HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-9, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST Crffi3V n y f 8, White, a plan employed ab Staple. : eWs. ton Sett Works, slipped into a pan of balling brine a few days ago and got his feetsoaldeil somewhat ; inifammntioa huts g considerably. Bli17 a 11D1rably, 0 Bob in and he ie suit connects in 00'11 7 tonal entertainment The1a1 tion svtthe lou•People's lo'a Soao Y o£ on he Tell t 1 St.a t soh will be 1 Ontario ht tit es hide 7 evening of the 13'11 ins and pran7ts to -be very interostug. The speakers are expected to bo Rev. G, F. Salton, of Brnesele, English ; Rev. W, 11fo7)onagh, trlxeter, Irish ; ami Rev. 3, H. Simpson, Brooelleld, Soohoh, 1 0a 2 le. vS A. Willis h s o Intends creating a new dwell. ing ext year. u i. , inn new thrum RN has lit ne is A. 11,l t under the Masonic, black. The 11, T. of T. hltenct holding an open temple on Friday evening, Deo. tali, J, Cettennch, of 13eitish Columbia le visiting his brother James of this town, There is some talk of starting a Christ. inn Endeavor Society in connection with the Methodist ahurell. J. Barnet intends building a large briok house next summer and A. Hntobtnsou iutends erecting n large shop. There appears to be a great many owls around here, one was killed by au apple throwu by a smell boy, on Monday even. ing of last week, P. Hepiuetallspent Sunday in Toronto with Mrs. Hepinstail who has been ab- sent seven weeks and is on the sick list at present. %Vroxctec•. John hooey intends shipping a car. load of turkeys to Winnipeg this weak. Tho new Presbyterian church will bo opened on Christmas. Principal Cavan, of Toronto, will eondnct the opening services. The Christina Pndeavor lute an enter- tainment on Tuesday evening of nest week. Agnes Knox, the elocutionist, will he there. At the next meeting of the Debating Society the gnestion of the establishment of a House of Refuge in Moron will be disanooed. L. Elliott and family have returned from visiting friends in the E-tst. 1lfs place at the station wee supplied in his absence by Relief A;out, Dlartyn, Thos. Lovell, wlto left the paternal domicile a few years ago to try his fortune abroad, is home on a visit. His peregrinations extended as far west as the Pacific Coast. GotrVif5. The evaporator finished its work last week. Gem Bradley bas reduced the price of bread to 9 els. per loaf, The Gerrie cheese Company have sold the balanes of the season's cheese for 10 0-10 cents per 1b. Will. Hueston, who has been laid up with a factured knee.anp for a couple of months past, is recovering nicely, Tho grand event of the season will be the opeuiug of the Forester's new Hall le this village in the early part of January. Miss Whitfield, formerly of Dundee, Ont., returned missionary front Africa, and co-worker with Bishop Taylor, will lecture in the hall of the Methodist Church, Gerrie, on Thnredny evening, Dec. 8th. The Gerrie Methodist church is to be formally dedtatcd on Christens Day by lieu. Dr. Carman, General Superin- tendent of the Methodist Church, assisted by Rev. Joe, Scott, 91 A., President of the Guelph conference, and others. A tea -meeting is to be held in connection. Pi:sctor. Watt Bros., Gen:trgne, at•o consider. ing Exeter es a place of location for a foundry. A young son of Win. Southoett was run over by a passing sleigh. Luckily Ile esuaped without severe injuries. The site for the propoeed grist mill is now definitely Axed, being the property of Henry Hooper on 'vest aide Maul street. Henry Barnwell, who has been mentally afflicted, ]tae recently taken a (Mange for the worse and is now nonfined to his bed. Thos. Acheson had the misfortune to slip and eprain his ankle severely on Fri. day night last, and is compelled to use crutches. The election of officers for the A. P. ,e A. M. took piece with the following result ;—R. H. Collins, W. M. ; 0. 