HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-6, Page 5JAN 6, 1893 fuer.-a rmA... w:w eeaessxme9ae a MEN WHO CiOT THERE, warm, us _nmetteuntesesrateustermxtustosexeurseett nnnesims, The following is the result of the mum iobpal Motion in Brueeels 1- 1..,17;.1:. Nu 1. N.t. 2. 'Mini W. TI. Kerr,.....,..78 70 - 14(3 W, F. Vanstone,..,40 69 --• 1011 Majority for Kerr, 45. r Jn., aLLmle. Geo. Broker 50 50 - 106 duo, prewar 56 44 - 100 It Leatherdals 48 61 -- 109 W. 11, MoCraokon,,80 82 - 108 Roderick Ross 70 36 - 1130 Geo, Thomson 87 60 - 150 3no, Wynn 62 72 - 104 The Councillors elected nrsMuCrasken, Thomeou, hoes and Wym1, TnnwTsNs. T. Farrow ...,55 74 — 129 Dr. Graham,82 58 - 140 J. J. Gilpin .54 04 -• 118 Rev. J. Ross, B. A..82 61 - 148 Adam Reid 78 62 - 186 R. L. Taylor 55 72 - 127 Trustees elected aro Rev. 3. Ross, B. A., Dr. Graham and A. Reid. 'Pim vote 0n the ]lona" of Industry was 237 for and 26 agairtot. 058?. The following Is the statement of the vote polled in the Grey' election for 1898:- e o d a ^'.c _ T � G •a t, Fel fa 4 4 W H Div. No. 1 53 68 84 41 58 134 01 2 61 28 85 55 11 38 62 " 13 124 21 86 105 3 124 71 " " 4 55 45 85 01 28 80 32 " " 5 6 117 3311 213 104 46 20 " ' 0 8 126 98 31 121 12 18 " " 7 108 41 38 117 86 116 76 Total 415 445 415 438 361 450 860 The Com'mil will be R. eve Milne ; Deputies Oliver and Dames ; Councillors, Ernie and Turnbull. For a House of Indastry, 298. Against, 625. MnKillop.-Reeve, John Bennewies, by acclamation ; Councillors -Ward No. 1, Daniel Manley ; Ward No. 2, James Evans ; Ward No. 8, William MoGavin ; Ward No. 4, Win Archibald. The dep. uty reeve is elected by the Connell at its first meting. Wroxeter. -All the members of the old u.,unsil wets re elected by anolam• ation as were aUo the members of the Puulio behool Board. Morris. -Reeve, Deputyreeve and all the old comnoilhms re eleuted by anolam• ation. Stephen. -All the members of last year's Counnil were re•eleoced by anolam• stein. Gnderioh Township. -Reeve, John Onx, by acclamation ; Deputy reeve, John Beoeom, by aucte m ation. Stanley. -Reeve, Joh" Torrance, by acclamation ; Deputy reeve, Isaac Er. raft, by m•latnation. Tculturemith.-Reeve, John Shepherd, by acclamation ; Deputy reeve, P. Mo. Kay. Usborne. Reeve, T 1131 Ilay, by am eleniaticn. The Deputy reeve is am pnitded by the new council at its first meeeting. Oulbo•oe.-Reeve, Archibald. Malloy ; Deputy reeve, Alexander Young. 'i'urnberry-Reeve, Wm McPherson, by aoolamatiou ; Deputy •reeve, Wm Cruickehanks. East Wawanosb.-Reeve, 'Thomas II Taylor, by acclamation ; D,eputy reeve, Robert Shiell ; Councillors, Donald Pat- terson, David Robertson, Walter Scott, Bei tett.-Roevs, Robert Sn..at ; Dep- uty reeve, A T MoDouald, by acclam- ation. Howiok.-Reeve, B 8 Cook; 1st dep. uty reeve, Samuel Fargusoni; 2n0 Deputy, Alexa (:Mee Graham and John W Jacques, The following Reeves and Deputies Were Woofed by acclamation :-John Shepherd, Tuciceremibh ; T 112 Key, Usboine ; 73 Spackman, Exeter ; Valon• tine Rate, henry Either and John Sher- ritt, Stephen ; John Torrance and Isaac Erratt, i•tauley; John Cox and John Beacom, Goderioh Township ; Philip Holt, Godernob Tolvc ; A MoMurohie D B Kennedy, Clinton ; A T McDonald, Mullett ; Thomas H Taylor, East We.. wanosh ; Alex Stewart, West Wawa - nosh ; oohu Griffin, Ashfield ; Henry Mooney and Charles Howe, Morris ; R O Sparliug, Wingkam ; Wm MuPher• see, Turnberry ; T 13 Sanders, Wrox. eta ; Walter Oliver, Grey , John Benue. wies, MoKillop • M Y McLean, Seaforth, makiug in all 24 out of 52. BAltvnton,-Reeve, 'Woods; Councillors, T J !,harks, Erwin, Fowlie, Dr