The Brussels Post, 1892-12-16, Page 1Vol. 20. No. 23, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16,
A.a ityFlc• +RYUEa.Ti-Sn"sFFb6rtrmMYn RiP+tAA,I 4 f.YP,Ciin.MRLLPR'.I„Me,ni,S ,2111.nIAW9nfon 9lNW.4.4,mnmanin,d,miygp
E][oluii vee
Aire, John Gaynor, who has ninon under
the Drs. care for Boma weeks, hi receiver.
F. MoPhie, who hoe beton laid up with
a sore hand, will soon be able to rosillne
Wm. Bawtinbeinter shipped a car loa.l
of fat cattle to Toronto on Monday of
this week,
The G. T. R. have built et tool honse
which will add to the comfort of the men
in stormy tee abhor.
Thos. Fraser had the misfortune to in.
Mot quite a gash on hie large to on
Monday last but is abie to be around.
Wm. Allen, canvassing egout for the
Stratford Beacon, was in the village re-
cently and wee sueoosefnl in adding some
new names to the subscription list.
The Sept. and Oct. make of the Silver
Corners cheese factory has been boxed
and is now awaiting shipment, A. Il'Co-
Laren, of Stratford, boiug the buyer.
C7a•at.00iar colic.
Bab:Moving is the order of the day just
A good tailor would do a good business
in this plane.
Mrs. Hayman, of London, is visiting
her parents, John Knight and wife, near
this t ilinge.
Rev. J. W. Bell, of Hamilton, will de.
liver it b-etnre nu Tsrnperanoe on the
evening of Deuembor 21st.
We are glad to learn that Mrs. MoKay,
of tide place, who was seriously injured
by a fall lately, is recovering.
The Royal Templars of Temperance of
this place will hold an entertainment in
Dooms' Hall on the evening of Deo. 29th,
We aro sorry to learn that Miss Herr,
who tenches in the public school of this
place, is going to leave us at Christmas.
She has aooepted a situation in Hanover
eohool, Her successor is not yet known
as the one appointed to the vacant posh
tion has accepted a echoo] in Homburg.
0. McIntosh has boon engaged as princi-
pal for another year at a salary of 0150,
John Paterson, son of Frank Paterson,
of this town, had his left arm broken in
the hoist in the "Mien Factory, one day
The Congregational church of this
plana intend holding a grand Christmas
tree entertainment on Friday evening,
Dec. 26th.
The fire alarm was sounded about 8
o'clock one evening last week, but after
the firemen bed the hose laid it was
found that they were only trying the now
furnaces in the Methodist church, which
caused considerable smoke,
The reopening services of the Metho.
dist church last Sunday were a great
6aceeoe. Rev. A. M. Phillips, of Toron-
to preached two masterly discourses,
The financial results were good. On
Monday the musical and literary enter-
tainment was bend and was greatly en.
3oyed, Tho churoh presents a neat
appearance since the addition has been
built and with the new furnaces and in-
candescent illumivatiooa wid Le corn-
A painful aooident happened to Dr, P.
Macdonald, of Wingham, the other even.
ing while be and Dr. J. R. Macdonald
wore driving to )Jlnevale, and when near
that place they overtook a man driving a
large pig. Just when they were passing
the pig made a bolt to Dross tho road and
succeeded in getting between the front
wheels of the buggy and the horse's hind
feet. This frightened the horse, and he
made a plunge forward, partly overturn-
ing the buggy and throwing Dr. P. out.
He was struck ou the back and one of
his legs by the baggy wheels, and injured
somewhat, though not seriously.
John Straohan and daughter are still
confined to their rooms although they
are if auything elowly improving.
Mies Lida Hall is home from rho
Mitchell Model school. She will teach
next year at Orediton, Huron County,
Jessie Telfer, daughter of Wm. Telfor,
has been suffering ler some time with
inflammation of the longs bet is now
Ed. Hill arrived home last week from
the Model at Goderioh having completed
his terns. Ile is engaged to teach nn S.
S. No. 0 for 1898.
School examinations and entertain-
ments are to the front. A number of
changes will scour in the toaohing staff of
this township at New Yeare.
The property recently advertised for
Gale by PIance Cutnnmings has been solei.
The north 100 acres, on eon. 6, was sold
to Thoe, Newbiggiug for $4,000 cash.
Tho south 100 acme, ou the 7th sou.,
was pnrcluleod by Samuel MoAliisber for
$4,200 cash. Possession of bout farms
ie given on Ivlatch 1st next.
