HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-9, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POSTtierrararaveraerevewneweletterarateraweemseenceenseno DEC, 9 1892 ' Cal stars and Booklets We have many t:e+tntifnl letele,xd'trn end Boosiees which would be a pleuetiot re. inert:':rant: f.1 year frir1l le. Lai )2.iflO7! ; (Ja1'ftS, These are no -S, and beautiful, coma and see them and yon will sanely buy. Bibles and Doolc.s. Never before have are food suoh value in Morocco Bindings. You will say so when you see them, One barge toy hoot' will surprise you when yon sue 11033' cheap they are. Surely the children will not go Ilunry (for reading) when so m80h can 7)01133.1 for so little. 1'aucv Goode, Albums, ,du., in abundance, and you, of course, know -that we- are headquarters for Santa Claus, G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, etc. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. see:non: EXTENSION 13'. G. d' E. Trains ','are Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : C13onon SorTrr. CietN0 ','earn. Mall 73100.ni, Sfixnn 'r17a.n1, Empress 11:7.9 I. Mail 8:11 Aftxed ........, 000 p.m. Express 11:10 p.111. , o�a l licw5 ItLl1iS, A chiefs among ye talkie' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. ScaooL Board meeting this (Friday) evening. ' UfSCEIIIE for Tno POST if you want the news. Two weeks from Sunday will be Christmas day. ArageT Bnos. are refitting their mill for the coming seasuu's work. REv. R. PAUL preached at Londesboro' on Thursday of this week. Co3)1EECI.01, travellers ora very nearly ae thick as hair on a poodle's bank. WITS stove wood at 01.75 to $2,00 per ' o0rt1 the charity account Flows apace. Prerde schools will close ou Thursdnv. 22nd inst,, for the Christmas holidays. Woon is still a scarce article in town. Good sleighing would go a long way in relieving the shortage, TExnEne for the leasing 131 Maitland Skating and Curling Rink for this Win- ter received until 1 p. m, ou the 10th inst. MEsons. HElmLY rt 'ANsroNE shipped 1,000 sacks of $our, containing 140 pounds each, to the Old Country market last week. SEND along the news. I0 is always welcome. When in town drop in at Tire Poor Publishing House and tell ns the happenings of your locality. Knox Czmaca. Rev. D. Millar on Sab. bath evening will preach on "John's letter to the Elect Lady," which congti' tubes the and Epistle of John• R. C. GALn.1aune, of Belgrave, was fined 020 and posts by A. Hunter, J. P., Brussels, far selling liquor after hours on Nov. 5th. Inspector Miller was the prosecutor. Towence.--OUr best thanks are tine for the prompt replies in a number of in. atences to our oirOular. We want many others to follow suit as this is the season to square up and we cant do it without money, No NAern,—Last Tuesday a registered letter was received 513 Tan PosT Pub- lishing House from Boiseevain, Mani- toba, but the name of the writer was oalitted. The party interested will bo kind enough to supply this necessary in. formation before credit can be given. A SDns0nlnEn SOritee 318 as follows 1•— "I have no words of flattery for you but I say this for your onoouragemeut. We receive a great many papers but Tac Pose is the first to be read in our family." The tarn of the publisher of TUE Pose is to make it a welcome weekly visitor in every home. ST. Joxto'e Cncnoa.—Mr, Shore, a studeut from London took charge of the services last Sunday at Brussele and Walton. Next Sabbath the work will he supplied in the same why.