HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-27, Page 1.6.1....4,.....i........4;4411114.111.13141141‘1.104.41M141.441.,C4.1410,411.9,14...,44/...,...2,79944,1,.....2349....4.9,...r...e...,,,,,,,......:,.......,.....,......rom4494..;14a.11.4......404.9......t......../.........41.141........,7,1141,-441.... • Vol, 20. No. 29 BRUSSEL—, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1893 W. H. KERR, Prop, ellitittee Teem), 'no etre Sitter 01 rue PAT, 1 Hill, WI l> nail ywir at• tousle, And het of till routers of 'Pim Puer to a bulb, namely, that o largo lity of the wood brought tut • Brim sele UM two foot wood, is not inure then twenty Mullets, mid yet it is isuld for a lawful (wed of t ro foot won't. Who ie itt limit in the smutty ? What is the law feeurieg on the subject ? Gould Tins Pose givo any light or information on a matter of anti intereo to the publie ? 1 W 03 in one of the elitiechee in B11880(0 and HMV wood there, ilitie.tenths 01 we ,set more thati teen ty 11101104 long atm yen the Tru ;me. ot said 01100311 paid for two foot wood. Now, I want t, ask Lo mash as that honest 1 Ie it just and right between ineti and meet ? Now, to mike clear what I mean, here ie o men who engtmee to bring a met•eleint, in town, twelve cords of stove wuorl, and when delivered it le all twenty Inches lung—that its jugs ten owls, Re goes into the store to get the value of kis wood. He wants fifteen yards of go di at •iellar Et yard. lint the nate olle:it gives him leth yerds. Then he thee into a rage and to1cLr0s Llie merchatit disheuest, as he w tilts to wrung him out of two dol. fore and fifty ciente. Ale. It/dinar, who deee the greeter wrong, the wootimae or the store keeper ; 111131 10 11 the latter did what 1 have g .PpOgeci 1 Hot iug that a remedy will Poen bo applied to this groat wron(3. I am, Yours, 00141E4 1.(O1.11. .1. 'I'M 1' T4) i/NDIA, To the Editor of THE PosT. fire,—As I pros -nosed you before 1 left Petrolea I have gveat, pleasure in giving you a sketeh of my journey to Inditt and other foreign lends. Arriving in New York I took passage for Liverpooi on the Teutonic. Four days after leaving her. is et we experienced one of the grandest fiirturbances Natiare that I would sup- pose ever took place on the Atlantic; Ocettle Forty.eight hours previous to the storm meeting ns the sea was as etuttn as calm mild be and the undula tie,' of the water was such that the •070•0e9 would sweep from Charlie Perris' hotel, Parolee, to the G. T R. station. The eaptain told us that we hod to meet a big storm but the wind was causing this heavy ewe 1 long before the Koper - some of the storm. Then it (same, and it would be beyond the power of human port to depict the fearful scene. The waves ran temniteins high and the im- mense vegElel was tossed to and fro like a tiny cockel ellen. Beth the sinultet staoks were shattered (utmost beyond re• pair and the general rigging of the ves• eel was seriously damaged. On arrival at Queenston our varlet presented a de - lope -Med appearance bet every one on board was only too happy to know them- selves tete and to have oveutoolly reacts ed lend. Prom there we sailed up the channel to Liverpool and the shott, olteppy waves caused your humble ser - • it serious disturbanee in the region of the stomach. M Liverpool I was met by the Agent of the Star Line Company to whom I presented letters of intrados: - Cott from Mende of mine in Petr -lee wee had travelled over the line several times before. Air. Rawlings very kindly tools me to the Company's smolt steamer, the "Queen," end showed me all through the five miles of immense solid inasonry :locks, in and along which ley many of the greatest steamers of the w orld. After our tour of inspeetion we resisted to the Genteel, one of the fittest hotels in Liverpool, and after the inner mem had been properly and handsomely regaled by mine host, John Poirlutret, we repaired to the Gannett steamship officer. and Bewared passage on one of their mitguifieent boats. In peasant; Gibraltar I Wag SO thomughly impressed with this the British key the Mediter- ranean. that had to stand with 11400 11,3(13 wonder 81 this oemun fortrese which has been so greatly strengthened by British bravery 331111 pluck. Our plumage thee' the Merlitterraneen was very pleasant and it