The Brussels Post, 1892-12-30, Page 3t
DEC. 30, 1892
4ual. _ aernuereassamlas�r _
Thes'e's going to be turkey and dick and
And salad and ion mount and podding and
And oysters and tarts and chicken pie,
And custards with frosting piled up !sigh I
Oh dear l—how 1 wish 1 was big as a
man l
For I want to eat just nil that I can,
And to think of those tante and onstards,
And 1—oh clear, I'm no dreadfully small 1
Farewell, Old Yoar l the rustle of whose
Fragrant with memory! I etill can hoar ;
For all thy tender kindness and thy
1 grog my thankful tribute on tby bier.
What is in store for ate, brave Naw Year,
Beneath thy glistening robe of loo and
snows ?
Are there sweet Bongs of birds, and
breath of lilacs
And blushing blooms of June's saint.
laden rose ?
Aro there oold winds and dropping leaves
of autumn,
heart-senrohing frosts, and etorno•elou1s
black and clroar?
Is there n rainbow spanning the dark
heaven ?
Wilt thou not epealc and tell me, glad
Now Year ?
As silent art then of the unknown future
As if thy days were numbered with the
dead ;
Yet, as I anter thy wide-open portal,
1 cures thy threshold with glad hope, not
To ma no pain, or fear or crushing sox.
Bast thou the power without His will to
bring ;
And so I fear thee not, oh, untried
me row
For well I know my Father is thy King.
If joy thou hriogest, straight to God, the
My gratitude shall rise ; for 'tie His gift;
11 sorrow, still, 'mid waves of grief's
cleep river,
My trembling heart I'll to my Father
If life's full cup shall be my happy por•
With thankful joy I'll drink the precioue
If death, my waiting soul noross life's
But little sooner to my home 'twill waft,
'They tell me yon work for a dollar a
!tow is it you clothe your six boys on
such pay ?"
•'I know you will think it conceited and
But I do it Unease I'm a good financier.
"There's Pete, John, Jim and Joe, and
\Cdlium and
A half-dozen boys to bo olothed end fed.
"And I buy for them all good, plain vie
tants 10 eat;
But olothing—I only buy clolbi':i for
"When Pete's Mathes are too small for
hint to got an
My wife makes 'em over and gives 'am
to John.
"When for John, who is ten, they novo
grown ant of date,
She jnet makes 'em over for Jim, who in
"When for Jim they become too ragged
to fiix,
She juet makes 'em over for Joe, who is
"And when little Joseph cart wear them
no more,
She jest makes 'em over for Bill, who is
"And when for young Bill they no longer
will do
She just makes 'out over fur Ned, who is
"So ,you see 11 I get enough clothing for
The family is_ furnished with clothing
"But when Ned has got through with the
clothing, and when
Fie hoe thrown it aside, what do you do
with it then V"
"Why onoe more we go round the circle
Add begin to ueo it for patches for Pete."
Dominion 1)i hulls 114000 S4etel.y.
Tne annual meeting of this eoeiety was
held in the coasted ohamber, Clinton, on
Wednesday, 21st., the attendance being
sonto'shub below that in previous years,
but a ill )nage and representative. Tbo
president, John McMillan, 111 P., mon.
pied the alum. The repot of the ootmnil
for the past year, and the financial abate:
manta of the ofaoore, were very satisfac-
tory. About 350 entries have been re.
c;eiyed for the third volume, and the cash
baleime in bank is over $1,300, with no
liabilities, Tho reeommeodatious and
d'ecieious of the C mucin were approved
by the meeting. Thant include the ens.
pension of all members who aro over. two
years in arrears for 0110001 dues et Feb;
ler, 1838, n0 lumber to be allowed the
privileges o1 regisbrntion uule00 be be
nlen' of all arrear0gos at the time of
makihir au entry ; the reduction of the
annual duos front $1 to 50 00nts ; and
other provisions regarding the issuing of
duplicate eortifteatcs of registration, and
etre, ,gtheling the onfegaurde ago Met
trued in pedigrees.
The present membership or the Society
t 2 , The inaonetstene.' and un -
is shun GO y
just dieoriminabion against Canadian re-
gfatee by the 3.1. 8. Treasury department
Woe shown in the foot that no Canadian
regi010r is now eufflcionb to secure free
mamma 001ry for breeding anhnals 1111.
ported into the U. S. from Canada, al-
though our regis1000 require fully ae
11ig11, mut i11 00m0 came a higher, stand.
fad than the American bales. The
hooka of othee foreign 'countries aro how.
men recogniead by ear neighbors, in -
chiding the Soloot Clydesdale Stud Book
of Saotlaud, whose basis is prooisoly the
same ON that of the Dominion Draught
Soniety. Canadians are informed by the
Department that they mon rogieber their
stook in the Amorieal books if they wish
to pass the (Inatome free, all of whloll of
00ore0 10 in the interest of the Amoriean
registering aeeoolalione, who ratio in good
Canadian dollare outlet their increneing•
ly high tarill of registration foes,
The election of (Aileen for the current
year restated in the nnaminoue ee•ele0•
tion of the old stuff, except that J,4tt140
Connolly, of Goderioh bownohip, takes
the position of treasury, and Thomas
McLaughlin, of Grey, was added to the
Council, vine 1. 1. Fisher, who retired
owing to failing health.
