HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-3, Page 5'8111'; tn:n. 541 3. 6.3s!, d, FES, 3, 1893 mulFzusi„ �. a usta 3 3 33 3 _ - ,._ _ rrnRXCT t- J to do with his denesae or not, we y �/,/ LH' ' nt Heart otlln'e Lew ) i.t I tutnhl 1. t r failure have t II IIU3 1111413, t il•L to 013 the thief f a1 �. 18 N,1 widow, two sons anti three daughter)) mourn the unlooltod for demise of hos• band and father, Loot Saturday Mr. °')emboli's nettle died let tfolo,wo•thand he (Wm. Campbell) purpuned nttrmdh11 tho funeral on Monday little t1i'iking that the grim me130110r. Was so soon 40 cell him nway. '1'118 funeral took plane o) Melte Kitty, Rev. la, B. AloRae, of whose congregation he was a member, taking charge of the eervioe. The inert. felt eymf)ashy of the entire 0nmmuuity is extended to airs, Campbell Itud feenily. TII P) BRUSSELS POST 1i3e1tl rate.... lhtt PuJn•+in r,.turto u• brother of Rev. J. H. Dyke, Methodist mirrietor of. tine plane :--t'We row'"t very much to see in the Winnipeg papers that Rev. J. Dee-, "f Vt .' ,. 3480 mer with au auci dent. Ile anti a (deed wore oat driving when the horse became frightened and the cutter Was upset. Mr. Dyke mau- aired to get in the en8ter 4Lnd eerier) the lines, but in doing 00 lost Iris ulittenn and daring the dive back bio Iutnde be (lame badly frozen It is feared that he may loge souls of hie fingers, bet wo (arm ally hope that such a misfortune may b'• speed him." ( vauiterettelc. Tho 0enadra41 Order of Foresters are talking of holding a concert before long in Oranbrnok. Some talo of a number of the Royal Temple's of Temperance t1.king the Select Degree with Brusaele Council. A Mr. harlov gave 8 magic la'ttorn en. tertainmont in Dames' Hall the other evening. There was n fairly gond house anti the views exhibited gave etrtisfaction. Re was ncoomp"need by a blind mem named Allen who discoursed a number of autos in flee style. The prooeede an1aueted to 210 70. Leiteeto w (e 1. LIO6uwel P3e10 Co. have orders ahead for 27 mance, The Rev, Prank Sentry has accepted a una'im0111 call to amply the Congrega- timed &earth pulpit here. 'Robert Rotel returned home on Suter -- day from the Stratford hospital, much improved in health, and is regaining his strength. Tho High school board have appointer) Fred.7nilnston ae 004(3100 master, the former appointment made by the board not having been reviled out. Mee. Wm. Wilson was remover) On Maurine to the h08pital at Stratford. She hos been 0onfiuerl t" bed for iamb two months and was partially paralyzed. 1101(.04 -worth. G. Ynmrg and bride have been the guests of john Granger. The sale at Jamee Soott'e was well attended. IIe intends going to Manitoba in the spring. Arthnr Bonnett out hie foot very badly a few dove ago while chopping, which renders him unfit for work, '('hos, i11oSoe's new hone( is nearly completed 11 is a credit to the owner and alert the workmen who built it. Geo Robison wa• married on Jan. 18, to lel is A. Greenwood •'f Durham. They settled down on the old homeeteod. Mr, and llrs. McAllister and Colin Murray intend leaving oil the 701 Fob. for Wauhiugton 'Territory, the former going in Spokane Falls, the latter to Port laud. On Friday evening a party of mune penpl• from this vieinlby attended a party given at R. Smith's near Trott, bridge. They spent a very enjoyable evening. .Fafwrtet(3. The Sous of Saot'and concert Was a great eurc80s. Proro.a!o $65. S. Harding. formerly teacher in nm' echral, hits Den' hi)) ft'ieed» here a espy of She Port, Bowan Nnwe of which he 10 the editor. A well filled purse was presents') to John Fox and a'eaoher'e Bible 80 Chas. Zeren on the eve of their di:meltme to Iowa. They were both oleos leaders in the Methodist church here. Last Sunday alto. nem) Rev. J. Living stone, the popular el ebbed iet minls'or of Liot'-wsl, preached a special sermon to the Iode,eude"t Order of Fo•estero in *hie place. The service was held in the P rosby'etian church. The annual me. ting of the patrons of the Newry chases factory was held in Wytin's Hall. Newry, on Thursday of 14304 week. A large number of. gannet( were present which is a goodly Ellen that they are interested in the dairy. 