—A0 a meet. ing held on Tuesday afternoon, it was decided unanimously to ask the Bishop to appoint Rev. W. G. Riley, of Chesley, as incumbent of St. John's and St. George's churches. Tar Guelph Mercury say's :—Ib is worth while being insured in the Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance Coin. pally, of Galt, these times. For two years past a rebate of twenty per oeat, on premiums paid has been returned to members, and it is pleasing to learn that the Directors presume on the came re• sults from their management in the year 13131 approaching a olose. Mr. Cunning. ham is agent 13ere. LUC1CNOw 1.entiuel Pays :—The Brus- sels public solute/ Board sat from a o'• stook in the evening until 6130 next p morning one night recently to select;pet : their tenders for 1.893. They had 108 aura applications, 02 of which were for the ere p08l.ion of principal. John Cameron, Mo SOU of Alex, IC. Cameron, of West Wawa. nosh, who has been attending the Nor. nerd School in Ottawa, hes been appoine- ed Principal of the school at salary of $000 per annum, Miss Been \VB.8ON, of Oda town, sing at a "31311101.1 at Wroxeter oil T ainv event nv of 11013 went:. 1'3313 ,' a a , „r, of J "", ;110, 'all Mechanic strew, in about liuie11031 an very complete ie las appointments, A 53Nul.1,3xd SOO of Ham MIS in t t r .liolr'". a it c.+toa 1111 audl with songs and baulo aceontp'ulimanl Allure 1'2,000 bushels of apples 1 been handled at the Br138011 1O'veport this hall by L. 11,1131ee, They tiro Royal Implore of 'Iomeevance i next Tutt lav evening. 111sy Auu ie 1 and aosomalea supply the prod, Election of veil...ere will also Like ;eta! A3(33 • 3 1 1'701,1. \V altou s seriller Heade tie the following Nitro p zle : —Armen*, the ihures 1 to 2e, elusive, in a 'quare, fiv', columns e tray so that when added horozouta perpendicularly or diagonally the s of each column will be b6. TUE town richer agency of the Cr Trunk in Bras:els has been rliecoutiu This is auoth. r phase of the new orde retre30hnl011t by this railway under new management. It was a hatter great convenience to drop into T. Fla er'e and ascertain tuformatiou as tiolcots, *bo., or purchase the same. Nowi1.Tlo1 for municipal Coanoil three Trustees will take place at "town Hall, Brussels, on Monday, 21 inst., at 12 o'clock, noon. Election d Jan. 231d, 1631), with polliug places a 5, Gilpin's °alce and the Coun Chamber. Ronald MoNteeghton e Wm. Aldridge Deputy Retuning, olliee Miss Ann men has resigned her po tion as teacher 01 tho 3rd Department Beaa'le Pol,lie e'+ln,ol li•+viug (Wein a mole remunerative situation at Alv Ston ler the coning year. Our llo advertised and wiz probably select teacher at their meeting this (Fri: eveuiig. Miss Abraham is a good tea er and has done excellent work here. Tina residence of Ch:u'les Lune 7' eldleraios, kept for years past as 'c 1, W0.4 burned to the ground t '3er evening while the family w ay from home, ilostof the touts .vn stairs were saved by the village e adjoining buildings would ht ,31 burned bat for the exertions of t )ple in throwing water over the fro diem and the roofs being covered w, ..JW. bar. Lucas is the father of 11I '. A. Swale, of London, formerly 1'russele. ifsr80nl8T Cuuncl.—There wore 2 ee ons in attendance at the regular se 31 the Sabbath 5313001 13181 Sunday '.trgest number ever attained in t '•y of the school. The collection w Rev, Mr. Salton's test 1,1x0 Sa evening was "f have played t " Tho points made were eminent .,rti'nl.—A 5ooiel evening was great j.iyt'1 by the young people of the oo '('110:013 on Monday evening, by i ;ration of the Epworth League. A po ion of the program consisted in the u tars .... ranYt�tf _. __�::� ..-.eee.-._.,.:. 