HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-13, Page 3JAN. 13, 189 plISIESSIMIIII1W=MESISSIISEIMISINSEANSIMIZEISSICIGStaNaSSMISSIASSDIGAWASSIar TIlil C1OLi)I•,N WEDDING. \Yalta up, wife 1 --the black uluak or night begins to fade, And far in the eat the morning hie ki.ahsn Uro hoe made ; And he is heating rod -hot hie stove of hem grey, Anil stars arc winking and blinking be- rme) the light 'o they, Mind you what I was loin', just fifty ,years agouti ? lirnshin' my Smiley raiment, 00' put• tin' my best looks on ; Olothin'memoir in moorage, so none my fright would see, An' my ooward heart within the while wee pounding to got free. Tau mile wood an' bramble, au' throe mile field eu' clew, In the cold smile of morning I walked to marry you ; No horse had 1 but my wishes—no pilot but a etar; But my boyish heart it fancied it heard you from afar, So through the woods I hurried, an' through the grass and dew, An' little I thought of tiring, the whole of my journey through, 'Mega ns'or before nor after do so 0 Ilan rejoice, As on Lha da,' he marries tho woman of itis oholm, And then our country wedding brimful o' grief ten' glee, With overyone eeputtin' cul' jokin' yon an' me, The good cheer wont an' came, wife, as sometimes has dime When Monde have opened each other across the summer sun. There wan your good old father, dressed up in waddle' shape, With all the Itornaepun finery that he could rake an' serape ; An' your dear homier' mother, the am- t or whose smile Shone through the showers of tear -drops that stormed her fano the while. Also your eietere an' brothers, who hardly seemed to know ]low they could scat's Up courage to lot their sister go ; An' cousins eh' seheol-hooch comrades, dressed up in meetin' trim, With one of them a sulkin' because it wasn't. him, An' there was the good old parson, his neck ell dressed in white, A bunch of texts in his left eye, a hymn. book in his right, An' tete parson's virgin daughter, plain am' set ercly puri, Who hoped we should be happy, but wasn't exactly sure. Aud there was the victuals, seasoned with kind rerartls an' love, An' holly wreath, with breastpins of rubi•itup above, An' there was my heart aevonderiu' as lens smolt things could be, Ai,' there was the world before the tel' there w,,s you an' ole. \Naha up, wife 1 that gold bird, the sun, has mime iu sight, And on 0 tree.top porches to take his drily flight, lfe is not old and feeble, an' he will sail ' twee', As be lots done ao often si:me fifty Imdny. Yee. 111 You 1!101e there's emptily coming—oar clauelmes an' our 50115 : Thar,"sJohn, and James, and Luoy, alt' all their little 0000, And deuuie, she will be here, who in her grave doth lie, Provided 0ompeny ever can come from out the slcy. • And Sam—I am not oerlain es ho will c 1111, 0e not, They see he is a blank sheep, the wildest of the lot, Before n son's 'dishonor a father's love steal,* dumb ; 13ut still, somehow or other, I hope that Salm will come. The tree bends down its branches to its children ftom above— :Che eon ie lord or the father, and rules hint with hie love; And he will e'er be longed for, though far they be apart, For the drop of blood ho carries, that came from the father's heart. Wake you, wife 1 the loud son has roused the seeet daylight, And she has dressed herself tie in .red 011(1 yellow and white ; She has dressed Herself for us, wife—for our weddin' day on00 more— Arid my soul today is younger than ever it was before. IT DIDN'T PAY. Not many deem ago, my friend, I kept a grocery store, Sold nineteen by 111e load And Babbage by the 00ore, f heed a way, it was Iny own, 1 Bien not what yen say ; By right in should have made me rich, But I found it didn't pay. 1 had five Niemand msand ae a start The promise of •ome more ; My stomp I all on credit bought, To 111 my spacious store. Emil drummer T. would entertain, Belie' o ail they cvonld soy And bought fell lines of all their goods, Bet fo0ud it didn't pay. By nle0en'a, I would Bell my goods, Satnted the idea of weight ; Knew nothing of a "t11150(f Law." Nor