HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-23, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST IP YCQT?IR, S ,aBlai1 - 6 L1.UOL Ts reeiniring More Nuke to reeletnlsh the library I will be pleased to supply you. We have full sate of Pansy and lilsie seriea besides many other lines. No trouble to seleob from our clock as we huy only those suitable for tleltbatth Schools, If we should not havo sullietent in stools we will older double whet you .may require so as to leaveplouty to aa)eet from, No need to go to the city to buy libraries as we can siva you beth money sant time, HELPS FOR TEACHERS. We have 1'..l':•uhcts' notes in 1tnok and eau gniukly get you any other you may prefer. A +net'ry Christmas and a happy Now Year to you all. Wo thank our many customers for thele liberal patronage mud hope for a L101111nua1108 of the same, G. A. DEAD1IAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains fence Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorge Senmu, Gorg° NemTw, Matt... .. 7:15 a,w, ' Mixed 9.40 a,m, Express 11:09 arm. I Mail 3:13 p.m. Mixed ...., ., 8:30 p.m. Express 0:36 min. c: ttiii oro 1.ebt15 rem, A chicl's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Goon sleighing. Noatn,`twzo e day next Monday. A r'Ety weddings are on the Lapis, Beam now for THE PosT for 1893. THE sleighing livened business up. Manny CllnrsTIIA0 t0 all our readers. RENEW at once for THE Pose for .1897. isocnoa Division Court on the 2711 . inst. t Pone. reached 87.25 an Brussels mar t• ket Ibis week. NExT Monday will be generally observ. . ed as a public holiday. Ilona Templars Council next Tuesday evening. Installation of offimers. _ ALL the members of the present Council in Brussels are in the field tut reelection. BnUS0ELS School Board i5 asking fe tenders for stuve wood. Ile advt. ap ' pears in thie issue. 3 1899.—In this now year 000o to slaw! the Queen's Birthday comes on Wednes- s day; Dominion Day on Saturday and to Christmas on Monday. t Ix addition to the present Board the u mimes of Rev. J. Ross, B. A., H. Dennis, he Dr. Graham and A. Reid are mentioned W as possible candidates for seats at the a School Board. h KNox Cnue a.—Rev, D. Millet's sub- u_ ject on Sabbath forenoon will be "Look. ao ing Backward" (Luka 19, 8, "This year to Riaksw your subsoription to Tem R,1rI ', rsns 31130 have not settled tax `s are asked to do 80 '1t &nee. know, (derma vu 1'hur•sdtay and will t'e.0pel 01 `l'usaday, January 8rd. Trio financial a1atemeut Is before the electnre. Look it over and acme to the neutu,ation, Damn, STI WART y wheel t0 thea woollen factorytS of hisd al Howe & Co. no is ready to attend to skate eliarpening, scissor grinding, &c„ Ju cuuuecliuu with bis own bu.Jnese, I'oe7'A1AeTnn FAi,Row 1131118 faint With people wleo address papers and lettere with a lead pencil instead of pen and ink as the writlog 18 often alnloet unreadable after being handled and tossed about in a mail bag. Use a pen is the remedy. 80oxxlslt 0onoe11 under the auspices of 1138 Seals of Sootlau:I will be held in the Town ITall,13rassel8, ou Sue no' aoniver- snrq', Jaul, 3511), Comic vocs'ist Ram- say, of Toronto, and other equally noted persons will take part, 1ouN A1mN7, of Arnold, Bros., was away Ude week in Grey County prospecting for a site for saw and shingle mill and stave factory. Suitable timber for their busi nese is getting mane in this locality, Tin: Yu: T would be very sorry to see them leave town as 111011 annual expenditure for timber, wages &o„ will run between 00,000 and 810,000. METHODIST Cnunon.—Last Sunday afternoon instead of the review a mis- sionary iefternoun was epeut with the Sunday so11oo1. Beadings were given by bliseee Mina Turnbull and Minnie Mo - Naughton ; quartette, "Go and T,•II the Story,' by plisses Nellie Ward and Lily Thorne and J. Spenoe end Nelson Gerry ; ducal, "Jess for 111s Sake," Ae:4ie and t Beryl Putland ; selections from the f orchestra and school ; addressee by Rev. t R. Paul, See. G. F. Salton and the sup- e eriutendeu1. A missionary oolleetinn was taken and thehandeome sum of 829,25 1 realized, Bach class will receive orerlit p for the amount contributed in the annual ,rented missionary rel•ort—Sixteen per - .ons expressed a desire to lead Christian yes at 1130 Evangelistic meeting held at be close u£ last Sunday evening's public etvice. Rev. Josias Green, of Gurgle, ill occupy the pulpit next Sabbath a,m. 