HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-9, Page 1Vol. 20. No, 22
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To the Bettor of Tim 1'r:a1.
In tact weoleit Post. 10 nu urtiele fruw
T, ''arrow denying elle statement of the
110,010 cnrrespoudeut to the Expositor,
that John Slaw wine ehsmis0t II for politlo•
al reeeong. 1110 d.t,lnl is on a par with
his filaLament at the 'Board and on the
dents that he wonkl give Mr. Show a
prere'ouue of $110 00 over any ether appIi.
cant at the same eatery. Ife says that
ho, Taylor and Meleenvoy, in hiring an-
other teacher, proves the a<sor'tion false
au there are only two Tories on the Board,
Everyone, I think, knows MoKelvey's
reason for opposing Shaw, but if there
003 any who don't I would refer them to
A. R. Smith, who was candid enough to
tell a party, lately, the real tea-ou. Mr.
Farloty and Taylor aro the portions who
were actuated by polities, and with Mo-
Kelvey euceeedecl. But to judge correct-
ly of their actionY ou must understand
the men and their methods of doing bnsi-
ne0s. );very one knows that Farrow and
most of his relictions have lived and still
continuo to live at the publio; rib, Glenne!)
Toryism, 110 is so dependent ou it he
dare not aot the part of a freeman if such
were his nature, IIc got his position in
the first place through wire pulling and
he has kept it up so long that be has bo -
come a machine in the hands of politioal
wire pullers. Is not the clique' who
have been asking for Shaw's dismissal
the same porsons who asked incl got D.
Stewart cllemissecl dram being assessor
old myself as Clerk of Brussels, and J.
11. Grant as Postmaster, the removal of
the postoflicc, &o. ? ile io in their hands
to move as they pull the string. Ile has
been looking through politioal glasses
(and dark ones at that) that it has become
a second nature to him. Mr. Taylor
poses as n Tory of Tories. Tie came bore
under the auspices of the same party and
profossee to do business o1 that lino and
to mention politics to him in any matter
is like waving the proverbial "nee flag.”
At drat he watt fairly disposed to Mr.
Shaw, that is at the eneebing reduoing
the salary. Then no polities was thought;
of bat the next day some of them waited
on him and wanted to know why he did
not go with Farrow and McKelvey and
reduce the salary to $500 or $550, that
Shaw was only a Grit, cmc, With Mr.
Cameron being a friend of his brother
he was won over and ho went to the moot-
ing with his mind made up for Cameron,
notwithstanding that he told several eiti-
zeee be would support Mr. Shaw. At
the meeting he virtually bulldozed Far•
row and McKelvey to go for his man no
they were not for him—but they wore
afraid he might go back on deem and
second Hunter's motion for Shaw and
anyone but Shaw was Furrow's and Mc.
Kelvsy'e motto. I think I have now
proved Farrow's denial is no more truth.
ful than his promises. It seems their
way was deceit and cowardice from first
to last. The first objection to Shaw wee
salary, yet none of bhem had the manli-
ness to wait on him and see if they could
not agree on a reduction,' but without
doing so gave the notice to quit. When
he met the salary objection then his
teaching was iuofioieub, yet two of them
have been on the Board for two years and
the other for one and they have yet to
find fault to Mr. Shaw, personally. It
was their duty as Trustees, iE Mr. Shaw
was not doing good work er was guilty of
anything else they tbonght wag wrong, to
speak to him about it and if he refused
to right the wrong or was not capable
them dismiss him but not until after
they had told him—none of them had the
moral esurage to face him and tell what
was wrong. There was nothing they
darn face hint and tell as they have never
found any fault to himself or the Inspect.
or, but do so behind his bene, thus doiug
both Mr. Shaw and the school a wrong.