'lobe following is a summary of the operations of the factory during the past season 3— Qnoiitity of milk received at factory was 1,770,092 -be. ; cheese manuR,mneed 106,- 771 lbs. ; averts' IN. of milk to ib. of cheeeo 10 66 ; the production of the factory amounted to $16,342,94 ; averaee comb of manufactu ins, including all ex. p' neem exuept hauling milk, $1,26 per OWt. ebeo•e. After considerable (listens Bien the system of paying for italic so. cordliig to the butter fat value as deter. mined by the Babcock test wee adopted for the present year, the majority of petrels bellaviug this to he the fairest may. John L've, Samson Bennett and Wm. Blair were appointed a managing committee; Jae. Duncan, Treas. ; John Morrison, Secretary, and 8. Bennett, Salesman, The past season has been the most soon 9Sfelt career of the e inthe feeling of Lamella eati0 and eeh fautury, 43 g h (notion was expressed by the patrons peeeeut. • tit i ill, Horse and cattle fair on Tuoeday, Feb. 7th. Rev. 1184. Irvine, of Hensel!, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mrs, John 13s11 is still lying in a very critical utulditiot with faint hope* of her reo0vsry. Revival meetings' have eon,nlenced fn the Methodist church and will c eith,00 all week. Join Motion, proprietor of tbo Central, is able to be around atter a 44bort but se. veto illr000, Several of our young fells attended the b811 at Sage's Ilotel, Walton, on Fri. .tiny 14'. ening last. (33aite et number of our (hin0e10 attend. ed tee w1tn008118 hi the °alder and Me - mite which wag hoard at the court ar Goduricl, on Saturday. 'Ph3 A6 home tinder the auopiceu of Trinity church Y. P. O. A., which was to have been held on the 2nd Feb., 11:30 been postponed for the present. Robert Evens, tinemitb, who recently returned from the States after a year clod a half, 11011 been engager) to run the tin shop 111 H. A. Soarlott's hardware store in 1o1V8. The long delayed trial of Calder, who was seat to Goderi011 eottnty giro) hem Grand Rapids, Mich., epee u)10rinedion Of.7ohn M0ltiaan, of 131yt11, lbargiug hire with ombezelenlent, came off on Sat. today lout before the county judge at, 3loderialr. The ))roleeutee was ou hand with 15 witnesses to prove hie oh4trge but upon tacking he 91111411 /IR firot WitIVAR for the promotable') 110 4.0 •ig11al)y failed to establish any ()rime against the prisoner that he t' so at 04190 dieehat'ged. Calder threat000 prooeodiuge etgeiuet A£r. Mo. 31414." for dannagee for the arrest mid proevoutfon, !ahtal. Air. (Ienderson has 1410 store open now and expecte to do tt large trade. Wilt, Routley and Fleury Wanner will visit DuleOtle next Spring ou a prospeot. lug tour. Mies Ada H. Townohend, of Bayfield, is v101ting her aunt, 111re. C. Beeneth, fhbL, week. Biro Keifer will have a 0alo of house• hold effeeto, ,feu. 011 There ley, 9th 118(4. Flet hun8o and lot will al.o be offered the sauna afternoon. A. Reymann will wield the anetialleer'e hammer. Mrs. Keffsrwill take up her residence with her daughter at Weston. Last we, It 7, A.. Yo nig and family re- moved to Mount Fureet where they will males their home. 