HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-27, Page 8•H1�18S 111 the ryboIl Ctmntt ttYt Tllur+lay evening. 12 ,I11rILl i'� GottN'is O tnka 1. tel;:e Fm' Nort11 IIs'',n•tllb•.tn7ldllGurrien't'P,, v. 'L'u IS m•01ti tsOtnre of a home Out't333,3' of •i1g•m t ,., '„ '1 •1 .i n.,.i r war t ,181189 Welker's ellen. 0 )00318 the Town Ilnll, litetemee Tor, Ant"tu-1110 T010111 10112 and T':!eea•ie On., of 1''11+1.0[, till) of intr•'duciug thole ely's em w Brussels providing they (tall a1'I'eilg t n clrouit. alas, .3 13.3ne•3•11 eel teen 2t Illyt't thio week attending tree Con ety Seth nth sG]]gUl Cmlweuthln, 'They revert that it WW1 a ,11133 pr• tint. le getherine. A. Lop 1 111813`3' or 01:13' b1'3.1 find twain, ,1' l• 3 'i.-lit.'.i 1L' A t net Bros. out 1 this %Venter. The trill will start reit eine 111 a ehOrt time now, le t . ..w deetde.i br the '1•;0208, of tole 11 131 .3i41 01181.01 11121 in a,l.litiwt to tree new ee113ng now µb11111 liui•hed, trey will 331tv.• the walls 1 11sum3330(1, the pul- pit, Beate, weiusoottiu1, eke., varnished, and ally ewe. ready painting dcue, The worlt sot h' eth,nde,l toe,* Duce. 1N the suit of 82311333 vs. Lawrence, trial ret ba D eleenber 8ittines or til [131351w, Court. in whish the plaintiff, the defsnlau1, an'; 11188 farmer, fir wrnugtul d:et.uti0n of the piidetiff's goods, jud.gn:am has been given for plaintiff for the fell amount o-ailned with cos(s. 11. I,. Taylor acted for plain- tiff and W. 11. Siueie31' for def udaut. Cemenl,L.-1'130 first carnival of the se338uu will be held on Maitland skating rink an ''!nos ley evening of mixt week when the tw1,leine prize.) will be offer eel 3-133.,3 dee:teed Italy. ehetrenter tem. testi :11.:11 . .4 n• 11.111 , , „u.ou; 2'd, „1.UO Best btutl- UI - ir Mixed 0:15 u,ltt it -r. t ,•'1. 1'r 3' r'•' 3.v: 1 Ex ee• it a tL. „tu AI+1.+r1v.a!r,ar. 1:8oreaa 1 Nran 1 u;:0, w!OO. Best eDunc costume, I.1, 51 on : 2nd, 1:0.38011 tF he', L. rink.' - • P st dee e i eirl, under 12, ,'51.00. Beat -Tole .. 111 Lire:sed b13, LIIder 12, 1.31 n { 113 t t.• U Three :LCL i 4 iV �, t: m». mile rn30, 11, 3.11110 ; cud, $S.UU. Bras. roe Bar 1 'c3 I be 311 itttend,lliae. A big A aiitel's amau1 g ye tnkiu' notes, ' sod is expected. An' faith he'll prem it. I. U. U 1'. The following ofli•:ers of ...stern Star Lode, No. 1.49, Brussels, re duly installed into OfMee for the remit tern/ by Depnty District Grand ',der, Bro. J. A. Morton, of •SVingham, Thursday evening, .Ian. 19th :- • J. 1 0., A. II. McNeil ; N. G., \t'm. Cornish ; V. G., Alex. Af••Piay ; B. S., R. 11, Dickeou ; P S., John Ameet ; A Clu• Coni r of oars 11 :viuk 1t reletiv3 wile had eaneht a a, ogre cold 0 One 12 miles iu the storm of Monday for a b,;tic Of DEADMAN'S COUGH SALMI Bach 3,41h peratnrvaelee i,1 coet- nn+udable, hu' lie had used 11 r ('emelt 13-31m and 42,ew the (eke of it, AVhuu teeue.led with a 0ouglt or cold 931st try et bottle. Axe you tronbled meth I33t1 8.80.'01 Do Mtn areae i„ the _per elierg 33 eh ,1 re, l teen), in the 111.10111 .mrd 9. general feeling of infitoese for Wolk? 1f to yell 5hgtud 1108 - Deadman's Anti -Bilious Pills. 0e- or two occasionally will make you feel like ie different person, 1hese pi Is fire purely YOget:.bl1 and I eau roman• mend theta. U. A, idEA):itA.;, Druggist, Bookseller, So. TRAM) TRIPIR RAILWAY. 80UTn10,8 INTENSION W. e. 3 n. Trellis /entre Brueeels Station, North l d South, as follows: Bustsnes has been geed in Brussels. Tun usned "Jauuary thaw" is talked of. Hansel Fail', Brussels, Thnrsdlly, Feb and. REEwE 11E1131 is attending County Coun oft this week. POLE reached .