11, Sanders, S. W. ; J. J. Knight, J. W. ; 9. P. Ross, Chap. ; B. S. O'Neal, Teas. ; T. A. Brown, Sec. ; Wm. Brooks, Tyler. A Killarney, Man., dispatch says :— Samuel Areoett and Willie Rollaway, aged 9 and 11 respectively, were playing with a gun. The former was looking into the gun barrel, when Willie pulled the trigger, net knowing that it Waelead. ed. The gnu went off, blowing the top of Samuel Arsoott's head off killing him instautly, Our many readers will be sorry to learn that the unfortthnate boy was the son of Rich. Arnett and the boy that did the mischief was that of Robt. Kellaway's bout former residents of Exeter. Clinton. The Fruit Evaporator hnvo used up 20,000 bushels. When J. B. Rumball took charge of the telephone office there were 20 instruments in use, and now there are 40. Itis said that there were at least 290 cords of wood marketed here on Friday and Saturday, Nov, 26th and 27th. R. Ilan iford will store ovar 500 cords of short svo,1 in town this winter, for the urltveniouae of townspeople next year, W. Cndmoro, Kippen, is shipping b11e'1 h,y frotn here. It is eventually intoode.l for the English market. He has pressed this season over 050 tons. The other day while Alf. Goodwin was attending to his horses in the stable, one of them crushed him against the side of the etall, trusteeing a couple of hie ribs. The Electric Light Co. pet ep new copper condnntine wires, moult heavier than those which were in use before, nvith the result that the light be now much better. There is some talk of the Young Poo. pie's Soofeties of the leattenbury aid On. thio St. churches uniting, and thus worsting more sueaessfully for it common purpose. It would bo a move to the right direction. 01,ddeek,S3 C3. 11103 elm 1 ep their bnsiuedd hare, mai mty go to 4Vingham ; they stated that the to;vn desired to p il- Ieot a transient tractors fee of 050 for each ut)nth they remained here, and having paid it once they claim they had no right to cid se. The other day Jamas Stevens, of the base lino, had the misfortune to lose his watch ; it was one that he had carried continuously 191 aboub 17 years. 'Thirty years aero James Hearn, the well known cattle dealer, bad the misfortune to lose tt 3250 watch, and he resolved that he would never carry anotilee watch, a re. solve that ho Sots religiously cheered], Ink ellen erne. Five boys pleaded guilty before Magic. trate Lawrenoe for using abusive langu• ane towards Wm. Burns, and were lined a dollar and costs snob. On amount of the high pried asked by farmers for oordwood, nearly all the business 'nen of the village are putting in coal stoves in thole shores and shops. E, Gaunt tt Sons are among the lead. ing brooders in the Dominion, and their fine nook of Leiaesters has been seleoted by the commissioners to represent On• baric at the World's Fair, in Chicago. Quite a little exeitontent was paused opposite the Whitely House the other evening. A large ball lamp was lit and the wick being too high it blazed up so RS to almost armee an explosion. One of the men of the /louse seized the lamp, ran out on the verandah, and without looking where it went threw it down. It lit in the cutter of Mr. Sbratbdee and caused quite a blaze among some hay in the rig. very little damage wee done. Giotto rich. el. C, Cameron has gone to Florida. Wm, Craig has leased the British Ex• change hotel, Chas. Seager is opposing Mayor Butler at the coming municipal election. The exuminatioo of the inodel olesses in God_rich and Clinton took plane obis week. There are 10 candidates hero and 26 at Clinton. The Signal and the Star are still writing love (?) lettere ut due another. Boye, the public is getting sick of your everlasting jaw. Thos. Bates, jr,, about twenty years of age, bad the misfortune to have a 1)ortien of two of the fingers of the left hand taken off while running the shaper at the organ factory. This year the ladies of victoria et. Methodist cborch decided to bold a thank•offering instead of their annual supper. The date for the offering was Sunday, Nov. 27111, and it was well re- sponded to. The amount asked for was 0100.00 and the amount given was 0110.. 00. The Star says feeling existing between Jonathan and Richard Frib'rley, two brothers engaged iu MaEwen's salt works, culminated in a somewhat serious manner ou Wednesday evening. After some words, while at work, Jonathan, it is said, threatened to strike Riaherd with an iron crow bar, and the latter seising struck the fennel; on the auaxe handle no s head, fracturing his skull. The wounded man is under the care of Dr. Taylor, and although the case is critical he was in no immediate danger yesterday afternoon. Richard is keeping out of the way, but his friouds will arisise him to give hint self up to the autheritiee. L:Ftalxa<li al lu LSI aS tt',a. W. H. Kay, of South Norwich, market- ed 200 bushels of buckwheat last week. Brantford is exalted over the disap. pearance of J. H. Simmons, a grain mer - dwelt. Thos. Robinson, of East Nisson•i, sold a fat beef the other day that weighed 