HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-13, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST ammissow. aviemazweraniseelesiesemeniseteinvereageseesteasenateszenvestrewineaseneareennevevaisienearereeneareneenatineremeeenneennanaseemteeznenes Tli5trirt :iet ievatelestow, . The vote on the House of Refuge stood 137 for mid liLagainee Our Council for 1893 will be Reeve Brvan ;me Counoillors iMurilock, Patter. son, Lyon and Anderson. A meeting of the South Bruce Farnl- ere'esthete will be held iu the town- ship Hall, llolywood, on Saturday, Jan. 14th, comment:mg a 12e0 p, to. Union religious services aie being held every evening in the churches in this village. Last week the services ware conducted in the English church, this week in the Methodist and the following week in the Presbyterian church. The dedication or the new Orange Hall in this village will take place oo Tuesday, Jan. 1.7th, when addresses will be delivered by the Right Worshipful Grand Mntor, Wm. Nicholson, of Ham - Mau ; Greed Secretary, Robt. Binning - ham, of Toronto, and Grand Chaplain, Bev. W. W. Walsh, or Brampton, and ;others. Clint- an - The trastees of tbe Collegiate Iustitute have issued their annual announcement, 'for 1813, in pamphlet form. The Temperance Lode here continues to tiourish, having adiel severe' to its membership at the last meting. There is some bilk of the Maccabees, now located at Gramm, moving to Clin- ton, for the convenience of its mennere. Dr. Turnbull left for New York, whet e h purposes petting in a couple of menthe in conneetion with the hospitals of that city. The many old friends of John Caibick, row of Gaderieh, trill be pleased to learn that he has recoverej from his late severe illness, and is now in leech beter health. The other day Mr. Thornton was fool ing with large cat, when it sank its teeth into the back ,e his hand, inflict. Inc a very painful wound. Mr. Calder, formerly of Morris, name up before Mr. Manning, J. le, on a °barge of embezzlement, and was corn - mined for trial. Mr. Johnston, of Gode- rich, appeared for the defendant. Itiepeetor Paisley late information against 4 ohn Mason, of Blyth, for selling Neer without a license, and thecasecanie up before Messrs Moe -larva and Steep, J. P.'s, who imposed a line of $50 and costs and ordered a seizure of the liquor. The majority in town for the House of Letup( wee IIG, only 28 votes being poll. ed against it, and the vote on the cow ques(ion steed as follows :—Illowing the cows to rnn at large, 160 ; against them, 2317 ; majority for shutting them up, 111, Grodveril . The vote for the House of Refuge. was I 099 for and 99 egainet• Emma Wells Comedy Co. will put in It week here (hiring thi. month. The °vane•.listic services held by Reeds. Crossley and /Teeter, closed this week and the gentl-men have gone to Thorald. The II:mwl t ub lied the annual dog rine at the Squire on Monday of last week. The scores were ie. -Free -for all, let, Walter Brown's Panto ; 2te1, Dan. , MuIvor's Tiger ; 3rd, Frank Beeityls Go Ewe/. Zeoneoletion, let, Peer illoDou :tH's Heine, Bill : 2nd, John 31013,. all's Siden Bey ; ard, Geo. Matheeou's ilotfoote lie guide, t Oen.— i tie tilos,' of tile year 18132 marked tee (loath of a former settler and pinneer et the fliAtrkt, hi the permit of Mrs. Gait, ieliet 8 the late lobe Galt the then regierar of Florin County. Early iu the ye tr t$$4, with the tide of early s ttlement, uf (3elber( 0, she c •rne with her father, the tete 1). Liter, (the ern Clerk or the Pelee in this distriote from E le:burgh, Scotlatel, to resole Inc and a few years later 'needed and took up Inc reeidence at Blariley Hill. Later she with Inc litisbned, undo their home at what is now knew. as Ridgewood, overlooking the eleitland's banks north of Goderich, where they endured many of the ineonveniences in ffient to a, pinti- eer life in the etirly days. In 1866 the midden tete nolookel Inc death of her husband, while on a visit to his brother, Sir A. T. Galt, mend her removal frem this section to Guelph, afterward to Stratford and finally to Uoncton, N. B., where she resided until her 5: ath. She made porn:Baal visits to Garlerich, 11,0- compaaled by her children, ever making enquiry for ber fellow peineers of Huron, and would at all time' tell of the early days of G.odetich and Colborne tono' ships. The °lime of the year saw her last visit. to Goderith, when, weary of the cares of earth she bad fallen asleep in Hini who had sustained bar