HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-13, Page 8mrstancesuessesseseemeswerwingsterseasinesuctstacormsiansws
12 Iles 111 the storm. ,1) 0, 0,,
at en.ch tou. ., - - . i
r 13uSIllesS Loc-ils 1
IT R.", O ' ' ',esp. mi Or ,'c'S.
( t.D1 ..:.• ....1e, mei fees a' B. LI erry'a
13311. toe . steel. et .,.
Dee, b,„,,,O, nil: p„.i„ ;„ 18/0 but 1011 the beet and finest litotes go th ; 11 E A L 0 F 1 I 0 R. - T 0 IS 0 1st T 0.
A. Cuetomer of ours having 0., relative beAe13111e,.7ays,ughteneavivt:eirr,h,Titet1.3,314.331
3,0‘, v,p,,,,t,
6P:C70ve433.tat honee to let. Apply to ; ASSETS,
CAPITAL (Au(horized) . (8°v°" 41111104 i)°"")
. . . $7,000,000
Seturday and ithoday ilt Lirinseria. •
=WSW eeeeee_
211.ND 1.81) 13,1.XIC C,t1X,.1.0,4,
• e. -.SS; X
ttlio b.td ortostla e • veee eel I e ono te
mike; the storm ot Monday for a bottle
of eie„ ieol lie 1 tt your pledoe to Stroog'a OVVII At, curies in all prtnei.pol "QIN; thaarjol, (211t1 'e, .310 I: ((VIM, ritifrd 1,1 3331 I
held in Brueetile on Thursday, February Standard 13a0k,
Such faith and perseveraece 10 0(3(33'
31)01(110.11113, but lie had it -ea .r (eolith
B 1.11 and knew the video of it. When
troubled with a cough 1133 ad I jnet try 0
Are you troubled with Ililetteliese ?
Do you ariee 113 tee morning With a bed
teeth, in the month nod it. *meted feelino
of itilitneae for work ? 13 30 yuu should
Deadtnan's Anti -Bilious Pills.
One or two occasionally will make you
feel like a different person. These phis
are purely vegetable and I e311I1 reoutn•
mend them.
Druggist, Bookseller, deo,
'Prides leave Bressels Station, North
and South, as follows:
tiotea morn, (Wisp Nolo 0.
trail .
7;'ll g,o,, , !disc I atc
Ilsoress 11...0 ate. , s.P.
Missal se10 post, ' FEarsas 1(333133.111,
JUSIN Teens 1%4 toJtvri a situation 11
Itgniond's Vo Wen factory in kletle
147,8 of Fiordland big, comiert on Wed.
3(3' 31 ,y evoniog, 21t11 ieet,, Town Hall,
Bee • el.
'the, IV, tl 11701.1.31 ..u'b, A his in.
11:3tir71 R13c.)1 t etureley nth..
toonery theme 'rho ormereeation was
grettly 13l1.01 with his dieceerso.
.Arera the inetallatinn of the ()Moore of
the A. O. W., lest FricI7.y eveuing, an
adjourement wait made to the dining
room of the Anierioan 1101.1 1011810 mine
hoet Kcenig had fl, line oyster supper lo
readiness. Ample juetioe Was done and
as a oonsequenee bivalves quickly dis
appeared. D. D. 111. W. Patterson, of
Seabee/11, Wag in attondanes.
.1 cLAL11,cloi meet.
ing of East Huron Institute will be held
at Wingham, March 211(1and Srd. The
new director of Teaohers' Institutes,
Wm, llouston, will give several addresses
on the teaching of Englisti and allied
subjects in the public schools, These
addeesses will ba praoldual in their
ewers eaul be very helpful to teacher)).
In the eveninu 13,. will give au artistic
aualysie of a short poem 131.1011 AS Mug
glee's ',Three Fiehers" or rennyson's
" Week I Break !'' Uther addles :es On (30113 a elm (.1.1 tor ot1ni13.1 subelamtitl ris.
13,313 'Ma will 1„, the weed.. Peterbreolt 01 Co., 21 John St ,
A.NoTIIND roliletiPa 1(1 010088. Terms
wish at B. Gerry's,
13.7 0 ;extent') of goml total 013 nt 16u
per 0,110.1 at 13 Gorry's.
1101' and cold Innoli at 011y seasonable
hour, at J. Me Alpiee'e restaurant.
!e.1.1.VINE: lite tee lardeet smelt of
confeetionery iti town, Cell and Art, him,
thstedes served in a3(3 (11)1c -stewed,
fried, ratty or by the glass at J. 1110.
NO unueoessery transfers and re•cheolt-
ing when you buy your tickets of Grand
Trunk agente.
Itsmettees we do no seoond class work
in the photo line. 13, J. Strong, ever
Standard 13ank.
11u31 your Manitoba tickets at the G T
1( 11 pot and have your baggage oheeked
through to destination.
' 0. !stole ...se of all kinds cheep. h'igt,
lot of grapes, ote.ogea mid lemons jinn to
hand. J. BluAlpine.