'Tooley will be g•oatly I37Imae11 h re, es they took an active' inter eat ie cherub and Sunday school work. We witch them prosperity and happiness. leilutevair.. Cheese mlker M,Dollald is enjoying a holirla1 trip through Nevada. Successful revival services are being held in the Beeman church by Rev. J. W. Prong. The. I, 0. G. T. are 00941ring the ser. vices of Mrs. Owen flitohoox to help the temperance workers. A. 38okeen has reoeieed the end in• to ligena° that hie daughter, Mrs. Ed. L eeh, of Detroit, in dead. It is only a few mouth)) since her sister, Mrs, Wm. Leech, died. On Monday evening, Fob. 6th, a de. bate will take place in 1110 Foresters' hall on "Iteeolved, that 041 present oonne0 Mon with Or. -at Britain 1-' preferable to calibur) Dillon with the Den ie.l Stamm " The al3irmettive side hen a cllptaiu, Hap ported by Mes•rs. Leathern and Duff ; on the negative the captain 10 R. Black, supported by Messrs. MoOruoke11 and Timmins. VV 41.1 ton. A magic lantern show did this village one evening this week. Daniel Campbell and wife intend mak. ins Seaforth their future home. Several weddings are near at hand if Dame It mor is to be relied upon. There was a dancing party at Sage's hotel . 0 Friday 080/.1118 of last week. • Itegular quarterly in. sting will he held in the aletho1iet church next Sabbath. A. large number attended the horse fair which was held here tide week. It takes Walton to goal r a crowd. Somebody would like to know the aver- age age of the 0e en (teuplee who sante from church last Smithey evening ? We pr.slum) from two ve to fifteen years. The Lady True 13111es are havinu a grand entertainment in the Orange Hall on Friday evening. Feb. 10th. They are sparing no psi:r)0 to make it le 9000808. PI'oh,•ran, to 00mm01105 at 7:30 p. m. Daniel Meelarti11, of St. Thomas, North 1) dente, le ei.iting with the family of Daniel )fo11illan near thin vel tete Mr. McMartin i0 greatly pleased with th'tt pert of Thiele Sam's puttees. 9dons. Ce, t. 4.1. 7o110 Elven, 0r., bas returned from a trip 'u the Quee11 City. There %vitt be uwedding, to report shortly. D'us't say n word J9ok stn') wu coli mention it. Last So ter lay Wm. Campbell, boon• dare, died at a'; advance i age. Lie w buried on hlenday. Andrew Hislop its now comfortably settled In his new re01dtn1ee. We wish him and hie 01111310(41(0 of happiness in it. We are sorry to heat that E (ward Snell, nlero11,1nt at Jamestown, h La had to 11004111. 0. 13. Armsr0nuy, of Loudon, i8 now iu charge of the stook. 011 Wednesday of his week Adam Shuldioe, jr„ fm'Inoriy of this township, now making his home to Muuituba, and Miss Lizzie Muldoon, of 11011ett, were united fu marriage by Rev. JIr, Reilly, of Brn00el". Wm Ziegler mot with a 00rieu8 8901. dent a 011 .rt eine ago. While loading log a skid flew and 8trnolt him iu the face (tutting a bad gash in his lower lip and loosening a lumber of his teeth. A phyaieliee hod to •eW up the wooed. C. P. Bishop, teacher in the Norwood High pehool, and formerly of Grey, is at present at his (tome in Beachville, recut peratini after a two months .iege of typhoid. Mr BiHhop's many friends will be gl•'d to know that he is in a fair 13119 to convalescence. f Frnnoi- Dawolf has eta IHoed o hie e 50 1 anre faun, beim; pleat of lot 26, 0th eon., to lobe tlnllinunck, hie neighbor. for the an of $11,840. The paw"tta'r heti now 2 0 acres of lent teed will take p90000si011 of th) holt fifty ce March 1st. Mr De wolf will hate a sale 11efole removing to Brusselo, where he owe)) property. Duerr Sm,—A proposal in tante() of far a re dhat 41) .11014 of s,shonl 00otiott9 In Grey township so ail to a90ommodato pupils better than at present. The idea is to 1143410 si aliens formed on 0unc00• stone 09 as t0 Save tr'velling the able roads. Wo would lila to (1081 from the ratepayers on title important queer. Mon. Yours, arc., Icnmarevs0. The Beoio8y of Kings' Workers, of the 12411 eon. of Grey, held their auntial bnnin S8 sleeting on 'heredity 1,f'e1•I,00tl mf limb week at "Lower Grange," the 10sineueoof Joules Deitch, 11. The trim of this lioliety 10 to help the needy, W11 1011 they have done in many OMR 41011110 the 3:181 (0111' ,yoar0. '211 oh; motto 18 "In08rnn031 7Le yo hove dour) it unto ono of the Meet of 1111 lie my brethren, ye have done it unto lie." '.The following officers were elected for the con dug year : President, 2)(00 Mary Mitchell ; Vico- President, Mies Bella Af0Lauohlan Recording Seoretary, Mrs. Ctblder ; Uur• responding l3eor01ary, 'Mi80 A. B. Mo. L8uuirluh lroa8oro', Mee. Ilitchio ; A98)9t8n4 Treasurer, Alre. Glosolor• Sopn,,V D1,tr1I.