in times of need, and, arrayed in the germn'e of the ;tomb, her body was conveyed to Gode. rich to rest beside that of her husband. At Goderich, the remains were met by the daughter of the deceseed, Mrs. le Haldane; nig] her grandsun, Galt ILI- clane, of Detroit, and a nephew, A. WA- kinami, of 1Vindser. The funeral service was performed in the width g room of the settee( by llev. Robt, Us, D. D. elle pall -beaters ware Cleve Murray blaogreg. ot, efult, Jordan, le Rade life and R. Fraser, of Goderioli, and Reby Wil. Hamer of Dunlop. Three daughters and one son survive. steeds at the bead or the list in point vu Belied has just been issued by the Oxford ,)3 yield and of sixty•one varieties grot iu Ii1312, the Princess Ileyel gave the largest yield per Kure, anti the Early Rue boree the heeviest weigh per meas. tired beetled. 7. That while It ie important that cereal epring endue (Mould as a rule be Hewn iv coon as peesible after the ground has become sufectently dry in tearing it is more important reletteely in the ease of epring wheat than in that of oats or barley, while no special id vantage feeine to follow the very oerly sowing of pens. The smallest omelet° Bible ever pub- 1 TUE CHINESE. The Chinese do everything backward. Their complies points to the south instead of the north. The men wear skirts and the women trousers ; wbile the men weer their hair long, the women coil their's in a knot. The dressmakers are men ; the women carry burdens. The epolten Ian. guage is net written, tun the written lan- guage is not spoken. Books are read baokward, and any notes are inserted at the top. White is used for mourning, and the bridesmaids wear black—instead of being tnaidens these functionaries are old wornen. The Chineee surname comes first, nod they shake their own hands instead of the one whom they would greet, Vessels tire launched eide.ways and horses are mounted from the off side. They a0Ininalice their dinner with des• sert, and end up with temp and Ash. In shriving, the barber operates on Ole head, cutting the hair upwerd, then downward, and then polishes it off with a small knife, which is peasel over the eyebrows and Into the nose to remove any super - Deena hairs ; and the perforinence is completed by removing the was from the ears by n bit of cotton wool on 0 wire, 001 13.0(1115)118 eters FOR NOliNG MEN. Tito "Fir -side contains the following excellent exhortations to young men :— Have the courage to discharge a debt while you have the money in your potent. Hove the courege to do without that whiob you do int need, however =oh you may admire it. Have the tentage to speak your mind when it is necessary that yon should do so, and to hold your tongue when ibis better tbat you should be silent. Have the courage co speak to a poor friend in a threadbare cone even in the street, and when a rich one is nigh, The effort is less than many take it to be, and the not ie worthy a kiwi. Have the ecierage to set down every penny you spend, and add it up weekly. Have the courage to admit that you have been in the wrong, and you will re. move the fact from the mind of others, putting a3 desirable impression in the plain of an unfavorable one. Have the courage to adhere to a first resolution when yea cannot change it for a Leta, one, and to abandon it et the eleventh hour upon conviotion. Have the courage to face a difficulty, net it kick you harder than you bargain for. Dillieultiee like thieves, often dis• appeal, at a glance. Have tee c image to out the most agreeable acquaintance you possess when he entivitices you that be hicks principle• •A friend shoal,' bear with a friend's infirmities"- -not his vnes. 'Live the eoereee to wear your old gate nents till 3011 deli pay l'Or 11010 ones. Have the coaraga r0 prefer propriety o fet•diffie—,ns is but the !Muse of the other. THE 11'01:1.1) 10131)11. 1311 OIN. We have received llneetin No. Se feint the Guelph Experimeteal Seaton giving the remelts of four years' enperimenis with sprit; grains. 37 varieties of bele ley, 29 of sprit; wheat, 81 oats, and 0 of peas were instal side by side paid the following conalusione were given :- 1. That considerable higher yields may be expected from several of the foreign varieties of oats, than from the old varieties. '2, That of all tbe vinietieu of eats grown Ir four years, the Jeanette Black stands filet in peiet er yield among the blare( varieties arid tho Siberian among the wliite. a. That; the Herniae Bearded and Chit inpioli still melte first mid second /ewes in 1.4.o point of yield among all the varieties erown for rain years. 