To BENT. --A new house and of an
aere 033 1311(1! at $5,00 a, month. Apply to
Mro. John MoOallum, Mill street.
Bums se Wellington, Ntueerymen, lee
ronto Nerway spruces and ornamentals
at half price. )'Ionto, pears and apple
trees great!) rednued 111 prine,
0117,11) lo '1, Age
Tug poelical tn'et.3 in the mum v has
leading teachers of P.,st 7 -Neon. As New York, are offering 1L0Ul 00 in
these instituter) are now held but once
prizee for 3100(3)8 073 their Ms Write
.............13730.1' it is to be hoped hat MI the fue vireo/are.
nral ;Items. ttrile'sl'e"bro'oVti.th„,set;,."„'
,,,olitiofztepraLlatinitnany nf Deng neat Rohe, with fieure of .3.3
On lining, Met between Brussels and
Datums McLane lio'e, 2 mime tenth f
— §. 0. S. -The falowing enters were Bruseele, el Monday, Jau. 9th. The
A. ()Islet's among ye talcin' notes,•dalled by Pest Chief Strachan finder will be r warded by leaving it at
An' faith he'll punt it. ' • .1! Lomond Camp, SOne of Soot. Toe POeT Nhliehing lions°, Brussels, at
TEE days are lenethening.
12 below zero on 'rueselay morning.
Semite aseizee at Get lerich, March
II. L. jactsos has been on the sick list
with a bad cold.
EAUL Wonmair, of Kirseardiue, is vidt
log at Jas. Jonee".
13,1110381.3 Scimol 33 ard regular meet.
1033 (1336 (F.ide.v) evening.
NEW Councils will asennte virtue next
Mnitday at 11 o'clock a. tn.
31130. 110BenT and dseghter, uf Bras
gels, wore 13(81(30(4 3(1 ktwood lest week.
Ifiss BOLLA 'MIN, .313 11(30 place, speot
her holidays with Miss F'orenee Staosy,
of Atwood.
1. Alriemesee, wife and elditl, of St.
Thomas, Were vieising N, 113011181! auti
family this week.
Peor. Iltheres, of this !dace, aseiste,,
0,3 (111 A. U.U. W. cement in Belgrave
Is - t Tuesday evening.
ColillEstsoNDENTi to TUE Post are re.
qu Wail not to .8,11 their lettere. 11 (11313
is done extra, poinage is imposed.
Tne name of Priucipal Cameron, of
Brussels Palthe -eehool, le among the list
of suonessful N'ormelites at Ottawa.
aies. A. STBACHAN, hiss Mitchell and
Geo. ileLaren ettentled tee eethliug of
Joe Ba.bantyne last Tuesday at Loudon.
II. Baer): repacked 500 boxes of ali-
o'', s con(aitibee one third of a barrel each
and has shipped them to the OW Country
as Sic experiment
EAST Huron Farmers' Institute on
Thursday afternoon and evening and
Friday of this week, illeellues in the
Town 1141, Ilt ueeels.
00.3100 11» Sunday night'storm the,
merging train eu Alonetay and Tnesclev
beim Kliteitedi.te w 8 caueelled,
11 uh'e header osme down la norm.
Besuor Weno and wife and S.Smith
and wife (316(8 (1(01(3' at Loudon lust week
being called thereby the illness and death
of Mrs. Ward's and 31r, Sinitlee father.
CISAIMIN Guswea disposed of his bar.
beeing busitiess in Atwood to R. AI.
Iellautyne, of that village, and is uow
haviug a holiday before taking another
3(031 33031.
'fere collectors for the Upper Canada
Seuiety are kindle asses! to cont.
plete their Canvas titlring the Month of
January if convenient Whim through
81,1(1 tools mid moues. to W. II. Kerr,
Ti.testirer, Bruise's.
Aare thews in nome from Chaplean,
0. P. R., where he has been employed
for sevelal years. Ile lonits nfter the
necessary panIttng of •tetioti housee, 010.
ot., 1b,,1o-0311011 of the railway and is do'
ing well. Mr. Weds intends returning
1st a, few weeks.
Dist).--ilarriet Jane, youndes' dangh.
ter of William told Sesta) Ellis, Coalmen's
servey, died early Friday morning of
weolt aged 8 prate, 6 menthe anel 22
disye. She was a bright, lov,,ble child,
hut her f, all constitution could out 1)1111.
steed a et tribbiation of ailments. The
!miens' 80800 tiatorhay afternoon, 1100.
ff. Salton ofilete,ting. The permits
aed friettde arc sympathised With.
Toe Kincardies Review says :--(1.
Whitley Loa his bang did not fail to
Tneke the 01.1 03 the season jinn,
1(3151 31331 111. igfornis the 11 13,13 11)313 (3)8
- 10(3 500 3, 03,1 big c 1 ince-, were very
liket.al iteleed, heed ie deserving
its 111..13101E 0011 315 1,,iLIVEI 1.0 '3)31.