Staubury. CLINTON-nttlyor, George D McTaggart; reeve, .4. NO -iambic ; deputy reeve, 1)B Kennedy ; oounoillors-St James' ward, Thome, tml(enzie, John mutturray ; St John's ward, W Jones, 0 Overbury ; St George's ward, W 0 Searle, S o Plum. mer ; St Andrew's ward, J Taylor, A At metrong, Exeter- Dr Rollins, reeve ; T B Cam ling, E Chtietie and '1 H muCallnm, onunuillora 11 Spool; len, deputy reeve by aoalamation. Godemoh-atayor, John Butler ; deputy nu reeve, P holt ; ooOillore-Sb David's ward, W 0 Goode, W H sturney, R Thompson ; St Petriek's, W Pridham, J Wilocn, s Yates ; St George's, }1 Dun• lop, at Nicholson, R Sallowe ; St An• drew's, D Cantelon, T Nafbel, D U 1ltraohan ; School trustees, Alex Cbrys. tel, J H 0ulbut no, a Bnchauan, R Prion. Seiforth-atoyer, D D Wilson by aoalamation ; reeve, u 1 mcLean, by auelatnation ; deputy reeve, James Wil- son, majority 24 ;• ammonium, south ward, Aka Lyons, Win Sclater, R Scott; north ward, R 13 Gann, sennas Beattie, Tyremnn ; east ward, 11 Coleman, J Darwin, J Ward. House of Refuge 867 for and 51 against. Stratford --mayor, J G ttonteith ; Al. dotnien, Jae Stamp, W 3 Eastman, 3 Vanstone, Thee Trow, E 'P Duftln, C 01; Stook, VI/Davidson, G'1 mime, A J Ram. Ilton, G F Ingram, W P Goodwin, B ]H Youngs, J O'Donoghue, Jae diodd, I Rigg. Mitchell -Mayor, W 11 Davie ; reeve, ;as Dougherty ; deputy reeve, A Dont, auolamatiou, Counoillore-Norah ward, Dr nurlburt, 0 Gabath, Jos Ooppin ; South ward, J Whit() jr, Dr Wood, W Ryan, all acclamation ; West ward, ,Las P:ilaon, Fred Davis, Fred Dulten, B1ma,--Reeve, Knox ; Deputy reeve, Tu'hen. 'Rorrieton,-stayer, A. Yale, majority, 42 ; .Leve, J Sleuth, majority, 611 Containers elected by acelattttnatiot, Liebowel-Mayor, 13 Bricker ; reeve, 4. Hacking; deputy reeve, R Kemp. Ooun. oillors-Gladstone ward, W Lamont, Seaberger: 13iemurolt ward, Feather. ebona, B0w9n411 ; Lanedowne ward, A treDonald, Jacob Bricker ; Victoria ward, a Tiennler, tc mOCiilvnry ; DoiTerin ward, t Wu'.'..., 1', 11 Pe.tum St Marys--niey.,r, G II tZOInbyre, Counolllore-North ward, W Dunseith, W C seoeoti;, F motrnokeu ; South ward, f 111.h.,.•a 'S'.. .ill... , Ctlyd,.. Woet- ward, '1' amadman,Goirlelc, J madman, 87 Stevens. School trustees -North war,., 1' D Stanley ; South ward,W W Haines; West ward, IJ W Harding, The by-law to rectum the hotel liquor licenses from 8 bo 4 was defeated by a majority of 401 votes. lliucardine,-tcayor, Joe Barker,Depu. tv reeve, 18 -utton ; Council ore, St ,Doha's ward, 11 82iehaol, L E Gear, Ira S L'leher ; St Andrew's ward, R Key. worth, It Rose ; St Patrick's ward, Roes Rectal , 1V fleury. Wiugham.-mayor, D M Gordon by ac- clamation ; Reeve, 11 C Sperling by acclamation; depnby reeve, W F Booken- shire ; Couuoitore-No. 1 ward, no eleo. tion ; No. 2 ward, A Dawson, D R. Few. ler, ,1 J liomnth ; No. 3 ward, G Mo. Kenzie, 3 11 Hlecooks, John McLean ; No. 4 ward, E (1 Clark, J Elder, 3 Jerome. 0550115 1L5CTLD. Aylmer -141 Leeson. Ambersbbarg-J G Mullen. Bracebridge-A Bunt. Bal leville-W al .bridge. Berlin-UGLaokner. Clietham -l3 Martin. Colliugwod -F F Telfer. Durham -T Brown. Forest R Kari Galt -R Gilholin. Grnvenhuret-.l 7 Masteih Haul toes -A Yuan. Rineardine-3 Barker. lvlrafard-J 1 Johnston. Mount Forest -W Cololeugh. Niagara balls -S K Binkley. Orillia--G Thomson. Pal mere ton --R Johnston. Parkhill -W Thom peon. Sarnia -R E Demeter. Bn, dwich-G Girardot. Stayuer-W Spandere. Thornbury -Raymond. Walkerton -W Richardson. Welland -G H Bogar. Fourth Division Court. The usual sittings of the Fourth Divi- sion Oonrt was held in the Town Hall on bhe 27th ult., Judge Doyle presiding. The