$8,60 on Brueeels mar kit last Saturday. Saxe along any personal item, Tile Pose always welcomes these. THE continued story in TILE P •tT is all interesting one. Are you reeding it Ox Monday Messrs. Scott ee Jones shipped 29 bead of cattle from Brussel:: FIVE care of ar-plea were shipped fror Brussels to Chicago during the past week by H. Helly. TIIr, emotion sale announced for Chi, week et 000, Good's store hes been un avoidably postponed. abuses. Osumi ar, DA3u;s shipped at car load of cattle to the Eastern markets last week from this station. REVIVAL services are still in progress in the Methodist. church in title place" A good work is being dune. A NtMa1311 of 13russetites assisted in a Sons of Scotland canoe t at Atwood on Thursday evening of this week. SEvan,\i. of our townspeople will go to Genie to the dedicatory services of the Methodist church in that village next 8013(1ay. A 31I111TINe of the patrons and share• holders of the cheese factory will he held at the Town Hall ou Saturday of this week, at 2 o'clock, ' SEVERAL wild ducks have been making periodical visits to the Maitland river, Sometimes they remain altogether iu this vieiui1V, The Gun Club still lives, how ever. Mins. L. S. C)'CoNNon is having a private sale of household furniture, 41:o, Any one desiring to secure a bargain should osll on her at once as everything must be disposed of before the end of the month. LAST Sunday afternoon the members of filmed.. L. lien's Sabbath snhool class presented her tvith a handsome salver napkin ring and a linen napkin. The anlooked for gift was appropriately aoknowlcdeed. Lee 1311033115 -The Flarristou '.Tribune thus refers to the misfortune of a fernier -resident 0r Braeeels :-On Saturday night last et. L. Sturdy, proprietor of the Qemen's Bede], slipped an the dear st. p aud tell, breaking the smell hole of the ankle, 'he accident was met with in such it simile manner that Mr. Sturdy thought that he had 0niy slightly sprain- ed his ankle, but as the pain became more intcn>,e a doctor was called in and llttlt'n exere illation it Ive8 found its 111095. 17r. Sturdy will be 11,id up for some 110.0 whirl, m. me quite a loss to him,_ TIIi: e.. tree birds will have a hard time or it tats hinter. They may stand the degree of cold, but the deep snow cuts off the natural feed supply, and that 017d9 matter's for t3-,ci,;, unites the farmers curve t;, their meow by kindly scattering grain Cohn re it win be easily found. The levee genie is driven unser such stress t0 seek til:' protection of man. LI the West this seusete, the weather has been ex. e ptionally seyore, and the ranch cattle have dicer by thousands The deer in ouch re: hum VLnterlinto the 801118ments 1133 seatel, 11,3 f• ed end fall all easy prey tU 3apa..419, Seine: L'd1$11133 hie/duets or 3111.1;13.d are reported, Treas. F. S. Scott ; 'Var., 1, 0. eken9; ion-, J. T', lines ; '!. G., Wm. Martin ; 1. G., E. J. McArthur ; N. S. N. 0..11. Leatherdale ; 1.. S. N. G., P. Scott; R. s. V. a., A. Cu rie ; L. S. V. 0., John Pugh ; IL ti. S., .18.s. Speir ; • L. S. S., Soo. Speir ; ;'hap., Thos. Stranhen ; Pitysici0r, Dr. Grahem, DONT NE .1 CL.t10.-A 111531 eau skip meal mgeoeionally witheutsuffering much ineonveuieuce. Hat if he tries to wary along without it leant paper, his ignorance of the happenings in his immediate neighborhood makes him the laughing stock of his more intelligent end enter- prising neighbors. There are annoying iuterrountinn prints, ronsta'-tlyinquiring what is going on, the prime grain, when the council will meet, whet became of s0 and 00, who )7118 0/pawl, and a score Of other questions that are answered every week in the columns of a live local pa. per. No money brings better returns than th1et invested in good newspapers and literature. If it gives ,you a single new idea you receive value for your money. Dont be a clam, hot take Ti -a Pose. 0111Trenr - -The Guelph Mercury of Jan. 19th soya :-1ltrieOn Munroe Mc. Crae, who died at br'r residence, London road, on the 9111 inst., was perhape one of the oldest hedies in this pert of the Province. She was born et The Holm, parish of Carsphairn, Galloway, Scot- land, on the 12:h October, 1793, She IOU descended from a Inng•13ved race, her maternal gr,m,dmother, 133nr30n Moore, having reached the age of 103, and at that age wits able t, want about. Two others 0 the -"ma family also reached beyond the 100 years. At the age of 24 