HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-20, Page 5JAN 20, 1893 my ^1..r sraiarmmm niMMIaa utr>areir MettleAntiletetet EISMISts:Tta4,+>zxGm , THE BRUSSELS POST e..„......xtersresem.s erste, .vsmatittsrm st avance t nner'mmz vs:*mrr9>;•memerin.w. arw ..:ce••:asasvl:rrarxr.>sram )chole temUcs=VISI alatmxr,:ttwr.� c To take away the Bankrupt Stock of Men's Overcoats, Suits and. General Dry Goods from 1 This is no idle talk or Advertising Scheme. WE MEAN WHAT WE crowds of purchasers will bear us out in the statement. „7 LARGE UNE F 0 iiia°EROO ry o idot:. TS TI BE CLEARED reel UT AT utmost ever e WE AT SA - and. and ore All we ask is a Trial. It will Cot you nothing to come and see for yourself. Come early and of en,. Don't forget the place - THE GARFIELD HOUSE. Sign of the Red Flag. 6netL. CIMI ^ TLT]r,36MPIn1 DISTRIOT NEWS. 11.1 prior Lizzio Munntiers arrived home this wort, from her millinery eituation at Berle. Miss Ada Townshend, of Goderieh township, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Srd line. 14.1 re. lrrank Bell, 3rd line, is '.way this we, It ',lei inti her sisters, 'Mrs. David Cruiuhshank and Miss Violet Bone, in Tot onto. DIEo —On January 2nd, a first cousin of \Vet. 1lichie passed away in the person of Alex. Michie aged 50 years. The de. teased lived in the township of Baguets. ing, Halton Comity. t,rlltt➢. Communion service iu the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. .6. concert under the auspices of the C. C. F. is on eh. Lapis. Quite a number of people are corn - planting of being troubled with influenza. Remo Mime should stand a good show for the Wardenehip for 1893 No better MD can be appointed. s Conneil meeting was held h're last Monday. The Clerk, Treasurer, Aeees• sor and Auditors of 1892 were reap- pointed. David Milne, the well known stook• m,.n, hoe been chosen one of the Vice Presidents of the Beet Huron Agrieul. tm'al Society for this year. S. os T.—Fullowiug are the officers of Ethel division S. of T. for the current quarter :—W. P., George Dobson ; W. A., Charlotte Davies; R. S., Mary Lang ; A. 11. 8., Mies Duke ; F. S., Emily Holloway ; T., Morris Fogel ; Chaplain, Joseph Faulkner ; Con., D. Lamont ; A. C., Lizzie Whinier ; I. S., Winnie Baynard ; 0. S.,11, Sanders. '1V ir1„1•t hexes. Jos. Mason, photographer, bas left for the Southern States on a twelve week's trip. llobt, and Thos. E. Cornyn, of this town, practical fnrnittne men, have purchased R. Hodgsoo's furniture and undertaking hesitates. Mr. Nichol, suonossor to A. C. Strath - dee as agent of the G. T. It., ft Wing- ham, is here. IJ, cane from Po. Elgin, as did also Alt. Strathdee, Peter A. 51iller, of this town, rs guile extensively engaged in apiculture. Lust year he hod about 25 colonies end now he hes 48. Cle extracted about 2,000 Dumont of honey last year, and has ship• ped a oousidernble gnontity of it to the Western States, being able to realizett higher pt ice for it there than hero, A largo number of the business mon of Winghem met A. 0, Stratbdue, agent of the G T. IL, at rho Council Chamber there the other day and presenter) him with it kindly worded address. Mayor Clegg oco,.piod the chair, end the regi. pint made a neat reply, Mr. Strathdee has been removed to Brantford. 11. W. C. Meyer, who has been for sotto timepast sojourning in Toronto, hat by thoadaice of his physician gone to Calgary mud will possibly take advantage of the celebrated hot springs at Banff. Ile hopes to return to Wiugham fn about two months with his family, who have bet n oe joying 41e western oiumttto during the past summer. The Bi hop of Huron has been pleased to nppou>t E. 0. Ularke, of Wingbaiu, to the parish of Tow water and Glun,tuna,, A District Orange Lodge nesting was held in the 0raugu Intl', \Viegham, ou Tuesday afternoon of last week. leollow• ing are the ofiiut:rs s ectad :--District Blaster, Andrew 51e31annus ; Dalin ty• Master, John Casenture ; Cltup., H. G. Lae; Ree. Sec„ T. E Oor,yn' Fin. den., W m, Robb ; 'Tens., Thos. Ahem. ham ; 1). of 0., Ab. Brydges ; Leo urer, J. J.111uManuoa. Skating on the river. Miss Lizzie Broker is visiting in Sea. forth Miss Snphiu