HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-23, Page 4New Advertisements, Looals—IL J, Strong. Royal Crown Remedy. Locals—Jas. MoAlpine. Locale—Pr. J. C. Ayer. Tenders Wanted—R. Rose. Santa Claus—Miss Gsuley. Roliday Excursions—G, T. R. Christman Goods—J. G. Skene. Liquidation Sale—J. R. Gregory. Xmas Box on you—Alex. Strachan, Notice to Creditors—W. 2I. Sinclair, NrIt yds rot, FRIDAY, DEC, 23, 1892. E. E. Bnxri. no, editor of Saturday Night, is in the field for the Toronto mayoralty. He is a man of ability with moral backbone enough to stand by hie convictions but we doubt if the citizens of the Queen City will be willing to place a man in the position of presiding officer 'who is unaognainted with the practical working of civic affairs. Mr. Shenpard bas never sat at the Council Board and we think this a necessary sobooling bo. fore higher and more onerous positions are sought. Ten House of Industry goestion is a i live one not only in Huron County but in the adjoining Counties of Bruce and Perth. Bruce residents vote on it in connection with their Municipal eleotione. They reported at the Co. Council 93 cub. jests for such an institution, 34 of whom live in the townships and 19 in the towns and villages. The Co. bears the expense of the vote when the Connoil is elected by acclamation. Bruce is thereby secur- ing the opinion of the entire County and have gone into the question with tom• mendable.zeal. In Perth, while a goudly number of the Co. Councillors support the plan both from an economic as well as a humane standpoint, some of the Reeves were afraid of having a vote taken and therefore the House of In. dustry will take a book seat for a while. Shame on Perth. The Committee, ap- pointed at the meeting recently held at Clinton, have prepared and distribnted a sheet containing pointed foots in oonnee. tion with Huron County that cannot be gaineayed, to prove the necessity of a public institution of this kind. We re- produce the matter of the oiroolar in the columns of TnE POST this week. It IS the duty of every ratepayer to give it a careful pernsal and after maters con• sideration and taking into account our duty to our brother.man to not and vote nonscieubiously. If the deserving poor of this County can he oared for better and at less expense by the erection and maintenance of a Roose of Industry then, there appeal's to be, in our judg- ment, only one onuroe to fellow, viz. : to apply the Scott Act fines now in the Co. Treasury, the grant offered by the On- tario Government and the necessary amount required from the Connty to the culmination of this benevolent and Christian work. Nobody should shirk the responsibility of saying yes or no to the enquiry. THE 13Rt1SSELS POST Anotiou sale at 11'm. Babes,' Lot e, Con. 3, Grey, next Thursday cominen. i ping at 1. o'olook sharp, E. B. Scott, Auctioneer. J, 11. Sperling, of Naustadt Butter Factory, bits been re.eugaged for nest season at an increased salary. Mr. Sperling ie ,veli up to his business, A vote on the question of establishing a House of Industry in this County will be taken on election day by open vote in 0000 there is a poll demanded for the Council. HARD To BEAT. -04 Wednesday Pater Robertson, 9th con., disposed of a dressed hog, 0 months old, that scaled 335 pounds, It was a dandy of the Chester White breed. $7.25 per owt. was paid, $28 is a good figure for one hog, but Pete keeps nothing but the best. Municipal matters are still on the wing. It seems to be a fettled fact that there will be an election. This will give elec- tor• a chance to pronounce on the House of Refuge question. We are promised all necessary information regarding such en institution. Let us study this and then go and P 1 P put in a plum er either for or against as our oouecienoe dictates, Mat• tare pertaining to the township alone are now studied for all they are worth. The new Township Hall for instance. That the building of this Hall was a step in the right direction ie nub to be disputed, but then there are some who are not satisfied. The latest objection that we hear of is that it is too dry a place for holding council meetings. There is no spirits sold in the next room but whether this and other objections will oarry any weight remains to be seen Any sb otor can now go and