The Brussels Post, 1893-1-27, Page 5JAN 27, 1893 auptgiongntolkarav+kmmix,.. .n".wua rmerres rsrr-,uzVAXIrw OD7InEtti p,XDatt=•-•••-^• r -SO tsei twnGt¢Attma..,.,.cucre: MP THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS. C7 rust Isettulc. A 11181 and ,upper will he held nh Zitn- 3nar's Motel on Fraley, Feb, Bed. !11I 11+� severelelR. A t";h h, 61 Canlflb0 lily ret u10ed to Molesworth after spending the simmer in 11'itn;toba. The marriage of Mies Mary Menzies to Win, 1leAllister, of Washington Terri. tory, oohs 111aoe at her father's residence on :lap. 101h. That that may be happy and prosperous is the wish of their many frlonde. 'Vrtaxerttr. Reeve Sanders ie away at the Oonnty Council this week. Richard Miller is attending Clinton Collegiate Instituto. Fllectria light will illominato thio place in a few weeks. Some Bay Gerrie will "cateh-ol" too, the same power doing the two villages. On Friday ove,ling of next week the Canadian Order of Foresters will hold a concert. hiis8 Bowed, eloeotiolist, .1 .. Fax, linmo•tst, and other talent will be on the program. 13 1.,, ria. Robert Crittenden, of Alexandria, Michigan, is visiting his pareule in town at present. The wires and poles for the eleotrio lights rare rapidly being pushed forward these days. Lawyer Cook intends leaving this town shortly to make hitt abode in the future in Sttgibaw Gity. F. W. Tanner, is very jubilant over the presentation that his wife made him the other day of a flue bouncing baby girl. A Inrge number of delegates were in town attending the S. S. Convention that was held on Tuesday and We dnes• day. "A' •Home," under the auspices of Y. P. C. A. of the English ohuroh, 16 to bo held et the par000age on the evening of Feb. hat. One of the employees of the salt blook, Joseph Tamil, had a iniraOdo us e-oape from being killed by the falling of a large portion of the roof through the weight of 0now on it. Fortunately •he was working at the end of the portion whioh had collapsed by wbiuh ho (soaped with tt few bruises, 1lad he been raking at the time he would have been instant- ly killed. VaLlkuu. Thos. 11111lribbin is suffering from m severe atnwk of bronchitis, Hiss 'Maggie Turnbull was visiting friends fn Listowel last week. Jos. Biernes, baler, of Listowel, was in our vilblge visiting friends last Sun. day. The congregation of Duff's 011111111 purpose holding 11 tea meeting in the near future. St me inquisitive people want to know very 11111311 who is the Walton oorre;pou- deut 10 THE Posr. 13110, (Dr.) i J1ecltel returned to Ripley lest ween this a isit of several weeks with relatives here. A number from this locality attended the Cou„ny Sabbath school Couventiou at Blyth this weep. \V1 y do the Aide in \Val'on walls alone on the siduwallie 011 Sundu.y t ight ? ,.13, cense there's only room for one,' Ned Morrison and ife, of Varna, were viaitmg at Dan Campbell's this week. Mrs. Morrison to Mrs. Uampbell's sister. /Bre. (liev,) Forrest and Dawsie re- turned nhome recently after enjoying a visit with friends uaar Uxbridge fur some weeits. ,hoe, eel Geo. McKim and Miss Annie 'McKim, of St. Helens, blioh,• are visit. Ing friet•ds and renewing old saquelnk tans es in this locality. Dan. Campbell has disposed of hie btaukomi,h and wagon 0hope to 'rhos. Clarice, of chi• place. 11fr, Omni bell in- tends removing from Walton. Wo 511811 be vary sorry to part with him and hie excelimit wife, as they art, good citizens. The marry friends of Rev. Wm. Por - tee me, who was stationed here, will be pleased to learn that his health ie now Ottawa. enuuh better than it has Leen for a con. The annual meeting of the 8harehold- siderab,e length of time, and that his old ere of the Morris, Feild, Rogers Company enenny-seiatiaa-• le entirely out of his wa" held in ibe Factory warernoms on system, Monday (light, 1611, inst., and nearly all NBA; Jennie McDougall, of Detroit, in the stOOkho'der4 were represented Up remitting her subscription for 1893, on a hal ot• being