HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-13, Page 1......- .. - ry?.j* - R1uh: ...iaWuvstrcwc4tt+®:+ p,4uuuluW?ncitrarvinmCFa9.Y.4�+wet+L4,t,4'RA
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VOL No. "7 BR.0:3Sd«;L:i, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN VARY 13, 1893 W. H. KERR, Prop.
M: .]4a.IDLSYrbuvr9tN.:gW 1fi .s2 la's:]_ Wi.rt4'.r..s1.:YWY4vilatit.:saaLv4uugY'.'4fW4'PCW?u.,r:tntluY.w.,FixetiiN'-WfS:.IM:'ul�im„uW,ex..i,..I}'n iRTP?twv4„CsivWi� :,ten ii':'.tigsnW,Iv.LLP.xr,nuLret„"4ie.>rW's11��9,r.Fl.ti.:i.asm•'Sc4KXC�Yta,¢ixfua.,l:acttut`�Y"ei.'ui�F,i4G/ir,4N,L.LYSY,:L:Cr .:eIIL.,'w1.•wW'.�{JP,:.miYfiCC..fisinimxY•Y�•'lIXL.a....u:
f'BS yt'Br/c7117S111 !1) 61' poxato, of llgrun v.nd 13loon nt tlutt tim", Lbw mr1 h, troth, with the Itohilg0 of toe iQ°a)( h•+at NttIowa.
\Vroxwter choir went out to t 1I p,0'hev heart, with 4ritlt tilde for mercies grout•
'Lod „too 11.1,1111111, in 14,04'8 :611 9 w u: I 1,1. hire v for ]1111:1 tk•:t ant! 4.110 cool A new Puhlfa .hw 1 was formally
Tho f,llowfm; hi terosbiti:t 8ketnh of the I of t.ro k,.Ii ,u 141.0'•1, realizing 3H n:J not,
ri,;e and pr *144 of the Peo byt,rien 'NM more wit, 11011aed nt the upaunN moll
olowell 111 \v'r,lowtnr wee given by The
Clime, 111, 1'. 1'., at the 1104 rt, 1 ill ' be
in the now 011urab on i4Iontlay of la
The remarks which I tun nbont to
make will bo mostly of an hiatorlcal
nuttier) eat may be R me.vlutt per toed,
but I will tell only "What I sew and part
of which I was." The 11r eller, when
he reacher/ the summit 0f t• a para, pan
look back and traoe his path ; he will
efee.rve the windl"gs ail 1h" slim; n•'N h
in10 made, the epobs, ft may be rong1 and
rugged, ho has leftfor behind, hitt rook
lugs innsb be of 11 mixed ohar'0ter, plea,•
ant, ea he recalls 111' dllii mbieg over-
oamc ; sorrowful, as he reoello to memory
these who started nn ,ho jon,'noy vtth
him but who hove fallen out by the wiry,
It will be thirty-seven yearn in the begin-,
ning of May, ono for'nonu as my brother
Bubert and I .1181'J lo,giug 1111 0171'4] pe ,1h
jest 11 litbl.' 8011th of 1,1r. Moolloy''s house,
f 1' potatoes, til'" Wily spa•Vo Me
1,200aeree in the immediate vieu,ity of
\Vroxwteo where we 00]11'1 see 113, nay,
0x00,,11 111 the beaver 1004100, or when
looking through the bta11011ee of trees 48
saw the latae Juba •Vvlie, of Toru,
berry, came into the clearing. Ile souu
toll his orretil, which wart to oon'ul
how we con t.1 get IL suuply f go pal or
dinanOHs. TI0 b'eloa,e•I to the C,t'nlrtn
inns till he lobo Southold, where h had
to walk fifteen miles 110 hie place, .1' wort
ship. We t to "a1 b .e', brought up 111
the Secession church lent we felt It was
of no use standing ap for our pa tinnier
Sllibbotetlte so w0 ag 9H1 011116 0,111,111011,H•
sing uur n0t,;libourhuo'1 that we should
stand by the majori'y, which wo foetid
belonged to the Free Birk. Mr, Wylie
walked out to Berlin and attuntled the
meeting of bhe Presby Lucy and p0lenote11
our petition, the prover of whluh whs
granted, and sometime in the barye t of
that year n John [Lennie o,nn0 and
preached in our log honee0 for three
Se11bbatbs, We got no ui,re seemly all
that \Vinbnr, bat the London kreebytsry,
of the U. P body, war., by way of Har.
pnrhsv, giving, supply as far north me
Mluretsb.ok, meeting, genorml'y, fn th:1
hlit '0 of Gtr. II1mlIton, the father -1f
ML•s. George 1104111111, to which we went
ae neeoti1111 offered. inei'tg t,0 likelihood
of Maher impiety faun the Free .etre we
applied in the Spring of 1857 to the
Presbytery of London. 0,1 Lha 8th of
Jel.1 of that ,ear the R •v. John J. A,
Proutlfoot, Clare of that Presbytey,
went' statin'1 that the Rev. 10491111 Soo' 1,
of serwardH of Uheeter/le-I, would be with
us two Sabbaths in August, to bo f,liow-
ed ,1t intervals by 011301.9. Mr. Rennie,
on the 23r1 of September, wrote ne from
Beeciiville to say than he was sorry thou
fee twele,• mouths we had been without
n supply but th'It be would be with us
late in October, telt lie was gulag by
Way of Blyth where he was to (1i$penso
tilt saurem,nt and would be with rte 1ue
S,bb.th following. He taupe atcording
ly "u a Fri111y afteriood and shortly
afterwards is came kir. Greig, previonoly
of Mount Pleaem•1t, ue tr Brantford, x111
11,fre'watels of Normanby. The latter
en; 1 w1100.0er preaohed on Ssbbetil he
would. 1111'. Beaune quietly It4quteeued
and 00',11 off to Mr. Wylie's the next .hty.
Mir. Rennie wee subsequently planed at
Ailsa Craig and is now in Algoma. Mr.