-041 3Ioncley people were sorrowfully surpriood 0u hearing of the sildden death (t William Campbell, le well known resident of coo, 11, Grey town• e11ip, A Abort time ago he WIlO hooko,1 by a oow bob Whother this had anything W itrr_att aat. The merehant0 of the town intent) starting the early 1110011:g system. The stores will olo•e at 7 p, m. The normal int eting of the Winuhem branch of the Upper Cullada Bible S•'• oioty will be held in the Methodist 011410011 on Tuesday evening, Felt. 14th. R.Ilerdomau, Wm. Jones and Joe. G")ley, the Connoillors declared elected for No. 1 ward, loving been served with a notice by Goo, MelK.enzie asking them to resign or he wont(( take action to 410• seat them. There was some informality in regard to the election in that ward. Geo. Mol(enzis leas also resigned his seat as Councilor in Nn. 8 ward. At the annn8' meeting of the Winrham Preeb;; train.: chetah the following (dimers were elected for the ensuing term 3—Man. agent, 1). Sutherland j9ba1rmtar4 A W. Webster, ()memory), A. Ross, (treasurer), A. MuKagne, Thos. Henderson, D. Prin. gle, Vries Sherk, J. W. Liglis and T. Fl. Ross ; Prof, St'utt, leader ; Mi90es Mc. I1,tyre and MoQnarrie, organists ; John Gray, 08r0411Lker. Dr te, Stuart died in Evanston, III., on Tuesdrw of Inst week. From the in. formation received, it appears that in creasing the railway Pewit on Saturday afternnon, the ()Waage express struck the hind wheel of his carriage end the Dr. was pitched a dhotanoe of about twenty feet. When picked up ho was unoon. Wens, in which eo" diti n he remained until hie death on Tuesday. Dr. Stuart 3180 well known to the old residents of Wineham, he having been le former teacher to the public school hero. 17.(tr1•i01. M1•e Mary Mason is visibing friend( In Hullett this week. Inc..Bowman, jr., is visiting friends in Caledonia thin week. Mrs. Frank Bell has returned from her visit to Toronto. Miss Violet B•'ne 18 nom0 from Toren• to on a visit to her parent)). Wm. Brae wan laid no for two days last week with an attack n£ "urippe." The township Council will meet on Monday 10th for the transaction of bust. nese. Dame Rumor says that, a young lady on the Ord and a baohelor from Mani- toba retie going to go into Partnership. t'homae, the 12 year diel son of Alex Nichol, fi1h line who bio been ill for a179nt 10 months, is in a ve"y weak eon. dition, Rev. H' Irvine, of H0nsa14, preacher) a very interesting diseour,e in the Jackson ohurah last Sunday afternoon. He's a premien) preacher. Wm. Eukmier has dispoaod of his 100 acre farm, South half lot 22, con, 5, to Roby' Roost, of Ethel. for $2.84(0. Mr. Balmier paid $2,510 for this farm two ye re ago. He will have an auction sale befo 0 leaving t' a plaice, ft ppears to be very proh'rble that this t wnohip's olefin on the Oounty For a perce'ttnge toward aha 00-3 end main, tenanne of br'idees over 10 feet in length will be et ed by arbitration as the Co, Conseil appointer) Judge Toms ae their arbitrate,' Lam Thurerlay mooning Mee. Wm. Brown, 8rrl line, passed aveny at the edvaneed see '•1 about 85 years. She has bee failing rapidly for the past two months. The funeral will take moos on Saturday at 12 o'clock. Interment at Brussels Cemetery On Friday eeening of last week, a ,young lady took the t,ouhle to mount the pitch 