of "eleKinles's" rate, Ilooh lady I would try to please, , By giving her her w'ay For sampling goods and pieking choice, But found it didn't pay. I diel 0 rllehirig btheinese 050(1 It was ••(loch.; day by day 1 (,Have audit free to all my tratde, leer "110" 1 could net may. I hired boys to do my work, 11155011 t110 uheepost way ; They had fall sway with all the eash, But u found it didn't psy. 11,y goods outside I would display, Wonid mime 01oue the door ; With charcoal ((11st and mariker01 brine, I wnn1J wash 1111 the floor. My fruit I would eve}>nrat', 1.l'tlrn spinach lido hay ; My olery l waned orystnliee, But still it didn't pay, IIOw °heap to offer all my goods Wonid he my greatest tent, For shrinkage tel•l for 5xtr0 tarn I never brought a claim, To take away my neighbor'e trade I studied night told clay ; Gave two muro ugge than he would buy, Bet found it didn't pay. They offered mu aeeiatance 00011 33y hanging nut a slag ; And all my stook, both good mai bad, Was ,uarked up with it tag. They might have had continued The "Hale" another day, But the man who did the shouting there, Ile said, "it didn't pay." ,1" druggist Experiences Id. Years' Steady 11110rense 111 the mitis !t' Royal .4 ('401.11 Remedy. ST. Mama, Ahauu, l(401, Some throe years ago Maas Williams' Royal Crown Remedy was iutrodneed to ml, for sale ; since than it has bad it steadily do :reading sale It seems to give the best of 5atieGwtivu wherever used, S. I''jAprrnn, Chemist. S'r. Tn0u.n, Are, lieu, 1079. Having been troubled with Dyspepsia and General Debility --my wife wait also ie very tleliunta health -•-I procured one bottle of Williams' Royal Crown Remedy. 1 found that 11 gave ns both great relief. I take great pleasure in re- commending it to the public. llrulr RILEY. fit/Usti:lOb1) iIL?ITS. i a TboaO who lock experience upon this point 1 u n vin" table of will find the f II t ve benefit to thele as a guide to the length of time emit -end for dill0reut vegetables : Potatoes, boiled, 30 minutes. Potatoes, baked, 1.51 mine tee. Sweet potatoes, boiled, 60 minutes, Sweet potatoes, biked, 20 to 40 elu- ates, Creon peas, boiled, GO minnt0s. Shelled beans, boiled, 1 to 2 hours. Gruen corn, 25 to 00 minutes. Asparagus, 1(1 to 110 minutes, Spfnaoh, 60 mduntos. Tomatoes, fresh, be minutes. TomateeS, Canned, 30 minutO0. Cabbage, jl to 2 hours, Cauliflower, 1 to 3 hours. Dandelions, 2 to 3 hours. Beat greens, 1 hour. Unions, 1 to 2 hours. Beets, 1 to 5 hours. Yellow turnips, 11 to 2 hours. Parsnips, 1 to 2 hours. Carrot:, 1 to 2 holes. White turnips, le to (10 minutes. lige split open form excellent poultices for boils and abecess•'s. An insect in the ear may be drowned 1 o111 with tepid water. Beep flowore fresh by putting 0 pinob of soda in the water. Boil the ol'•theeline and it will not "kink," ua a new rope is apt to do. 1'riulc potatoes before baking so that it the air can escape; this will prevent 1 their 10 (5tin:: in the peen. 1''or soar throat beat the white or an egg stiff with all the sngar it will 11e141 told the 3 1110 0f 011 lemon. Soda is the best thing for rivalling tinware ; apply with a damp cloth and i rub well, then wipe dry. • Lim anlmol1ia in the hater you waeli gloss in. (lse a clan ellull to scrape pate and Irl leg pans with. Use lo1101une oil to clean your wash. boiler. Jb dein mi0a 111 stoves, wa4311 in vine. ga•. Use vinegar to remove the smell of kerosene from tin or dishes. 'Clan the essence of peppermint to take spots from varnished furniture, Peppermint water, hot ae can be borne, is an excollelt gargle for Fore throat. Let •,pious grow in your cellars. They will absorb all the atmospberiu impuri- ties. A cup of hot weer drank before nleale will relieve nausea end dyspepsia. If you drop soot on the carpet, Cover thickly with salt. and it may be swept up without hlaoking the carpet. tic1101hb lg Like llospflnlfty. As I got beyond Roseville, in riding out to the battlefield of Chickamauga, it be- gan to rain, and the way the Chander roared and lightning flashed and the flood -gave opened