Greig preached in our house in bee fore•
noon mud wolf Emit into Howiclt in the
al ernoou. 110 Wei followed by others
among thou a Ilo. Balmer, re'ated to
P''0ressur B knee of the 000ession, also
minister of than Renomination at Beet
wick upon the Tweed, and who was
0]110011011 in both °fliane by the late
PI'i,toip tl Gtt11RIH; .I£r, I1141'tlh, also, mud
111' 1Tt1114an, aft0fw0r48 of Ohathmnt, in
the Spring of 1458. We app ierl fur leave
to give a ea11 on the 13th of April. The
Re; Matthew Boor, of FI4r"nrh'-,y, wrote
to say that co the 28411 of that inoett) ha
was ,uthovis0d to preach and preside in
the'lOderatioll of 14 call tit our please,
which took place 111 Ooijunotigu
with etatlo- 3 at eforrlebank, 13laeval8,
told .iSnox OOe,gregotioa at Ainleyville, fn
favor of Rev. 1V. 0. Y,uug, who was
ordained Ju bhe Fall of that year and
wtwoe that own miniou wits held in the
log house ]boot twenty feet West of my
ir,•tt8mut 0110, of winch 14r. Y hue ecus
1n 11 I0t1111: of 94111i Deu. last, "Your letter
vividly recalls to my reeoliee11011 the
4l'et oeneinotiior, we, as a congregation,
held it) your house. Ib was one well
calculated to solomriize the minds of any
Onriebieml wolahipper, being, ae I believe
it was, in it8 eilnplluity and ,urrpnnd-
lugs, 0 nearly faeeleole of what we OOnld
0oWeiv0 it was when first Inaba/toted by
oar Lord, and elegem,' by his !.pueblos in
the mlliorent (WWII/Het, and platted where
they organIZed u11uruhes," I wrote him
to .o9 if lie hod any ranged of the nambe,
which he lite nut. It was 0 small own -
petty, possibly with ivtulolf eleven or
twelve In number, of which Cour still
enrvivo. Un the 2711h of Jan., 1050, the
0•et, attempt wee made felt the tomotiun
of a }Mom of worship, which wms nd9nu-
woeful '1138 eubeerip.i0n Het was signed
by twelve persons, Iwo of whoa still
belong to 1111" oon4rogatfon. 6500 in laelh
wag p101111tted'old the value Of 454,00
more in saw loge, 8l1I141011, 3'a0bed and
hardware. The matter 1110pt until the
2811, of See , 1831. t1 mooting was hold
in bhe sohool house, that 1101108
ojlpoeite 1)r, Stealth], which, after the
brink ono was put op was nonv0111911 into m
dwelling house by tea fete Me, Stones,
the late Roberti kloLmun111in Eider pro.
sided, A oleo and epuuitinati0na made
by Netlaniel Alltel wore eubinibted and
approved of, A ,ubeeription list was
opened and 0321 3ubseribed, ei„ht, of the
]timber givhl. 025 emelt, of the nineteen
whose nam08 appeared on the list, 80900
survive. The list wise further added to
Po as 00 make up 0417. A urnitrltob watt
eubacgnenely 31110410 with Mr. Mao to
pet up and Walter the wild {„ 45x85
fu•,11, for 401)11 Whlult ),' 41 mooted 11') )804.
In the end of November of teat year 99.
outer oentr,lot was let to put 111 seats
and pulpit for 4144. Tho °hurdle when
llnishod ooet m all with fittings 0830,
At the invitation of M. D okeon, M. P.,
1311:.0 was l,01'rl'49d In oO,un wen 11ay1.110,11.
1.101 0r'p''1 ,v.tt '•s•'•,. 1 01 h',-1, I ' 11''11,
Mr. Young taking fpr his text Psalnhs
1391.1 Rev, -11.drving, than of Ayr,
aesistod in the servioe his text being
II.14411 9.7, elm soiree was held o1
T,wn'lty. (13. 5'' tlr' i))00lter's being 1Tr.
1,1115801,, of bile New Conneotion 110111110•
4i01o, Gurrio ; itlr. 1'u,vlot', of Aiejey
elne; air. B'u't, II1,pmane, ; and kr.
Irving, 11r. Yonne occupied the shah,
It watt 0.1111.11'.,,11 tier t,1'"` 11 '13 11 11..1 1
098]11 awity not beteg able to gain ad.
mieeiel, Oil the 10111 of Jude, 1802, a
meeting was held nettled be Mr, 'Young
of the ceders and managers of ell the et,L.
,Cots at 11r. \Veteht's Corners for the
purpose of midge the neetwory step) to
have another tnn,ister brought into the
field. John Wylie, Eider, in the 0bnir,
Win, Grant, nnatmeeter of A1>levville,
00are1,ry, 1' ,044 rot:,l-ea that 1a pe i•
tion t, Glatt 0411011 shenhl be Rent to the
P10•h.., t 111, ( IT It. "11•
J0,34* Kilt havtltu boom nutted in 1801)
and ,.lo' that fiitlavttu , inl Wr9,xetce
should soul intiu tweedier. Ca., Pr•-aby
tory doubt. e, Il,o 1llleyyRle twit 1Vroxe
ter eh -111,1 so .bat Bleeval0 was eat apart
at flat time tuo.,g w1Lh L.4119',l 9ta.,911,
which 4.111' 111"11'' ' )'' Th', at. etog'ment
the" outdo in ,11.r. Young's charge 09m
tinuo.I until tb', 113111 of A. -"est, 141;0,
ensu Sir. Fw'gueon, of M,,Ioiile entomb,
Ainloyviile, preache-1 Wroxeter vacant,
tmkteg foe hie text tt. b. 1-12. We re.
calved very little aid from tate home
Mi Rion Fnnd at, L'cst during lir.