following oases were heard :- MuIutosh d: lvlcraggart vs. Bird -Wil- liams eta. garniehees, Action on die• pitted note. Defendant, Thos. Bird, disputed on ground of infancy when note signed, Judgment for plalutiffa against all defendants except Thos. T3ird. Jndg - me nt for defendant. Thos. Bird, against plaintiff. Judgment that garniebeee not indebted. Baillie vs. Lawrence -Action from township sI Elma for ruturu or value of a buggy claimed by plaintiff as admiuis• tratrix of deceased husband. ' Judgment reserved ti1121st Jan. '93. Sinolair vs Burrett -Disputed a000nut. Judgment for plaintiff for full amount claimed, with costs A number of judgment summonses were beard and the usual orders made. 001111,51ln AND (GREY FACTORY. The annual meeting of the Morris and -a v Grey Cheese blanattleturiag Company was held in the Towu Ball after due notices of Deo, 8018. On motion of Jas. Turnbull, seaanded by Jae. M. Martie Thos. Streehan was appointed chairman. After some preliminary remarks by the chairman the report of the auditors was read. Moved by Jas. Lreland, seep ended by Janice Sharp that the report be adopted. Oarried, The Mediate of directors was next pro• aoeded with, when the following were elected :-'Phos. Davidson, Jas. Martin, James Turnbnll, James Strachan and Nathaniel Fleet. Moved by John Cardiff, seconded by James Turnbull that the Secretary, D, Stewart, be salesman for the ensuing season. Carried. Moved by James Martin, eeconded by Nathaniel Flett that at the time of let• ting the milk routes, on Saturday, the 28th of January, at 2 obleek p. en., a full meeting of patrons and shareholders be called for the purpoac of discussing the use of the Baboo k Tester, and paving according to the amount of butter fat in the milk, also to take a full vote on the matter of the Treasurership, A trial vote of those present was taken when a majority voted for the payment of ebeese moony through the Staudard Bank. Mark Cardiff was appointed auditor on the part of the patrons and Allan Cork - rano for the direotore, At a meeting of directors held immed• lately after James Turnbull was Merited President for current year, Having Obtained a Stock of General. Dry Goods at an exceedingly The follower is the largest patronage on each route :-10th and lith eons., Grey, Tiles. Davideou, 82,898 gallons, Low Price on the $ we have concluded to coin. n,exnce business Utas, Bozell, 18,746, Samuel Burgess, gall, 1 ; 7th and 8th cons„ Jahn 5, John • in Brussels by throwing the same on the market at a gall, 18,848, Hugh Lninont, 10,255, Jobu Cardiff, 14,419 ; 6th and Jith eons., E. J. MoArtbnr, 20,903, Wm. Killough, 16,098, Geo, We/ah, 14,412 ; 8rd and 4th cone., James Somalian, 87,590, Thos. Strachan, 26,941, Duncan Taylor, 24,819 ; 8rd line, Morris, James Ireland, 18,691, Richard Armstrong, 18,008, Wm, Ooohrano, 17,• 440 ; 4th line, James Martin, 28,922, Samuel Barr, 24,827, Donald Currie, 18,- 180 ; 5th lino, Nathaniel Fie.tt, 21,607, will 3vorgm Kerr, 15,717, 5We James Sharps, 14,• pbe Open fo (190, jno, Mooney, 14,640. v YY Total pounds of milk received,873,002; total pounds of obmbee made, 70,827 average pounds milk to one Round cheese, 10.00 ; average coat of drawing per gal. len, 8 0.1.0 mills ; average price reoetved for cheese, 90,571 per 100 lbs, ; number of patrons sending milk, 66. Mrs. Marrow, of Waubaushone, stood against the fence to escape a runaway bores, Monday. The sleigh struck and liroke both ben legs and she lies in a pro. carious condition. l3arriabon Tribune. -"It is reported that one of aur young mon procured a marriage license, and, aosoupanind by