4119' 4Ti1...: will ' chief spokesmen of 13110 evening, and nes I Prof Sena, Geo. Town and the ducat of 1 tl•• ' 0euiva 3'','.131:! t1( 1,', 1(v' nut, their epleudid image. All inueeut were d 1.4 sorry to part with 111011 all old 1031, ya11101 0101508, bub hoped that the amigo would own better hie 0011ditimn in life, ker.1MTeal. tors pine Duty' rest assured that as long ns 1(•z resides 111 Bruosolo h^ w 111 baro \Viog. MVO llamitee elating on hint very lregnently. ttnr Tee Advance joins with the h05t of other' still friends in w:Khing Mill sueees8 in his vcntur,'. 1081 tpKi 'nut, L USll)eSs 1._.occjls, e, 3111• C'1'„veweee for sale et Me.I!rrte!teete, 3x' Poe the beet and finest photos go to in. Perry's. 11011 Gm 11,1111e photo of yourself for Xmas lay, et Porry'e. urn Cowrmrr.n31 house to let. Apply to 5.13• Sruale. a+.'d \Vs. Ii,,1s111r.r, pays cash for hides, led• slams 131,4 poultry. r of loll your p11. 310 go to 8(110 3's over the Standard Bank. of A Lor of fancy trays, latest patterns 011• at 11. Corry's. to 5,03133, pork 01131 0ttnsage at Wm, Blas• ',',ill's meat market. and Senna. bargains fu Photos for Christ • the J. Strong. 1111 BLA0113 diamond axes that stand the ay test, at 13. Corry's. t J. TTE best value in robes, horse blankets, til roe., at I. 0, Richard's. ud IN silverware a full assortment and t's. latest designs, at 13. Gerry's, 51' CAs11 paid for' raw furs of all kinds. of 1. C. ',Richards, ted Nornme nicer titan 11,30 of Prrry's ill- photos of yourself for a Xmas present. aril BEET by the quarter at bottom prides a at W. lllnshill'K, the old reliable butcher. ay) LEAVE your order for a first•oiass quart• ch. er of beet at \Vm. Blashill's, tho leading hotelier. at. Furse' cl058 oysters always on hand by au the dish or in bulk. A large stook of he Xmas goods for sole. ore tins. King, its Oun stock of gent's Furnishings is well rs. assorted with goods suitable for the 0118 Christmas trade, A. R. Smith. he R1311ra13108 WO do no second class work 'its in the photo lino. 11. J. Strong, over t1 Standard Bank. r5, A nee aseorhnent of trunks and of valises always on hand and sold very cheap. I. 0. Richards. 32 A LOT of nice hanging ]amps with de- s' °orated shades, oleo a good assortment of vase lamps, latest styles at 13. Gerry's. he X CUT sav5 1110 hest in the world. as "Forest Beauty," "Head of Any," "Galt 31- Racer," "Menlo Leaf," at reduced prices 110 at B, Gerry's lY We bought another stock of overcoats iY last week in Toronto 30% less than regu. 1 lar price and can make 11 iuteeesting for 1- anyone wanting an overcoat. r- A. R. Smith. se Pon sale or to rent, a comfortable and commodious residence ea William street, Brussels. For particulars apply to 11, M. Dickson, Ws buy (clothing in large quantities and get the benefit of clearing out Wise 80% to 40% less than regular prices. We will not he undersold. A. R. Smith. Oen first 11,011 of clothing was good value and sold well but we got a job line in Toronto last week that will surprise you. If you want anything fu the clothing line dont fail to call on A. R. Smith. PENCE POSTS WANTED.—The miler• signed will pay the highest mall price for any quantity of eouud ceder fence poets, delivered at Brussels. For par01' curare apply to R. Leathsrdaie, Brno. sels. No better preparation for the hair was ever invented 113531 Ayer's Hair Vigor, It restores the original color to faded and gray hair, and imparts the natural gloss and freshness everyone so much admires. Its reputation is world-wide, WELL -DI wine AND DnxaLINO.—George .Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to hien in a way that will insure satiefaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 84.41 "Want your heart is bad and your head is bad and you are bad clean through, what is needed 7" asked a 84111 - day sebool teaober of her °loss• "I know—Ayer's Sarsaparilla," spike up a little girl, whose mother had recently been restored to health by that medicine. Ranu1LlTts) CU3ED IN DAr.