HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-3, Page 1it Thiron County Council. 0.1 Wedtooday thm Ora Hoke of bud• nest after routine was the prusoutatlou of the r port 111 tho.Strikiso Committee, which was adept ,8 wl,h •ut atnendmpnr. The Committees for the y.or ore rte fol lotus : - Dxeontive-'yfessrs. Miluo, (ahairrnita) Kay, Girvin, Kennedy, Sp:urliu', N.'i. Yon ng, KsPhnrson, A40Ewan , Scott. Pittance - tesera. ;tolifa,, (onLnn'mtn) Prot -afoot, loorgaeon, Demo u, Malloy, Wool', Brooltenshire, Beniovuise, Mu LSau. Equalieaten -'!essre. Holt, Conk, Cox, AIU lmet111ttl, l mbtl,', us:Douala tyatn„n, Lydd, Shepherd. Road MINI Bridge -01 sera, Ratz, (Marmon) Gralumn, Gibson, Torranou, Oliver, Howe, Tomball, Taylor, Oruik• shank. .E.iuottio11-Messrs. Kerr, (chairman) Mooney, \10JCay, Shiels, Cbalnbers, Geiga", Stuart. at, r Oriondnt� Property 1l - easra. S ile o (Omit. eau)- Sp onhm•tn, 'h•erribr, A. Youn', l:rratt, Beane, Damps. Watt I's- stoics. Saudur8 KY I , Eiihe•, Cris, Kilns,. Special-ifesare. Holt, (elhairmal) Cook, ftntli,ts, Girvin, 11,Ewan. Moved by Mr. 1Mc1it• 'u on. seconded by Mr. I'rondloot and aerried that \4, Y. McLean and Cnnnty Clerk Lane be op. perused on the Board of Criminal audit. Moved by lir. 'Torrance. smelled by 1410. OteLelut that Jfaasra 1.ieini, of Stain ley, and Clarkson, of Seaforth, be ap• pointed o1 the Board of Examioer> Of Sohool trustees for the °errant year. The Warden appointed Robb A. Ono, Mk, of Ashfield, us his auditor. TICE CO. TREASUILEIt'9 ner01(0. The report end financial statement of the OouuSy Treasurer woe read and re. ferred 5, the Finance Committee. The report 81)0)00 that the receipts of the year, less (lounSy rate, anlollllt to 53.005, and the dtebutsemuuts to $27,8.11.57. The minions ore mule tip of the foolo,v- int items : -pedlars' licensee, $550 ; auctiouners' licenses, $550 ; roglitry Mlles, $922 ; interest, 01,185. The dis- bursers -tante were as follows :-Adrnieie• 5013 011 of .Justice, $1,590 57 ; iugaesbs, $89 40 ; jai aoOtlet E, $2, 41.26 ; jury acunnnt, $2.970.87 ; Mont m•tnosomment, $2,098.92 ; Iuand ul indigent, $1,830, 54 ; salaries, att.., 64.557 30 ; coo Ai no n• ci• s, $208,22 ; stationery, etc„ 5286.07 or •ren wit. esse , $228.46 ; Collegiate In• stitutes, $4,075.40; Court House stip. plies, $8':3.55 ; Di,isine Court Jnr, Feuds, $19.70; repairs, county buildings, 05110.51 ; roads and bridge•, 50,417.80. Tho debenture lisle ftics of the 0 may amount to 0280,700, end the tweets :n meet these liabilities amount to 0172,155. "Tho oonnty hes now invested fu ,Hort gages, 0130,401. COUNTY )IORTOA30a. A motion by :Sr. Gook, seconded by A1r. Howe to the eff 03 that olenee 10 If the Exeuutive Goulmittee'5 report be amended by authorizing the Exeautiv' Commits, e of this Connell to inspect the m .rtgages held by the Ouuuty Treasurer and rep ,rt on the same to the Council, w,4. 1005, ZIIEA'CINr. TUM cnnnT DOUSE. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, L893 Road, G0.1p1'1011 to reship, be rebuilt of Dor11am, In reference to the Muth t5 in cedar 3 soon an couvo,lienb ; that is rot• 0 Baal-, t•., II/0 Bay&tld bridge 'NI 'sure. Ilttz, 'Curran. and Oox be a non uiatss with thengineer to loodiew oleo() to build 8 now bridge, and further that a u••w h,•idge b hn3it of rtel'" ❑5 soon as D01451815, In rafaretlee to the letter from I.11ingtun ,b Palmer, barristers, Strat- ford, asking for damaged on behalf of John Carpenter for it wash-out on the Lome slid 11nIiillop boilulary, it is reuommeu.18 tett Ree isKay, Moll/Enroll ie and Shephard be a oulmibbee to meet n Pi ntlar committee fr in Perth to ad - }nes a settlo.uuut 0 possible. Ili refer• moue to the motion of Mr. MoE'vn't i' is re„UI,luluu„da 14.010 bud meow.. 1501' e.tanllne the bridge over the Zurich drain end re' porn at the June me0011 4 ; also Mat the eppropriatiou of 0300 fur bone:lacy linei he tattle in eueorda,ue with Mr. Taylor's moduli. In reference to the claims of the towneh,p of Morris and other hems ship for a percentage for bridge;, the committee recommend that the matter be referred nto •t committer' .