two friends, Liroeeeded to Cliff ora, where the young Indy who was to be the bride resided, but it appears the young lady changed her mine., and now a Hoene° can be bought fn Own at baukrupb price," THE BEUSSELS POST ('rtsussd cns,ea. fi,coIV". Ata meeting of the benohere of the Ontario Law society last week the gum. Elora wile visited by a serione fire Tuesday morning. Sarnia is agitating dor the orgaulzatlol of a Board of Trade. Werk on the Ottawa 04 Parry Sound railway hail beau ca ..,, ,sod, A mouiolpai reform assoolation wee formed in Montreal teat week. .,oro has been a big land and snow slide i.. l,ol,u,.. 1,as. „n 1i7: G. 1' 11. A shook of earthquake wee felt ab Cornwall early Monday morning. A young man named Perkins was kill. ed near Norwood by a failing log. 'Phe flrsb Methodist cherub, Hamilton, was dam (god by fire Menday at noon. The Government has decided to re- move the observatory from Toronto to Ottawa. W. H, Plummer woe elected mayor of Sault Ste. Mario on Monday by a large lnajority, The Northwest assembly was prorogued on Saturday, after a session lasting about three weeks. The Montreal Street Railway Co. pre- sented each of its 1,000 employeee with a Christmas turkey. A boiler at the Victoria mines, Gape Breton, exploded on Saturday, killing one man and frightfully scalding six othere. The Provincial Provident Institution, at St. Thomas, has moved into very handsome quarters in Insurance Block there. At Port Stanley, Monday night, Julia, daughter of George Mitchell, aged six- te-n, while skating, fell and broke her leg near the ankle. A Montreal fruit merchant says the Oanadian apple is falling off bocause Canadian formers will not cultivate early fruit instead of lute, Daniel Kellock. nolle:Mo' of enstom9 and inland revenue, ab. Perth, Ont., died suddenly in bed Wednesday moraibg at 7 o'clock. Cause, heart failure. At the police court last week W. P. Maclean, M. P., was committed fur trial on the charge of oriel/nal libel preferred againeb hire by Mayor Fleming The London Advertiser of Tuesday night had a strong article on the activity of the protestant Protective aseouiabion in the London mayoraliby election. Aeoordiug to the report of the Do- minion immigration agent at Winnipeg nearly 38,000 settlers sutered Manitoba and the Northwest Territories last year. The Clifford "Express" is the latest aspirant for publio favor in the weekly newspaper line It is to be an inde lend• ant journal. J3. Cheater is the publish. en. Itis understood that the post office in St. Thome will be u:ade u city office shortly. The postmaster and clerks will then be paid a abated salary by the Gov ernment, and not by foes, as at present. A staff of lettermerriers will also be alp• pointed and the people of that city will enjoy the plea-ure of baying fetters and papers delivered at their doors. An old gentleman by the nems of Jacob Bookman, who has been a resident of Suotlaed for many years, dropped deed the other afternoon. It appears that be had gone to the woods and helped to get a load, and upon arriving home nom• plained of not feeling well. His son, Malcolm I3oekmau, Rave him some tea, and as the old man tried to raise from his chair Im fell over on the floor and was dead. He was 84 years of age. tion of women being admitted to praobieo law in Ontario was finally disposed of., and by a vote of eleven to six the prefer. 5102 was thrown open to the ladies. John L. Minh. of Rinttaville has sold to b'ranla :T, tit eon, 13 hot;1, 7$ nin11tl18 old, weight, 8,778 pounds, and 11 pigs, 7 months old, weight, 1,002 pounds. Mr. Ulch received 0100lose toe. for his 24 pi,;,. Ifh.Q:.dau't L.