HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-23, Page 3DEC. 23, 1892 TJIE BRUUSSEL. POST 3 SioDUFYdImnTrAme'1TV"lS_ t1e�. iciu IYfai ,�'1r,J.d"i^ '1RtF�€�iG vaalaa'it'6'Srr ag a piaa.:L' =oma a - L"ni riot L7!ftL7ottuPlk A CHILD'S QUESTION. I sort of can't bold thinkin' that the things they've brought to ole She waw sitting in the twilight, Aro worth throw tines as yennb ae aline With bee darling on hor knee, for thorn upon the tree, And tho little one waw telling, 'Nd when 1 ooe'em nolle' like as though In her happy, ohildioh glee, they wasn't glad To get the tunings 1 got 'oat -why, it How oho thought, '00000 it was snowing, snakes me mighty sad ; That the Christmas time was near, It inalccn mo pine fee (/hrietnna.s with its And of all bio lovely prooents dear, old-fashioned ring, Thet'mould bring to hoc this year. Whirl gifts were incidental, 'fid the sea• And the loving mother noticed oml was the thing. All her baby's winning ways, Ao oho talked of joys expootod Cli !summa Iltiex lettyfs. In the conning holidays. --- ddeulythe nllild was silent The Christmas tree bearw queer frail, Su Ane the room was still again ; The bad boy often fares bettor than he deserves. Well she knew 00010 puzzling intonation Around Christmas time the turkey hes Vexed the baby's busy bran. n rnlnler• roast. All et muco the woe woe's c ttery The biggist stocking doesn't always have the most put into it. Seemed to pierce the twilight gray : Tho bad boy's shortcomings aro foie ...Mamma, do the have Ohristunts ? gotten at Clhriolmas, 'What IO Oluistnuta, uuy'lvay ?" Santa Claus turns De deaf ear to the And the mother's loolc was tender, greedy boy's requests. And her voioe wan soft and low, It is the free lunch fiend who knocks As she answered, "Tie the birthday the Muffing out of the turkey. 7 Of the Ghrist•ehild, dear, Yon know Tho old woman who keeps her boodle in her stocking never thinks of hanging it "The old story -how the ohepherde np. Found the baby whore Ho lay, The girl who hangs up the biggest In a cavo upon the hillside, piece cf mistletoe doesn't got kissed the Resting on a bed of hay ; most. Even the church lute Its Christmas• "And the three wise kings, to and Minn, bee. Travelled long and travelled far The Christmas tree grows in renew! From their homes in distant countries, places, Guided by a moving star ; Santa Claus Omega; stere for hie visite "And the star by night did load them than (ho doctor, Over desert, field and hill, H nonny melees the mare go, it malcos Till at last, above the hillside, Santa Clans come. O'er the Gave it stood quite still. Ohrietmns is too mach for the turkey. It mattes him lose his head. e ec boyat (ln•is mos lives Thesattefi.lt "Ana the three wise kings there saw Him. Baby king, 0 few day's old, only in the Sunday sehnol book. And they gave Flim precioae presents, The girl who is caught under the rrattkinuense and myrrh and gold. mistletoe is really oaight around the waist. - "And now ever since that birthday, The mince pie is the greatest Christ- elauy hundred years ago, mss creak. It disagrees with nearly We've remembered Christ and lcopt it, every one. Called it Christmas, as you know." The friend who is unable to pay the money ho borrnwed always hes enough For a lnoment there was silence . to make you e, present. As the mother amused to speak ; There is a great difference between the Then she felt the eoftest kisses mistletoe and the wallflower -genorelly Pressed in love upon her cheek, the whole length of the room. end two baby arms caressed her, And she !heard a sheet voice say, A MYSTERIOUS PRINCIPLE. "Mamma, you all give me presents Every yeer on my birthday. We are blessed by a mysterinn0 prin. oiplo known ns life. By its influence we "And each year you give shall lovely are enabled to maintain our existence in Things to ev'ry one, don't you ? the midst of agents which are omnetnntly Why, if this is Jeans' bird day, seeking our destruction. 