HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-1-6, Page 3J.e.x. 6, 1893 THE STORY OF A STOWAWAy.. porno, my lad, and it beside mei we There aro over 2,000 tons of silver bare, have often talked before 98,000,000 silver deflate and $36,000,000 Of the hurricane and tempest, and the in gold coin stored in the Philadelphia storms on sea and shore ; mint, When we road of decide of daring, done There ie said to be a treasure amount - for dear old England's sake, ing to 150,000,000 francs in gold in the 1 h"eyr eitud Noloeu'a duty, and the en- Julius tower of the fortress ut Spandau terprise of Drake ; in Prussia. Midst the fover'd din of battle, roll of The difficulty of soldering together two drum, and scream of fife, pieces of aluminium le said to have been Ketose pate in long proceseiou, calmly overaomo by talo use of ohlorido of silver Yielding up their life, se a fuse. Damps and pageants have their glory, in Borneo makes beer from the pepper cathedral Melee are seen plant. Marble effigies ; but seldom of the mer- It is a remarkable fact that oda water cantle marine. 00ntaine n0 soda, If your playmates love adventure, bid Tho unexplored area of Canada is one them gather round at school million square miles, Whilst you tell them of a hero, Capbain The room in which Napoleon I. died Strachan, of Liverpool is now a enable. Fifty -years old T.okay eosts from $16 to $50 to battle, Electriciby was arab transported from place to plaoo in portable form in 1881. Krupp's great gun works at Essen oou- snme 1,000 tone of ooal au1 ooke a day. It is estimated that there are now 350,- 000,000 copies of the bible in circulation. It costs 99 for five minutes' tails by telephone from New York to Chicago. Salt and vinegar applied hot are good for Gleaning brass, which should after. wards be polished with fine ashes. The oloobrio street oars of Albany, N. Y.., are provided with an autenatio de- vice that shows the name of each street just before it is reached. A hippometer, to record the number of a ho'se's paces and rho distance ho has travelled, has been invented by an oll'reer in the French Army. The highest viaduct in the world has just been erected in Bolivia, over the river Lea, 9,838 feet above the sea level and 4,008 feet above the river. Dawe Yon 0(100' N011etc1. That au a man treats his horse so he treats his wife ? The man who treads upon his neigh. tore' toes ? IIe it is who pines for the earth 9 The best fruit is none too good to eat, and that inferior frail malzos inferior sauce ? How much more some housekeepers are guided by rule than by common at the sense ? The expression on the face of the man vessel or woman who sees no good in his neigh. bor ? That good cooks are not the ones who keep the table and hungry people waiting for the food? a' The youthEul looks of those whose ex• perienne has been meagre? Deep feelings, thrilling experiences leave marked traces. That some voices soothe and comfort, while others stir up the old Adam that's in you ? so fasb as during the night you forgot to put rho dripping pan elder 16, Spite of storm and stress of weather, in a gale that lashed the land, On the "Gyrian" screw steamer, there the captain took his stand. He was no fair-weather sailor, and he often made the boast That the ocean safer sheltered than the wild Carnarvon coast. IIe'd a good ship underneath him, and a orew of English form, So he sailed from ont the Mersey in:the hurricane and storm. A-11 the luck was dead against him—with the tempest at its height, Fires expired and rudders parted in the middle of the night, Sails were torn and rent asunder. Then he spoke with bated breabh : "Save yourselves, my gallant fellows ! we are drifting to our death I" Then they looked at one another, and they felt the awful shook, When with louder crash than tempest, they wore dashed upon a rook. All wee over now and hopeless ; but tomes these miles of foam They could hear the shouts of people, and could see the lights of home. "All is over l" screamed the captain. "You have answered dnty's call. Save yourselves 1 I cannot help you1 God line mercy on us all 1" So they rushed about like madmen, seiz. ing bolt, and oar, and rope— For the sailor knows where life is, there's the faintest ray of hope — Then amidst the wild °oufusion, dreaded dawn of day, From the hold of that doomed crept a wretched stowaway. Who shall tell the saddonecListory of this miserable lad Was it wild advent= stirred him, was he going to the bad ? Was he thief, or bully's victim, or a run- away from school, When 11e stole that fatal passage from the porb of Liverpool ? No one looked at him, or kinked him, 'midst the