Considerable businee was 'done of a
routine ollara0ter, after wllioh the mash.
ing adjourned and the new Connell or.
ga0iz0 1 and arranged the matter coming
within thele guidance.
Judge 01'axent'e Proverbs.
Some men rabble around in the ofllaee
they hold like buck shot in a bushel mez-
Thar ain't =toll news in a President's
Tho way to git at the right ov a politi•
kle mezzurs is to try it on the people.
Millionaires niut eo bad till they git to
bn;vin offices.
Pollitioke is mighty thin whoa you gib
all the dirt scraped off.
Pattriotiem ter penehune only i0 bad
Defensive partyzanship is all rite.
Does the pollitikle wimnten know what
they wont ?
Some men 000111E love tiler oountty
of it womb far the ufiooe.
Resolve : That you will load an up.
right and noble life.
As yon will promptly break this reSo•
lution it will ease any qualms of con-
science you may liovo at breaking any
Resolve : That you will epenlc nothing
but good of your friend..
In this way yon will be able to tell
very shortly how very few friends you
Resolve : That you will never drink
Then fa' It couple of weeks you can
tell your friends that you break your
good resolution merely to drink with
them, and they will feel very, very happy.
Resolve : Not to marry.
If married already, point to this reso'
1014011 at the end of the year with pride.
If a female (which it is to be hoped you
are n0t,) tell all the men about it.
Resolve : That yon will be prudent and
economical during the entire year.
If you are not all will be well, 101.3,00
will probably have to be ecommnieal next
year to make up for it,
Resolve : Not to tell your girl of your
New Year's resolutions.
She is probably a trusting toning ing thing
and it will rand her hoe's to learn that,
after n11, you are not actually divine as
she had supposed.
w'4N4D£:00I'r, ETE%'I's.
(Proal Linden 'Groh Press and A,lvortisor,l
Certain wonderful oven to that moor
frau week to week, are recorded in our
daily prese, and create 010011 surprise
and .011 for comment amongst all classes
of nor pr,pnlatinn. Our people are gniek
to discern grand and worthy deeds ; they
feel that in some degree men and women
are made better, and that not viths'anct-
1ng the fact that the world is evil, there
is still something worth living and work.
ing for. Certain newspapers have in.
formed ns of great and mighty aures,
which to one class iu pa'tieular t1m so
recorded events have proved a ble sing,
and broneht comfort and chaos to many
despondent hearts. Week after wrote we
have had proof of men end W0111011, old
and ynanet, who were saved from the
cl.rk tomb threngh the newer an ;moody
that not uoe paper in Canada had. the
generosity to mention the name, save the
London Free Press and Ad vertise', 0(n1p•
ly becalm° they war" not pair) for >trive:.
tieing this remedy.. This shows a most
wonderful pecuniary principle on ,he
part of an otherwise generous press. The
principle of the London papers is to de.
pl0re such a state of affairs and to :dee
fair eublieity to all worthy preparations.
It therefore is a pleaenro fo' no to rive
tato honorable name of this wonderful
medioine known as the Royal Crown
Remedy. It seems to be able to take
hold of the worst cases—those for wham
phy'ioians held out no hope, who were
pronounced beyond all earthly help. The
weak, nervous, sleepless, despondent,
morose, dyspeptic and rheumatic are
given new life, end anxious parents and
relatives are filled wi'h joy. All this has
been ao0onpli0hed by Williams' Royal
Crown Remedy Sales last ,year alone
nm0anting to thousands of dollars, and
it was never known to ' be advertised in
sly paper in this O'antry. This unpar-
alleled r000rd gives it first piton in pnnnt
or sales, and pr.mes it to bo the greatoOt
modiolus the world of 00ielloe has yet
produced. The peoprietm•e being 1111 man
benefactors and deairn„0 that all the
world may be benefitted, have remodeled
the package, enlarged the bottlee, and do.
aided to place it in every drug stare
throughout the aiv(lizo'l worm!, anti truly
snob grand and noble works benefit us as
G nation, and future gelerati ma will
Moss the name of the great disooverer of
1h0 grandest remedy ever given to suffer.
ing humanity:
e (10011 Mid Times.