•f the mewl imt 1 that the solicitor's optuiva be read t, the non ell 5 • '-r'fnrenne to she mo r uG f �1•. ',umhdhuuk'efora a u tie., of a 1 c, u for ..r n tout b11a 5 , r 00 lit Lhd urna"iu I gJ g the eland of the ,3d Graham bridoa it ie recommended that the lu0tiuu be granted provitlin; all the parties interested give a satiefae:try b mil to this council approved of by the aonnty anlioito • to ex ma the colony from any ttrtuar LIL°31ity of either bonding, or maintaining any bridge un iia plane and also to t xempt the wenn}, from any claim for damages if sunh should occur on said foot bridge. 2111. °ARROW'S.OPIN0ON. The following. id. the opinion of Mr. Garrow. rnnu'y solicitor, respecting emotion 533 (a) of tau Oousolideted muni• ripalf•y ant and referred to to the above report: Yon will nate, to hellin wills, that the statute only apo les to bridges built after A ril 7th, 1850, tad of 100 feet fn length aid over Ili the once of bridges which do came withal the shanks, there is of °011050 tlr' furrier question whether the general public fw interested or only the township. The out Boerne to anticipate that the township will be helped in a bridge matter where mush bridge f ruts part of the OOLIIOy tn0t'0ag 1flLre, but where the bridge is purely looal in its me the township will still hear the bur- +, If l,h'+rr, is ,) +pate, there will be al'bibratieo if the parties eau- not agree. I til nk ,he st'Irnrs Hon tem plates relieving a townehip which hoe an metaled num 000 of bridteos to maintain, eepec(b'ly whore (null Midges are required for more than purely haul purposes. It is true this rneaning i0 soot expressed distinctly in the act, bat I eau Imagine no other meaning mod I eon not conceive of any int -lido on 1133!:” the minty liable ox rrpt for something of a county nature, for i11stuuu, where leading 100118 through the colnty, wed ' v verone to go from nue point iu the comity to ano'ber, cross rivers, it '"nu''i s.orn fair 111'4 toe oho e county should boil.i the bridge, but where the Midge iv oily of loot use the reverse wonlrl be the case. But there is the right to have the matter referred to arbitration iu mosey °ase. n0e01011 1113'105101'5 51110110. Moved by Mr. Prou'Ifaof, 50notele(4 by Mr.. McDonald and carried that tit, 00. Property Committee °mteider the ad• useability of fudopti i5 some other system for heating the Court House and report to the Ooun013. PUBLIC) S01100D INSPECTORS' REPORT. The "ahool Ins 8et01•e pteseuted leng• Shy reports. The infor,natiou, ibowe.er, was lnaiuly n rupoti'iou of fora r re. porta. W,.publisl, extracts froom I9ast I1ur0 1 report tuts tveeit, COUNTY COM0IIeS0ONEI'S REPORT. Mr. Anoley, Comity D' ugineer, reported having ereet5 3 five urldges in 'he aonnty during the year, and two oil 0110 u may buunderies, viz : one over the Aux Saublo river between the townships of Stephen over a branch ' and one 0 c Illlyra and dIG Y, of the Maitland netween the tnvunla s P of Grey and Lima. Thele aro all good, subotautial 051100 bridges. The wing halls at the South•Went end of the Kai, land bridge hove been extended ; a wing wall ab the.lilgmoodlille bridge has also been emoted. The County bridges alld .approaches are in very good repair et the prevent time. The bridges on the Lake Shore road between Goderiah and Bay• field have been examined and 110115 were fun id to be 20 feet clear between the a- b•,tmeu6s, except Much whish ars already maintained by the minty. Improve• mutts to the amount of $0,000 were made since Juan He examined the bodge I at Greed B tad, ,mid finds that 15 spans the Ans Bauble river 011 the boundary liue between Chiron and Latnbtou. It is a wooden bridge and the timbers are very much 1iet yed and it 81mu.d be rebuilt as anon as possible. The bridge ie of ono oloar span of 130 ft. between the abutments. The abutnents are 05 acme and with a little addition ormolu be ..citable for an non or steel sup.:rstruoture,and he reouuuneuds that an iron bridge be constructed, provided the county of Lalnuot will be agreeable to pay half the expense. Hall's bridge on the Lake Short road in Goderieh township, ellould bo rebuilt early this season. A 05d5r bridge on piles would be suitable. Beyfiold bridge 011001d bo rebuilt this coming Sommer. The old briigo 5lhonld be ieod mi it the new one is constructed, 135 it would be a diffiottlt place to make a deviation road, and the now bridge should be emoted at Some other point wears it might be a0u8ldet. .ably shorter and a000mmodate the traffic a5 well. A number of accounts and other un- important documents wino road and to. ferred to thele respective Committees and the Counofl adjourned until Thum, day at 10 o'oleek. 