HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-13, Page 5JAN 13, 1893 >aaa•:417. `ZatZ =Ltillvetti82111 r4nrn'tavanat91ae111WI+ar THE 'BRUSSELS POST neawo,rerMuou':ma(ri 11= .rsnalm¢aMIXACC1r 03Mriff=1W 17AT rmrnxmr!Tt nmKIPtEra DISTRICT NEWS. C mese br-(so 'le. Bev. D. B McRae preao11 it ab Wrox- eter lame 'Marley night, ]clime McNair and Moeller Mateo oro attending Godoriah High Salmi this term. Lf eli0aler Wm( flood $10.00 011(1 oasts for having oho bur room blinds down 011 So 1day. Inepeobor Miller was the complain/int, I emsellM„—On Wednesday forenoon of 6hie .v ol( Malcolm ltI:Kinnon, of Gal gary, N. W. T., lead Mies Maggie, second daughter of Peter McDonald, of Cretin uolc, to the hymeneal altar. Rev. D. 13. Malice tied the knot in the most approved fashion. After a wedding breakfast the wedding puriy a000rnpanied Mr, and Mrs. ,McKinnon to Brussels do• gni whore they took the noon train hast followed by the beet wi+he+ of a large °hale of relatives and friends. I'etboJ A change of landlords at the hotel here is spoken of. $halal parties are having a big run in this locality. The new township Council will con- vene on Monday of next wake, Last Sunday Rev, ter. Nowonmh preaelted an exeeltent sermon on '31 G(IHTII abomiu8t loos.” A Literary Society 11149 been establish- ed ill eon nect m with the publio slhool. A urogram will be given every Friday afternoon frnr„ 8 to 4 p. m. This is a tiptop idea and will do good. Foo'rneece—e. football club, to be kn .wit es the "Ethel Rovers," 1108 been organized i1, S. S. No. 11. The club has settled down to practice and are ready to consider challenges from other school clubs. The following offivers were elect- ed :—President, Geo. Dob•on ; Vine. President, John Slemmm, ; Soo. -Trees., Wesley Newcombe ; Captains, Dick Duke and Noble lylilne ; klatch Oom• m tree, Thom -on Laird, Willie Green - sides! and J uetiae Lake. 131180 mtt 181. Anodal meeting or 0110980 factory next Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Pring is at present visiting friends in Palmereton. Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, 1188 been 'flatting in the Jewitt neighborhood for the past two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. A. Brace $undayed in Brussels on the 8th inst., Attracted by the evangelistic serviette conducted by Rev. A. H. Banton, Special revival service+ will be begun in the church on Wednesday night, 11th inet, What the church now needs ie the baptism of the Holy Ghost. A movement is on foot to arrange for free pew., in the Methodist church here. The matter will eolt18 00 for settlement in the Trustee me -ling thio week, ➢'Ileo Maggie Stewart has p eyed the organ in the Methodist ohuruh for the last two Sundays in place of Mies Ball, who hes discontinued her visite to this village i11 ,he meantime. 0. Y. D.—At the last meeting of the Bliley:de Orange Young Uritua Lodge, No. •?43 1he following officers warn elect- ed : Ilenty Robb, W. 11. ; John Math - ore', I). 'M.; Frank Higgins, Secretary ; James Peacock, Treaenrer ; Wm. Oast. mute, Fin, bee, ; Alex. MuOne, Chap, ; Siete Johnston, Dime:tor of Ceremonies ; Committee man, E'1, Cewieu, N. Bolt, Dr Johusto,, Wm. Biller, Wm. Plucker. L. O, L —At the meeting of L. 0. L. No, 7(1(3, 131,i vile, ,he to lowing 1)311 leis were 01eeted for thn ensil181 year :—T Stewart, W. 51, ; Wm Robb, D. M ; Wm. .1. Johnston, Chap , Wmr H. St, wart, frees, ; Jnhn Farrow, RPO. Seo. ; .fossph B. Curti-, Leo, ; John Gna'dfna*, D, r f C. ; Samuel Caldbick, George Peenrnols, John Dimwit, Juin Millar and George Calootok, Committee ; Nelson Thornton, Fin. Seo. Gres e'• Township Cautioil on Monday 1041i inst. Miss Lottie Hill has returned to To. ront0 to r'sense 11er studies in meek. John McTaggart, Mono•ieff, trapped n monster wild cat recently that weighed. 