HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-9, Page 5DEO, 0, 1892 aneme=ennemseereccernineearreceentretrosesenterammeeneteireensencistinemeasermeene DISTRICT N i"WS. 131 elovsla1e?, Who will represent '1'urnberry at the Council Beard for 18110 113 the question 1 The Ptesbyteriaue intend holding a tea meeting on Friday evenit,), 23rd inet,, is aid of their Sabbath wheel, 11 tennperaneu people, 'alined in have anything to do with persons of Dr.. (?) liitlght'u elate ho would be likely to le 100 that sobriety wee one of the eese)tiels asked of a stranger, teioaaio><-th. 0. 111, Pepbst'e stationery store, Sem forth, lord a narrow esoapo from total destruction by lire lent Thursday even- ing, A large Pittsburg lamp, which was hnngiug 111 one of the show windows, led, setting lire to a lob of expensive albums and fancy goods. The Piro was extinguished after doing aboub $100 damage. One large pane of plate glees wits also croaked. Loss on geode fully covered by insurances in the Queen's and Conmerciei Union Oompanles. The store has been recently fitted up and is considered the finest in the west. Atwood. Taffy pulls are in order. Mmiioipal elsotion rumbles are heard in this locality. The -Independent Order of Foresters aro arranging for it big eutortainment. Church annivorsnries, school enter- tainments and socialites are to the front. J. Grieves, M. P., donated 110.00 to the new Aieohanios' Institute started in this place. R. S. Pelton has purchased the brick building and 1°t In couneotton therewith in which the Beo is located, paying 111,- 000 for it. Straws show the way the wind blows. 13e1.errayee. Mr. Geddes, sr., has put up a new stable. Mise Minn Tooker returned from Manitoba last weals. Mee. J, Clegg left for her home in Brandon, Man„ on Monday. Bolgrovo is rho place for °rushing all grain, It is done in fine etylo at the mill. A meeting of the W. 1. M. S. was held at the manse on Wednesday after- noon. Misses Wigbtman, of Wawanoeh, spent a oonpie of days V{71 111 friends in Clinton last week. R. Wince, of Londeeboro, has been through this section buying turnips for sbipmeut to Chicago. • k The Literary Y 8000 of the 01111 eon: 11341311 Walvanosh, has been re -organized. A. debate on the 1-Iouee of Refuge queer tion will take place on Friday evening, A grand Christmas tree end enter. taiument, under the auspices of the Me(hodiet Sunday school, will bo hnl.1 in the Furestera' Hall ou Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. Christmas trees for Sabbath schools aro the order of the month. Ono at Sunshine on 19th inst., and one at Bel - grave Methodist school on. 23rd inst. Good limo. are expected. The lecture on "Manlinras," by Rev. S. Seliory, 13, D., in the Methodist church last IIIb lay night was fairly at- tended enusideeing the state of the roads. The subject was ev' i1 handled. The next entertainment will bo on Jan. 2nd, a Fang service, "Uncle 'I'uw." Musie will be well rends' ed by the choir and 1•cndings by the paster, 11iolce!. w'on•th. Il. R. Spence is engaged to teach in Duke's school house for 18113. The roads are very hard frozen and horses require to be sharp shod for travelling. bliss Campbell, of To. swatee, is the guest of Air, llowe's family. ('ho appar- ontl,y is enjoying her visit with her 0000100. Rev, A. Stevenson will bo absent next Sabbath morning but hie pulpit will he oecnp:ed by Revd. Mr. MoNtebb, of Lneknow. Missionary Band on Friday evening was largely attended. Tile program was only middlingly well filled Ont 0e several persons w10,'11 names appeared wore ab. sent. Au entertainment will be held in the Boundary 0eheol hoose on the evening of Doc. 2001. An excellent program is be- ing prepared and nu doubt our concert will be far in advance of any of the en. terliainmellte in surrounding school houses. W. T. McKee will soon have his new house completed. The carpenter work is being done by stir. Smith, of Brussels, wino i0 making an excellent job. This building Is not equalled as a farm reel - demo in this county and we hope 100r. McKee and family will long live to enjoy the same. [Note by Eclitor.