was most particularly iuteresting to mo noting the difference in the races, langue,gos mud dress of the inhabitants sod the many other ettouliarities of both land ited water. Going through the Sums canal 1 foetid that English steam - ere were doing most of the carrying of freight, Mo., and POMO of the most meg. silent s'eamers to be 1334111 in the world are here engaged in phi oassenger *erode. After a pleasant voyage we Wad- ed et Calcutta all safe and sound. Here I received ordote from the agents of the English Co. I was representing to pro. ties t to 33 place named Tokrit, where I, with my gang, sunk a water well with great 01.100000, From there we hook steamer up the Irrawaddy. This river is in British Burnell and 10, so far as Ittittwn, 000 tulles long, destining a terri- tory of some 158,000 'square miles ;1,0 far down as Altenkboung, 10 Hemmed& disteiet, its bed its reelar bat below this sandy anti terribly mreldy. After leatt en.,4, there I visited Jaime, Java and other places of interest but the present letter would not afford specie to say anything et them, an sounnut of which I must levo 1111 anethee oat:Aston, In my trovels 1 mutt 7.01 forgot the pleasure of my visit to the birthplace of the human ram:, Palestiue, oe the Holy Land, and Mout greatest of all laistarieed 0111310, Jerisaletn, mention of withal I will make in my next eemmunication. Yours truly, J. E. THOMSON. OH 'Syringe, Jan. 20, '9/3. Capt. Wm. Robertson, of the steam. ship Coventle., 1,v111011 arrived at Boston Monday from Palermo, While suffering from delirium tremens, jumped over. board in a etoem off Cape God and was drowned. In Philadelphia, Menday, 0 fonlestorey betel( bending oceepied as Et seleeroons And warehougeby the Nixon 13ros.' roper eempany, collapsed. Three men were filmed in the ruing and kiliotI, and ono twee badly burnt, and three escaped tor tinj eyed. L{iroii Jo ty 001.1110ii. The hiettivy t•••• : it. of the Ornuty Cotemi we emir+, i 1 in the Court ifen-c, t 'deli, 'et 1.), 414170041 of hie week at 11 eV, Mt. After etel N o.!.1- 311 the 1111,11' 14413 11433 p3 1143111, 4313333,1, of W. et Ultawanosli, beteg prelim t—tennineti 3131 were celled foe the p eaten of Werdee. Moved by 113.!334 4133 11111,01k, of (Mit- ten, teepee:lel hy Reieve MO ..f 111111,1 3, th Jr)sepli Gran 1, Reeve of tehlield, be Werden fee 1803. The, is beteg WI 110(111111V1.)11 .11.. (11.1111,1 0331 Elnelareil elente'l iw Perfume. t: • 'rl, the ellair return O. thanks for the 1101308 done Mtn. 'rite minutes 131 113331 (341)41011 wove read and paseed. Striking Committee was elected by brient as fullest,. E—Meeeta. Pretelfout, G Levin, Kydd, Cook, Rollins and 00x, A number ,1 coeunuatetati nut Wore. row l and r fore1 30 1:3rie3l C.1,11• 'name-% Move 1 04 of if. I ,t, ea I, 4 110331 uy I' Hilt te • 11 . D e II te, ef oierieli De. IV fshe•e, tie cenhot ; De. Stu th be Trade ef the C ,Ile Lee Lt. stitates in thee! y4400;100 14,113t0. Car. vied, Slaved by Meeere. Taylor and Shep- herd that (5'., Jodi, Gliet to, be up pointed County Aeon. tr. Carried. (1001011 teen edjottree.1 to 111031 0.1 Wednesday mnening et 10 o'cileek. Et, -'l' 111.11Idli itSPORMERS. A largely atteeded Convention 01 11133 Reformers of tine Riding Wag held in the Town Hell, Bressele, on Friday after- noon 01 )3331 week. Amb. elislote Prost- deut, °templed the dem; and Nave a brief y t pointer! opening epoch. Short eel dreeeos were also trade by Thos. Gibson, M. P. 1'., Dr. Slaciloutild, M. P., and a raimber of otheva The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted 00 follows :-- A,. Ilislop, President ; Geo. Thetneen, 1st Vice Pres. ; '1'hoe. Straulteu. 2t3d Vice Prea. ; NV H. Kerr, Sec.