3(8" p1e tippreci ,te it. Under 1 v. Whit.
'e region: it lite creatiy imprOved and
11opu,eri433,l its -.3 31.3(31 the people ef
Satiiiitty Nnicle AleCnr,iy, (315
luicni sou 03 1)4)31(11 and 3') 7.08 Lowry,
goes:. istreta, diLi I ol Ile mum! ion of the
'Mega Tile littln 10110 7? nos it sturdy
83'! 3 ue 1 year, i,,,,t, mid 7 days told*
lo 01,joyed the best of Imulth, The 11.
le' t wee made in I'd dams oelnetury
DE Monday afternoon. PAW. 1s1r. Salton
nondioned 1, e 1010(0", Mr, and errs,
Le,vry have the eyttipeehy of the coin.
3e the list of ((0301". (3 ()meth! wi)
WrOte 313 OD qualify int; Exammatum,
01,1 aurviss, London, 1..! notice that
oJ' Tboti. 1"» ('(''30 of Brun
sae. We aro also plea., • to hear that
13'. .'d Farrow 13(88031 11,,1 Civil mirvion
examination ne Winnipeg e will mete
late) into some department of poetoftico
wOYIT for which he i eon actepted,
13e;e13,73 a letter received from him the
Ailowing is noted ;--Ittiv, Mr. Turk
dthyos hap) enogregeteele end it eery
FiSqufte it, Wu/11008, Sunday
o(11, ,/ 3311,11111:0 1300 a...• the Twig:ad.:I
Ode; the e.,,neetra 38 tomtit:tangly fine
44141 lute meat talent and numbers,
Walther 1010 been 98 degrees below zero.
ono young matt passed the Quali•
fleiliheldsattneation among the 110111be3'
e' t31611 at evienjpeg rectIntlYr
Past Chief, D. Stewart; Peovius yourself with a b. the of
Chief, Achim R, id ; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and so have the
Chieftain, Job n .11 (0. ; means at ea, d for contending stmeeeefttl.
Finannial Secretary, 11, 0. Retie ; ly with a eu Idea cold. Aa an ton, r -
Rewording Secretary, F. S. Scott ; geitoy medicine, it has nu equal, and
Trea-urer, Wm. Bright ; leading physicians everywhera reenm•
Chapb.in, J. Hebb ; mend it.
I. G., Thns, 13.)ss ; EttoLisa 1+1331( 3)) Liniment remove)) ell
0. G., Wm. Robb ; hard, soft or calloused lows and blein.
1 hes from horses, blood epavins, cures,
splints, sweettey, ring•hone, stifles,
spr.ins, a 1 swollen throat., els. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Dea3man.
'hie oontinual snoceesion of bulls,
pimples itiol eimptians from whioh many
buffer, indicates an impure state of the
blood. The most effeotive remedy is
Aver's Sarsaparilla. It expells the oohs.
0 few outlines. Deceased was on haemlessly through the uataral ohm,.
te.. eldest sou of W. Geuley,
1(31)13453.31 Bearer, Angus Lamont ;
!Aareliall, A. McKay
H ;
oer, Thos. 13allantyne ;
tthysioians, Drs. MoNaughton and
sonnet Ditorn.-The Clinton New
• 1(1133 week Para -''0, 1(10(1110.3)'lni!,1 W. 0. Gainey, while sitting in
.f, 11(1,3511, 10011 a 0001+0111(1 spoil, during
il)a, he burst a blood vseeel, causing
nsls, awl leaves 311e skiu 0 0111 0.01
tv taught at Surnmerhill. Several years c(ear.
eon he went to 1))•nver and about font. rards.Dreatee ANI) Denengo.-George
years ago es:attract 11 a isold devel• Birt lisle all the necessary machinery for
oped into coosumplion ; he came home •iiggins and drilling wells and is (teepee:.
about a year since and has been graduiti• ed to attend to all wOrk entrIlated to him
ly initiate Cm Monday the retinae had a in a Way that will insure satisfactiote
redmion and all went to Foster's photo Wells cleaned eut and , ea in proper
gall ry and had a group picture taken. share. Terms reasonable. Reatdence
Will, seemed to feel particularly ahem:- soaped door north of the bridge, west
fill during the clay and seemi MO up side or Tornberry 81., Brunets. 91.13
Anticipation that his end was so near." 01)30333 ,1.011 OUR BEADrEs.-A la, go, life.
The deceased was a brother to Miss sized eugraviug (in natural colors) of the
Gainey, of Brue•sle. fatimee our thousand dello: prize St.
0111T.-l5e11rili31y ;Tames Smith pas. Bet nard dog owned by the publisher of
sed away t ) reward gt 1(310 5(110 of Tile Toronto Tiltlele together with The
80 85(3338 3301! 6 months, lie had bee:, Times Calendar for 3893 will be 1,01(1
thine with hie son in London for the free (In tobe) upon to oeipt of
plait name and addrees and two three -
cent stamps to cover expense of maidng.
