The Brussels Post, 1893-2-3, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST 1'vew Advertisements, Looela--J, 0, Ayer, Local—II. J, strong. Locale—I, 0, Richards. Well raper—G. A. Deadman, Seromittli;; latero tier;—W, lboddielc. FRIDAY, FEB. 1893. Ax American syndicate is talking of operating the London and Port Stanley railway, putting on a line of steamers to Cleveland and working up a new lino of trade in coal and other products, ON Thursday of last week James Arm• strong, M. P., for South Middlesex, died, He was a thorough going Christian man and will be greatly missed in hie oon- stituency. He was a Liberal in polities. TUESDAY of this week the Imperial Parliament assembled and a lively seas sion is anticipated. Home Rule for Ireland and the question of dealing with legislation for the lettering classes mill take up the attention of the House for a good portion of the time. TUE death of Mr. Blaine removed a well known statesman from the United States, As to what effect hie deeea-e may have upon tbe pnblia questions at issue remains to be seen. It is said by some that President Cleveland will not be averse to cheer trade relations with the Dominion of Canada. Puma—it—pinion is—fitvorablo to the course being purse d by the Dominion Alliance is asking the Ontario Govern• meet to Mice a vote on the question of Prohi etas,. The various County Coen - ails and Convections have been asked to express their opinion on the subject, Huron Co. Council, by a vote of 18 to 26, ask for the Inking of a vote. D'A1;Tox Meatnrnr's action in public- ly criticising the p .licy of tbe Conserve, Live party and ohnstiang the Empire for its unwarranted attaoks on him has caused it great deal of discussion. The Young Conservatives of Oollingwood have passed a -solutions .trougly dieap. proving .8 Mr. McCarthy's- course and frowning down the idea of the formation of an independent party. Evidently the man who "speaks out in meethe " has a thorny path to creed. Mr. McCarthy is not alone, however, in the stand )1e has taken. Ae last week's County Council nine wards were pl teal on the County aid totem with the eighteen previously there will slake the uualt•er try -nay seven, Thee persons will average $80 spie:e, annually, so that over 42,000 ..ill have to be rtiivad in 1488 to support these per. sops. Surely this is one of the etruugest proof- of the t ooesvity of a Heim of Refuge, A. strange anomaly exi-ts iu some muuiclpalibies viz. this :—They are very keen to got wards on the County al,d yet vete dead against the ereuti011 of a proper place to keep them. THE Dominion Government has get down to work. Reforms are promised in the tariff, Dominion Franchise Aut, arc. The eetimatee are befl.re the House. In them is to be found it payment of 41,000 to the widow of the late Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, the amount of his sessional indemnity ; 41,000 for repairs to the breakwater at Southampton, and 0.5,000 for extension of pier. at Goderioh hat. bor. Hon. J. 0. Patterson is evidently looking after the interests of West Hurun in good et le. The Speech (torn the Throne may be found in another column. THERE ham beau a bloodless revolution in the Hawaiian Ie ands. The Queen made an-effurt to change the ooustitutiou so that e,dy natives would be Ahmed to vote. Her cabinet refused, she was do. pored, and now there is an appeal t•. the 'United States to be aunoxed. Should the petitiuu for ennexation be accepte,l by the United States without further ooesideratuu, it would utltloubtedly 09900 I1 prate -6 of a serio•.e character from Englund and Germany. Therefore it is p.obable diet the United States will temporize in the matter, and feel the ground well before reuohing a conclusion. The Haw ,lieu Islands ere made op of a dozen small lsiauds, about 8000 square miles. and aro midway between America and Asia. Their population is lest than 100,000. Bunt India fueeishee our gutta porch%. It is said that Claus Spreckels, the hiacvallltu sugar king, is at the bottom of the 00011)le in Honolulu. Turritic gales have see at over the west ewers of Norway. It is reported that 80 fishermen have been drowned. Swinburne has written an ode immure, nee the Chicago World's Pair, and Prof. Stanford nus set the verses to music. It is estimated that bhe great canal proposed to ran from Lake Superior to the Brie will cost at least $500,000,000. A +maple of Pullman oar porters