'ley. Mr. Salton will preaoh a sermon to P be Sabbath school at Corrie the same icy and hour.—Go the afternoon of n :Monday, Dec. 26613, the Sunday sohol •opine will go fora sleigh ride, if roads S cid weather permit, and on the return a a3131t eaoie) will be given is the school n tae. A short progreln of interest to mall fork will ee given early in the ', inc. aeeneos AND Pnnone ATrON.—Wednes- y afternoon the pupils of Principal ;.aw's room took edvautage of the clos. exe'ols8 and presented their much pp me Ray chairlfollowing address sd teacher with a w , Theas rad by Miss Clara Bunter :— Ir. Joint Shaw, POoT, knowledge, to 01111111110 and develop th 0 their facultiee of the mind, to prepare your. ro't'es E•i" m. Cu +ienrl +rnd Urd LI,. ter dieoherge of your cicalae is after life, 'file objeot of your ilursuii-.The Temple of Fame --le eitcated on 1110 top of a very high and steep rneanteln, and the only way to get there ie by olimbmg, If you would get there, it will not do for you to stand still, looping and wishing you were there, you must go to work with the energy, will and determhlntou of a 1liulntbal scaling the Alps, and pees onward foot by foot and step by step with your /toe .resolutely set toward the top, and bear In mind Illat at elegy „18p you take you are phasing tile spot where ihotlsandp and tens of thous- ands have lfalted, never to go farther. Remember that If your lessons ooneafced us, difficulties they would be Vrtlhel0se to you. In addition to the fact that in overcooling these difficulties your inlet, l8a1 is compelled, iu a measure, to take a firmer and 311008 oonpreheusive grasp of the prinuiplee itivdlved. Tbo daily habit of sucoesfuily Doping with difficul- ties gives the mind a power and vigor whish it would never otherwise p„areas. Remember that the difference between men is not 8o much one of talent as per- severanee,energy and unconquerable de. termination. If you have greet talents diligence will improve them, if but mod. erat0 ability industry will supply the deficiency. In your historical reading you will see malty points to admire and Worthy of imitation in the obaracter of great men, You will also meet with traits in these characters whish it would not be well for you to practice. When you meet with men like Socrates imitate how fee ttloir wisdom ; feel) like Croner or their bravery ; men like Aristides for heir justice ; Demonsthenes for his loquenoe ; and teat but not least Jesus Christ iu everything. I now close wish - ng one and all success in your work, rusperity in after life, a sferry Christ. nae and at Happy New Year. Business Locals. to two to des, over 1310 a8- et. the ts, on - be nd ble Y's Of M. es r. i - ng d, 0. 13 fl k e3' 0 d y t S1'oyOW00D for sale at kfcCraetcen's Fon the best and finest photos go eerv'0. GET a flue photo of yourself for B t• Perry's. Go11FO1TABLe 110080 to let. Apply .33. Smile. WM. BL0Onn.L pays cash for hd skins and poultry. Foal your ph,.tos go to Strong's Standard Bank. A tom of fanny trays, latest patte at B. Gerry's. Late, pork and sausage at Wm. BI hill's meat market. SPECIAL bargains in Photos for Chri 311140. H. J. Strong. Brace diamond axes that stand test, at 13. Gerry's. Tee beat value in robes, horse blanke &o., at I. 0. Richard's. GALLElir .open ou Christmas M day. H. J. Strong. THE nioesb stook in kid gloves can found at Ferguson & Halliday'e, IN silverware a full assortment a latest designs, at 13. Gerry's. floe and oold lunch at any seasons hour, at J. MoAlpine'e restaurant. Casa paid for raw furs of all kinds. I. 0. Richards. NOTHING Meer than one of Pert' photos of