-Treas. Chairmen or munieipelities Thee 0311000 ; Wrexeter, Wm, Itobineon Turnberey, (bee Fortune ; Wingham, Jes. A. Cline ; alovris, Rein. N. Duff ; Brussels, umt. Graham ; Grey, dee- rut:obeli ; MaKillop, John R. Govenleck ; Hullett. Robs Scott ; Blyth, N. H. Young. Mayor Gordon, of Wingliarn, and Thos. Straellan. of Grey, were chosen to repro sent the Assoelation at the Liberal Con. vention at Termite ea Tuesday of this week. Eatery municipolity in the riding wa. well represented 0411091 Hallett township. In the evening a lerge audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled in the 11,11 in connection with the ntiblie meet 1419 aunouneed. W. /I. Kerr wee voted to the ohair. Excellent addresses 101118 given by Tnos. Gibson, the well•known renrestentutive of Post !derma in the Loual Logislottire, and Dr. Macdonald, the eloquent meinbee for the House of Commons. The former touched on the dismissal of Elgin Myers, the knighting pE Sir Oliver Mowate legislation put through last 0000100 and wound trn with a few words on the outlook for Conoda. Dr. Meedonald's speech was a calm, eboar and cenvineum presentation of filets bearing on the question of Imperial Federation, Independence', A.nnexittion or Oamadiane remeinhig as they are, 31 colony of Groat Britian. PIo strougly favored the letter. The doetor'e rot marks en the Trade quietism were hearti y received by those present and were borne ant by illnetrations °Roved to the penile et' this country every day. The meeting concluded by all kilning in singing the Netionel Anthem. MOP/AS C101.1/101.1 Meetin'. Tho newly (sleeted members ot the Municipal Couneil, 11OI1l"ly 11. Mooney, Reeve ; 0. A. Howe, Deputy Bone; S. Ooldbick, Geo. Ktreby, cued Jae. Promote Commillors, met in the Town Hall, Mott ris, on Jim. lath, mem ding to statute, and subeerlbed the initaissery declaration of office cool qualifwation, the Reeve 00. (levied the 'Moir. di/101.39 a lost meet• lug for 1.892 were wed and Named, Moved by 0. A. Hex°, egoondod by Jas. Proctor that W. Cheek be re -appointed Clerk at a eatery of 0180.00, Cerruti. Moved by 0. Cluldbiek, seemaled by Gee. Kirkby than Rieheed Janette, be re- appointed Auditor Caeried. The Reeve appointed Ohas. Muillel and eccond Audi- tor. Moved by Goo. Kiekby, seconded by Jas. Precter that Juo, Wan= be re. appointed Assessor et a selary of 080.0e, Carried. Moved by 43, A. Howe, Booed - ed by S. Caldbitilt that tete. Hood, W..1. &Muslim and Thos. Laidlaw bo appoint. ed to not along with the Reeve and Clerk to Board of Health. Cerra:rt. Moved by Jae. Proctor, amended by a A. Howe that Dr. MoLlugh bo appointed hledioal Health °Meer, Carried. A. emonautii- cation from Jas. Craig reepeoting town- ship Engineer was reed and filed. A cominunietution from W. J. Lough n- inepin° tax Wall read and filed. Moved by S. Coldbiols, eteoutled by Jai, Proctor that the Reeve bo instruuted to hey° 910410 and speeilicettions for a new bridge over the river at steno school 1101110 pm pared, and that the contilaot of bantling bio same bo let by settle4 tondos; at the Town Hall on Feb. 1301. (Itericel. On motion of Goo. Kirkby, seconded by 8. Caldbiek the following aocounts were ordered to bo paid :—Jno, Mooney, 4301 - looter's eultury, 985.00 ; 13. Yonill, repair. ing eulvert, 61.50 ; W. IL Kerr, printing, 91,50 ; Lewes Dolton, Engineeee fees, 904,00 , IV, Mast, nontivation expellees and fintuunal etafeneont, 98.00 ; II. MOO. ty, preparing financial etattnelent, 92.00 Misses Extort, charity, 08,00 ; Jet>, Maslen, halemee On job on side line, 921.- 4,2', ir. 8, Brandon, eetemlission on 11,t,ty Dude.. t o 35 0 1, (ewe No. 111n11 2. 1893, were re ol And peteserl. late .3 , ti . .49.1 1j 41..0 041 10 111..1344 41„1.434 0)' 1,1, tit , met W. tleotte Clerk. C 00 slel mil11X ; etiO2," Thu members eleet, of the If unicipel fittnimil 01 11113 uorpuration of the Town. ehip ut Gee , met at the rownehip Heel, tentitty, 11 1,, 1803, ab .1 o'3ioul1 11 et , 30.1 oteltug, o • tettae, wm.M,I,,e Reeve, Walter tote •••, let Deputy Reeve, A 41, Demme 2 id 1) tatty Reeve, Thee, lennio demo; Turithell, Comminute. :1/ s . •' .le,erthe 1100E104/1 0,3111 of (penile stein uottl alto the de -delete, , alloo, eller whieh the reeve took Ile elude. The initiated 01 the last meeting of the retiring eottecil for 1892, were then meal and confirmed, fullowilig effieme, , Whim Spertee, Clerk ; A. AleNoir, Trees,' rer ; A. A.seesuer ; A.. Stewart and J. 11.1911 fated, Kreuter, sv -re nil 3 eppotn tad OA 4114L1...1 enlarleS Fut 1.011 year. lletlior efteeirivenst oldie I fee 0. intern. to 13, .1 . I 111 les 12, eue, te irnee; the yeen mei repo 3 at the noxt. 111, tint; of Connell. :N. to,,allitiluati 11 was reed 3,111. Scam try tt the Tr''svhitlice ego and 1 (1,, 41.1 behalf of said (30. italtin- 3 Ile emitted for remuneration to dm tei k Minions for the toes. Yue334 tandem:a and este:nee they more put to in