plead. ed guilty Tuesday at Roohoster to smog. gling opium. from Toronto to New York. The largest cantilever bridge in Ameri• as is to bo eonstruoted over the Missiseip. pi elver at New Oraloane, It will cost $5,000,000. The late e1amae;G. Blaine left a will bestowing all his property, valued at $800,000, upon Mrs. Blaine, Wile is tirade sole exectlbrix, The Dominion ,Parliament, Thuraday of Inst week at 8 o'clock ul„ Hie Excellency the Governor Gene el proceeded in state to the Chamber c the Senate in the Parliament building and took hie seat epna tilt '1'hnne, Th member of the Rattail l.. g caasonlhla 111, Exeelleney wee ph axed to open th third mention of the Seventh Pelletize' of the Dominion of Cental% with the fo lowing epeaoh t • THE ei'$RO1t Honorable listable nen of the 'Mate Gentlemen et the Houston: Cmetnens In ineetiug you at the nolnmenu,onian of another session of parliament it a fords me r•leasure to congratulate you o the continued prog.ese which the hf tory of the past sear uofolde with regar to Oen ,da. The fnm•aaee in trade, as illustrate by the exports and imports, during th period for wilinh the official returns hav been prepared, hat( ban on et gratifyin and that increaee has oontinued down t the pre ant time, •'ith promise that th volume of trade during the year wi exceed that of any year in the history n the Dominion, The revenues of the ennntry lava like wise provided for all the services fo wihb•h Parliameet has made appropeia tine and the operation of the Govern meet railway hes been leas burdensom as reimede the differ nee between inane] and expenditure than has 'teen the ems fora Inl•g term at yearn previonsly, Irl lfanitob1 turd the North west Territnriee the ina•eaee in immieration has been decidedly euro etieieg, both as reearde the number of homestead an. tries made by settlers of all nationalities. Measures have been taken to parry in• to effect the agreements arrived .et with the 'reeked -trate% on the eubjeuts of the bonu'ary of Alaska, the boundary line in Paseamagnaddy Bay and the preven- tion of destr ctive methods of fishing an8 the preservation and increase of fa b life. With regard to reciprocity in wreck. int end towi• g, a oorrespnndence has taken place which indicates that privi. leges are demanded for IUnitod States ''easels 1n flame -lien annals which were not eistialpe'ed, hot 1 is not impooaihle that n satiefateory co+.lalnsion of the die. oupeion may yet be reached. During the recess, ., friendly confer. enoe took place between delegates from the Go ernment of Newfoundland, on the questions which were prnding he. tweell the twe countries. It Is hoped and expected that rue interchange of views whish then took elate, will be prooua• tive of b nefioial rosette and lead to a amicable &ree ttmem of thus, gcest'on The s atntee of 1887 relative to a de pertinent of Trade and Commerce and t the office of Solictor General, havin been bmnght into farce, the appoint meets were marls which were tandem pb,ted by these acts. It is to be regretted that the Govern meat of the United States were unab) 00 'tomtit the suggestions made by m Government s•u the subject of cava' tolls and that the President should hav thought it necessary to imp se exception al toils on C,tuadi,uls using the Saul S int Marie Canal, which has so len been free to he people of both countries My Government, while r Itdy to non•ide in a frie,c ily spirit any proposals whish may be mwde by the Government of the United 8 sees, have caused efforts to be made to hasten tae completion of the Canadian canal works, which will aeon afford to the commerce of the 0010111 1011 l»eh way within our seen eenntry. elessures wit be laid before you for the impro'•ement of the Irrnnohiee Etat ; for the amendment of the latus raleline to civil service and the superannuation of civil servants ; for rsgnlating the ad reisaiou of avirle rte 111 uanse• and matters under thecontrolof the Paella meat of Canada; for .extending he smote of voting by ballot to the North. west Territories, mud For simplifying the laws relating to lands and land transfers in the Territories. Gontle•nen of the House of (Mammas 1— The Pnblin Aoconnte of the past year and the Estimates for the enzaing year will be htid b•folo yon without delay and I trust it will he seen that ample gravis ion m•ty be elide for the p 'Mist service without increasing taxation. Honorable Gautleweu of the Senate ; GentIemeu