The Brussels Post, 1892-12-16, Page 8H Calendars and Booklets ._....-.-_,_..-.mem We have many beautiful C•alenders and Booklets whioh would he a pletew n1 ra• niembrance fur year friends. •EU/12i12OTIS CO' These are nee and beautiful, conte and see them and you will surely buy, ,Bibles and .Books. Never before have we hod suet' value in Morocco Biudiuge. You will etay so when you see them. Our Large toy boot's will surprise you when you see how cheap they are. Surely the children will nut go hungry (for reading) when so much oun be Mel for so little. Fancy Goods, Albtuns, &o., in abuuduuee, and you, of course, know that we are headquarters or Santa Claus, G. A. D.EADiIAN, - Druggist, Bookseller, ..to. GRAND T"i''i.' K RAILWAY, Y, SOBTUEIIN EXTENSION w. a. & 11. Braine leave Brussels Station, North and South, ae follows: cons SouTn. Oooea NonTn. Mail 7:10 a.m. irises 0:45 a.m. Express 11:50 w.m. Jlail 8:15 Mixed 5.50 p.m. Express ....., 0::i0 ,.m. I I 1 t .oc�.zt �4icli s ,Mons, A rhil s ma ng ye takin' notes, Au faith he'll prat it. RENEW your subscription to Tun Post for 10('3. GET a sample copy of TEE POST. We give the news. NEXT Wednesday will be the shot test day of the year. Doerr forget the Monthly Horse P111 or, Thursday, Jan. 5th. TUE Bible Society collectors are a+ work in some sections. MAITLAND Presbytery met iu 1Vingbatn ou Tuesday of this week. AN aged tramp foond lodging in th. loch -up here last Monday night. A cut of live hogs were shipped] from" Brussels of Thursday of this reek. J. McALrrxta has added two tine ebee. eases to the shop furniture of his res tanrant. Tam awkward storm p, colt has heel, replaced at the door of the postoffice for the winter. De. UAvaNAsu has purohaeed the cam• fortable brick residence of J. J. Dos oan, Turnberry street. H. FELLY, who intended buying pork here this winter, has sold out to R. Graham and Broker & Vanetone. MISS DOwNEY, of Hanover, has aooept- ed the position of teacher in the 3rd De- par:meut of oar school and will be ready for work in 1593. TAX COLLECT= MOONEY was raking in the shekels from Morris ratepayers ou Wednesday of this week et the American Hotel in this place. TEE lamp in a new "oyster lantern" in front of James McAlpine's restaurant ex- ploded on Wednesday evening while hong outdoors and rather wrecked the illuminator. Marnaa:n Skating and Catling rink has been leased to Alex. McKay for the season. He will have it put in shape at once so that skating and curling may be engaged in. Corp hot air furnaces have been placed in the residences of Wm, Martin, Brus- sels ; Thos. McKee, Molesworth ; Andrew Hislop, Grey ; and Henry Bennewieee, Ar'rILillop, by Messrs. Ballantyne a Wil- ton, of this town, this Fall. They push their business. MELYILLE CUrnCII.-Services will be conducted next Sabbath by Rev. S. Jones in the morning and R. F. Camer- on, ameyon, Knox College, is the evening. -Rev. John hoes and Elder Duncan MoLauoh. lie attended Maitland Presbytery in W"rgnam lest Tuesday.—rhe Y. P. A. C. E, is plannimg out its work for the curring year. Knox Clauson, -The Knox Church Sabbath School intend holding a scholar's social and entertainment on Friday, Jan. 6th. The pupils will have it drive in the afternoou and a program will be presented in the evening, -The discourse last Sabbath evening on "John's Letter to the Eleot Lady," was very interesting and instructive. AccIDEXT: -Ae Mr. Urquhart, a well. known oommereine traveller was driving into town last Saturday evening the livery rig he was riding in collided with an outgoing wagon and the old gentle. mea wee thrown oat upon the hard road. Teen ugly llashee