was appalling. A farmer just over the Georgia line beck• oned me in 001 of the wet and there I stuck from 1 o'olook until dark. It was a steady storm, without a break fur a, minute, and as them was n0 signs of its ate•ariug up before midnight, the mail said I had better stay all night. It loot. ed that way to 01e too, but it was a log house with only one room, nude only two beds for twelve of us. There were six ahildreT, some hall grown, the farmer said hie s ire, an 01(1 woman, Is non•iu•huty, a young woman and myself. It looked ILH 11 then of lie would hem 10 01(11(1 up to sh•ep, and along ebonite o'clock I be• gun to get nervous, Perhaps the men notice -el it, for soon after that hour he said : "Stranger, we'll step oat and look at the Weather." WA welt to the barn and c4ftee s, leak lot the horse returned anti found the w001011 all in One bell and the light out. "4(0ke off thud I011p into t'othee bed, whiseersd the elan end I followed dire!• tions. 1 was no sooner in than he fel.. lowed. `('11011 eam0 010 ,young min, then the old 0110, SAW then three boys lay morose cote feet, the app•0 one rostinl norms my knees, It woes imp0sibie to move of turn, 1011 in ten minute] all were Hemming away 118 1f that w140 5111ti0 renal way of going to bed. I heard the old !dealt strike 11, 12, 1 and 2, and wan finally dozing off W11011 811110 0110 opened the door, walked 1111411(1 began to unction, The noise erOnsed the fernier, who para fully nailed 01111— 'Whn's that ?" "315 1" "Who's m5 ?" "Jinn Baker." "011, Jfm, eh 1 Wont to stay all night ?" "Well, strip off and pilo ill between the feet 11500 on the front --there's a11y fuer of us lying lengthwise." Jim piled lin without another wort h,•. log 541(01, and was x000 asleep, and as 1 Was elfditng silently out to fleisll the night on tho floor, the fernier sleepily 11n0rilld : "flee yoTom, Tom ? 1'tT11 off your boots and slip fen hers --Lots of 000111 left yet." TI11 BRUSSELS POT' '14 AIRF P: '415 OP TUAl45ffftl'r. • uJLiAGtMtl➢fil .... 1W1ltLt1110 MONEY rl'() LOAN. ? u Religion is no Sunday affair. Genius drives ; talenli is driven. Discovery in the pain of wrongdoing. Itypoorisy is oil with pounded glass in it. Yon can bet nn the wags of a clog's tail. What man can tin and has done woman wants to, Each of ns, no doubt, is a Or0nit to the man we thick a trunk. Thu heart hoe nothing to do with the making of "eooiety" hews. The wise roan may be above hie fellow- men, but be will not look down on them. 'I'Ihe First r''olloiv She'll liver 1111(1. 'Twos a dull, heavy evening ; the light of Ilio dozen gas jets along the street only served to matte the haze and fog visible, The cloak just tinkled forth the hour of mine, and with the usual remark that "it was time honed folks were abed," old MoGunnigiggle trudged on upstairs, fol. lowed by the aged partner of his sorrows and searcher for his joys, 'Don't yeti young feline sill up till the morning paper comes, this time,' ehont- ad she over the banister. "No-o•o," replied a sheet volas from the parlor ; "we won't, will we 7" she Haul in an undertone. "Not If I Mow it," was the reply. "If the old folks aro going to be me sour as this I geese I'll skip now," and he reached for hie hat. "See here 1" Iced the girl's eyes gleans - ed with eeruestness ; 'you're the first fellow I've had, and you've got to pot down that het and Hill up and court me in good tempo. I'm homely, I know, but I can build bettor bread, iron a bosom shirt handsomer, knit a pair of stockings quioker, and make $1,37 go further than any girl iu the village. Thorn's my recommendations " ".]'hat suits me exactly," and hie hat flew into the corner, mid that evening the details of the wadding were all ar- ranged. Ile depended on a girl es smart as that to get the best of the old fonts, KIIt:I4EST811N5 Gell W4N'Jw,g t'11100r0(1IT. If there are old people in the home give 011.1111. etre toward !cooping them warm. Take the severe chill from the bed before they retire by running a hot iron or soapetoha through the bed. Old folks should ceeep with