l'estieg to 1.1.,9t 131011..I1 the (Arnie uf Mesers. Oliver and Bowes, on aecionuti of ti e broken brit e at lute 34 and 85, eon. 1. Moved uy TI enttet seeended by A. C. Dames that the 00111 of $17.50 be granted. (Serried. fleeced, Bowel, appettrel before the °maned end corn 9113.11100 that the engineer's' expenses on award Nu. 8, f)ted Jiturry 3rd, 1883, were exeeseive, the Clerk was ie. struete 1 to write to the engineer and aak for a detailed statement of work done 111 couneetion with said award. . Ferguson mute applurtion on behalf of the 0. O. F. to rent the Township Hall for one night to held a concert. Moved by 0, 0. Demes, seconded by Thomas Ennia that the appliestion h • granted on condition Out they (mu}, to the Clerk the stun of 8-100 for the use of the hull. Gamed. A. certified 393 or engiuenes eertificete from the Clerk of Elmo for lettine certain work on lot 85, con. 12, Grey, meter en tweed d acid the let day of Nov. A. D. 1889, was reed over. el eyed by Waltee Oiiv r, seeended by Thee. Ennis 111133 11,3 (tor/Moat° bo filed. Oarried. Application of Alex. StetVari and others for a grtmt to the Logan family who aro in destitute oiroum statics's. Moved by A. 0 Dames, see Landed by Thee. Funis that the sum of 915.00 be granted, to be left in the hands of the Treasurer to be expended by him at the rate of 95.00 per month for three months. Carried. John Dunbar 09. 911011 to be detached from S. S. No. 0 and added to 0. 13. No. 5. Moved by Walter Oliver, iseueinted by A. 0. Dames that the Clerk notife the Teustees of both Emotions to aitend next meeting of Council. Carried. Moved by A. Q. Dames, ethoetted by Thos. Ennis that the taxes of Mrs. Steele toad etre. Me. Intosh be remitted. Carried. The fol. leave g acuoutits were preseeted, and or. dared to bo veldt—A. Haymanu, Andrew Turnbull, Thos. Gadder, jamas MeNsuir, John 'Ridley, Duneau McDonald auct Wm. Spence eaoh 94.00 for service as Deputy Returning Officers ab election •, Trustees et school sections No 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 emelt 93.00 for use of school home at elettion ; A. itaymann for 040 of hall at eleetiou, 93,30.; Wm. Spenee, ;mating up financial statemout, 95.00, and fee registration births, deaths and marriages for 1892, 01 1.70 ; John 13. Homilton, gravel, 93.00 ; William Smith, gravelling on bean lacy Grey mid Elmo, Grey ehare, 918.12 ; John Dougherty, grivelling at lot 131, eon, 14, e15.00 1Mre. Ateele, batten remitted, 59.02; Ales. MeIntos.t, taxes eu• initted, 62.79; leuer Bros, 200 choirs and one table for township hall, 950,50; John McNeil, tin box for roll, $1.25 ; Duncan McDonald, tie box Mr roll, 91.00; John Jones, pewit fee uulverts, 80o, ; Duncan MeDonald, salary as eolleotor, 950.00 ; John Maisie selery Ete uollector, 930.00. Connell then adjourned to meet eget n on Saturday the dth Month next whoa Path• mastevs, &c. will bo appointed. Seexeni Clerk. P.81'111 0011.11.ty. There is talk ofopening a be/beteg ahoy dud livery Amble at Matfett soon. The whole staff of tottehers in the B11;011011 High schtel belong to the Proebytevian church. J. 11. linens, of Kiekten has passed the seoeud year examinAions the Ott trur to Attrioultural College, Guelph. Kidttue pimple and fatenete of that neighborhood Etre getting 119 11 joint stook eompauy bend and rue a genii' mill. Wilfrid 131100, oE l3,ti1holl, has been apt pointect English end modern muter in tee Port Mowat Iligh school, at a salary of 9900 tu year, A petition is being numerously signed, asking the Pestmester-Geneval to estab• Hell a money order office and government waviness bank 141 Kirktoe. Mr, Italy, ot Woodburn, has arrangt ed to sell out his stook,in-teuele to young Pura, Sou Of Samuel Vora, who Is likely to oerry en the businese in Mute. Tito 134,1031311 .4 James Griftiii, who was ono et the toady pioneers of Elena, and whoge death eccureed on Monday, Oth nude wag oonclneted by the brethren of Trowinidge L. 0. le, who turned out In (ergo numbers to pay thole last ece- speets to their deeeaSed hi/other. 13, faw weeks ego Gesetlitte to Smith, of Uneaten, offered prizes to the pereong 40110 W011111 mare nearest, to the length of time a wax taper in their window would burn. It was abeet three feet long and tapered from 31 inches at the bottom to *incite to the top. It wee lighted on Dee. 24th and beentel 11 days, 13 hours cold 43 minutes, The guesses etteged from 011e tO 32 dive. D. Egbert made the 1110e1 ootreet geese, with Jae. Tor. Melee getiond end Alattheue IIption third, Co. Gamin in t this weant 143ettintenel. 