were out in his Head naoeseitating the attention of a medical man and the lying over of the patient in town for a good share of it week. SETTLED, -The dispute between Allan Ramsay and Joseph Webster over a span of horses and a money trauu:totion has been settled by the latter paying $537 and Mr. Ramsay settling the law costs, It. L. '.Taylor repr.'eented the plaintiff and J. T. Carrow the defendant. The trouble arose over a span of horses that Mr. Ramsay sent. in Mr. Webster's care to Dakota to be sold there for him. The horses did not sell as quickly as expected and money was forwarded to pay the eeeoreary expenses, &o, A disagreement over the settlement resulted in a trial at Godrlioh, IIil L.tcuar, BEST Wiro LAUD= La:,r.-- I3ro. Irwin, of tie, Blyth Standard, grew a ey funne about a year ago over en ad. veuttemeei whish appeared in Tun Pose offering a baby rarriagr for sale, Since then ho ]ms m'trriul a1. I on 1115 4111 inet• the docte'r Lronght him e baby girl. We hope in this "care" thee you will not "slug" it, Daddy Irwiu, hat (hat the little "fora," wilt heoouie "fat" and be a howling suooauv. A baby oarriage may du for the mune" 010111111 bot the now see why you worn so anxious foe the elootric light. 11 will remove the eolitudc as oft in the stilly night you teIie Ti'.destri,,) tout; acmes the bedroom floor with an armful of flannel, encasing a cat nippy iisby. You shouldn't have 1aoghed at, our Lat y carriage, though, for langhiltg dreadful ketchin', flow• ever, our beet co.nplimbute aro presented to Mise /Min. Aa high as $11.50 per owe, was paid for dreeeed hogs thea week on Bruesels mark,'. 1 mloar100 ineteli for 1011115y will be held at the Revere Ifouse on Friday of this week. Tire next monthly FIores Fair will be hila] w Brussels of '1'littreduy, January 3:11.1•119. SAW log hauling wets on the program this week. They were talteu to Argent Bros. mill. Item the advertisotnoute on every pee lit this wee'k's issue of Tus Posh, It will pay you. ltrv. J. Ross, 13. A., Rev. D. Millar and Her. S. Jones, and Elder's D. Alc- LauoLlin incl T. Strachan attended Presbytery on Tumidity at Wingham, WE are greatly indebted to our en- ergetis corps of correepumleuts for the rvay they have aided TI:E P055, for the past month partio larly. We hope the good work will go sit. \VILL the persona in Grey and Morris township- who are Biting iu 4110 Sttuduy schoot infurmatiun on bla,lcs supplied tltern, kindly return them to W. II. Kerr, Brussels, 05 early as possible. The ad. rhesses of the Seporiutondent's are re quired before the Coady Convoutiuu programs can be mailed. 'firm IIappy Thought Range m1 exhi• bit'ou in the show window of Messrs. BeIlunlyne .l• Wilton has attracted con• si(lerabia attooliou. Thorn is a mica winder: in :h.: oven rtJur allowing the cook to inspect the goodies in course of preparation. With the set of niokle plated furniture it is a complete ioetfit in the rtove inc.l S•r. JOIIN'e Cunnctl.-:LIr.Shme, of Loudon, preached here last Saud ,y.- The Bishop has complied with the re- quest of this emigreg itian and a•p Mored Rev. Mr. Riley, of Clheeley, as incumbent of the John's and St. George's churches here and at Walton, r"spsetively. The. reverend gentleman is expeoted hers bo. fore long to take charge of the work. Bretxees CnA_voE.