—South American; Rilenmati0 Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically mares in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 10 re. moves ab oboe the cause and 0110 disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted by G. A. Deailmao. 0 topic Dards in commotion with wbioh five minutes was spent with each of the six subjects named. Excellent musical selections were given by 11. L. and Mrs, Jackson and the orchestra. Refresh. merits were served by the ladies. The schoolroom presented quite a home like appearanoe with drapings of bunt. ing, small tables, parlor lamps, &3.—Rev. Mr. Salton is announced to deliver an address at a National eooial in Clinton on Tuesday evening next. The reverend gentleman will uphold EDgland, PEDEBTRIAN8 Sud fault et boys and girls sleigh riding in parties on the side- walks opposite R. Leatherdale'e rest. dance, R. Burns' and other places. The youngsters w'ho have preempted these slides and made them too glassy for the most of people to navigate upon will have to seek new fields for this amusemout. A broken leg or arm is not desired by anybody and the places mentioned are first-class factories for manufooturhtg broken iambs unless sleigh riding censes. Will Constable Broadfoot take note of this. L. 0. L. --The annual election of office bearers in connection with Brussels L. 0. L., No. 774, took plane last Mon- day evening and resulted as follows 11I. M. Cardiff, Masher ; John Wynn, Deputy ',Caster ; Samuel Plum, Secretary ; Geo. Cardiff, Pinanaial Secretary ; W. R. Mooney, Treasurer ; Jas. Bowman, Master of Ceremonies ; B. Gerry, Chaplain ; T. MoOutaheon, 1st Committeeman ; H. 2nd D. Smith, Ord 5. MoOutaheon, 4th Geo. Booker, 5th The oflioers were installed into their re- spective offices by Past County Master Gerry. From the Secretary's report it was learned that there was an increase of 11 members during the past year. The auditors' report shows a balance on hand of 078.00. At the next meeting 90 the Lodge, the se000d Monday evening fn January, Past Master Jae• Bowman 15 to give an address on "Orangeism," One or more olauees of the Constitution will be discussed at each meeting during the year. A 0007) 01010EN,—In speaking of the removal of James McAlpine and family to Bras8ele the Wingham papers have the following :—"J. MoAlpine, wife and family, Who have been residing in town for the past twenty years, loft on Wed. nesday for 13rnssols, where Mr. MoA1. foe intends running a restaurant. On ay evegiug a number of his friends acquaintances in town and vicinity °ted him to an oyehor supper at J. ICelvie's 1'estauraub. After the oysters had been served, a very pleasant evening was spent in epesoh•giviug, songs, oto, Mr. and Mrs. McAlpine will be greally missed in town by their many friends, The Times wishee him s000ee5 in hie new undertaking.' The Advance says: Jas, McAlpine, a resident of \Vinghaln for the past twenty years left town with his family on lueeday for Brussels, where he will engage in the restaurant bu8iues8, having taken an active part in certain epode, tempi:manors and other wont looking towards the benefit of his fellow•being0, and a fnret•elats eiti80n geneeally, it wits thought that Something should be done to evince in a slight manner the eeteem i1 which he is held. Aoeordingiy an oyster sopped• was hold at the Star restaurant in honor 031 Fri- day evening last, and mine host 11OolSel• vie and his 054113151±8 sponge loft nothing undone tm331iug towaf(le the eu00eae of the neea0i031 so far RS their part was con. earned. Afton all had partaken of er8 and many other delioaoies placed re thnmete happy hour was spent in chee and gong, A. H. Ild'ttsgrovo, ll,. Conlon and \V, T. Yates being the Tem following item refers to a brother of C. E, Perry, artist, of 73rns ale :--A eerioos tiro 0coareed at 5imcoe, Sat. meetly, morning about 10'01oolr, by which Perry's block was totally consumed. The fire started in the beck part of the building, and when diacov rod had mode swill headway that it w: 10po5sible to MVO anything, On G. 