-.'We will be plooeod to hoar regularly from this correspond. ent.] G uv. Wood bees aro having their inuinge just now. A 110011100 aro plowing this week. The land works well. J. A. Frain, butcher, of Gerrie, has been on the sick list. Meed Stewart, of Bluovale, was visit- ing at Henry Ba11's this week. Revival eervie00 aro being conducted at Roe's 01140011 by Rev. 310, Newcombe. Another meeting to dismiss Township Hall matters was held at Oranbroolt last Friday evruing, All the epeuters w01.0 05 hand b'it there wag very little speak- ing the meeting leaving resolved itself into a general talk. A very eneees01111 entertainment was given by the members of the'•it1utuel hnp0ovemene Club," oomprising the eebc+las of S. S. No, 1. 3. A. MoLaohlan amply filled the ohair, physically as well as int.ellentuelly, A lengthy program was exeredingly well rendered and highly appreciated by a largo and attentive audience. The proeeode amounted to upwards of 59,00, On Wednoeclay, Nov. 30111, John Bete. man and wife, of the 0th lino, celebrated the twelfth anniversary of their wedding by having their feiend0 and aognaintat. ces to a wedding demote After all had ,partaken of a hearty repeat, the company enjoyed themselves fn varfons amuse. petite old 00011(1 chat. After wishing Alr. and "Mrs. Bateman many happy resume of the day, they departed to thi it respcotive 1101(100, all leaving spent a tory enjoyable (file, . Some went to (01818 11301 Saturday to got a glinlpes) of John L. Sullivan. A tow of them were disappointed, however. George Gordon, of North Dakota, is visiting his mother, Aire. Pewson. Mr. Gordon hes been sevontoen yeas in Daku(11, feet Saturday evening ale four year old eon of ,lames Galt died after a brief Meese of diphtheria. Liao was a bright little fellow and will be greatly missed: The funeral tools plume on Atandity after- naou, Icev, D. Millar baking the service. The Tilsnnbm•g Observer of December 3rd remarks its follows oonoerniug a former resident of this looaliby 3—The Rev, C, '1'. 8itylis, 0110 has for some time been the colleague of the Rev, Mr. 13ar- raolo1gh on the Hpringford oir0uit of the Methodist Obnrob, has tendered his resignation, as 11e is 513001 to enter the university at 3iivanatou, 111e,, to further prepare himself for his lifework. 3)1)0. ing his residence in Springford Mr. I3ay• Ire has won the rsspsot and good will not only of hie own ohuroh people but of everyone with whom 110 has come in min - toot. His depute -tura will be universally regretted and he will bear with him 111e good wishes of many friends. Mr, Bay lie lvfll spend the holiday oeason at hie home in 1'lantiltor before proceeding 1118 1vaueton. 131:vt11. Bua111000 in general ie quiet those days, Mrs. Robert Symonds is fndiepoeeil at present. Jelin D001,01m has returned from it lengthy because trip in different parts of the States. Mrs. John Boll's many friends will be glad to hear that elm is fast recovering from her serious illness. 0, Gurney and W. Lemont left hero on Monday for the State of Michigan, where they intend to winter. No service in Trinity ohuroh on Sun- day morning next, but will be held in the evening at the usual hour, 6:30. The ]handsome brick 0a0iden0e of J. M0Guire, which be has had erected this summer, is about ready for ocenpation. The anniversary service of the opening of Trinity ohuroh will be held on the evening of the 27th ins(„ when the Bishop of Huron will preach.! It is rumoured that Robert Etoward has pnrobosed a fico building lot on Dineley street and intends 'making pre. paratione for building several brink stores next Spring. Ct•:tet1)roolk. Sleighing woulcl m � m w ulc (mice business boom. J. R. Tfadaon of Dt•uy ton ievisiting hie brother, Geo. 1ludson, of this place. Bev. J. W. Boll, of (Hamilton, is ex- peoted here soon to deliver a looture on 2:emporan(e. Wm. (tarter and family, of Walton, have taken possession of the McNiool farm, where they intend malting their home for a time. Our merchants are now prepared to show their oolmplete lines of Winter goods. They should receive a good shale of the patronage. R, T. of T.