•'y Iit 1..,.s who dose ? Jamas Givens, East Oxford, went to bis barn with a lantern Wednesday morning to get a rope which was hang- ing on a beam. The rope fell on the lantern, breaking it and setting the building on fire. Both bis borne were totally destroyed, including 41 tons of hay, a new hinder and some other im- plements, 8 hone and a couple of calves. There was an Mannino at 31890 on the building and $800 on the ocnbents in the Waterloo Mutual. The lose will ab least be 88,000. The money stolen from the Canadian Express Cm's offioe, Sarnia on the 20th inst.., was recovered Thursday night, hevhtg been found in the basement of the barn in the rear of the office rolled up and stuffed into an old stove pipe. The thief evidently in his haebe dispoesd of it in obis manner, intending to return and take it away quietly. The packages were only elightly disturbed. The premises had been continually watched since the robbery 000ared, and certain suspieiou., movements in .that vicinity convinced Detective Iloduine, who had rho matter in charge, that the money was not far away. rile notified Mr. Cook, the agent, of his oonelusions, and Thursday night the barn the thoroughly overhauled with result above meutioned. The matter has been a mystery, but it was evidently the w 'rk of same amntrnr, For Particulars ABOUT THE senniers' Trains i© AND THE NORM WEST Send to your nearest Railroad Agent and obtain a Dopy of ("Free Fact5Farims" J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. HO! -b'O 1-6 Skene s. Let the wild winds roar And the Frost King snore, But buy your Holiday Goode At J. G. Skene's store. At Skene's Popular Store Good geode you will got, And as to the pries They are low you can bet. New spines, new peels, New fruits at Skene's, For he bas the goods You will see. A FEW LINES :- 3 cane Tomatoes, 25o.; 8 cane Corn 25o,; 3 cans Peae, 25e. ; 8 boxes Mince Meat, 25o. ; 2 largo pans Bo, dime, 25o. All goods First-class. Call and see me. J. G. SKENE. mu 0; 0114 14 (Th A .J TRUNK R'yt main'EAa-AN. -YAW-��` HOLIDAYS. Return tickets will be issued between all stations ,n Canada at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE on December 24, 27 and 20, valid for return until December 27 ; and on Deem bor Si uull January 1 and 2, valid for return meth Jane,. ary8, 183(2. First -Glass Fare and One-third on December 2e, 24. 20, 20 and 00, valid fez return until January 8,180A. STUDENTS AND TEACHERS on presentation of standard form of oortlit- sate, signed by the prinolpal, good going Deo. 9 to 51, valid for return until Januaty $1, 1900. Reducedfares to pointe 00 thelb- tercolouial hallway o, dates named. For Wolcott and all information apply to any of the company's agents. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bruesele. BAROAS for the 1OLH3AY& Is to the front again with a Full Line of Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoatings, Pantings. Fate, Caps, Puri, & Itunex. Coats. You will find it pays to see my Stock. A Fit Guaranteed, Latest Styles. In Gents' Furnishings I take no Second Place. Yon will find Un- derclothing and Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Collars, Ties, Braces, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosiery, L7C., in well bought Goods and sold at close Prices. Our reputation for First Class Ordered Clothing, is well known. Consult your own interests by calling on Brussels, Ont, WIffira A O. IR G.7 s>..py Rj The Leading Tailor. OP' Dal; ao0D 11501 Business in a Few Days in the WellKnown s and Respectfully Invite Everyone to Call and Ex- amine our Barg aline.