HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-6, Page 66 131T1iY. FARM NOTES. There le no oropfjthat would pay like potatoes if one oould make snub grope as a French scientific agriculturist is said to have harvested a short time ago, He selected the very best and soundest seed petatcco, pl •wed hie hued e '4 cross plowed it very deeply, =inured it heavily and then planted hie potatoes, which he had allowed to soak for 24 hour in a solu, Nem made by cli,selvieg 0 pounds of salt. petre and 0 pounds of sulphate of am- monia in 25 gallons of water, and then had let them stand 21 hours for their buds to swell. The growing potatoes were carefully cultivated and when dug yielded 8,100 pounds of potatoes to the aore. Gnnarsx0WAX.--Many mei* are of• fered for the maimise:nee of grafting wax. A eatisfa0t0ry wine for outdoor use is made by melting 5 parts resin and 2 parts beeswax ; to this is added to 2 parts linseed oil. For winter use in the grafting room the same amount of resin with less oil and beeswax makes a wax more suitable for indoor application. A liquid grafting wax is made by melting together 1 pound white resin and 1 ounce beef tallow ; to this, when removed from the fire and partly cooled, 8 ounces of alcohol is added, stirring in slowly. This sbould be kept in closed cans to prevent the alcohol evapnrating. Are Exie1u31;siar. CstniUr Oncneun.— The soil of the oherry orchard at the Ottawa Experimental Farm is a light, well drained sandy loam, having a stiff sub soil, composed of gravel and clay. The trees were planted twenty feet apart each way. Thin inter spaces have been crapped every year, except a space of from four to six feet which was left on each side of every row of trees. These strips have been oeltivated annually up to midsummer with a one•horse cultiva- tor ; en occasional light boeiug after- wards hes prevented weeds from going to seed. The manuring has consiebed of one application of barnyard manure in 1888, and a dressing of uuleaobed wood ashes, est the rate of 125 buehele to the core, in the spring of 1800, This treat - went -has been productive of a healthy, vigorous growth, and seems to have pro. mored early fruitage. The first speoi- meus of fruit wore picked in 1800. The increase in quantity and variety lone been rapid, 40 varieties having fruited the past season, many of them yielding full crops. Thus far the trees have been entirely free from black knot. Pieoreoa'rrox nr Bnonnre.—Cherries are propagated for commercial purposes al- most entirely by bedding. This consists in transferring a single bud of the desired variety to the stock or branch upon which it is to grow. The operation is usually performed during the month of August whets (using a nurseryman's phrase) "the bark slips." It is effected by sliding a well ripened bud from a twig of the growth of the same season, end inserting it under the bark of the stools, where it is securely tied. If the open. atfon is sucoessfal ell the top above the inserted bud is out off the following spring. By robbing off and preventing the formation of other wood the whole growth of the stook if divested into this channel. In this way trees of suitable size for orchard planting ore produced in two sea-ous. In the Western States, where the snow fall is limited, same against this 1 objections have been nesse a method of propagation on the ground of the prevalence of root injury, to the more or less, tender stooks. In mettle of abn"dant snow fall, as in the Province of Quebeo and Eastern Ontario, this ob- jection dons not carry the same weight. Bees never store It ,ney in *alight, be- cause hooey so exposed :ventilates and is useless t, the bees. It will be a surprise to ninny to learn that, so vs a onrrespon• dent of the London Horticultural Times, after all, the most important function of the bee's sting is not stinging. I have long been convinced that the bees put the finishilie touches on their artistic cell work by the dexterous use of their stings, and during this final finishing stage of the process of honey making the bees in- ject a minute portion of formic acid into the honey. This is in reality the poison of their sting. This formic acid gives the ]coney its peculiar flavor and also imparts to it its keeping qualities. The sting is really 'an exgnisitely contrived little trowel, with which the bee finishes off and caps the delis when they are filled brimful with honey. While doing this the formic amid passes from the poison bag, exudes, drop by drop, from the point of the sting, and the beautiful work is finished. Apiocriems. Everyone con master a grief but he thinebeeit.