Gant kltnen.—Ree notice that John
Knox, of the 0 lino, HowIck, had 800
wagon loads of turnips from 10 acres,
and olaima to boat the record for this
year. We think it far behind when
Thos. Motanohlin, lot 1, con. 6, Grey,
1300808 100 wagon loads off 2e acres, or
from 120 drills, 27 inches apart and 27
rods lore.
Municipal matters are livening 09 as
nomination illy draws 00ar. A Ilinlop
will give tho present i1oumbont of the
Reeve's entire a lively race. Deputy
Reeve Bryan will also bo opposed. The
Townahilt Hall and the method of build.
ing it will bo the leading question at
issue. The South believes in equal
rights and fair play,
A. grand school concert will be held at
S. S. No. 4, Grey, on Thursday, Deo.
20ud. An excellent program is ender
preparation consisting of vocal music of
ohoioe seleotions, instrumental music b,y
the mouth organ and string bands, teen-
tatione and readings by Mr. Meildejohn,
of Molesworth, and others ; tableaux, in.
etructive and interesting dialoguoe. A
hearty invitation is given t0 all. Doors
0900 at 7p. in., program cotfnnenees at
Win, Bates hal sold his farm to Mr.
MoAlliebor, Mr, Bates intends holding
a tittle shortly. Ifo does not intend re.
moving frons Grey township.
now A11r•ltto.N.—Goorg0 Zimmer,
formerly or Chili township writes Tina
Poem :—Wo have had n very fine Pull
and tit the time of writing have no snow,
except a slight fell hardly oovering the
ground. Tho need of sleighing is a great
drawback to tills motion of country.
Our harvest was a failero-to a large ex.
tent this year and poor prices received
for what is offered, I enclose yon 93.00
for oubeoription to Toe Poser. I want to
keep my paper paid as I Iovo to get the
home news,
51tcnd[ iI1Op,
Miss Margaret Shannon, sister of "V,
7. Shannon, end Solomon Shannon, died
01 the first clay of December. She had
been in dolicatc health for many years.
A Christmas Tree entertainment will
Le held at Bethel uhureli on Thursday
evening of next weak. Musical and
literary paogram. A similar entertain
stent will be hold in Winthrop Presby-
terian charoh on the 23rd inst.
A meeting of the Patrons of the Win.
throp creamery was held in the cheese
factory, on November 23rd, to consider
whether they would eoutinno the cream.
er:y 1,10 anub;ler year or nut. Thole haul
been 400,000 ponnde of milk received at
the factory this season, which yielded
the patrons nearly $5,000 for their cream
besides having their slim milk sent
home, Lite Patrons reueiviog more money
than for the past two seasons for cheese
at the same price per gallon of milk.
Mr. IItenneh paid 9000 for mill( drawing,
Alexander Kerr made 9180 from eight
00189 in twenty four weeks, and had hie
milk all returned. The Patrons wished
to continue the eroamery in future, and
the ehareholelere agreed to rent the
factory to Hannah et Wengel for a term
of years. A meeting will he held early
in the winter to make arrangements for
next season, when all wishing milk
routes or desiring to be Patrons should
IL1mrt.0 vv it l
Pierce 001110on lost about $82, one day
last weelc, he think, through a hole in ono
of his pookets.
The town byelaw for regulating the
sale of wood is having the desired effect
of causing wood to be eold by the cord
instead of by the load as formerly.
Ed. Tuttle met with a very painful
aaoideut ab the tannery. He was work-
ing at the roller tvhen lie gob two fingers
under it. They were badly smashed and
will lay him off work for a few weeke.
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Brantford, will
preach the anniversary 80rv1ces in the
Methodist charoh on Sunday, 18th inst.,
and will deliver his popular lecture on
"Tho Triangular Man' on the following
Monday evening.
Mira Jessie Ulflnie, 13. A. who has
just finished her soesion at the School of
Pedagogy, Toronto, has been appointers
teacher of Modern Languages in the
Windsor High aohool, at a salary of 9900
per annum. Her duties begin with the
New Year.
The following are the officers elected
for the ensuing term, in L. 0. L., No.