do business in a building he can pall his own and be es independ- ent as you please. It is not fair to look at the sum total of our tax receipts and then mance rap oar minds to vote the present Council out. Take another look at that tax receipt, subtract the sabool tax, then see bow small your tax will be. Is it nota foot that teaohers salaries have been coming down of late years, yet our school tax is going up and up. There must he a screw loose somewhere. There were some new wheels put into the machinery of our school system lately that do not work worth a cant. They mash too deep. 1f 110 wise men who put in those wheels had instead sent us wore grease in the shape of boodle for the old machine it would be better. This and some other items the Connell have little or no control over. In looking over the tax receipt item by item let us put the blame, if blame we must, on the right shoulders. Gsr-. Renew for Tns Pon*. Nomination a •ext Monday ab Ethel. Miss Lottie Hill is home from Toronto on a visit. David Scott, of Milton, Hilton Co., is visiting with Edward Garvin. James MoDoadall, who has been in Dakota for several years, came to Grey last week for a visit with relatives and frie ids. Lechler 'McNeil was seriously injured by beinp thrown off his rig near E bel. A physician had to be called to bind up the wounds. There is very little change for the better in James Fulton, 15th con. but we hope to be able to report a favorable change soon. A young man, of the 14th, was visiting recently on the 12th and while his at. tention was oondned to the residence his horse fell through the chaff door in the barn floor and was slightly injured. Hestsxscn.-011 the Lith inst. Rev, D. B. McRae tied tho naptial bow between John A. Thompson, of Oregon and Miss Susan Pyne, of Anis township. The ceremony was performed at the reef. deuce of the bride's step -father, 14111 eon. May success attend them through life is the wish of their many friends. Miss llaribe Engler, Oth con., has made a good record for. herself. Two years ago she started to the common school at the midsummer examination. She tock the highest marke in the county and the next year she took out a third- class certificate. She was attending the Goderich Model school and bas a sabool for next year. Bosom Rama(. ---The following is the etaudingof the pupils in S. S. No. 10, Grey :—Jr. 4111—A. Michel, G. liciiay, 1M, Rambla ; Sr. 3rd—W. Baker ; Jr. ltd —I. Baker, A. Michel, J. C..utts; Sr. 2nd—J. Evans, J. Speiran, M. J. Car. nochan ; Jr, 2nd—G. Baker ; Sr. Part 2nd—W. Hodges, M. Coutts, G. Michel ; Ji. Part 2nd—W. Whitfield, J. Carno- ohan, W. Evans ; Part let—B. Coutts, R. Naabla, A. Whitfield, O. Exor.En, teacher. Sportsman oast now hang up their "Shooting irons" 9s the season for killing most of the game found here closed on Thursday of last week, 18th inst. Af- ter that date it 10 not lawful to shoot, hunt or trap grouse, pheasant, partridge, ducks, (111911, squirrels, hares or rabbits. Although not in sympathy with all the dcinge of the elowat government, we meet say that the Game Law of last easein11 was a step in rho right direction. Of late years sportsmen have been about as plentiful as the game, so that those harmless birds and animals, habitants of our wood -lands, were fast becoming ex. tinct and it was right and proper that a halt should be called for a certain perio l 11 each year. PEOPLE'S PCPIIL AR ON1G i'7 rtie —TC— BRITISH NOM, WASHINGTON' MOON, CALM In Tourist Sleeping Cars, Toronto to Seattle Withont Change, leaving Toronto Every Friday at 11:20 p. m. 13Gt'. 16, S3, 30 1892 Apply to any C. P. R. Ticket Agent for full particulars. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Breeseis. Santa Clads has Come. We are Away Ahead C 0 M 11 B 11110 —IN— MEN'S FOOTWEAR, LADIES' FOOTWEAR, MISSES' FOOTWEAR, BOYS' I'OOTWEAR, CHILDS' FOOTWEAR. Try a pair of our Felt Boots. Every pair Guaranteed. Custom work a Specialty. Repairing Neatly Done. J. D 0 ¶L[ N 1 0. N. B.