—Shakespere. One kind of happiness is to know ex- actly at what point to be miserable— RooUefeucauld. Ile that has lost his faith, what staff has he left 7—Bacon. Ile who is false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw whoa he may have forgotten its pause.—Henry Ward Beecher. Eduoatinn is the only interest worthy the deep, cnntrolling anxiety of the thoughtful man.—Wendell Phillips. Pmmen g 1 nv t lues health sobriety p Constant employment and morias. and Destiny bears ow to our lot, and des. tiny is perhaps our own will,—Disraeli. There is not passion so strongly root- ed in the human brunet as envy.—Sheri. don. A NEP( YEAR'S fll:SOLYE. Sbb,o $e,nirt• melange* lttnigat 8 Sall. 1'sr the steelor.. Squire 11'TutTleton walked leisurely down the etreet pufilttg a fragrant Havana. The ognire was a devout lover of the weed —one of those who pride themselves that smoking with them is a luxury rather than a habit and oan be stopped at any moment. New Year's day had dawned auspiciously for the squire ; the old your bad proved an exceedingly profitable one and the new one bid fair to be, so the jovial justice was in an amiable frame of mind as be went along nodding and Mutt - ting to the passerby, with a good word for everyone. Presently he met Dr. Pbiddlegrease, "A happy New Year, doctor," bawled the squire, "and many fat cases for you!" "The same to you responded the medi• cal roan, "and many new suits on your docket." The s qnire laughed heartily. "Well, this is a glorious New Year's morning, said he. "Yes," assented the doctor, "splendid— a first rate maiming for resolutions." The squire shrugged his shoulders. "I never took much stook in New Year's resolutions—they don't amount 00 0 rote Of pins." "Well, S don't knew ; look at Charley Paddlepool—sea what resolutions did for hien." "How's that 5" "Why, three years ago he chewed to- bacco incessantly, drank like a fish and smoked all the time. Ile is now a total abs+airier." "Just so," interposed the squire, smil- ingly. You see he began by resolving to stop ohewing on New Year's day. He went a year without chewing. Then he resolved not to drink, and went a year without liquor. Leet year he concluded to quit smoking, end he's completely cured of the injurious habit. I tell you there's nothing Like beginning the New Year with resolves." '.last so," repeated the squire, cynical- ly ; "but anybody can do what Paddle• pool did on New Year's or any other day. Now look at me. I smoke from eight to ten cigars every day, not because I am addicted to it, but because I like to, and oast stop at any time. Why, blase your heart, its no trick to stop smoking." The doctor looked wise and grinned. "You think not 7" "Certainly," said the squire, with con. fidence ; "no trick at all 1" The doctor's smile broadened. "Well, squire, I'll tell yon what I'll do. i'11 wager you a snit of clothes that you can't keep for one week a New Year's ree0lvs to stop smoking. "Agreed 1" exulaimed the equire, ex- tending his hand, and, throwing away his half-sinolsod cigar, he went down the street whistling. is the a -ening while, the doctor was seated in his comfortable library the squire woos ushered in. It way his cus- tom to drop over oncasionaly to visit his friend ottd dieettes social and bnsiness- sffairs. Tryon this wean the egnire was in hieusual wed s i utis a"d cease e in vigorously chewing n toothpick. He - tuok a seat opposite the doctor. Pres- ently the letter lit n cigar which the squire eyed jealously but said nothing, end soon the two were engaged in conver- sation. After awhile the squire rose to go and as he did so, still talking he took a long tempting looking cigar from his pocket. He 'molted of it approvingly and then, as if recollecting, put it bees. The squire continued talking attentively. Pretty soon out canna the cigar again. This time he bit the end off, rolled it between his flame and placed it in his mo't+b. He felt in lots prwket for a match while the doctor with difficulty refrained from laughing outright. As the squire finished speaking be struck a light and had taken but two puffs when the situation dawned upon hint. The cigar dropped from his lips. The doctor was in is paroxy-m of mirth. Doctor," said the squire soberly, as be closed the door behind him with a bang, "you'd better step around in the morning and get measured for that suit. WHAT IIF FOUND, "Well, my dears," said Uncle George, looking round on the group of young pee. pie gathered round the fire at n