011r bodies are Don't yon give Him presents too ?" composed of elements which exist every. Startled U the baby's c ncstiocl, where in 0110 matter around ns, but y y 1 gathered into now combinations and Through the mother's mind there flew moulded into a reouliar forms. Visions of the coming Christmas, Men and woolen --old and young •-nee All she'd thought and planned to do ; not All blesood with vigorous, strong, ro. Of the many coolly presents boot life. Unfortunately for Chilean, we For her loved odes she had bought, have our thonsande who barely move and And -there wee not one for Jamie.breathe ; they do not possess that vigor, With the vision came Um thought strength and health whirl) moans true life. Oan any sane individual assort that That' a little chill shall lead them:' the we•u•y, tiled broken•dowe, nervous, Wee 11,.1• l,a,by 1, adiut; h,•r ? 01, eplees and dvspeptin man or woman 1)1,1 the kings in far off ages enjoys life as they amnia n We know Bring flim perfumes, gold and myrrh ? that many of them aro weary and tired of lives of suffering. And should she en this His birthday Ilold 1 angering mortals. Do not dace Pur Flint nothing give or do ? pair 1 main'ain u"urege and hope ; thele Still the baby's voice repeated, is ream for you if you wish to walk the "C"'t we give 1Ii'n p,e.ents too ?" I element highway of heal 011 and true life. in her _arrow, I Knew you not tint �Fillianl,' Royal And Ow mother,Crown Remedy baniehos the foes by Felt her henta1 11 r sores lilt which von are 110eet? Aro you not As elm 1.iss,d the tittle pleader, aware that this remedy emancipates tine Meem'rime softly, "Yes, we will." slaves of x110111511 „,1d `nlfrel'1:1" ? You have been asking for CIIRISTMAS AT THE PETERS freedom from pain for ninny years ; FARM. nhysioinns and advertised reinedies have — deceived you. Now you have the true here's merry Christnas come again, bid ngoney of health offered, will von accept all uiy children home. it ? We guarantee cure, satisfaction and Sam's in from New York city, 'fid Cor. new life ; ane the power of mortal men neel'e coma down from Rome ; promise greater blessings ? Amal,da and hone young ons, and my dam Williams' Royal Crown Remedy is ter Ramage boys Kine ; Williams llnyn.l Crown Remedy Arrived lest night at ten &cloak with is a conqueror ; its trinmhps aro multi. trunks 'fid bags,'uci noise tndinons and wonderful. Try it, and Euough to last the hull year through, 'nd know what tree life means. plenty more to spare, But what's the odds? Noise ain't the ,t CR! USTI/A,; ELOPER ENT. worst of ills we have to bear. A- I bad a gift for everyone this morniu' on 10 was the night before Christmne. the tree, Approaching a mansion, Anbrey Mont. 'Nd what I give 'em was the sort as nein crisped his mule by the ear0 and used to come to me bronght hint under a second storey win. ,Long years ago, when pa au' nm was dew. Mno11 silenne was lying round manalin' the place, about, mixed with darkness. Anbrey But, my 1 they didn't please the icicle- gave a whistle in a low tone of voice. that's jndgin' by their face. The window above went slowly up and I'd apples '1d hard cider till you couldn't the owner of a bead put it out. hardly rest, Then came a video litre the music of And all the presents that I gave was of the spheres when they grate together :- ' the very best. ',Aubrey is that you and the mute ?" I got 'ant at the village store for fifty DarlingVinetta, it is ue. Hurry np, emits in cash, and climb down this melo'O ears ; mount I Tile court in Loudon has deoided that 'Nd fifteen peaks o' winter wheat, a keg behind and we will cross the line into a public examination into the affairs of o' sour mash, Two loads of hay, some batter and it p,emi00 of some eggs - The °est was pretty heavy for a man with Ovally legs. But us I thonght it over, why, I didn't really ,Hind, As long las they'd be happy 'ucl be pleas. ed with what they'd find ; ('llRreelr1,1 VARIETIES. "Do yun think Llherllo levee rue many ma?" Belted the fair young girl anx10000 ly, "Oet•tainly he does, Haven't yon noticed that he elw'ayw wears the gloves you bought !lire for a 011ristmas present, though they are two 01000 too 'ergo ?" Gargoyle --What are you going to give your wife for at Christmas preseint? Glanders -I though I would give her permission to go home and spend the holidaye with her mother, "Whet would you like for a Chrieiauas gift?" asked Skidds of his best girl. "Are eng!tgement rings very oxpelaive'?" she replied, shyly. Penelope (of Boston)-") found a shone of peppermint Dandy in my stocking 011ristmas morning." Marian (of New York) -"It must have been a tight fit" Jagway-Iiow do you feel over Christ- mas, old man ? Travers -Very poorly. 