HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-23, Page 6ll5lila Dews,
John Hooey shipped a oar load of fowl
to Winnipeg.
Ed. Paulin, of Bay City, llllch„ ie visit•
ing friends here at present.
On Monday of last week Geo, Willis
took to himself a life partner in the
person of Miss McKinney.
The eleotriu light fever 1003 struck the
town and the authorities are seriously
considering the advisability of introduo•
ing it.
The concert held in this plane on the
13th inst., under the auspioos of the Y.
P. S. G. E. was a decided success and
well attended.
A full force of carpenters are at work
finishing the new aharch. It is expected
to open ib on Christmas day, Rev.
Principal Cavan, of Toronto, will occupy
the pulpit.
The Orangemen of Gerrie have hod
their hall re•carpeted, which will add
greatly to the oamfort of the different
societies meeting there.
Owing to the work not being ooutpletetd
the Methodists have decided not to open
their new church on Christmas, It will
probably be opened early in January.
John Clegg bas sold what is known as
the Pyke farm, on the 9th cote, Howbeit,
which he recently purchased from )3. S.
Cook, to a Mr. Nixon, from Teamster,
for the stunt of $2,800.
Vance Dane, of the 18th con., Howlett,
met with rather a setiotls accident. IIe
was in the woods cheppint' when e. heavy
limb fell from a tree, striking him on
the right arm and tearing away a large
portion of the flesh.
The Foresters concert on Jan. 0th,
1893, prouti0es to be the event of the
season, The committee have secured
besides ,las. Fax, Canada's comic vocalist,
Miss Wetherell, of Toronto, one of the
leading elocutionists of America, and are
also securing one of the high plass
Charity concert on the 21st.
Ecl. Bissett met with a painful aood
dent by h•tting a bar of iron fall on one
foot, bruising it severely. He is now off
duty and will be for some tiros.
Geo: Bowden, while engaged working
around Wm. Dearing's uew residence in
Stephen, he slipped and fell on a nail
which ran lute his knee, causing a very
painful wound.
Notice is given that the application
will be m tle to the Legislature of the
Province of Ontario at the
next session, for an Act authorizing
Exeter to issue debentures for the par.
pose of raising money to meet and pay
off the debentures of the said village
accruing clue on the 23th day of Jnly,
1893, and for which no sinking fund has
been raised.
At the last reuular meeting of Advance
Council, No. 207, R. T. of T., it was
moved and carried unanimously that a
vote of o usure be passed on the person
or persons who farnished the iuforma,
Son to the newspapers, to the chest that
Exeter Coantil was used dieeourteously
on either visit to tho open in 7eting hell
by Ilensall Connell on Dec. 1st, such
etitteIu tit being untrue.
Lusele.eso ay.
El;,;in Meere, the annexation (1pn01 3',
is likely to poy Lneknow a visit in the
near future.
The village curling club has secured
the magnificent agriuultar.tl hall from
Mr, Somer.ille Inc the winter and have
plaued Jumpy Hunter iu charge.
The ease of A, Roe, of Wingham,
against the Corporation of Luoknuw,
for an accident to a stallion last sun-
nier, mune off at Goderich on Thursday
before His Honor Judge Doyle. 3udg
ment was reserved.
Rev. Mr. Elliott and Mrs. Elliott, of
Tuscarora, wishes to thank the ladies cf
St. Paten,' Church, Lnoknoty, for the
large and very useful bale of clothing,
which they received, to be distributed
among the Indians, The tracts and
Sunday School papers have also been
highly prized by the Indian children.
RxnnccA Dsoa:R,—The following is a
list of the otiicers for the current year :—
Noble Grand and Captain, W. H.
Smith ; Vice -Grand, Dfrs. Jas. Bryan ;
Roo. Secr, Lary, Mise Lelia Berry ; Per,
Secretary, lOIrs, I{, J. McLeod ; Treas.,
Mrs, Mex, hose ; Conductor, Miss
Lizzie Lewsol ; Warden, Mrs. J. Poart ;
R. S. S., Mrs, T. Reid ; L. S. S., Mrs.
Wm Taylor ; R. S. N. G., Miss Emma
Peart ; F. S. N. G., Mies Aggie Lindsay ;
R. S. V. G. Mfrs. G. W. Berry; L. S. V.
G„ Miss Julia Peart ; I. G., Mrs. R.
Prootor ; 0. G., Mrs. I. Morrison ; P.
G., D. C. Taylor ; Chaplain, Mrs. W.