32 pound:, Joseph Coombe and wife were away at Lnn,ton Iasi week on a holiday visit to relatives and Mende. .1. E. 0oombee and f,mily have moved to Wleg ant. ,to ieteeds 40 tuly fru 8 with C. Williams of that phase. In the list of wedding gift+ to Mrs. Albert Crooke the name of Mise Teeuie Menzies we, omitted. Her present was a oleiso dish. Dennis Blake is home from Missile. polis on a visib to his psreuts. Ile will reinrn shortly. He saps this onuntry is too slow for him now. He has a gond position there. On `Pitureday of last week a Band bee woe held by 'Inherit Menary, 066 onn. A good e11pp1) of the nems eery mate,iltl to aid in the veneering of his residence wits hauled and in the evening a very platen l 000ial gathering 11)1(8 held. Mr. and Mrs. Menary made an A 1 heat and h,•etess and a most enjoyable time was put in by all present. Chriatmae and New Years festivities are now over and people have sebtlod down to the even tenor of their waye. To say thitt all the obtertainmente, social parties, 1410., wore a HUMORS would be petting it mild, The^festive season will be noted, chiefly, for the very high p16011 to whioll enjoyment was carried. Dian.—Laet Friday Verna, the 4.year. old daughter or John Loig, 12th ann., died 01 dipbbll l'ia. Ilor demise is espeo. ia.Ily sad to the parents as she was an only child. The funeral took pleas on Sunday, the interment being made at Bnohlield cemetery, Morris township. Mr. Long was ill too but is bet er now. • ITY31Ennar,.-0n Wednesday, of last week S. E. Thompson, of 011 Springs, Out., and Miss'3. Oliver, of this town ship, teeth united in marriego at tli0 residence of the beido'e mother, Rev. II. A. Newcombe, of Ethel, trod the matrimonial bow, 114x. and 11Irs, Thompson have the best wi lies of a large eirole of friends for their future happinees. The new Methodist ohtircb, 16th eon., Henftyn Minion. will be dedioatad on Sunday, 22nd inst. Rev. 3. noshing and Rev. A. Henderson, 131. A., of Atwood, will oonduot the eervioee. 0,1 Monday evening a tea meeting will be held at yhiah addreae a will .be delivered by Reeds. Iosking, l endeeson, Paul and otUore, We have now a largo surplus of he iabi- rel ,,now on hand and any other Mnninl. patty lir eurpuration in need of thine can have it at little more than the out of traneportttion. Peter Ferguson and wife, of Dakota, aro vielti115 re la t,vee,411 [l fri'nd8 1:. the locality, Mr. Ferguaou le brother of Jas. Ferguson's and Mae. Fergnean a eirt,e of 33301101 Ward's and Mrs. JIM. Hill, Masers, Coomber ,lr MoDeralrl have jnet completed a Utley seamen's work. Tho following is a list of work perform. ed ;—Brick dwelliing house, W. G Coonlbos ; funudetioo an.ier mon 75x88, wall 9 feet high, Audrey/ Sloan, Slyth ; brink dwelling house and stone work and plastering, 18x20, with wing 20x22, and kitolion llix211, Mr. Kraehling, Blyth ; fonielatir,n hinder been 50x00, wall 9 feet high for A.. McDoul, Westfield ; stone work under house 18x24 with wing 18x26 rot Jackson Whitman, East Wawanoeh ; foundation under been 40x00 end shred 80x50, wall 0 ft high for W. Innis, Morrie ; Founclatinn ander barn 50x50, wall 811 Sin high for J. Mosgrovo, Turn• berry ; foundation antler barn 50x70, tv til 8i feet high fur Ur. MoIut telt, Molesworth ; stonework, brickwork and plesterwg dwelling house 30x40, for Mr. Campbell, 3 olesworth ; fonnriation nod r shed 34x40, 10 ft 0 in. high for Thos. Elliot, Grey ; veneering Vieohyteriit Menai, Walton ; stonework, brickwork and p'ast'ring of Presbyterian cherub, Wroxeter ; stonework under dwelling house for 3, MuTavieh, Gre, ; Besides a number .e5 81801101' jolts, all of which gave the beet of ea isfa:tiun an the 1:401108 in- terested. 