-Last week Jacob '.,,ocr pat:hood i40 grocery business of serge Busker and will continue ib in the cure stand. Me, Earner is a steady go - alevel headed young man and will do ll no doubt, Mr. Be ter has been in isines for the past 10 years and has d his own, uotwithstandin.; the keen -)mpetition, by close attention to his ork and the practice of eeouomy, He ed W. F. Veenstoue are now engaged in the grain and pork business. TILE long pending snit, Waterous vs, P '.nerstou, over a lire engine purchase, been dismissed with costs against tiff, Watorous, in Supreme Court at '•vva this week. Plaintiff has fought a case through three lower courts to a bitter end with decisions always ;Lfnst him, Judge Meredith, fu disees• 4 of the matter, said "Plaintiff hod 5(0)5511 to blame ; it was evident he was too fearful of it rival's coopetition and failed to take due precaution, in his I haste, not to set a proper oontraot." ALEN. W. Solari, who recently went to Treherne, Manitoba, writes as follows in remitting his subscription for TEE Posr : I litre the country pretty good so far and think I will get along first rate. The urops have been good but the prices are low, wheat Belling for 49 cents per bushel at present. This is a good part of Mani- toba as there is plenty of bush around here and there ie a roll to the land so that farmers grow good Drops as a rule. I want my name put on the "list" as I oast do without TEE Pear. Find cash enclosed. DEAD BBT 00T rOn00TTEN.-The Huron Live Stock Insurance Company has passed in its checks and ceased to live. If reporte are true it would have been better had it never been born and judging by the way policy holders were pulled they will hold in "dear" remembrance the Huron Live Stock Insurauee Company. Here is an example of many :-R, Leatherdale, of Brussels, insured his carriage team for $250, giving his prem- ium note for $80.00. He paid $7.50 at the time, was assessed $3.00 in 8 months and $13.00 in 7 months, a total of $23.10 for a little better than half a year. Per- sons advised him to drive his team out to Seaforth and give them to the Com- pany at once instead of by heavy instal- ments. This is not a fulfilment of an old adas thetn l ho good ooa aim young." ROYAL TEornens OF TEtr0E5ANOE —At the regular meeting of this organization last Tuesday evening the following ofli. cars were re•eleoted for the current term :- W. H. Kerr, Select Councillor ; J. B. MaLauoblin, Past Councillor ; Mre.N. McLaughlin, Vioe Councillor; Russell Fletcher, Secretary ; Mrs. Jas. Herr, Financial Secretary ; T. Fletcher, Treasurer ; D. Hogg. Chaplain ; Nelson Gerry, Herald ; Mise Grace Aldridge, Guard ; A. G. Eaeom, Sentinel ; J. A. MaNanghton, Physioian. Miss Annie Roes' program was as fol- lows :-Ohorus by company ; reading, Mise Maggie McNaughton, "The tramp's Prayer" ; solo, "Shake Hands," Mise F. E. Kerr ; instrumental, Miss Kirkby ; reading, "The Leper," Miss Aldridge ; Bolo, "Loss of the Lady Elgin," Dr. Cavanagh ; instrumental, Miss Minnie IDIoNaughton ; reading, "A neat Lesson," Miss E. F. Kerr. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 271h inst. MnrnoDIe'r Cuuncu,-Itis( Monday evening was Roll gall at the lipworlh League. B. Gerry load the meeting, Next -Monday the topio will be "Job.". - Instead of the ostial quarterly review in connection with the Sabbath school nest Sunday afternoon, "As hour with Mis- sions" will form the program. Address- es, readings and music will be given and a spooned cease collection taken for the cause advocated. -The plaster ceiling of tlto chu oh tvid be removed and a match. ed light wood ceiling substituted in the near future.-•- W. H. Herr took the even. ing service at Gerrie last Sunday, Rev. J. Green, the pastor, being away on a missiouary deputation at C,tesley.-Rev. 11. Paul preach. it an anniversary esrm.nn at Currie's shuroh, McKillop townshlp, or, the evening of the 15th. A. tea meet- ing 1111 bo held on the [Monday follow, ing.