HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-9, Page 44 New Advertisements, Notice—Mrs. Cale. L00815--13. berry, 1'ruite--L, Il, Raiser. Royal Crown Remedy. Locals ---I. C. Rich;trda. Locale --Dr, J. 0. Ayer. Local—W. H. MoOrneken. Popular i'riceo. E, Rogers, Special N„ace-- J. '1', Pepper. Choice Novelties- •14fiss Gauley. Boar for Service --James Elliott. Christmas 1l•e081118—J. T. Popper. Now Restaurant—James McAlpine. heifer Calf for Salo—G, A. Deadman, Come on the Premises—RR. Dilworth. Hosiery and Gloves—Ferguson et Hal- liday. Cttleudare and Booklets—G. A. Dead- man. nis cif `ilssc1S FRIDAY', DEC. 2, 1,892. CANADA., according to the Edinburg Re• view, gets most of the Scotch emigrants. Scotchmen are generally allowed to be canny and shrewd, and they could not display their shrewdness better than by making a choice of Canada when they emigrate. The Scandinavians make good settlers and it is satisfactory to know that they aro coming to Canada in ever inoreaeiug numbers ; the latitude suits them, ae it also does Scotch people. As soon as tariff reform is began and Cana. dian farmers are given a chance to be- come prosperous, our p,putation should 511080013 by leaps and bounds. THERE has been so much said lately in Bru-eels about Poll tax and who should pay it that we reproduee the sections from the Ontario Statues hearing 00 the point. They fifty : "Every male iuhabitaut of a city, town or village of the age of 21 years and upwards, and under GO years (and not otherwise exempted by law from per. forming statute labor) who has not been assessed upon the assessment roll of the city, town or vil'age, or whose taxes Flo not amount to $2.00, shall, instead of such labor, be taxed at $1,00 yearly there- for, to be levied and collected at sub times, by such persons, and in such man- ner as the Council of the municipality, may, by by-law, direct, and such in- habitant shall not be required to have any property qualifications. No person shall be exempt from the tax unless 11e produces a certificate of his baring per. formed statute labor or paid the tax elsewhere.' TUE Toronto News says :—November 30th was the twentieth anniversary of Oliver Mowat's election as representative of South Oxford. Few men daring that time have done more honor to themselves or their coustituencia than he ; few have been so successful in escaping the pit- falls which beset the path of the politici. an. The constituency which elected him, the party which have follow, 1 him, have reason to be proud of the record built 1.p during s0 1113 n yelps. It says much for Sir Oliver's integrity that as the head of a party government he has inc1 red so little blame. Starting out of his political eare3r with the iutentiou to discharge his whole duty to his constit- uency and to the Proviooe, he can point with pride to his twenty years record and safely challenge criticism. The value of his example on the younger members of the party cannot be over- estimated and the Liberalism of the future will owe much .to his long tenure of office. Scats time ago a Commission was ap. pointed by the Ontario Government to gather information on the muoh talked of question of the legality of dehorning cattle and whether the practice was worthy of commendation or not. After holding about thirty meetiege the COm- miteioners have made their report in which they endorse the system. The commission recommended as fol. lows : "1. Tnat thepraotioe of deboruing be permitted where performed with real- enable skill, with proper ae ilianoes, and with due regard to the avoidance of no. necessary suffering, and that the Ontario Government should bring to the attention of the Dominion Government the deals• bility of amending the law relating to or0e,ty to animals so as to give effect to the recommendation, "2. That the On. tario Government should direct the matt. agement of the Ontario Experimental Farm to experiment with chemicals on the horns of young calves, and also out. ting oat the embryo horn, with a view to ascertaining whether these methods aro more desirable than salving off the horns when they have attained their full growth." G.In v'rtel Nc;%v«1. Bain making experiments in Texas have failed. tit 111e United States during the last dotal year bounty was paid on 678,116,- 21.7 pounds of sugar. Charles Boiseon was blown from the platform of a onion Pacific train, near Denver, last week, and killed. II. II, Odell, at one time the chain• pion sprinter of America, hes committed suicide at Spokane, Washington. Mins 1±1ary