Do these three gentlemen ]mow more
about effbaient teaching (especially when
some of them have never been in the
school) then the three Inspectors or all
the Tauten for the last twenty years of
both shades of polities (but not the meth.
ine stump) or the 100 ratepayers who
petitioned for Shaw, or 100 others who
would had they boon asked 2—I think
Who fs this man Farrow who Milks of
people "offending agaiueb him ?" A
stranger night think he wits some mighty
ruler. He is not, he is a political hook
who after his defeat in East Huron by
Dr. Maodonald, his leaders had no more
nee for as his usefulness was gone beoatee
he had no vote. Some of his Ieoders have
said ho twat at the orib all the time he
was au M. P., and he could nob expect to
be all his life so they gave him the Bruce
eels effloe as hie reward but from his own
00000110 under oath of the remuneration
the estimate of hitu was slightly low.
Mr. Shaw, he says, was nob offeueive to
hem, but his action in return reminds
mei of the slake in the fable after it was
warmed, He seems to think I have not
been so mild and gentle. No 1 I Nave
aiwnys taken a delight in opposing him
and 1 did my share in relegating hien to
polibicel oblivion. I believe I did once
interrupt him at a meeting at Ethel but
my object was to keep him from travel!.
ing beyond the bounds of truth—yet all
pleasure i0 nob withont pain for had he
nob beeu defeated be would still be Reim
eating the mum of the 1101 with the
targe eggs and drawing 01000 and ?Jr.
Shaw would ebill bo Principal of Brenda
wheel. IIe 0ay0 the ano00s0or of Mr.
Shaw i.9 me Reformer—he m0y, but I want
better proof than the word of Mr. Fade
mw. At the proper time, ho tulle us, the
Board will explain the reason for the
ohenge, The Hoard have no reasons to
give tor lied there been a full Board Slaw
would not have been (lislniesecl. lis,
'1'aylo1 and McKelvey aro the persons to
explain, lot them give their eeplenations,
and then be candidates for ro-election
and they will 'find the majority of the
ratepayers, apart from politico (fob the
great mn jeri1y know there is no politics
in eehool .Board matters—the ReEormere
hem voted as freely for Dennis, Holmes,
3largreavro and Young as any ono oleo,
Dud fele Conservatives, oubeido of the
cligne, have Rely voted for Reformers)
that they have the intermits of the eehool
at heart anti more they Weefair ploy in
their bosoms and believe in dnlug to
othere as they wnuidbe done by, anti will
shote It by denim; them to okay 0,1 hn,m,
and in euolt a way that they will feet It
meets for cher and thus relent the in-
jury done the imhoel ; the uncap 1101111100
they have trent, d ant' reminded and elli.
client Prinoipal ; the hlnuits they have
offered tile Suhool Iuepeotere and their
predecessors in °thee, cud the ratepayers
who asked by petition for 21103'8 re.
engngemsnt, The ratepayers of Brussels
ale 00110800 to any publio body doing or
attempting to do public business with
closed doors as Wes tried by Taylor and
Darrow. As for his lullii'an business it
briefly ohildisl, (bob probably he gets
that way sometimee), Ntck•names are on,
ly what you might expeotefrom a small
Bailee' boy, tend not from a member of n
School Board. Thanking you for so
muoh specs, I ata
Respootfully Yours,
lr. S. Score,
The Correspondent.
Bruseele Couneil.
The regular monthly meeting of this
body was held on Monday evening, all
Oho members present, the Reeve in the
Alinetes of last meeting read and
The following aoconnl9 wore presented
for payment :—
R. McKay, to balance gravel, It 0.1 77
J. Droadfoot, salary, 27 00
J. D. Ronald, Fire Department, 4 85
Alrs. Wallace, charity, 0 00
Williams, e 4 25
" J. Blashill, " 4 00
' T. Stowed, " 4 00
" Leo, 2 40
J. R. Smith, street improvement, 2 25
12, Henderson, miscellaneous, 2 00
7. T. Pepper, " 55
Jas. Walker, 50
Moved by W. 1i, AloCracken, seconded
by Geo. Thomson that the above accounts
be paid. Carried.
Bylaw No. 4, 1892, was read three
timee and passed. It fixed the polling
planes for munioipal elootion at J. J. Gil -
pin's office for No. 1 and the Council
Chamber for No. 2, R. McNaughton
Deputy Iteburning officer at the former
and Wm. Aldridge at the latter.