-On Tuesday evening a Vary One. ant time was epent in the school room by the members et Rev. 11,. Paul's Bible class, 'There were 50 young people pres- ent at,it after refreshments bad been partaken of a happy time was put in until after 10 o'odook. AI', Paul and hie class have had mote than o1e social gather. ing.--On Christmas morning a speofal sermon will be proacbed. to the Sabbath school pupils. On rho afternoon of the Monday following, of roads will permit, the school will b', given a sleigh ride and On the ratan 1L s:11.ly of rofresbtnonte and it abort program will be preeetited, THE BRUSSELS POST Dm, 10, 1892 ,.,.,. � ,, ,.,.,... .,,,..,:..., :,.,,�,,,. .wanteven'rsiA,¢yrnlmr�•;asst�m�ntanftu�catn.�,R,...,.,•..,,,,,.,,.,, ahftsr�Bas Business Locals, 8TaArad JW B4✓il'l.0 OZf' a1Nr1w ,.i, simmer* for sale a+ McC'raokoi's. 1?(melt nystere at AleAlpine'e restaur- aut. Fen the best and finest photos go to feery.s. Grey a One phelei of ynnrself for XMas at ferry's. Cotuon'reusE liouso to let, -Apply to S, 13. Smale. BL.tsu1LL Paye mush fur hides, Ales and poultry, 1'o( your photoe go to Strong's over Standard Bionic, A Lor of fancy treye, latest patterns at 13. Gerry's, LAS nl, pork and aaoeage at Wm, Blas - hill's neat marital(, DIP you notion the lovoly goods in 1I, L, Jackson's window? Si'iisuL bargains in Photos for Christ. MOS. H. J. Strong, BLACK diamond axes that shied the test, at 13. Gerry's. TPA best value in robes, horse blankets, rte., at 1. 0. Riohard's. Tina nicest stock in kid gloves oan be found ut Ferguson & Halliday's. EN silverware a full assortment nod labest designs, at 13. Gerry's. CA= paid for raw fore of all kinds. F. 0. Richards. « Nos'ni u Meer than one of Ptrry's photos of yourself for a Xmas present. BEEF by the quarter at bottom prises at W. Blaehill's, the old reliable butcher. LEAVE ,your order for first-class quart. er of hoof at Wm. Blash]ll's, the leading b"tnhvr. Oen .tonic of gent's furnishings is well assorted with goods suitable for the Christmas trade, A, R, Smith. Rrtneornnn we de no enema class work in the photo line. IL J. Strong, ever Standard Bank. Nun new etoolc in gentlemen's ties, collar and miffs for Xmae trade at For - grump et Halliday's. A FINE assortment of trunks and yalir.ua always en hand and sold very cheap. I. C. Itiohards. A LOT of nice hanging (amps with de- corated shades, also a good assortment of vase lamps, latest stykss at B. Gerry's. Eimeusox & ET.tsLto,Y are running a booming Xmas sale in linens and hand- kerchiefs. Their new advt. is worthy of consideration. X car saws the best in the world. "Forest Beauty," "Tread of Any," "Galt Racer," "Maple Leaf," ab reduced prices at B. Gerry's Long 1 Look 1 Lock I at T. I! letoher's window and if von do not see what you went call in. No tro'tbla to show and explain goods and priors. We bought another stock of overcoats last week in Toronto 8nee less than regi• lar price and flan make it interesting for anyone wanting an overcoat. A. R. Smith. WE buy clothing in large quantities n.nd get the benefit of olearine out lines 30% to 40% less than regular prises. We will sob be undersold. A, R. Smith. SemLL to the front with a well bought selection of gold and silver watches. Jewellery of every description, which will be offeredte the public at very low prices. My goods are warranted or no sale. T. Fletcher. Ora first stock of clothing was good value and sold well but we got a job line in Toronto last week that will surprise you. If you want anything in the clothing line dont fail to call en A. R. Smith. PEOPLE w130 have tried it, say that there is no better medicine for dyspepsia