yourself for Xmas present J. 110Ai,eme has the Largest stook confectionery in town. Call and see hi BEET by the quarter al bottom pric at W. Blashill's, the old reliable butohe LEAvE your order fora first-class guar e1 of beef at Wnt. Blashill'e, the leadi betoher, 070TEEe served in any style—slewe fried, raw or by the glass at J. 111 Alpine's. H. J. STRONG, photographer, is givin 15 photos for the pride of a dozen cut the new year. L3,mn lieiER WO do no second class war in the photo line. II. J. Strong, eve Standard Bank. NICE new stook In gentlemen's tie collar and cafe for Xmas trade ab Fer gusou & Halhday's. Confectionery of all kinds cheap. Fin lot of grapes, orat,ges and lemons just t hand. J. McAlpine, A (I.3E a65ortment of trunks an valises always on hand and sold ver cheap. I. 0. Richards. A LOT of nice hanging lamps with de aerated shades, also a good assortment o vase lamps, latest styles at 33. Gerry's. X OUT saws the best ie the world "Forest Beauty,” "Head of Any," "Gal Racer," "Maple Leaf," at reduced price at 13. Gerry's Look I Look 1 Look 1 at T. Fletoher's window and if you do nob see what you avant call in. No trouble to show and explain goods and prioos. Tea Esterbrook Steel Pen Co,, 26 John Street, New York, are offering 81,000.00 in prizes for poems on Esterbrook'a Pens. Send them postal for circulars explain. fug. Serr . to the front with a well bought seleotion of gold and silver watahee. Jewellery of every description, whish will be offered to the public at very low prima. My goods are warranted or no sale. T, Fletcher, WITH many clergymen, public speak. era, singers and actors Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the favorite remedy for hoareenoes and all affections of the vocal organs, throat and lungs. Its anodyne and expectorant effects are promptly realized. Beeman Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- fahes from 1191009, blood spavins, onrbs, splints, sweenev, ring.bone, stiles, sprains, all swollen bhroate, eta. Save 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, "A 8:1,33(11 in the grass " is all the more dangerous from being uneuspeotetl. So any of the blood medicines offered ublio. To avoid all risk tisk your est for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and also iyo''s Almanao, tvhichfa luta out for ew year, Ise—Where did you pureh1180 that iful nein ring and pretty gold 7 and 011, my 1 what a beautiful that is on the mantle 1" Do you my pa was down to Mr, Flntoher's, a bonntlful stook he has in his el ch "Why eyes, Ivo bought them all at W1 Airs h diggin ed to in a Wells shape. DEAR TEACHER.—At this glad gift giving eason we feel It our ditty and pleasure show, in a small way, our thanks for he deep iutereet you have manifested in s as our instructor, especially so as we tow that these ties are to be severed. e thank you sincerely for the patience nd forbearance shown and the ear8 you ave taken in storing our minds.with eful information• Will you piece sept this easy chair as a slight memeia• of our united regard for you, at the a'so" In the evening his teat will be taken from. Matt, 1, 23, "Emmanuel God with us." Hrorsaour,.—The bonds of wedlock were consummated between Alex. Nichol and Bliss Eliza Hanna, bath of t11e 6th line, Morris, at the residence of Rev. D. Millar, Brussels, on Wednesday of this th am same time we wish to express our great regret at your ceasing to be our teacher. Wo hope you will be spared many years to enjoy the good things of this world and that amidst them all that you will nob forget your old pupils of Brussels Public ecbool. Wishing you the compliments of e season we snbsoribe ourselves Yours Soaoow ani, PUPILS. Brussels, Deo. 21, '99. The presentation was made by Miss Dbra Nott and Reggie Fletcher. In reply M. Shaw addressed hie olass for nearly half an hour, The following is a summary of his remarks :—Deni Pnr1Ls,—I thank- fully aooeptMitt appropriate and useful token of your regard. When I look upon this o13a1r and w1Yeu I et in