Engineer Atelsom, of 11e Fire Brigade,
reported tont Ile and the Reeve had ;nada
an inspection of Fire engine, hose carts,
hook and ladder wagon, cIso., and found
everything in firab•class order.
Moved by W. H. MoCraolcen, seconded
by R. Rose blab in response to ft regneet
from lluron County Council we take a
vote in this municipality on the question
of a House of Refuge for this Go., said
vote to bo open and taken on elootion
day. Carried.
The Clerk reported Town Hall rents
to date $26.00.
A somewhat lengthy discussion took
place between the members of the Board
and Treasurer Kelly over the balance of
money, $440,66, in tine hands of the Mc-
Intosh & MoTaggart firm. Two dive,
donde have been declared but there is
still the amount mentioned above due.
The Council hold Mr. Belly and his
sureties for the amount but Mr. Kelly
asks t0 have a final settlement deferred
until the Ord and 4th dividends aro de.
olared. No motion was taken.
Counoil adjourned to meet on Thurs-
day 10111 11100, 110 per statute.
The Dominion Cabinet.
After a great deal of discussion and
haggling the personnel of Sir John
Thompson's cabinet is arrived at. Tues.
day the completed list was handed to His
Excellency, and on Wednesday the
Oonnoil wee sworn in. The new Cabinet,
according to order of preoedenoe,is as
follows :—
Premier and Minister of Justice—Sir
John Thompson.
Minister of Trade and Colnmeroe—
Hon. Maokonzio Bowell.
Postmaster-General—Sir A. P. Caron.
Seo'etnry of State—Ron. John Costa.
Minie0er of Finance—Ron. G. E,
Minister of Marine and Fisheries—
Hon. 0. H. Tupper.
Minister of Railways and Cauals—
Hon. John Heggart.
Minister of Publio Works—Ilon, J. A.
0 uimeb.
Minietor of Militia—Hon. J. C. Pabier-
Minister of Interior—Hon. T. M. Daly.
Minister of Agrioulbure--.IIou. A. B.
Presidout of Counoil•—Hon. W. B.
Without portfolio—Hon. Frank Smith
and Hon. John Carling,
Comptroller for Oueboms—Clarke Wal-
Comptroller for Inland Revenue—John
F, wood, of Brookville,
Hail, NH.13010011 will lave the seat in
the Senate vacated by Senator Alexander,
of Woodstock.
Hon. Mer Augers will sit fur the din•
Mid of Lavalliere,
Hon. Mr. Ohapleau loaves the Ona.
toms Department to become Lint. -
Governor of Quebec,
All will hove mate in the Privy Conn.
oil Chamber except the last duos, who
Will not attend Cabinet meetings, and go
will lave no vote in determining the
volley of the Governmenb, Clarke S�ral-
laooandMr. Wood will administer thou
respootive departments ruder tho ill•
nation of Msaltenzio Dowell, and iter.
Omani will aid in the work of the De-
partment of Justine tinder the direction
of the Premier. Maolcenzie Bowell will
go into the Senate, and he will enamel
Ste John Abbott as Government loader
in that Chamber. Me, Aigere will also
be given a peat in the Senate. Only four
members of the Government wilt hem to
go book to thole oonstitnonaie to lee re -
cleated, tamely, Clarke Wallace, Mr.
Wood, W. 13. Ives and J. J. Curran.
The salary of each of the Ministers 13
00,000 per year, ted of Meseta. Walbbeo,
Wood end Curran, 05,000 per yens each.
In 0ddi0ien them i8, of coulee, the 01,000
teesaional indemnity wh
ich every matnbot
of Parliament reactivate The three Min.
lettere 010110111 portfolio receive, of (twee,
u, aalay,
Divided. according to the ropl•elant:ltinll
of province; the Thompson Government
wilt bo lade up as follows :
Ontario—Mears. Bowel!, Ileggart,
Patentee, Smith and Carling, in tho
Cabinet, and \Yellen and Wood not in
the Cabinet,
Quobso--•Mr. Onimet, Sir Adolphe Crt.
ton, Mr. Angers, Mr. Twos, and Sir ,Jolie
Abbott, in the Gttbinrt, and Air. (Memel
net in the elabinot.