14. Moore, gnu of 1, Moore, St. hieruee teet left fee leierida, wleire 1311, me item, rteueit.e. !meth 413 Lb 61111443 ef Ms berth. Beceor, of Metherw 331 who Wait by a binder la, it entioner, bo 3,13 again on arlitellaS. Lin has been 111 OM St1.10,101,1 Itespital. The Stratford 011 Work's, und the be iine s commuted therewith, have been rettisfeertel by McMillen, Kiltridge tki dn. to the Imperiel 011 ..., who will in future (minium, the besiitesse I 1,1,t Welle,r, the io•trnetrece in Ovid cud mature, its in Stretford to drill the ced 't ei, t or .1et steo ,"Petnelars ef Teruperence. Mis. Weisser its 0 at by the Grunt 140(343 111341 will monde in the nay bout two weeks In Blantshard there Wag !1 recieunt of votes in the °emetic for Deputy -Reeve, for widen D. Sinelair lied been declared eleeted by one 311 307319. The result of the recount, however, settled his op. 9303 13, B. Berry, by three majority. A ttev he onettig to T. Dunbar, of Downes sasynehip, recently gave birth to , : /. ef 1 tierce It is smt.4 two heads', perfeet trete the 34713,1 1.3441. 'seeing tut411 6)44, two 110.414 41111 1-1011 znotirlig, While it haa but two ear% 'Vile ennuisl it, et ordinare eixe in holy. It drinks with both mouths, and is 111110.44113' the talk of tee country. As 13 einenhie fact it at ty be nientiotiel that another °ow on the 001100 farm late y gave birth t • twin calves. ThirOoli yeors age David MeKay, of Mitehell, received a five dollar bill ter some servicee rendered iu the "United States says the Recorder. On reaching home the bill had disoppeared, and ho returned to the man from whole he got it with his complaint. The potty was poet. tive that he had paid the bill, and the matter elided there. A. day or two age Mr. eicKity was leaking some pun:Ames iu R. Babb's store, and while there was searehing for some change in an old leather purse, when from between the linine end the outside cover th • loug lost 95 bill dropped out. The bile of oeurse, Wats like the buried talent, it had added nothing to itself in the thirteen Years. The Stretford 'Herald says :—There is 41 seuestion 30 Sebringville through the nees having just leaked out that J. E. Ziemann, the popular yenta; tailor in the Knauer establishment, supposed all ale tg to he a budding bachelor, has been tt bacteria), ever shale etee ust 20th, near- ly five months peel, His bride is Meg Lillian Taylor, daughter of Robert Tiy• lor, of Sebeitigville, mid the oriettsion of their attending the Baptist elntreh ou 'undue, evening WM name oed by inelly of theie Wen& to wish them every happieess. The wedding took piece last Anent, as stated, le ten, Miss Taylo, hosing gape to visit there, the knot being tied, 11 is understood, by a Methodist minister. The motive for the secreey tho' has been so carefully °bum, tot is supposed to have boon the objections made by Mr. Zhmann's pareitte to hie mat:eying onyeue but a German girl. Miss Taylor's people are Leglish, hub as the Engiieh and Gorman nations ere of kindred blood, the objeotiun raised should nut interfete with the happiness of two young lives whose hearts throb in U1110011emd- le .e to elairet 1 blizefel pertnershie. At all events the objections of no one's peten ean longer avail, for the twain are one, and will start house. keeping shortly. C$1.11114.1tii1133 There aro over 1,500 unemployed workmen in Quebec city. Chatham fa agitated oVer 310 itie templet, and will havo the eold stuff anal• zed A. ledge 01 the Order et, Olio= Friends will be instituted at Goderich. William 51 enigma, a farmer of West. nainster towuship, collimated suicide Oil body. The price 011 wheat telvaimed two ciente all over etatittobit mucky mom ing, 'swing to Nether operations by the Lake of the Woods Milling 0'. J. A. 