870 :•—Weis Welsh, W. M. ; Thos. Later,
D. M. ; Henry Willoughby, (Aap. ; R.
Stanley, Rec.-Seo. ; Wm. Spears, Fin.•
Seo. ; Robe. Kemp, Treas. ; Jas. David-
son, D, of 0. ; C. Anderson, Lecturer ;
Wm. MoKeevor,Dr. Burgess, J. Leopard,
Jae. Evans, W. Wakeford, Committee ;
James Davidson, Tyler.
At special meeting of the direotors
of the Listowel Rink and Pork Go. held
in Brook & Son's offioe, the following
officers were selected. J. W. Soots, was
elected President to fill vacancy caused
by the death of Dr. Niohol, the late
President. B. F. Brook, was appointed
Manager, with T. L. Darling, 3, A. Hack-
ing and H. B. Morplly 0e a committee
to assist him. The following are the
scale of prices adopted for admission :—
Family tickets, 93.50 ; single gentlemen,
92.00 ; ladies and children under 14
years, 91.00 ; generot admiseiou, 100.
John Rogore left last week for Denver,
Col., to emit on his wife who is ill in thea
The G, T. R. carpenters have built a
new jigger house bear the citation. It
was moth needed.
Mrs. Il. Fox and family removed to
Sebringville lana vvey't. Mr. Fox is fore-
man of the Sebring'ville flax mill.
Miss Whibfield, a returned missionary
from Africa, delivered an address on
mission work, in the Methodist ohdroh
on Tuesday evening,
Misses Valiance 3.9 MaOioy have tnoved
into the store lately occupied by Mre.
Johnson, and hove fitted it for a dress
and mantle malting shop.
Immo Revell' and ftmnily, of Trow-
bridge, moved to town last week. Mr.
Raveill has purchased the Hill property
and will Inake his home hero,
Alex. Morrison, auctloneer, had the
misfortune to lose o valuable three•year.
old blood mare on Mondoy of last week
by inflammation. The head was veined
at 966. Alex, intended to use f6 for a
W,n. Dunn has purohased a mill trite
and five Coreg of ground attached thereto
on a proposed railway between Hep.
worth and Owen Sound. His property
is close to the ptoposod traolc and at a
point whore in all probability a station
will be located.
:1 pleasant affair took plana at the
residanoe of John A. Turnbull, 8611 eon.
I41ma, recently. His class tools 000nsion
to present thine taaoher with a beautiful
and useful writing desk, and Mrs, Torn.
bull a table set, as slight tokens of esteem,
accompanied by the following address
"We, the undersigned, on behalf of the
Bible clues of the Atwood Baptist Sun.
day school, would take advantage of this
09O,eion and the near approach of the
Cbrisbmae season to thank you for the
very greet interest you have taken in
imparting to ns the groat tenure oneiele
ad in tho Bcolc of Hooke as teaohor of the
el 198 and would one and all join in wish•
Set; you and Mrs. Tomlin!! aha compli-
ments or the season, and atilt you to
attempt title writing desk and bible sot 0-'t
10 elight token or esteem find pray thee
you may be spared many year's to teach
the way to Christ, and that Ho may
blas./ yen and your family in all things.
In behalf of the 01a5e." Mr•. Turnbull,
though taken by enrpriee, made a very
suitable reply, and hoped that ho might
long bo spared en 10)90333 the truths con-
tained in God's Iloly Book.
iia Ios'ova lit.
Mrs. Cross, sister-in•law to Mrs. A•
Drees, of this plea°, died at Swan Lake,
Man., on Nov 25bh,
Aliso irloIntyre and the Misses Per-
kiun, of Gorrio, wore the guests of Jas,
Tfm,uins for a few days last week.
Leet Sunday Rev. J. W. Pring ware in
Londosboro' preaching Missionary ser.
mons, His work Isere was supplied by
local talent.
The S. S. of the elethodist charoh dere
is halting preparations for a Xmse Tree
and manual and literary entt:rtainmeitt
to be Bold about the 20th or 27th of Deo,
An excellent program will be preseiited,
John R. Miller, President of the Blue.
vale Cheese and Butter Oompany, kid
the charge of deterioration of his milk
against 9.heahatu Jackson, The Daae
was to have been settled in oonrt bet Mr.
Jackson settled it by paying a fine of
050 ann. au: Le, 134.50.