Nova Sontia—lir John Thontp•ot and
Mr. Tupper.
New Brunswick—Messrs. (10atiga11 and
Manitoba—Mr, Daly.
110U211 017 REFUGE.
The Conference held on Friday last
in the council chamber, Clinton, was both
useful and successful. TI10 atteudnuoe
was not as large as was hoped for, no
doubt owing to the bad nada, but the
pto.sedings w",:o 0i 1/e eeeteolio::;y i0
terosting character and in the afternoon
were listened to by large numbers from
the surrounding country. Among those
present wore :—Mayors Holmested, Sea -
forth ;
ea -forth; Butler, (loderioh; Doherty, Cliu•
ton. peeves Proudfoot, Uodericic ; Bate,
den, Exeter ; 'Lanita, Wlugham ; Man
cling, Clinton ; Britton, Efellett ; Hos,
Oudorich • McLean, Soaforth ; Torrauou,
Stanley. Deputy 100108 Spaekillau, Ex-
eter ; Beacon, Goderieh bownehip ;
Kennedy, Clinton ; red Messrs. eleefil-
lan, Al. P., Dr. Holmes, counby treasurer;
Wm. Lane, county olerk ; Ohas. Seager,
Councillor Snell, A. McMurnhie, D. A.
Forrester, R. Irwin, S. G. Plummer, S.
J. Andrews, W. Crooks, J. W. Yeo and
many others.
Mr. Proudfoot, Reeve of Ooderioh, was
voted to the ohitir. Letters were read
from a number of absent Reeves regret.
time their inability to be present and
making Various suggestions.
The question of "oaring for the poor"
and the erection of a "Houve of Refuge"
wore fully diseusffid. The discussion
was a free and easy one, those opposed
to a Rouse of Refuge being allowed its
free scope as these in favor. Oue desire
soomel to be universal and that tuns that
the very fullest information should be
given to the electors on the whole
gneetiou. Ae a result of the discussion
the various suggestions were embodied in
a resolution moved by Mayor Holmested
and referred to a committee composed of
Messrs. McLean, Proudfoot and Man-
The committee reported in the after•
uoon recommending the preparation of
a concise statement showing the cost to
the minty of maintaining the poor
under the present system, the probable
Dost were n House of Refuge erected,
the cost of a House of Refuge includ-
ing lands and buildings, and the moral
and hnmttue rea0ons for a change. This
statement will be scattered broadcast by
Bending 30 aopiosto each school teacher
for hie section and also sending copies to
the reeves, depnteeresves, olerke and
ministers. To prepere this statement a
committee composed of Messrs. Dr.
Holmes, Proudfoot and Manning were
Many excellent speeches were made
during tho day but it would bo willingly
conceded that Dr. Holmes' was the most.
important. Ae oounty treeourer he is in
possession of all the figures and he
showed that the Bounty page directly
over 03,000 for the once of thepoor. The
Iooal municipalities pay about 00,000, a
large part of which would be undoubted-
ly saved.
From the Government returns show-
ing the coot of other similar institutions
there 0011 be no doubt thab a county
grant of 012,000 and the Guvernme,t
grant of 84,000 would be amply sufficient
to provide lauds and bnildibge and equip
the seam—Record.
It has been deoided to put the electrics
light in the Methodist church of this
J. W. Soott, dentist, of Ayton, former-
ly of this place, inteude opening an office
i11 Chosley.
Moyer dr Dickinson, barristers, eta,,
have moved into their new office in the
Meyer block,
Mise Burgess, teacher in Oho Wingl en
pnblic school, has resigned, and next
year will teach in Luahnow.
Chief Bullard did e „rood act when be
stopped the innumerable small boys
from skating on the sidewalks.
Geo. A. Newton las purchased the
property occupied by J. G. Fieicl, butch-
er, and has moved his harness ehop to
then place.