eke, we•, married to the late David 1fcCr2", with whom she spent s sixty years of married life, The family 0 ileum no C31 eada 31 1819, 81d settled in the app r e r i of Guelph Tow:,ship, on what was known as the Davie farm, where they remained several years, to - moving to the tovnship of Stanley, about 1 lour miles frnul Briar,. field, where they lived merry yeti's. When by inereaslug years they u,ve rep the f'u'm, they took n up their reei,ienoe in Guelph, where the clecea•ed hes ever sincereside,. she had B' greet force of e11araoter, a It3n.33y dispoei- h Von, and ret 'Med the nail of her faoultiee Y to the last. The late Thomas Mo(rae, of Ja3efield, was her eldest .01t. There still survive 110r, 9)110, JUhn, of Brn33sels, and William, of ',amine -Mg ; and dough. c tors, Mrs 1.1ibert3ne, of Gnolph, and g Mrs. Campbe't, of Stratford. At her fo funeral Rev. lir, Werdrope officiated, 338- d si330 d by It •v. Dr, Torrance .nod Rev. J. C. Smith, B. D He. sone, grandsons 0 and groat erands0ns tutted ,1.13 p1111hea1'er9, 1 S. 0. S. -The concert ;oven under the d an0pi.08 of tilt Sons of Seed3aml, in the 111 Town nmol o" Wodnesdny ,'v ening of Yd this week. was a great 1:.teci:l3 813033085, m about 5125 I,••ing 11311831 ill at the door, k3 The a@a10 w018 all filler/ at an early at hour end every available inch of sl13nd• al the rn-07 se. s ,est 100;1 in too ' 31.1(3g suit, of The Sco:clnunla were out i4 bill force, a tl number conning from 31.8 8111n•ound1ng towns and villages. The permrein loos a varied end lengthy 0110. Mi08 Florence Washington, elocationist, gave several 89100ti0,18, her best piece being "Aunt Mlaliesy on boys." Prof, Scott, of Wing'twrn, slid himself j:tsiice ae n vocal• fat, The highland dancing by Jamas Rstlantyne and the piping by T1103na8 .Ballantyne need no comment as the Brussels people are Well route what they Gen do, The ata; or the evening wan W. E. Ramsay, who ably eletained the reps. tatlon he hag made roe him9olf as an Al creme singer, IID was repeatedly en. cored and re5pou.l04 freely. His 8013(0. Mons "I was in it" awl "When yen 00m0 to think of ft" fairly brought down the 1wnee, Ile will be greeted with to largo audience if he visits Brunch) again. 1Ttt. Ramsay cannot be excelled was a Bovine 1itIV.tL.•--Tole arinttal meeting of the Dee, ick :3:ntual Eire Insu•8nce Company tette held in 1110 TOtyt1 ILtll, Gerrie, tar the ]:eh 13.,1, The various xtparts were read and adopted, The election of two Dirl:eters was then pro• eeeded wn1,, W. Meli,ercher and John Haines boitg 0110=08, Pair. Scott, of Minto, going oat, Ar, nnuenal number of email lemma 111tH occurred by lightning the past 70..1, Severed members exp"eseod '011111 eelou0 2.:,4./301 the 1;111 of heading steel) away P em 111e born, but 110 action war, t3Lau 113 the meeting. Teo auc13sirs' rel0rt oras r very encouraging doeumont stunning the Ciompany to 1>e in exoellent Mending. During the 31 •u• 099 p011me8 sora Netted greening inan e:100e for $003,. 4120.00. ''Earn are 2909 policies in force covering inSurauco for 54,237,150 00 ; be. Ing an heroase of 187 and 8314,525.00 in 3113e arnotact insured over last year. The available premium nets capital after deducting, all assessments levied thereon fs $184,2113.25. The Imes paid have amounted to $7,024,70, Chic alumna in. heicr 913,000.00 Leid to John 'Curtis, Wrellace, o : ioaoui: Dee, 21et, 1801, the total lessee being $5,024.70. The 888055- ' remit levied amounted to $8,223,35. All disks and peeved claims against the Cetupany have been paid, leaving a ceeh balaneo of $2,978.'10. BRUSSELS POST W. RODDICx intends potting ill a h auto 1 1 y ^ / 1 / h new eto3lt of 13th ptper9, boldoring8, Sm., 1 123 \'D..33 1L.D .t.l1'1 /ISL OF V4 7V 1•:1.4.)4. of the vnt•v le.t„vt d•,..' ns tre ".7'I ne,l .^'+A't;- x •, " •-: •- ..1 a 11.. Oar 1' l;,�11113 ti,+ ! . , i rf i •,[ 11anr�1 0m13h'0 privates Clank which is being p iu ye neer 1131ape 100y. y. COMPLAINT 11138 been Marie nt Stile PPC. 1030 nay num.: 11'1'1110 drives t1,4il hors tot ,t'•'r' • 1.,i'w-f- Evil's; 1'113118, 1111111.' lint; the latter' to gel: out into the dee 80111w t0 avoid being run over. Verso -8 Italie legal rights on the 1004 or 8treel 58 !