2,800 pounds, Commencing in April next an M. 0. R. train will leave St. Thomae every two hones for Chicago. New Hamburg's poultry show has been postponed ale week, the dates being Jan- uary 17, 18 and 10. The Ontario Fruit Growers' association will hold its annual meeting at Brantford on Dee. 0, 7 and 8. A Tilsonburg boy, aged 10 years, sought to obtain a marriage license for himself and a girl of the same age the other day. Ile was unsuccessful. Louis Haukicsou, of Malahide, last week took 26 bushels at Baldwin apples to the eider mill from which be secured 102 gallons of eider. The jury in the as+e of the late Richard Hendee, of Stratford, who was found dead in bed last week, found a verdict of death from natural causes. The Woodstock Town Council on Wed• nesday night passed the Gropers' Bylaw to take a vote of the people in January on the question of shop licenses. A fatal case is reported in South Sim• coo in which it boy of eight fell into a comatose condition after eating two nut - meets, and died within twelve hours. The printing plant of J. J. McCartney, of the Wesb Lorne Tribune, hos bean re- moved from that piaoe, and Mr. Mozart. ney is now opening out an oilioo at New- bury. The Moravian Agricultural Society has a surplus of 0500 over all liabilities and the money Iles been loauel out et the rate of 25 per cent, per an110111 to the Indians, The petition to be resented o r t the n n Lo'.ldnn City Council praying for the closing of city bar.ruools at seven o'clock is being circulated, and is securing a goodly number of signatures, 1'hore aro over 250 pine spars at Port Stuuley belonging to soma Buffalo firm which have boon plotted up along the shore from a raft which went to pieces, Should they not be severely- moored they will 110 deabb do a great deal of damage in the spring freshet, DIrs, Thornes 'Mosley, ni Mese, had bbe good luck to discover a dollar gold piece in one of he fowls while dressing 14, e spring 0hiohee. Hew Oce dollar gold place came there 10 a mystery, for such ooiue are very seldom neon now -a clays where chiekens can pick them up, A wonderful story of the instinct of a do/ comes from Tftorndalc. John Tay. lay a wet—known resident of that village, wont to Muslroko about Nov. lot. far a deer hunt, Ile took two hounds with hila, He lost o10 of the dogs in the Mud'dl'e woods. Mr, Taylor came hone, mourning the 1050 of a valtutb'e hound. His su'prine cap he imagined when he found the doe was home before hilm, The dog had been taken all tho way 1n a baggage.0en, had never boon there before, and bed no possible moans of knowing !no whereabouts or the three, Eon of bis home, It certainly appeai'e to he en extraordinary instance of the unerring{ matinee of this faithful mantel, Andrew Milior and wife, 01 Yarmouth, Out,, celebrated thole golden wedding 0'1 Thursday of last week. The groomsman nod brideetneid of 50 pieta ago wore also present. selnt John Milton, haFol.eea tea' Paris station was summoned to :appear11ou before , M. t Ir•i❑ n• retailing o the 1. 1 [. h5 nt n i l for t i l t t V R rollh p bliis h the ads at the reinitiates 111 the bar•roaln. Jolla asknowlodged the eon) and paid the tine, A bylaw granting the G. T. 1i. 075,• 000 to exbend the road from .Parltllend to Uw5tn Sound, provided they bad made reasonable propose with the work before Deo. lib, 1890, was last week extended by the town mutton for Dix months longer, as the company gave assurance that wort' would be commenced if it little time was granted them. The finding of a wlhale•linard on the top of the Muir glacier in British Ooleun• pia is reported. The discovery was made by Mr. Beek, of Everette, 13. 0, A single bone of the skeleton weighs 794 pounds, and the whole ekeleton 2;100 pounds. The specimen is valued at $80,- 000. There is only one other in exile teuoe—at Oxford, England, Mr. Buck is to exhibit his treasure at the World's Fad r. Tho Embro Courier says a wedding took place at the Congregational parson• age in that village under somewhat peon. liar circumstances. The couple 0am0 from Maplewood about 2 o'clock, Mr. Silcox was at Frame and Was expected every hour, but clid not 00015. At 7:110 bo Ind not put its an appearance, 0o his wife got Rev. Mr. Patterson to perform the ceremony. Be very uheerfnlly obey- ed beyed the enlntm000 and had nicely begun the service when Mr, Silcox arrived. Mr. P. offered to give way and let Mr. S. fin. ish the contract, but the latter insisted en the