Steles is borne from Melee- wo 1h. Fred. Zimmor has returned to Galt High School. Miss Pauline Raddatz is hems on a visit from Detroit. Hoene talk of a new sohool house being built next Summer. DeputyReeve A. C. Dames will attend County Conned at Goderieh next week, There will be no service iu Knox church next Snudtty. Sacrament will be dispensed at Ethel. George Hudson, foreman of the flax mill here, is at present its Thedford work- ing at the flax business. Miss Dales, wile was engaged to teaoh the seonud department of this school, deolined to none and .Miss Magee, of Blyth, bas been engaged. • lr t n+r,c, w •1+1. Reeve Hacking may baa candidate for the Warden's ahuir. 3, W. Stwtt attended the Toronto Board Of Trade banquet. Dr. Hay who has been practising his profession in lianov• t' for the past four years, has decided to remove to Listowel. The Listowel High School Board has appointed Earnestitiebner, of Morpoth, its stemma master in the place of .41r. Stewart, who wee One of the 110 who failed at the recent examinations of the School of Pedagogy, The ehs.rit,y commit given by the Listoosl Choral Society, assisted by il'IJss Pauline Johnson, the elevor poet• renite'', chow it targe audience, who were more than pleased with the excellent program provided. The peoeesds amounted to over a hundred dollars, about $60 of which will ba for the bene• fig of the poor of the town. Elmo Distric, L. Id. held ita entitled meeting in the Orange hall, Listowel, on Jan. 10013, After the general routine of business the following officers were elect- ed for the emning year :—Bro. E. M. Alexeuder, W.D. Blaster ; Bro. Hiolltnl McKee, D. D. M.; Bro. Robert titsoiloy, D..1teu..See. ; Bro, Thos Later, D. FM. - 840. ; .Bin. Wm. Weloh, D. Treas. ; Bro. Geo. Dixon, D. Obttplain ; Bro. Young Conifer,'. D. of 0. ; Bros. Faulkner and Bailey, Leaturers. Tho emotion of offmera took place at iia regular Mooting of Court Lhstoevel, No, 5,10, Independent Order of Foreetot'e, 0n Tuesday evening of last week, the following being the oSloors for the en• suing term :—D. D. ii. 0. R., Bro. JJ. B. Morph/ ; P, 0, It., Bro. A. St. Gonrgn Hawkins ('1. K. Jiro. Itioliard Forbes ; V. 0, R„ Bro. David .MoKonzie l F. S., lire. W. Spens ; 11. S., Bro. •f E. Brook ; Tretts., Bro. G Zilifax ; Oh,tplahi, tiro. it,•v..1. lv, Pirko; S. W., Bro. William Bamford ; .1, W., Bro. Li Mc 'Bible ; S, B., tiro. .1.Deum; .1. I3., Bro. F. Ellis; Trustees, Rios. Al. M•0111env and R. McMillan ; Fin. Cumin ,tee, Bros. G. Y. Donaldsoit and J. Watson. 110;1111•\'11 John 11. Fraser had the misfortune to lose 111P• of his in, 60 hal mtr,ta from in flnhtunafi• n ou 1''rirley night la. t. Itis reported that th re will be a chalice in proprietors of our hotel. Mrs. Bali bit dons well as the pr„pr,etrese. Judging by the way the brink is being t,lteu frons the bri,:kyard para uil.l, ig ape,. tions wil be brisk during the com- ing Summer. Ch amnia] meethhs of Silver Corners' cheese factory w'ss held in the fest 'ry on the 7th inst. The e was a fair it tend- anue uona1dering the stormy weather. From the auditors' report ft was gleaned that 1,401,534 lbs, of m111c was received at he factory dnriug the see.sun, from which was manuf,otured 132,864 lbs. of ohee c, which sold for,an averatie pri a of 0.870, tea izing the sum of $11,130.20. Average amount of milk required to snake one lb. of eheese 10.54 ; coat of mauu'ao. taring one 113 of cheese, 1 24 manta ; milk hauling, 1.85 cents; mutter of cows, 421); na,nber of patrons, 58 Fallowing are the othocra elected :—John Little, salesman ; Geo. Richmond, See..Troas. Chas. Bowen, ()has. barker and John Whitfield, oommittee ; Rubt. McDonald and Charles Bowen, auditors. G.,1”1. Chas. Conner has disposed of his heavy draught team for a handsome figure. We are glad to hear that Misses Jemtis and Jessie Telfer, who have been ill for some Shoe, are improving. b•Lisa Bella Matheson, who has been visiting her aunt, dire, Jae. Hyslop, of the 18th pun., has returned to her home near Ayr. Jae. Elliott, Henry Curtis, W. D. Curtis and slatee and the Blisaes Forbes, ate away at Mhroerbon mud Wellesley vleitiug friends for a few