Young's time ; IF ,v4 di I it woad nide
be un00. Yue Augmentation feud 0119
not til eight of in those clays, the former
0tan.iin 1 for both. It i eonetwh'ut grati
eying to have it to say that we 1339919011
so little aid Lone ether whiult are Wee'
tno4ynal'y in their nature and like the
most of snob aide it ie m g110Bti3t1 whether
the 4nn1 or 111 modem 'natter. 111.
Stewart spoke very disparagingly 011 the
old ah1100h 101 widish for Witty yeer0 we
evarshipp94, 111 is in the r voll,o'ian of
}several of 110 when it had even 0 more
0gn'111d look 111uu tu,w,wlean the painter')
brush h.d not totlnh911 its outside aid
vsry little of it inside. We were con
tribnting to t11040 funds. A oongrega
tion ere, 100'nfln8'lisrg.'nt was being ,aid
ed W the *1x1.0 1t. -i4 3100 year's and could
expend more ttnn that on painted win
Bowe. Pueeibly our er ebyterros .won•.l
be the better of to few politicians to look
after these matters. IL willbe said that
0n'h a cae•, le the exemption and le an
,tbnee of the fund, It is only fair to say
that the instance referred to did not hap
pen in the jnrlediatinn of nay pre90111.
The ;nov ny nnntinned emit the 95th of
April, 18(10, when the late 511.9. George
Brown was inducted, The Rev. Matthew
Barr presidod 'Curt preached from 1 Cor,
1, 23-24. The stipend pr0mi8911 w113
8540, Wrnoneer enn5ribnbin4 8.450 and
lordwioll, w11:0h ab the time joined tee
it, station, giving 880. In a sheet tittle
the miaimum salary wee voluntarily
reneberl, Fordwich giving 1 of 'that
amount, A manse wee baitt tit Wroxo•
tor in the lane” part part of 1508 Let a
rust of ab tot 8700 tea I which )bent six
Or seven year) ago was renovated as lb
cost of me mush move. Shortly after
the mania ens bnilt the ahnrole We)
lengthened by 0,1100 20 feat, all of whish
was paid for s tine time ego, ,Lad thab
brings oe down to modern times. Thie
building speaks for itself. There were
many meetings and dismission), many
Pros and Dun to settle before the von
tract was let, The congregation is
greatly indebted to the energetic an•i
ind••f',.tigur,hle l'Lbnl•e of the committee
It is very easy to lied fault, to be Wide
Lifter the event, 'o be critical with It
possible spiot of envy mixed with it, but
they deserve the best thanks of u8 all for
their p'ite taleint! and 00111101entiotte
lithos. If we look bock along the teen
ta1ie0 we see that mankind has e1rlven
to ere0t 0difi009 of to fitting elttlmeter la
which to worship. Dr. Oavau told ns
that 51010n10111, 'Temple was ono of the
meet 9pleluli4 ever built and ter it: size
ane of the most costly, Tile Hebrew
exiles when they rohurued from the
captivity t.' rebuild it lifted up their
voices and wept bemuse its ;lore was tint
equal to that of, the first, The Sh00inuh
50,18 not there, the ark nor the meroy
9091, With ue the ease is differene so
fax ae our eorroundiige are concerned,
brit the associations are wanting ; the
1109* bolnoe may never be to 00111e of ria
what the old out has been. There is, ae
the poet says, a magi° and a power in
the ruined battlement for which the
palace oe the hour t1108t wait till ogee
ere ltd dower. There are e09oeiatf'ns
whiob only time earl (4190 and without
doubt time wilt give tills building i3, the
Future. Our Cov0,1autf1g end Puritan
forefathers had ;to idea that It piece of
wo19hlp should he only somew'11ab.bebt0r
than a barn, but that idea lute passed
away. There to n Unties in religi nl its
It1 0"901011i143 .100. '('4'(1011 90017 0110
lived in loo lemeet tee building np 011 the
hill no,v demenbe, was np to the times ;
now that IL 00t18r 01as8 o£ }looses pre.
van it in in keeping 513,11 oar churches
should be improved. Haggai wltao eti1•
elating his e"ni111'1t110,1 to vain -did the
50111410 Bald ; "Is it time for you, ob, ye I
to dwell in soiled houses and tide hence
lie waste 7'' (militating a sentiment ap'
ns 1 i 7 1t, '
}71 °111 1 to a [ t me, 5 19 1 .. tb10 thab
on both side) of the A.itantiu the o11hee
extreme teat present reached .of g110111,
8pleadi1 0h1rahes end big debts, When
I waw within t011 1]:,39 of Home ',t1101111.
Scotland a year ago I remarltod to 11he
only other 1)1100011444' in the railway corn-
pat'treellt 111ab 73arleton 1,.cs getting a
grand OlinrOh. He anaweeed, I was just
0ayulg the sumo to awl old farmer ,1 short
time ago and Ito indignantly roplind "If
eve 0arry on a) we are doing wo will soon
be book tp whew we were hundreds of
yl'ears oras.' I don`t think any 011 as mill
have 413,311 a feeling nenet mire, To 004.
elude lot us over runlet/thee that the
building is but a shell; true worship
does floc consist merely in titan or sero.
monies, pompp, or splendor; tho that
1or8hip arigiht meet WO18111p li spirit
mate 1, :t't111 a mown, deitro to 91110(15
Hen nl ell,-., ha utd 'fur IOTA 11 Cd mud
0110 1311.,',:, ;'11 0111 011.,1.0. '1 may say
„,.n' '' ! 1 I I �! y;• Lt'.,'•l:av'e r rt..":I,. thele
hots bow, contributed 10 the way of
rt, musty, not tatting iota a00onub gratis
labor it; (lowing material and 1>9010v21•
tfo1, 4'2,115, with two the •I' 0,110 011 a
"uh'eripti'I' list of 41.000 to be paid
when dos. 'Llai pallor Lull prosperity
may mow 1'0111911111 wiehin 1h8He walls is, 1
Ito Sure, the desire of all, and I close by
wisoieg you ono mod all 0 Happy New
Yen r
Brussels Council.