H. Smith.
It was decided to hold the
meetings on the second and fourth
Thursdays of each month..
Gip 1e1-lCla.
Mies Calmly left for Ottawa last
week to rename her labors in nonue0biou
with the mission work of that city.
i in contemplation inp ration to celebrate
Burns' anniversary on January 26311 by
a public unnoert•, to hold a grand Scotch
ball Tater on and fill up the remainder of
the season with socials.
F. Bmeeth, the well known builder and
placing mill ; woer, met with an accident
in his mill by which he sustained a coo.
pound fracture of nus of his legs between
the knee and the aultlo.
Judges Ifalconbrid„e and Street reach.
ed Goderich on the 1:10 train on Monday
of last week and by 2.10 they were on the
outgoing train, having in the interim
driven up to the Court !louse, and die -
missed the Weet Hlur'on election protest,
The time aotuallyoccupied in comb was
2.08 miti[bee, equal to rho best efforts on
the turf of -the fam,as Maud S. E,
Campion and 1t, S. Ilays appeared for
Iron. Mr. Patterson and J. T. C#arrow
and P, holt for M. C. Caineron.
Lt uta ildATTntts.••-•Tho report of the Itt•
spe0tor of Legal Ofiues for 1801 has juee
been issued. It (1000 nob contain the
most thrilling and interesting reading
matter, but some of it may be instruc•
tive. The Sheriff of Huron served 103
processed during the ,year ; the total
antolt01 of fees earned by, hie ofliue wore
90473.71. Tho fees earned by the Local
Master in Chancery were 1)351,80. The
total salary paid the Depoty Clerk of the
(.town and Depnty.Itogistrar was 31480,.
(10. The fees earned by the Cleric of the
Conti, nob including salary, was 1)738.05
The notal amount of fees canopied by the
Surrogate Registrar, part of whish toes
to the judge, was 1)3210,19. The not �
Wary received by the various otfloors,I
being less their expenses, is Sheriff Gib -
bone, 1)1723,89 ; S. hlalOotns0n, Loma!,
Blaster and Deputy-Itegistrar, 91250 ; Ira
Lewis, Crown Attorney, 9478 94 ; Clerk
of the Peace, 1)075,10 ; 1). MoDolald,
Deputy. Clerk of the Crown, 0118930;
Clerk County Court, 1)1109.11 ; Surrogate
Registrar, 131223110.
:County Cunrt and Sessions,
This conn was opened on Tnosday of
last week by Hle Honor Judge Doyle.
The bueinoes was confined to two oases,
Roe vs. Lnoknow, and that of St. John
vs, Dale. For some time past there Anal
been strained relations between the plat
and deft, in the latter and a ease of elan -
dor had come up nt two or three terms of
court, finally ending in Dale failing to
enure damages from St. John, and to ad-
dition being forced to pay the costs of the
latter, wbioh had reached a round figure,
In the Tall of 1801 a freshet swelled the
river Maitland, Mlles separates the farms
of plff. and deft., and the plff. alleges that
a quantity of his fence rails were carried
by wind and water on to the property of
deft. When the storm bud subsided
Dale it is contended appropriated the
rails deposited on his lot by the storm,
and posted a written notion warning off
all trespassers so that St. John could not
recover his fenoe rails, hence the suit.
At 11 p. m. on Wednesday, the jury re•
turned a verdiot for plff. for 9100 for
trespass and 1)05 for the rails in dispute.
Decision was reserved in the Roe case,
The Grand Jury made their present.
ment a5 follows :—
The Jurors for our Lady the Queen bog
leave to present that in accordance with
Your Honor's inatrnotions they have
visited the jail and after a careful exam-
inatiou have to report that they found
everything clean and in good order. At
present there are ten persons In jail, all
hales. Two of these are iuse.ue but not
troublesome, both have been reported and
are awaiting removal to the eagle=
One is awaiting trial for perjury. Six
are vagrants, all ander sentence, from
thirty days up to six months: three of
these are aged and totally unable to earn
a living, the other three are able bodied
Wren and perfectly able to earn a good
living. Otto is confined for want of
sureties. We are pleased to find that no
cases were to none before ns, which
speaks louder than words for the good
behaviour and morals of the people of the
large county of Huron. We concur with
your honor's 013103 on the necessity of a
House of Refuge for the aged and desery
ing poor of tato county, and we tvonlcl
recommend the county not to delay pro-
viding such an institution for at1o11 rot•
fortunatas asare at present confined in
the jail end for those of the sane class
who are to follow in the years to come,
for we aro told on the very highest
authority, the poor we aro to have al-
ways. Wo e•peaially urge this mat ter as
it has been shown from statistics that
the erection of such tt building world be
in the inteaest5 of the county on the
grounds of economy as well as humanity,
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Goderich, Wt,.x,xA1t Gi[:mav,
Grand Jury Room, Foreman.