it, then will I see with the mental eye those who now sit before me ; then will I think of the scene of this dare proceedings. Now that the time has arrived which brings to an end our relations as teacher and pupils, I am anxious to embraoe this opportunity of offering you a few words of advice. The day is not far distant when your school days will terminate, butyou must not think for a moment that when that comes your education is completed, in foot you are only laying the foundation of that work which will not be completed until you die. Then you start into the world to gain a portion of its goods by the sweat of your brow ; then you will begin to carve your for. tuuee. You may have friends to cheer you on, books to aid you and multitudes of help, but after all, upon your own individual exertions depend the position you occupy and the influence you are to exert in society. Should you meet with difficulties and obstacles in your path dont feel in the least disoouraged or des. heartened, remember that all great learn• ed men once learned to read their A B C's. Even Mir Isaac Newton, who meas- ured tbo dietanoes of the planets and revealed the secrets of waters, at one time did not know the totters of the alphabet. You will al ways find it to your advantage Lo be engaged in picking up a few pebbles on the there of that vast ocean of Tenth, which Bpreade itself In pr08peotive view before the eyes of a departed Newton, inohort, "Find teugues in trees, books in the running' brooks, sermons iu stones and good in every. thiug." Think of the triumph of some of those ahose names are famous in history, Simpson, who studied maths• mottos at the loom ; Hugh Miller, who mused on goo Gay when 11e was hewing stones ; Ferguson, Who %Melted the stars as he tended bio flocks ; faraday, who made 0hernicel experiments when he was a journeyman book binder ; Robert Burns, who carolled his sweetest songs as he followggt the plough ; Franklin, who drew the lightning from the clouds where he kept a printer's 8110;1 ; Abraham Ltneolla was born in a but and died inhabiting a pinnae. Hs wail a laborer, a rail eviltter, n, boat -man, n groper's boy, a private soldier, m captain of volunteers, a member of Conger:ss and Peosident of the Unittd States, He is called the s of the Negro race and the second n3' of hie country 13y common can00nt 119 is placed in the great master roll of. fume by the side of Washington. You are sent here by your pai'ent8 day after duy, week after week, lnonah after month, and 1137ay Bay year after year, week. Slim Janet Nichol and Willi Emma were the attendants. WE mny expect new calendars,—Santa Claus on Saturday night.—Tea meetings, socials, &c.—Roast turkey and plum padding.—pfunieinal matters to take front place for a week or so.—Good resolutions to he formed for 1893. --Good skating at Maitland rink:—Xmas dis- plays by the butchers. t.OnE changes have been made in the 33rd Huron Battalion. They are me fol- lows r•—No. 9 Company, Exeter --Second Lieut, Herman Leavitt Billings, leaving left limit , his name is removed from the Pet of officers of the active militia. No. 3. Company, Gerrie—Secand Lieut. Wm. Eamilton Macdonald retires from the service. BEFORE school closed Miss Abraham was made the recipient of a plush toilet ones containing mirror, brush and comb, and a bottle of perfume, by her pupils. Miss Maud Abraham fess also kindly remembered and received a volumn of Longfellow's poems, silk handkerchief, lace conal', &o., from the scholars of the primary department. The gifts were ap propriately aokuowledged by the y'onng ' ladies. AlsLVILLE Ganem,—Last Sunday Rev. .1. Rose, B. A,, preached anniversary sermons at Seaforth and took part in the annual gathering on Monday evening. His pulpit -wag occupied by Rev. S. Jones in the morning, the reverend gentleman discoursing eloquently from Psalm 137 sud 2nd verse, "We hanged our harps an the willows iu the midst thereof." His divisions, lifter the introduction deaori;.