paralyzing roar— All alone he felt the danger, and he saw the distant shore. Over went the gallant fellows, when the ship was breaking fast, And 1110 captain with his lifebelt--he prepared to follow Inst ; But bo saw a boy neglected, with a face of ashy gray. "Who (MI yon ?" roared out the Onptnin. "I'm the boy what etow'd away." There was snares another second loft to 1111011 what he could do, For the fatal ship was sinking—death was ready for the two. So the Captain called the outcast—as he faced tho tempest From his his own waist teen the lifebelt— aucl he bound it round the child. "I can swim, my little fellow 1 Take the belt and make for land. Up, and save yourself I" The ontoest humbly knelt to kiss bis bend. With the lifebelt round his body then the urchin °leeredtlie ship ; Over went the gallant Captain with a blessing on his lip. But the hurricane howled louder than it ever howled before, As the Captain and the :stowaway were making for the shore. When you tell this gallant story to your playfellows at school, They will ask you of the hero, Captain Strachan, of Liverpool. You meat answer : They discovered on the beach at break of day, Safe—the battered, breathing body of the little stowaway ; And they watched the waves of wreckage and they searched the oru01 shore, But the man who tried to save the libtle ontoaet—was no more. When tboy speak of English heroes, tell this story where you can, To the everlasting credit of the bravery of man, Tell it out in tones of triumph or with tears and qui°koued breath, "Manhood's stronger far them storms, and Love is mightier than Death." ODDS AND ENDS, The sixth Atlantic cable was laid by the Great Eaet0011 in 1874. A mail wagon has the right of way over any other ve1i01e whatever. The coffee palaces of Melbourne are said to be the finest in the world. An ignorant man is his own worst enemy. How 0,10 be ho anybody else's Lind ? The hair of a So. Louis woman is re puled to be lifly•four inobee in length. The market price of a wife in equator. nal Milieu is ton bundles of hairpins. Tlie tendency to violent exorcise is so great that it ought to he °hooked, Potting mittens on a tiger will 018901 make him lose his taste for blood. A Cornell college young woman is said to be studying veterinary surgery. In the United States there aro 673,018 Freemasons and 847,471 Odd Fellows, The oombined ages of a recently me- rlon nouple in Macon, Mo., were 102 year's.' The tathsr of West, the painter of "Death on the Palo Gorse," was a harm ble farmer. Ln Oongress there aro twenty represen- tether; who aro umtr tweuby.six years of age. A ashless horeesho0 tient le fastened to tho hoof with a clasp is coining into no in Paris. Perretisaion was given by Napoleon foe a cable to England in 1847. Tho cable was laid in 1860, A $l. Louie woman has applied for a patent to Over tho process of making "sweet potato floor.' The tee in the rcfrigorator never melts ENGINEERING FACTS: The Romans built the first dikes in Holland. In 1880 there wore 5,814 lighthouses in the world. The first coast light in the United Seaton leas i" 1703. The first Eddystone lighthouse was erected in 1758. Asphalt pavements were first laid in Paris in 1854. All twisted boring tools are of Amari. can invention. The diamond drill is pointed with blank diamonds. The total cost of the Suez Canal ex• °ceded 920,000,000. .0. tunnel between Dover and Calais w118 proposed in 1802. The coast survey of the United States was begun in 1817. Roebling'e railway `bridge ab Niagara has a span of 821 feet, with 59 feet de- flection. The Cherbourgh "digue" ie 4,120 yards long, having two arms inclosing the en• trance. Pontoon bridges, with copper pontoons, were invented by the French about 1672. At the beginning of the eighteenth cen- tury all European armies had pontoon trains. The weight required to crush a square inch of brick varies from 2,200 to 4,500 pounds. Gunter's chain, used in measuring land, was invented by Edmund Gunter in 1000. The great aqueduct which supplied Carthage with water was seventy miles tong. There was a mediaeval a0e00ia1ion of engineers palled the "Brethren of the Bridge." VARIA"I'IIN. When you want to see the crooked made sbraight look at a railroad map. Recipe for a domestio broil :—First catch the hair on your husband's comb— collar. Kate—"I really couldn't have refused Jack—he proposed so neonatally l" May —"No wonder 1 Ho has had lots of practice, you know." Tanks—"What led you to suspect last night that I bad been drinking." Mrs. T.