoomineuded by the Dominion Alliance, be endorsed by this Convention. The resolutions were unanimously carried. A. telegram was received from Mr. Manning, Clinton, an ex•Preeident of the Association, ooneeying greetin:'s to the Convention and wishing continued pros- perity in ite work. The Secretary sent him the following message ;--"The Con- vention appreciate.. yonrkindly greeting and hopes soon to learn of your recovery to active work in the County S. School Association.,' Topic, "The t :ocher's interest in the soholar in and out of'eabaol," tetrad toed by Israel Taylor, Clinton. The teaoher, to be thorougbly interested in the Bohol ars, must be couveroed, and realize that he is to a great ex. tint responsible for the salvation of cacti pupil. He mart know each member of toe class Scarcely u,tv two require tau sans treatment. IIt: should exhibit eo.,ngb interest ie the class to study the lesson sl'ornglrly. Study the hone reeding for etioh day, make work of the .i udy of the 1 sson. The interested tem:tier will search for Scriptural food it, every lesson and then. prose the troth h,‘Ine to bis heart. Be personal, it may be the last appo molly. he teaoher in eeferord absence should provide a proper :'abet itute. He khews who is hest adapter; to maul] in '•ie ab• senoe. The interested teaoher wil• keep a sharp look out .for absent sobolars. The Master left the ninety and aloe turd went after the erriee one until he found it. The interested teacher will realize the necessity of p; fryer. There is great power in prayer. We cannot give what we have not rec. ived. He will also realize his respoueihiiity, No one Dan do our work a. we' tie ourselves, Roma may be teat becaua:r ,ve have fah -.d co do nu' duty. The telt 'Ser should take an interest in the sol edea because Christ does. Invite him 'o your home. Speak to them on the street, and be careful the daily life is suoh t 1',0 the 001.01 ar trill to helped in Cbrislia. life. I -Ie Omelet realize the privileg, of being a co-worker with Christ and for inue merriment look forward to the ;liar. "'s "Weil clone" and the thought of vette all the scholars safely brought into the fold of Christ. Mr. Grey pres-:tted the report of the Statistical Committee and moved a vote of thanks to the Secretary, Mr. Foster, for the excellent 't0 'solos which ire had collected, also that the ps peen bet ebnrued to him for compierr.,n in consequence of not being able to ge. all the figures in time. A number of questions were presented to Mr. Day which wore answered by him in a clear and effective manner. T010 00,0,40 AIEETINO. At 3 o'olook the ohildten filled the church. After singing, W.111. Gray was galled upon to address the children. He commenced by to'lcing of the different ]uncle of money t^:king es a text "•1. Bag with Holes." Some of the things that make holes in the bag :—Inattention, eelfishneee, bad °endues it. the hone anti eobool. Mr. Gray ie a favorite with the little folks. After singing, Mr, Day, Provinoi,il Secretary, was in''o;lueed to the ohild ren. His topic ...to 'villa timid of a Guide." Wo may look to mon sued books for guides but the Bible is the °illy tree one to guide is through all the diffoult pathways of life. The Bible is the Christians wallet to triply to ie all times of need, Mr. Day's illustrations were much enjoyed by the ohildten. wEDNE8DAY EVENINt, The session was opened with service of SUPPLEIMFNT TO THE BRUSSELS POST. Fm. 3, 1n,8 snug and Drayer. After an anthem by Sue ohoir the first topio of the evening, "Generr..! knowledge of the Bible eesen• tial to eiiielent Sunday wheel teaching," ayes takuu up by 11. v. J. W. Shilton, Clinton, The Bible is a bo It of several books, the direct revelation of God to mita. The teaoher should know the lines on which the soverni booke of the Bible wore written. Ho cannot encoees- fnlly nnfold truth earthen; tide is attained. The Bible fs a commentary in itself, one part helping to unfold the other. The teachers as they Dome t • study the truth should know something or its Author and become filled with Ilie spirit and twee they will be able to so to their class Its living wltmeseee of the Truth bring; Letter able 4o help in building np the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Mr. Shilton mode a tntmhee of gond points in his address which were listened to with much interest by the Convention. The next subject, "The ntatu(s of the Snndsy school in relation to the ntbrr spheres of Clu•istiae oniters," by Mr. Day. Chri.t called a little child and set him in the midst of the world and the church thus giving the 'child a prominent pi • le in society. We must consider more fully the tavenues in which to reach the child's heart, avenues placed there by God himself. We m est to have more oonlidenoe in the word of God, believing fully that the Truth will do its pert if the teaoher done his. The Bib,e is the world', cradle sung to win back the wanderer to tlbriet There is no neves -lily for Itoetdity of the Sine -ley soherd noeueotion with spheres of Christian eve. :Ai ii'rldui,6 eis°i vn4t v ri,tltob fulness. All should be menially help'nl to each other, no one is sufficient with nut the other, eine . bj'•oliou 'wised is nett the -hurley so- Dol 14 00 place for ubit.zee Though cbi'clren shoo) . not hostel -la the whole part of she S. S. yet they are by far the most important pert of i!being more impressible for good or ForImpure, Weak and Impoverished evil, There is in the child the pnesibili• Blood, Dyspet silt, Si,eplesenese, Pallor se ties of the futnre,hf nee their import o Doe, tion of the Hemet, Li. er 0 .mpteft t, Neer - but adults should be feie'nl it. St' .dry algia, Loss of Memory, Bret chins, Con - echoed as well, if 'he study of the 'Lentil emotion, Gall San,ee, Jaundice. Kidney nu; Urinary Defenses, Rt. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregui.arities ..ud Generic! De bilitv, 1ASOaytATI:1Y tOCERlCttg OMT J. M. iIoLEUD, Prop. and Maltufacturer: Sold by J, T. PEPPER, Druggist, D'useels. r4i stIVOrSe f. effe IL, THECOOK'S EST FRIEND t r•rnGt-a7 SALE: IN CANADA. EV TO LOA N. Any Alnouut of Money to Loan on Parol or Village Pro- perty at 6 cM 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Cogrt Clerk, 1? missals. McLEOD'S --Asn orn):n TESTED REMEDIES $PECif IC AND ANTIDOTE is good rev children It i., geed fo' the parents. If the p5.reet' go to school there will not be emelt danger of the boys nl.d girls leaving iehool. To eu- oonrage n.ttelrelance at the oharoh by the children the minister should have some thoughts in every sermon for the child- ren and they will feel that part of the serviee at least is for them. The Sunday school re of divine origin, we oil, i10t over• estimate its importance. The teaoher eh, ntd fuel that God himself hos call. cl hint fox his work Dud loops for .0111 ful, caviare serviee and he will do the rest. If the home end sabots] were doing their duty ae they should none of the chililren would grow up to the ego or twenty with- out personally knowing Christ. Let us keep in view the kfostor's "Well done" and "Inasmuch ae ye have done ib to one of the least of thee ye did it to Me." The address was full of illuetratious bristling with goof points which were enthusiastically received by the Gott van• tion. Votes of thanks were tendered to the different speakers and choir and to the friends in Blyth for their hospitality, lifter which the Convention closed. Bly lath Saretl—Niue 'times n. Dyspeptic and Sufferer of Liver !'nieplelut— Thrne. 4101ties of ttoyat Crown Remedy Effected 11 Complete f'lll'o— Ne111'Twelve Yelil'$ 111111 1,0 S.Pmp- topl of Return or JDisense—tten A for Yourself. LONDON, Auo. 80'r1I, 1880. 2'o Mr. 11'tlifanis : It is not only e, pleasure het a duly I owe .o you and the suffering world that I add my testimony with the many you have already reaeised. Royal Crown lietmeuy eannob be too highly praised ; it ]has saved my life. For nine yearn I suffered extremely with .Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint and son d not retain anything at all on my stomach without excessive vomiting. Ery•ipelas set in, which eottined me to my bed. Docket could do me no good. I also tried ninny other pians with no suouess. I was in• ducedby hir. I. Williams to try his medi. nine, which I did after much persuading. Three's bottles completely oared me, and for 12 years I have had no symptoms. Your medicine is worthy of praise. I advise all .offering humanity to try it, for it is the host. M, W. JAonae, 2111 Wellington St. '�w^vi rl t �r fa 6 11J. When purchasing Titkete that they read FIA TUE GRANS TRUE.K Rly1 Popular Route —TO— MANITOBA, BRITISH COL- UMBIA, CALIFORNIA, DAKOTA, AND ALL POINTS EAST and W EST. For Maps, Time Tables and Lowest Fares, apply to J. N. KIINDALL, Agent, Brussels. NERVENERVE NSRVlg BEANS are a w discovery teat Dore the worst 00550 of Nervous Do - B E A NR bility,f,0st Vigor mud Fall - lug manhood ; restores the weakness of body or mind . ne '''''a""""" or tboerrors of excesses of youth. Tbl5 Item. uy absolutely Duras the most obstinate oases wben all other untesm- Met rs buys failed even to relieve, Sold by druggists at B1 per nsetlIge, or six for SS, or cant uy maul m' r'0uint of erioe by addross- tngT1ttD703L10508110 LOIS0 Co., Toronto, Ont. Write for punrptlet, Solid in Brussels by G. A. DluiDIOAN. - ;�� �C11811Pi1ll( I have opened out a primo stock of new Confeotiouery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Vainsto a.c Bloch. OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. Hoot Tea amid Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. Before Bnying your Holiday Confeotion• cry and Fruits call on me. JAS. Ic A LPIN E. 13( 17' O .€56d'i'b Let the wild winds roar And the Prost King snore, But buy your holiday Goods At J. G. Skittle's store. At Skene's Popular Store Good goods you will get, And ELS to the pries They are low you Dan bet. New snioes, new peals, New fruits at Skene's, For he has the goods Yon will see. A FEW LINES :- 8 cans Tomatnes, 25c.; 8 cans Corn 25o.; 8 010118 Peas, 25o, ; 3 boxes Mince Moat, 260, ; 2 large cans Sardines, 26o. All goods Firet•olaes. Call and see we. J. G. SKENE. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES F 3) Tornntn, Travailing Pawnee,. Ainnt, 0 P 0. aayn .1ncl•I)andnurla almrtortrs,novar or0nn• drub -410 mains Is marvellous—in my own Cam a row npullratinh,s out only 'tslcmr.onudliPlyttrua4nlu,srvodd 0mrsrvu dandruff rv:eunnh.nonbut, ramped n g9NTp?rp.whetlmviailcgmr,i6� Restores Fading hair toils original color. Stops falling of halo Reaps theft* clean, Stakes hair soft and Pliable Promotes Growth. SOLD nr G. A. DEADMAN, l3aussELS.