—Rips sewed FREE of Charge. E„ H. KAISER Inas now on hand n, full lino of FRUITS that will please everybody. Figs, Dates, Oysters, Nuts and Confectionery in all its branches. TRY McOORMICK'S CHOICE CREAMS. Also a full line of Cigars and Tobaccoes. Give him a Call at e s t aurant. No Reslam'��� I have opened out a primo stock of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, in the Va nsto ,e Block. OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. Hot Tea, and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and solcl at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. Before Buying your Holiday Confection. ery and Fruits call on me. JAS, Nth ALPINE. SAVED IS 0.A rhe:GAME i`Se� If you want value for your looney go to trecr ��:�h ® Y•... "1.; OS' Maw' r sv ery DEC, 23, 1692 XMAS BOX p Once again wo have the pleasure of wishing our many custom- ers and friends "A Merry Christmas," and this being the time of year usually selected for giving your friends a pleasant surprise or remembrance in the way of presents, would beg to remind you that we probably have just the article you would like for your child, your father, mother, uncle, cousin or your aunt. Some might appreciate a farm, a line house or a fancy horse, while others would he quite equally pleased with some of our nice Silk, Linen or Lawn Handkerchiefs. Probably ono of those Cream Silk Crape Shawls, a pair of gloves, mitts or a lovely dross. If none of these things will do, a pair of boots, shoes or slippers, a tic, hat or cap and it may be a set of furs would be just the correct thing. However, wo have not the time, nor space, to enumerate the man articles and prices can offeryou, butwill try and wait on Y 1 weot, y You ESPECIALLY amici the rush when you call, and show you some- thing nice and cheap. Wishing you a Prosperous and happy New Year, I remain, There you will find a prime stock of Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned Goods, Fancy Bis- cuits, Confectionery, &o. My Tobaccoes cannot be beaten. Wooden Ware, Crockery and Soaps. Leave your Christmas order for Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. Oysters, Fresh and Salt tiPater Herrings just to hand. Try diem, In Looking Over Your Circle of Friends regarding the Donation of Christmas Pres- ents it is perhaps hard to decide WHERE and WHAT To Buy, and to aid you we beg leave to call your attention to the Beautiful Stock of Choice Novelties which are being displayed at Our store. 11Y o xt )}. This week, including Christmas Cards and Booklets which are Very Pretty and Exceedingly Cheap. VMS GAMEY, Turllborry St., Brussels, hanged s Having purchased the Grocery Business of Consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods and everything generally kept in a First-class Grocery, I am prepared to meet the requirements of the public in a Straightforward Manner. Cash Paid for Efts. Highest Price for Batter and Poultry. My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Hoping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence and wishing all a Merry Xmas, I am, Yours, &c., J. Earner. Faithfully Yours, P LEX. STRACHAN, P. S.—Groceries, fresh, good and none cheaper for same good quality. LIQUIDATION 7000.00 DOLLARS Worth of best and most seasonable goods in the stocks of GEO. GOOD, Brussels & Seaforth still to sell. Full lines in Men's Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers, Mackinac Sox, etc., Ladies' and Teen's Overshoes and Rubbers of all kinds. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everything cheap for Cash. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. A set of Light Bob -sleighs for sale cheap. J. R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOR. SECOND TO NONE. SECOND TO NONE. The Stock is Complete in all lines and is SECOND TO NONE in Quality and Price. If you want Winter Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Mantles, Yarns, Hosiery or Gloves, We can Interest You. WE HAVE TRE GENUINE fIISEPRINEII NM KID OIlOY1<S. Our non are selling fast ---the rea- son ---Our values are the best. If you want a Readymade Overcoat or Suit, we have the styles, quality and price that will suit you, Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots for Everybody. Cardigan Overshoes for women and Children. Full lines of Crompton Corsets, We keep no other, A special drive in these goods, six dos. pairs to sell at 25 per cent. below regular price. It will Pay you, to get our prices before Buying. J.A.S. IRWIN, Late Irwin & SECOND Welt Door to American SECOND TO IZ.1. TO NONE. . NONE. matenenorweamaamolsono