birthday party, "talking of the way things are lost and found, I'll tell you a story of the strange way Anut Emily's wedding ring was lost jest after the were married. "I had been gazetted captain to my regiment, which was then stationed in India, and as I had to join at once, I wasn't going to leave Emily behind me ; PO the just got married, and started off by P. and O. to join the regiment. Well, on the day we got to Aden we were bout standing at the porthole of our cabin lonititrg down into the water, and I was bolding Emily's hand, when suddenly there was a splash in the sea and a shriek from your Aunt Emfly, "011, my wed- ding ring I" and sure enough, if it hadn't 1' d off and gone to the bottom." slipped n1 n o 0 pT t, well paid labor produce, 10 0 country "tilts was rneonsolable, "It was so un• like rens=, et•nnral prosperity, content and lucky ; no ether ring would ever be the abeerrnlnese. Thus happy e.,ve we same," etc, ; but ut last she was pacified, seen the country,—Daniel Webster. and I ptomissd to buy her the best in Every prndnotion of canine must be Bumhey when we got there, and so I the prnduc ion of enthusiasm,—Disraeli. dpi." DIffirutti,e are menet to rouse, not "Well, after we had been in India au discourage. -Channing, few months Elnily'e health broke down Every parson who manages another is and Elba was ordered hone, and I wits m- a hypeeei I e.—Theeltery. r-ahyp"ct'ile,—Thnekery, deed to a clietant station in the Mlle Children have more need of models where I couldn't take her, so, after a deal than of critioe.—Jouhert, of worry, the only thing I could decide on Strong impulses aro but snotboe was to accompany her as far as Aden and name for energy. Energy may be tamed IM her go to i m;land alone until I got to bad ing a ; but more reed may siwaye my long knee, The night we got there inutile of an energetic nature than of en we want and hod an oyster supper, and indolent and imnaseive ode.—John when I opened the fourth oyster what do Stuart Mill you think I found 7" The rarest feeling that ever lights e, "Not the ring 1" broke from all the human fere is the contentment 00 a Inc. gt'onp tunnel the tire, in enticing accents of astonishment and incredulity. "No—en oyster. " The Watetlon wanly council have ordered from 10ngland is coat of arms for the Berlin court hottao, to east 5125. ing soul.—Floury Warri Beecher. Every one of us, whatever our epode- lative opinions, knows better than he preotices, and ronognfsee a better law than he obeys,—Fronde. Rather to go to bed supporless than Hee in el ht.—Franklin, A ease of drowning uvular particularly Choate teeny believe othere as bad as sad eircemstanooe °courted at Guelph themeel'+•s ; there le no deceiving them, lest Saturday 140, 015. Wilfred, a nor Ole' they long dcoeive.--La 13ruysre. young sou Of Samuel Neill, went skating, The power of 000tendlabie decision ie got into the river and was drowned be. of the moat delieate and dangoroue fore he could be rosnsad. Mr. Neill is in natter". 1,1110B A Bayard. aha hospital so low with typhoid fever Th., Ism e gmeive feelings of delight that h., crnnot be told of hie boy's death are always grew.—Leigh hunt, i and Mrs. Neill is dangerously ill at home, THE BRUSSELS Perth County. A few ntinntes after midnight of lied. nesday of last week David Dinwoodie, night operator at the telephone exohango, received a visit from two tramps, who demando1 money or gore. Dinwoodie .vee its the bznrma+t when he heard the front oiliue door open. [fastening up. stairs ho could see no one, and sat down at the swath board, A few minutes afterwarcln the heals door opened and in walked a tali, forbidding -looking man, who demanded the operator's money. Behind the advance guard acme another, a short and brutal.looking man, who pointed a revolver at their viobim. Din. woodie manfully refused and galled up the police office. Thereupon the reseals cleared out. Constable O'Donnell arrived in a few minutes and was subsequently joined by Chief MaOaethy, Constable Robinson and Local Manager Farrow. A thorough search was made, but in vain. Word was received last week that a man answering to the description of one of the tramps had been arrested in Brampton. Mr. Dinwoodie took the early train for Brampton, but sent word bank that he could find nothing he had seen before in the assorted lot of aufor- tuuabes shown by the police lice there. A very intelligentlooking • and respect• ably dressed women about 55 years of ago lately called o'o the ltov. Do. Kilroy and asked him to assist in the redressing of a great