days this weak. Geo. Gain and wife, of Travis city, Minbigmu and W. D. Curtis, eider and neioe, Of Cadallao, Hiehigan, and Henry Curtis, of Milverton, were visiting at Jets. Elliott's 8.11 Dow for a few days last weep. Jaime Grant and wife kayo removed to'Pu'kerernith, where Jim take• charge of the Dickson farm iu that township. Mr. and Mrs. G,'itut will be greatly e their mime d Uyau Ll omen friends in Gem as they wee bol, general favorites, y A young man from thin 6511 Don, hitch- ed his horse to the cutter a week ago last Sunday evening and male a call on his lady love who hues on the 4511 mate the Elmo, boundary, In hie haste be forgot to fasten the horse and it, no doubt thinking the Dahl a long ono, took advantage of its freedom and went tomo. Imttgiuo, if you oan, the young man's surprise when he hadt0 walk home only 00 find that his horse and antler had gob Chore before him. Sandy thinks some of the boys untied the Moran for a joke and he says it won't be well for the mai• pri, if he gets his Paws on hint. Winson 1.3Er,L44•—On Wednesday Inn. 4511 the roeidcnoo of Mrs. JP, Oliver, 6111 son., Grey. Was the centre of at, ttadtion for yoeng and old, being the occasion of the mtvria:e of her daughter, .1• nils, to James 15. Thompson Rev. Alr. Newcombe performs 1 the ceremony iu his usual dexterous hn'.neer. The bride was attended by Miss Mary Pater - on while John Oliver perfo me -1 the ' duties of groomsman. after the living of the nuptial bow the o nnpa„y sat arm., ' to as enmptuOtle repast p spared by the hostess aft •r which the °veiling was sp •lit I m tt'ipplu5 the light fomteatic to tee early I hours of the e0ruiug -'11811 the company departed to their twines with best carob. -a for \1r. aud Mrs. 'Chinopst>a's future happiness. The bride eohived , number of ,stint presents, the following being the list, :—Gold watch curl cu ,in by the groan ; set of china - and tf doze', of knives and fo Its, vlrs. '611 .mpeel ; lemon- ade sou, James Pearson and %vire ; toi,st netts, Mary Pat raon ;.1 dozen of china tut pies, pair lace mat dos, Jahn 0 iver ; parlor lamp, Daimon Taylr and wife; '.et u ysual, Mra. E Rot ; lemo jade set, George Thompson, and wire ; table cloth and towels, Q,innin MnBlain; pair towels, T. Smith and wife ; fancy table cover, John and Maggie Lowe ; pair towels, A, Smith and wire ; table drape. Lizzie and Bella S rash','. ; lamp, Neil Livington ; d dozen to,spo ens, J. Swat. lu,vs ; set of o'yetl', John an Alio, Shsw ; preserve dish, Riuharrl Pearson ; doz.'s nappies, bars. Docket ; table el th, Jahn 13,:!1 and wire. puf' or towels, Jennie Bell ; cheese dish, Nellie and Minnie Smith ; oak.. stand, Maggie Oliver ; pair towels Ellie and M'tggie Mo. Arthur ; table cloth, Ellen S,nith ; pair vases, Rachel and 6,L'.ry Roe ; fancy handltereluef, Alice Cardiff ; two fruit dishes, Frankie and Bella Oliver. B l to ci gum 105. CitEseE F,toTOn-n.—The anneal meeting of the Blmevale Ghee a and Butter Fac tory was held at the Foresters' Hall, Binevtle, on the 17t13 hist. 1'no great. interest taken le the mi stdfa'turs of cheese in this looe'ity was evinced by the large attendanoe. The rnoetiug wasp much larger one than heti ever heretofore been held .m soeh at. occasion during the existence of this factory and wee largely composed of slier"holders and patrons, to:nther with a nunr.or of men from distant pointeintereaail in the mato• feature or ubeese and kindred industries. The popular President, J. R Miller, opened the meeting by tau address in which he ably reviewed the past year's work and business and whiehi he sb ,wed to the setisfaution of the meeting had been p"ohttabm. At the uonal:aion of Mr. Killer's address the Auditors' re- port ,vas read and adopted. The oleo tion of nftioers resulted in the following the being nR r-1 e e officials for tlnouurretL•ar Y o ;— Yroaitlent, J. .R, Blillor; Dire0inls, W. 3..lohuoto,, Jae. EIf,tt, John Dinzont and '1% K. Powell. The following gentle• nun spoke on dairying and the p tyment or patrols by the results of the Bab000k test for butter fats insteael of the system now in vogue. T. Dillon, from the Gov- ernment ovmoment Ora'nlory at Mount