ANNIVa1,ea0Y.—Tile anniversary ear
vises of the Methodist obure111rere were
hold on Snuday and Monday, Deo. 4111
and 50,1 and were in every way en00080-
ful, Excellent sermons were preached
morning and evening of Sunday by Rev,
George Buggin, of Tara—the morning
sermon, especially, being full of rich
spirituel food for all earnest listeners—
mud in the afternoon by Rev. W. H. Wat.
son, Congregational minister, of Wing.
ham. All of the sermons wereollaraoter-
ized by careful propitiation and deep
earnestness and were eminently praoti.
cal ; the style was expository rather than
declamatory 1(1d its each case calculated
to stir the listener's deepest thoughts,
The collections taken were in aid of the
trust funds. The people decided to do
away with the Iabor and expense of it
tea meeting and instead put the value of
the edibles on the collection plate. This
M many cases was duly atteuded to and
resulted in adding over 950 to the church
funds, We regard this as very well for
a start as the people "have not been this
way before." We expect better things
next year. On Monday night a oonoort
and lecture were given by the choir of the
Methodist eller*Gerrie, and Rev. Wm.
Smyth, of Clinton, respectively. To say
that the choir aognibted themselves ad•
mirably and won golden opinious for
themselves in putting it very mildly;
every piece rendered seemed to be better
than its predecessor and all fairly de.
lighted the audience. The club swing-
ing of John Baine, eon of the reeve of
Howiok, and his sister was likewise well
accomplished and highly appreciated,
many 111 the audience never having
witnessed similar feats of skill. The
choir will be heartily welcomed bank to
Bluevale should they ever again favor ue
with ie visit, The instrumental sometime
by the Misses Watson, of Wingham, and
a song by Miss Watson aro also worthy
of special mention and received rounds
of applause. An attempt at deeoribing
the looters of the evening on "Ireland
and the Irish" would prove inadequate,
hence we forbear, euifice it to say that
the treatment of the snbjeot was in every
way felioitoae. The lecturer was listened
to with marked attention as for an hour
and a quartet! he dealt with every phase
of the Irish question. He paid a high
tribute to Ireland's noble sons, depicted
in glowing longoage the natural scenery
of the green isle, and discussed the talo
of Ireland's grievances and the plan
suggested to bring her into liberty and
prosperity, It is a pity that such lea.
tures are not bettor patronized. To
those who were present it was a night of
pure and delightful entertainment as
well as of social and intellectual improve-
mont. The pastor gave an amount of
the financial standing of the charoh and
Rev. Mr. Smyth macle an oppose for
funds to wipe off the debt and free the
church from its ineumbrane°. The sum
of about $240 was raised by subsoripbion
to be paid within the year and an effort
is bo be made to oolleob all other out•
standing elbscriptione. On the whole
the anniversary 06001000 were seasons of
blessing both spiritual, intellectual,
018the310 and financial.
A free social (of invited guests) was
held in the Foreatero' Hall on Tueodoy
evening, Doo, 6th, under tho auspices of
the Bluevale Court of 0. 0. F. A large
audience woe present. Rev. Bro, A. Y.
Hartly, fn iia own happy, style, presided
over the interests of the gathering, inter.
eper8ing the pieces on the program with
wietioisms and points of droll hunter
which kept the audience its excellent
spirits. Bro, Onetime, Deputy H. 0. 1Z.,
wan preeen1 encs gave en admirable
address on the aims, objects and princi-
ples of the Order. Short addresses wore
also given by Bro. Neelonds, High Treas.
neer, Wingham, and Rev. Bro, J. W.
Pring, of Blnevale, each extolling the
principles of the Order and urging Ito
claims upon those who were not 0000-
c1atmd with it. The choir of the Presby
teriau ohnrcb rendered 90010 fine saleo.
tiole of mnsio, J. J. Denman gave a
humorous Scotch reading, and sonde de-
lightful instrumenbal selections made up
a program that was well worth listening
to, The wives of the members of the
Oourt had prepared refreshments and
these were distributed at recess until all
had oaten and wenn filled, Bee the pro.
vision was so math in 01:5008 of the eon.
nanption (notwithstanding the preeeneo
Of manyEnglishmen) that it was de•
oidad to treat all alta children or. the
Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday
eohoole of the villego to a free eoaial the
next evening, an arrangement that was
duly and suaoesernify carried out. We
expect to hoar that math good has re.
salted to the 0. 0, P. from this pleasant
Miss Sonelt, of the 3rd line, spent lent
weep visiting Lionel,/ in Seaforbli,
Mr., Wm. Anderson, 3rd lite, io rapid•
ly silting having taken another had
ileus. John Mooney was at Newmarket
tide week itttondirlg the funeral of a vela.