'rtiont,u, lute of the 13e11 Eleetrie Light Cornpuely, has beau appointed mouagee of the London Employmetie Bureau and BaCiness Exchange. Robbie Boyden, about ten %oars 01a, 04110110 father a 0, P. R. trainman, lives in St. Thom te, had .,14 thigh bone broken Satuteloy by being run over by a farmoret sleigh. The lad tried to jump on the sleigh, awl while clotim tie fell and 10110 run over. David Maucier, a, switehre en in Sar• 103333013'1111 ad, IVIS 011:11011 by em eneine late Saburday ekornoon and edmn.t in- etantly klllod, both legs end one Rem were eat uff He 10)0 13 yettre old, mid Isom a widow and livo entail eluldrem hle had ouly been a. Work a 1.,,s Weak., Haney Stook employes! at Matshall'e /ivory stable, Leedom was oriondly eta in the hlp Puerta night; 0 hout 10 teelook by another employed et the stables, young fellow mimed latioluod Jones. Tho weapon used was un axe. Jones and Stook had a quarrel, 11 1,3 :said, in the course of which a mei seized the axe and dealt Stook a savage blow. Tho anneal 1needing of the Worn Assoffietion of Bonds Horn (D tmitinan), Wail held et Brumfield on Jan 23. The following officers were elected :—Preel. dent, Jno. 11011114 8, 33(031 11 ; President, J. Soell, Lonclesboros ; Seth rotary, T. Fenster, Brueeliold; Veneerer, Goo, Forrest, Brueefleld. John MeMil. lon, RI. P., was present mad dcliveled an fairness on the questions 03 the day. The usual resolutions of coofttionee 111 Gelb leaders and sympathy with the flee teede were oriopted, John Wright, Et Canaclianboy, 15 years reds has been arrested by as officer loon Ohournont, Wodoetown county, N. Y., at whish Oen he had boon employed by It framer. The family wont awey, leaving the boy en the peon -Insets. Ho raneediked the hoese, took 95 in money and °thou Valuablee, removed his teunk, and Eater completing hie dopeetlatiene, sewed elm quieksilver trona the beak of Es, mieror and tnixed it with pie and Other eatelfies, evidently for the purpose of poisoning the family. His week was discovered and Ile wee followed and caught, • warasasir.remmaturs...04.--...nu,...,..,..7.waiza • 41 311,9 22 0:10 Ilst. cheese afttetarea 141 ICittia,10, for the W....ld's ('3143('31433 fie tete i3494111., 91.134 1 40,4111, 11 ..1. I..rt 4.11 49 41 3..4 ,4•01.'1 OMIT. 740,1 00. diV1.111.1 11 tmlly by a will nude sietee 3,'. de bet wee, his eix ehildree. It 14 reported that Itobert White, M. P. fur Cardwell, will be appointed eel better of moment' itt ti port of Montrone, to 1111 the 911081109 clanged by the death of 111. 1'. Ryon West elleeeuri townelap eleitne this yetaneed, men in the 11111141(31 11311 ee Hien Ot Ally township or tOwn in the Provineu. 10 Otto person of Itielitted Fitzgerald, his lige led., • . ao. Coley Dieltieson, who livem mew Delhi. met a sad aervilent while working iti the weeds lest we 1. A. limb of a tree fell on hie log, smashing 1110 b no, which may 0,1114e 111111 to 013e th.. limb. Tee erozy Cleitmonen who innetlereneee 14800311134 a fellow eoutitrymen 11.1 Chtelph Seine enemies ego, 8011.13 badly frozen while wandering ab tut Oxford ceunte 1. few clays sage, aid die 1 hi ingsretel 011 Friday, Lace Utile Rebut," of ((12 ,s oat veer A 1!)(.7- 11', Wad ilang.1.0 1411 11. 3101:4111 jumpteg eff. lame and cutter Leon the rear 01.14.4 onm. up.n1 hinl, w,,,s abent the 1,9)11 1,121 otherwise bruised. All the NVILLash. freiglit li 11010 being sent around by the S untie tunnel Instead of beitig ferried 1101004 111 Willrle .r. 00110013114311011 the Grand Trunk ear ferry Great Western, is laid up and 17 inen are threWe out of employmert. A. Brookville lady had the misfortune the other tidy to sustain the loas 01 33 gold watch in a peculiar manner. stop. log over the edge of 140 013401 bin filling a :mettle her watch fell into the matte and was dumped ban the stove, When she missed her watch later en she iin• mertiately eommenced raking the coal from the stove, only to find part of the works, the nese hoeing melted with the heat. &snort time ago a respernaele, bet eccentric old gentleman, calling himself Dr. Arohibuld lethedonald, visited Slineee and eonemeneed making arrangementS to fleliVer a lecture on Zululand ; he said be Was worth 93,000,000, and promise 1 vela - able preSetite to everybodybut on dad. ing 111. banks 1,, Sim000 lio'M not money enough te oath hie cheque, he took his 11090.8030. Ile turn.d tip a few nights ago Etc Gletuneyer and commenced lec- turing to a, crowded house, brit it soon became apparent he was crazy. Ile has mince beeu sent to Wood.toek gaol from Tilsonburg for insemity. IIe is an old pensioee7. 