11030 AND 11150011 008105190115 REPORT, The Road and Bridge committee re- ported recommending slat the bridge at •Grand Bend, on the boundary betWeen Heron and Lambton, be rebuilt of (sedan providing Lambton pays one-half the •post ; that ball's bridge, ea the Lake the nn,nber of County Committer'', 135 310 Alun is prop.emd, it 14 recmnm•,,'le1 that no ammo be t l;eo. In t'af2Ce...32 to til•' r5snlutioo frotn Ole 000uty Cuunail 0t 1`llgiu ae to malting It compulsory for railwlv,l tinder Dominion jurieliction t, make provieiou for culverts or natural wooer Rothe S, we w0113(1 remit 01 •lid Hutt this Oauu0il co operate with the County Comloil or Plgtn, and that the WLrdeu 131111 Clerk petition the Damiulon Govern moot to make south p•ovielon as to out. 05131 or hntur.tl seater u.,ure0+, and tit forward the sante to the 01.•rk of the County of Elgin. In reference to the r solution pissed by the Comic) Cao 'nil ui 00301'10 000110 3,, 135 40 4115 a51510Ltlimelt of it referee for the trial of aobtoue for damages against municipalities for non. repair of highways, the oommitt o re- commend that this 1onnail ei operate .vita 5110 County Council of Ontario, and n say them that the are entirely 111 a000rd with the reaolu,ion and the pro poked petition to the Legislature; but all asses where ld in w U recommend that '1 the denvtee9 chitin rI do nob exceed the ..'tit of '200, the r..f",rse should be the County Court Judge 0t the county 13110(5 1115 r 1 uta the C 5 k mud 0 Iltmtl" l41',5etl copy Of thorn mmendation to the Clerk of the county of Ontario, In reference i t., the uomumuicati°n from toe Domini- on Alliance,'taking this 0100031 to petit• tion the Local '10' °rhinent to submit the question of p ohibition to a vote of the psopte of Ontario, itis recommended that tllld 000,1031 petition the Government to submit the question, and that the same be forwarded to the Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, With regard t0 the cil'ou'ar from the Clerk or the co luty of Grey in reference to Seo, ion 588 (e) of the c0osnlidaerl rnoii oipal act of 1882, refer' ring t0 a percentage of the maintenance of b idel5s in the municipalities to be paid by the county, end asking the same to be repealed, it is recommended that this council join with the county council of Grey fur the purpose of having the said Sootion repealed, and that Iteury Lilber, Deputy•Reev5 of Stephen, be appointed 0 delegate of tbi• 0uunuil to form one of a depntstiou to interview the Provincial Government and the municipal com mime at the ap ,reaching session of the Ou a•io Logielittare, and that a copy of 51115 r.solution be B,rwarded to the Clerk of the county of Grey. The committe.' hos examined the vote given recently in this comity in reference to the House of Indnetry. 'We find that the von teas asmewhat small, that from some of the townships mud the villages there is no roturu, but that so far as returns have been m 1015 the m'tjo0ity in favo+ of build. ing IL Bolsa of Iuduatry was 792. Wm. 1)•mson,'aiwler, reported as fol. lows : 'There aro c•nain5(4 fn the gaol at present fonrt.0u p0rs0(30, thirteen males and ane female. The f.+male, Mary'Plc. Gregor, is a.•m,leittad for v 5013103' for a term of throe inn Also She comes from Niagara., and is 75 year's of age, Of the nnelee one Is insane and is awaiting re• move, to the t1nylnnn ; one 0..uitiug trial for pel'jnry ; one for embezzlement, one confined fur warns of sureties and one rimier mimeo l••o fol' ',sealllb, the remain- ing .1110 are teal vaatte59 115 fallow. 'Vin. 1\1011wain, 01witk; 10110 Fad, .tratford ; .lobe Huuly, Hamilton ; Johu Morrison, Goderiab Hugh McPherson, Winghanl ; Ja gee 9'inllregor, Niagara, ; J • in Durnnm, God rich ; .lane Wel lane, Btyth. All these are under seuteuue for term., varyine from two 'oats mouths, and their age. rante fromm 17 to 78 years. s. Five are totally unfit entaly of Ph si. °ally to eau their own living. The remainder of the report was taken uu with detailing bbe insanitary aouddtion of the gaol and surrounding premises, and urging that in view of, the threatened epidemio of cholera next Samin5', steps be taken to have the draiunge, ckc., im- proved. 