than Ayer's Sarsaparilla, It may nob give one the stomach of an ostrich, but ib so strengthens the alimentary organs that digestion of ordinary food becomes easy and natural. FENCE Posrs WANTED. -The under- signed will pay the highest cash price for any quantity of sound cedar fence poets, delivered at Breesels. For parti- culars apply to R. Leatherdale, Brus- sels. FEEBLE and capricious appetites are beet regulated by the use of Ayer'e Cathartic Pills. They do not debilitate by excessive stimulation ; but cause the stomach, liver and bowels to perform their fonabions properly. As an after- dinner pill theyare unequalled. ed. "Moss -Where didon arohase that gem ring beautiful y p and grotty gold watch ? and oh, my 1 what a boaubifnl cloak that is on the mantle 1" Do you know my pe was down t0 Mr. Fletcher's, what a beautiful stook he has in his line. "Why yes, we bought then( all at T. Fletcher's." WELL.DIa02No AND DRILLING. -George Bleb has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work sntrueted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of tete bridge, west' side of Turnberry st., Bruseels. 84.11 IN LIQVMATION.--$7,000 00 worth of the beet and most seasonable Moods in the stooks of Geo. Good, Seafortb and Brussels, still to sell. Full Lines in teen's felt boots, pure gum rubbers, mankinno sox, &a. Ladies', men's, youths', boys', misses' and children's overshoes and rub. bens of all kinds. fresh groceries, hats and caps, crockery and glassware, fancy goods, trunks and valises. Everything ohenp for oaeh. Bettor and eggs taken in exchange for goocln. 3, R. Gregory, Liquidator. RESEoDA Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says :-"I had been iu a distressed condition for three years from ne•voua- ness, weakness of the stomach, dyepepsia and indigootion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought ono bottle of South Amerioan Nervine, which did Ito more good than any, $50 worth of dootoring I over did in my life. I would advise ovary weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot- (las of it has outer.' mo oolnpletely. I consider it the grandest medicine in the world." A trial bottle will convince you, Warranted by (3. A. Deadman. e rAR1V Iborxenu. In Grey, on the 0114 inst., the wife of Mr. GM retort= Rayuard of a daughter. lswize.--In Blyth, on Sunday, 4th inst., the wife of Mr. W. IL Irwin, editor of the Standard, of a daughter, drsxtn, .. . . 1oseen,-In Wellesley, on Dec. Pod, reabelia Fodor, mother of .1. ,T, Fas• ter, (tautest, Listowel, aged 00 years, 4 months and 37 days. Cbnoss.-At Swan Lake Alar,,, on Noy: 25111, MMS, W. il. dross, S''7T.P-17x2^Se:f7a 0 '75,t, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000 CAPITAL A Authorized . • ISI"' 000 000 ul PZT L ( 1 , .4,, 'trice in rill p,'ineil/dlINf111. r8 Ontario, Qtwbee, llaeltoba, fait. d Siolee 1' England, A General Bulking 13nsineee Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Dienounted, Drafts Ientted and Collections made or, all ()Milts, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and apwarde from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION OWvEN TO T111) COLLECTION OF F''.tl(oil:no' SALE NOTE11. Every facility afforded Customers living ata distance. W. 1). 11ART, M,tNAOEa. A=1,=. nml061101 ma,we,r-...