Dee. 15, 1802.
In receiving tide deliverance Judto
Doyle took occasion to make one of the
House f Refuse
nbpesh references to the tion o
•n hard in the
• has ever
t IleatlOtl
court hoLtee. Ilia Manor very pithily
said that the references to the manage -
merit of the county jail were but a repeti-
tion of what had been sail for years—
the management was undoubtedly sobs.
factory and everything possible was done
to melte the inmates comfortable. But
the primary object of this institution was
the pnriehmetit of crime and the protec-
tion of society ; the pressutment showed
that six or the ten person now confined
there were vagrants or peepers, and it
wee not Inc these the jail was establish.
ed. The facts and figures referred to by
the grand jury farmed one of the strong-
est arguments for a House of Refuge.
Fortunately Christianity is recognized as
forming a part of our noble British cow,
etitution, and this Christianity taught us
that it was our duty to sure for the poor
and nufortunato of our fellow man. No
more beautiful and powerful illustration
of this duty is contained in the whole
Bible than the story of the rich man
Dives and the beggar Lazarus, and for
hie own part he could nob see ho,v when
we were walled to render an amount of
our stewardship Nye could escape from
the responsibility which we as Christian
neem was Dore in oaring for our neighbor.
This duty was not fulfilled by thrusting
our poor in jail to aeeouiate with crimin-
ate. This he stated merely as hie own
views, but he would ask the jury to con-
sider the 'Mancha aspect. The reports
of the Houses of Refuge already establieh•
ed showed that the inmates were kept at
an average Dost of from 950 to 900 per
head per year, while we in this county,
as indisputable faute ehowed to the
knowledge or the jury, were paying about
three times That ulnount for the poor we
are eupporting, and then giving thein, by
the nature of the buildings and surround-
ings, a vary much inferior care aid as.
oommodatioo. The assessment of this
o,utty was about 30 million dollars, and
20 cents on every 91,004 in this would
raise 9155,000. But we did sot need to
raise that amount, It had been shown
that an atnple ltouss of industry ooticl be
erected in this pointy for 91.2,000 ; to -
wants this we had on hand iu oash, 94,-
500 from Scott Act flues ; the provinoial
government granted 94,000, so that at
the moat we would nit require to raise
more than 95,000 to meat a suitable
Horse of Refuge. Surely as intelligent
be:deeds man Nye should nut clalny any
longer, and he was glad to ]snow that
scope were being taken to bring the
mutter before the electors for disouseton.
Gitele(3tLLI P°iattv,.
The Porlugooes minister of war has
The United States whtekey trust has
advanced the price 6 cents a gallon.
A Roston despatch says B, F. Paulson,
a Canadian miliicedeire, slot himself at
the hotel Thorndike,
Axel Anleraon, who aon3umed daily
seven and eight packs of cigarettes, fell
dead on the :tracts of Chicago reeentiy,
The coffee crop of 4lexiuo thio year is
valued 0t 98,000,000, and ageioultartel ex.
ports will be larger than ever hereto,
At Lima, Ciao, Jamas Thomson shot
nod killed tris nephew, Albert 'Thomson,
clurfng a quarrel about a load of hay,
The German Government will grant
270,000 marks for an exhibition of tate
1'ruterian school system at the Werld't
, uuIT:2 `DA9'Z7Xffi ISZFiManeZWITI91C'AknNA' dVITAI MIEtil lMlir alS
Twmntyseven nnpl[thn barges havo
been burned at Astrachan, Russia.
Ilawaii has grautocl 019.,000 10 send',
band to the Clhioago World's Pah'.
Owing to the Celli in prioe of silver,
many Colorado mines have been ale iecl,
It is said Proside,lt.ereOt Clevolen1 has
tendered the Stateportfolio to Senator
11 1.
Martin Burke, who was Rent to Joliet
priso11n in connection with the murder of
Dr. Cronin in Chicago, died in prison hast
The Russian Minister of Finance an -
flounces that the duty on eotton imported
into Russia has been raised to 20 kopecks
per pond.
At Nelsonville, Ohio, on Wednesday
evening Harry Stambaugh, while in.
toxicated, fired a shot into a crowd of
ohildreu and killed to small girls.