1 find 1 am obliged, its a matter of nsaoe- sity, to give my creditors a Christmas dinner. Mies Sweetsar-Will you nine up to the Cbrietmas gathering toetight ? I shall be there. Jeek Reddy --With pleas- ure, Am I expected to bring anything? Mies Swoetser-No ; but you might fetch a spray of mistletoe. I'irstLontpad-Thorn is no use tack- ling that follow. Second L'ootpad-Why ? First Footpad -He's bests buying Christ- mas presents all day. Clara (arranging the Christmas pees, ants) -We'll pub mamma's pearl 1101111800 Here, Dora -And Mable's diamond ear• rings here. Clara -And George's gold watch here. Dora -And Edith's dia. mond bracelets -what shall we do with them ? Clara -Lay them on the piano alongside of papa's Christmas owed. Generous Six•Year•Old-Papa, there's a !nor little orifir door that hasn't lc nest any use of hie arms. I'd like to give hi,n for a Christmas present some of the things I got last year. Papa (with leers of parental pride in hie eyes) -So you ehull, my boy --so you shall 1 Give him that nice little drum Aunt Mary sent you. A stranger in a printing office asked the youngest apprentioo what hie rule of punctuation was. I set up as long as I can bold my breath and then I put in a Gamma ; when I yawn I insert a 901111 Bolin, and when I want a chew of tobacco I make a paragraph. "What are you going to give Santa Clans for Christmas ?" asked auntie. "I guess I'll give him my stocking," answer. ed May. "Why, Santa Claus doesn't care for that," auntie returned. "Well," said May, "then he can fill it and give it bank to me." "Lat'e get married on Christmas, dam ling," said the impetuous young lover, after• 111iss Fosdick had said yes. "No, indeed 1" said the far-sighted young girl. "I'd lose one set of presents." "It's not the right sort of feeling, per• Imps, but ab Christmas I like to give just as valuable presents as I receive." "So do I. ety wife is going to give me a hltnclroctelollar drowsing gown, and I am going to give iter a hundred -dollar amoolt to pay for it." "I thoaght it bottel to get von soma• thing useful," said ,llr. Daasill to itis lvifo, "so I have brought you a t euple of good broom!) for your Christmas pies• ent." "That was very thoughtful of you, 111y dear," replied Mrs, Pesten. "I shard your ideas, end have boog'lt you a good strong eottl•scutt e for yo 1 to carry up fuel from the cellar in." .1'entweezel-I believe in useful pros. eats, my doer, IIlte. Pentw•eazel-Well, I hate n 1111011 who buys yon something he'd have to give you anyhow, and then calls it a Christmas present. Slime ]rule -Tido i)nn3e. Don't put R. S. V. 1'. on your present to your riot nude. Don't present your wife with a hand- some mahogany oigar•box. Don't give 30110 guest who has over• staicl his welcome a travelling bag, Don't misspell the word "erosen00" in your invitations to your Christmas party. Don't decline a present simply because the expressage or postage has not been prepaid. Don't expeot your besband to he pleas- ed if you give him an ivory -backed heed mirror. Don't hang np more than three pairs of stockings if you ere Vi,itfug frion.ls in the oomltry. Don't send the unreceipted bill for her present to your Ilene!) in nlistall0 for a 0hristtea3 oard. Don't impersonate Sante Clans in a sealskin antique, rubber boots end ea burn side whiskers. Don't eat two mincelnes, a plum pud• ding, lob,ter salad anti ice amen, and then complain that the climate does not ((gree with you. Which 1 don't think my grandsons was, because their city ways !las played old hob with Christmas as 'twas had in my yollllg deys. Arnaud;i's boy, •Ulyeses, when he got his worsted mitts, Looked madder than n hatter in his very maridaet fits ; 'Nd when my grandchild Bobbie, got ry handeolne rubber ball That whistled when you 5gn0ezed it, he begun to Melt and squall. Senna way with Seine) small family, in. elndlu' of his wife-- - I never st 0u a W01111411 $0 012.,01 111 all my life When what I had for her Ca 1110 out --jest why, I do not know, For lay wife used to bonen when I gave 1100 e. °alio°, In fam, in twenty presents tent I boaght and gave n Wity, Not one of 'em seemed pieesin', en' it sort of spoiled my day. 