't. Perry's art gallery thorn was the f Blowing mens. ante :—'031 building, $4,600 10 the Bri1teh An1,0rime; $1,800 in the Phoenix; $1,800 in the Brooklyn ; 01,000 in the Qneon'e ; Steell, $5,000 in the Phoenix and Hart. font, which will net cover the loge. 1. le, Collins' gents falniehinge (stook was 1333:)1,'31 at 35,000, of which the iimeraune Wee $2,000, and poet of the stook was saved. 0, Hendry's dry goecls stook, badly damaged by water, was insured 101' 110,1300. A, \i', Smith, 138001513, lesseeost befo on fnruitnro 442,000. The board of trade epee rooms are a total loss. 111, The oall extended by the Baptist sou. gregation in St, Mary's to Bev, 0. S. G, Boone has been accepted by that gentle. man, and the new pastor is expected to mono the pulpit of the °berate on the second Sabbath of December. The latest addition to the thoroughbred stook of Perth eo8nty is s very line herd of Jerseys, imported by the Hon, Thee. Bailantyne, which arrived in Stratford the other any, after three month's quer antine at Halifax. The herd consists of five heifers and a boll, and they are beauties. emome,xe 0111300,-00 Nov, 26013, the wife of Mr. Wm. Clegg, 15th con., Howiek, of a son. Inw0N —In Gerrie, on Nov. 2011, the wife of Mr, Win• Irwin of a son. BABNAnn.--In Wroxeter, on Monday Nov, 28011 the wife of 14Ir. John Barnard of a daughter. 11lonnesot,---In Elmo, on Thursday, Deo. let, the wife of Mt, Joseph Morrison of o daughter, Ilonne—fn 1±180 en Nov. 2811, the wife of Ale. Joins l owe° of a son. WAED.—In Palma, on Nov, 24th, the wife of Mr. Wm, ward of a daughter. 13511-zeze x,Zlx7,..... 1I,1011rn'o)—I111131rn50),---At the rssiel00oe of 011e biide'8 father, on Wednesday, Nov, 211ed, by Rev, A, llendereon,. of Atwood, 1 li'. , 3, Hawn. ton to Mims Ada, daughter of Me, Adam ilend"rson, all of Elmo. WALLAe13—W1L1.341s,—AO the reeid01100 01 0110 bi'ide'e father, on Nov. 28rd, ley Rev. Jos. le, Ford, 141r. Jae, W. Wallace, of Seaford), 10 Miss ltloeta, (laughter of Mr, John Wiillanio, ef; Wyoming, Lambkin 00uuty, Weeeneeneatietaleed 01" 0a1JV',:11)14.. C Mt'6'tMw PHEYNTS. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO. SHEATH, (Seven Million Donors) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Anthorizcl)59 )10a.Onn .4/wade,' in all prinetral points in Ontario, (1,1.1,rr, 413. 1,. 1,., 1'01131 Slrl,.xd` Tori++,clad. Vie USSR 4333 .al?,'•An,, v4'Cur,. A General Banking Ru8inosS Trammeled.. 1''arinoro' Notes Disoouutod, Drafts 111110,4 and Collections 313ad0 1331 all p0l1at:, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed. on deposits of $1.00 and upwards front date of deposit to dote of withdrawal and cnulp0nuded 1(3,31 poorly. SPECIAL ATTENTtoN GIVEN To 'flan COLLECTION °r 1''A10110,1' SALE Nu0g1. Every facility afforded Cnstomole living at a dlstau00, vw,.amvsalmem.-03=1.',479=r110,1,7421511•11,^7..-encnr- • . -ggs10 _�3B 4�1 SMITE, F' '1r1Aaa�1__ e , LT sJ W. D. HART.', 1\L0N11101, 'Ea DI 141.13129L,1" . . twig top ,4 SisiN ae. 1t0Lr: rDfl 9 Transact n General 13anldng Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on ail points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 1 MAWS •lt13 Bele 4 !w`bV;.'w f.' eTIDA7. Interest Allowed on One Deller and 'Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. 