The Connell moo last Monday evening,
Present, the Reeve mud Oounoillors Ma -
Creek to, Theme to cud Russ,
Minutes of loot meeting rend and
pitese 1.
I'IN belew1]400cnnn0 were present.
e0,.:. '—
I'h nv,,, '0,01 for 13:11, 4 2 9)
.,Ire. \Valla a on-trtty, 1 00
W. M. 141,-.,.,l.', eleotrie light, 04 311
leS. Swot, aleetiou expeo400, 35 30
1lart . 15ir.ld[e, IOibcelluttoou0, 3 01
Mrs. W•dlane, wooil, 1 75.
:firs. Lee, wood, 1 75
T Brneelfoot's snlery, 27 00
tI Wlhiams, filing stew, 75
YIr%, Ste,v1rt, eh:Lrity, 4 00
Sirs. Wel. toe, charity, 3 75
\V. 113. Mo, •racks], miseellane0tls, 75
lire, J. 13 o-41111, elieritY, 4 1.0
Moved by W. lI. McCracken, enoonded
by Ttnd n'iok 15n0' Sett the above ao0nuut0
he ;et id, 1141•t•ird. -
Applleatieli was made for charity for
Mrs, ')sopor, 01'. It 19'18 decided to 800'1
line some ' oo'l. •1'11" Coun0il will not
0111.310 to inor0we the list of persona for
wttom they are paying rent,
Coo,,oil 1111,011 adjourned.
Huron County Council.
9'hn County Wintoil for 1803 will be
composed as follows :—
Rssvr:. 'Denny,
'I'1101cere,131th, John Shepherd, P, M"Kay
Usborne, T. M. Kay, to 130 appointed
Stephen, V. 'Rate,J it Ether
J, Sheritt
flay, George )1oEwen, R ht, Turnbull
0111.ms Geiger
31)1,11109, Jelin Terrmnee, J. ,f ,Trott
G",loriah Tp. J. Cox. J. Bacon
Qolbor„o, A. Malloy, A. Yonne, jt..
ans. Criflin, iJna. Chambers
jHeigh Girvin
W. Wawnnooh, A. Stewart, John Bowers
E Wawaho';h, T. U. Taylor, R. Shish
Hallett, Robert Soott, A. T. MODnuatd
111o.eid, H. Mooney, 0. A..H','wo
Tnruber'y,W MtPhereou, W Oreilcshenk
Etowiok, B. S. Cook, Cerguou,
Grey, Wm• Milne, (1V, Oliver
1 A. Deme)
1'IuKillop, J. Beemewie', to be appointed
Godericb, W. Proudfooh, P. holt
011001], A. kioMurehio, Ee. P. Kennedy
Seafortn, M. Y. 1laLoan, James Waleun
Exeter, Dr. Rollins, H. SpIOkmau
11 11eld, George Woods,
1313 bh, N 13. Ynnu4,
WiughrLm,11.0. S,'a,•liug, F.Brookenehire
Wroxeter, T. 13, handers,
Brussels, W. H. Kerr.
' Perth Qounty.
Tilos. Wallace, of Emit Wawonoeh, had.
an Deo. 24th :1 few branches of lilac buteh,
with buds ter miaowed.
[110six0,—Considerable nneasin088 is
f It by Thos. and Mee. L itteba,n, 12th
o0n. 11lma, because of the tuyeterioun dis
appearattee of their son Dan. Seine
mouths ago Dau. left Dewtney, Man.,
for U.o1111re1t, with the intention '• of
1'.eiRee l hl , his eta lies of 1Tuail1 college.
Bu from he time, be loft 1) molitev ]•,til
the pre ent time no 11a0e of him hue
been learned Ab•,nt the time he left for
elontreal, it young 101110 on the trail was
robbed nod killed, and his body was ie.
moved to the Wiunlpeg hospital prior to
inte"mont, and it is 'opposed by 801114
that Dan. was the unfortunate vietftn.
But this i8, ee are glad to .ay, a Matter
of enppooition ; yet, bile foot of his Pres.
oat wheroabnnts being unknown given his
parents ooiioiderlble anxiety and 0nres0.
A unique dinner wee given abrthe loci
d"hoe of George Richmond, 11tH son. of
Elms, on the evening of Deo. 3181, The
iivi1atioa0 were genert.1, all 111080 men
who are sixty years of nee or more, and
who hmvo lived continuously for 80 years
er upwards nn the 11th of 12th co11•
cessions of Blinn, between the bonndery
liue of Bente land Gray and the gravel
read. When the mono .11v assembled the
lumber prosect teats round to be six,
two of those receiving( invttmtioes being
prevented by 8lcicn900from being present.
Thos who sat clown to dinner, beside]
the bust of the 0ve11114, wore John Little,
A,extentler 0 mien, Aloxuulor Imwvreuee,
Ja nes Dnnoan 1111(1 John Lovt It Wee
mood that the Oombinnd ages of the six
who eat at the }able emottutocl .to 880
yelr8. In polfbioe there were four tot
f0rmoe0 and two Conservatives ; 111
r'1lgdun0 creed, throe nee Presbyterian],
]nil Limo are mem116 0 of the,huroh or
1ln411tut ; in nationality, throe aro
Scotch, two nt'o Irish thud ono is 1e511ieh.
'Photo e0v0001 families aggregated 87
1bd1,Ir011 eel 2S grnntl n1711dr. m, The
combined amount of the worldly ppos-
0e8R111119 of Woes sax men when they limb
Bottled nn bee 115(1 and 120h °eases ions
wu8 89,110. The oo,nbioed valuu of tltuir
real estate, oto., now, ie 04,000. After
dienera pleasant '19101(4 wee 0penb iu
tweed moved" and in tho 1'910,1ion of
anecdotes pertaining to pioneer lite, when
the bear and the wolf djoputod the menet..
chip of the soil with then. TTpou Mau.
lotion 111 wee detailed that the present
dinner be an initiative of an annual
on., to he 1191111 11) 0130 0e9,00.1 11011008 01'.