taken the following eoye :-"lent Pon 10 000 of the old gentlemen were eleoted a board of di. Blends whom I always welcome and rscto•e for 1808 :-Messrs, B. 1'. Bro'k, 7n th • evening every Well of available ee l;thel ell it furnished the musical spew wee 1rnwded and grimy hid to uo part of the eutertmiument 10 13 very away unable to get in. line. Dr. Kelly . elliuiont In loner. The organ used was T,__•-•___ _. __ T occupied th• pulpit and gave a (Seamus., one of Ile. Leatherdale'a, of 13ru••sels. fu 1 of preadult) poiht5 mull ex spent that all olaitns had boon e0t;isfitotorily thought,, lamed on Olio story of David a tided, leaving a balance 10 the hand of ' aJ nvi••„'i,di vh, fou 1 in 'h.l 17th oh:1), the Tree ever of $1,081.61, be idea 8114. 80 ununlleeterl at that date, nakhl1 a 1101 88001 of 81,100 41, On m ,tion 1111140 and carried the report were adopted, The re tieingdiruoters we. e, 11 their wed, t. R Hammond and S. McAllister, Mored by John A. Turnbull, ear:elided by F. Switzer that the retiring; dirooto•o be re. eteOleti and that the chairman be author• Ned to mat a ballot for them, Oar1irri. Moved by The.. Gibson, seconded lei 13, McAllister that W. Keith and .1. A. Terubull be 18 appalnted andito'8- Our'i d. After a pleasant talc on the affairs of the Company and IL vote of thahitt to the obairmot the mooting adjo •reed, '2110 directors then met to organize, On 11103i0h made and (tarried the old oil -Suers were all installed as fol• lows: Win. Shearer, President; James Donaldson, or,, Viue•Presidenb; 11. Ole lend, Seu,•Troas., salary same au taut year, $60. Applications for ineuranue were reeei•ed stud aou0pbed umunutdng 10 885,000. Meeting then arljourned till the second 'Tuesday in March. Libel ll via Jas. Greig is very low with inflnn' mutmu laud plotriey, beitig under the uar0 of two physicians. Borne of the villagers tonic in the Sts of Scotland oenoert int Bru,sele on Wed- nes.tey everting of this week. The }uungeet d ltighter of .7. II, T11 ,m• 8011 18 under the lout a•'s Imre, her trouble being bronchitis rand coltinuod fever, \Ire. Joan Gaynor, mother of John and Tho-. Guyn•r, deported chi• life on Situ. clay Iasi tab tine ripe a e of 91 y ars, having survival her hu.band ton months, In m'de• (0 keep the hyrlrwute from who died at the advanced, age f 101 years. Her remains were interred be. side chose of her husband, in the Irish - town cemetery, on Tuesday of this week. ui 111'• Int ilnok of Sammie, 1'lin Omit', rednftr(er1 by Heger.. lighting and Yen, of T8,•50wate•, did good eerelou, 1110 now pipetopped araun being valutat,h. ad dit;un. 'Inc tIlet:3 0 4 dune the .•uy amounted to $146. 011 :Monday evening dr, Kelly delivered his lecture obit e l rot wienitIg fore •s of mronhoo L” W. \I. Grey, of 13eefo•tll, it former Gorrieite, ououpied the chair, The (wooing was miliveto l by a solo by Elev. lir. Livid,. stop, it duett by 1lagara. Skilling and Yeo, and a gnartette by to r male voices of the ahoy. A, vote of thank, lou, ten. detect 111r. Kelly and the proceedings were brou;;ht to a close. W 11.,111 II M. Thos. 13e11 was eleoted chairman of the School Board, Dr. tllaudonald M. P., left for Ottawa this week to attend the Iteasions of Perlia. meat. '1'be town world like to secure Gillies & Martin, of Teeawator, to run a foundry here. A. S bastion ha, opened out a barber shop in the shop lately occupied by W. Martin Pd.:iwaris, formerly of Gutloriah, hie pOruhated the lively 11uai0esd of his In her hi town. D. auOm'miok, forosr.y of the Bruns• wick tion 0, intends loavi,g town for Gude, lel!, wberu he will tale puseeseion of the Huron hotel. The esiduuoe of John Reynolds was partially destroyed by fire ue .Monday 111011 i1.(;, 0,11 -rd by a def0n31ve pipe. Ln s vont $500. blamed In the Sun. freezing up ant thee p true 1110 town Mn jt"pardy, the h df of a barrel ,,ns been placed around eaeh, and these have been tilled with manure. 