130111derl Twice it Year, Being arlrloil to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October a 1(d April, S1 eche' Arrangements made for Time Deposits. GYe e'ff'ect to 1311011 Insurance In 0741 English or Canadian Companies, or in 9fat- aui Companies as may he desired. Aosta& Fon CANADA AND UNITED BUTES : Tun CANADIAN Basle Or CO]tn1ERCE. CAI If you want valve for your money go to NE There you will find a prime stock oC Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and. Spices, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned Goods, Fancy Bis- cuits, Confectionery, &o. My Tobaccoes cannot be beaten. Wooden Wale, Crockery and Soaps. Leave your Christmas order for Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. OIjste1'8, Fresh and Salt Nater Herrings just to hand. T7" y the772. J. '1 m o u:: rzab. 003'x'.—l0 Grey, on Deo. Srd, Joseph 1I. that aged 4 years, 3 months and 28 days. Glns000—In Morris, on December let, Matthew Gibson, aged 67 years, 8 months and 0 days. I[Ess.—In Listowel, on Nov. 28111, Helena, beloved wife et William Hess, sr., aged 58 years, 2 months and 9 days. m11 J'SS S,,3 S2.A1)o 013 r'G'1, Fa11 Wheat 60 61 Spring Wheat 67 60 Barley 80 35 Peas 50 52 Oats 26 26 Butter, tubs and rolls15 16 17ggs per dozen 15 16 Flour per barrel 8 50 4 00 Potatoes ,,, 35 40 Hay per tau 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbI., retail...... 1. 00 05 Hides trimmed 3e- Hides }Hides rough 8 Sheep aloins, each 60 1 00 Lamb skins each 65 00 Apples per barrel.. 1 00 1 60 Wool 17 18 Pork 6 00 6 26 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QE GOND BAND CUTTER, IN Goo d Order, for Solo. Amity to 22!1 D1t. GRAHAM. ( 'fORDWOOD WAN2'131D,—ANY quantity of Hard and soft eor0wood wanted at 'Brussels Snit Works. 81.26 to 51,00 per cord for colt wood 01d 51.10 to 60.60 for hard wood, T. COLEMAN, 12.tf Proprietor. HEIFER CAL]-',' FOR SALE.— Th. above is from a rich butter cow, nearly pure bred Jersey, 021 will buy her if token at oh co, G, A, D16ADI)IAN, 1)13131331013 & ]100118011a1', Br050018, r'AM 3 ON TIIE PREMISES �� of the mnlerei1ned, Lob 21, Cos. 7, 310y, ou or ab out Oct. 1St, 0110 sheep, Vie owner ix requested to glove prOpoxby, pay expenses and take her away. 22.4 11011T, DILWORTIH. xT ()TICE. — ACCOUNTS DUB the °state of the late Dr, Cale will bo received at Ethel until Dumber 81 et after which data, those remaining unsettled] will be placed in tho hands 0f a onllootol Par- ties having 01atm0 ngalud inn estate ate vee quested to render their 31050100 fdr1bwi0h, Maitland Skating Rink, TENDrns u'31l be received, tin 00 the 70th Inst., at 1 p, m„ by W. 1);. herr, tee the 1030 e of Maitland Mears shit 01101103 Riu11,110823. sale, for the teaoal, The lowest or any ten - 101' Doo neoosoiarliy eoeeptod. ,Leer further into'matton anthems A, M. ke'1, Stratford, Or 01 cull at Toe Pass' Publishing 13110, Brcrss5Je, RAL ESTATE. �^i1IOIOE FARM FOR SALLA — J 1353ng South half /At 27 eon. 0, 110a1ie, 100 acres, nearly ell cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orobard. Immediate pos- session, Easy Terms. Apply bo t& W. M, !HNC/AM, Solicitor, ,20., Brussels, 20f) ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 more farm, being lots 11 and 12, con, 10, Gey, is offered for sale. 120 acres aro cleared end the balance well tim- bered. Buildings ilret-01358. Orchard, well, Rc. School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars a0 to primo, terms, &o. o 1piy to 8 11 MRS. WRo evville P 0 01' NELSON BRICKE010, an. farm. QPLBNDTD FARM FOR SALE. i. 13EINo tote 11 and 52, 