- tive of the captivity of the Jews in 'Babylon, were (1) Christians are the aubjecis of j. y, they have harps ; (2) They aro the subjects of sorrow, they hanged their harps on the willows ; (3) They are the subjeate of hope, their harps Isere not broken. R F. Cameron, Knox College student, pre,el:ed a very intents/ • ing sermon in the evening on Christian Eriendahip as evidenced in the case of David and Jonathan.—Next Monday evening a Sunday school social will be held preceded by a sleigh ride. 6011007. EXA1nNATION.—On Friday atter• often of last week the Christmas examen• ation of the Primary Departm et of %lrussels Public school was 1101/1, There • were nineteen lady visitors While ye editor was the only re it:mm.4s,ism of the daddies of thio municipality. Tho little folk aegt ltted theineel es very credit. :ably Mcleod and their ,Idick and cite answers gave ample evidence of the starer& tewbing of Mute Mand ]praise, After the lessons wore over the &literea presented an interesting program of aortas, readings, recitations, an. Those Raking part were :—deunie Walker, 1+au- tnfe 'Thomson, Lesko Kerr, Charlie inose Rich arc ,, Myrtle Hunter, ''tank De de, Fath Beryl P,.iland• Mary Williams, Georgic 130-s, lawn S oft, Lity and Violet 440pee, Ter Poss. regrets the necessity of a change of teachers in this Depart• m0n1 a0 .d ie0 Abin11nm has done ouch excellent went. Wo hope hoe enaoeseor, for on are m the p Bragg fur 1 the n "311 beset watch olook knew what line. T. FI DLI.•DitiniNO AND DRMLW(1,—G801'ge AV 1,1l the tmeeeeary machinery for g end drilling wells and 10 prepay - attend to all work entrusted to him way that will Insure eatisfn0tfon, cleaned out and put in proper Terms ressonab18. Rcsidenee door north of the htidgo, wast side of'Carnberry At., Brussels. 814f e of the bight St and most import- second ll1165 000por, will be equally eacaeesfoi, i ant °Means et Lilo ago ; ..To acquire • DEQ, 23, 1892 ialaNa SJ.4,NDO 2 1) Bil,N1< OF C4X iD✓l p� _413. 3'1 , � "' i l��'7�r>74T���A� 4"���1tD'§�pq y ��,,, ,1,1.5. saes m 3Tteletr, 1C..... ° ,'q Y M,7. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. I _____ I ASSISTM, . (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000lOur kitook is Largo, CAPITAL (Antl1orized) • - 89,000,009 ' Tl; in Easy to Select frr,ui Agencies In 3311 principal points in Ontario, Quebec. Jinni fad. 1y/tiled Shatz s3 l.nfP stall. I N00180 0180 t0 10011 jalselY)101'o, f rs'3e`y`.IQ S° 'ceatyc`JZ'a A General Banking Business Transacted, Fanners' Notes Dlsoosnted, Drafts Issued and Culleotions made on an 11011110. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depasite of 81.00 and upwards front date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yenrly, SPECIAL ATTENTION 0I7EN TO '1'133' COLLECTION ON 1!'An11131(e' SALE Nene. Every feteility affurdad Customers living at a distance. W. D, HART, MANAGER. can 81e°e.fM[55.5.:• •••---5.111- .anLlR619515551 m9K.1:1951„ •ILLI ES SMITES ANq B R, U S S TH.30.8 Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain, F1\1111E135' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, tee r 1 GT N iii R c7,O, 4. Wi 211,MYi4`e Lnlerest Allowed on One Dollar told Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- i:wended Twice a Year, Tieing Ad(lerl to the Prinnipttl a ithe end of tho Month) of October and April. Special Arrangements matte for Time Deposits. 01'8 elreet 10 write tnsurnneo In old !English of Cnnnd tau Companies, or In 115,11. lm1 Companies 3 8 may 119 desired. AuENTo FOE CANADA AND UNI'T'ED STA'rl 9 : Tun CANADIAN BAER OF COJIe1EnoE. FENCE POSTS WA/MED.—The under- signed will pny the highest cash price • for any quantity of sound cedar fence pasts, delivered at Brussels. For parti- culars apply to I1. Leatherdale, Brus• eels. MOM=_ SToUTtaERs.—In Vine, on Deo. 5th, the wife of 1111, Wm. Struthers of a arm, MONmaoL.—In Donegal, on Deo, 9111, the wife of Mr. Coo, 1T°Nichol of a daughter. WALEttn,—In Brussels, m1 Dec. 21st, the wife '.f Mr, James Walker, of a daughter. MARR=Eb, N1an0L—HANNA.