\•1.11 it.'. e.)114c:ya-.00I•, 1111'1 It 14' .nl'3 ale 11'1 111-1/113133 811011171 bo clearly underet not Su eeutleme.e should 008180l a 14d), 0 `C` HI.AU 1,4F1'ICRe• - TuelQI'3TO. in AS13.1".'1'r, (1ovcu 213i31301 thelar1:) 87,000,000. It- C•APITAT, (Authm'ieed) - • 5'1.000.0"0 horse 4:ironies in ell 20int•iptli Point• In Ontario, Quebec, llrinr),bn, 1'01,'1 States rP 3itl3laud, 1) ,gE'X7'grkx,r7.`3.f«'8 efs';1't".'d'n'1°l'"o. 33 A General Banking Jlnsiness '1'rtnatio)d. Ferment' Notee Discounted. Drafts 18;:1,4 and Cellectione 1711010 Gil all puha,, o. child to atop 131!0 the '1 ep 81;3)3' P 1 • fallowing are 11 eil, a" e r rho en rant tern) 311 conte Clore 2vii. tilt, L,.lepntelent Order of Fes estcre :-- L, W. 1lelsotn, C, it. ; R. W. 11838, Re0.•6e0. A. Causley, Fin.•Soc, ; I. Balluutyn)e, Trees, ; D1, BInOk, P. C. 11. ; IL O. Vincent, V. 0. R. J. Gerrie, S. I3, ; I. CL 1licherds. e, B, ; A. McDougall, S. W, ; W rel 1113..7 tV, ; el, lteeeen elite. ; W 0,13hntn, Physician ; There were two lintiat1ous in December, Tits Quarterly Board of the Methodist chnrch in this place Inet 1a.t Monday eyenieg to consider the geo8tion of Rev. 0, 1'. Saltull'e invitation 1', Clinton. After talking over the subjsot with the pastor it ryas carried. 1tnvnimnnely, that SAVING'S BANK DE.PA '''TIENT, nInterest allowed on t3epeee.;, of ?L.u(l ul:d mono1l1 Item date of depa9it to date of 3, g f. i C, t rl "3 withdrawn) 1lltd compounded half yearly. - ] .,L3) �,,1 LI 3, .v_i ▪ y1 r. JAL 27. 1893 D RUG —AND--. STORE, B OOK Mr. Salt •11 he unt r. lie v.el by the 130:ore Interest Allowed nit fie I1 .11er 1114 Cowin els at Ouereut Rales. Interest Com- Ol.tohl r and A ,l: i meal A 118010 ier 111110 Dentslle. but instead that he be eor,hally mvlte'1 to 00m' Teta a three ye419' plot333.33 31 Brussels. We are pit:tea.d to say that h wit l.u•olro Sfr. 13133100 ]113•+ few opiate ,r a preen:h„r end his capitbi mating men of the 11eevy thea,:1131 bur den resting on the chs ah end the plans tow lining 83;;•10 i out fpr its redo.' ion speak volumes for him e8 a H D:1010r, Iu evangelistic work 11r. SeLltnn takes no second pinee and the ea vitae now in progress are resulting in good to many We would 1eennemend our Clinton brethren to practice the Golden Rule. Business Locals CAsu for hides and furs at 13. Gerry's, Pon the best and finest photos go to Perrv'S. COMFORTABLE 1)01185 10 let. Apply to S. 13. Smelts Don your photos go to St 03,33 5 over Standard Bank. HOT and cold lunch at any seasonable hour, at .7. Mailpine's restaurant. J. \ICALr3NE 31138 the largest stook of confectionery 10 town. C ell and see him, OYSTER:, served in any st'ylr-stewed, fried, raw or by the glass at J. Mc- Alpine's. No ueneeeseary transfers and re-cheek- ing when you buy your ticke's of Grand Tennis. agents. - REME3mEn we do no second class work in the ph 'to line. II. J. Strong, over Standard Bank. Bre your Manitoba tickets at the 0 T R depot and have your baggage oheokecl til, (mn1 to rlesti ea hon. Ooufectia.ery of all kinds 0/10/1 O. Pine lot of grapes, olange8 aud lemons jest to band. J. McAlpine. You may be happy yet in securing one of the 48 cash prizes from 810 to 9100 for ('0.311113 13'1 Este: brn0lt'0 Pens. Send postal to Esterbrook C Co., 20 John St., New York, for circulars. IT is probably not the 0014031 weather you over knew in your life ; but that• is how you f,.el just note because past suf- ferings are soon forlatten, and because your blood needs the enriching, invigor- ating influence of Ayer's Sareaparilla- tl,e-3uperiee llit,u,eh,e. ALL w130 are troubled with Ontlatlpa- tiou will lied a safe, sure and speedy re- lief in Ayer'. Pills Unlike most other cathartics, these pills strengthen the etomach, liver and bowels, and restore the organs to normal 131d regular action. D. STEWWART bags to inform the public, that he Hat) set up a first- class emery grinder, with a 101 aseortmsnt of wbee]e, and is prepared to gum saws, sharpen skates and all or any /kind of cutting tools, All ,verk dome in a workmanlike manner. Charges reasonable. Remember 111, place at Huw1's woo:leu mill, Bens. els If possible bong saws and skates n Monday and Thursday afternoons. 