—At the last sleeting of the R. T. of T., held on Friday eveuiug, Dec. 2nd, the following officers were Weeded for the coming quarter :—S. 0., Bro. John Wilson ;'7. 0., Sister Jennie McNair ; P. 0., Bro. J. J. Mitchell Ohaplain, Bro. I). B. llfoRae ; R. 5 , Sister Mary Ritchie ; F. S„ .Bro. E, 3. Williams ; Treas., Bro. Jas. Cameron ; 'Herald, Sister llaggie Reymann ; Guard, Bro. John Mointosh ; Sentinel, Bro: Wm. Oameron. The order is getting alone uiooly now and intend having a public entertainment before long. )hiss Atelia Chambers has been on the sick list, Township Council will inept nest Thursday. Marshall Hughes has gone to Michigan where be will spend the 'Winter. Miss Annie MoGavin, of Leadbarl',was visiting Mrs. Jolin Robb jr. hub week. George and Wm. Pratt are home from Dakota. They came on Thursday of last week. Mrs. M1816111113111 has removed to Blyth where elle will reside with her daughter. Miss Rate Barrio intends going to Blenheim township where she will spend the winter. Mrs. ToTaggart, of Collingwood, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. Forrest, 2nd eon. Weddings, wood -bees end fiancee are going to be all the rage this Winter. Leeds out for squalls. Colin Campbe'1, of McGillivary, was present at the funeral of Matthew Gibson. Isle wase brother•in-law of deceased. 1Vn1, Forsyth, 6th lino, who has 130011 in Dakota for several montl.s arrived home last. week. He purposes returning next spring. Georgie Kelly had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse limb Iveek. We learn that paralysis wee the eause cif ire untimely departure. Mr. Coulee is solieiting orders in these parts for Covers Bros'., nursery, Galt, Ont. He represents a reliable AVM and is doing a good bulimia. George McFarlane, wife and two child ren, of Rosetta, Lanark county, aro at present visiting et John Laweon's, 8th col. 11i0. MnI'arleno is greatly delighted with this part of Ontario. A number of instances have been given of large yields from oroharde but Jem me Speir s orchard, lot 80, con. 6, ranks well in the front. He sold 206 barrels to one buyer and still bad about 100 barrels lei 6. Xtets T1,1(11.—Ou Tuesday evening, 20t11 inst., a Ohristmas Trne eutertnenment will be held in (onneetion with Jackson's 01100011 Sabbath school, The program will consist of meshed and literary setae Mono and addresses by Rev. W, Baugh, of Trowbridge, the pastor and others. Irmo. --About 0 °bloclt list Monday morning the large bank barn of Themes Forties, Sonth•weid :l; lot 12, non, 8, Was destroyed by fire, Mr. Forbes and daughter were about to attend to the incline, of tiro stook when a Dalt running round loose upset t140 lantern calming the lire, 'Throe ].Horses, a calf, it covered buggy and a cutter wore rescued tram the de000tieg element. There were 7 (Owe, 2 calves, harness, implomente, liay, feed, 200 buebols 0f wheat and other stuff deetroyod. It is reported that the pee - peter has 011 insurance of 51,400 in Ell( Iowick Mutual. The 1110 wag 600)1 for lnilee ar0n111, THE BRUSSELS POST mr,, (TAT mmnIrmtp •Flarna 1(a. crirrtro treeze ^ s,rt,n,r,mmenrrr x ^"18 �str l a Ghri-t 1111,1 Tre0 Sabbath 131(111141 enter. I leinme1,t. 1111 Hu0011i110 011 310urlay even• 19th fust. linclve Mooney 11110 been troubled with (1118 ab -e505 on his left hand but it ie about I all right again now. 1)arno Rumor 11175 11 report going that Sulnnhille is to 1050 the post.nnistrees by , her removal to the 2nd lino. Ghee, I lector, 4th line, has been very poorly for the last two or three woelts, He is net Improving very fleet, Mrs, George Peaooek, of Kinnardine, is visiting Mrs, Jan. Wllltinson, •1th lino, She minutia ale° going to Mitchell awl Toronto, Jas, L. Wilson, teacher on S. 0, No 10, Mori le, purposes (raving a gran concert in the school house on Wednes clay evening, Deo. '21st. Improvements+ aro talked of at the Methodist °beech, Sunshine, and to pro- vide n parties of tbo funds a few of the ladies of the congregation have stated canvassing for an autograph quilt. On the evening of Thursday, 2211d, inst., a inn±ical and literary entertain- ment will be held in Barrio's school hMiura°, S, S. No. 4, commencing at 7:30 o'olook, Prof, Hawkins, of Brussels, wi l bo present. A =sleet and literary entertainment, tinder the auspices of (110 young people of S. 8. No. 0, will be held in the town- ship ' h H onTuesday 0801(111( next D130 0 Hall lue evening . 