00. PROPERTY COMMITTEE RET0130. The County Property Committee re- ooulnend5d snudly improvements and repairs in the gaol and coact 313)030, also that the clerk be inata'uOted to advertise in the three Isotding newspnp n'a re Toron• to for tender for heating the coati house, the 9y8501 to to either hotafr, hot seam., 0teanl or electl'10ity. E00UATL'11 COMMITTEE 13108011T. The Edtteatiol committee reported 135 follow"' :-In reference to the petition of the ru bepayo 1 of Union tlubool Section No. 5, Ifullett township, and colter 5eatious, for the appOintttletlb of ;chit'. toes, by th,s 000,10 1, your committee beg leave to ropert Sett no edition be taken as the neuessitry legal steps were not fol- lowed by pe'itioners. We refer that the communication from Seaforth Collegiate Instituto, relative to appreciation of woody grant, be referred to the executive committee, also thin the School Immo. toe's reports be printed in the minutes and 500 copies printed fit pamplilnb form for distribution. SPECIALCI0MM1TTFIE IMPORT. Tho Special oommibtes reported as follows ;-Ili regard to the oir0alar from the County Oonuoil of Wentworth as to market fens, the contutit5oe advise that no action bo taken. In 1:ettrenoe to the applioatinn of W. W. Cooper, J. Bnoban- anand James Aitltonson for nnpoint- mont as County students at the Agrioal' sural College, Guelph :--Tile application of W. W. Cooper is recommended, pre. vide( 050358 0, Connor, who was mono. Mended by this oounoll at its Jae -tory meeting of 1802, dogs not take advantage of his appointment. In reference to the oiraular from the County Clerk of the united oountios of Northumberland and EXECUTIVE COMMITT•EE'S REPORT. Tho Executive Committee reported re. commending as nollow1 :-That the usual grant of 510 be made to the Prisoner" Aid Association ; that the tender of Mr. McGillicuddy, of the Goderieb. Sig.al, for the County printing be accepted ; that Due 3016111 e1 "000 be 1Ot 111ar1e to the township agricultural aooiotiee; that the nowt wait of 1:25 he made to Ste Ears and West Huron Ts•,ohere' Sesooiatinns ; that the salary of 111' Clerk be not in• moaned to 5800 oto asked for by tale mo• tion of Moser.. Prm ifnet mord Taylor ; Eliot uo 1305101 00 Salton 0l+ the 10051011 of Messrs. Prondfnot and Rollins to pro - 0000 plans for m proposed Hones of 50051150. CUSP be instructed to haven the interest. on all mortgages, One year and over in aroe"re, ;too ' re,i t4 ono•' and if parties 00g100t t.t.entl, plate in hands of soli• 01.00. Cart'ird. Hot: and BotL5om that a grant of $1, 00 ba marl. Por flowers aroma Court House, expanded by.direetion of Ole k. Carried, 59oE,van and Turnbull that the Do- minion Gove umeu be asked to aloe, lie to apply the Scott Aot Fund to ploy our dobeuturs debt, 511e money in Treaaurm•'u hands reoultiug from Scott Ant lines. Carried , Kerr and Watson that Domiulon Gov• (• ,anent ' r• 5ekal to gbh this 011 not(. trot of Sooty ti55 11115110 110,11,5 Ul !Leas 0rer 1133,1 if they will not give full oou- tr,d to ae,.e•Saiu for what purpose they tvi11 55311115 us to use it, Lost oil a di. v1e10ll. Torrance end Kay that the 'warden attend the Clerk's hilus on lot Wtdute- day in each mouth for the purpose of signing adore and t.lutt the Warden sign 110 ordure in blank, Carried. romance and 51c11ur0h1e that in the event of a font bridge kap. ••n1h, en site of old Unshorn bridge thatt thie Co. rry and the .3 � ttttbe. h0u n lit 1 itch Gbh interested patties. Carried. Sanders oat Taylor Slab motion No, t bridge be re. Julie re roe 108 r last o sanded. Carried. Tlvlor and Turnbull that obtuse 1 of let report, of Road and Bridge Corn• mates be amended by leaving It an open question, that 18, the Ward, a and hie committee with engineer to meet with the engiueer or any 00(1111150 the Co. of Lambt•'u may appoint, and decide whether the bridge at Grand 138114 shall be built of wood or iron 0130ried. 'I'orrenoe and hate teat the chtfm of Morrie be deferred till the June meeting and that 111 the meantime a committee of the Wooden, tiesers. Milne, Eilbsr and ltuISIu•ohie be appointed to eousider the whole mutter of the claims of Grey, Morrie, Turubsrry, E. Wawaiosh and au„ other mu duipali1350 towing cluima and report at the June 1.essi01. Carried. Pruudfoot and Gibson (hat to the evetlt of .