000.18 Township of Grey.County of Enron, containing 200 acres, the property of the late 50111 Robert- son. 100 aaros cleared and free from oh - Ornate, l6 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared, 8011 only loam, fmYndiettshrail meadwaterd by two straight da 0P1'iug privilege. commodious dwelling house, with large la00310104 attached and au excellent cellar under bonne. Two largo barns, atone stabling and other outbuild- ings. Pwo Rood booing orohar3:5., orna- mental trees and smell fruits, 4% miles from B1118018, aMoly town on the G. T. It, oonvoni out to school, churches 301303 post office. This property live well, ie a first alms grain and stock farm and should be men by intending puratiasers as it Se t•Jroa ed at a hargaio. For further particulars apply to ffiit8..7N0.11013E13Tsorr, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on the Menses, or by letter to Oranbrook P. O. 00.4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Creditors of Donald MONalr, late of the Township of Croy, iu 0110 (Monty of mon, deceased, Who died Limon, on or about -rho seventh day of Ootobor, 1.8112, and a11 others Raving 0131 08 against his °abate are hereby notified to !0015 by ;mu, prepaid, or othelwlso E0 1T xecutors Of the undersigned, deoeaeeq,LOn fo before the ISM bray of December, 18955, their Christi0,n 11111358 *011(1 0ur11t.1100, ad• 0'05E00 and descriptions, taut full particulars of their Wel ole, statements of their amounts and nature of the securities, ft any, bold by them and in default t1(030of and humodlat0 ly calor the said 16111 day of December the assets of the said deceased 103111'0 dia0rlbnt' eel amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the ohtlm0 of which 1100100 shall hate been given tae above rqqulted. And this notion being glean under the pr0- vleler,a of the Revised 8110141es. of Ontario, Okay. 110, Ouo, 88, the Exae010's will not be liable for the said 0.88213,, or oily part therm of, to any person of whose elute' 1180100 shall not hove beau l'00011,,31 11y him at til, 01010 of said 11(501lbu tion, A. AloN AIR, 831511t for Executors, 10'1 Oranbroolc P, 0. Orcy, Noy. 1004 1002. VETERINARY. Y. D. WARWICK, . ]5ono3 Graduate of the Ontario Votorina,N' College, is prepared to afoot all 113000000 cd domestic Mod animals 11) a eetn• potent manu5r, Particular attention pa'd t0 Veterinary dentistry, cane prom301y at. tended to Office and 11101'mney—Tee doors 110ral of 111i31µ0 .eureberry Stn Menotti, Our Stock is .Largo, • lr.;4 Edi:y to ;0l.(it !10;11, Nu u,s» to look-Ialseawhere. We hare exactly what you 17tt11t, Our .Prices aro all Bight. Pupie''s _,rug Store, Pal; l'SSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. '.TAYLOR,, BARRISTER, o. . *1iolicit0t' 0nd Convcynneer, Callon. None made, 0111m—Vauetono'e Block, itrue. sole. _... 21-1m 1"JINCLAII10, W' . O011oOor, COnveyBlea', N0oary Pub. 1(c, dm, 01IlD rug Stbo,n a )11081r 1 door north 01 Pepper's Drug 81010, Pl'113040 rands to Loa»• 1AI4IE1tON, HOLT & 110L11L'S, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries l'31Liis, 13 °clorich, Ont. 11. 0, CAn[EnaN, R e., TDILI1' MOLT, DUDLEY a01.0108, 1311X11ANN,• Auotinneer, 15 always ready to at. toad aides of farms, farm stook, Se. Terms a30erfa1ly given. Oraubroolc 1'.0. Sales may b0 ar1'01I34011. et TILE rosT Publishing House, Brussels. r Bone KI1RIKBY, •..X Licensed, Licensed, Auottoneer. 