Nerve hoe been received from ]Honolulu
of the shelling of seven villages on the
Solomon Islands by the British warship
Rapid for the !tilling of white traders.
A de0ielon has bean given in New York
which prevents the Westinghouse people
from making or selling incandescent
lamps. This gives the Edison Company
a 'monopoly.
Tho biggest load of steerage passengers
that ever came into any port in Amerioa
in one vessel arrived at New York I•ri•
day on the North German Llody steamer
Stuttgart Prem Bremen. She carried
Ontario Illufual Life,
MUD 0FF1('P, • WATIittLd,S, 0)115'.
Aesurauoe informs 7an'y,'02..914,0111,807
New business written in 1891 2,004;150
Increase over 1`190 8.10,800
Cash income for 1891 517,1120
Increase over 1890 57,020
Libef'al Conditions of Policies.
(lash and Paid-up Vannes guaranteed on
each policy.
A11 dividends belong to and oto paid only
to policy holders.
Premiums Payable (Whig the mouth iu
which they fall due.
Foliates are incontestable two years from
date of issue.
No restriction on travel, reoldellOe or oo•
Lapsed policies may be revived within six
mouths after lapse.
Death nlafine paid at once on ooelplatiou
of claim papers,
District Agent, Ethel.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Makes the hair soft and glossy.
"I have used Ayer's Bair Vigor for
nearly five years, mrd my hair is moist,
glossy, and in an excellent state of pre:
ervalion. I tun forty years olcl, and I:,r, c
ridden the plains for twenty five year,."
—Wm. Henry Otter/les "-Mestere I' L,
Newcastle, 1\y0
Aye no's R o hr V ii o
Prevents lush from falling out.
"A nun,Ler of ,•ears n^,. I'' r._.,o,o-
mcndntion of a friend, 1 h._an to ups
Aver's Bair Vigor to stop the hair from
prevent it tar io
f Iain
out and f;'' -•y•
'1'Ixc first effeets true oto t ni i t rear}',
Oxnsionnl ni l c ttu ns since b u• lmpt
my hair thick and of a natural t
II, lie Ba:hom,1�...._.r
Ayev7ts Haile Wi t, ,
Restores heir after fevers.
" Over a year ago I had a severe fever,
and when I recovered my hair began
to fall out, and what little remained
turned gray. I tried various remedies,
but without success, till at last I began
to use Ayer's Harr Vigor, and now My
hair is growing rapidly and is restored
to its original color."—Mrs. A, Collins,
Dighton, Mass.
Ayers HairVig ttrr
Prevents hair from turning gray.
" My hair was rapidly turning gray and
falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my
hair is now its original color and full.
ness,"-13, Onkrupa, Cleveland, O, t"
Prepared by Dr. J, 0. Ayer 0 00„Lowelt,maes,
Sold by Dtugslsts mud Perfumers.
NERVE unaN1t1:v4
oIIItIhAaNtOo11ra41' (1.11'.1
Uo1oL oleof Nur00310 1),''
b,lll lust Vigor and Fall.
lug Aiauho ill 1 restores the
weitknes�”' r Oe the errors of of �l (Menneny or or
youth, This Remedy absolutely elms the
most obstinate Wiese what all 'other 22115A2'•
n(pwTs linea failed oven to relieve, Sold by
druggists nt !?1 per paeltnge, ar )4lS fel' rA 5, ur
sent by mail on reoulpt el prioe by adelress-
tng'I'aP JA.i.rs ntRn1cl00 (to„ Toronto, Out,
(>,tll 50'poTIthN t. .Sold in !Brussels by
A recant discovery by en
old palysielau. Sncasefu]-
Iy useti monthly by thous-
ands of r.Annie,, Ie the
Only perfectly safe and
reliable 010111ellto discov-
ered, Beware or unprincipled druggists who
oiler inferior medicines in place of this. Ask
for 11000 s COTTON ROOT 001t000xti. tltko ❑O
substitute; 00 inclose e1 and 4 three•oeet
Canada postage stumps in letter, and toe
will send, senle,l, by return mail. Full neat•
oil particulars 1u plain envelope, to ladies
only, 11 stamps. Address 1"011,5 Idly 1'0111•
puny. No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward
ave„ Detroit, Mich.
r.:. -Sold in Rlossels by S.0, PEPPER, G.