wrong from which she was suffering. She talked fluently and with apparent sincerity. She says she came from Sarnia, and wants to recover pro. party wrongfully taken from her hue. band, When she asked Dr. Milroy to re- turn the property to her and aeaueed the Masonic order of assassinating her hus- band to get possession of it, her sanity was oalled iu question. On being ques- tioned by Police lflagietrate O'Loane, she told him as a secret that she hind (bseeped from an h,sauo asslnnt at Pontiac, Well. His worship wrote to that institution, and received from the superintendent a reply disclaiming :ill knowledge of the woman. One story she told was that e she carne from Ottawa. Chief McCarthy questioned her and found that she had complete knowledge of the route, railway fares, eta. At present the women, who gives her name as Mrs. Miles Cowan, is incarcerated its the jail for safe keeping, POST JAN. E, 1893 THEC)DK'SBESTFRIEND ..,=fTGGST..,A _ 1f? GAMADA. Ontario Mutual Life. 1101,AD ONPICA:, • 'WATERLOO, ON'J'. Assurance in f ono an'y,'02..1i11,084,807 New business written in 1801 2,004,050 Inoreaeo over 1800 1340,800 Cush income for 1801 517,020 Increase over 1890 07,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies, Oasb ewe remelt) venues gunronteed ou canto policy, 411 dividends belong to and ate raid only to polio holders, Y Pch the ps payable during rho month is which they fail etre. Polioles are incontestable two years from date of No restriction on travel, residence or oc. attention. Lapsed policies may be revived within six mouths after lapse, Death maims pinta at once on completion of claim papers. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel, Gronera.l lore- vs. Mr. Blaine's health has umoh improv- ed. Mrs. Langtry is worse, and is in ire• minent danger of dying. An explosion °entered in the Paris pre- fecture of police on Friday of last week. Anarchists are suspected. The boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua is assuming threat- eniug dimensions. The inhuman perseoetion of Jews in Russia is being carried on more extensive• ly than ever before. A young notary of Bakhnlont, Russia, ' fell fn love with a lady's maid and ar- ranged to marry her. His parents op• posed the ularrittge, end the young couple determined to lie together. The yuuug man fired a bullet from a revolver into his sweethear't's body and then turned the weapon on himself. Both were badly _ emended, but nsither fatally, told after spending three mouths in the salvo hospital they Dame out reuenily and wore 1 Thu r had r m,tl Harried. h etc be- oome mown and an enorm ons crowd I attended the neckline. The mania which has grown fur the past ten years for reducing the sail power 1 of the mean greyhounds will yet be re. spousibls for some fearful merino discs. ; ter. There are few vessels now wldolt carry more sail than suffices to steady them in bad weather and should their machinery break Clown troy aro at tho mercy of the winds and waves and their only hope is falling in with some other steamer powerful enough to tow them into port. Ono of those vessels v:ith one- sixth or cue -seventh sail power cannot keep her head to the sea and of course has no steerage way once the engines atop. OO {IS COTTON MOT CO{LPOLIN1D. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successful- ly used monthly by thous- ands of Lentae. Is rho only perfectly enfo and reliable medicine discov- ered, Beware of ttuprinmpled druggists who offer interim' medicines in place of this. Ask for good's O»orr'N 10,00 COMPOUND, take no subetitato; or inclose el and 4 three -cent Canada postage etawps in letter, and we will send,sealed, by return mail. hull seal- ed particlars in plain envelope, to Indies only, 2 stamps. Address Peril 1.11y Com. Pony. No, a Pieber Block, 181 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. l"Sold in Mussels by 8,'1', PEPPER, 0. A.. DDADMAN and all reeponetUle druggists evseywhero. Ayeet3 Hai rrV7IISore Makes the hair soft and glossy. I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my heir is moist, glossy, and in en excellent state of pm - creation. I ant Pony years old, and have ridden thelairs for twenty uvu years," p 7 Y rs, ' —\Vnu Henry Ott, afia,; ^ Z,h,etr,nr Still," Newcastle, 'Wyo. o. Ayer's' glair VI 67or Prevents hair from falling out. "A number of yearn ngo, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's ]-lair Vigor to etr;, Ilio hair from falling oat and prevent its turning grey. The (trot effects were most satisfactory. Oecesioual applieetione