of the Hnuso of ;)umniona :— I have every confidence that all these matters will receive your beat a0tentien and thnt.your deliberatioua will keep in view, above all other o•nteideratinns, the welfare and stability of tee country. Waterworks 111e11 excavating at Que. ben, found the earth frozen for P feet. p. It has been decided to hold a penvineldl r. convention of the young people's ewe. ,e flee of the Baptist 011111011. Woodstock s is the pisco selootsd, and the Wee aro o Maroc 60, 81, d, Dr, ltidgely, wba le spoken of ae the O larrost peach grower in Delaware, says 10 as nlletllal large Drop 0f peaches may be 1. ' looked for next summer. It Wasn't much OS a treat after all. Rev. Prank Dewitt Talmage, son of the celebrated clerovman, ha0 ae0epted a Call to become eseletaut to Rev. Dr L. 0 I G. Graham, pa -tor of Olivet Pr:abyter- , I inn eboroh, Philadelphia. n The M. 0. R. finished cutting ice at Waterford last weep, some 1,100 oarinnds s' have been Cub and stored at St. Thomas, I Windsor, Montrose, Paradise, Grove, d I Amheretburg and Vietoria e i James Matheson, a farmer on the 19011 e oonne•eion of East Njssouri, was splitting wood in his yard the other day, when an iron wedge which he was using dew and e( struck him in the eye, oausing the lose of Il the optic. Wm. McKnight, the alleged bigamist, of Bentinck township, was brought be- fore the County Judge Tuesday, and i, pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to 14 days in jail, the sentence being light on account of old ace. e W Wells, the bookkeeper at Hyams' warehouse, Toronto, who was killed by e the fall of an elevator weight, irlenred his life for 480,000 in August last and had paid but one premium, T110 benelioial'y is his slater, who will get the f0rtnne. A diminutive pug which had wandered into the precincts of the Ring etroot church, Ingersoll, nn Sunday evening caused some amusement during the ser- vice by taking up a petition in one of the pulpit eheire. The pastor scamp ed with the situation by seizing the pug by the nape of the neck and with the best pus• sites grace oarried him the length of the aisle, filially depositing his charge intn the outer world. A most remarkable coincident has happened by the election of A T. White to the wardt•nehip of Renfrew c'.uuty, earl the Pembroke Standard. There are three Mothers in the White family, and each of them new 1lnlds the highest oOioo in their respective apheree of public life within the gift of the people. W. R. White, Q. C., is mayor of this town ; A. T. White is warden of the county, and Hon. Peter White is the first commoner in the land. Ws doubt if the same 00- iuuidenee has ever oacurrnd in Canada before. A sensation exists at Plovna, Ont., of much 1ntetee) to many, but of great ser. 11s •loneness to to contraetiog parties. William John Mills, Bit ria township, ob. tained a license of G. Dawson, M. P., and with hi• betrothed, a daughter of "^ Timoty J. Hioks, proceeded to l Linton, • where they were united by a minister On their return the couple were a.. proaolled on the higbaay,by the father of •the bride, who dehnnuded and forced the young wife from her husband, cud vowed vengeance on the bridegroom for taking e hie fair daughter without hii consent, • Each is seeking counsel from vedette nethorities, and although Mr. Mills at g tests that his wife has lost twenty pounds since ehe has beets deprived of Ile tom• x panionebip, no amlaable settlement has thus far been reached. t i555)(5)3 Now ee. Manitoba Legislature met Thursday. Hamilton's oiviu debt is 42,014,780 47. There hav b• en a serious outbreak of diphtheria at Teamster. The Deily Telegraph ie the latest journelistio venture in Berlin. The Presbyterisne of Paris, Ont,, have decided to build a new $80,0011 church. A branch of the Imperial Federation League has been formed in Windsor. The thermometer marked 80 c below zero et Port Artlinr Wad/medley at 1n to. m. Mrs. Wm. Aldred, of Donegal, now over 80 years of age, polled her lilac vote ou elcution day. Jas. Sutherland, M. P„ has given 4200 to the hospital fund, Themes MoLay lute &leo given 4100, Jas. Zoe was convicted at 'Woodstock of off, ring for sale a oancer1ee cow, and fined $50 and ousts Mee. 111Dmle11, wife of the member for Algoma in the House of Commune; Bled Tuesday in 1lfoutreal. Mrs. Orr, an innate of. the House Of Industry at Kin00800, fa 107 years of. age and enjoys good health. Reba. Crawford, Postmaster of Owen Sound, dropped dead Tuesday evening of apoplexy. He was about 011 years of ago. Thos llmes, Princeton, sold a ear load of Aleillte clover seed 100e11t)y to a lilatnflton lion, for which he received 0400. The Nova Bootie. Legislature adjourn. .ed Wednesday until March 10tH. The coal deal bill and 10 other measures wore assented to by the Lieutenant Governor. 