1,,o1 preeo,t ; the nest dinner to be
given at the residence of John Love. At
11 o'oloclt After the /tinging of Auld Lang
Syne, tho company disporso1 with many
gond lvieiles for the fatul'e pr30perlty
and happiness of all pre8ont,
op"".I" 1 at Wood t , . - we, k,
Hurl,, (mu uu,,,l 1 „ e. lt„.9 Javan (.111•
pnrtell r'1ir J ;:role of Inatebee.
b'n ly 800 pe 00110 w•'•vl killed in 1110
I'uljaub loob your by snake bltee,
A woman lift, iusnelu100 %Wilt does an
ex00118nt business in Wio,ibe, Kensns,
Tho new Union station in 8t, Lente
,vill wryer thirty-two trainu and cost. 45,•
Thel,lnperur of Germany has eppuint-
erl the Delo of lediubnreh grand admiral
of io German n
Jthuddr°e,d, 4:1.13 41100avy.11 1.1 the New Yore
1'roebytery Monday a°qul11ting Dr. Brig.
g9 of the ehiercos of 119,134•,
Geo. W. Vailderbilb has givelt a cheque
for 4100,0110 to aid the Vanderbilt Eine
Art Gallery in Now York.
1fr, Gladstone rioeived huutrede of
lettere ou Thursday of list week on the
0000910n of hie Aird birthday.
Emu. 80hoo110re are being fitted out at
Sea01)11, Wail) , for the seteli.g sewn'
anti they will start out this week.
Preeilen' H110 040') ha•'' approve the
b111 emitting ln0000re, of 4 0110 10 11 to welt
•10 of the 11'sioau war i11 certain 0931.4.
'amr400 Woulrs y, or Tro;', N. Y„ Wei
11111011 Monday by the Bxple:eon of a
dynamite nartrld4e, which he had in his
Tic bounrlary dispute between Costa
Rica anti Nicaragua (las been re -opened,
and there le a prospe01 of war I'etweee
ohs two 000utr109.
The 0oro11er's jury at Saginaw render-
ed a verdin of guilty of wilful murder
against Gairoe Foote, °barged with
shooting hie brother,
A deep ,toll from Trenton, N..7., nye
the Reading coal o0mbine has been
broken by tee withdrawal of the Jete,7
O"ntral ailroad from it
The Rnrnau 0,11th0110 cathedral at Cin -
9111n011 is to be mortgaged to secure 402,•
000 to pay a ,livid nd to do 1,tto Arch•
bishop Pamirs creditors.
Philadelphia is eft ailed toile known as
the fifty of siet0rly love. Awarding to a
re08nt pu toe 00118ue rue oity boasts of
23,000 more women thou men.
The prison papulation of New York
state has inoreased 0.91.22 per cent. der•
iug the last 10 year:, while the increase
in populletion was only 18 per cent.
A despatch from Warsaw hays that
the Po'ish painter Wierewinski, while
ant }Orlin ; was utteekeel by wol•-os neer
Bielostook, and both he and hie horse
were devoured.
Flora Fan.aino (colored) died at Cul
umbia, N, C., Sunday, aged 117 years.
She was b,•ought to 0010mbia It slave et
the are of 15 and lived there up to the
time of her death.
Joe. G-,ddard, the A0'tralian pugilist,
says he is ready to 0oht Corbett for a
puree of from 05.000 to 425,0-0. He says
be will go to Chicago and challenge Cor•
bete face to face.
A grand welf drive was participated
in by 250 farmers and hunts"s et Vir
gime, ITL, 't'eereday. The drive covered
eight miles squareAt the 1iod up two
wolves were tounorin the eiivfe, but 3o
the exoitement of the crowd they es-
The Lender office, of Tara, wee the
Roa110 of art in'i())8P! den or •I1:•t,.:..1ey
ovenieg, that threatener( for a time to be
butter than Armee; municipal election.
By the breaking of a lminp )11 quantity of
burning oil was matt. 1'etl over the °eller
stairs and doss to a hollow w 'l, and the
proprietor woe compelled t', omurifiee his
two coats in smothering it out. It is
believed that this eller4etie motion alone
ereveu0ed the most dis',Rtrons conflate.
ration so far known in Tara's history,
Be8id08 the foss of the tondo (the only
e mpe:beide ones 11 heel) the deer.",go will
amount to about ;3 to the building.
Additional ,meal News.
Mos. A. Rom am! STfe, Lizaie "laid are
visiting iu Wingham,
Tioo 15ona111 Fire .Engine Werke ent.
nloyees 110,0 work to 5:30 p, m„ web day
Mooed of 5 o'olook.
Mee. J. W lhloweee sod obildren, who
have been 01ea ling her si„ter, Milt. G. A.
Deadman, returned to Tugertoll on Tees.
Mast Wet. BALs has :0110 to Solrie,
ilia]. LI r little daughter remained with
141re. 1112. J. Whiting, her gra'd,nother,
and nepbetve.
Conxrx Sunday school Oouveu ion at
Blyth on Tuewlay and Wedn' ]day, Jan.
2411, and 25111. Every Smoky 9011ee1
should send delegates.
4V01uc pts the new 0011114 in the MIetllo-
dist church will be oommanoed next
Monday. Itorvioes will be held in the
'sundav school mom nu the fallnwiug
}2rn ov Jox,r--North Mayon Oa, will
oelebrate the Ba'tle of the Boyne to
Blyth un July 12511. Inviot leen uiroultn'e
ore 01111, 4114 1111e1e 10 00110111011, - 01111•-,e11ee
Woo evo.ything will be carried 1711E to
Ox Tuoeday of tide 0001, G. a.. Thad
]11111 received, per Grand .Cran1, shwas,
ttvo rolietered Jersey heifers. One is It
bwo.year'old anti the obiter 1. 7owan :.
kb'. DOadnlan i9 very partial to the
doreoys sed heel done well with theta,
Ten animal 1110 ting of 13r,1sselo ditty.