Mins beide Lowrie, of Runde is v18it-
ing her slider, llre, Geo. Henderson, 3rd
Mrs. Wm, Bray, Sol line has returned
from her visit to friends in Ashfield
Miss Mary Sample, of Brussels, was
renewing aegnaintances on the Jrrl line
lest week.
Chris, Miohio was celled home from
Alma owing to the illness of his father.
He arrived here on Tuesday.
Wm, McCall has been laid up with in.
Oammetion for the past few weeks but
is, we are glad to abate, Convalescent now,
Hugh Moeda has gone to Toronto to
aoneolt a spe0ia1101 oonceruing tiro re
mov,l of cataracts from !lie eyes, Hi
brother Janos accompanied ]nim.
Et is said Thos. Porhes had 31,030 in-
surance on hie barn and stock destroyed
by Ore fast week, He will bo a heavy
Inset even if he reaoiveo his claim in full.
Thos, Wane/els has bought the Tilos,
Campbell property, on the 3rd line. Thin
farm is close to the homestead and is a
very deoicsble property. We slid nor
learn the prion.
(elite a eau:bee of the young people of
the 2nd, 3rd and 4t11 linos, spent it very
enjoyable time in the "merry mazes o1
the dance," at S. Jackson's Brussels, on
Friday night last,
The Irvine family, 3111 line, have 1a11031
heir to a large fortune by the decease of
a relative in Ireland. The cheques leave
cone to hand notwithstanding remora to
the contrary. We aongresulate them.
Among the many big emits that are to
be found In Morris this year 1s one awn•
ed by Quinton Anderson. It tips the
beam at 740 lbs. and is only six months
and two weeks old, Who can beat tette 7
Talk about John L. Sulliven's in Brus-
sels. Well, John L. and another light
weight, whose name we are not in pee•
eenaion of, gave a select sparring exhibi-
tion outside of the Town Hall, on the
night of the 13th inst.
Everything is being gob ready for the
school entertainment at Berrie's school
house next Thursday evening. A mood
program will be presented in which Prof.
Hawkins, of Brussels, and D. McGill, of
Blyth, will take part.
We regret to hear of the serious illness
of an old resident in the person of Wm.
Miohio. He has had some trouble from
a raptured artery in his heart and ie in a
ditogorous condition. Mr. Mollie is a
well preserved mac of 62 years and we
hupe hie vigorous oenstetution will help
him to aonvalescenoe.
Thos..Boue, jr., and Geo. Oalbick, of
the 3rd eon., claim thea they can out,
split and pile as muesli wood 1n a day
as any two white mem in Morris. On
Thursday of last week they put up live
cordo of beech and maple in six hours
just for amusement. We wonder what
they oould do for a wager ?
The Methodist church at Browntown
will be reopened on January 1st, it is
said. The interior is nicely papered and
new seats added. Next Spring the build.
ing will be veneered with brick. An
autograph guilt is in the hands of the
ladies who are "reusing the wind" in
flue style. Rev. Mr. Pring, the popular
pastor, is an nearing worker and has
001100ed the oongregation.
The young people of Ebenezer church
have almost completed the improve.
menta on that building. An addition has
been WE and the whole interior re-
painted. Tboy exp mit to re-op0n on Tan.
1st, when Rev. Robt. Godfrey, a former
pastor, will preaoh morning end evening
and Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., of Wingham,
in the afternoon. A tea meeting will be
held on the Monday following.
A meeting of the oongregation of
Jollusbon's ehnroh was held on Nov. 29th
when it was decided to make extensive
improvements on the olutroh building
during next Summer. The ahuroh is to
be raised and et atone foundation put
under it, the walls re -plastered inside and
the ceiling boarded, the outside briolted,
O poroh and alcove built and the in.
tenor repainted. When it is completed
it will be a pretty and very comfortable
little church. A committee was ap-
pointed to arrange for those improve-
Wm. Woodrow, 2nd con., who died in
Goderich jail, had hle life insured for
91,000 in the Canadian Order of Fores-
ters at Bluevale. It is said the sum has
been Maid to the wife, Some people
think If the poor fellow had received a
little kindly abtentiol from his relativee
when requiring it a more humane and
Christian action would have been per.
formed. Rev. Dr. Talmage toys 'If
people spoke mare kind words and did
more kinin aoto to persons while living
and said lees on the tombstone it would
be better." The Dr. is not far out.