18611. Admission 104, Proceeds Eo be a milled on oohool apparatus. Tho annual meeting of the So,shine Sabbath wheal svae held on last 300111ay evening. There was a good turn out Rev. J, II, Dyke opened the meeting with prayer. H. E. Burkholder, who lias been superintendent for the hast three years, resigned and Jas. hunter jr. wan appciuted for the ensuing year. There aro 0480)1 Masses in the school and the teachers are as follows :—Geo. (Hood, Joseph Clegg, hiss Joauet Hood, Mr. Bieley, Jae, Russell, Henry Bortcholder, Geo. Parker. Secretary, Washington Wilkinson ; Librarian, D. Russell. 013ir.—Another of our old and highly respected pioneers, in the person of Matthew Gibson, 1st coo., has passed peacefully to that bourne from whence n0 traveller ever rebores, at the age of til years. The eause of his decease Ivan a cancer. Mr. Gibson name to this country with his parents when quite a young man and settled in MoGillivary for a number of .years. He moved to Morris in the year 1868 and settled 00 lot 29, nor. 8, where he resided till the Nene of his death. He was united in the bonds of matrimony in the year 1862 to Janet Campbell. Lie was a kind hatband and father and diad reebiug on the finished work of Christ, His end was peace. TIN remains urera laid in the Brussels cemetery or Saturday after. noon. Ile leaves a&s ifand three grown N 0 g 0 up daughters to mourn his demise. We extend our hi orbital!, sympathy toward the sorrowing family. a 110telt te1. Reeve AIilno is in the field for 1803• Township Council will meet here on Thursday of next week. Mrs. Cale talks of removing to Toron- to in the course of a fow weeks. The night school meets on Monday and Weduce:lay evenings. It is getting along nicely. A Christmas Tree entertainment will be held in the Methodist church. It will be on Xmas eve. Considerable sickness in this locality at me -setae 01, the eiek aro Mrs. Ray. nard, Mrs. Andrew Sharp, Ilenry Green, \Vm. &(1100 auel others. 1)r, 1'er'uso'l, of llurristou, has come to Ethel and will begin pr1101100 at once. Ino is a young man, having graduated I last year. Wo extend a 001•dial ravel. oom0. S. or T.—Last Friday evening saw twenty new members added to Ethel division S. of 10., making a total of 44. during the past four weeks. Another very iutereetiog proerrun wee given and was highly appreciated by all present. Tho following is a copy :—Chorus, "Glorious Day" ; recitation, Miss M. Young ; instrumental quartette, Misses Brewster, Kelly, G. Willis and ➢lits R. Spence ; recitation, Miss Maty A, Stem. mon ; quartette, "Hoar dem belle" • recitaion, Miss 1. Willis ; chorus, "Ral. ly All" • imtrumental quartette ; reel. Cation, Miss B. Milne ; quartette, "Salo• mon Levi" ; recitation, bliss L. Spence ; instrumental quai'isbte ; ohorus, "Good News" ; re0itation, Mtes E.Doke ; curate tette, "For y011 we are praying at home" ; reoieition, John Cameron ; chorus, "Sparkling water" ; insbrumeub• al quartette ; recitation, N. Milne ; reoi- ba'iou, G. Dobson ; recitation, Tom Heffernan ; chorus, "Ring the bell w01ahmn.0" ; recitation, John Kellner. Banns Sooinxx MseTixe,-0n Monday ev01110g of this week, as announced in TI/13 POST, the Bible Society meeting was held here and was a grand success every way. After singing, reading and prayer, the President, Thos, Strachan, of Grey, look the chair. 