former completing what he load so well begun. The wedding certificate was signed by both ministers, and the happy couple, alter wetting about six house, took their departure with the best wishes of -those present. Linheriok, near Newbury, is all torn up oven the incident which happened there the other day. An old lady, es• donated at about 108 years of age, was token ill, and to all appearances passed peacefully away after a responsible ill. nese. Of course a "waste" followed with all the necessary preliminaries, and the programme was unusually euocessful. The following morning on entering the supposed death chamber the attendants were greatly surprised to find the sup. posed corpse sitting tip, and who im- mediately enquired as to the nature of certain funeral preparations in progress. The old lady rapidly recovered, and may yet take part in n "wake" over some of those who ofiioioted at the premature proceedings recorded above. The Prince of Wales' 51st birthday was lately celebrated with ell bongs. One enthusiastic speaker at a London dinner said the Prince was the most popular man living. Th average lent f lir is greater in 1e v 10 0 R Norway than in nny ether country on the globe. This is attributed to the fact that 1110 temperature is cool and uniform throughout the year. Ellsworth Wyatt, of the Dalton gang, for whom a reward of 910,200 was offer- ed, was 0apl.ured in Cnry, Ind., last weep. ire was not su the Coffeyville raid, but is wan ted for many crimes. IT i-1 :1J J3�P �e�l�lli'81f1 f. KAISER Has purchased the above bus- iness from H. Kelly and in- tends making a number of improvements in the shop and increasing the stock. New Goods Ordered, Choice Confectionery, Oysters, 4'o. E. H. KAISER, PROPRIETOR. e: YE r, s Sarsaparilla Y -our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesse s, Tumors R-unning Bores 8 -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nci Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes 1-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A-11 cured by AYE i~, 9 Sarsa M Prepared ly Dr, J, C Ayer t Co„ Lowell, Mast. Soldby all Druggists,Vele° $c; six bottles, 00,. CurOS °Hier', will Cut* yOU is > QOXI O TON all Stolle & Wellington, (0)11'0E1)), \r), A c1 d ln ctodol)t' mfi' t0od1ll0,efto1h e.tB'onr9Y Mons- ands an -u la of 1 t uOe5Ia 1110 only perfectly Nato u 1 rotten; l,1g elo i liw810 of 1pnleicipoddruggists I'1I lvlce oiler inferior mo,licinev in place of Nils, Ask for eno1'e 0040000 l'oo'n Ootrrnuwn, take no substitute; or tuolose 01 aml '1 three•oeut Canada, postage stamps in loiter. and we t 'ill sang, sonloCl, by return mail. Full seal- ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only, s stamps, Address fond 1,11y 00111. pony. No,, J Moller Moak, 151 Woodward ave.,Detroit, Mioli. 1• -^Field in Btussole by 3,11, Pp1P1,'1 it, D, A. DI)ADebele and all respoustble erugglete overywboio, HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Ia arm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A' Hunter-, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Ontario!In tua1 Life, HEAD OFFICE, • %Vt111111s.otl, ONT. Asetlran0e ill force Jan'y,')2. , 914,034,807 Nesv business written In 1001 2,604,950 Increase over 1890 346,800 Cash income for 1801 547,620 Increase over 15110 57,620 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Paid-up Values guarantee,) on (mob p01150. All dividends belong to and 010 paid only to policy holders. Premiums payable during the month in which they fall duo. Policies are in° onteetublo two years from date of issue. No restriction on 'revel, residence or o0- 0upatiou. Lapsed policies may bo revived within six mouths tabor poise. Death claims paid ab once en completion of alarm papers. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel. Niirery h. 01''1?1(Jh] ; 32 Church St., TORONTO. Branch Offices at icIONTIIE AL, Qan,, VICTORIA, B. 0., MADISON, Wis. Nurseries : FOOTHILL, ONT. Largest in Canada, Over 700 Acres, Special Attractions this Season, Prices Greatly Reduced. The New Russian Apple, the Kitson Pear and Grand Doke Plum. ADAM GOOD, AGENT. 