Allen West, who has been doing temperance work In Japan for the past year, cried in T„kio last Friday, 01.11' Store. The trouble between the Chicago Isle• vetted railway employees and the com- 1tlOTilD pauy fs to be sebmftted to arbihation' TltiS week including Christmas A locomotive exploded at Brownsville, Pa., last weep, killing Engineer Barry Cards and Booklets which are and fatally scalding Fireman Neiffett, Very Pretty and Exceedingly The pope denies that he has any idea 1. Chea ) of establishing a leyatisu at Washington and exJorseada d1apI011e1lai 10 the rbtileir. MISS a ',�1T ' a Paul Jordan, who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Napoleon Bonaparte, 9 has jcet died at Findlay, Ohio, aged 100 years. Turnborty St., B±'ussell. TIIE BRUSSELS POST DEC. 9, 1892 uffmau Fal sa wxr�acnvu 4s zXvlw lr a,:r r �rtr cr i t a�a,axu- ^ani• Anursrss'umtwav,moz=;^ >,,,Nnwsauu ula'a ==,,,s Tho earthquake shook felt at (111a tanooga, Team„ on Friday ter ne out t have been en.iroly local, Scientiate a much puzzled. A bill has been introduced in the Al balm Legislature providing for an a neat, or $600 to the widow of Jefferso Davin during her 111u, Receiver King, of the Ainelio Lntnbo Company, at Portland, Oregon, chow the company's indebtedness to be $660 000, tor.. i.0 $200,000. Tho South le'ifteenth street mills of th Oliver 11•on and Steel Co., at i'ittsbur have closed down in ani department throwing 1,000 mon out of work. Seventy fuer lives were lost by t1, sinking of the Japanese warship Chis hunaruttan, which collided with th British steamer Ravenna in the Inlan sea, in a drunken orgio with several com panions at Fostoria' Oregon, on Frida nt"hl, two young men, named SOharee and 11foCullogh, drank themselves t death. The Christopher Columbus, the larges excursion steamer afloat, With a oapacit of 6,000 pussengere, has been launched a West Superior, WieWis.,fur nee during th World's Fair between Ghioago and th fair grounds. Al Brideton, N. J., Friday, two broth ors named Beek created a disturbance n the funeral of their father by throateniu to thrash the officiating preacher for destroying a bottle of rain which h found iu 1118110 se. At the residence of J. E. Bradley, a So.,tiedetlo, 1'a„ on Sunday evening, on of his antis, 8 years old, had procured can of powder, and going to a roe whore two others were sleeping sat dow in front of the fire and opened the eau An explosion followed, blowing th windows of the house out. The children are 80 badly burned it i8 feared that th will die. Farmers in some of the lower oo0uti of New Jersey are greatly excited ova the appearance of an 110001 found im beddod in the wheat and corn kernels which threatens its destruction. It Cumberland and Salem cautttiee the pes has developed alarmingly, and the entire oontont0 of many corn cribs and when bins have b en found possessed by th little stranger, The Royal Humane Society he awarded its silver medal to Boatswain lrI'Dermott for an extraordinary feat o bravery, Two sailors of the warship Swallow was bathing front a boat in the sea off Zaczibar, when a shark appeared. M'Dermott, who remained in the boat, was clever enough to leap from the boat square on the shark's back just ae the latter name alongside of his prey. The fish was fright,ued oft for time enough to pull all three men on board the boat. 0, J. Cchimmiekey, of Baltimore, Md., 11a- applied for a patent for an electric sleigh of his own ieventiol. Stored electricity, concealed beneath the seat, 1, the power which 18 transmitted to a single wheelie front by means of an endless chain, Tha !ace of the wheel is provided with a number of cutters that are imbedded in the snow, and prevent the wheel from dipping. The inventor says he can attain a speed of fifteen miles an hour with his motor. The in- vention is also chained to be applicable to W wagon. A clover swindle was perpetrated the other day on a Channel steamer. A young lady who 80.5 seemingly in great distress from seasickness was approach ed by a elan who nlfoea her a pastils as a sure cure. She took it and ilnn1ediutely recovered. All the ot11011 passengers thereupon were anxi..us to try the c tp• solea, and the 1085, who happened to have a dozen boxes, sold them all at ten Damao each But they failed to procure any effect, mud on arrival at Calais 111e man and th., young lady were seen going off together. Tee Sultan of Tarleey has made a vig- orous break through the trammels of national tradition and has given the order that Turkey shall take a p1a0,1111 the march of oiviliration. 