1118 park 11.08001atia ,. wi'I bo held at the
Amorican 'Ho' el, on the e e,oli11g of Time
they, 24th Inst., ,50 8 o'uloolc, The ell.
]nal report "ri11 h.' pi' *tented, ofecere
elected and other business e1'anlaetocl.
Every ohnreh;Ildor 3lied to be present.
1f1':nvxr,4e Ououca N0'r11.9,—The annual
tneeiiu ; of the 1410.. ilio 01111'011 auxiliary
of the W. I, M. 03. was hold on Jan 5th,
when the f•ellewill,' effiebre and comdmit,
tees were teppoi;te,. -or the year 1,803 ;--
President, Mit„ :3arnhill 1 Vloo-Proei.
dent, Mrs I5• tr Veneer] ; Seo'otary,
biro. R. K. Rose ; Aeeistemb Soo'otary,
litre. N. MIot',au01L' ; Teerte o'or, hire. J.
G. Shone; Audiinre, Mrs. Dr, Gotham
aed' MTrm, N, 111o,L'1",igon ; 1Kanagcrte
:ars. A. Rod, 1111:'... T. leery, Miss McKay,
0.1131. Graben, Mlle 3. ROBS 0.1101 Hiss
Tona Met:hiss The amount ooutrihnted
during the yoar for miseinn8 wee 8128, --
Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Mooch; will
condnat path 80191000 11911 Sabbath,
JAc,e 211 ,11' hat bran] working ovo
-Ido,this week told teerirlg !ho they
e. nun a ie etetet g17lo
Rev, IL 011+14,110e/ ar, Volo]- Its
g,led y, til,. ,,a'. io helm, ffee v 'n .Sew
bride] p IL:+hi114 411131vorsal y .0eitl011n.
Bort. If eon 19ri'llitu, 1 ofeo *1'.• :n
Huai meeting will be held n, the Ceuta
Cbntnber 00 Wed 13 w lay n!'er11110, u
11091 week, commencing at 1 o'alonk.
A PItl:SANT to 11 rel"tine 0, a friend of
year'0 en'e•oription to Tim Post. -00311"1 be
a gra0efel 11,1111 W01001114 tenliud01' of your
ehungh1fulueoe afty•bwo titnee in the
11Va aro pleased to hear thllt lire, W,
Ti. DI tram,'-, health he., ,0.,11'1„ '"1""''
ed ie Colorado, 11r. Diels]] hoe taken
a p0010inn as bookkeeper, dip, f m' a large
ranching firm near Denver.
'i'u13 y011134 In011 who ettil.344 the snow
plow on the streets ,mil eidowa'ks this
week are de9Orving of many Menke lull
11408 hell More thou 0110 bell-'dictem pro
Iouueett upon them f 'r their forethought,
T3lnrttn,Y-13,,1stlelo,dav evening the
reside ee of Wee 11b01)ill, hill }teem,
'resented a lively Ronne, The cane of
gathering wet the o,1 1)t.- Ginn u
James B,aehill'0 list birthlhw. A our
plaasaut• 091 lon,4 with apeut b1 all pr9s0nt
(101 lir. BIoRI)iI1 was heartily 0nn4ratn-
10lcd on remelting hie majority. I114
father presented biro with a large ac-
cordion au a birthday gift.
Ifsworn --.41,,'. pin:Ai} 6n,� of phi. piaoe,
vary kindly re1n"n,ln•r•'d THE P1x0h' oa
L'h'u iti'r11 1 -41 1 n8
t with n .Itrl'; 1111 1,.441,1. 10.41 111 0*1 010
llidhkadq' f
1/111111i :11:1111a, 1 O- .Gil-
lhriot, form, rl,y of eke> with
hie f mile 141. 131(i' of T" r, 10,, •'•,nf_
Iand, 0118 the d,,o,, or nendnug it to Mr.
f hirAlpiu,. who 1.,, tot e,tionetw- 111 `1101tie
for distribution,
a J2yAi,lttzleTie, Nutwitl,.Go,ldin9 the
extremely °n '1 and b.)'et1 t,"1. - weigher'
til"rt. hem „"qt, Inx,+n '1*1'linin'r9 at the
Methodist church each evenine tele week
to Mitten to the erect tall tt' the exeetiltd-
erl by Rey. A 71. Rltntnn An nonneotion
,,,r.l. the e.,,.m...:..etp .•,ryf, V. ;.. • ,. 1•• mg.
Good hoe been dune, a number of per80n8
sienifving Heir intenti'"n of Looting a
Clhrieti,n life, On sundae, afternoon the
Town Boll 110310 filled to OVeellwtl,it by e,
most atteetive company, Mr R,ntou'e
molter wee '"I be'+" efoyed the fool toe
day," in which he showed the fully of
persons who disputed the being of a God
tied a Savfnnr, Oe dm anhentiei w of the
11111)1] iia oleo ref -rote to 00111e of the
r mndorn vices. Ono or the beef •I•ewe/reos
iii„t •hod by l:h , an.l
I'll1:i,nN•t'A1'tO4 —'1110 f:',esley let r
prise of Jan. 5th says :—"Qu Tuesday
evening tho spaniuns ro 9119 in Gee. 0.
Elliot's new house were thrown open t,
r8o8ive theme who had been invite,) to
honor by their presence the "nese of the
evening, the retiring rector of Holy Trin-
ity church, Rev, W. G. Reilly. In ad-
dition to many of the Episcopalian
dotlomim1Gion, a goodly number of other
congregations 'were present, The ewe.
ing was p10081t0tly aC)eit, a prominent
feature of the pronoedfnge being a pre'
entatton to the Rev. gentleman nl e
buffalo rob • by his congregation, On R
G. Williams devolved the pleastwe of
melting the presentation, and Mies Waite
was selected to read the llddre.88, whish
wee replied to by the recipient of the gift
snpp9rfnnn app10 whpi011 'mespls jeo1145148.ek 0W'10 done001
by those proeaut had been prepared by
the obliefn4 he) toss, Mrs. Elliot. As
intimated in et previ"ns issue, Mr. Reilly
goes to Brne.elo. Daring the time lie
hes had (entree of Holy Trinity )'lurch
the debt has been wiped ofl, and the
memtfership bni't rm. Mr, Reilly h
the courage ref his convictions. What.
ever he oonsidered wen contrary to the
opbuild'ing of to moral or religious
ohmmeter 19(08 strongly 110]017]0001 from
the pulpit, The good wishes, not clone
of Ins own oongregetiou, but of the vil
lasers at large, go with him to hie new
field of labor." The above ref'•re '0 til•'
new ineembeut of St. John's chorale.