\lorris foram arbitration on the Co. before Juue meetil„ than Judge Toms ue arbitrator. Carried, Torrouce and Silber that the Warden and Olarlt petition the Local Legiola- tore to so au8od the Municipal Aot, Via. 5.5, oh. 42, sea. 520, so that each loco, Inunieip.11ibv 8hai1 enppo'•t 05115, destitute persons as cannot be admitted to IL proemial etymon. Referred to Special Committee next Juno. MaEteau and Geiger that its view of the ;uoreasing number of Co. wards ,ming on the Co. it is 05(315sary to look into the maker, we would the efore move that Dr. l'fuDermot(,of Hen+all, be in• 05110(ed to visit 5 ch Co. ward fwd ex amine the same a 1d report at the .lone meeting whether a not enols is a000 d- ing to statute, 'Referred to Exeoutivo Committee next J111he. Ooumot' than adjam•ned till the 1st Tuesday in Jury. INa0EC'llOR 1tODE'S REPORT. REPORT OF FIN.\NCE COMMITTEE. The Oft eoloo Committee reported re. eommendiug,' the a0u0ptance of the fol. lowing 003111y \yard+, •he east of keep. lug to be as stated :-14larp;aret 1foLean, Ashfield, a.;erl 65 years, 080 per year : John S. Wilton, G d *rich 'Town, aged 87 y ars, 2,101 ..1Lrgaret b'let'her, %Virg-- hm a, aged 83 years, $'30 ; Wm, Duncan, 1'urnberry,aged '73 years, $100Jean.ache Brindley, Coldborne, 60.1 078 yearn, 580 ; Wm. Dunn. Gudorioh: aged 80 yoare, $100 ; Woo. Collins, C„idorloh Township, aged 90 years, $75 ; Jane Knight, Goderiah, aged 04 years, 090 ; Sarah Lae Bruese s aged 70 years, are, $ 50. Afton recommending the payment o sundry Bement”' the Committee reaom• mended that in fu•ure no ordinary cur- rent a000nu(5 be paid by county officiate without being first sent to the oounty for direeti0'15 moms Lu000unta for contracts and for very trifling amoutte, or fu' pay- ment of some purehaOe previously order• ed by the Counail and County Commis• cooper's orders; also, 11105 all officials who, under the Statute, have to be sup. plied with obnbienery or printing by the County, velure 0001 stationery and work only by order of and through the Outlay Clerk, old that thio Counoil in future ram to pay all a00out1b0 for sup plies of stationery, &a., not pr"OGred by 31110 11181511+ ; that the Sleek peep 855110 o to accounts of amounts and poet of maker. i •ls enpplied to the minus Milner., stud report 111 detail at "tuck 555)10e of the Coupon ; also that all accounts const be presented to the 0000,1' th' first dsy or each aosaion. Tito Committee reported The annual finan0i •1 05150 natio of. the County Treaverer c:o fired full, carefully and particularly prepared, and roaam- lnrud that the various stattomeote be printed in the minitee, or that the Auditors' Report bo printed in detail. Sanders atel McPherson that the wade 'the Lxoovtive Colnmibtol' be added to oleos° 10 after the word which in 8rd lion in said °louse of report of 1802. Oa rigid, Beason and Holt that the Clerk pro. Dore the s5attstes for, meta Reeve and Deputy RoMin, the, Carried. Mr, Groan addressed Connell relative to foot bridge near Wingham. Hopers of Exeoutivo Committee Was read. Ei11i o and Beacom that 0101150 4 of the report be amended by granting $800 to the Societies mentioned, Car- ried, Repot was then adopted. Report of Ednoatfonal Committee leas read and adopted. Prottdfaob and Woods that the Special (lolnmltti.' bemire lute the result of the vote on the Home of Refuge and report to this Co. (carried, Report of 00.Property Committee wag road and ado !ted. Kay and ItI tlnrohio that the Trees. CLA:11I1r10.1T1•'N 11F PUPILS AND erreuIE5. There are 1,400 fn the first part of the lire( book ; 1, '39 In p et Inwood 1 1 1,421 in the sen.,oa bo..k ; 1,907 in the third book ; 0,017 in tale fourth bund ani 396 in the filth bunk. 3,5.41 study meek ; 1,799 tempest tie add 11y.'i.•,i ; .311'e buulaltospiug and 406 agriOuiture. ,111 tb080 in the fifth ulnen have passel the entrance extetin•,timl into the High Sohoo(, 3)011)3301 00(0015(4 to the Pubiio Sol)Oot. In heady 00503 otos they are better at the Pilate (0bnol for ole year after posltug the Barmen that go at Omtlec to i1 Hist ricin 01. Some teachers told (0130055 obleeb t0 the lrlftli 0153111 110 iIhl;, On°. 