1)l':r,, 0, 1802 Pioiouaijll FOR XMAS _—.911'---- r 9s Leave your order early for your Xmas photographs. Our prices are as low as any and our work the best. C. E. BERRY, Gallery Next the American Hotel. TE E LEADERS F hR 18 t2-93 Our line of Base Burners is more complete than ever before. "Radiant Homo," "Art Garland ," "Art Peninsular," "Itadiant Peninsular," &e. These stove's are constructed in the most modern style, and are the most powerful Double Heaters made. They are finished iu tho highest style of the art and we warrant everyone good baking ovens. If you are in need of a Parlor Cook, be sure and see our stock before purchasing. "Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly improved this season and are selling fast and giving good satisfaction. Wo will take your old stove. Handsome Ranges 1 We carry a stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect. Second Hand Stoves! Our second hand stoves are going oft' fast. If yon want one, you must secure it early. ploy aro good ones and cheap. Night TI �:9i! Tust opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays. —DEALER IN -- F 11171RE Pictue Frames, &G. Special Attention given to Undertaking Prices Moderate. Smale's Black, BRUSSELS. One Dollar - One Year. THE TORONTO Weekly Newo. SUBSCRIBE NOW 1 The Best Family Newspaper published fu Canada. The Weelzly News And a choice of the following Premiums until JANUARY let, 18114, for the price of One Year's Subscription, One Dollar: y Leaving the No. 1—Etching—Christ L 7 h Prceborinm. No 2 -Tinted Etching— The Retreat from Moscow. No. 8— Photo-CI mum—Women and Ohildren Fled. No. 4—Photo-Gravure — The Fathers of Confederation. Na 6—Son- venie Album of Canadian Statesmen. No, 6—Engraving-Bird's•l;yo View of Toronto, 28x14. Or one of the following literary produce bbo: Princess Sunshine, Mrs. 111rb1o11; Lovas a 'Pyran b,Annie Thomas 1 Curb mut Onolfle, Sir ltauclatl ltobcrts; 13afiling Quest, haute Barrett; Soul of Countess Adrian; he's, Oanlpboll Prawl; Miss Rhitlto, W.1., Norris ; The l'lcnatlilly 8110010 P'a'ges 11 11/0 ' Every inch a Soldier, \V .90 Laminae. 1 Daughters 00 foigravta, Mrs Alex Fraser; poll of 1Ionor Annie Thomas; Boo'te'e Children, John g Wino , !Wend Compare, Chas Gibbon ; First Love, Mrs, llielrlotl ; Englishmen of the Lino Oain,L'larenoc Warden 110ndwh,ited,11' W Speight ; St. Outhbort'e lower, Florence Warden •'.,\tau bvitli a Sporck/gamble Mime' Vorestallnd Mrs Bidden ; The lion bliss it 1. M oaths ' ramie Serge Pantile, Goa Outlet' Lisle clown, Sarah `lyblor 1 The Witness of tho 5103, Amelia hives ; 'Without Love or Litsuse, Hawley sot art ; Blood White Bono, 13r, L'argtte�au ; The itnsue, W 11 b1ai, le; WSow• ing the hul, Mre r: Lynn Linton ; A Doi per Crush, Trauk Danby • Arm Moll, Bev 8 13 Gould ; Little Ohattoialns, Earl of Meati''; Nock or the Nye, Mrs 15 Noma ; Tho Last Donn, llawley S1,1a1'b; 13y Misadventure, Frank Barrett Blunt 1311015005 ilaWlcy ''mart; titan from Manabnstor Dick Dons. van 1 Rival Penang, Justin McCarthy ; long of Alnasis, lsarS of Lytton ; Tho Log Princes 1,9omuoo Warden , 01:1 Maser's Hero, i d Murray : P'or One and 010 World ' Tf t3 T1r1- Wards , 1nutSreatMissionary Vellum, Nev. Canal 1'ayla' ; rube 33arrow , T A Mae. BALLANTYNE & WILTON, RESOLUTION. MAW".,a.'_raw'e•'uTceri'..a±m's.er""c1mt'�...'� . WHEREAS : A Great Liquidation Salo is now going on of the big stocks of Boots and Shoes at George Good's stores, Buis - cels and Seaforth, AND WHEREAS : It is absolutely necessary to clear out tIle en- tire stocks at once : AND WHEREAS : The balance will bo sold at from 20 to 30 per cent. below regular cash prices. Therefore bo it RESOLVED : That we, the citizens of Brussels and Seafortll, and all people of the surrounding country will embrace this opportunity of getting our supplies of winter boots and shoos, Overshoes and Rubbers, Ilats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, &c., at these reduced prices, thereby making money by saving money. This is indeed a sensible resolution on tho part of the people, and we on our part will see that the people are benefitted by acting in accordance with it. A set of Light Bob -sleighs for sale cheap, 3. R. GREGORY, Liquidator. 1PVTI 1 But don't you Want to t � ll get a nice piece of Dress ods, Chea) Stylish, and Go andSt a5 1y e perhaps also something nice to suit the Children ? We will give you good bargains now and a good assortment of all kinds to choose from, awaddrassormalwasuarremr Coatings for Children, Misses and Ladies. Overcoats and Suits for l3oys—All sizes. Overcoats and Suits for Men --All sizes and Very Cheap, Boots1 young. and Rubbers for old and youn - . tee, A good line of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Our 30e. Tea or I lbs. for r4L00 .T'ea's the Record. Alex. Strachan. alL