4;client) 1010I11ty Cared by Fon 11110110.8. HAMILTON, JULY 28TH, 180;1, 'o Lace Williams, 331ECIAL ATTENTION nl\'1•:N TO Ter CnLLI2.1',TnN nF 1'',31IN7're' fi tr.!, N,"ere Every facility a3lot'dad Costumers living at a distance. W. D. IIAl1.3', 1111111.18;08. ..,. swweveu__ •eatere s.w nvmuse ,r:� tee-ta..... •.�4..�.........., •,+xr",r».rvl GILLv1M•16ttL tezc4la,ts3• f* rt'r,•:so- +``�q_e.tnntt t pry, ru.'e�.'g IES 8?..; y W O to rfa e f l n '' ' a - a 1-�(I MP »4v'tf •S, 19 T? IT `, _ ,, .' f ' TJ , Transact a General Banking .Business. D"ll.rts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARI1EHS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, 131L113 NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. S:211' V' ! .''`.•7.1:4x" s0T'1".'^A'7`{`.3,3i231p'r. LIk),9 , AN 4r,1U Y �w G 3 a. ?� L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 5o11oitm' cud cony el011001. Collec- tions mode, Onfcs-Vanalone's bines, Brus- sels. 21.1m 1'V ^ ll, SINCLAIR, 00110110t r•nuvt)rt.c, ) rluy "031 o3" F-. 1107th of Ooutl rel flo601. PrtVale Funds to Lean. CAMERON, DOLT HOLM) ITS, J3 arrieitle, Solicitors, Notaries Public, (101101)011, Out, 3E. 0, 0,3110.11030, 4, 11,, P121 LIP 11 ALT, DUDLEY n5L111:8. leenudel e1e.. )3ll.,,, . •. Added t, the PI c, a_ , 1, tet ”, L„1 eleee111, of ' T1 lT1,j,, •,.tri._ .... e I I . AneNn1'a.el, ie .1 •e 1 red; ''. et- a 4}'e erred ie It etre Ce,aat•tatee 20 tad t n" iet, ar a' .' 19ud 5181733 Al tar1415, &4wt stucfq Ru. :rurms ,.1 nvl„d:an 4'olnita)ain5, or in 1X811 I oh. vlfuHy riiv u. in•a uLt,ni tar O, 31110s ,1 11101 411(nprt SICS 08 1(11,4 111' ILl'311'1d, 11:1131 1,5 arl'130,fed 143, '1'1111 I'ub' I'ubh11111ng N0i:30, 8rRs8als, • Deer Sir, --I have been te sufferer for a one time with gene:eel debility and weak• "58 3n my bnn3s. The 'looters could do to no good. I trier/ your Royal Crown emedy, aud after taking four bottles, it a lutldo me better than I have been for ears. I would highly reoonmenI it to 11 suffering from these dieeasee, Abs. Heaven, Inohtenry St. G0311N0 TO V0011 NEmitnolln.l00.--For orrven11n08 of Physic3aus,D• uggists and m0al public, Cote. Clutha will visit the Iln\vueg elaoes, Don't m10183 m the ates, as I am there on time :-Stratford, Tension House, Saturday, Feb, 4811, hatham, Garner Devoe, Saturday, Feb. 1133, Sernis, P,elohantber Rouse, Rron• ay, lebrnary 18,31, Water/no, Com. erolel Iiotnl, S.etm•dny, April 8111. If ,u.aro reotnr•ed 41r deformed, pall on a. Cly experience in adjustit g and inwledge of arequirements for rupture 1d deformities, snob es club fent, spin. trouble, Bow legs ,nod all doformitios the frame, is not min Mud, twenty area years' continuous experiteme in Canada of designing and Inmlnfectnring or therm articles, cone and bring your child. Three months will cure it or rupture. Crus. ('•rmene, 134 Hing ,Street West, Toronto. Tn31111 area number of business )nen in Brussels who, whenever they went lotto: or bill heads, or any work re. 33111(ing a doeign, end to eom0 large city and place thele order. They do this he. cause they think it is impossible to get the wont done as they want it at home, and hence order the whole thing else- where. 