If you desire it send at ohne. Atidress,
Tho Toronto Times, Osgoodby building,
Tel oido, Chit,
Bun make money and scours elegant
and useful prises by working a few hours
after school and on Saturday, for the
Totem.) Times. Boy., 0 you want a
iirstmlass ivatch, printing preae, air gen,
magic lantern or any ()thee artiole that
can be procured !u Toronto you can
semPe it witboot cost by writing us. We
teen! hustlers for the greatest Home
New.paper in Canada. Send your
Engliuld, where he Was in Her Maj sty's name and address for our prize offer to
`e"i‘e for You.. W. (1., of ;31 o boys, Add,ene thu Toronto Times,
Jemee, drowned while bathing in Toone. "0in:elation departtnent," Osgoodby
eee asoub 12 y ago ; Mrs. Bishop buildthe, Toronto, Out.
Ward. and J. S. Sr lith, of bruseele ; and
1 Tea Hugh 'McDonald, of Ale ni tithe
pest two years and the hody Was brouset
0 13rue8el8 for interment on the noon
nain Monday. The deceased MLR born
in Damfithire. Sentlatid, and came to
Dunics, Ontario, 139 year ago. 111e,
Smith died two yearS before lie left the
Old Country. For about 15 years Mr.
Smith and family reeided on the 4311
erm. of Grey township, wotkies his
brother's (Thos. Sydney Smith) farm.
The subjeot of this notice was a big,
strong hearty man who hardly knew a
dae's sickness. 03 late years be belong
• t • the Brethreit. His family consieb.
ed of Thomas, who died lest v. ar in
tees. Sydney Smith died al.,'u,, 51311•t
years a o. ltev G. F. Salton to/Ideatel
the service on Monday. Owing to the
terrthe blizzard n, large number of people
wore unable to atteed the futierat.
Exox C311111C11.-T110 annual eterthin.
meht in connection with Knox aileron
Sabbeth school 0.0.5 1151-3 on Friday even.
1(1173 03 las' week and was vote annoeste
In the afters,, the pupils of 31:e solion
were mn a sleigh ride after whirh they
a 1 partook of a, 8u:14:tue0a elitist served
in the church by the ladies of the eon-
ereenteret, After tsa, whieh WEIS serVC,1
between six and seven, the follewiug well
rendeterel program WKS PrdS0111Q11, 1 110
1 1 Lio folks doing their part in a cum.
ilife.d.thle Manner :-Ify mu, school ;
reading, by the chairmen ; reoita inn,
Veggie McNeil ; hymn, 5liss Detton's
011190 ; selo, Rev. D. 'Millar ; dieleetio
33331] Slof,all, Emma 'Webster, Barth
Thelley god Fainde Rogers ; ;mug, Ethel
11:7 ,1,111 reel Idabel, Mary 11311331 1' 1 11.
Eider StraMan ; recitation, gar,/
os) the ; 3711111311 1', the 1111se livid
• Megere. Stranhom and ; reel •
311I3)e 11a der ; recitatioit, into.
(4':.s,ir ; Joy Ben,n1. ; read.
1113 1.1 Ina rientd, ; qnsrtelte, the elie.
see It id net Me 11.4 Stresthen 14,111
reCitation. Emma Webster ; Rolm
Rise. addresa and distrinntion
of pt'zos by SI, A. Dominos.). There
11.#'l'toeety din en mthils 313131, r. oohed
prizeit from the ‚.(i '131'!111(111t15311,, Mr.
11, edmen, he. '131801 3,101 Mai+ alPau of
Om 10,010111i 01 181(2. The utour WILO ott•
alined by Rev, Mr. Miller while Mise
31 ,'o11u' ltbly pred1l,1 .110
'I Ito anneal biteirosag Intestine of the
coneregation Wits 11013 011 Merulay after-
noon, Theis. Stray: 133 '03(11830, Not.
withstendine the aeverity of the weather
the 10' 3'1(118073,, wei good. The everts
etantiii tad were very ene /raging and
allowed that the ennipegat1 wag in a
prosperons ennelition, Th flee noes aro,
epee, a Rolla bates, am Copgre "Mon not
bei' burdened With 013 el. et. There
ha,ve heen sd.led 31 the ehnroli roll &Ir.