Eight, Out„ delivered an address advocating Winter dairying and payment by amount of bub• ter fats as following the ,Babcock test in cheese zincking. ' BIr, hiller, Milk In. egeetbr of Dairymen's Association of Ontario, oleo evoke in favor of the pay. went by butter fats. Bir. Grey, olheeeb maker of Elora oheeno factory, epolte as to the experience of his factory with reepcot to the payment by butter fate and Was in favor of the ordain. Mune. Hume and Dickson, also eons nomad with the Elmo, factory, were .n lino wit t lir. Grey anti favored the but for hu, p1vme,t spasm. The speakers iu favor of 4111.,4 system urged strongly th ,t their method w ,nld prevent any distmeaaty int the supply of mile and Mai me that the system they advocated was simply pnrfert. 1. R. Miller having left ebe rbair n plied to the aruem'mts set forth anti the a;dresses given by the previous speakers and did no in a stns, able and effioie,t manner, showing that hu had an intinr,to S110wle11ge or what he talked of and suounedad in convilcine rho me tint; 'h -,t rho system promulgated by them gentlemen w tulythi,.g but the perfection they claimed for it and ahnwed nonclnsi-sly hat frond Or clis• hono.'y had as good ehanoos to creep in as undo. the prudent method used ht this fautnr,y and that as the law now St olds there 14 uu provision for punish - meet for.the frauds •hat might be per. petrated under the butter fat plan and his argument was so 000vinatng to Mr. Dillon that he evidently saw now light on the subject and expressed himself that the iuforinati ,n given by Mr. Miller was worth his trip from Haunt Elgin. IO would be well fur patrons and share- holders of cheese factories before blindly adopting the is stem advocated by these goutle,ne•, who are visiting most of the fa0torios, to look very closely and care- fully Mk) the merits 01 both it a1 ,1 tin old nhsttod and not to drop one which has had satisfactory results for mono• thing note and uutried in a great measure. 13oIti�•o-t,vaj. AGRICULTURAL Socu.rr.—'1'be annual meeting of the members of the East 4Vawstiosh Agrioultural Society was held here on Thursday afternoon et last week. A number of m.embers were in attendance. The President, Charles Pastor, tools the chair and opened the meeting. The mina es of the last au• nue) meeting were read and adopted. The Auditors.' Reptile wits read showing a',alnico in the Treasurer's hands of $113.26. The adoption of the r. p tit was moved by Mr, Harrison, se000cled by ,h•. So tt and carried unanimously. Officers were elected ue follows :—Pre,i• Gent, Oharles Procter; Vice President, James Owous ; Direotors, W. Scott, alto. Cnnites, .lo ,n Anderson, jr., Rubent Snott, I'homas Bridges, James Harrison, Richard Corley, Robert Currie nod Thos. Forbes ; Secretary, Finlay Anderson ; Treasurer, Charles B1a01allaod ; Audi. tors, lances Praetor and Wm. Wray. President, Prnutor re'-urui'd bhat,ka for the hon, r on>ferred upon him by Moot- ing hint the third time. Robert Currie e h 'at I t od the So i t h their ei' 01 a two inn on loot alio• nese in the pest tend hoped they would continue to advauon rho same in the future, Judge Toms has robtirned from Iris vacation in Indianapolis, and looks umoh improved in health. Ed. Stattors, of Hotvruud, shipped last week to Mr. Metlutlin, at White• ehuroh, 80 iambs whi'lt averaged 120 pounds each. Seaforth's debentures, to the amount of $14,000, raised foe tate purpose of erooting market buildings have been Hold at ;$750 premium—a good allowing. Ileo. Mr. Livingstone. formerly of Clinton, bought a line filly from ex -Mayor Doherty and ile bas reoontly sold her to the well,knowu Joe. Been, for the sum of $500. HEC OKSBESTFREND 2(4E513 S3ALE 111 CANADA. E S LIRE When purchasing Tickets that they read VIA TnE GRAND TRUNK IT Popular Route —'ro— o1AN[TOBA, BRITISH COL- TJ Bti, CALIFORNIA, DAKOTA, AND ALL POINTS EAST and WEST. For Blaps, Time Tables and Lowee4 Fares, apply to J. N. KENDALL, Agent, 33russelt. Fair Particulars ABOUT THE t�r� P SetLjOnnjO'' l TO 911 AND TIF4E NORTH-WEST Bend to gone nutmeat Rai3.read Agent and obtnin a copy oP t'Freg F et5#Fa>r fir, r. T. PEPPER, Aj,Ont, Brussels.