woollen sheets or blankets next to them, both underneath 011d over. Their blo'cd runs slowly, and they have not the vitality of younger prrsous for resisting the oold. Never start on a ride when it is very Gold without taking heated eoap51On55 or brinks for both the hands and feet. A bag made of heavy canvass or ducking filled with hot send is an excellent warm- er for rides, or for keeping at the foot of sick persons. If you wear extra warm, wool•linee clippers in the house, you should not oh mgt to ordinary street shoos when go. ing out. Such Menem result in colds and sickness, Mothers who must be up with the little ours at night, and these who 01410 for the Sick, should have epeeial slipp re for night 5051(0. They should be wool•lined, and kept by the side of the bell, ready fur 111e feet when they get out of bud, '111e bare feet should never touch the cold floor. If one is inclined to a chilly feeling in the back between the shoulle•e, baste a Piece of all wool flannel fe the upper half of Out ,,aide of the uuderehirt. 1t serves es a lung protector, Don't kern the living 000,0s ton warm. There is no more frequent 5'urea of colds than staying fu an over -heated atmos- phere, mud thee going suddenly into the uokl air. If you must work in a cold 1.0001 It will pay you t" put 011 your overshoes and light wrap. A. knit woollen jacket is very good for Buell a purpose. Don't run outdoors for a pail of water or on any short emend with hetet bare anti sleeves robed up. Severe mitering has been unused by such imprudcut ex poser10. I. is often that delicate person; cannot keep warm at night. If Snob cues will wrap a light woollen cape o,• shawl tree Id their ne01c0 and shoulders 013 re- tiring thug will find it very conducive to warmth. The exercise of such little precautions is one means by whiuh the general health is preserved and Si01015 5 and suffering held at bay. A number of cowboys in the Choctaw Nation had a battle with Winchesters and revolvers the other day, and 13/ill. Neville and Jack Langdon were (tilled. The London Chronicle's St. Peters- burg correspondent Hays :—"I1 is stated here that 2,500,000 distressed agricultur- ists 141 Central Russia will be a&fared in. tenements to migrate to thinly -pope. !seed Russia] provinces. 1-..e , i.a. kos a.. 1 1..,n 1. 0 Av.. , ',1 Atli ,t e•41..71‘11 e11, 1 1 11 r,. alt i'Ive (h.:1,0, sufficed t., t„ .(oro me 10 hcnllh.'—Ilonit.lc;n lava's, s:, 3_7 Is. Conunorco 5t., Set Antenir, 'Le• ate air r, "Sfy dawpbter wasnl1.lic'ad for scatty:• wit r•ltvrh, 'l'hr ph15lr!las 101;u r unable to (11 Inde I•er, try '114 rurnnunrmlcd Ayer'0 ti.e.h..p„r;!la, 1 followed his ,:dvd'c. Tema month., 01' 0(101.1' :rcnlulrer 1,1,11 Aye„ :131,nrsI1's ext Ayas Pills eonl'Ivlely •5 r a no a a' health." --;11 re. 1401011 i ,elle, 1,11i1." C 1. 4Ware, Blas. `'""1 Cfi flt�tl ucl %ii Per several um, 1 va,s h ,1•ac 1 4,111, ielb:nuan r,i - , t , (, , 1 d t times es to bo cat i I; 1 , ll.1,,e. 1 tile 1 vt ,l awn yv.,: h n r 1 lilt the rift l of t110 dine, r, f lx, to lake Ayres Sienp•,1 ala; and Ian4 not had ,t spell for n lunar lint. — L, I'. Mend:rough, 1,Ic lam, t',,. For all blood a'dl, eoAces, the hoot 1arin11(i)ry in AYE a a,its.aparliSa Prepared by f)r. I C. Ayer & Co., l,ewell, dines. Solt] by alf lltegglsts, Pelee St 4 hix bottles, 4,o, OUrer, Others, trent cure 1041 Any Amount of Money to Loan E on Farm or Village Pro- 1 perty at 6 & 6:1 Per Cent,, Yearly. ' it Straight Loans with privilege repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, 13 meads. t McLEOD'S :X171#3YGi500 111110(64 ,0nZe4Y51h :10111 w y0111ra"ee1es�014so Y LEA )E FOR 1893 'anw ling: of Ilt1Fe Iiurlua'h ii 040>0 complete thhll c ror before, ".11ilaulliithaut Home," "Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant :I.eliieresxdaa," d'c. Tin SO Flouts are 'constructed in the most modern styilr;. •&311'lll faro the net t j1)14'rl'ful f)cluble Ileators 011;1(11'. 'J'ltt,y a.re SatkZeil in the highest style of the art and we warrant everyone avail Wang ovens. If you are in needneedof a Parlor Cook, be sure arta armour tock before purchasing. 