4. That fifteen imported varieties of barley have given 14 larger yield for four yore than the common six -rowed thriety. 6. That of all the varieties or barley grown for four years, the Residual Mend. lichettri and Frown Chevalier still hold first and eecond plitous respeatively, in point of yield, (1. The, of twenty varieties of pese grown for two years the Pensian 13lue There are 14,000,000 Bibles, A Georgian wears i 17 shoe. Bath (Me.) has a floating hotel. A. Scotch palace octet 115,000,:t00. Boole Sam has 19,000,1e2 St, Louis experts quail to London. New Zealend has 02 large creameries. England has the largest usedle factory. In Spain 8,080,000 people ate illiterwte. Been glass was once used in mirrors. least India f urnislies our gutta pereha. Newmarket jockeys earn 115,000 a year. British puha has 10,417 licensed opium shops. A ton of coal yields nearly 10,000 feet of gas. Chicago has the biggest publishing house. The season's whale catoli is worth $1,• 000,000. The Moscow Greek °berth cost $40,- 00(1,000. Thousands of our Italians go home an - fleetly. Seven hundred Columbus biographies are extant, Liberians get drunk on a mushroom demotion. Queen Victoria's dining.room furniture cost $100,000. 'I. he Emperor of Chinn. orders 200 pairs of boots at a time. Mere are 110,000 species of ilowering plants on the globe. In Queen Elizabeth's day dudes wore oboes three feet long. The telephone has beau known in India for thousands tif years. 'Len dyeing of o e piece of linen re. quires 18 distinct procesees. There is more money spent for eggs then tor flour in the United States. Female stenoget, hers are to servo the Parliaments of Sweden and Norway. Nails can be driven into hardwood without bendhig if first dipped in lard. The highest average speed atedued by ilway trains in England is 31. miles en ra hour. New York eity'a annual production of manufaot trod articles is valued at 0700,- 000,c 00. The veight required to crush a &pare inch of belie( varies from 1,200 to .1,500 pounds. The average &nation of lives 131tha United Settee is 40.3 for mechanics and 69,1 for lawyerie It is eetimeted thee last year Arizona, produced $3,000,000 hi gold, $2,000,000 in silver and e1,5110.0 0 in copper. Three linffired million eggs are used in the 'United Staten in miming albumen paper used in plitogrephy. Tile first patent in the United Suites was issued Jelly 31, 1790, to Samuel Hop- kins for malting pot tuid pearl ashes. In manufatituring eacepations the aver. age tired soneeboilers is the highest and that of grincletomenuiliers the lowest. The costliest (epee ever C'S ported from Havana were a tennlity made expressly for the Prince of Wales end valued at $1.87 apiece et the factory. A. drying honer! for bomber has boon emoted at Ottawa., 1,, widish eleetricity le the heating power. This le the first ealablishintmt of tho kind ie the world, University press. 11 is 8( mattes long ee Mulles wide end of 3011 10 033 thick. An attempt with °learn omnibuses is to be made on Liverpool street, Lon don. The oost le estimated at thre 3151100 11 103118, as iffininst live pence fo Wise ((ewer. In England alerke of a large province( bank jointly owe a cottege by the ilea ?104utellocasen't:tviel' egwiht uri tire id'aitiri ing the summer. The new brewery tax Is muffing gener• ttl depression in the beer business in Ger• ninny. The Altono. Brewery Union has already raised its price three pfennigs blue i re. It ie estiinatecr that Englend'e wheat crop for HMI year is about 60,000,000 bushels or less than two bushels for own inhabitant. Site meet buy at least 100,- 000,000 bushels more from some outside Source.. Aluminum is found combined with 105 other minerals, and, therefore, constitu les a large part of the crest of the earth but until recently lies been very expen siva, because of the difficulty of suparitt ing it. According to tbe hest and most recoil calculations 100,000,000 time of wine pour over Niagara every hone Thi represents 10,000,000 horse -power. Th annual coal pee -Nation of the world would not furnish steam power surticien to pomp it back again, A. man in Columbus, 0., has patented an electrical device intended to ante matically lower and raiee railway gates at grade orossinge at the approach end after the passing of trains. The appar atus is expected to simplaut flagmen and gate -tenders. Probably the smalleet electric light in- intallation in the world is to be found in the little village of elremen, near Dorm - bath, in Thuringirt. it comprises a single aro lamp Metalled in the eharolt, the lamp being operated when required by a smell dynamo arrangecl in the village mill, and driven by the mill wheel. T HAN In a deniecrete; etnergeney, Aveit's 111,teTORAI. 