inn the year 48 members, 6 by certilleete
80.,1 40 nv 31 ,,'3'13,l33) of 1',, 13 Rnn-
ie!) herr hem) removed. It we. resolved
bo itioreabe the pit,10r`5 Salary. The
chairman thought the members of bits
congregation had cause to thank God for
the meeseest of salt:Neal rationed &tied
the year,
Cute:wee -In Morris, on the ith inst.,
(318 wife of Mr, 0. W. Oculphtll of a
ELLIOTT. -In East WLIWO.00811, 011 t110 1.131)
1(1(13,, the wife of Mr. John
of a SO
Jswrr.-In Morris, on the 2nd inst., tho
wife of Me. 51. L. Jewit of 0 daugh-
Boown-lIne.ren.--In Morris, 00
4111, at the reeidenee of the bride's
parents, hy Rev. T. Davidson, B. A„
Me. Lammed Brown. of Wroxeter, to
Miss Maggie T., Hewed daughter of
TIluMPSON Omvea.--On Wednesday,
Jan. 41,11, 13,3! Rev, 11. A. Newcombe,
at the radii...nee of the bride's
mother, 34te 13. .13, ff'hompson, of
Oil Speinge, to Miss J. Oliver, of
the townehm of Grey
Itrou1toxit-Bo335.-0,1 Deo. 271h, at
the residen...) of the bride's mother,
East 5(1110. 1(1(011, by ltov. W. II.
Geddee, Annie, only denghter
of the late Jelin Bona to air. El.
liott Riclimmid, or Newborn, Ont.
Jexioss-L-ierres.-,',1 11313 resitignue of
the berle's parents, Bay Ci,y, 31181).,
on Deo. 2411, Me. Benjamin Jenkins,
of Traeerse City, Alloh., and HOC of
Mr. Thos. Jenkine, of the Bleevale
rot 11, 0 Mies Charlotte Panlin,
formerly.of IV inelithm,
BALLANTYNE-MrronELD..-At the reels
delete of bride's parente, 401 Princess
street, Loudon, on the 10th inst. by
Rev. Si, 1', Fadine, 'misted by ltev.
R. Aylward, 31r. Joseph Ballantyne,
Brtureels, to Anse Jennie Y., eldest
daughter of Mr, John Mitoholl, Lon.
Mclintetox-McDoeteish.--At the resl•
delta. of the bride's fa ther, Cren.
brortk, on the 11111 inst., by the Itov.
D. 13, Moldits, Mr. Malcolm Mc.
Klemm, of the town of Onlgary, N.
W. T. to vlitte Maggie, emend Mingle.
tee of Mr. Peter McDonald.
GAVANMIII-K1100.-At the residence of
11, ieee,,nts, 31-05e:31he a 3,113.
nary Ileh, hy Rev: J. L. Kerr,
((Related by Rev, W. 19,
Eerr, Mr, Milton Cavanagh, D. D.
S., to Mies Fannie Ethel, emend
datighter of ltov. 3, L. Kerr, both of
A General Banking 131114100511 Trantheted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts leeued mut Collet:none made on all points.
Intereet (111(3(33831 011 deposits ',l' 21.00 teed uptverde from 1331(0 013 deposit 30 date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
SPECIAL ATTENTiON ,i1('11113313111333OS VAIDIERS' 8,11.1.4 N
Elvery facility afforded Customers living at a die(anoe.
W. 1). IIART, MANAMca.
rduaoricE1.155:6110357.6215.103,57M..11,7=1,J.,.. 11(1.C...1201=1131111274•10.
13 1"R) 'CT E)'J IE
7:2. 77-1.1
Transact O. General •Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all pointe in Canada:buffed States and. Great Britain.
S'arioNv,s, Bti,.),21?.1): 2 e 1FX
Interest Allowed as One faller aud Upwarde at Current Bates, Iliterost, (10111,
3)0011,131(1'1 'meg a lime 14.3.31 Ailileg Lo 1.110 ('31 (3 e Ithe told 1)3 the elgalh, of
October and April. Specie] Arrangements ruritle for Time Dr posite,
ll'c (street to ITO le 1 staltrimee to old Lot:bleb tn. Canadian Companies, or 433 lint.
33311 Cassapossies as may be desired.
Beistes0-McOnne.-A1 the residence of
the bride's father, 011'. Wm noCreit,
Belgtave, on the 2111. nit , by Rev.
T. E. Higley, oins Eliza. MeCtes, to
Mr. jeremiall Bridges, both of Bel.
SMITII.-In London, on Jan. nth, James
Smith, late 01 Grey township, aged
8030008 and 80)03,31)5.
LON0.-III Grey, rat the 601 Verna,
only ohild Of .1ohn Imcg, aged 4
year.), 11 Mull 1 1111 Mid 7 10.3 1'.
Lowsv.-In Bruesels, on Jam. 8111, 1803,
Noble hluOurtly, infunt tem of
Daniel and Lizzie Lowry, aged 1
year. 4 months and 7 days
Eekes.-In Grey, on January 0th, 1803,
ilaeriet Jane, youngeet daughter of
William end elsrah Ellis, aged 8
years, 6 menthe and '22 days,
Enid Buffalo. N.Y., Jen. 11 -0wi0g lo
the 03113'. a3'8 being blot:A.4 the tUpply Of
Steak ell doper' me., 14 '%1( 1 i 11111 ed.
thane -Light rommote butchere, about
1,000 pounds average, bold ot $13 ; good
mediums, 1,270 ponwle, sold at 44.25.