'Evening Light" and"Lyndon" Heaters Bute 'elooedly improved this season and are selling fast and giving ,good satisfaction. No will ticket your old atm e, System Iienovator , Handsome` Ranges l wit st io r'v rt stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect. ----ANL omen— TESTED REMEDIES Second Hand Stoves SPECIFIC AND AidTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palnm'a• tion of the Heart, Livor Complaint, Neer. eight, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dieeanes, St, Vitus' Dance, i Female Irregularities and General De- y+ I,, �, �11 Te s t' R�r i �f�p, 1 1"0 N � Cher IL.aPil`10i.17.1 hand. stoves are going, off fast. I1' you wheat one, you mast ast secure it early, They are good ones and cheap. Ij01031 opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night } it(flia>a „,, damper than ever.. Tea 'Kniv'es, Tea Spoahs, Tea Trays. b iiit y. m , LABORATORY BOl1ERigHi; sc �Y aS! IL7 J. M. McLEOD l33 Prop. and lilanufnnllnrer. i vg grocou Sold by J. T. PEPPER, 5 t Druggist, BrnOAels. � y Weekly Frle@ PllesF. --AND— h 'This std, reliable institution is still in the van of profre:;S and !'AE 11 AND ROME is -null prepared to eater to the wants of the public at this Season. A MaeStock of INNS • l Iso aS,•tArite fwd China. They are dandies. Elegant dishes in Eng - Enlarged and improved`,. , link Stoneware selling Cheap. Alio Glassware, &c. 4 High -Class Family Paper, I• 1 e'er- -..ogees) Spices, Fruits, $1.00 Both Papers for MOO R AN :: TEA SETS 0,1(11 NS1)0011(0 WILT, CONTAIN x Rev. Dr. TUMOR'S Soni m delivered She i' iU /,7:5, Canned Goods, 4'0., t "e•s Snuday previously. WAEI IAN'S WANOERIN0S, [ 'a'swuihttr 1Xi to and sold at Close Prices. AORICELTERAL !MATTED—Illllatrated. LADIES' P,111E—Illustrated. A Semite TALE, mud other interestinggeigliest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and reading matter, p•,ia5,+ SUBSCRIBE NOW. Pelee, One I 1,01er n veal' in advance for the WEl.iii,Y 0''61803 (1'101400 and 50.18023 SAD • 1411.94 N:—ill 1111 1, Degos. lialauue of leas trop I new subseribors. Aeon 1141011011 iu a very-.,urrpeasontOtl Cis• trim to voffo,t subscriptions. 011erratertmortmanamssrnm.•m_reamaJ00fl,.,.x...-.__.__.--._ •' '=� '^t"' ° " ='?a' 'a, �. n rbr.i d c THE HUSTLING GROCER. 114 FREE PRESS PRINTING 00., Comex, Osrarro. HOW'S YOUR CUTTER 1 Now that Jack Frost has re- sumed csumed business and 'Winter has - come to band a well male, corn- foxtable, stylish cutter will be a n�aecaetssii�t,y, . mpuy7c qtr ryp g,gpy�1 :E1[: 141 AND IS CF=4 RTNG- 11; U s sE L s'' 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar almost a5 good as new. 05 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar Can snake your old Cutter Repairs neatly and promptly ex- ecuted. Old rigs refitted, paint- ed and trimmed. Jas. Walker',. SHOP OPPOSITE TOWS IIALL- T SS, F OT01-ERI, Practical TV'atch/22.6alter and jeweler. Thanking the public for past ea'or0 and SnppOrs and wishing etill to secure your patronage, we are opening out .Pull Lilies fu /OLi a'H D SILVER WATC3I'ES". Silver Plated Ware frnnh .f:slctblishe l avid Ileliable ltmlte.re fully weeralted by u5. Clocks of'the _Latest .L1(3srt'fri,s. JEWELRY! Wsbm,c, EMUS, LAuns Gum 11,r:ma, I11t00 rites, EA1latxes, e1t"Also a Tull brine of Vimm1VH and, 11 'Violin Strings, +Fa, in stook. N. At.•-8ssnt•'i nr 3150r10901t50onse5, T. Fletcher, - Bru;nse'ls., for $l for $1 A large assortment of the Choicest Fruits of the Season. :Our teas anti Coffees are too well knovvva o need. any R ecommenclation. The Lo;est Assortment of Classivara and Crockery ever. aho\Vn 111 Brussels, consisting of Plain. and _Fancy China and, Glassware, _D,calwr ted and Printed, Feta and. Dinner Sets, _Decorated (Ind Printed Toilet Sets. imtragivaarenns A:ERY DEP {, TMI To nigh Bread a44`pl Cakes always on liana �rt14�A�' Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Any Orders left for Christmas Cakes w'll have our Prompt Attention, Y ,4 �,rl .. n,• ir, • R'0 Ss -Ea,e.