15 prompt 10 net and , ▪ save 10 Cure. A dose taken on the litet e syteptomeof Croup or 13rOnelliti8, ell ork r fut•ther 13:engross of tilos., s1'l'l'ul" 11111 phit‘gm, ,10111,3 ill^ il itained membrane, and induces sleep, '‘s a remedy for ,'Olds, coughs, los, or ,• , ve.e, , in grippe, pneumonia, 01.011 OnStinIptiOn, in bit 0:11.13' • • AYER'S Cherry Pectoral excels all similar preparations. It iS enclorsedby leading physiCians, IS agree- able to the taste, dein not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken usually in small doses. 0 From repeated tests in my own family. Ayyr'n Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient renway for colds, coughs, anq the various :lib. orders of the throat and lungs. —A. W. Bartlett, Pittsfield, N. 11, For the last cs yenn 1 have been inking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and ant assured that its use bas o Sa e -y Life • 1 ewe recommended it to hundreds, T find the • 1,1 effective way of talt4ag this Medicine is in e small and frequent il0508. —T. 111. Aluttliems, P. 01., Sherman, Ohio. t 01y wife suffered fro::: a cold ; nothing helped her hat Ayers errypectoral wh:cn effected a cure, —R. Amen:, Plympton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr, 3. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass, Prompt to act, sure to cure Celteateeratl Net ExeSecretary Blain is again improv- ing. Typhus fever continues to spread m New York. The natural gas supply at Findlay, Ohio, is said to be giving out. Begone Hale has been re -nominated by the Republicans of Maine for &hater. Charles Philip Place, enrdireil priest and archbishop of Repine, France, is dYllha'gy.ti was the first foreign nationality to complete its buildings at the Chicago World's Fair. The total debt of the city of Now York is 898,995,051, an inorease of 01,118,3011 during the past year. At Mount Holly, N. Y., Wesley Warner hag been convicted of murder in the first degree for killing Lizzie Peak, Doman to the extent of 01,000,000 has been caused by floods in Saeramentb and San eoaqiiim valleys, California. The Pope has roundel an apostolic vicarate in British TIondorite anti ham appointed blgr. S. Di Pietro to the office. Governor Flower, of N York 'nate, advocates electricity instead of homes and ni ilea for the propulsion of canal Iran, Dr. Beeson White, of Boston, whet went abroad for his healthes said to have suicided hy shooting in Regent's pack London. It is said ,ffilin Oarlistp, of Ken. tricky, will accept the portfolio of Scare- tary of the Treasury in Dlr. Cleveland's Cabieet Mrs. Bath, wife of a Minneapolis elector, was divorced 91 11:80 a. m. on Saturday and two [10171,8 later married Dr. Annie ex mayor of the same city. Hannibal Price, minister frem Hayti in the United Staines, died Oa Monfl8N in New York of tvpheirl fever. Mr. Prete was born in Hayti, and ens 51 years old. Bishop W. H, Hare, of South Dalcotit, has astounded his comfreenii9n and caused oonsiderable commotion in the divorce colony by attacking the divorce laves of the state. There 10 000 ward in New York City with a population of 70,000 and having but seven churches, or one church to 10,• 000 t people. Anothi r ward has '47,000 people and but four churehes. Many of the people of the ontports of St. John's, Newfeundland, have been obliged to kill all their cattle. Last summer's fire destroyed the grass crops a ed left them without aeons of feeding their stook. Chicken raising is a profitable and im- portant Banea. industry. Five tone of poultry were shipped on one train from Newton for Denver Christmas week, and another town, 113 Nemaha county, sends two oerloads of poultry every month to San Franonoo. Prune culture is assuming considerable importance as a profitable industry in the Paulin States In mine pens of Oregon it is repotted its one of the most profit- able crops in the pa st year or so, and inany flannels have lifted heavy mort- gages from their farms by the profits or their prune orchards. COWS BEST FRIEND Rati:417 l.541..N 101 fr.:ANAL.M. 13'1'5 NE'S COTTON RAT 011P0ellele. A recent 41,100v0).y by 011 51,1 pimobis, Suercissful- ly