'She final draw between the Lucknow and Wiugtlam ,Jurllog Clubs for the I. 0. G. T, -The qumrtetly meeting of Western Ontario Tankard was played the District Lodge of Good Temp'ars ,Vern brat Friday and resulted in favor of was held at Bolgrave, ou the 18th ins,., W 0 loll,, (lhl , by 5 puede. The score and was well attended, considering the 10 as tallows :- weather and roads. Its its from No, 1, various lodges wore given, showing pro• wain HAM. LOOENonv, grail. Membership reported 789. 10 D. Sutherland R, (t. .II eu. g p pW. Vnnalmta. W, (#. Aha„. lodges were represented and 16 not. The Dr, ',Rolle mild T. W. Aden. Executive Commit tee was instructed to P. Patterson, skip - 22 J. Bunter, skip.11 make arrangements for a month's atm- No, 2. pnIgn it the distriot, by Mrs. Hitchuox, 0. I neolibel. r. IloP11ereon, Mre. Scott, 'Toronto, Grand Salt. of A. ,tllt,hell, 17. Moe 6. A'Tuirs. J, neehuhls, Juvenile Missions, was present and gave J, Dir181e0, sliln 81 Dr, 'Tennant, skip.,.. 1 E. &unloelt. the Juvenile pledge to refrain fret either gambling, smoking, driultiog or pro fahity, to 26 members. A. motion wao unanimously carried, pledging members to support only be operauoe candidates at D.miuion and Local elections. Votes of thanks were given Mrs. So43, a1•d the Bel.rnvs Lodge for the thorough enter• tainme(t and hoop; (lily shown the dele- gates. An entertainment was given in Too. Aud; Audutota, the a ening, and a lecture by Mrs. Scott, and Peter Fowler, DiVtn. Maxwell reutors, Peter The next meo'iug will be held in Luck. Deane, D. McKinley, R. Maxwell, A. now, on Tuesday, \lay 16311. Tipltng, .1 Direst, W. I bister, J. Brydees, A. Hardie and 0, W. Taylor. I.inaiuwr,1. After the business of the meeting had beer] gone through with, the question of Over 125 pupils are in attendance at new grounds was taken •,p and distressed, the Wall School. but no geouucls were settled onus yet. A. M. Onmherland, of Walbma, ie opsin Committee wits appointed to look for ”next meeting dyeing • 4and report. es the I ties oloamo and diel round, a out 0eob in n„ 6l gg ostatbli hment in town. of the 1#onrd. Werke -len are busily eogaved in sown, Lam: .V8011 Reuss. -At the Meeting of ;leg the ice harem 1, of whioh the .e ere Faro Lodge, Nu. 1.9, L. 'I. 13., the follow - weather hae insure 1 It bauntifml supply. int,' °Doers were elected for the en.1;ng I. E1. McDonald has perehasecl the u0w y ur :-t11es. alae. MaOreight, W. M. , cemetery from John 0, Hay. The alias L"niea Plenty, D. M, ; yire. John property wi 1 he continued under statue Davidson, Olntp. ; Mies Lizzie Meaty, Mall age llen', Rec. Sec. ; 1'Iia- 111111110 Iduuter, Pin. T. EL lolls hae decided to to on with ' Sec. ; Hiss Luttio Watcher, Treas. ; the erection of a block of stores on the 511 s Maggie Amnia, D: of 0. ; ,Hies situ of the old Grand Oantral. His plane Maggio 'Johnston, Iles. John Jaultsou, are brawn for two large stoles and two Mrs. Robt, el,kens, Mrs. A. W Webster, offices. Opeeotiuna will be begun at once Mrs. D. Rush, Oolo • Mine Lizzie O,mp ap'fl the opening of Spring. bell, I. T. ; Mrs. R Aikens, 0. T. ; hire. Mise Balla Lowry and bliss Reid, who MoOreightand Mies S. Webster, auditors. have been visiting Mende in Brooklyn A pleasant feature of the meeting, and and New York, returned home recently for whioh the memb,me feel thankful, well pleased with their visit. Mies Reid, was the presentation to the lodge of a after spending a few days in town with handsome Bible by Mrs. 'Mhos. cNetter. h, r numerous friends, has returned to field, Deputy.Mietress of the past your. her home in Ottawa, accompanied by Miss Rebecca Lnwry, 1'rmerly teach •r fu the Listowel POWio suttee', who bas gone to attend the Normal settee! at 13eil rrtvu. Totts 43 T,tal 38 Majority for Wiugnam 5. AGRtouLTOnaL.