It le well, as an old deacon used to 00y,
to "orient up our bin.sings" 0004aionelly,
anti this is the way the American Buono-
miat compares the present ownclitiml of
111e farmer with the "good old time. ;"—
Deelnite all the tall` about the hared.
ships of the former, 110 is n king ane.
pared t0 his fabler of 31'1411rIfnther.
If he doubts, let him hunt up 1h0 old
gentleman's clay -book of forty years ago,
and note the pekoe thou
,\ bushel nP Wheat. 40011111 blt,y'7 of l4
barrel of salt'; it will now buy two
A bushel of corn would buy 7,1 pounds
of eager ; to• lay it will buy .12+$ pounds.
Ten 3000ls of batter bought 331 ,yards
rd 0ot1on cloth then ; now it purchases
48,1 yards.
Ton pounds of 0110080 were worth 25
pounds or 410110 ; the cheese now pays
for 54 pends of nails.
A, pound of washed wool grown ten
yenta before the war 14Oltld buy Ora-flf,h
of a barrel of salt, 3 0 0 ponnda of 00ga:,
'S 2.8 yards of cotton cloth or 10 pone 3
of !WIS. To day hie ono pound of wont
will pay for 1 of 14 barrel of atilt, 8 pounds
of sugar, 01 yards of 0o110n Moth unit 22
pounds of units,
These figures are based on New York
city prico0, But as a matter of fact he
never realized anything like those prices
in his ileal market,
Freights were high and whon tho oast
of bringing produce to the New York mar•
kelt wan doduoted from New York prime
for farm prodnoo, and the coot of bring-
ing the morehe0cfise 500)0 New York to
the village store at which 11e traded woe
added to the price of what ho bought,
the average farmer was really not more
than half as well off ten years before the
war an our figures would indioate.
For iuetauce, in 1857 it oast 251 cents
to bring a beetle] of wheat by the ohcap•
est route from (Jhioago to Now York ; in
1.801 it cont less than six ciente,
Surrounded by these conditions life on
the farm lens Hard indeed. Calico and
Kentucky jean had to do for Sunday
garments, and an ox•oart in which to
ride bo church was the height of style,
Luxuries for the table wore ahnost
unknown ;johnnycake and wilt pork
was a princely diet,
Those were days of hard times when
the farmer cradled kis grain and raked
and bound it by Hand.
He toiled early and late, saved and
scrimped, and received lees for a week of
hardest toil than the farmer in 1802 re-
ceives for a single day's pleasant ride on
a mowing maohino ora oelf.bindor,
Let us have no more of such "good old
Profits of a Prfnee !:divan! Farnt,
The following statement of the expon•
sea and roturns of a Prince Edward farm
will be read with interest.
Hallowell, Deo. 5, 1802.
Statement of products grown and sold
from farm during season of 1892, by re.
quest of Jos. Hart,
Delivery of peas to the Cleveland
Seed Go.
Delivery of green and ripe pro.
duos to the A. C. Miller di Co.,
and the Bollevillo canning
Tbo'botal precinct from 8 cows
and 3 two•year.old heifers in.
eluding cheese cheques, sale of
butter and veal calves
Returns from apple crop, in -
eluding apples sold in barrel,
apples for evaporating and
Fat hogs sold
1 horse Bold
Clover seed estimated
Total receipts
Cost of labor and all help hired
except m, self and wise $ 198
Aetna' expenses for running
farm for past year, such as
taxa=, bbwlcsmithing, hard-
ware, tinemithing, harness
shop, shoemaker, dry goods,
groceries, dreg store, bread
bill and threshing moohtno
✓ alue of seed pons from the
Cleveland Seed Co
✓ alue of s'ed peas, tomato
plants from canning factory 31
Totnt expenses $ 981
Net proceeds 10011
Number of acres in farm 180.
Arras under hay and pasture 32
" " serieg wheat IU
" summer fallow 12
" silo corn 2
Total 50
No. of acres under crop 80.
The spring wheat crop unsold ; also 1
0pan of matched horses.
The ftwin1 pasta'08 20 head of horses
and cattle,
Value of farm $8000. Total sales for
the three past seasons 30834.
$ 1088
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6,i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Ayer's PHM
Are compounded With the vi r- '
general usef111111'oe and 111)3?r'1 ".
They are composed of `ho
vogetablo aperitif: Ln.i^, i .:..•
sugar. ccatinr.
solvent 1) .11
their fat y:',,, nu.1 ,''
them en:;y t•, a..:(e, eitb:t'
young. For canslipn('.•.•1, c, r
cia, biliouraoall, 411e.,0
the 001111104) dual i
Stet/turfs, 9 lvC` ,
also to rhe 9 0.11a a la
Pille -
Air t i'va
Uniiko ot', rat1.-1,
of Ayers t'it's iti to ro'1
the txeutasy ert s "1
them their 1c n'r'ttt en..1 .4.11 i
Men. Dnctc.s
thorn. In riuto <,r ltnu4,.11 14 ,
titian, they 1,240 n14Y y.s ' .
their popaln4r:ty roe a fa .14 4
Inseine, beinvorg
in 3 0 t. i t.,,r t i,
boas in vials auu ay a
for Immo sac or 3,±0.-;.•;.1,
aro preferable to r ,r u.,:
you ova, triad shirr:.'?