55 545 pupils norne properly prepared tt fifth close 1111151 be t.,uuhi 21p to 1891 the vubjsala of temperance and agriculture Vers bonne snhjsots at the entreat" 8xamtuatiou. En 1891 they were made optional snhjeml5 that is a pupil need not take the onhjsot, but if he does he must take nue third and oue•half of the marls ao in tun oompuleory eub- joute. '!inure are both 18 rural Moots in which IL-10 I • 11111 11'' f1111oia 03L,b; ..e.1 .1. • live pet' 5en'. of the tessellates tiro quite i WIG as +tm)t to 4eauh mucin 11118 8 cul t , p it should be. Next year I hope all 550031ers will L lel • at it. ott u .til Home I make an a1f t r^ t .ttugi115 is an excellent safety valve to let off surplus noise, and a pleesont 1 35000up tion to the met routine of the seh•.ol. 'There are 392 mile Rind vine bnnk- keeping. I know of no subjoot more use - fel or suit,Lble fur the ordivary "whiter pupi," thou buok•keepino ; the keeping of farm ❑OCOntrt5, store accounts and a mechanic's books. Cumpa•10011.4 the number or pupils of school age and ourol,ed for the past three years. • 1800 I 1 891 1802 m to eqi .0'y m , e d 103 d Zia x gen10 Irb — -TOMOS MB 8E00 6280,7806 5881 10981 Vilinge3 ..... 503 778 030 770 ' 700 Towns. 2808 1847 2068 1798 2140 The following is a synopsis of the r5• Port of Inspector Robb on Sleetnte of the Monis in East Enron, submitted to the Ominty Onnnoil. 1C11,OL nouns AND 01:009118. There are 09 school oorp1ratious in this ins5setorae and 88 school houses. These aro alms rii •s follows :-Brink, 28 ; stone, 3 ; frame, 511 ; aid one log. The estimated value of the school houses and grainds is $103.270 ; of fareiture and equipment, 01.3,095. During the year 8911 trues were planted. A very beat briok sshnol boo a was built in school a505ien No. 18, Howlett, coetiug 5510. Daring the present year now briok school homes will be built in 80ltool sec tions No. 5, Mowielt, and No. 8, Morris. During the past two 71510re I have made a epeeist shoo t to have every school sup plied with ohs neol05a•y maps, a globe and an unabridged diotionary. I an more than phased with 0171 success. Every school in this division n 19 enta ,lobe except No lIt •od"whore , witht, l plied w g 6, Mullett. ; No's 8, 4, 8, 9, 16 and 18, Howiok ; No's 3 and 11,urIl tune will Noof 9, Tuoksrsmith. G have globes next year. One Board of Trustees, how, ver, from oonsoientious motives, refuee8 to got one. Many of the schools have unabridged rliotiouaries. STATISTI05 OF ATTENDANCE. There were 8,240 pupi a enrolled in the echoes of this division during 1802, Of these 4,240 were boys trod 8,007 girls. 580 attended less than twenty days dor• ing the year ; 908 between 20 and 50 dope ; 1,018 between 55 end 100 days ; 1,055 between 181 and 100 days ; 2,049 betno•u 151 and 200 Bary• ; 305 between 201 days and the whole year. 179 chid• rel between the ages or 8 and 11 did n t attend any school. These fly 3005 sbon'd keep us from too 010th pride as to the superiority of our 5ahne! eyst'm. It mn 5 nob be forgotten, however, that the lletvoplOpsr 1s 110w a great educator and that homy children who are unable to at- tend soh ,01. aro reolly self•ednesti, themselves by meals of the family news. pater I also one of the uses of lessons asegned for home work is that many a boy reviews and ino50as55 his own knowl- edge while a0+ie0u, a 1(300 asister iu preparing lessons for anther next day's echoed. TIES 00.11E1700 ACT, By oomparing the percentages of et- teldano5 fat the years 1801 and 1892 it will he seen that the Treeing Aot passed in 1801 has hall no appreoilble Wont in reAsiug the avenge attendenoo of pupile. The Munioipal 0on1Oils of Wfnaitam, Seaforth, Clinton, Brussels and Blyth &pp -tinted trnau8 oilitlore, In these places I believe/that the Any has done lined servitor The average attendance Of Blyth has been raised 7 per lent. and ;los. elle 12 per cent Lll.r,0 W;15 a groat dual of ainknoss emmi' the children of Winghatl, Seafor5h and Clinton during 1892. A8 it wag, however, the attendance of Seafortlh has been raked ono per cont. and Wingham five per Dent. A 1708 leo 1798 Total '11314 0010 41007 8008 "0180 0050 The 01101 008 in the first of each seblof o tattoos urn ontained from 1310 Assessors, through the 1lueicipul Clerks. I do trot think month reliance can be placed on their economy, 'l'he numbers in the second columns are mule up from the school registers a114 are quite accurate. There ods been to decrease of over 300 each year in the number enrolled the preoediug year. TEACIIR105' CERTIFICATES. There were 123 teach,•rs in (hie division. There was one first class ; 02, second ulaaa ; awl 59 third class teachers. Thera was oleo one eountr first class oertlfictLte. Teens were neither permits uor t-mparory certifioat's in this divi- sion. 