-Al the animal meeting or the cuwnahip of .ruruberry Agriuut- MANITOBA BRITISH COL - tura! So •iely, held at S , brie' hotel, the following dhows and directors were ap- UMBIA, CALIFORNIA, pointed :-Bretideut, Chow. Henderson ; Vice President, Geo. Moffat ; Secretary, DAKOTA., The result•, of 110 opening were a' fol- lows 1--1uh-urlptiom before hand, 8367,- 00 ; S bb tit bol 'eel inns, 496,00 ; tea uleethli, 667,00 1 ubeurlptiun and ea1t5, $50.00 ; total, $502.00. The ehneell re a nonfo'table frtatn0 building 300211 and 18 fee pe, and 1 • to leave a stone founds• riot u dor it What all is oomr:^uw and the building painted the oast will be about $000, ,lluch oredit is due 015 paotoC and all who have worked to nobly, • HE COOICS BEST FRIEND °•t0GEST SALE IN CANADA. MONE1 TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. BE SURE When purchasing Tickets that they read G RA 0I3 THE VD TRUNK R'yt -'rtnE- Popular Route -TO- (i ran'. Mrs. Thos. MoLauchliu is still very poorly. Several fine rueidenoee will be erected in Grey township this year, Mise L. 06tLauohbn, of Seatorth, ie now speedily her holidays ut Fairview. A Grange social will be held ill Fid. ton's 04.,uul on T'hurdday Gentling, Feb. 2nd, hiss J. G. Mitchell, who has been heli- dayiee at Loudon, has returned home oaunot afford to spare as it enables me J. W. Soot,, D. D. Campbell, James touch pleased with her visit. to keep informed what people are doing Li ineston°, M P., Beden, Robert Jas. F rgeaon tori tv110, 31(08 L. For - around my old home.” Martin, John Livingstone and F. \V. gu•on sad P. Ferguson meth wife lopes Huy. vietiug;u Toeswator this week, Jltwood. Daniel MOLn30Chl11 it home from A now livery has been opened in At• '( orrier. Manitoba on a visit. He looks es if the wood by Geo. Kort. Cnunon OPENING, -It is a long time climate of that (rountry suited him. '1'le friends of 3 II. MoBain will be since, if ever before, that l4orrio has Miss Lizzie Calder, who has been wittt0885d 8u01) it gathering for divine vi8itill3 her aiyt, r in the Queen City, has eerviOee as on Sabbath 'tet, the oetres11,1 returned, aeoompenied by her elatur% being the opening and dedication of the Reeve Milne and Deputy 160eve0 Oliver new Mothodiet church. Thu building is and Drama are away at God511011 this of rel brick, gothic' in arehiteoture, 06 x week attending the 588810/15 of the 42 feet and will seat nearly 450 people comfortably in the auditorium. It is lighted hy a Bailey reenter with 10 double wick'd burners. The heating is done by two Copp furnaoes, affiliated in the basement, whioh is not yet finished, though it was ono time expected that the 011 1.I(81.1 nu the 16111 con. Gook platoon whole sworildmbe have been the hone for early Senility, Jan. 22nd. Three aermous were in December. Before haus for o0m- Y' pceuohed, in Oto morning and ntteruonn by Rev. 1t. Husking, of Pal oleouit, and In the evening by Rev. Mr. Henderson, 116, A., Prosily ellen minister, of Atwood. All tato dineoursee were of a very high The sermon was ln00h appreciated and oeder, frill m1 evangelical truth and were was listened to with met attentiOu listened to by largo and appreehttiv1 throughout. At the Mosese VV. 14. Bean, audiences. No doubt great good will re. seoretta'y of the buildiltg committee, was stilt from the services anti many prayed called upon, and gave a etattemont of the that 1115 house mL}' be owned of God and expenditure of the committee, showing hundreds savtt in it. May the prayer ia that tho bnildinu, when (inhaled, would be realized to its fullest extent, The tea cost about ,$ 0;500, and $1,700 was still meetiegon Monday nightwas iuerory nnpr1vieed for. Rev. Mr, Kelly thea way e4 grated 8nu0055. The provisions rose and appealed to the congregation for were nbtlntlant, all that any porton (meld etbstriptions t0 wine out this mann- possibly dmiro, and wore. doopatohod in the most aperov501 style. After all had been supplied the intellectual part of the program teas entered on and carried 111rotigh in a most sno0055fu1 manner. The 1t0v. J. 7I. Watts, pastor of the t' church, ,oak the ,hair and after some opening retnnrks called on Mr. Smith, who gave ,t reading, "Patience ander diffiTultiee," Addroseos wealgiven by Revds. Robert Hooking and