Inca' monthly by 11101.10- 011(16 of 7.010110, 0., the only porfnetly safe and yell 1 10 uwli,,b :to ditene. arm" Dows.1.0 of onprincf plod druggists who rarer infnrinv peeo of Ulla. AA far ROWS thee'CoR Boer CotttPoMih, take 110 taientitute; or Inclose el mie 4 three -cent Gintitda pottage (amps in ietter, awl WO Will send, aelowl, by ret,or,, a1011. Full smil- ed Plirtinulitrn fe plain oeti,e, to, in laden pude, el2 t"11'Hiols(1:17.117,2,".n ToTeletigg•ii1 be el, T. 115PeE11( A, 1)143 11) 08 and all reoressible druggists overievli HAVE YOU t -101V1 Vtif.41.7, " 8 a h aohe the scauengers ea 118 the kid- of the system, 0308/0 are in "Delay is trouble, Dodd's dangerous, Neg- lCidney Pills glue I elated kidney prompt relief," troubles result "75 per cent. i 17 Bad Blood, o disease is Dyspepsia, Liver ret caused by Complaint, and disordered hid- the most dan- neys. gerous of all, "Might as well Blights Disease, try to harm a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- "T h e above age, as go,: rl diseases cannot health when the exist w here kidneys are Dodd's Kidney a clogged, they are Pills are used." Sold by all dealers o sent by mail on receipt of price zo cents. per box or she ter Sa.r. Dr, L. A. Smith & C,. Toronto. Write lor book ladled Kidney Talk. !Hifi P.11111 Fancy and WO) r1 SAVE JAN. 13, 1 893 ISA$LM orgalteEMEMNCEINZIMMESETROINESUI 11' you want value lbr your Motley go )13 00 ' r eery There you will find it prime stock of Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned. Goods, Fancy Bis- cuits, Confectionery, &c. My Tobaccoes cannot be beaten. Wooden Ware, Crockery and Soaps. Leave your Christmas order lily Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. Oysters, Fresh, and Salt Pater to hand. Try them. J., '5E% ROS. • • • •IN • • Li -QUI:DAT:FON Iii,Tsursmeneraesamemrommusraestsennevau 7000.00 DOLLARS Worth of best and most seasonable goods in the stocks of GEO. GOOD, Brussels & Seaforth still to sell. Full lines in Men's Felt Boots, Pure Gum ltabhers. Mackinac Sox, etc., Ladies' and Men's Overshoes and Rubbers of all kinds. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everything cheap for Cash. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. A set of Light Bob -sl ei gh 811.1 cheap. J. .R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOM 71^.11Z71131211M719".11054e1A.1216.02F....,“_mi–d....+AbL . ".131IIZIPIUMUZ..1.1173 PTS! '1010101 14. 1 4 ,W 70• "418 • THF POST BrIOKSTOPK'S FURN17URE — L —AT -- D. HO GG'S, 8,5131 UIOLRS. Secretaries, Fancy Tables, Music Racks, Easels, Mirrors, Brackets, &.c., at Holiday Prices. Large stock of Mouldings for Picture Framing. See our Rocking Chairs. A nice Xmas Gift. 1). ITOGG Sniale's Block, Xr AS X A Piotouajflis FOR XMAS erry's! Leave your order early CO your Xmas photographs, Our prices are as low as any and our work the best, Cr E. PERRY, them put away until wanted, e t• • • • • Sr.20 CI< 0 .7 • • • • .3„,• ear's 31. 0 s Is now Com.plete, Comprising in part a large selection of Battles, Sleighs, Stoves, Surprise boxes, Santa Claus dolls, un- breakable, Swords, Swiss cottages, Scrap Albums, Scholars companions, Trains, iron and tin, Trumpets, Tool boxes, Tin dishes, Tops, musical, &c., Tiddledy-winks, Tin whistles, Vacuum guns, Wagon 31, Watches, Wash titbs, 'Washboards, Work boxes, Writing desks, Wooden dishes, Whips, Work baskets, 'Whisks, Xmas cards, less than cost, &c., &c. Dominnes, Elephants, Fire engines, Fa lse races, Fruit dishes, Figures (mechanical), Grins, shoot cork and arrows, Gaines, large variety, Harmonicas, l7i°,11318' 3m1books, Jack knives, trow's Harps, liodahs, Mugs, china and tin, Mirrors very cheap, mull:naterns, three Music rolls, Neall's Arks, Necklaces, Pocket books, Purses, Paio Is, Paper caps, Rocking horses, Ranges, Albums, plush .itud leather, Authors, and other card games, Alphabet blocks and cards, Axes, Alleys, Banks, iron tin andwood, wood, Brooms, Balls Bicycles; Baskets, Banjos, Building blocks, Cups and saucers, at cost, Cradles, Carts, Checkerboards, Chimes, Clothes horses, Combs, Chickens, Dolls china, wax. and bisk, - Dolls heads, Drums, Drawing slates, Dishes, all sixes, wourualmsesmunms.an..Mamorammammalorma................mumasmm.. Beautiful Albums, Biblegl„ &e. Complete series pf Pansy Books, Annuals and Picture books. Ask to Bee the Mechanical Savings Banks, See our Parlor Games, Select' griods early and 'have Gallery Next the American Hotel. xr4, 11 xeman woma.