4. very sa11 event reek place oe the herrn of Arch. MuLachlan, Howard Township, the other clay. His hired Man, John Rabb, had been essiating to cut down a large elm tree, which, when h felt, etruck a, blest ash, and bent the 131.11.0r tteerly to the ground, then slippiee off, allowed the ash to rebound. The eaten ayes o' greet that the ash broke 'ill stud fell directly on the unfottunote men, who was Emmet instantly Ulla/. Robb had worked around there for some years and was well known. He was about 40 years old and unreturried, being a brother to S. Robb, of the 5th Hue. Chatham en N• ant reaurnel Tuesday of the brutal mintier of Policemen Rankin. Ile and Policeman Dozenth went out to the towe• ship of Raleieh to asset County Oon stable MoDonald to arrest a colored man named Geo. W. Preetnatecharged with the seduction of a white girl under 14 yeere 01 0310. Arrivine at the house of Free- mon's fee her they met Freeman, who is a large and power(el negro, and some other colored men, who attacked them with 131:0) and revelry. ItanSin 44,0 shot and strode en tile reek and head with a chopping axe, and can't to the greaten:lewd. Dezein, was driven off and shot at, three bullets passing through his elotheo--utie through the bulk of his coat, (me through his silt eve and &nether through the leg a his tronier+ Dezelia taunted the fire, emptying his revolver, end sheeting ono oE the negroes who was esstualting porn; Rankin. Constable Me- Doneld Whe :diet in the leg. He and Dezelia had a wonderful etwape. Police Conon ble Rankin Wag the largest man on the forme vary peaverftil and courageous, about 30 years old, an111 was populer. He lessee.' a Wire and One ohild. A. des- patch from Oliatham, sent before the murder of Redskin, eays t—Raleigh Lowe. map people are in a state of wildest excitement over ' the aetiene of an outlay maned Geo. Free- man, ettlozed, who is helding the loather. Ries at bay. Freeman, who, livea few tniles from this city, is 'a desperate ohmmeter, and is Wanted here, 011arged with orianiintily abutting a lath; white girl named Jane Lezzet, Tho seoundrel, who lives 311111 13 mulatto wennut, has the welts girl In his enetedy. In the deed of the eight, Tuescley night, Detective Ilex. McDonald went met to execute the werraut Freeman had the house barri. eerie& but the constable broke in. The desperado reached for a my, bat before he could web it the deteetive had him down. A. desperate stugffie took plus° between the two for one hour and it.halt. Tho inttn's wife thee essaulred the doted Live with an =0. In the melee McDonald was wentalpd in the heed and face end was tetriely beaten. Fieetrum weighs 275 pomade, and le !I, fighttr. The detective merely escaped with has life. 1333 (301 here Ittotaltty mornieg end reported proceed- ings to Attorney Delights, who ordered a pose of oonstablee and the detective to make another real on the place. °hat. hant, Jan. 25.—The eepedition sent out lost night to 3Italeigle township Ito re- cover the corpse of Policeman Rankin and to arreethis murderers retnened to town early this kenning bringing 11 the dead body of the man mat six of his essailluate, insanely t--7901. Freeman, Henry Freeman, Joule Freeman, Alex. Freeman, Jerry P1001111111, l91eilt011 Prete. eeete eld !mem Wreetnen and ids wile. Thew were 331 ,12308 legged in VOL WM. and Henry Freemen are both in 11440 dootore hands suffering teem bullet Wounds indicted by P. O. Dezelia while drying to protect 1'. C. Rankin. .etisszttee 11 "1(333104. 11. avy I Wheat aro!. .'.111111. John :4.11!1 g". in Et niumneed 1118 froin the ring. A light eortiemeen ts"io 40 t felt at Plainfield, N. J., et, Smelly Melo. Th body of the late Gen. Butler was buried et Lowell, 'Magee 011 Illutiday with military lemurs. Toe av other thrunelettit Europe is in.. teasel 1 1101,1 181111 beisteroute +ley cum. althea are reported. Tle tavetity•fin tatienel emir:ethic' of this Ammeter, Wo -mei Stiff:eye Aaeocia. . Lon., ..1 ..... e.e.t . All planes of ILM11140111,!i1l 111 Denver were Reset' by the poliee eii 811,41101 aud the prepratine jailed It v. IL M. Hen (1tmitseepel) w 8 the compleinait. Vaughtiteii Cleveland steel works at Estee, in Yorkshire, Lave bee, ']'oiled, owing to lack of orders. One thousand Mell are rendered Hie by tee shutting down of 'fee wit) lte ilia funeral of the late 0,n. 33 F. 33111 •r emit 111100 Apviday et "owe% Mae, M tem eteuon a Cll.: ft... ef te d wet the 4711411 wee 'mettle in the ben. 