'There is another way, however, tvlh1uh will give them as Rood rs8ulte at Lens cost and at the Damn time keep the gr0at8t pet•14 of the work in our own town, The Grip Printlug and Publishing Coe or Toronto, make Plaine from epeeist and original deeign9, which they furnish, su Stable for any business, at a smell et. The _an lee 'witted from at Tula oke 1'ubliehiug 1101188 33,14 used for all bsequent orders 08th a ollango ie 8018 33338105(1, Wo coil takes .our order y you can write 43;001 to 1110 (Ir1�)I riming and Publishing Co,, 202 kancl 8 Yonge BC, Toronto. hake pienist, fir+, Cempheil, of FSonforth, oo vim seas to have given an neldreee on P 'Barns" wan unable to be present. au Tatra1 t coos thin q y g into consideration the a concert was en fumenne gu0cess and tly0 or members of 'Camp I3on Lomend nom P, 5 hands 311th theneselvos, , 20 Act.1Ts Pott CANAD,t.AND'3Arlan STATES : Tial; Ceeter,lsx BAER 00' COMluatrn, TO RENT -A new home aud s" of an wire of lard 5, 95.00 a 1n 1 0i :Apply to Mrs. 30101 MoCallum, 11311 street. R,LnEc,'A WI'ltinsou, of 1lrownevalley, Ind., 82\8 :-"I Heel been in a distress° / oouditiou f.,r three ,sous from nervone• nese, ,vealous9 of the stomech, 'lyepeeeia and indigestion until my heath was gone. I Mel been doctoring constantly whit no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Ne, vine, which did 81e more geed than 8ny 830 worth of doctoring I ever did in my lire. I would advise overt' lvenhly petite?, M ase this valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot• Ides of it has cured me completely. I consider it the graedes3 medicine in the world." A trial bottle will e0nvinoe you. Warranted by G. A. D. adman. WELL-P[nnmd AND P.R1LLEin.-G 190rge Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper - ed to attend to ell work eutrneted to bin) in a tvay that will insure' satisfaction. Wells cleaned wit and '.:11 in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residuum) 5000',d 4001' north of the bri.ige, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 81.11 SPECIAL eon oyl1 llo,tnens.-A 1erne, life. sized engraving (in natural colors) of +he famous our thousand duller prize St. Bernard dog owned by the publisher of The Toronto T3me8' together with The Times Calendar for 1803 will be sent free (in mail1og tube) upon r'neipt of your name and address and two three - I cent stamps to cover expense of mailing. • If you desire it 90,14 at once. Addr088, The Toronto Times, Osgoodby building, Tomtito, Ont. Buss matte money and seoore elegant and useful prises by working it few hours after subool and on Saturday, for the Toronto Times. Boys, if you leant a 13383.010105 watch, printing pe:089, air gun, magic lantern or Key other 3rtiele that cat be procured 10 '['0ruuto y011 can secure it without cost by writing ns. We want hustlers for the greateet Homo Newspaper in Canada. Send your name mud address for our prize oiler to live boys. Address the Toronto Times, "oiroulatton department," Osgoodby bending, Toronto, Ont. Es•President lluthet'ford 13, Hays is very ill from neneaIgtl of the heart. He:mann Horowitz, a conspicuous Hn8110ier 113 Vienna, !vent lead suddenly Monday aud killed himself. A journey through mid 13ir on a pair of skis a distcu0e of 103 feet, with a per. psndioular fail of 30 feet, may sound to many like a fable, but such a remarkable feat was accomplished by T11'e'ger I3em- m0stvedt, of Redwing, Minn. This breaks the record for' long distant* jump. lug by one font. 'There was a eullieieuey of 1180' and light 81101y and the thermom• ester 0e8,8 below zero, making the greatest speed possible. The hill whioh the club had selected for its runs is about .300 feet Inter and very steep. Half way down 15 a wooden p1Rtf0(11 000018,1 with snow and au (must•ruoted that when the muter passes over it he is thrown into ti]e air, 1.3'. Hemmeattelt, in breaking the record, stood ae gracefully its if he had been a statue fllac8d on a stational V podest0l. Ile held a 81111011 to oto hand. I1i8 skis were equally belenoed and per - elle]. Ile remained in the ale about two and one•half monde. The world's oifampioue31ip has for ninny years boon held by his 1)1011100., lfilikos Itenu.nlet' vodt, who two years ago am .shed all previous records by jumping 102 feet. - I30arN _ E1u0r,„••-L1 Blyth, on Jen. 21st, t110 wife or air, Wm. Emigh of a -on, Tey6mt.-Ill ]Chia, on Jan. 1011±, the wife of 11)1•. Go•, Taylor of a rlanghter, 1r1NN.