13©1S•ra ve. Oouoznm —The concert elven under the auspices of the A. 0. Ur W., last Tuesday evening was hi .hly 004isf003ery to the audience, whlore, owing to the intense soil and stormy state o1 the weather, was not eo lams 08 could be desired. Mr. Ram+ey, of Toronto, fully enstai11ed hie reputation tie a first -slue ocean: singer and elocutionist, personating many different individuals with °st of noes. Thoroughly alive and with bull, the voice and fignre under control, he never u -es any unnecessary actions but quite eufiioiont•to keep the andienoee in roars of laughter. His w u'drobe consists of an endless variety of ooetunes and the rapidity with which be olt» gas them (never appearing twice in the same costume) being simply marvelous He was repoa6,edly recalled, Mr. 14oGil1, baritone of Blyth, was in good voice and favored me with a 11omber of fine pieces, Prof. Hawkins, of Brussels, gave select tions in organ must:. n t eloontinn and aonompat,ied Mr. Ramsey. From the fact teat he w08 asked to do [similar worlc et the Foresters' concert here late ort we j tdgo he gage satiefa onion. The Isom • ornhestra inter+p'reod with several lively eelootions. 330 171$-10 :1 110 Wingham Curling, Club have arranged t0 curl on the rink. The G. T. R. depot has been under. going a thorough renovation. John Inglis, of this plane, 1108 gone to Walkerton, where he intends residing with his son Welter for some time. Rev. E. W. 1111,.(8 WAG made the recipient of a opleurlid Persian lamb o0p and at pair of g(oee8 by the arlhereet.n ,1 tyre Episcopal cherish in the neighbor hood of Holmes' schoolhouse as a New 31.•ar'n gift. The me,tib v'. of his 110011 0eshli'rg in 3110 vicinity of Ole, 11110, presenter) him with a New Year's gift by way of (10 bushels of o its, a load of wood, 0 hen, and oboes of li;mr. Tha Times says : —In Whighem there lyre been great deal of Tnmpor+nee work delle in the line 1,F nil til suasion. and ti e effects of the efforts in that 11110 are finite no losable, but we think the lima for .°lore ILggreR'11Ye work agrtln-t this soul. dest''yin.• t 11.1111 should be corn mencerl We believe rhe number of lin - enees should be rednlod and the fees ineresned to the limit set by the statute We have f T Mayor for 1098, D. M. Gor- don, a gentleman known •0 the writer for the past the by years as a sterling te,npuranee men, and ono who has at• ways been found furthering every move- ment for th betterment of the oo,mmun• itv in which his Int has been met, and see are gore any movement ill the dime - Men of [curtailing the iiquur traffic will receive his heartiest rapport. It behoove. the temperance workers to be tap and doing and leave no stoup untanned in furthering the interests of the temper- ance came. .Atwortcl. The annual meeting of the Blma Re. form Asenoiation was held in the Agoi• cultural Hall, Atwood, The following were el, otee officers for 1803:—President, Win Shesrer; let Viue• President, Wm, Dunn.; 2nd Vioe.Prosident, Wm. Dick - gen ; Ssorotary, Jae. Diatoms, jr. I. 0, F, ---Tho following 0fhner8 )yore elected in the I. 0. Id'.:—Jameo Priest, 0, R. ; Wm, Graham. V. 4, R. ; G. O. Adams, P. 0. R. ; Jos. Henna, R. S. ; W. D. Mitchell, T. S. ; Wiulam Bell, Treasurer ; 8ye'noy Holmes, S. W. ; Wm, Morrison, .1. W. ; Robert May, S. B. ; D. McKenzie, 3. 13.; Jae. Hanna, Chaplain ; L. 1+1. Rice, Physician ; 3. L. Mader, C. D, 1i. (.1. R. At a penetal mnoliug of the members of the Atwood l3lechnnico' Instituto, held in the Foreetere' hall, on 7an, 8, the Directors submitted a constitution and :Reims which were adopted. Theresig. nation of J. Johonten was cenept011, and Wio. Wherry woe elected to fill the va• eanoy thus ren dowel 117. E. Needs re- signed his dual office of Bnor.Trenne, when he was re eleotod Seer'etary, dud J. L. Mader was elected Treasurer. A uemmitteo, oolnposod of Rev. A. IIonr1or• sot, M. A„ 3. W. Meliain and Wm, Wherry, was appointed to purchase books to the amount or 660. Soots OF Sdosx,rtnn.—At the meeting of Moires° Camp, Nn. 78, rho following ofiieees wore elected For the ensuing year :—Alex. Cameron, Chief ; George Hamilton, P. 0. ; William Morrison, Chieftain ; Alexander Simpson, Rec. Secy. ; George Gordon, Fin. Secy. ; D. Murray, Treasurer ; J. S. Cowan, Maroball ; Robert Young Standard Bearer ; T. I3. Shearer, sr. Guard ; Scott Peebles, jr, Guard ; G, Hamilton, Piper; S. Cowan, Physician ; Amis. Simpson, Alexander Campbell, G. Hamilton, jr, Trustees. VV L•() :toter'. Buol,troe Is quiet, Lois of vol and grade aro being mar. 