—At Brussels, on Wed- nesday, 21st feet„ by the Rev. D. Millar, Mr. Alexander Nioltol, to &Tisa Eliza Hanna, both of 6113 1031. Morris. Timetrso3—Py1E.—At the residence of the bride's step•fabhor, 14th eon, of Grey, on Dec, 1411), by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, Mr. John A. Thompson, of Oregon, to Miss Susan Pyne, of Grey township. SALTER—COOP.SR.—In Wingllam, on Dec. 8th, by the Rev. S. Battery, B. D., Mr. Wm. Salter, of East Wawenosh, to Miss Frances E., daughter of Mr. John Cooper, of this plane. MoN>:vis—ENGLAND,—Om the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev, S. Sellery, B. D., Mr. John MoNevin, to Miss Mary J. England, both of Hingham. xx=a_ TAYLOR.—At the family residence, 504 King street, London, on Deo. 17111, Mary Anne Taylor, beloved wife of Wm. Taylor, and mother of 1t. L. Taylor, Berrister,of Brussels, aged 75 years. NEAn.—In West Nissouri, on Deo. 10, Mise Near, aged 81 years. 8R•3.7MS}72,5 S2AZ.",7�}7TS, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls.... lIggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton. Salt per bbl., Hides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Applea per barrel Wool Pork 57 60 55 58 30 00 50 00 24 20 16 17 15 18 3 50 4 00 35 40 6 00 00 1 00 05 8} 8 00 1 00 65 00 1 00 1 50 17 18 7 00 7 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QECOND HAND CUTTER, IN kJ Good Order, for Sale, Apply t0 22.2 DR, GRAHAM, (J ORDWOOD WANTED. —ANY quantity of hard and soft cordwood w anted at Brussels Salt Works. 81.25 to 81.00 per cord for soft wood and 31,00 to 82,00 for hard wood, T. 0omitAN, 12.13 Proprietor, HEIFER CALF FOR SALE,— The above is from a rich butter oorv, nearly mire Jersey. willty her if taken at oo0,. DDAI5 Druggist at Bookseller, Brussels, CAME ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 25, Don. 7, Grey, on or about Ont: let, one Shoop. The owner is requested to 1r070 property, pay expenses and take her away. 22.4 ROSST, DILWORTH. 3'p ENDERS WANTED. 1. Ton10s w111 be received coo l s until Jan. so, sound108, forpeon alto d.wooa, b 60 a de oP gpod alb7 094 , 24 inches begot and maple, all Cody wood, 24 inou li long, to bo use be- fore the FPebre &shy,1808Ilousobo- roro tits 1st day o0. L'obrUary,1808. It. 11088, 24.2 5. 800. Public School Board, 1 OTIOIJ. - ACCOUNTS DUIiI the °elate of the Sato Dr, Pale will be r00eived at Elitol until Dezember Ala, after wvhich data, those roni1,ing unsettled Wlll e p lased in the hands of a o0lleeter. Pu- ttee having chums against the oetate are re- quested to render their aocounte forthwith. Walton Factory. The annual meot)ug of the Walton Union (Shook) incl Butte' Company will be hold In Jo 00p11 Fibber's Nall on 'Tneeday, 27th da ofDaoe,ober,1602 at the hour Of 1991196 p, m. Patrons and sh31reboldere aro requ8ot• ed to be Pca0Out, 23.2 L73W1S MoDONAL4, P0Os.0 33.30. I"ER0738030, Soo. Walter, 3)80, 14,1802, Tenders Wanted. Tenders willbe received up to 4 9, m, ou Dec. 20111 for the removal of tho plaster Oohing in the Methodist 01103'01,, Brussels, and tbo puttiug ou 01 wood moiling, to eon- 5i8t of 0sb, tongued and grooved, not hero than 3 inohus wide. °ailing to receive one 00at of dlltun and two woks of varnish, All material to 100 furnished by contractor. The lowest of tiny tender not necessarily accept- ed, Tender? to he nddreesed to J. T. Pep- per, Seo, of Board. Plans and speellloatious may bo soon at B, Gerry's store. REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE,—'THE UN. DERENban1n has several good Fal'm0 for Salo and to rent, easy terms, in Townshilps of Morris and Grey. P 3, BOOTT,Bruseeie, 87-11, ('1110ICE FARM FOR SALE.— Being arlaod"lds,100 ols,yll cleared.Gobuig fine young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- 808910)3, Easy Tornas, Apply to W. M. SIN OLAIR, tf- Solicitor, &e., Brussels, C(Q ACRE FARM FOR SALE. and 12, eon. 10, Groy its offered foransale. 