Preparedby Dr,d,C'. '.ye iCn :-n. :'
Sold b5 011)n ,a ,d.. •
Lavc)'y C,:30 Effoz5v,a T. Fletcher, Brussels.
McLF() D'S
System Renovator
—AND 0111E8 ------
For Impure, Weak and Itnpoverislttd
Blood, Dyopepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nour•
eight, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis', Con-
sumption, Gull stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
J'. M. 111eLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer,
Sold by 1, PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com.
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels,
weekly Free Press
von 1sO:3.
$I,00 Both Papers for $1.00
Enlarged and Improved.
A High -Class Family Paper.
1(4,011 NCII1110)11 WILL CONTAIN :
REV. Dr. TALMAGE'S SERMON delivered the
Sunday previously.
W.11ttilMAN'S WA01ERINes.
AosaeunrcnAL MATTEII--Illustrated.
Lanuts' Panto—Illustrated,
A 5401141. TALE, and other interesting
reading matter.
Price, Ono Dollar n rear in advance for Ills
MEEKLY 010840 0100844 sed CARO AM)
1110)13-4 a all la pages.
8010100 Of 1400 (roe to new subscribers.
Agents wanted in ovary nnreprooatO, Ms.
1l'i01 t0 enlielt snbsmripOnus.
LONDON, - 000.010.
Now that Jack Frost has re.
sumed business and Winter has
come to hand a wall made, cem-
fortable, stylish cutter will bo a
neeceess;,ittty. �!/ iA� t4.�C�+s[,.��I,�-�u
61 ,LS. �l ei .k>tr'cira�Rn�`"s1R,
Can make your old Cutter
almost as good as new
Repairs neatly and promptly ex-
ecuted. Old rigs refitted, paint-
ed and trimmed.
J -as. Walker,
Practical Watchmaker
and JewlJelel''.
Thanking the militia for pout favors and
support anti whaling etill to 000000
your patronage, we are open1ug
out bull Linos in
Silver Plated Ware
Due",num-�,0'0.F 3u 0
THE LEADER Fe 1892-93
Our line of Buse Burners i3? more Colin:dein than ever before,
"Ila17140t Moine," "Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant
Peninsular," &e, These stoves are constructed in the most m0(10200
style, and are the roost powerful Double Musters outdo. `Clary are
finished in the highest style of the art and we warrant everyone
good baking ovens, If you are in need of a Parlor Cook, be sure
and see our stock before purchasing.
"Evening Light" and ".Lyndon" Heaters
Are greatly improved this season and are selling fast tinct giving
good satisfaction. We will take your old stove.
Handsome Ranges 1
We carry a stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect.:
Second Hand Stoves1
Our second hand stoves are going off fast. If you want one, you -
inust secure it early. They aro good ones and cheat.
Just opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night
Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Tray's.
TVe 'Bee .ire„ Grory,
This old, reliable institution is still in the van of progress and
is well prepared to cater to the wants of the public at this Season. -
A Fine Stock of
In Stone and China. They are dandies. Elegant dishes in Eng-
lish Stoneware selling Cheap. Also Glassware, &c.
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Fruits,
,S'u. a7's, Cail•necZ Goods, 5'e.,
Fresh, Nice and sold at Close Prices.
Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and
W. H. McCrac.:",.en.
IS 0101":E.R.MTG
20 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for $1.
25 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar for $1
A large assortment of the Choicest
Fruits of the Season.
Our Teals and Coffees are too well knovai
to need a,:.y Reoommendaetioa .
The Largest Assortment of Glasswara and Crockery .ever
shown in 13lt$SelS, consisting of
.Plain a7 3Z faner/ Chinas and Glassware,
Decorated (511(1 Pi'in./'ecl Tea and Dinner Set ,;
Decorrf;lecZ anzcl Pr'ifzlod Toilet Sets,
from Established and Reliable Makes
fully warranted by us. Fresh Bread and`s1 ,1kyes always OA hand
Clocks of' the
Latest Design.5'
Witnntso RIcos,
Ii' onese00,110,
t i'Also a full .Lino of Vioeoe and
Violie Strings, d'a., i11 atonic,
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
it..-Isstn'ol. of Marriage Lleens0s.
Orders left for Christmas Cakes
have our Prompt Attention.
'..tOAD1 71=
.-., w.Jasot,+rlystttr6