'wed. Colds and cold weather are the order of the day. C rlin.!Red skwt•ing is in full bleat at 46- rink, Genii Ice, Mies Vara 33afft , was the guest of I Robt. Miller this we lc, 'Tberrnnm tor taunted 1.1 degrees be. low zero 0110 tiny thea wuelt Grand Foreetere' Coloert in the near future. Big attraotione promised, limner ha. it that there are several marriages on the lapis of young towns- people. J .1. Rutherfurd end wifo are here on a visit from the "Soo." Jacic looks the same as ever Our village has the electria light fever. A meeting ie to be held this week to see if it con be put in. George 133, Brown, from Ottawa, was home spending his holidays. Fie is en- gaged in teaching near Ottawa. Frank Sanderson, who ie engaged in the drug bushman in Toronto, was home o1, a vislt to his parents last week. Last Sundry was sacrament Sunday in the now Presbyterian ohuroh, Rev. P. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, preached. Geo. McIntosh, of the "Lion" tore, i+ bank behind the counter again after ft week's absence at his home in Stratford, Ed. Paulin, an old Wroxeter hey, took lint° himself a life partner in the pereo0 of a young lady fr.,m Sewall last week. 30o t,Lll,hltn'e old rough cast lintel was burned down on There lay night, It hate no' been inhabited for v0w•s nod the fire 1+ donhtlee• an incendiary. A. J. Sanders, who was home for hie holidays, returned to Toronto last week where he is tatting lip a course in the Ontario College of Pharmacy, Thee. Seederson, from Manitoba, is borne on evisit to hie p'trente. It woe 46 degrees below zero when he left Grie w'ld and still 11:mtitobiane maintain you dont feel it. T. E. Ball, who has been teaching for past 2 years south of h erre at Delights' school house, has emus to 11,rristnn to take up the s'udy of dentistry with Mr. Ireland, dentist. 1131, t1r. A Lodenof the Canadian Some Circle is being started here with a good mem hatable. Berne of our 033300ne say the+ is the worst snow storm we have experienced in fourteen years. The S. 8.1108,0001°n is to he •held in the Methodist church in this burg on the 24th and 25th mats. Rev. T. E. Higley 1116+ about recovered from his indisposition and was able to perform his duti• a on Sunday last. Principal A.. H. Plummer is all smiles these days owing to his wife pre enting flim with a bouncing baby boy one dal last week. On Wednesday evening of last week N. 11. Young, one of the proprietors of our salt block here, entertained the employees of the establishment 00 an oyster supper at his resideuos where a most enjoyable time was spent. On Thursday morning of loot week f'nite a gloom was oast over our village when it was reported. that James McGeE, sr., had expired very 8811de.ly. It appears he had only been in the 11 .1180 ,t few minute., having returned from the rate sr mnslmLrnxast2=119PC °voter hipper 1per eive,l by N. H. Young, the dene,tsed being one of the employeoo for 119W14elts. 'f 111.1.1,30 yearn. When stand- ing at the glove he fell b(tokwarde against the door of the room, breaking his nook and never ral.yin1 ,afterwards. The funeral took plane to the Union oeme1ery fu, uwe,l by a number of + i,iu:es a t.1 eorrowing Mende. The anoiversery eerviee of St. A t drew'e Presbyterian ohuruh le to be le ld on F1l, ,1 v "11x' Bn t3,• M0314',, of l'arkrlalo, ie to preach The oolleotlm, will he in 0111 of church repairs. On the following Mende,. evening an interesting leobore will be given by the rev. goutle• man, entitled "Pinture (Ja'loriee. W 101 0000. David Campbell le %darting his son John in Meath. Mies Kate Johnstone, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here, The R. T. of T, had a "pin nio" lost Wednesday evening, The o runoil con• tinnes to floarieh and add to its member. ship. Miss Mary MoFadzean, oar popular dressmaker, purposes taking a rest for some months. Her plums will be filled by Mise Ellen Richardson, of Brussels, As Mie• Richardson is an estimable yonng lady and a firet.rate dressmaker we 110 a the ladies of Walton and vioin• ity will give her their patronage. CUOMO Faoo'orrt Noose—The annual meeting of the Walton Union Cheese and Bettor Feet