11,1100 fame Walton north coven and it half m1180. There were the small number of 205 t asides a number white) were too small to count but will be full 11041,ed by this time. A hoe social wise Held at Andrew Miller's, filo risbank, on 'l'ue••dap even. i1g, Jan. Slat, procee'te to go to the U, P. 0hnroh building f'ald, Wroxetnr. The Rtnemv night prevented a great maty from attending, but thee( who were present enjoyed a great trent. The was in welcome given by 21". ted efts. Miller made every one feel that it was worth driving thrnngh the storm to be so well received, After the nontent0. of the bone were disposed of, Robert Miller Was 00,:Ied to the chair and the following program was placed in his hand and every one did their part in good style :— f'hairman'e address ; instrumental Innate by Miss Ylageie Miller; Bong, Allen l3nng ; inetr0n,eutal mush), Mieu Beulah 0; It J IL Gibson , W. toen • mei G g, 78 im �Gibaon em remdtmhion Mitts s0 (111en 1100g ; in041rnm008111, Mi40 Beulali and John .1. Gibson; gong, J. 13. Gibson ; instrumental mush), Miss Mary A'I1 ler ; (Inert, Miss Denial tied J. R. Gibson; aaliothsn,us, Janie Gibson. With the above thud 1111 hinds of games, 0very pleasant (venin'' w,1s *punt. About 11:00 o'clock all left, thanking Sir and Mrs, Miller for their ha,phtelity, and express ins a wish that they might often meet on Similar M cMin,6. Perth Counter. 111e police tenthoritie0 a,l London have received a postal card from J. A. Mo. Cattily, Chief of Police, Stratfod, asking information about ietro. Matilda Ar1hnrl n farmer's wife, who left her home in Downie on January28, and 11118 not been sineo beard of. She 14 about 40 or 48 yeitee of age, .height 5 ft, Gin„ alight build fair entente: don, light hair ; wore black fur jaokob or nloait, bonnet tvitll flower in front, dark diose and laded leather ewes, George Vielter9, the Mitoh011 em- bezeler, who WKS 1114oeted in Michigan in December, and who has been In jail since, wits Stetn7'drty sentenced to five years to Kingston Penitentiary. Vielt010' officiate 000010119,1 of forcing the 11.11100 of Revnrat prominent ferment in the neigh. bnrho0d of 117,18011011 to notes ag,eregatn)g Ilpwartle pf $3,0043, and which ward dhoh counted by J. W. Cull, hooker, of 1111101). ell, and othere, V 10110re is 60 years of age and i,14,vlw behind him for w time t1. wife and 9 children. On Fridge afternoon while Henry r3n n .oath itbi of the4th o n sElRion t 8 i o t.4 (aeto a wa4 engaged with sonoother When in (letting firewood, a very large tree fell unexpectedly, and Mr. Wittig wee berme to the 0170w by the branches, in (cite of Ma r 3, 3"8 r, renal) a plats' or sol. ty. Whvo 0, r••.tsengur was Rent for ' Dr, Bethke, hen, the injured man")) comport. inns worked hard at extrieeting him from hie/,0/11000 pneitinn under the tree, a to lc .t',i'si7 enuupderf Ibnut half uu hnnr of anxious effort. The dootor found the injnrioo to 0nn9iet of several broken ribo and two 0r three scalp wounds. It wee a close call, and lir. Wittig is looley to have malted with big life. Huron County. The Clinton New Era wilt erecta briok but ding, C futon is to have et letter box at the railway depot. South Huron °ranee County Lodge meets in Exeter next 'Tuesday. Rees Price) th Sett, of Go'L•rich, helm put a fine plate 0i1400 front in their store. The Rettenbury House, Clinton, had 40 nommeroial travellers one day la"t week. Clinton bnsineos men are diosatiofisd with the service of the inoaalleeeent light. 