111 acres are cleared cud the balance well 1fm- bared. Buildings mist-ohnmS. Dreher)3, well, rima School house within 40 rods, Posses- sion given at once if desired, ) or further particulars as to price, tome, ,I:c. apply to 8.1E MRS. WALIoER, or NELSON BRIOTER, on farm. villa P. O. QPLEND.TI) FARM FOR SALE. of Grey. 0 County ta lot and 12, �pcontainingsh200 0ores, the pr oporty of the late Jobn Robert- son. 150 (acres cleared and free from ob. etructione, 1e acres bush, mixed titnbor, balance partly cleared. Rol clay loam, mostly rolling. Feueed with straight rail fences and watered by two veils and a Nandug privilege. Commodious dwelling hoose, with .large woodshed attached anti an barna stone cellar dud other Two tbuild Inge. Pero good 0Om•ieg orchards, orna- meutal trees and small fruits, 45 miles from Brussels, a lively town on tho G. T. R., convenient to schoo), churches and, poet office. This property lies well, is a first - oboe grain and stock farm and ehouhl be seen by lute wileg purobasos 00 it le effer- od at a bargain. For further particulars apply to 1(1)18, JNO. R013E0T SON, or DAN1EL R08ERTSON, on the premises, or by letter to Oranbrook P. o. 39.4 Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 2887, chap. 110, the creditors of Matthew Gib- son,late of the Township of Morrie, in the Oounty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died 1111 or about the drat day of Deomnbor, A.D. 1805, are hereby notified and rognhed to send in ou or before Saturday, 1110 1411h Lay or Jauunay, A. D. 000(0, by poet, pre- Cpaid, or otherwise deliver to William M. ountyrr,1 uro,,, solicitor in the Sim- eon stud James Moses, the l;xeontore named in Matthew Gt ibaon,l demased, testament the and enraaam00, addressee and descriptions, the full partioulare of their accounts or claims and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them. And further take uotioe that the said Llx- eontors will proceed after the said Fourteen- th deyof January, to disbrtbn to the as of the tl ed thereto having reaad gard of lyeto3the claims of which they shall Bien have 1lotlee, and they will not bo reepousible for the said assets or sonrisoetorncioperns oreoffwbosoflmmclaim notice 011011 not have been 1'08elvotl at the time of anon cliotrleutton, 24 4 WILLIAM S l of for for ; Executors, 13ramie's, Doe. 10,1892, Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the ori. tate of John Slemmn, late of the Township of Grey, in the °aunty of Rural, 'yeoman, who died on m' about the Sixth day of Sep- tember, 18112, aro 1011031aid, On 01 boforo tbo 10111 Day of January, 18011, to send to tau undersigned, duo of the executors of the last will of the deoeaee3, fan 31arbledare of their onai of of verified, After the said 10th y Jamul the 7lxoou1ors will proceed to dis tribe to theeatale 3110001tbos0 entitled floret°, having referonee only to the claims of which notice shall have then been 1OOeiv- ed and niter such mist ribation the Exomutore Will not bo teepe,si),le for soy pars f tltu estate to any 8redit01 of w)o05 c(al •n they shall not.11avo molest' 1,01100 at 4110 lime of 00831 tliobriblltlou, 'l'llis 1101100 is 13)3110ot to 811113310 le bbab bo11aif, 118.4 WILLIAM SIAISIMt1N, lameutor, GroY, Doo.1•l,Yb02. Ethel 1',O. VETERINARY. D, WAR\v, t3'[C1i • donor 1radn3115 of tate 'On teal 90101&swu ee of 4 menti as d prepared to treat ml 1 ere of domesticated animate 1i a Dom• patent manner, PartiOnlar attention mita to Veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at- tended In. Oleo nnd infirmary—Two doors north int eti,ge 1'uruberry 01,, ul003vre, Wo lieu° exactly what you want, Our Prices taro all 1b)glft. Pepper's Drug Store, )31rUsS1LS,' LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. • L. TAYLOR, BARRIS7'ER, •JL, IIo Sol.toiter and cony eyautier, Ool1eo- ti000 made, Orliou—Vaustne's 1318031, Brns. sola. 21 -Stu SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Onvo yummy, No tory Pub. llo, aka, 0111oe—Graham 8 13100k,1 door north Of Poanppor'e Drug Store, Private Funds to Lo ('IAMERON, IIOLT & HOLMES, %,../ Songsters, Sollafters, Notaries Pubic, n3'. c, cads liodorlob, 041, RON, q, o„ P133111P 000.'7, DUDLES 130133118, AUCTIONEERS. • 1SAYMASi 1, . to nd sales of Auctioneer, rune lstook, rte ly Terms cheerfully given. 