—"I can't imagine, telese possibly it was the laot that you were drunk." Old Friend—"Well, I declare, old boy, your wife is fully as tall as you are. Mr. De Meek (in a whieper)—"Y.e.e, I guess that's so." "How name you to marry such a big woman ?" "Well—er —she didn't 800111 so big before marri- age." His last Resort.—The desperate tramp (to the drug olerk)—"Hey you any 0tryell- nine or arsenic ?" Timid Clerk—"No." The lleaperete Tramp—"Well, then, gimme a piens of soap." 'Miss tl.uoient—"hero is a century plant we prize very highly ' Flightey—"Yes, yes ; boauhifUl, °ha'rming. I suppose yon raised it from rho seed. Friendly Overtures.—Neigbbor'e boy (looking through the fence)—"My fath- er's a heap bigger man than yonr'n I" Now boy (with cold disdain)—"Size ain't notbin 1 When my father coughs, yen can hear him half a mile 1" "Margaret" was bho way her name Appeared in her youthful oopy.hooke neat ; In society columns we see the same Girl figures quite gaily as "Marguerite." "Speaking of gt100r nerves, and their still more queer collocation," writes a lady from Easton, Pa., "I am reminded of a table ab which I once sal, which mentally I named the combustible table, Tlie boarders names were Brush, Bush, Hay, Wood and Cole. All that seemed tasking Was a match." Amy—"Why, Mabel, you haven't any mistletoe hung up." Mabel—"Ola, Prod nevem sodas to nod any." THE BRUSSELS Ino --"Ie Mab yoursohool friend ? Why, she ie11't so very ugly." Slie--"Ugly 7 who said see was 9" 810—"You said all the girle loved her." Very accommodating—Tho other day Mr, Burleigh was taking a walls in the woods with his little boy. They one - =Deed hunting for obestnuts, and soon Donald's oyes budged when be saw the double handful his father had found, and then be made this kind remariz ;—"Say, papa, wouldn't you like to carry your 011011100s in my pocket." emBosalio—"Is your fiance generous?" Grace—"Well, I should say 80. He's juot mortgaged his house to buy me a ring." aking sure,—She—"Then you'll take nee for a drive on Thursday ?" Ile— "Yes, but suppose it rains ?" She— "Come the day before then." Martin—"Clow well Miss Greenbnugh keeps bee age I" Mrs, Grinder—"Why, of course. Nothing would indium her to give ib away." It may take Bixby -eight measurements to constitute it beautiful woman ; but one span aboub the waist makes a happy man. Itinaenuitisni Illanlaoea the Joints, Swells lianas, Feet Gerd Legs, Two nettles 110ya1 Crown Remedy 180- reels the Cure. AAlzzTON, JUNE d'rn, 1890. To Isaac 1Pilliaala, Esq. Ibake pleasure in adding my testi• menial to the reit. I have been troubled with Rheumatism for some time. My bands, legs and feet were very much swollen, and any joints out of place, and bryiug all sorts of medicine, it did me no good, until I tools your Royal Crown Remedy. After taking two bottles it en- tirely cured me, and I can recommend it to anybody. Yours truly, ELLEN MATDEwe. 8:1 UNDERSTOOD THE LS..NUUMIII• I was engrossed in my magazine as the train sport on, and did not notice that a bride and groom had entered the car ab a small station ; but my attention was attraoted to the wimple En rather an odd way—by telegraphic signals. Two young anon who sat opposite to each other across Ole aisle were making remarks about them by Coking with their pocket knives on the metal arta of he seat. Sweet as a peach, isn't she 9'blotted off the young man whose net was imme- diately behind the new arrivals. Yes, replied the other. Bridal couple evidently. See bow olose he sits to his tootsy wootsy. I see. They are bolding each other's bands, aren't they ? No, but they are exchanging love glauoes. How on earth do you suppose a ahnmp like that managed to oatoll an angel ? Give it up. She surely 000ldn't see anything in him to admire. Her lips were just made for kisses. That's jest what they were, Say l - Well? When the train gets to the next fun- nel I am going to reaoh over and hiss her. You wouldn't dare. Yes, I would. She'd thick it was her husband, you know. Their tolegraphio conversation ceased here for the bridegroom had taken out his pnolcet knife and oommoueed to tick off this message on the arm of hie seat : When the train gets to the next tunnel the chump proposes to reaoh over .and hammer your two heads together till your teeth drop out, See? Soon after the two passengers mighb have been seen sneaking off to the smok- ing oar ; and they remained in the smoker not only while they went through the tunnel bet until they reached their deetination. Melnteo, the man whose carelessness caused the disastrous dynamite explosion at Long Island ally last week, has escaped from custody. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan =Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. For For For For For For For For For For Constipation Dyspepsia Ay,w e Millta L311ioucrless Ayoo'e Sick Headache Ay'e lr's Il tl tl ll i Liver complaint AyKe,r'sa irA is Jaundice AyiL 910 POO Loss of Appetite Ayes -'s Pings Rheumatism Ayor's Mauls Colds yer's a"iil�s Fevers Ayei'1s P1Ia Prepared by Go7, C. Ayer & Co. Lower, 11lass Sold by all Druggists, Every Dose Effective °OST McLEO D'S System nonovator -----AND menu— TESTED RE11EDTLS SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Por Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyopopeia, Sleoplessneoo, Palpate - tin of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu. eight, Loss of Memory, Bronohilis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY StODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T, PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. Private Funds to Loan. 9 20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans COM* piked in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIB, Solicitor, Brussels. Weekly Fliee MSS —AND— FAIUI[ AND IIOME FOE%, 18133. MOO Both Paper's for $1.00 Enlarged and improved. A High -Class Family Paper. EACH 01001151101 MUG CON'T'AIN : Buy, Dr. TALMAGE's SEni1ON delivered the Sunday previously. Wi,m102AN'e WANDsntxae. Aoaxci L'iooaAL MATTeie—Illustrated. Lorne' PAGE—Illustrated. A SEDIAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Price, Ono Dollar a veal' in advance for the WEEKLY FREE PRESS and FAl171 AND 0009511—ill all 1e pages. Balance of 1000 free to new subscribers. Agents mm00d 1n every unrepresented die• Wet to 8011011 subaorlptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO., Lenox, — ONT'ARIO. HOW'S YOUR CUTTER V JL .S, R P Now that Jack Frost has re- sumed business and Winter has come to hand a wall made, com- fortable, stylish cutter will be a necessity. JAS. IATALEE11, BRUSSELS, Can make your old Cutter almost as good as new, Repairs neatly and promptly ex- ecuted. 010 rigs refitted, paint- ed and trimmed. Jas. (calker, SIIOP OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. '.I.. g& FLjTC., 11, i'racticcal Wratclzrzza1ur and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, atron ag , L n0s inopeniug on SOLO AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Eetabliehed and Reliable Makni% fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest .Designs JEWELRY I WEDDING RINGS, LADIEe GEtr RMNss, Bn000mcs, Bennrxes, ,bo, I Aleo a Full Lino of Vmionoo and Violin Strings, tiro., in stook, il. Dtr-7a91irer ernmeet0 c t1 ciloee. ". Fletcher, - Brussels, THE LEAJE!S F Our line of Base Burners is more complete than evert before, "Radiant home," 'Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant Peninsular," &c. These stoves are constructed in the most modern style, and aro the most powerful Double Heaters made. They are finished in the highest style of the art and we warrant nveryono good baking ovens. If you are in need of a Parlor Cook, he sure and see our stock before purchasing. "Evening Light" and ",Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly improved this season and are soiling fast and giving good satisfaction. We will take your olid stove. Handsome Ranges i We carry a stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect. Second Hand Stoves I Our second hand stoves are going off fast. If you want one, you must secure it early. They are good ones and cheap. Just opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Toa Spoons, Tea Trays. BALLANTYNE & WILTON. Tlie 'BBE op This olcl, reliable institution is still in the van of progress and is well prepared to cater to the wants of the public at this Season.. A. Fine Stock of DINNER AND TEA SETS In Stone and China. They are dandies. Elegant dishes in Eng- lish Stoneware selling Cheap. Also Glassware, &c. Teas, Coffees, Spices, .Fruits, Sugars, Canned Goods, 3'e., c�c•, Fresh, Nice and sold at Close Prices. Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Mc r THE HUSTLING GROCER. •,•••••••• AND IS O:F F'JI..L-ING 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1 25 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar for $1 A large assortment of the Choicest Fruits of the Season. 01.1V `deers and Cotees are too well known to neel1 any Reoomme , .dation. The Largest Assortment of Glassware and Crockery ever shown in Brussels, consisting of Plain and l>crncy China and Glassware, .Decorated and Printed Teaan.cl Dinner Sets, Decorated and Printed Toilet Sets. (!JY DEPARTET Fresh Bread and Oakes always on hand. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Any Orders left for Christmas Cakes will have our Prompt Attention. Ta.l-,:> t...r Sice...',')EIJS-