3f• Hutobison, of Goderich, is steadily renn•'nring from a slight stroke of oat•• 8'9010. I'o"r carloads of dried apples were shipped from Gunton to New York by T. M. Cartirg. At the anneal ,meeting of the share. holders of the Belm re Cheese On , the following director( were elected :—Peter Teriff, W. Lucas and G. G. Sangster. On Monday the bee when stopping in front of the British Ex'thangs, Gode rich, upset end the fairer passenners ineide had quite an unexpected scramble to get nut. Lieut. Combe will shortly be eazett011 Capt. of Clinton Volunteer On., 2nd Lieut, Ronne will step up to 1st lienten- ary, and Maloelm McTaggart will be 2nd Li. uteri/Let. The ninny friends at Westfield of Rev. F. 8wunn presented hint. with 75 bushels of nate, e quantity of apples and e. pen. 02009eopplV of good things requisite to honse'kee'ing John Honey, of Wroxeter, has returned from Manitoba with a good specimen of a moose head and Morns, hr is getting it nnre'I, which, when finished, will be a fine ornament, Mrs. Samuel Gilley, of Exeter, while removing a pot of boiling water born the Move, had the misfortune to s'ip, oner- ina'he water to splash in her face and badly scalding it. The Rev Mark Turnbull, Rector of Goderich, 11'.5 declined to accept the appointment of Rural Dean of the Co. of Huron, lately offered him by his Lord- ship the Wiellop of Huron. The membership of the Central Huron A'rieultnral iiooiet' last ,year wa• 851, which lea larger number than that pos. peered by any other single eoeiety in the Biding. The West Huron As000iation only h -1s a membership of 885. On Snturda' as a te'.m of A. Cullet' were nrossing the river, near Auburn, with a lo.d of logs the ice gave way and precipitated horses end sleighs into the water. After anotho' teens bad beon pencilled they hauled the horses out. W. 18. Sanders, of Exeter, ie under 8r• rest in Ohicaeo, f r defrauding and dep ins women, there being about sixteen o see against hint. If he came marries any women that there was a proeoect of him 01 bees some money out Of, he w 0111 marry her. regardless '-f the feet that he was already married. About fourteen menthe aeon, little girl, daughter or Uli)oli Townsend, near Londeshoro', gut severs( cherrystone)) up her nose while playing. Her parents rem ,ved directly at the time evh"t they 41,011glit were alt the stones, but lie Other day another one came out which had evideu•ly been lodged up her nose all this time. Alexander L. Gib+on writes to the Globe from Wroxeter that a bea'.tiful meteor wasobserved there on Thursday. Jan. 17t11. It seemed to spring into existence soddenly from the Southern heavens, in clogs proximity to the zenith, at 7:45 p. m. It had a bright nucleus, apparently about twelve inches in diam• (ter. In Dolor it was a pale yellow sur• rounded Ly a bluish green halo, with an apparent radius of over two fret. The meteor was no briktlt that 11, distinct glare w118 oast up'm the snow Its it swept away in a northerly direction, and dia. 8ppettrod at the horizon or fell to the ground. Thies eingu'a"ly beautiful ob. jest was observed for but a few 08(ond0, so that considering 611( wide aro of its orbit its speed must have 1 eon terrific. Warden Griffin is a native of Ashfield township, and wits born on the next lot to the one on which he now resides, in Maroh,1850. He remained on the o d hotutstead until he was oeventeen years of age, when, after receiving the rudi• mel, to of a common school odncatien at Iliaa 'sbrid a h0 crossed over to Aliohi en R g and worked in Marquette until 1876 when he returned to leis native townebi , where he hag slime resided. In 1877 he was married to Mies B. Lennon, of Piolter. ung, York Co., and a family of Dix child - reit has blessed the union. In 1880 his neighbors caught the idea that there was a good piece of County Council timber 111 him, and that year he was 01eo1ed deputy reeve of &shared, telltale position he held until 1884 when he snceessfully arotPOted the reeveehip, Sinoo then he unietor• ruptodly 09rved 1118 WWII/3111p in the eapacty of reeve, and 0.19 rlttolbot' of times ho has been returned by aeolema• tion