1111105 conduct ed on reasonable terms. Lams and farm stock a specialty, Orders loft at Tun Pon Pnbll8hlugNouse, Brussels, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, AVING TARTIN OUT LIOEN- sE ns an Auctioneer, Ism prepared to conduct soles of farm stook at reasonable Prices, Knowing the standing of nearly every person. ate in 0 position to toll to good marks and get goo[1 security when sold onoredit. Satisfaction 800101teed. Give me a call, 82- L' 0, SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. �J9 .11. b1o01�AC1IIGN, ce alibis (1Y1aery, 10rnb01'135 street, B usurer us03118, f' • N. BARIRET'T, 6.Tonsorial Shop—Next aedoor of A. oEArtist. Co's hardwareLadies'andehilcireue hair =Wag a specialty 1i11IoNAIR e assurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Conlmis- Fire Insurance B. Olnace at the and ook Post 011ioo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- IN50S1AN0E, FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. FIUNT]'l1t Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pulite Investedeand to 10an1'nu0ollectione made. Office 0, Graham's Block, Brussels. OIL PAINTING., miss Mories, of Windham, is prePnred to give instruction lu oil painting, lolws may be ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store where samples of work may be see11. Truss Irlorios would also tallo a tow m01e 1101)118 in 105030, r11 A. HAWKSINS, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art ot. f Teaching,of A. W. Thayer,Mn0. Doc., Now York, wilgive loseons to pupils either at 'l'bos Farrow's, Tmoberry Street, or if preferred, at their own homes. 110088ay, 'Tuesday and Wednes- day at Walton, forms moderato, MEDICAL CARDS. A. >41ONAUGIETON, M. D. e 0. AL, L. R, O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P 8, Ont. ltesidouoe and oalce in Wilson' Block, 00x1301' of ALB and Turn0erry Sts. DENTAL. 11A.EC1 1'N '3E' S ! M. CAVANAG H, L. D.S., D.O.S. Graduate of the }loyal College of Doutal Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OrrIOE--Ovor A. R. Smith's Store. Brussele, J30AR FOR SERVICE. --THE Undersigned will keep for Berries at Lot 0, 001. 8, Grey, it pure bred Berkshire hog, Tonne, 51.00 to be paid at tim5 of ger. vice with privilege of returning if necessary. 22.4 JAMES ELLIOTT, Proprietor, rea.�WO BERKSHIRE BOARS von 8Etiv10r.—Largo brood, brad from 1st prize stook, w111 be kept for service on 101 80, ant, 0, Groy, one aged and ono young hoar, Podigreos can be soon oil application, Tann 0, 81.00 to ho paid at time of Sa led 101411 privilege of return lug if 13000000,1y, 214 J.10. 11A131510, Proprietor, t0ARS FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for same on Lot 11,00n, 0, Grey, a thoro' bred (:bsator White pig, with pedigree and Trent import- ed stock. Also a there' bred Berkshire hog, TOMB 51.00 to bo paid at tine of serving, tvitll privilege of returning if 00aessar5. 10.11 A. SHAW, Proprietor, B08.R FOR SE13,VI013.—T(IE Undersigned will keep for service on North 8 Lab 20, Com 7,Airings, a thorn' bred Ohoetor White llog. 1'ids me wax awarded prism et Toronto and Louden Lairs, ills etre, ..Royal" has tatter, 1st at the 731 arta trial Tor TOMS. Terms, 81,00 to bo paid at 61010 0f Service with privilege of returning if 11000seen' , SAMUEL W'A'Wilelt, 10.11 Proprietor. '$')URE 011I1STIeR WRITE BOAR POR SERVICE, The ,'nderniened wi11 knoll for service a Thorp' Brod OhostsrWhite Boar, on Lot 2, (101,17, (Ire '','arms 91.00, payable at time 01 service with privilege of ra0urehly if so- 000aa1'y, 1310NNAT iS-G WI7,T,IAII1', Walton, -IMPROVED LARGE warn Y01131. 1 811111E 130810, The undersigned will keep toe service thi8 regiment meet the improved largo white Yorkxhlre r g "Made on lot Ni, nen, 6, ldorris, to which a limited cumber of sows Will bn taken. '130333110 51,00 to be paid at time of 0crvioo, with the privilege 0f return - lag if 030000007. Pod(groo toaJ bo soon ewe on 11pplteaidt.0, 100111210'1' leieRcee, 150 lerem101Or.