13o made a short speech setting forth the work and claims of rho Bible Sooiely i11 it very clear manner. Ile thou introduced the Rev. Mr. Millar, of Brussele, to the audience. Air. Millar took a0 his subject "The literary pre. eminence end power of 111e Bible." In earnest, eloquent words he brought out the loading features of the subject, arid fully established his position by large gnotetione from the poets and abhor pro - Pane authors. He made it plain that the greatest mon, the beet writore aro math indebted to the Bible. The address was such appreciated. The oh1010esen then called o, Bev. 111. Paul, who addressed tine meeting of "The Bible an inspired 130011." He made the following points :— As such, it is of Divine authority. The truth of the Bible roust be believed, It will make men wise unto salvation, lb will guide our fent in the may of life. Thou it becomes one duty to give the book to °there. 9.'he Net speaker was Rev, D. 13. McRae, who made a good epeedi on elle origin and work of the Bible Society in almost every part of the world." The rev. gentleman then went on to elnov the power there is in the Word of God, giving a number of proofs from the New Testament, such an, the wincle head mid obeyed the word of Jesus, dlseasee departed from glen and anon carne het t from the grave ; n1)31 the word retains the seine power. Rev, Mr. Newcombe, not being able to be preeelb, gave his address in his 00'l( oh melt on Sabbath 1115111 last, The oollocti°n tnkcu amonntad to 44.05. The collectors ap- pointed were Misses Davies and 3111110, The meeting closed and alt were glad at the 0000055 of the gathering, Additional Di.trlo: time o1 pages 1 and 0. H. KASER 1610 now 011 hand tt full line of FRUITS that will please evel'ybody. Figs, Dates, Oysters, Nuts and Confectionery in all its branches. TP1Y McCORMIOK'S CHOICE CREAMS. Also a full line of Cigars and Tobaccoes. Give hila a Call at Id!' Hgta1l11a1il We are Away Ahead — OF— 1MEN'S FOOTWEAR, LADIES' FOOTWEAR, MISSES' FOOTWEAR, 130YS' FOOTWEAR, CHILDS' FOOTWEAR Try a pair Of 0111' Felt Boots, Every pair Guaranteed, Custom work a Specialty. Repairing Neatly Done. J�D G. SAN: B.—Rips sewed FREE of Charge. CN Hes'[E11raI I have opened out a prime stock of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Conned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Vanstone Block. OYSTE R S Cooked, (taw or by Elle Glass. flf l; ',ilea and COffee Served et all Ilours, Lunch 1100111. Everything. neat, clean, 1(11(1 ;101(1 at close prices, Pickles by the ]3ottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. Before Buying your Iloliday OOnfeoton• sly old bruits call on ane. RS, 31cALPINE. fL'!2Z.9 (i 11,1 tre Grand Exhibition of H011.°daY d.. rO r7 AT SPECIAL PRICES. Oil 044 ra..F SPECIAL LINTS OF MUSI)AL iNSpyRUMEN` S One of the Largest and Richest Assortments of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Brooches, Rims, tic,, in the County, All the Novelties in Jewellery for Ladies wear, Anyone wanting a present will do well to call on. us be11010 leaking their Engraving selection.E 11 � ng done on articles FREE. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELLER. OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL. AROAINS forth HOUEAY&, o Is to the front again with a 1+u11 Line of Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoatings, Pantings. Yon will find it pays to see my Stock, A Fit Guaranteed, Latest Style Fats, Cape, 11ubber Coats. In Gents' Furnishings I take no Second Place. You will .find Un- derclothing and Top Shirts, Cardigan Jaekots, Collars, Ties, Braces, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., in well bought Goods and sold at close Prices. Our reputation for First Class Ordered Clothing is well known. Consult your own interests by calling 011 C. FACtiSS, The Leading Tailor. Brussels, Ont., We Show to -day the Finest Black Cashmere Hose ever shown in Brussels for 35 Cents, Full lines both plain and ribbed. at 5'0c., 55o., 60c. and 75c., the best .values in the trade. OUT G1 zia Gloves Ca'n't be Beat. Our $1.25 Lacing Gloves, the Fin- est in the Trade, Ask to see the Celebrated KANGAROO AND DOESKIN Gloves for Gentlemen's wear. occamaxasaroorreetraluxarnwersh a ADI S' UND R .c R1E in Great Variety. FEH[SON & HALLIBAY. N. B. ---Grand Display of Christmas Goods on Tuesday, Dec, i.3t11, and following days