.Muaenatrvlun w.—The entertainment
held in the Township Hall by S. S. No,
0, on Tuesday evening of this tveelt woe a
deoided emcees beyond any doubt. The
teaohor, M. Block, is certainly popular
and is deserving of a good large audience.
W. H. Oloakey filled the position of
Chairman in a very acceptable manner,
The following is the program, tvhi0h is
oectainly a lengthy one :—Speech from
the chairman ; sang, "Out West" ; reof-
tation, by 0laro Mitchell ; song, "The
old Plantation",; instrumental music by
A. Stewart ; dialogue, "The Captain's
Whisltors," B, Stewart and Willie
Wright • inetrumeutal, T. Bird ) (tong,
"The little Rosewood Oaskeb" ;
mental, «7. Bell ; reading, Miele 1131. Scott ;
dialogue, "Tito 'Yankee'e Aunt," by M.
hIalolurroy, W. Speir, A. Youill, J, Young;
instrumental, A. Stewart and family ;
dialogue, "The Soap making," A. Olarke,
A, Miller, T. Miller, W. Love ; music by
el. Bell ; dialogue, "Ai narrow Escape," The freight which passed through the
J. Youill and S. it..o0rnokrn ; eong, Sault Ste. Mario canal this year sere hid
"Canada Gala" ; music by T. Bird ; 11,241,0(10 tons, a0 increase of 9,326,000
dialogue, "Brown; Mr. matter,' E. Me. tone over last year. 'Grain inoroased 81
Greoken, M. Scott, A Yonill, N. Black ; per Dent„ dear 13 per cont, and iron ore
meek) by 8, Stewart and family ; i118ten• 38 per aunt.
'.n.m. •rv , e.,uu,au+,.w.mwr-wn.,.wwm-mem.
menial, W. Kearney; song, "Tile dear
little Valley" ; dialogue, "Joolall'e fleet
Comteliip," A. Miller and 7. Mabel
instrnmontai, Thos, Stewart ; mesio by
J, Bell ; rliatnguo, "Widow Dodley'e
80005(1 Unnrls'0p," M, MoMurruy, J,
Young, J. Kearney • dialogue, "Census
Taking," A, Choke, le. Miller, W. Love,
J. MoCranken ; song, "The Cotton
L'ields." With the rendition of "The
Cotton Fields," whio1 wee the last piece
ml the program, 01040e1 one of the hest
entertainments Over hold in thin locality.
The Vomiter in a few well chosen remarks
thanked the chairman and audience in a
m'tnner whloh wee highly approoiatocl.
Not fewer than 200 people wore present
and the best of order was maintained
throughout. The premeds amounted to
$14.00, which will be applied to the
purchase of 80110o1 apperlItne.
11 to os.
Couueil meeting on Thursday of title
week in the Township Hall.
Dr. Ferguson has opened an office in
the Simpson block where he may be
It rue last meeting of the `Sons of
Temperance a resolution of sympathy
with Mrs. 0010 Was passed.
Mien I1. Al. Stevenson, of Clinton
Mode, school, has been engaged aosecond
tesoher in Ethel public school ler 1803.
The salary will bo 9225.
Mise Melinda Milne is home after
spending tiro necessary, time at the
'Model -cilonl. Ting -hero' 'wheal will be
under her ooltrul next year, We wish
her 000aes,..
Boaauxo,—Leet Friday evening 30
candidates were initiated into the Sous
of Temperanm loilge he,•o. There are
new 137 members in good atending, 74of
them joining in the four past nights.
Miss Sterritt and associates gave a very
e•,tortaiuiug program, Thin Friday
07011131•. there is a tells of going to the
Township Hall en as to have the nec0-,
eery n000mmodatinn for the large at-
tendance. The program will he a tom•
bination ane that night.
C. 0, F.—Court Ethel, No. 261, elected
:he following officers for this term ;—
George, Imlay, 0. R. ; Joseph Hems-
worth, V. 0. it. ; W. E. Sanders, R. S. ;
Wm. Spence, r. S. ; Wm. i<outlay,
Treas. ; 1V. Krug, Chaplain ; Jno. Eck-
miar, S. W. ; Robt. .Barr, J. W.; Jim.
Sanders, S. B. ; Wm, Ames, T. B.
There were eight initiations on Monday
evening. Deputy District II, 0,
Telaehill, of Brussels, and Organizer Mo.
Ewen, of Palmerston, were present and
assisted in the work.