A. DE ADMAN and all responsible druggists
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6z Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Lorous with privilege of
repaying v1ion required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Dipistp)b Court Cleric, Brl(sset3.
your order early for
your Xinas photographs. Our
prices are as low as any and
our work the best.
0. E. PERRY,
Gallery Next the American
Restores Fading hair to its
original color.
...3 i Toronto, 'travelling Palomar Agent, tl P R, Stops telling Of hair.
6a7s: Anti•IrrualsaperfeotramoL ornmt• ps 3
dialY-Its non,nrl9 mnrvollmts-inn, own coos K C the SC¢I areae,
tawlelnean"Piti vidlo, -bii,tyromowa, ee•S prgawummnnouIn,taWPPmI67slte¢ hair raft and r'R',rondo11900unaalaLinata
Promotes Growth.
O�yT� E•� But don't you want to
Jll !3 U U s!J lti�, get a nice piece of
17 t llsll 8nd
ods Chea )
a d S
e Go ,
Dl ss
11 -ii
® perhaps also something nice. to suit the
Children ? We will give you good bargains now anti a good
assortment of roll kinds to choose :from,
Coatings for Children,
Misses and Ladies.
Overcoats and Suits for Boys—A11 sizes. Overcoats and
Suits for Men—All sizes and Very Cheap..
Boots, Hoes and Rubbers for old and young.
me* Insea...........*Imumne....watzlerpsormwsmersurassaa.
A good line of Fresh Groceries alwa',ts on hand.
Our /.Wo. Tea e7' 4 lbs. for $1.00 Beats
the .Pncor'd.
Alex. t ... fie h a, G
u3 rasxmarrmrm s arm
'C,': r.1.) 0
Begs to announce the arrival of her Xmas and Now Years Goode,
comprising Silk Handkerchiefs both plain and embroidered of the
very newest designs, Lace and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Ribbons, Silk Scarfs and Fancy Woollen Goods, 'Pablo Lin-
ens and Table Napkins, and a host of other fancy goods suitable for
presents for the coming Season.
We are now doing the best business in Brussels and Why ? Be-
cause w0 have the Newest, Cleanest and Bost Assorted Stook and
sell every class of goods at the lowest living profit.
Our Dress Goods this Season have -been a great success from the
fast that we always keep the largest stock to select from and the
most Fashionable Styles. We make a specialty of our Dress Goods
Department and aro always on the look -out for something new.
Tho balance of our stock we aro now selling at greatly reduced
prices so as to clear out to make room for our new Spring Goods
which Will begin to arrive at New Years.
We halo just received our Groceries for the Henrik Trade. Dur-
ing the Holiday Season Wo intend giving our Customers the benefit
of low prices and will sell
20 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00
22 (f Light Coffee tt 1.00
25 rr Nice Clean Brown 10 1.00
And every other kind of Groceries at the salve low prices.
We will pay 180, per doz. for Fresh Eggs and 160. per lb. for
good Roll Butter. Should tho prices advance Wo will give our cus-
tomers the advantage of the rise. '\Yo will also give the highest
price for every kind of Poultry.
Brussel., Dec. 9th, 1892.
TTaii !111 lk
air 0 • .
Is now C om.piete, Comprising in
part a large selection of
Albums, plush and
Authors, and other
carol games,
Alphabet blocks and
Banila, iron till and
Building blocks,
Cups and saucers, at
Clothes horses,
Dolls in china, wax
and bilk,
Dolls heads,
Drawing slates,
Dishes, all sizes,
]"ire rugines,
False faces,
Fruit dishes,
Figures (mechanical),
Guns, shoot cork and
HGamesannon, large variety,
ITyml1 books,
Jack knives,
Jew's harps,
Mugs, china and tin,
Mirrors, very cheap,
Magic lanterns, throe
Music rolls,
Noa11's Arris,
Pocket books,
Paper caps,
Rocking horses,
Surprise boxes,
Santa Claus dolls, un-
Swiss Cotages,
Scrap Albumts,
Scholars r
a s cola lauiolla
1 ,
Trains, iron and tin,
Tool boxes, -
Tin dishes,
Tops, musical, &c.,
Tin whistles,
Vacuum guns,
Wash tubs,
Work boxes,
Writing desats,
Wooden dishes,
Work baskets,
Xmas cards, less than
cast, Leo., &e.
Beautiful , ellourn1 , 840.
Complete series of Pansy Books, Annuals and Picture books.
Ask to see the (Mechanical Savings Banks.
See our Parlor Games. Select goods early and have
thele put Way until wanted.
leff,ST neQI i