118 has grant. ed cootie-sions for the construction of long railways which will open up his territory to the east, the north and the south, having their termitnas Oonatanti. nopie. One road is to run to Damascus, and another, the Tigris and Euphrates Railway, to the Persian Gulf. The non. cessions have been granted to German and Belgiau firms, English firms being entirely left out. 1. o to a• n•; n• rI sl / g, e, e e d 7 0 y e g 0 a m a ey Be 1' i s In Looking Over Your Circle of Friends regarding the donation of Christmas Pres- ents it is perhaps hard to decide WHERE and WHAT To Buy, and to aid you we beg leave to call your attention to the Beautiful Stock of Choice Novelties which aro being displayed at have a most extensive and attractive line of my own Selection and direct importation from Yokohama, Japan, of JAPMIESE w.IINA IN Five O'clock Pea Sets, Porridge Sets, Vases, Fruit Plates, Cake PIates, Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers Artistically Decorated in Charming Desigus. ALSO A LARGE DISPLAY Of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES IN Brush and Comb Cases, jewel Cases, Al- bums, Shaving Cases, Handkerchief and Glove Sets, Writing Desks, t&c , tic. Also Books, Bibles, Hymn Books, Xmas Cards, Booklets, eco. A Multitude of Toys and Games for Children •••••• r1' PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. E ?DRUPE STOPIE •••••• A._N-ID.••••• fs i 1 1 C c „o•rgz-+Zrrr,3a$.10eaxasmr�s� 1 SECOND TO NONE. i11 INSI SECOND NONE. The Stock is Complete in all lines and is SECOND TO NONE in Quality and Price, If you want Winter Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Mantles, Yarns, IIosiery or Gloves, We can Interest You. WE NAVE THE G MIR "MN O MIEN MD GLIM. Our Pugs are selling fast ---the rea- son—Our values are the bes4,1. IT you want a Rtieadylnadc Overcoat or Suit, we have the styles, quality and price that will suit you. Rubbers) Overshoes and Felt Boots for Everybody. Cardigan Overshoes for Women and Children, Full lines of Crompton Corsets, We keep no other. i. special drive in these goods, six doz. pairs to sell at 25 per cent. below regular price. it will, Pay you to get our' pikes bef'nre . 1Zbyins• JAS. I1WI, Late Iain Main, .. SECOND TO NONE. Next Door to American Hotel. SECOND TO NONE. 111---I i Begs to announce the arrival of her Xmas and New Years Goods, comprising Silk Handkerchiefs both plain and embroidered of the very newest designs, Lace and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ribbons, Silk Scarfs and Fancy Woollen Goods, Table Lin- ens and Table Napkins, and a host of other fancy goods suitable for presents for the coming Season. Wo aro now doing the bust business in Brussels and Why ? Be- cause wo have the Newest, Cleanest and Best Assorted Stock and sell every class of goods at the lowest living profit. Our Dress Goods this Season have beon a great success from the fact that we always keep the largest stock to select from and the most Fashionable Styles. We make a specialty of our Dress Goods Department and are always on the look -.out for something new. The balance of our stock we aro now selling at greatly reduced prices so as to clear out to make room for our new Spring Goods which will begin to arrive at New Years, G-ROCERIES. We have just received our Groceries for the Xmas Trade. Dur- ing the Holiday Season wo intend giving our Customers the benefit of low prices and will soll 20 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 22 " Light Coffee cel 1.00 25 C° Nice Clean Brown tt 1,00 And every other kind of Grocoriog at the same low prices. Wo will pay 18c. per dos. for Fresh Eggs and 16c. per Ib. for good Roll Batter. Should the prices advance wo will give our cus- tomers the advantage of the rise. Wo will also give the highest price for every kind of Poultry. 131'usselo, Dee, 0th, 1802. E, ROGER BRUSSELS. IS 0.17F1 20lbs. Gr_i'anuiated Sugar for $a. 25 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar for $1 A large assortment of the Choicest Fruits of the Season. Our Teals and Coffees are too well 'mown. to need ally Recommendation. The Largest Assortment of Glassware and Crockery ever shown in Brussels, consisting of Plain and Fancy China and Glassware, Decorated and Printed Tea and ()inner" Sets, Decorated and Printed Toilet Sets. AKERY DEPATMET.. Fresh Bread and CalKOS. always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Any Orders left for Christmas Cakes will have our Prompt Attention, If E3.&JVs1,7LitL1 1 I