•.,reara:memo Eci aallvsah•1dS rI64r3' `u ! � "rrctnyrlc 'oiC• 9 La a'a'�:u t ice. ERSy _L7 V s s rim J.J s , Transact a General Bantling Business. Drafts Bought and Sohl on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FA18MEas' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, Interest Allowed on One Dotter and lipwarde at Cermet Rates. Interest Con - ;vended Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal a itis end of the Months of October and April. Special Arraugemente made for Time Deposits, We effect to write Insurance In 010ttll,^,Ileh or Canadian Companies, or In Mol- ina Conlplurfea us euay be devlred. AonNTs You CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Toni CANADIAN BANE OL` CoomtniCE. �mL�,�y �i erl)tr. LP h ' A3111'. P iaaR rr° i UthiolL '1 If you want value for your money go to There you will find a prime stock of Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned Goods, Fancy Bis- cuits, Confectionery, &c. My Tobaccoes cannot be beaten. Wooden Ware, Crockery and Soaps. Leave your Christmas order for Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. Oz/ster's, Fresh and Salt Rater Herrings just to hand. Try therm' �R't7a`.�'.�—•1'_,S ?.TAR>7-71'6, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Batter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Salt per bbl., Hides trimmed rough Uh .. o L Sheep akine,eaob.,...... 60 1 00 Lamb skins each 65 00 Apples per barrel 3. 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 3 00 0 50 00 61 57 00 30 35 50 52 25 20 16 17 15 00 3 50 4'00 85 00 6 00 00 1 00 05 3 THE PEOPLE'S GDLU`;rid. SECOND HAND CUT'L'ER, IN Good Order, for Salo. Apply to 223 Dlt. GRAHAM. CORDWOOD WANTED.—ANY quantity of hard and soft cordwood wanted at Brussels Salt Works. 31,20 to 91,50 per cord for soft wand and $1.50 to 02.00 for hard wood. T. COLEMAN, 12.11 Proprietor. EIFER CALF FOR SALE.— no above is from a rich butter cow, nearly pure bled Jersey. 921 will boy her if taken at once. G. A. DIOADMAN, Druggist Sc Bookseller, Brussels. LAME ON THE .PREMISES lvJ of the undersigned, Let 20, Oen, 7, Grey, on or about Oot. 1st, one sheep. The COMM is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away, 02-0 ltOBT, DILWOBTH, 'MOTIOE. — ACCOUNTS DUE l� the estate of the late Dr. Cale will be received at nth.' until December Slat, after which data, thee° remaining unsettled will he placed in the hands of a aolloator. Par - bias having elann,5 against the estate 1(10 re- quested to render their accounts forthwith,. Walton Factory, The annual mooting of the Walton 'Onion Ghee Oe en(1Bubter Company will be held in Jo 5op11 1,'teber's Hall on '1'needay, 27th day of December, 1602, at the hour of 1 e'oloalt p,m. Fattens and shareholders aro imput- ed to be present. 21-2 LEWIS MODON(LD, Pres.]. 1t. 04.11tltliUSON, 805, Walton, Lem 14,100e. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received up to 4 p,10. Ou Dee. 2011, for the removal of the plaster coning In tbo Methodist chtn'ah, lirussels, and the putting on of wood dolling, to eon - stet of as,,to1gtied and grooved, not more luau flinches wide. Ceiling to imeeive one emit of flllhla and two newts of varnish, All in aerialto leo fsrui,hod by contractor, The lowest or any tender not necessarily adopt- ed, Tendon to be nrdraeecd 1,0 J. '3, 1'ap- par, Sas, (I Denial, 19atla end tp0oifleatiene may be Irma at11, Gerry S store, REAL ESTATE. 1 1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - sato and teoasrnent easy terms, in Townships of 'Harris and Grey. 1 S. S0OTT, Brussels. 87-52. �- IHOIOE FARI47 FOR SALE.