'rho inneral wag 11, ro Hilary e -e. Tile Lot1.1011 Ornoniele eeett 14 jostle thut the 81140 111,311 lleme Rule Bill was cleated be Itt. Hen. bines Bryce, 0110 wellov of Ow Dueliy of Lemeechire, and that Mr. Giedistme gave att.. Bryce tonut i the Cithites f .17 the very 900. 000 of drafting thet hill. Direetoe Korbert len, of the Flails Kvavdo Reetroad, lees bought for the Government 72,000,000 pounds of grain, which will be inert; nueel enapig the starvine pow of '1' 010., Vereettoeii and Reeshon, where tone of thousands are fateine stricken. In Petrezevoclizek and Areemigel ueerly one-third of th., popul- ation are wendering from plane to place, begging and relibing. A pavement of grenulated cork me0 bitumen, presset1 into bloeks, is beteg intr 'duces./ in Leedom it is said, with satisfactory results. It is elastic, fur- niehes a fine foothold for bores, and greatly diminishes the noise of treffie. India rubber pavements have proved so satisfactory where they have been tried experimentally is Germany, that the use of this material is to be I:legato exteuded there. The letter material has also prOeuti satisfactory ie 011 expertmental section et St. Paecras station, London. "It epee," the dug whieli triode a famous reputation in connection with the Johnstown item!, died the other day. The ;mimed was noticed exteusitely by the newspap we, for his work es 0. reseurer in the disaster, portieularly for saviog the life of Mrs. Kress, the wife of his master. She was waehed off a roof on whieh the inembere of the family were afloat, and would certainly have drowned had net the dog 13010111 to her aid, and, seizing 1140 skirt it, hie teeth, regaieed the raft after a desperate struggle. Pot 004111 time pest the deg hid been blind and he had beet] Oared for as tenderly as theuell he was human. People We linow. S. Floilth 191 00 the Sieb. Hat. Miss Matuggie Burgess is holm, from To- ronto. George Kelly is home from Winnipeg on a visit. Miss Grant, of London, was visiting Mrs. J. T. Ross. arise Kate Ferguson is visiting rela- tives in Brussels. dies Heed Hall, of Henfrem, 1000 10 Brussels thie week. George Honry, of Fordwich, was lsonao for a weelc en Eu visit. John Felton, wife and son, of Atwood, Suntleyed in Brussela. George Howe and wife are enjoying a visit with relatives at Pieria. Mies Walker. 01 Ottervillo, was visit- ing nes II L. Jaelteon this week. D. Henderson le not improving in health bet rather growing weaker. Hugh S. Rose, of 'Aimee, was in town over 1311110103 with his brother, A. A. Bo o. Miss Mildred Serail' has been on the Wok list with inflammation of the lungs. Miss Kate Wilson was vi0111dt4 at New Hamburg where her sister holds a situa- tion. Mies Mullin Wilson and 3,1111Pf4 000, 01 Wiugham, are vieltiug et J. ISIte. Alpine's. Rev. J. 11. Dyke, the popular Meth°. dist divine of Beigrave, was in town on 1\Iondny, T. A. Hawking took dinner a" St. Paul's Rectory, Winghedn, last Friday evening. Alex. Meltay 40133 01 the sick lige last week suffering from a heavy oold but is better again.' Rev. 11. Peed Wended a tee meeting at Bethel church, 10th men., Grey, lest dIenclay evening, George Hawking and wile, of Port Albert, were ',biting their son, 'I', A, Hawkins, last week. ;Tames etelreichlin and wife and MiSa Movie MeLenchlin, of Winghotn, Were visiting ie town this week. Richard. Williams, Mrs. Geo. Sanders end Hiss Naomi Williams have been visiting ab New Hamburg. Geeneiller taleGraelten and wife were away title week nn o holiday visit to Poieley WI other enethere points, Alfred Town left 138000010 this week for Winnipeg after avian, wrong friends hero. Another Brusselite may go West at no distant tiny. Mrs. Williams 1109 been gent, by the Council to the Inane of Mrs. Nevestirne, (?,,seeta sheet, where oho will be eared tot during the balance of the Winter. Thoma. 11111, formerly of Beuesels, now of Lake Linden, Heueliton Coe 13107)1(33311, wee in town this week, 1131010 (30014 lend appears to agtee 101110 501310. Mine Gouley lies been dongeteuely ill with inflummetion of the bowels. 11031 mother ea1110 from Clinton 90 wait 011 her. We trust she will goon be 500. Valeatient.