Tim Pose leads the van for local and
ciistriet news.
Som. Cade, of Hallett, was visiting in
Welton last week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Forrest has gone to Toron-
to on a visit to relatives.
Mine Maggie Raid, of Varna, spout
Sunday art Dan. Oampbell's.
Some of the lads and lasses took in the
entertainment in Winthrop last Friday
Mtn. 15. A. Leech, who was visiting ret
Mrs, R. 10. Ferguson's, has returned to
Harry Scarlett, of Blyth, is having an
suction sale every afternoon and evening
this week.
The new lamps in Duff's church sup.
ply a long felt want. The charoh is well
lighted now.
Geo. Chandler's child has been ill due.
fug the poet week, We are glad to learn
of its recovery.
Last Tuesday Rev. D. Forrest and
Elder Turnbull attended Maitland Pres•
bytery meeting at Wingham.
John Hewitt has treated his orchard
to a new wire fence, wbielt improves the
apleance of his fine residence.
lev Mr. f Cheese , will be bhe
new incumbent Riley,of the English clturob
here as successor to Rev. W. T. (Tuff.
Miss Jennie McNeil, who hes been
staying at her uncle's, Rev, D. Forrest's,
bas returned to her home near Toronto.
The annnel meeting of the Walton
'Onion Cheese it Butter Company will be
held at Fisher's Hall on Tuesday, Deo.
27th, at 1 p. in.
The regular services in connection
with the Methodist ahuroh for Christ.
mas day will be withdrawn owing to the
anniversary at Providence appointment.
There will be a musioal and literary
entertainment in tate school house Lead•
bury on the evening of Wednesday, 21st
inst. It is sure to be good. Don't miss
We are glad to hear that the R. T. of
T. is thriving and hope that inquisitive
oorreepoldeut is glad also. We suggn•t
that the members of the Ooeuail have a
taffy -pull at the close of the contest.
Whet do you say, boys and girls ?
In last week's report of the feabbath
enamel Convention) the name of Wm. Pol-
lard wee inedvertoutly omitted. He
gave an excellent address on "What
teachings of Ohrist give special
directions to the religious braining of the
The Me[hodiet parson here is it worker
if ever there wag one. On a recant Sue.
day he prenohed three times, lead the
singing ett two eppoinbmenbs, tacght a
Bible Mese, lead a oleos meeting and
drove twenty odea. There's not a lazy
bone in Rev, Air, Ott/mallet body.
LADY Tnua B00nae,—At the last meet,
Mg of Lady Sandoteon True Blue Lodge
the following officers were eleuted
1f„ Mrs. 3'. G. Grieve ; D. NL, Mre. II.
Hamilton ; Reo..Seo„ Miss lefaggieMote
risen; rin.•Soo., Miss Maggie Hamilton ;
Tema, Miss Jane ]Lally ; Chep, Mrs. W.
Neal l), of O., Mrs. H, Fulton ; Com.
mitteo, Mre, Ferguson, Mrs. Fraser,
Miss Mol,a,Ohlin, Mrs, MaTaggorb, Mrs.
Sibbon ; Tylers, Miss Maggie Reilly and
Mies Ann Jeno Sia0all. It is the inten-
tion of this lenge to hold a ooneert in the
near future for the benefit of the Or.
W. H. KERR, Prop,
... •... • • ..... a1KM.M11PnGapCvl(+RRfntl :nrlF +v/-cl
1.1 -axon College.
Mayor Doherty, of Clutton, antlonneo8
that ile desires to rutiro from the Chief
Magiebrate's chair.
The two year. old child of Fred. Lux.
teal, Usborne, fell from a lounge the
other day and broke its arm,
J. T. Balfour, of Varma, has been ap-
pointed head teaohor in Sandwich pnblio
8011001, ata salary of $550 a year, with 0
staff of live assistants.
In a short time Lieut, Combo will like.
ly be gazetted as commanding officer of
No. 4 Company, Capt. Todd -line not yet
been oflioiolly notified of the acceptance
of hie resignation.
The other evening there was e little
blaze in Beesloy's store, Mitten, (tensed
from hanrlkerchiefe being pinnen to the
oleotrio wires. The damage was light
and covered by i11811001100.
James Snell, of Clinton, ono of the
best stook raisers in Western Ontario,
has just sand a fine Durham bull for the
World's Fair. It ie not yet two years
old, and brought in the neighborhood al
Bible Society mwetinge do not draw
in Goderioh • at the meeting in the
North St. Alethodiet ahuroh on Thurs-
day, the attendance was 80 slim that the
rev. gentleman 07110 was to leoturo dict
not deliver his address.