— J Being South half Lot 27, con, 6, Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, nue young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session. Easy fortes. Apply to W. M. SINCLASlt, 4f-� Sohoitor, be,,Brussob, r 0() ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The200 r 0 ao a farm being lots and e eon. 16, Grey, is eared for well t 120 baeree are cleared and the a. Orchard, o well eel, hared. I3eildings withi as4. rods, well, Biss. Scheel house 10 'leo 40re rode, further Posses - Bien given at Duos if desired. Per further particulars as to pries., terms, dm. apply to MRS. WALltElt, 9-1f Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BBICOIE1t, nu farm. ---- �`['�`yPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. kJ BEING lata 11 and 12, eon. 18, Township of Grey. County of .Enron, containing 200 acres, the property of the late John Itobort- eou, 110 mores cleared and free from ob. StSUetiOne, 1t aeree bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared. Soil clay loam, mostly rolling, Fenced with straight rail faeces and watered by two wells and a spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with largo woodshed atbaohod Mkt mu sxcelleut cellar under hon55. Two largo barns, atone stabling and other outbuild- ings. Coro good bearing orchards, orna- meutal trees and small fruits, 4% miles from Brussels, a lively town on bbo G. T, 11., nonveeiont to school churches and post aloe, This property lies wen, is a oret- class grain and atoll( farm and should be seen by intending purchases as Itis eller- ellalta bargain. Por further parbtonlars apply to MILS, JNO,itOBlla'1't'+ON, or DAN1111. ROBERTSON, on the premises, or by letter to Oranbrook 1'. 0. 054 Notice to Creditors. A11 pereone leaving claims agmiust the es. tate of John Slelu,non, lata of the Township of Grey, in the County of Iluran, Yeoman, who died on or about the Sixth day of Sop- tember, 1800, are required, on or before the lett( Day 01' January, 0803, 10 seed to the undersigned, one of the executors of the last will ei Alla deeenietel, full jparti1ulars of their (Ammo properly verified. After ripe mill 1051. day of Januar the lrxecntore will proceed to distribute the estate among (lose entitled thereto having ,•oL:1,•nnoe Only to the olmims Of whim) 1151)00 m•n.l have tbon been mem. ed, and after such dietribut1On the larecutol•s will not be responsible for any pat'1 Of t110 Ostato to any creditor of whose alai they abet' not have received notice at the lfuu, of each distribution. This notion is perettao5 to statute iu that behalf, W11rLIASI SLEMAION, 90.4 11X000101' Gray, Deo, 14,1501. L',t11el1,0, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t s Honor Graduate of the Ontario VetetMary College, is prepared to treat all demesne of ttomnstioated animals in a norm putout nnanner, Particular attention Haid be veterinary dentistry. Calle Potently at. Melee t ()thou nue 11:0,unlry--Pv we doors north of bridge •Furnbeery et„ urussols, PRES NTS. Our Stock is Largo. It is Easy ; 1J ;i Olu Ot from. No use to loot( Elsuwllope, We have exactly what you want, Our Paces aro all Might. Pepper's Drug Mere, B1)USSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Oouvoyaneer. Colleo- tions made. Oi leu--Vausbouris Itlocc, lirue• sols.31 Nm ' ATM. SINOLAIR, solicitor, 'ouvoyancer, Nn tory Pub. leo, sae (taloa-Graham s Meek,1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private lends to Loan, ,(''1A3IERON, FLOUT & IIOLMES, UVJ aitrrisic r0scies, SoucrlitoroahOut. , Not:ales Dubile , , 00. C. 5.05151105, Q, d., PnTLlr 10051', DUDLEY 11014.105, • RAYaIANN, • etnOtinneer, 1s always reedy to at- tend sales of farts, 010.111 5104112 €;e. Tonna cheerfully given, fire nb rook P.1), holes may 1)5'511' timed at 'Pur; Peal. Publishing House, Brussels, (� E011G.I ICIRRKBY, 1.3 Idcousso Auutloueor. S..los oendunt colon roaeaoable terms. Farms and fawn ei-10 t 1 .C:1,71 et Tru. POST P ublishiuglHeine Lrn seine or 505(1" Walton P.0 1,7111 receive prompt attention. y0-AVING TAKEN OUT LI;TIN'- 89 as an Auctioneer, 1 on prepared to ooadr01 sales of farm steak at rmwu,u(ble prices, *Knowing the standing of nearly every purser, l a,,, 100 Ito eition to 0011 to good marks and gat good security when sold enarodit, Satisfaction gunrtuteod. Give meaeall, 11- 1f S. SUUTT. 