Sheep and lauthe-With Jute arrivals
there were 1 5 cars, including 0 oaes 00.31.
3111073 ; markta strong and it, shade higher ;
best Onnaties, $0.25 to 46.25 ; natives,
$0.26 to $6.40 ; Citoade sheed, 113315 to
$5.25 -latter choice \venters, I7ogs-20
oars on sale ; early sales at strong yester•
day price, select lobs selling la $7.80 to
47.90 ; at close values wore 5o to 10a
•1 ao-r ; g est weight Yorkers quotable at
$7,75 to 47.80 ; best packers, 47.80 to
$7.90 ; light Yorkers, $7.66 to $7.70 ; pigs,
47.50 to $7.55 ; rouella and elide, 40.76
170 337 for fair lots to good ends ; stags,
45.50 to $6.25.
Toronto, Jan, 11-Whea No 2, spring,
600 10 0? ; white. 64e to 65u ; red whiter,
64e to 64310 ; goose, 6631 to 57c ; No 1,
hard, 830 to 84o ; No 2, 701.) to 81 ; No 8,
7130 to 75o ; frostedNo 1, 60c to 62. Peas,
No 2, 64): to 660, Barley, No 1, 50o to
04o ; No 2, 42u to 440; No le extra., 38o
to 800 ; No 3, 35.: to 37o. Corn, 070 to
58o ; Otas, No 2, 29e to Ilo ; Flour, extra,
$2 80 to 92.70; straight roller, 43.15 to
$8.30. Market quiet, Sales -Red wheat
outside 1317 640 to 343 ; spring oetside at
690 ; No 2 hard Man. ne North Bey at
80o. Oets 00 epo at 291eu to 3131, Peas
0(1181(18 03 65110 50.
08rS3)3Ez7.-i01 X.,e-XL'IYX:APXO.
Fall Wheat
Spriug 31bou,1
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen....
Flour per barrel
Bay per ton
83131 111(33 bbl., retail..•...
Hide)) trimmed
Hides tough
Shoop skint, each
Lamb Skins eaoh
Apples per barrel .....
3 50
6 00
1 00
1 00
7 75
4 00
,000 50U
Peens Wanted, to 3 0 the
lives cal ne 11033111 3 Lot 27. Pon. 0, 111orria.
21•( litg Lest ;aloe paid. ('1') full pet Molders
apply to 30111i 11,101)3113,20'1 Collector.
Tenders Wanted.
Tsnders will be received, up fill Febrettry
1810090, by Wu undersigned, foe the Lroction
of a brick school house in S. 15. 0,0, 0, Town-
ship of Month Plans nucl auntie:talon
may be soon at any time at I he real mine of
the undereigued, tot 17, con 2, Iderria,
26.3 InevulO P.0
East 1111P01) Agricu'al Society.
The samaal meeting of the Rant 1throu
A gricultuvaI sloolety will be bele at tho
0009011 Oluttober, 13rnasels, on Wednesdity,
Jen., nth, at 1 o'clock p. 10., to rectiVe the
Auditors' report, moue emcees au,: transact
any other business that may onto Bernie
the 10eet11.10.
STEWAItT, See.-Trons,
Public Notice.
The aeltual 31(883403303 the shareholders
dio Othetels OttrIc Aetetel etton
he 1..3d on Tuesday, Jan 29,11,00. .11ni., 0( 1)1', American 110151, for tlio coma/be-
01 11(8 nenual leport, the election of
officers end ethee bluntness 1130,3 31)333' be law,
folly talons, od 111 00031 xneotina.
3. n. WARWTOK,
(308310 (11')'.
t BMWS. 300,12, Ha'
310310 (100 is need of spueta ales 1115 100.111,.
8(1 to eon non buy a nit' from stir choke
selection. Wo have them iron) 250. up,
3.0,,'.. 11:,...11.151.1N,
331008301 13) Bookseller, llrunels.
youNG DRIVING 1-10136E,
j all cinaRriliy' 'tfir 4113.9 f()1Lvairib-
, or bus no iurtimr one for them '.,,ply to
0110, (0, 115301,
Teacher, Final
of the undersigned. Let 25, res. 7,
l.1ouy, 08 8408 leicsaelt,.1013c1.,,
espekses and 00.50 11033 away.
224 WORTH,
1 ou.ouav of hard and sett ourdwo
1 wanted at l733311 18e173 Salt Works, S3.25 01,
01.00 per cord for seft wood tuft $1.50 to
92.00 for hard wood,
T. OOLSIAl.nAph,
‘N r
l'ensle,s will I). rem trod ((1,131til Jan. ooD )vAsTio.
. 111m,16911,1w 11.0 delivery ',308 envie of good
Winn; gr0e1/ 1,1i1L1 (3 01.0, 14330013 and 010.1.1e,
3111 wcrol, el inches long, in 1.0 si-liver-
ed 01 1330 Brussels Public School House be.