since have kept my hair thick and of in natural colon'" -- I1. Lr, nasham, klclsinuey,'1'exas. Ayer's liairIngor Iiestores hair after fevers. " Over &year ago 1 had a severe fever, end when 1 recovered my heir began to fell out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without oneness, tin at last 1 began to use. Ayer's Heir Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color,"—Mrs, A, Collins, Dighton, Mass, Ayr's Q r V g r Prevonts hair from turning gray, "My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Flair Vigor has remedied tate trouble, and my heir is 00w its original color and fug. noss. "-13. Onkrepc, Cleveland, O. a rrepa c:1'n'Dr,".O.1y'rxaro.,L0well,Maes, told by Druggists and l'origmors, "8ackaohe 111e4118 the kid- neys are in trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief." "75 per cent. of disease is first caused by disordered kid- neys. 110/pht as well try to have a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are clogged, they are Pills are used." Sold by all dealers o • smithy mnilon receipt a, of price 5o coots, pe box or six for $a, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. 'Write liar boot, called Sidney Talk. the soauenryers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result f11 Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights D sense, Diabetes ctnd Dropsy," The above diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney o]irUiv WEVJill11 :Plumy 1111(1 Staple FURNITURE —Ari' -- D. HO G -G'S 11331.1USSfli:IG.f ei. Secretaries, Fancy Tables, Music Racks, Easels, Mirrors, Brackets, &c., at Holiday Prices. Large stock of Mouldings for Picture Framing. See our Rocking Chairs. A nice Xmas Gift. D. HOGG, Sinale's Block. iS XVAS Plioitraijli FOR XMAS —AT— y's Leave your order early for your Xmas photographs. Our prices are as low as any and our work the best. C. E. P E R.fib.8., Gallery Next the Atnprion,n Hotel. If you want value for yoln' money go to � ` ' 9 �.n�t39 MiZI TOC ry There you will find a prime stook of Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned Goods, Fancy Bis- cuits, Confectionery, &c. My Tobaccoes cannot be beaten. Wooden Ware, Crockery and Soaps. Leave your Christmas order for Groceries, Fruits and 0ijstel°s, Eres7b and Salt yl''ctter Herrings just in hand. Try them. pg�s ai'c ,W. lea 53 Ss, la le•wmv.ia.emrermurwc.-�ee,or-,:.,m,v Ara a,,.,aa,.avarr• ,®moILIM.INLa,•m•.aITIIIIV,e.Avc,szo. ,mom.. • • • •I1NT•. • • LIQ-, -•_[ A, TI:0 lc 7000.00 DOLLARS Worth of best and most seasonable goods in the stocks of GEO. GOOD, Brussels & Seaforth still t0 sell. Full lines in Men's Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers, Mackinac Sox, otc., Ladies' and 11Ieu's Overshoes and Rubbers of all kinds, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everything cheap for Casio. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. A set of Light Bob -sleighs for sale cheap. R. GREGORY, LIQUI1)ATOIt. me-.. Y J. rear;nmeans uGram ware�iam RJFTS EsefeTs eiti.Sireir? thea .^�+'„y.,a'r. 6 THE PPOST BO UNITS: T Ne ••SrI'QO O +t••. Is now Complete, Comprising in part a large selection of Rattles, Sleighs, Stoves, Surprise boxes, Santa Claus dolls, un- breakable, Swords, Swiss cottages, Scrap Albums, Scholars companions, Trains, iron and tin, Trumpets, Tool boxes, Tin dishes, Tops, musical, tic., Tiddledy-winks, Tin whistles, 1 aC11111nU118 g , Wagons, Watches, Wash tubs, Washboards, Work boxes, Writing desks, Wooden dishes, Whips, Work baskets, Whisks, Xmas carols, less than cost, ire., &a. Dominoes, Elephants, Fire engines, False faces, Fruit dishes, Figures (mechanical), Guns, shoot cork and arrows, Games, large variety, Harmonicas, Hol'n s, Hymn books, Irons, Jack knives, low's Harps, Iiodaks, Mugs, china and h a a 1 tin ,. . Hinlols very cheap, , Magic lanterns, throe 817,05, Music Polis, Noah's Arks, Necklaces, Pocket books, Purses, Pails, Paints, Pistols, Paper caps, Booking horses, Ranges, Albums, plush and leather, Authors, and other card games, Alphabet blocks and carols, Axes, Alleys, Banks, iron tin and wood, Brooms, Balls, , Bicycles, Baskets, Banjos, Building blocks, Cups and saucers, 8 at 1 , cost, Crad los, Carts, Checkerboards, Chian es, Clothes horses, Combs, Chickens, Dolls in china, and bisk, Dolls heads, Drums, Drawing slates, Dishes, all sizes, war Beautiful lb ,m i ,Thi®r , fa. Complete series of Pansy Books, A.nnlials and Picture books. Ask to see the Mechanical Savings Banks. See our Parlor Gaines. Select goods early and have them put away until wanted.