B. Paul, all of which were meal enjoyed by a bongo pa0lted to the doors, About fifty per. sons could only tinct standing room, glad to hear that the University studeuta (looted hum Preeident of the Literacy Boot sty. 311x8 Lizsie Graham has gone to Bal. grave where she will spend the remain- der of the winter with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Erskine. Rev,L bee has dropped the Trete.bridge ep0Oihimeut and will hereafter preach ab,Luhel, EIelfryn and Atwood only 011 the Sabbath. While washing one clay last week, Mrs. V. 1,rgorfelt eamethi•lg run into her hand, which subsequently proved to be part of a hag pin. Dr. Rime expel ienoed some ditheulty in finding the pin which had penetrated over an Mob. The anneal meeting of the Eima Agri oultural Booiety was 1101d in their hall, Atwood, last week. The following oft• acts were eleoted :-P1'osidelt, J. 13• Ilamiltml ; Vice President, James llun• cul ; Sen. Trees., J. Marline ; Dire°. tots, J. W. Mallein, Fred. Switzer, P. Coulter, Jos. Horn, A. Stevenson, II. Ronnenbel'g, R•, Ford, Jas. Dioltsan, If. Riehn,o,d ; Auditors, T. Fullerton andd John (;tay, lllua'ov, Finn 10000ANcit (lo —Tho an• areal meeting of 111e above company was held at, Atwood on the 17th Inst. There County Cuonoil. L. S. I anttbalter and family remove from the 12th eon. to lfeepelorthis week. We are sorry to lose them 11'um the neighborhood bub hope they will be pros- pered In 11101 new home. The eeenine servioe0 of the Methodist iterating the 5erv;0e every seat was Riled. The eerviee was opened by the choir singing "Lord of Floats" and then Rev. Dr, Kelly, of Philadelphia, preached from John, m, 21st amp., Bed to 113th 0011008 brattier so that it might ba, prareneaily, was 110t a Marge attendance of members, dedicated ECGs from debt. Thi; met with an evide ee that the affairs of the Co. a prompt respdnse, and in a short limo were managed satiefnotorily. Jam08 nearly $2,000 was raised. Rov. lair. Dickson, sr., was called to the chair, who Rupert then oonlnotod Lite dadinatory after a few complimentary remarks ask• ad the Seoretary to rend rho Auditors' Report, showing that the Company hal policies le fordo at 815E Dao„ 1892, aamomnting to 61.,038,807.00 and unaseeoetl ,premium notes to the amount of $18,230, 11_ing the Moatsuc000stul year slow oho servioes, which closed the morning's pro' oacid ties. Or the afternoon a imp ntum• bee were present to hear Rev, Jae. Liv- ingston, of Listowel, who dolleored au excellent discourse from Job, 7th duty., 176h verse, "What i0 man that thee ehouldest magnify hitt and that thou 'COM VOW rtes orgaoi eti to 18$41 1111ti shouldesb sot thine heart upon him ? AND ALL POINTS EAST and WEST. For Haps, Time Tables and Lowest Fares, apply to J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. For Particullars ABOUT THE Settlers' Trains TO MAN TO;A AND THE NORTH-WEST Send to your nearest Sailroaul Agent and obtain a copy of "Free FaCtsnoIDFartgstt CON'S COTTON ROOT j i\'J c L .E O D' S t'0:111'OUNH, ; System nenovaotow A regent alsoovery by an old physician. sician. Ouranssful- a..v.n•ably l,y Lanus- ‘``." ands of LAn1110. IP 1110 ot11y perfectly safe mud reliable utediotue disonv. e•nt1, 18, wvn'n n! uuln•iuelltlyd. 41111,04's who offer hinder medicines in photo of tile. Ask lett :'8,.1,'11 0,111.0 laeu'r ti. ani' etfN t,.:u, nn , substitute 1 u1' luoluoo 03 alai 4 throo•eeut Cronin not/age etmmne in letter, 118,1 are 11/111 send, sealed, by return well. Pa seal - el pttt'ttcula'l 10 pial1, e8vrlape, t0 ladies only, 3 stumps, Add robs renal 1,11y Coin. puny, Nn. 11 Fisher Block, lel Woodward ave., Detroit, Mien. t. -r" gold it, Wu/mole by J,'1', PEI'I14R, O, A. DliAl'NUAN and ell respoulalile druggists overywho,e. TMM&t F JETGU.FB,, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the publio for paid favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out 3: till Lines in BOLO t+1ID SiLVl R WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Desins JEWELRY! WEnnnto HHMNIS, LADIES GENT RINGS, BROOCHES, Emirates, &o. la -Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, &o., in Stook. N. 11.