'Phu m'joriay of the teachers; w -re Normal trained, 02 having attended the Normal snook. Thera were 65 males and e8 female teaohers in 1892. 31'7+1'100 SALARY. The average soLtly or the male teach ere in the too.nehips is 0873 ; in the vii• lagos $550 and iu the (uwne 5759 The Leverage salary of the remote teaohsrs for townships is 5276 ; for villages' $279, and fur towns 5208. "luring the past three years t 1000 has been a otealy decline in the so arise of male teachers and a slight iLloreilae in the salaries of female teach. ors. Whether it be for weal or woe, fe• male leathers ars slowly but surely die plowing main teachers, If they do tool's work ae wall as men, they should receive man's pay. ENTRANCE .1Nn 8110Lt0 0001009 LE.\wlN0 EXAMINATION. nitration. T. 9.Leaving. C It u Eno Soatortb Wiu,ham Be 0185515 Wro9u500' 905 01 Wrote O9 87 611 37 24 318 Passed Wrote Wasson -• 772-1---0 58 4 0 0 00 80 17 11 n5 0 0 . II 18 0 0 3-fi 30 I is W. H KERR, Prop, co'lduating 1110 work of tlhe 8uhuol. Those Mute were 111nally well reeeiVed and 1 have sou remelt 4o believe were of 5leat neo t0 the teacher. Of the 123 loathers to this divisiox, 510 did good wutx duriug the year, Sumo of them r seel'enl work. 1'0••00 131') tall - (nee, of these, two will do well in their mixt "Mould and two will never make teacher-. I may add that none of these are teaching in this divielou a! present. In my report of 1801 I (05ulfun5l the want of puucbuality en the part of t few 1011011(•8. Tnis bad almost wholly die. pp'ared. TIEACII111t8' INSTITUTES. A vary 30005: aro' T cusre' 1 ui,tute was held at Soaforth on May 2nd and 8rd. There were 67 teachers reported as 31001ng attended. These institutes are, of great ee0vi08 in bringing tbs teaci'ere togatber,1 in discussing new meth ole of teaching and in arousing the mallard Ism of the teacher in his work. The next Institute will be held at \Vinuham on the 2114 and 001 of store ,. It will he ane ta:tsd by Wm. Housron, the mow'v upp�-101011 direotoraf THsouers' l,t.tl11te8. 111,12.1 -ehool beeves were to a tton1 these t , t aimsand t p sand thus pea hit he n 5. m; ends of these are for the ilnpreve.aant of the Motile and not for bite peramu i ado vitae,. 0 of the teachers, they would not grudge the two days yearly which these institutes tante from she actual number of 'earning days. On:ICL051ON. I am well satisfied with the results of the work of the year. Nearly all the school houses are now in good repair and well a pitied with mope and glome, I hopelto be age 30 a few year. to report that every oohoo hos its clock and 5011001 hall as well as a wood•sbed and bio necessary ortbnildiegs The greater number of the teachers did th,ir beer, dada; the year and I are satisfied that there is nn °then 3nepec- torat0 containing the same 'number of teachers that has 13.1 many taithful and enthuolasbic teachers as Bost Huron. Many pt pits from Howiok write on the Entrance Examiuslion in t110 county of Wellington. The great attraction being it gold and two silver medals granted every year to those who take the three planes ab this examination. For many years candidates frotn Ilowiok have secured two or throe of those medals. Last year Howlett secured three. This year two pupils from S. B. No. 17, How - ick, obtained -ons, the gold modal, and the other, the first silver medal. Wm. Mahood won the gold- medsl and !Tilton Cotter the silver medal. This school was badly run down when Kr. Walters took ohargo of it. Now it is doing well and has taken (ho rank it should have held tinder gond man5;;2lnent. PIROMOTION EEXAMINA'TIONS. D001110 the year two promotion exam• ioabiens wer0 held, Ole in AMttroh and ono in October. Your inspectors prepared no "Course of Study" for these examinations and seat a copy to every Pubiio school teaohee in 11e oo onty. This pamphlet woo found so useful that many of our teachers when they go to teaoh 11 to oounty when there is no suck guide send for one. 