Bore' 131100Ann,—Dr. Chas. B. Morrell,
editor of the Boys' Brigade (louder,
010 0111 0 041, Ohio, H. 0. Hall, of Detroit,
and T. prenlc Fe nald, of 13osto•1, last.
ern Seuretary of 'he Boy9' Brigade in the
United States, visi0eei Sarnia on Deo.
8011 to dfectue with T. W. Nisbet for
himself tend as representing the Rev, T.
F. Fotheringham, M A., St, John, N•
B., provi8io,al preeidout of the Boys'
Brigade In Co.mria, the better °ruantel,
tion of the Brigade in bath countries and
the pablioation of the Courier as the
Gran' of the Brigade in the United
State and Canaria. It was decided to
issue a 0irenh110 to all Canadian oone-
panics, advising them that a meeting
would he polled es Soon as possible to
eleot Brigade 011i0er8 for Canaan and
LBking them to r 0ognize Mr. lathering•
ham n' provisional president under his
appointment from Bowland, and such
DOWN/011 01' n.000111,,I oeoreteriee as he
may eppuiut to 10-111 after the work in the
meantime .else asking them to re00g'
1)100 the Courier as til•' neon for Canada,
There will be a Canadian page in all
Iau'e r'ou't, of 'ito panel, end T. W.
Nisbet has been teepointed Canadian
editor. All wh'' are interested in the
Brigade in Canada lire regtl00te11 to °Om.
00 eniond0 ,viih him and send in any
items 0f intermit in connection wit11, the
work. For information about the Boys'
Brigade refer to Rev. T. F. lo1herin4-
hen1, St, A., St. Tohn, N. 13., or to T. W.
Nisbet, Sarni13, Ont.
11ywezenne—"It is not good that man
shoal,' be alone" i8 a Soriptnrel state.
mens In1:le many y0ar9 ago and all down
the area tdle eon' end d,11114hter0 of Achim
lava horn Felling in •lee with the example
of their 0re11 Invents. Loot Wednesday
ovoniltg baolteloxfom lout one of ire mem•
bene ivhon Dr, Milton Gavenagh, of tei8
place, and Miss Fannie Ethel, s000nd
41L g)''0r o1' Rev. J. L. Kerr, were muted
in marriage at the parental residence,
Tenth -r1y etra"t, .Bru0.10)0. The core.
molly was performed by Rev, 3. L. Kerr
Resisted by Wee 1V. E Kerr, father and
br tiler of the bride, roe leotivoly. 1i 8
L. 111, Kerr, sister of the bride, was 1,110
brido,maid 11,11d .:ev. A. H. Bataan the
gtvou,man. The beide wore 8 becoming
dress ofgray f11i11e sill, with °ramie
bloaome,Ae. The wlddi'tg gffte eon -
.010, 1 of eiieer,m'0, 1,11',,(1 tire, Hautes,
dinner and telt 0019, 111111017,1 n111•l'nl',
011101,, wa0, lamp., glaseeere,tem.,d:a,
The MeteodietSanlay gallon! presented
Dr. and Mrs. Llavient11gh, (both of Where
110110 been teaohere for years) with a
beentifol amber burry diel3 fn a silver
frat110, )aver towev. dl •h and ''1101119.
Almon} the 1,11,0110 wore 1:)r. rind \1110.
For;•loon, of •3111th; ,7. Ieettsen, aro
and daughter, of 4VJnghem 0. le, Torn.
111111, of Stratford ; R, S. Potion, editor
of the Atwood Bon Rev. G. p'. and Mrs.
Salton, Rev. 111, ,,,,l ileo. Pani, of Urea.
0¢113 ; Ree. 4V, J,. and lure. Karr, of
'1.'lu11uteet it'd ; Rey, A, 11. 1501)11011 a,111
the ,:0lativee-of the bode in tilde place.
The in0ertaiuty of railway 001111ml:ho 0
prevo,tod 011101' 110raone from a .1ivn.n00
mete/ening. After en11'1' ' the evening
was pleasantly passed and the company
separated at lb 00e80/141411 hour after ex -
1e. 141111 their lame 11:ielew r, ' 1 - 1
ace, 0,11 prouteir, ty at the. Oolltrouei".>
parties. Dr. end lore. Cavanagh cavo
entered into Wt: mystOri.s of house.
keeping in their now 1101110 1:00011tly par'
chased front .1..1, Denman, Turnbcrl'y
street, 131000018,
th•'t of';nndny (rennin., on the go'stinn
of "Heil " On lileednv eve"ii: "The
Mourn Dano ” was iu Main
teem; and on Thltredoy night "Que.*
D001018,” Friday evelin4'e eerviee will
93,10111110 Mr. Roliton's work in Brussels
for the peeeeut 1,1 4' emot to at. Thomas
to a0810t in 80rv1000 there. Mr. Ranbon
is a clever vn9,14 men, 10130(11 seeded 111
bi work, en able preacher, a,',004 singer
end has a brieht and useful tffr before
him A tllankofforing will be taken this
(Friday) evening. The 0er1i1198 will be
contieued next week in the lutse'nent
tieing to the repairs of the ohur0h being.
in progress.