testify to the high favor in winch lie is held by eel who know him. Physical' ly, Mr. Griffin is a tn'and 9p011imen of manhood, standing 6 feet 5 1)411))09 hn hie stockings, 081,1)0111 ea an arrow and with the torso of 0 1101.10198. Ito iv of quiet demeanor and retiring diepushl1on, but in many an election 004(10st he has proved that he can rise 0qu61 to the e9• 01181011, and when he 811y8 that ttu'bnlenee must be quelled atm public gathering nes one is 34,4411 enough to queetinn his (17i11 - ion. Be le a Peoman Catholic to creed and it Liberal in politics, bot hag the 0onf,den00 and esteem of all who !mow llhn irreapookive of (reed 00 party. Mark II. Irish, formet'1y manager of the Itossin mouse, Toronto, is about t0 assume the mnuntgemeet of the Painter holler), Tomlin). Thirteen wagou0 of gold are on the way front Siberia 901090 the Bra) monetains t0 St. t'etereburg. The w43gen0 aro aa• tsonpanied by 0,0 impa8inft military escort, l 111Famp90108tazonsuraaranmemnsalismanausattrearrravaroanerasno $ u Scrofula, Aftcr suturing for about I.,'enty.frre year, faun scrofulous sores on the legs and arms, trying various mtrlicaI courses wtheut tnnelit, 1 began to use .1 yea s Sarsaparpla. and a cone r3ul cure ,••,n ton result, hive bottles -uta d 1' n.a.ora,''. t.. 3..1141." 1,p. -z, 4317 1.. (unn.R.e st.. Fan Antoni'. Texas. Catarrh " ICydaualiter was afflicted far nearly a year with catarrh. The physicians bei,, r IMO We to help bet, my Fedor recommended Ayers Sursaparala, l 1030wed his advice. 7 limo months t I' regular 11lar trcatstent with Ayer s Sin, p. elle and Ayers Pills mp!etely restored my daughter a health."--Tlrs. Louisa Melt., l.,tle Canada. Ware, Masa. Rheumatism Cor at v. rd yelus.. I was 10001,!ed with inllamma.t,ry rhrumeu=m, being SO had at timer an 10 be entirely helpless. Per the last {Ron year;, whenever 1 felt the effects of the disease, I began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla, and bat, not had n spell for a long time— T. llansbrough, Elk gun, Va. For ail blood diseases, the foeQ1: remedy is .�t�rt;, �t,Yr,wv' aye Sail l�i.�,paf] i��WK'S, Prepared by Or. J. C. Aver &t Co„ nota, Masa. Sold by all Drugbnsts, Price 5.: six haulm,, $5. Cures others, a aril! cure you /f3 PH O TO U RAPHY ! PHOTOGRAPHY 1 i C. E. PERRY, P!I.OTO(pRAPI1hle, SIC= BLOC BRUSSELS., We make a specialty of Cabinet Photos, and of family acid other large group$. All work warranted first-class illi every respect Give us a call. C. E. PERRY. SWVETFHW IITEESTFJ1 I Having secured the absolute control of M. H. Birge & Sony Celebrated process of Wall Papers and Ilangings, I am opening w11 a FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies & Smith's Bank. 1vly stock is all new and well selected, every design being patented since Oct. 1st, 1892. 20 Full Sets to choose from. Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Papers. Elegant Borders and Ceilings. Full lines of Window Shades and Springs of Latest Designs. Painting in all its Branches carried on as usual. 'Shop Blinds and Awnings a Specialty. W. . oDD..d_OK, House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. We agree not to sell our lines to any other Doaler in Brasses for 1898. M. H. BIRGR & SONS, Buffalo, N. Y. vis pia pp I.e,n,,ly ,T", . lets That is what We are, and that is what you will haze to. be if you want to secure some of the great bargains 1,11 Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Readyrnade Clothing Ales. A. Roe' Bah Si .mnmuvamx.aravmaq . S Have you got your share of the Plunder yet P If not come quick for we must clean the Goods out. First corner gets the choice of the largest Plums, Son* Plums in all the -different departments lett yet, come quick if you wish to secure them, 1HE OARHEL! 33 C -T SS :ElLs. LODK, BARGAIN )TORE.