'Phe Berlin hews says that Councillor Gardiner, of that town, had a valuable Persien bemb overcoat, coating 4100, et0)0e1 from the Oleo of one of the Guelph hotels ale other day. Ilttgh Somerville, farnlor of Dexter, had one of his lens amputated on 81'm. day. lie eli11ered from disease Of the bone, rendering amputation necessary above tho knee. Part of the bone liad Wen removed 25 years ago, G-4nitera l NOOwrO. There are 180,000,000 Bibles. A Georgian wears It 10 shoe, Bath, bier hoe a duatiug 110001. A Sootoh pelmet o'at 65,000,000. U'•,'e i•uu hall 12,1190, i0t1 Iat11ie100, tit. Lotus exports q rail to Leedom New Zealand has 62 large creameries. I.nglautl hes the largest needle factory. T., Ri,in r, 000.091 (coffin arse illiterate. Newmarket Jueaeye 0t1t•u 810,0,0 a year. Britloh India has 10,417 licensed (Tie 111 shape. Chicago has the biggest publishing house. The "eas0ll's whale °atoll is worth 41, 000.000. Extenpiee fires have unused heavy losses at Santiago and Tocopilla, Chili. Twenty seven people have died from the railway disaster at Wane, Illinois. The ieland of Zante in the Mediter- ranean has been visited .by a severe earthquake, in which many lives were lost and much injury clone to property. While suffering from delirium, John Hejda, a Bohemian ex.priest at Balli, more, killed his two children with an axe. The madmen eeized a gun, jumped from a second storey window and eeuaped. Win. Wakeman has been appointed commissioner on the part of Commie, to act with Richard Ra'hboee, recently ap- pointed by the United States to smile the fisheries o11 tl.e great hakes and contigu• nus asters of Canada. Ayer's Aro compounded with tho wits. general usefulness and adaptab,l_t . They aro compoeoi of the purr s vegetable aper:''e. 'Their dul:cat,. sugar .coatiuf;, Z11 readily di. solves in talo stoutech, preserve their (nil modfeinaj value and Mahe them 0..y 03 take, tither by of c young. Foe constipation, dyspop spa, biliousness, sick headache, r.l..1 tho oommon derangrtnouts of th.. Sf0J:tacit, Liver, ^rd Lr'-'yt'io 1,t also to check colds and fevers, Ayer's Pills Are the Best Unlike , other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maiutaiued their popularity as a family 'neat - eine, being in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them? Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr, J.C. Ayer 5-0o., Lowoll, Mass. sold by all Druggists. Every Dose Effective Fr11, 3, 1893 an Profits AND r nick Pl °fur J. is to the front with 11, full line of 110W Goods consisting of General Groceries, Crockery .and Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed, and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre- pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward' manner. Call and see before buying elsewhere. Cash Paul for Eggs. Highest Price for Batter and Fozaltry. My Motto is Small Profits and Quirk Returns, 'Toping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am Yours, J. E AMER. Geo. BEeker's old Stand. Auction Sale Announced for this week at GEORGE COD'S STORE Unavoidably Postponed but special bargains will be given at rnEtawker= ',e�i3@?+•-fit.. The whole stock of Fine Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers and Socks, Shop Furniture, &c., HAS GOT TO BE SI'EEIDILY SOLD. A large quantity of general goods comprising groceries, crockery, glassware, &e , will be sent from Seaforth for the Auction Sale, Private Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices now going on J. R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOR. '• 7:r.•t iii 4,7411. Our Clearing Sale has been a Big Success, we have disposed of a lot of G-oods but have some big piles to sell ye' . We are giving In Dress Goods, Flannels and All Wool Underclothing. SIM In Boots and Shoes, and the BIGGEST KIND OF ERIE In •vercoats and Readym.a ..e Suits. x, Di 9, , 1411 ni '' It T yea. ) . (,k --p' For Boys from 5 to 10. 30 suits just in to sell at $1.0O below regular price. Come early and get bargains. Next Door to American Hotel,