A 1Iuron County farmer lost a pores
co'.,taiumg 9130 in a U. 1'. 1i. train while
returning recently from the North-west
Territories. 'i'11n of lV'L' r1:1y 1111- .."fillet
and contents were returned to their
owner, having been fcnnd by an employee
of the road.
Rev, Father C ,olq pastor of St. James'
church, Hecforth, who Iles been absent
for the pane six months in Europe for
tiro benefit of his health, has returned
from a European trip. He has aooepted.
the chaplaincy of the Franciscan Hos.
pita! in Newark, New Jersey, and left
far big now field of labor.
1'1:11t10_i.lL P,tR.01.R..11'119.
P. Scott has been on the sick lis+.
D. Henderson has been on the sick
ATiss Patteroon spent Snndny at Wing -
J. T. Pepper was away at Toronto this
Roy Ainley is on the sick list with
Airs. Mann, of Teeewater, is visiting
at Jas. Walker's.
Robe. McXiarbin is ill with inflame
nation of the lungs.
R. Kneehtel, the popular medico of
Ripley, was in town on Tuesday of this
Mrs. D. A. Sma1e and daughter, of
London, were visiting in Brussels this
J. G. Skene Inas been "ander the
weather" with a had cold but is polling
through all right.
We regret to hear of the illness of Mrs.
W, B. Diokson, at Denver, Colorado.
Mountain fever is the trouble.
R. G. Wilson, who has been in Lisbo.
wel all Summer, has returned to Drus.
eels having completed his work.
T. Putiand hos been nn the eiok list for
several weeks with inflammatory rheu-
matism. We hope he will soon bo all
Mre. J. D. Ronald and Mre. W. M.
Sinolair have gone to Fenton, Mich., to
mance a visit with Rev. W. T. Cloff and
Mrs. L. Pelton, of Atwood, was here
last week visiting Mars. Tames Bell, who
has been dangerously ill but is slowly
S. B. Smale is an honorary member of
the Numismatist Association, of Detroit.
Thie is an institution governing coin col.
Ieetions, dm.
W. J. Norton and family removed to
Listowel this week. Their many old
friends bare wielt them prosperity in
their new home.
Rev. E. W. Hunt, of Southampton,
was is town this week. He has nom•
plated his probation and will assume
work in a wider sphere henceforth. He
has a very promising future.
Clinton New Era says :—Thos. Cal-
biok leaves to -day for British Colombia,
where he has a good situation in view—
one be filled b'fore. But he feels like
kicking himself on one point, a gentle-
man who is shipping a car load of pro.
duce to the same place has been offering
free transportation to any person who
would look after the oar, and Tom did
nob hear of the offer until two days after
the "snap" was Oiled.
Owoxco to the suspicion that wood has
been taken from the shed at the school
house bio Trustee Board have had e
door pet on and the same looked eaoh
G. T. R. Nomss.—A new omit timber
passenger platform hes been laid down
at t1,e station zed the same exxbeuded 20
feet Eastward. 'Phis is a moll needed
improvement,—Three oars of peas for
export wurs ehipped this week. Also a
ear of dressed hogs, a one. of appies and
several oars 0f salt,—Single fare tickets
will be issued on Dec. 24th, and
26th, good to return on 2731. Tiokets at
one and one third fare issued on 23rd,
24th and 26th, good to return on January
3rd, 1393. For New Years, single tickets
on the 31st enrd Jan, 2nd, good for the
3rd. Fare and a third on Den. 80th,
good to return on Jan. 3rd. School
teachers may have 1j faro tickets from
Deo. 9th to Jan. 310 by presetting oorti•
(loat° from Principal.
Following aro the now officers of the
Stratford Building and Savings So.
duty i—M. Ie. Goodwin, President ;
Chas, Pockert, First Yico-President ; H,
G. flopicirk, Second Vice. President,
Following are the newly aided oflioere
of the St, Meteys Reform Association ;
J. I). Moore, president ; K. Waring and
J. Walsh, vioe•proofdonts front South
Ward ; Dr, Mathieaon, vice•presicienb
Eitel orth Ward ; p1. W. Harding, vine
ptteeeldent from West Ward ; W. IC, Mao.
Looc1, eeorettery-treasurer,