'MODEL 501001, 1XA2tINATr01.35, TORSO'S' G PAIltOfLal'li34. Miss Addis Vsnstole has been visiting at Seaforih. A. Bruce, of Bluevele, was in town on Thursday John Thorel is home from 3ao,forth on the stole list. \Vm. D owootog is home on a vi it with relati"oa in town. Waller 500400s cepnt to Mitchell last week to fill a situation. - Wnh. Blasllill ate been off duty this tveeit owing to a sink spell. Miss Ks to Dutton is amending a Olntlt11 with filen la t , \Vo odotoce. Kra. Jo1.1 Da.ta,t, of Stratford, is visiting at CI. A D:alrnan'e. Mrs. Graham find Miss MoC tnnell were )191 inf., in 130115110311 'est week. DINSS Couper, of Clinton, io in town tatting uhmig5 Uf i\Iiae Gout I's store. Miss Forsyth 311 AIias Dolly Ferga- son, of Chieneo, are vieiting in town. 4Vu1. Norton n1,1 wire, of Li+towel, were in Brussels for a few d.Lys last week. 111rs. Harris, o' Rnth3ay, left for her home is 1 11,111 13 :sting her little ;;rand• dlaughter with her, vire 3. L•,pplr.l ani 57n, of Toronto, aro visiting at Wolter Jackson's. Mite Aggie lienderaon, of Se.Lr,rbh, was visiting re''ttv•e 1.1 5,' t lest week. '1'. Fletcher and wiP, spent a few days in Ln0knoly visiting relatives and f -lends. 9lre. Poppet', of Ilvdnilton, is visiting at her 8011`8 in B'r',•,'a. Sue brought Stanley Pepper hast with her. Wm. Smith Mui Atte Nobel "Wended the f,1.1'0111 of sh,30 ,Bier, 1103. alulgay, in Toronto, on Tnorlay •5 this week. Copt. Dodd u t t .vire, or the So'v a ion Armv, hove bion rationed et Listowel and are now hard tut work in that town. Kra. Leslie 0' .1-3.110 h oo 4 011 to Durham 5, join h •r h ieband w.10 34 in charge of the elsotric light pbtnt in that town. 1 n ❑ Bl vale attd Mrs. .Irs. AIrOr cite of Blue vale, l ,� ofLondon,dwere old Kiss fie h e lv visiting at Paetma ater Farrow 's this week. 0.B. Turnbull, who has been on the Stratford Beacon staff for some time, is home on a abort visit before taking a situation in (4nelph. Robs. Graham has been ooaflned to hie nom for a portinu of this week, We hope his Illness is only temporary and that 11e will soon be able to re801n8 work. Mary, eldest 1113ighter of Richard Williams, has hem quote ill during this woslt. A 5uoc0.5ful ••pera0ion was per• formed on her on W+..Inesday, Wo hope to hear of her ro.ei. 01011011 to 1110 usual good hsnllh. Urs. D. A. Sma', formerly of 'Brus. eels, lute boon unitol fa marriage to a Mr. Bell, and they are now residing fa Chicago. Her old friends In this 10Otlity wish her maty years of happinnne in this now relation. The Clinton Rom -wet in referring to the At Home of the Sons of Scotland oat's: °Chief Dr. Shaw ueoupied Ih, chair i1 a • very aoaeptable in'tuner and in hie able exposition of Burne demonstrated that he (the doobur) was a worthy Soo 5011• man." There tem 27 tc ashen in trebling 0t - tending the Model Sohool at Clinton daring the last Half Of 1802, and 19 at Gods•iob. At the final examination in Dewonber all passed lint one. Both Model schools are doing eXeell0nt work for the county. I038e11501013, Dnriug the year I have visited every Wheel ni this divisiot, twine, 01150 fn each 111012 year. Dnrieg 5•y Visit I not only saw the teacher but also tested the program; of the pupils. At the close of my visit 2 offered ea011 eoggestione to the teaolaer as I thought would be useful in The United States mato bas passed the anti.option bill by a vote of 40 to 29. The funeral of the late James G. Blaine, at Washington, was a most im- posing one, not withstanding the requests fa, ptiveey and siutplioity. Mrs. Win. J. 'Q'lerlereen, of Rooleav551, was discovered Monday hangl,g by the nook t0 the bedpost in hot room. She lead seated 115100lf in a rooking chair, and tipping book had ohoked herself to death. Deceased had berm an invalid for two years, Saone Alexander was arrested on Tao. tory 25th, at Buffalo, and, behhq in eu 313011518 ooniht,ou, was sonteuood to 30 days 133 a Vlo stilt. Ho was rem000d to the Genera hospital, whets ho died Tuesday. Poul play Is su5peotod, and. an investigation into the mouse Of his stapor has been ordered.