3010 the 1111, day of 1'obruary,1903,
24-2 See, Public School Board.
D13ti0r531113D has sieveral good Farms 08)'
sale mai tu rout, 03313,3 1o13018, 13 T07310511106
of ATorris and Grey. S. SOOTT.Braseule,
& 011.1010NED dashes to rout lot 10, 0011,
0, Grey,or stools wanted to use up teed on
plasm. For further (notion lags cply to
T1108. IV 0 ORE, Pro' .,
2a -t1 brussels.
. . .
Being South half Lot 27, come, /103118,
MP acres, nearly allele:troll. Good Inglilings,
Ilan young bearing orotnd. Crumedinto 13'35.
50081011. Easy Tongs. Apply to
11- Solicitor, ,8,, 1031009318,
.1; M FOR S ALE .-13E INC+
3103 18. Cott, 7. Grey township, 00 sores
cleared, (030008 bush Thorn Is a Midi
vetiourcd houeu mod IL ecru PEW Nos, good
oroltard, well, dm. For particulars 115 tO
prim:, terms, &o., cuPlY to
27.1 Prop., lithe! F. 0,
20() A CI1E 130111 51 F011, SALE.
The 20001:,,, farm, being 18(36 11
end 12, eon, 10. Grey, is offered for rale, 120
acres arc anon:oil nd the balance well tile-
tered. Buildings first -elan. Orchard, woll,
&o, Sehool house iwthin 4.0 roils. PoSaas-
1300 given at oueo if desired. r farther
partientars as 170 110180, terms, he, apply to
1.01 Rosevido 37.0,
Or 31101)8031 13111013311131, on farm.
/ 13EITIG (1,18 11 and 12, con. 11, Townobin
01 (0338,'. County of Huron, °obtaining 200
083380, 13)0 property of the late Sohn Bober',
son. 120 mores cleared and freo from ob.
stvuotio us, 10 sures bush, mind timber,
baleen pertly cleared. 11011 clay loam,
010810 rolling. Penal with 011,3133(01 rail
Mums and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Clonginod ion ;levelling
1101180, W1611 largo woodshed attached atm
03 excellent culler under hone. Two largo
barns, stone Stabling and other ontltila.,
Inge. ewe good bearing 31rchard4, orna-
mental irons aml smell fruits. 14 u111011
from Brussels, to lively town on the 11.,
oouyeni out, to taboo], church/It any post
onion. Thin property lies will, IA 0 11151.
01068 grain sleek farm and should be
seen by intoning purchasers no It Is clinic
031 )13 EL bargain. ltur farther varthintard
apply to Dill.S. JNO,JE.1111411TKON,
or DANI1ets 310101111.T8ON, on
the promises, er by letter to Uran brook P.
Notice to Oreditors
Punecnt, 10 lloylsod RIntstas Icf Ontario,
1087, cltp.110, (be crediting o f tin tthow Gib -
Ron, late 03 1,108 Towns13ip of :Morris, in 11 o
County of Buren, Yeoman, non sod . who
Mod nn m %bon the that day of December,
are heveby nOtillod a 11 0 15(31(1 ,13311
to toed in ail or :torero t,•.11131.11413', the 133'11
'Pay of Janne. y, A, 18, 118911, by pont, 0.
paid. or otherwise deliver to William AL
Sinclair nt the village of Brussehe in the
thmuty of tothoitor for ,11111r30. Sim-
eon 25(1 ,10.0,80 Amos, the (430'0(110(4 boned
in the met will and tentaniont, of the said
9. Gibson, despoiled, their Ohris atm
end 01r11a1000, addressed and deseeptions,
the fun nartlet, lard of their accounts or
Mahn and tho 1 ;tare Of the seourity, (it
fl,3') 1(81,1 311' tl".8111,
And further tette notice that the said Ex.
tem ton will proceed after tho said V010108011.
tn day of January, to dint lin" to the a. sots of
the aald dresetifsed mincing the enettioettetthen
thsreto, having regard only 130the 0(0.3030 53
whioll nhoy thet, 1.0tica, boa tho.
will 0.36 be roma side foe the geld 01,,01,o 01:
any pare thereof 310 distefbutoo to any per.
8011 or Dottions Of Whores claim or 0101030
notice alma net have been received at Om
thee 01 931011 distribution,
24 4 SoliotIor for theeotante
13rOssel0, Deo, 10,1802.
JAIT, 13, 189.1
'RR pp Ti
Convoyattear, Oollea
nous made. P11100-Vo.uslono's Meek, brus-
sels. 21-31,1
1)1. 3531N0L01114,
/SAI• .
Ins, 019, insiee-Vanstone's Bloolr, 1 door
1(010(3 03 05010111 llotol. Private Funds to
BurristerarEollcitors, Notaries Public,
AI. C. c111011010, Q. C., Darin, 11001,
1301100T 1101.01130.
1-1, a Auctioneer, is altve ((«3.4115 to 111.