try was hellion Tuesday, Gama 271.11 The old oliluore were r• -•aloin. oil fo rue mulles,-easnn. Thos 101. *1,1,1,8 111. P. P., of Stratford, delivered alt able address o0 "Dairying," showing that it would he a profit to all farmers. Lett ee 0a0n was a very profitable one for the factory ai the fulluwing report 1v,1 show :—There were 909;155 lbs. mills r'e,•eived which mae18 88,261 lbs. stews ; the averaao lbs mills required 3r, make 1. lb cheese we0 10 92 ; average pries per Ib. ohms, 0 64i; patrons received 7.39e oent0 per Ib. cheese and 6 77 per 10 lbs. milk; emu'eholdero received a dividend of 61 per share th to it: equal to 5g%. 'Althr+ugh thu weather 109,8 very un• favorable there was a nine etteedanoe at the snoial held at the residenue of Jas. .l'iltze w, Tnesrlay avonitag text Ever;,'• hing :ambled off vary pleasantly, Mr. and Mrs Wiltze 80811 30, themee'vee to make their gee 1s enjoy themeelves. Alex. Gardiner was unanimously oh0een chair• mon and discharged hie duties to the satisfaction of all. The foduwing is the progr0m :--Opening hymn by ohoir ; chairman's speech ; missionary report by Md e Lizzie Smillie ; reading, Mies Mary 1'icFadzearl ; duan, 1'lissee Smillie and Smith ; remt06ion, Miss Mary Gar. diner ; quartet's Messes Wiltzie and Me•ers.'l'urnbull and Fowler; leaning, Mise Kate Ewen ; solo, Piot. Ooutts; rinett, Misses Smith and MoAllieter ; 11nett, tete 11 tle girls ; address, Mr. Doig ; instrumental, Dora eloAllietor ; address, Rev. D. Forrest ; inslrurneutal, Lizzie Smith. The dietricb council of Huron, Royal Te,neiars of 'Temperance, ie 001 ed to 11081 at Varna on Tuesday, January 7th. The gne0tinn of nbolishine corpm'al pu ieliment in the St. Marys public school resulted in 0. deed leek i, 4110 solmul bu>u•d, and so far nu action has been taken. FO k a n 1lM1>taxieMirr ESSIC u.=SWeVael 9 (.J Let the wild winds roar And the Frost King snore, But buy ,your llnhday Clitoris At J. G. Semuo's et re. At SIcone's Popular Store Good goods you will get, Anil as to the price They are low you can het, New apices, new peels, New fruits at Skeue'e, For he has the geode You will see. s. A FEW LINES :— 8 cane Tomatoes, 25a.; 3 Dans Corn 250.; 8 Dans Poen, 25o. ; 3 boxes Mince Meat, 05o. ; 2 large cans Sardines, 25e. All goods First-olass. Call and se0 we. J. 0. SCENE. Net iCJI811P V1 I have apnea out a prime stock of new Confectionery, , Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, .Tobaccoes, Cigars, &o., in the Vai stozie Block- OYSTERS 1ocke OYST R Cooked, Raw or by the Glass, Hot Tea and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. Before Bhying your Holiday Confection. ery and Fruite call on me. JAS. l &ALPINE. ARCA S for the HIUDAYS. :0 aa + Is to they front again with a Full Line of Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoatings, Pantings, You will find it pays to see my Stock, A Fit Guaranteed., Latest Styles Eats, Caps, Furs, & nubber, Coats. In Gents' Furnishings I take no Second Placa. You will find U12- derclothing and Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Collars, Ties, Braces, Beads, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., in well bought Goods and sold at close Prices. Our reputation for First Class Ordered Clothing is well known Consult your own interests by sailing on w (,m ROSS • The Leading Tailor. Brussels, Out r.envy, 13t0110e7,:r-ax+ u..prn nye .ext,-a(w 1,51, .6r:41 Our Broom is new and we mean to Sweep Bargains Big and Little into the hands of everyone wise enough to take Advantage of a First-class Offer, Is a likely place to secure big value for your money. First, because it is bough,: for so much less than actual cost, and second, because it must be disposed of in a certain length of time. We are both Able and Compelled to give Good Bargains. Don't imagine the Bargains consist of things not often needed. What is usually found in a WELL ASSORTED DRY GOODS STORE will be found here, providing, of course, you come ea •ly. Don't for- get the place ---The Garfield House. Xt. ! till' SE, rus e1sa