-Iu Ben85818, on Jan. 25th, the wife of 111•. henry Finn of a son. BAnana°r.-Ill Brussels, on Tan. 21311, Cho wife of Me. R. N. Barrett of rt son. Pnersn.-In Brussels, on Jen. 1811,, the Wife or Mr. J. T. Pepper of a dough. ter. T.mmn,--In Blyth, on Jan. 19th, the wife of Mr. F. W. Tannee 01 a danghtor. L03o 1,35, In Wingllatn, on Jan, 811), the wife of Mr. 3. Longman of e son (still born.) 2VII:9o3-D'aton.•-A.t the 1::13180, Soaforth, on Jan, Ord, by Rev, A, D. 111oDOn- alde D. D„ M. John Wilton, to Miss Bessie Prior, both of Turnberry, 1 erica-•0oimIs,•--131 Morrie, on 'Tan, 18111, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. B. W. Pring, 11Tr. Aheeendor Mee.eer, to Miss Emily Are, Curtis, 1311 of 'Mbrrilt. lyi1Areemeni-Mnellans.-I11 Wallaot, on Tan. 10th, by Rev. A.. i tevensou, of Mo108wor1h, Mr, Wm. McAllister, of Oregon, formerly 0f Er ife11, to Mary, eldest danghtor of -Mfr, James t 11'ogziob, of Wailrfetr 13c:unre-D,\vts,-At Trinity church, 111 !I, on Jul 10111, by Rev. lir. 1)ewdeey, assisted by Rev. Canon Davis 02 London, ',vole or the bride,) lir. Charles II. Laurritt, B. A., 111. D., to Marie, second (Smell - ter of 141x. John 11. Davis, of the 21It011.1.'Idea:ate, - rss�_ K111••1'1113,--Iu Ethel, 031 Jan. 2131, John Huffer, aged GH years. Wu1TE1118An, In Cliutnn, OIL Jan. 10111, Harris,,, wife of Joeoph Whitehead, aged 49 years. T.LSLOR.-131 Elma, 00 .tan. 12311, Mrs. 1Vm. Taylor, wen. 111, aged .55 years and 5 mouths. 3CC,IAE.-L1 Guelph, on Jou. 9011, 1893, Mariam ltimlroe, rellet of David tic Crae, aged 99 yell's and 3 months, 8-3x2.7-MV.:1s:-,M •T.2AR��E'2' Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas. Oats Butter, tabs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes ... Ray per ten . Salt per bbl., retail.,,. IIidos trimmed Hides rough Sheep skin, each ,. Lamb 9ltine each Apples per barrel Wool Pork 130 02 58 00 80 83 52 53 20 27 16 00 1.55 16 3 50 4 00 85 40 0 00 00 100 00 Bee 8 (10 100 05 00 1 00 1 50 17 18 8 5) 8 60 THF. PEOPLE'S COMM. `-'ANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A. Tun Rosiood general servant, A01117 at ERVANT WANTED AT ONCE. Apply to MRS, W. M, SIN0LAI11, Brussels. WANTED. -A SMART BOY or y01111g 10041 1,0 1011111 the Drug and book busl11UUS, G. A. DEADII AN, Druggist .to, DRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE- Irone fuv11i 1111'0, eta. Everything will be sold ata bargei11 twit must all be dlspos- edl of before Jan, 0193, Apply to rats.L. S. rl'CONNI)I), C6ureh street, h1uosols. TF YOU WANT A SITUATION L. 10 MS City or state, send us Y'n'tlnulers of wlutt you would Remota S1A18 01+Map), 00 Clri,wnld St. 29.11)1 Detroit, Minh, fl( SOUND OHDAR Posts Weasel, tee be de- liv1 ered ' on North 3 Lct 17, Con, 0, Morris. The highest price paid,.For Roll portion furs apply to .1011N MOONEY, 28.3 Oelleotoa VOUNG DRIVING HORSE, a. Shinto Harness, Cutter 131;t1 /toad Garb allerarly1lety 1018,de11238.b'trgain, «eow'u- or 1180 110 1811111aY nso for 11180. A /ply to 01:0. DO13S011, loather, Ethel, Cheese Factory. h 311001ing Of the Patrons and 8barabnld- ar's of Ow en Dose Factory ,,-l11 1.0 bv1 3 at the Town final hen'Role a 14,1142.11314, .711(. e8, OOlnmenOilig 900103311',at w, snarl), for the 5131 rp 080 of 35101:13 the mill; routes and de- ciding on the tremolo of the 4'rcastp'eta;bip. D, 8'.;1:W113.11', SSorotnry, Tenders Wanted. Tenders will h0 received, up till lrebreary let, leen, by tem undersigned, for the aviation of 13 brick wheal Noone in S, S, No. 8, Town- ship of Afooris, Plaits and epealiloutteus may he 8008 at they then et the 1'081433(108 of the undersigned, lot 17 min.3, Morris.. SAA:('WAYS ('AUL, Seo,4freas„ 10-1 lilnove4n P,0, REAL ESTATE. 'flA.itbt EOIl, SALE.-I3Z ING .L' Lot 19, Con. 7, Grey toweenie. 00 0ere0 cleared, balimeo bosh, !Cher) 10 a brick Veneer oc111om() ands 111,110 40x00 feet, good oration), wall, We. lar tlar3ectlit'5 as to 111'210, tering, &t., 13ppl73 a to I0111.A 1lA'P17,IIIAN, 37.1 Prop., Ethel et. ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acro fa1m hoine tote 11 rid )2. con, IO. Gray, in Ofrerotl leo 0,10, 120 (30208 *re oloar83 end (be balance well tier bared, Buildings ttr0t•Olae8, Orclnsrd, wall, Btn, School house Within 40 eod8, 1'00908• 81,130 glve1 at 01100 if desired, 1 er further 3artteulitee ae to print+, terms, We. 13q' ply to MM. 1V1308081t, 0.tf 331(0, llat'.0, oe NZ/40N BILICKEN, on farm. 7 3 EOLI(iLKIr1Ii.IBY, idealised Aautiuoyor, <u.los 0ondnet odea reasonable tw•ms. Farum, and farm stook a 000o1alty, Orders left at Ten POST Fanil 43,1:4 l:feuso, limseeln,ur seat to Walton Y, 0„ will reeelye prompt attention. -a AWING TAREN OUT LICLN- sE as an Auctioneer, lam prepared to tandem, s .108 of farm 01811. at roa0wutble prices. Kooning the 510,11;11 Lig of o'urly every poi taco I am ilia position, to sell to good marks and get good security when gold on orad(,, Satisfaction gultl'aliteotl, Give mu 14 cull, 83- F 8. SOO'1'1'. BUSINESS 13 0' Iseurer OfltarriugeLloou e•'.- Oince -�• at his Oroonry, rlu'uborr3 street, 131,3303311. --_ _R. 3/meoriel amiss shardwaretre.N BARRETT, south of A. M, McfayfCo'so Ladies' auto OUIldrens bah cutting a 50541 lty. -ZV. eJoNAIR Issarer of )iiu•rioge Lieousos, by eepoiutm0nt of Lieut,-,,3vo1•Lu7, commis - 1 stoner, zee., Q.41, Conveyancer told :/gent Fire lustuuuce 0o. 011tvc at Cho Cranbrook Yost Ouica`— ROBERT CUNNINGHAM XN5IIRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, A LEX. HUNTER, aler3t of the fourth Diteelou Court Co, Fluron, Convoyunoer, Notary Public Land, hoan and insure nee Agent. Funds invented xnd to loan, Ceiteet,ons mad0, Oliloe 111 Graham's Sleek, Brussels. OILOIL PAINTING, Mnries, of Wingl,n m, fs prepared 10 give instruntion iu ell pemtiug., lorms may be ascertained at bliss Nellie Boss' Store where samples of work may bo seen. buss Alorfos would also take n, ew more pupilsin mucic. r1A. I3AWKINS, • Organist in St. John's Chmen, Oros• 5538,13033011013,10(118 Art of `Poaching, of A. W. Thayer, Mus. lloo., New 70111,, will 11180 lessons to pupils eitber at Farrotv's, Turnberry Street, or If prefure d, at. their Own limos. holiday, Tuesday (Loci Wednes- day at Walton. Terms moderate. HV E 'CAL CARDS. _1 A. 311oNAUGtiTON , V • C.M., 1..1;,. O.P., Lcllaburgb, AL. C. P S, Ont. ltesitleboe and office in Wtlson' Bleak, corner of Mill and Tut:Merry Ste. A. 170j4.1'Q'$W91'v ._...._ M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D• D. S„ Onetime of the 1toy4Q Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto vorslty, Ormolu -0801 A. It, Smith's Storm B7il98a,s, OARS FOR SERV10E,- •TfIE. neder0igoed will keep for eervtos on Lot 11, Con. 0, Grey, a thorn' bred Chester White pig, with pedigree earl from import- ed stock. Also a thbro' bred Derks1tire bog. Torino ,1.00 to b0 paid et 311115 or 201.9101) with privilege or Xt,uruIm if necessary 11•tf A. SHr AW, Proprietor. 'ROAR FOR SERVICE -111E Vndeostgnod will k13 , for 083(1180 on North 13 7.03 20,00n, 7, 11Torrie, 0 thorn' broil 0hester White Hog. 1.1,18 LAE 30118 awarded ',thee at Termite aud London Heirs, Fein giro, elioyal"hes teem lab at (11:7 Industrial for yours. Terms, 11100 to bo paid- at time, 01 Heavier) with pr1Vlleee or returning it 050808ary, SAMUEL! WA 1.1(1:133, 10.18 Proprietor. TMPROVIODLARG'E WTII'TTE YORK. 1 31131113, 130.01?., Tho e s a•elguod w111 ltoop 1031 58,009 tete vpee int 8oae011 the 131p1'08014 largo whit, YOYkshiro )3rf ' 13301413' 031 int 30, coal, 0, Morris, to which n limited timber of sesta will bo taken. .Porous 81.00 to be paid at time 0 f nervier!, wit tho privilege of return- ing if Locesoltl'y, Pedigree May be 305811 up - 01) 111,3111033301). 11011.311 ,1' N1O310L, 30331 1'ropelotor. VETERINARY! WARWICK, WICK, eft 33 Honor College. 15 p3 ar foto Ontario `diseasesofd3 is prepared to treat at- 034,11ea rammer, 7oatte animals t n. 0am- to vet ina07 ,le 31500(12 013 attention rein to did t . o donand It C1321s prmteot)y tit. tended 231 oNOb and InBrmay-0080 doors Mirth Of bridge hrurnberry et„ itrueoe,s,