—ISBureI. of Uarrlage W,enaea. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. ---ANTI OTR1110 -- T1i)STED REMEDIES SPE.DI, IC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished 13lood, Dyepet•eia, Sleeplessness, Pali a,e• tion of the I7eart, Liver Cornplalnt, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gull Stones, Janndloe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, S„ Vitus' Danes, Female L'regularities and Goueral De- bility. LABORATORY C ODERICH, ONT. X. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and M'anifaoturor. Sold by J. T. PEPPER. Druggist, Brussels. "Backache MGM the kid- neys are In trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief," f175 per cent. ofdisease is first caused by disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to haus a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are clogged, they are the s 011809ers of the system. Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dam= gerous of all, Briryhts Desense, Diabetes and Dropsy. "The aboue diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used.' Sold by all dealers orsentbymail on receipt of price 5o cents. per box or six 808.82.50. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for book Idled Kidney Talk. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF tow D ....P ' t Tornnb,. 8o emir g Pnssenree Arent() P aR. n a yn Au tete t, t, ons gp teas mmnr'o 00 0100 erne—les action is marvellous—in m own ciao a ro,v nppllt. tions got only thoroughly 10 removed (�?�I1 oxunneth dnndrua neounmintton but stopped LLe Sig 1I1 IaA`3 10131,5 880 of tan anir.malsasoft and panttu and u°,la LVA ti EO pNnwu•d A'il'agrowLh. SOLD BY G. A. DEADMAN, BRUSSELS. F Restores Fading hair falls original color. Stops falling of hair. Keeps tato Scalp clean. Makes hair soft and Pliable Pre:cies Growth. LIVE! %LIVE! ALIVE! That is what we are, and that is what you will have to be if you want to secure some of the great bargains in Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Readymade Clothing r�l J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. For t''V ro rii c g 19 i ti "leaver renlixt:d the good of n medicine so much as 1 Intro in the Inst few mouths, during which time I hero suffered intensely front pneumonia, follevotI hy bronchitis. After trying various remedies w ithent bonen,, 1 bol*nn the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and the effect ham leen mnrvrlocr, • a single dose rvlis,tinp mo of choking and lr necurnn good algins rent.' -T. A. iligginledh..m, Cel, Store, Long Mo main, Va. La GOppe "Leat Spring 1 nom taken down nidi la grippe. At tines 1 -was completely preatr00 ed, std so d urns %van my Iotathmg that my I ..eat seentrd ,f caulinrd in m nett rnGo 1 pootired a bottle of i\y,•rs Cherry r cotor 1, and no sooner fed 1 began taking it tan 1 el t f ll ,wrd. T could not imlievo 11101 tl C:1,71 VAllit.1 hr 00 r ,pith"- \C. 11. Willi . , , , Cool: City, S. Tlnla, LTJ 110 1"` roU bie •. f r t1 m t tvantytivo years, 1 ten, n rt f r - , lou (1'01111 e, attend, d wish coughing tu.e nt there us t, 1,111,1 1,•, .rs flt li . porosysms fr )u , It hist. lett tlu i few hums, 1 tions !educed to 1!y Ayers Cherry Portornl, and Ain. taking four hind., wins tharongitly cur I 1 aim cnn8A',1llyrerommcnitltisntrJi t '-Yrmx Hormone, Clay Cintre, Ren,,, AV E Cherry Pectoral Prepared I y 111 T. C. A rev r& Co., Lowell, Mains. Solt by all 1)rcr'gists. Biwa 81 1 'aa, bilges, 49, PI'OtertiOIt tee a:C , silt'o 80 culla 4 CREAT BARGAIN STORE. b ave you got your share of the Plunder yet P If not come quick for we must clean the Goods out, First comer gets 111e choice of the largest Plums. Some Plums in all the different departments left yet, come quick if you wish to secure them, Don't Forget the place, T 1ARFIELD LOCK, ),S E, BARGAIN STORE.