1TArrntoNx,1:,—Two ntelne11 p. m. on
Tuesday, et the re0,dence of the pride's
parents. 451 Prinee:ie Menne London,
sow the consummation of the }rely bonds
of wading( betw_''1 ora• p9pulnr young
tnwnsmo.n, Joseph Ballltntyno, nett Miss
Jennie Y., eldest daughter ,.f .Toa Mit-
ohell, of the "'boat' mentioned city. The
inte•eetine ceremony 'vas perfnerne4 by
Rev. M. P. ratline assietee by 14. v. Robt.
Aylmer 1. The ',tile was attired in a
veru beam -nine 0,91nme of brnetlelotb
and oa,'riud a bog,lot of white rosea, car-
nations and ferue. aaor an elaborate
spread had beef, partaken of 1Tr fund Mrs.
B011ultyne took the train for ;("•1'9319,
bet owing to the snow binekede were
oompelled to r' main in W1,19% -t•31 olh
Tuesday night, to 01,0 ei5arinnietml,lt of
a. reception party at the rssidenne n! the
groom', parents, oharoh street. 0 m8rat.
11101008 were rot'nived from Twont°,
Philadelphia. St. Tn0mas, Petr"lea, Den-
ver, Stratford and British Columbia in
addition 10 the mwnv d 'livered pereenal-
ly. The bride was the recieio,U of a largo
sears of handsome and ❑sefnl �tddfn4
gifts which bespoke her popularity. The
following (0the fist of pre08n1181—John
Mitchell and wife, sideboard, dining table,
dfnuer $et and piano ; Peter '31itehe1,
centre table ; J. P. Element and wife,
table onv'r; Mrs. eli0k00o, silver ca.ko
basket ; Mies el, Ait118ns, berry set ; N.
McNeil and wifo, Over fruit 4is11 ; R, C.
MTitchell, pin0h °heir ; Mr, Barron and
wit„ wnrk sheud; Mr. Element, harry
set • 1lieres Element, peeir la'r, end
statue ; 3. Vafuos n',d wifo, water get e•
Mrs. le. Carfrao, penny lamp ; Mir, Boyd
and wife, granite te;tpnli ; Mr. 1T •Cor.
meek and wile, ;silver oalce basket ; T. B.
Cairno'nss and wife, 11ve•0'olo05 tea set ;
G. Oairncron and wife, water set; 15.
Morrison and wife, betl spread ; N. Coop-
er aril wile, shorn ; 1Tr, Tweed ,0x1 vile,
pickle Greet ; 10*', lloDonald and wife, 1
dna. silver forks mud knives ; Mr. Bn..th,
set of carvers ; 'Sirs. 110}bomme, Mottle
cr net ; tiffs• La Vete, painted panel ;
MI r. Hed4in8 and wife, quilt ; S-rs, .1. 13.
Elliott, table cloth and napkins ; Mr.
Cole and wife, piceur0 ; Ale. Howie and
wire, berry eat ; 'Wiese% Howie, elide
mems nasi toilet unite ; Mies li. Howie,
snit shake,; 'AMA NT Howie, Imo , walk ;
Rey. Mr. Aylward and wife, 1 lhey Teen
Geo. MoLare11, on/ n• tongs and eeffee
spooue ; Thos Btoll entvne, 0ewin4 mach-
ine ; Mrs. 'P. Bx,lantyne, feather bed,
pillows and 0.10391; J,1s. Mitchell and
wife, bell spread ; MVO. Ilodgkiuson, arm
chair ; Miss 11, elltohel(, oil painting;
Miss R. Bwllmttene, fientland, O4i'"fe tar-
t m tie ; Jae. kIitehell jr., wooden wrote ;
S. Wilton and wife, imeginglemp; tlobt.
\Vett and wife, mirror and porridge set;
111011 Jane Mitchell, firessd114 ;owe ; Alex.
Sbraohal and wife, throe set lace 800•
talus ; D. 0. Rose and wife, table linen ;
I. l' Ross and wife., tea 0n8e71 Geo,
Thomson and wifo, salid dish ; Geo,
Robb and wife, w'l9"t' we ; Mies T G.
1'Iiurbell, painted ern ; 1V, Nightingale
enci wife, parlor lamp ; N. Gerry and
wife, celery dick ; t.1, Bansetegli end
wife, steel en4ravinq 1 Mrs. Wm, 11 th110.
tome and family, nil painting ; 4Tr. and
Mese Grewal', venter sot ; J. B. and \V,
i3ai(antyne, ,tape foto tea sot ; J. Bellan-
byne, chin], to Dal, •1 fine eight Clay
olook, in a p mollel n'11k ease, war pee.
80nt°11 to the „rt,mn with -be milli•
melts '.f 13,naselo elfin (1lab, of wit eh nme
gaeiZati0n he is one of tine most oetiv9
mem; are, lir, •,n 1 Mrs. Ballantyne
cn;aioteme harried life molar very ons.
pieion9 circtu1191m119d0. It gen1101110 good
winhea ere worth ell, thing toil yon114
couple should prosper. 'T111113 Purr ex.
tootle its hearty cengratalatioue. -
lee iee nth",e:M nai1,ay.wt,•of
sixteen or seventeen years, who 11114 a1•
rested at Stratford on Nov 21, Me a
0harg0 of vag0an93 hoe 1)1.31) 80110,1:0;1
13 six utanthe in the -.41,:ruor ltai r.,i.
ittol;y. Site comas from the tnwnnhip of
atcphon in Ilnron county.
Jttu Dcy0)1 while uh0ppi11„ : , IL
Davie' bosh,' 1't, re bet ry, met Wi111. *4.101•,
acoidont, Ito \vont op to a deed heath
Wee, Omni; a foot in ,liamete!, wined) bed
sprung by another tree humble tetetmet
lull atrilcina it with hie ace tb Iib twelve
feet fell 11,1,0 the too ofthe tof, wet," ,,,tetti,
fierce. 011,11(1011 him to the
breaking die bone and dielnuatleg the
ehottldnr, beoidee fraottlring the breast
bone. The amount of gnaw on the
ground was no doubt the means of saving
1118 lite.