10 nd sides of Parma, farm scoo k, Tsrro a
0.113'00 art. tsiged at Tun Pun [clung
3113,',,,rfclibilink PO). Bolos
:House, Brunets.
k A 131081180E1 111.10t1011SOT. Salos condnot
84 013 reasonable terms, 'Farms soul farm.
stock a 4'001101v. Orders left at Tic 1 Pin
1' bashing lio use,Brussels, ur scut to Walton
IS, (1,0.31! receive prompt attention.
.Tif051')aellrfer'ITrraaotlto coitc014fofLoelc LIretuiti
smices. line log the standing oi "only
every verso'. Lam lo a 3)0'nom to 311)3 to
good initrIss 0701 get good security when sold
(18credit. Satisfaction gueranieed. Give
31- it 4. 3,101:r.
Ion a Gall.
'(%T H. 11-!IA,IrU (IT A•linal.N'
ensue. Office
017 (118 (irooly, 12°Itrut4;etrrygoctrelcet, Bressole,
N. it A RRETT,
31. a.. • Tonsorial Artist. Shop-NeNt door
south 01 33, Al. alefiay &Co's u.c.rdweru ntoro.
L ailles'aud 0(11141008 hall 0(1(0( 5(1 (100110101031
05801•01. 01 m01'ri...1., ismwsus, by
appointment o1 o
01 rnor, Commis
010001, oft , Q. Convey:no r arid Agent
• Infilarauoti oillee 01 1(39 tranbrook
Poet Ulllue.
Olork of cue Fourth Division (Mort
Co, Myron. Conye;;Itner, 'Notary Public
Land, Loan laud Unman Asmt. Funds
invested and to lnau. Oollocsious
Oglon 1 I I Grantor's ((look, Brussels.
Miss 1301105, 01 Winghtain, Is prepared
(0 331138 Instruction in oil painting. !Lerma
may Ile 06.000.10j0031 00 Iliso Nellie Boss' store
whore samples of work may he soon. Mum
Morin would 113411 taka tow more 13311(03(0 10
.1. • Organist 10 St. John's Church, Bilis.
f10111,aud pupil, in the Art of Teuelgte, 033 01.
W. 'aft yor, Al us. Doc., New Yorlc, will give
lessons to 131111111 8101101' alt hos Farrow's,
Turoberry Strest, or if preferrot, nt their
own bootee, efon day , Tuesday and Wednes-
day at Welton. Terms moderate.
A. MaNA.UGrI1T03, M. D.
r • • 0.131,, If . 11. 0.P., ltdinhargh, hi, P
8.01,!. liectdet ce and °ince 11, WI,on'
Bloc I., 0833801 0(1 AIM and Turnberry .
all )111 X 11 /A 'L"
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., 11 D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of 1.1-nta1
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto
VolbIty. orrtos-Ovez A.B., 8101011's Seurat
1Inclor31ffnect win for myth') at
33031 0, Oen. 8, Orey, EL pure bred Berkshire
bog, Tams, $1.10 to bo paid at lime of nor -
vista with privilalo of returning if nossery,
22.4. ' JAAINS 341.d,00rr,
pr OARS 13011 SERVICE -Tfil?,
arwigat.a 30111 hoop for 0(1(0108 00
Lot It , slon, 5, (+toy, thoro' bred 3,1,05(533White with pedigree and from imoort-
ed Also it Otero' bred Burka liog,
Tome $1.00 In be p iirl Mine of terviee
with oriVilogu 51 ruttirlittlg it uneven
tf /3.00(331', 1'..0330ictor.
1400511 1,0S .10, Oon. 7, Idoryg,(1010trs,'ZI'07n!:usl.
°heater White Rog, Thie 11114 Was • MIAMI
mixes W1101101110 wail L0114011 1331100. (118
ere, "Boyar has taken lab at 13111 I•diustrial
Joy 3 ell ta. Tonne, $1,00 to be paid at thio
of service with iwivIloge of retie nine if
110000Eary. SASITIILL AV41
10.31 Fru, dolor.
112130131313 130113015 W LUTE YO1t1i.
51111113 BOAR.
The unclursigoed 0.111 1308!, for serf 10o this
present goakon the imprwed 10.310 white
l'omloshire pig "Itositse, on lot 1:0(1, 0,
aiorrle, to whleh n, lin11108 number of .bOWS
Will (10 talsoll, Tonne 91.00 to be paid at
011ie 1 soryiets, Vitds the privilogn • c' return-
ing If rimessitry. Pedigree10).,, Ito cm up-
on up pileatfon, 31011111(T
1001 prlis tor.
ey 9 Boner Graduate of the Outarlo
Tetwinstry College, (0 premixed to treat all
(1! 080(800 of donteetioated 00113010 111 IL 1001.
1701003 11101111011. Particular attention paid
11 veterinary dentistry. Calls nom,. thy at-
tended to. 001oe and Inarntry-Tws, nottra
north of bridge '100)1)0007 817,, InutteeN,