0ranbrook P. 0, dubs may bo arranged at TEE 2007 Publiehing Nouse, Brussels. FORGE KIRKBY,L� lobtrorSales snufaed on reenle oms l'aruaddrm stooka eoeotalty. Orders left at Tun Pon P 11th eh{ ng House, Rru seals, of sent to Walton 1', 0., will receive prompt attention. LI A'VING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- am peared to ooudaaeOisulos of farm Stuck s an Aucioner,Zat reasonable prices. I{u0wiug the Standing of sourly every person 1 am in a position to sell to good marks end get good security when sold on orerlit, 8atisf01tion guaranteed, Give mea call. 35- le 8. SOOTT. QUII;l1ESS CARDS. ��%. H. n'1oCIEACKEN, Usurer oflfarriegeLiceueos, (Mica at bis Gr000ry, Turuborry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, x><'Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. af. McNay &• Co's hardware store, Laclies'aud childrous Lair nutting a epcoialby Z5803•er of Marriage Licences, by 6IcNAIR, appointment of Liont,-Governor, Commis- sioner, ate , Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Lasurauoe 00, Office at the 0ranbrook Post Ofhee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSU3A1105, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER Go. Huron. k otConva auger, Notary Public investedoand to ln and oam nOollsati ns made. moo In Graham's Block, Brussels, IL PAINTING, O Miss Monies, of Wiu1bam, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. '!erica may be aseertoiued at Miss Nellie Rose' store where samples of work may be seen, Ahem Nor'Ies would aloo take a low more pupils in muslo. fil A. HAWKINS, • Brus- sels, and Pupil, tht in e Arb of .Teachinq of A. W. 'Thayer, Mus.voc., Now York, win ) give lessons to pupils either at Thos Farrows, Turnbory Street, or it preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day at Waltou. ''erns moderato. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. 8, Unto. Mltosic eusePan d oIDce iia, W11soa Block, 002110r of Mill and Turnberry Sts, DENTAL. 31S7f:£•T1ST1' M. CAVANAG H, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the lboyal College of Dental 8urgeouo, Ontario, and of reroute Uni- versity. OFe3o0—over A. 11. Smith's Store. Brunets, BOAR FOR S17BYIGE.—THE IIoporeiggued will loop for service at Lot 0, Con, 8, Grey, a pure bred Berlrehire hog. Tonne, 81,00 to be paid at time or 881-' 7300 with privilege of returning if uooeseary, 23.4 JAMES ELLIOTT, ...__. __ Proprietor, rr1110 BERKSHIRE BOARS _L son Slanvinm,--Largo brood, bred from 1stprise stook, will be kept for service on lot 00, 0011, 0, Grey, one aged and Due young boar, Pedigrees Dan bo Been on appl1uati0n. Tomas, 61.00 to be mild at time of service with pals/110ga of return ing if 1380080ary, 21'4 J. 10. BAIUOIC, Propriotor, OARS FOR SERV10E.—THE uneoreiguod will Keep too service on not 11, Con. S Grey, a thorn' bred (Amster White pig, with pedigree and from import - To du stool, Aln a thorn 3,30,8 338010hive bog, Terms ;1.0010 booth?, 0 pall. at ]line Of aol'vioe with ere/liege of retur,Le 1f 0(00000ry 10•tf Au. SllAW, PrnprtOtor, OAR FOR SERVIOR.—THE Uude•eigued will keojt for Service Du North 1 Lot 00, Goo, 7, Morrie, a thee°' bred Cheater White Flog, Tife pig was awarded prizes at Toronto and I.05dn Fairs, ilio sire, "Royal" tae take)) tell at tete Industrial genre. Too'ius, 81100 to be paid at time of 0011,100 With prietlege of rotn3nlin0 if 18000807, SAMUEL 1VAi.,itn3A, 10.11 Proprietor, T&IPROVED LARGE WUITIS YORK. .10. S[IIRE B0A10. rho 0ndo;Jgued Will keep for 1015100 tale proOOat 006001 1130 lniprovO3 la1•go wh1be 700130113.0 1Hg "1100317"on 101 20, 000.0, will, to WMolr a 1lmo18d Dumber of doevt will bo taken, Terme 151.00 to b0 paid at 111)10 Ot 0017100e, with the privilege of x031,',,• Ing If emissary, Pedigree pray be aeon op. On apblicatl8n. 1001331131511,03507,, 101f 1+rOnylrOtOr. 01"