13D81.', E;8 CARDS. I' V • H. 1McORACKIN, Issaror ofMarliage Licenses. Moe at 1118 Grocery, ,Curuborry street, 13ressele. 1?�'. N. l3AltIILTT, Tonsorial Artist• Shop -Next door eolith of A. Al.lnuliay& Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ab tklreus hair cutting a specialty MoNAIR ..t • Ieeu1'er of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor. Commis- sioner, .f:c ,Q. B. Conveynneer and agent pos 591.5t Otho. Insurance 0o. 01110e at the Oranbrook ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. susonettos, FIRE" AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of tbo fourth Division Court Co. Hn2.51, Conveyaueer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Ingenueso Agent. Puede invested and to loan. Collections made. Onice in Graham's Block,Brusscls. 0 OIL PAINTING, Mise Merles, of Wiugham, is prepared to give instruction is oil palating. Terms maybe ascertained ab Arise Nellie hose' store where eampl es of work may be seen, Mies Mortes would also take a few more pupils in 100010, 91 A. HAWIiINS, 1 • Organist in St, John's Church, mus- sels, and 1311311,in the Art of TeachisC of A. lessons) to' pupils either at' hos yw'aciow's, 7.'elruberry Street, or if preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day ab Walton. Tonne moderato, MEDICAL CARDS. T. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. ej • O, M.Llt R. C.P., EdinS. burgh, k M g .o,r Block, corner of 4 1 and um oe In Wbs, IIloal(, cOPIlel of Mlll and Turnberry Ste. DENTAL. .1)NTIfST1 M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeoue, Ontario, and of Toronto Ifni- voreity. OiteIOE-Over A, It. Smith's Store, Breams, ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE tincde'elened will keep for service at Lot B, Con. 8, Grey a pure bred Berkshire hog, Tories, 91,00 so be paid at time of ser. vice with privilege of JrAMtnlu6inlgSnOIPss,ary, 22.4 Proprietor. rp WO BERKSHIRE BOARS ..a. rota 80Uvrnn,.-Largo bread, bred from lsb Prise etoolc, will be kept for service on Int S0, eon, 0, Grey, ono aged and one young boar. Pedigrees eon bo seen on application, Terms, 91,00 to he paid at time of aesyino with privilege of returntog 1! oonoeemry. 21.4 J, 15, .Antal(, Proprietor. OARS FOR SERVICE, --THE undersigned will beep for 0059100 on Lot 11, Cod. 0, Grey, a thorn' bred ()boater White pig, with pedigree and from import- ed stock. Also a there' bred Borkelilre hog. Terms 011.00 to he pall ae tfuto of service With 1trbVllege of rettirnIng if n000esaty. 10.11 A. SHAW, Propr. ebur. OAR FOR SERVIGR,—THE Uudorslgnod wal keep for service on Nortel A Lot 20, Con, 7, 015'110, a (bozo' bred Chester Willie Hog, This pig wee awarded prizes 41 Jloroneo and London Pairs, Hie sire, "Revd" line talion 1st at the L,dustrisl 1o' yours, Terms, 51,00 to be paid ab time of emvice with pkivilo50 of retutnlug if necessary, SAMUEL WALISIO Lt, 10.41 Proprietor, 110110VEI) LARGE WHITE YORK. S11I1RE BOAR. The nnderaigued will keep for melee bhls mount 0050011 flab Improved Jorge white Yorkshire p1ig ”Heady" 011 lot 20, eon. 0, Morris,to tvllla11 a ]hutted number of sows will be takml. 'forma 61.10 hobo plaid at time of aervieen with the privilege of retain- ing if neeeseary. Niihau maybe 000n up" ontapplication. 'ROBERT N101101,, 10tf Propristoe. 14 1 1 1