'Nd whet ie worse, they brought 1118 down some fancy sort of jugs -- They called 'em [loyal Woosterehiro- the handles looked like bugs ; 'Nd slathered on the sidcs of 'em two groat greens dragons nab. h'tum brought a watch•0haau made of gold that doesn't seem to fit The old man's waietonet-sort o' intakes mo look too kind of loud, 'Nd 1(10010100 the resift 'don't 5e:unal10 make 1)10 proud, Indiana and matrimony. Pivot moll me down your little bundle, Dou't 0151ee it largo," He dismounted end caught : 1. A hat clone up in le newspaper, te. A bundle in et shawl strap. 3. Another bundle in a shawl strap. 4. A ooed•boond bond basket. G. A !Wilfred red bandbox, C. A etnffed blue band box. 7, A large bundle, rope bound. 8, A well fed carpet sack. A. Another bandbox. 10. A well•grown valise. As one and of a trunk protruded out of the window above him Aubrey jump - rel aside and exclaimed, "Dearest Vi. nette, what are you going to do with all this household furniture ?" "Why, I want to take something alone," "Why, dolling, we wort be gone more than ono day ; besides I did not bring a railway Moult. How are we to freight none enrolls the line ? You need no baggage. I have only en extra paper caller," "Aubrey, yen are just beginning to get acquainted with woman. How can she travel 1.1,1010111n little baggage ? This lot 15 nothing," life had then fallen across the pilo in a 00(00(1, On recovering ho said :- "Prooines, 011050 cannot ge via mule," "But they relict go. 'insist." "It is unetternbly inlpoesibfo," "Then, Aubrey, the procession can't Clam, I have only taken whet I require." "Well I cannot, transport 1118111." "In that case you cannot take too," "Thor our O10pelneut and 1110rriage ere off 'i" "Clear off 1" elm cried, between a temple of Sighs. ".nen no am I ; farovoli forever 1" And the seuud of mule lbecie broke the Chriellvas eve eilenee down the toad, Mts. Pturinell was u111100e05101'y. j r i "Arise n,R:r;r.; rot. ,1...n•t tweety.r,, err �, .:u h l r• - the trying. '1.1„111 uud,_0it m'_nt.:' I L'e,e., to to., Ay...r'n and •. ,vem:er 1 .ro won thc a ant. live 1,40, ,.aiTir:d to restore 0,0 to healt11'•--lonurtit - Lopes, 347 E. Commence sL, flan Ca ,An r r if • "'My daughter w:n•"al1?n!nl for nea,•lya y -•or with c.,rvn,. l'hc phyl.id0nr. loin r nn l lata help her, my pastor recommended Ayer,' !ur:•lrarill•,, 1 renewed nus advice. three ,d onus ,0a lar trestm n, with Ayers ', 1r In r 'A amt. .0) e 0 ill cam•,Icldy restored Inv„r,'u 1 .r 1'll ?h. Luisa 7 1111, o..n.,±. , Wan:, rt, 71,,,o, Vita CaiAMat severe1 years, 1 was fuell<l 11•ilh iall•mtntalory rh. unr r', n, ha;ni PO had i n1 times a, to bei ndy hal dens. For tb,. last two yoaro, wl ,etc 1 1.1E 11.0 careers of tum disr:wt I I rg.n t, telcc Al r s Snrseparitln, nod have not had nntfor ,Vn.11gLtn..'•- 1i• T. 1. ,mebr.mgh, 12I FM mol' P,7fc1oa c1ie:,rne3, the. b ofov. 3'311.'12L'ily 10 System Ilenova,tor ----ANA (1r7R1)--- -- TESTED RE II+1)JEhi $PEOdFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Renk a111 Iinpoverirl"ld Blood, Dyspepsia, blreplre!uess, Palpate. - Mon of the heart, Liver Cmplaint, Nettie algia, Loss of Memory, Ilronchiti,', Con- sumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, ]Sidney and Urinary Dieeases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General :Ue• bility, LABORATORY SODE8IC1il (i'I', J. M. MCLEO1), Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Droesels. Private Funds to Loan, 820,000 Have been placed in my bands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RAE OF INTEREST, No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pletod in Throe Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, ,Solicitor, Drttssels.', Weekly Free Press —?tie— dt'AIlI AND ]TOME lino 14o1O .. 1,00 Both Papers for $1.00 Enlarged and improved. A Nigh -Class Family Paper, Ei('11 lumi a{ wn,e. CONTAIN : Rev. Dr. Teteue R'e Seaxox delivered the Bentley previously. WAxaxta'.s W40001011415. An RICUL'roa.16 MATT= -I11ns0rated. Levies' PAnp-Illustrated. A SRntAn Tem), and other inte'eating reeling matter. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Price, Ono 1101101' a your in 0d011ucc for tin WEEKLY 5'@103) 5'103100 u,111 (1 11 11 AND bevels -in n11 In pages. Balance of 1003 free 00 new enbocribore. Agents wanted ill evoty unrepresented dia- tr1et to soh0it snbr.cl'3p tion s. FREE PRESS PRIN7:LNG 00., • IONItox, OxT.uun. HOW'S YOUR R CUTTER ? Now that Jack Frost has re- sumed business and Winter has COn10 to hand a well made, com- fortable, stylish cutter will bo a necessity. �dWrt.,o°' LICER, 8li,15ySE L S, Can make your old Cutter almost dB good as new,, Repairs neatly rind promptly ex- ecuted. Old rigs refitted, paint- ed and trimmed. Jas. Wacker, SHOP OPPOSITE TOWN EAU. THOS, FATOHER, Practical TTrate7tinalter and Jeweler. Tiuulking the pu11lio for past favors and support and wiabing still to eeenre , yotu• patronage, 1ve are opening out Full Lincs in GOLD FIND MINER WATC1il:ti", Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makeoo fully warrented by us, Clocks of' the, Latest UL s1. ns am ERS FOR 189213 Our Banc of Base Burners is more complete than over before. "Radiant Home," "Art Garland,” "Art Peninsular," "Radiant Peninsular," /ST. '11103e stoves are eonstrueted in the most modem style, and are the most powerful Double Heaters made. They are finished in the highest style of the art and we warrant everyone good baking ovens. If you are in nee(' of a ].parlor Cook, be sure and Fee our dock before purchasing. "Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly unproved this season and aro selling fast and giving good satisfaction. We will tale your old store. Handsome Ranges 1 We carry a stork of the best in this lino, all prices. Call and inspect. Second Hand Stoves! Our second hero( stoves are going off fast. If you want one, you must secure it early. They are good ones and cheap. Just opened mat Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knivcv, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays. BALLANTYNE & WILTON. Thu "in Rl�i' Grocery. This old, reliable institution is still in the van of progress and is well prepared to cater to the wants of the public at this Season. A Trine Stock of DINNER AND TEA SETS In Stone and Mina. They aro dandies. -Elegant dishes in Eng- lish Stoneware selling Cheap. Also Glassware, LCc. Teas, Co 'ens, Spices, .Fru. Us, ,S714Ca1's, Canned Good.', 5'c., c%o. Fresh, Nice and solcl at Close Prices. Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. ey c1a BJ- � ; 1. ., h, , v��'13� C a k THE HUSTLING GROCER. ca : 1 tea_ �"-.3_ a.!�1 • , ... . A _l..V D 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for L 25 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar for A large assortment of the ChoiceSt Fruits of the Season. Our yeas and Col ens me too ell known to need any oom end8atio ,. Tim Largest Assoi'tniellt of alass lvar,: and 0rockel'y ever shown in Brussels, consisting of .Plain and ,banc,y China and Glasstt'are, Decorated sand Printed Tea and .Rinner' Set, Decorated and Printed Toilet Sets. ERY - DEPART1ViEt IFresh Bread and Oakes ado � ay s t '� d J Wedding Cakes a, Speoi.1 itty. JEWELRY I Any kMN!�S Wnnutx011txia, Det ]Beene 0011 1tivGs, Bnooenstay 1"1,1111111709, t4.0. &r, , , r c r 6 P iia Lege/else. tt full Lino of Vtontaa and Vlnlin Strings, tee., in stook. Prepared by Or. J. C. Aver Ac G+„ Lau•c11, :linen. V. 1t;-Sasttt9n• of .01ut•r311 58 0,10 130314. :told by nil Druggists, ]'rice 1;+; six bottles, .+g. Cures ethers, win ware yon T. Fletcher, ., Brusselt. Orders have left for Christmas Cakes will our Prompt Attention.