N. 1'. Ritchie, P, L, Be who Itft Wing.
hien 00111e 013100 oe four yettra ago and
went to Montana, has returned. He is
now in Kinoardhlo wbere he intends
opening nn officio, with brauohes et Olin -
tot and Wingltnm.
The aolmnittee appointed by the
churches and different organizations in
town to took after the Sunday evening
Gospel Temperance meetings, intend
molding them immediately after Sunday
school, fn0t0011 of setae the evening
service es it 1100 been in the pact,
Janes Nettorfold, jr., en employee at
tine elude factory, met with a 0)011110I ao.
aitlenb recently, when the frost of the
fitment on his right hand 00(110 In context
with it rip stew, wbiob infliohee ra bed
gash in his fingor0, scraping 'the bonds,
bet did nob take any fingers off.
At the regular mooting of Wingilan
Lodge, No. 280, A. le, cb A. 03 , the fol,
lowing oilcoars wore duly sloo0ed for the
ousting year :-13ro. A.. G. AfoGregor,
W. M. ; Bro. Thus. Slack, S. W. ; Bro,
J. A. Meldrum, J. W.. W. Boo. '11 Bell,
Clap, •; W. Pro. 13, Willson, Tress, ; W.
levo, J. A. Morton, Seo. ; Bro. 711. Suer,
Pio alnivereary eeeviaoo of the Metho.
dist churol of this pine will bo Meld on
the 11th and 19t1 of Doe. Sermons wilt
oaohand a Su bo n
racY la by1Zsv. A, 110. r
Phillips, B. D„ of '.t'uronto. On llondey
evening, the 120h, a nutshell and Memel
entertainment will he hell in the ehnrelr
Achlreeste will bo delivered by the hews
W. le. Cunlpbell, 11.1 1'It. D., of 11Iyt1
G. le. f3,tltun, 1301,14. 4e , W. IT. Wateme
of this phtao, lfusi,, will be fernisbed
by the allurell chub and the 21100117
0111/131 nrollestra.
Jecole Largo wag presented the ether
day with u ear load of lumber, by Neiber
gall, the de der of Clavering, with whom
he has been deeding.
Dr. W. T. Parke returned to town last
week after spending About eight months
abroad, a couelekrable portion of which
was put in at the British hospital.
A. Aitaheeon, alleosc buyer, purpom0s
taking bis anneal trip to Britain this
month, and will sail on the 17th from
Portland. TIo will be gone six or eight
J. Miller, who 0108 in town some time
ago refitting kitty's mill, and 3100 married
Miss Hodgins here, was inetently killed
by falling from an elevator, 00 feet to the
ground, et fee Joseph, Alo., on the 9th
aIr, Gunther, who bas ohnrg•' of the
central office of the Bell Telephone Co,
in this town, hoe taken eleven orders for
iustruwente during the peel two weeks,
which brings the number of oubsoribere
ep to fifty ---the mexi.nntn for which the
3resent system is calculated.
After an illness of several months,
from lung trouble, Airs. Helena ifess,
sr , 13im0. street, died on Monday morn-
ing of last \seek. Deceased had been a
resident of Listowel for abort sixteen
years, having removal here from Phila.
delphia, where she resided for some
years, and where she was married. Her
birtllplaw was in (Jermany, She leaves
a husband, three snug and three daugh-
ters to mourn the lose of a devoted and
ked wife and mother. The remains
were interred in the new cemetery.
Airs. Leech and Mira Etta aro visiting
at R. H. Ferguson's.
Miss Annie Gardiner f0 visiting at
Dr, Gardiner's, Loudon.
Miss A2. a. Richardson, of Brnesols, is
visiting friends in Walton and vicinity,
Jonathan Moore and family have
moved into their new residence, opposite
the cheese factory.
Rev. W. Ottewell was away at Londes-
bora' on Friday assisting Rev. W. W.
Leech in epeeist revival work.
The night school should hove the sae.
port of every young conn and woman in
the neighborhood. Become a member.
Isaiah Smith and fancily removed to
Seaforth this week where Mr. Smith has
secured a good place. Wo wish them
prosperity in their new home.
Grey township municipal matters ate
freely discussed hero. Some of the rate•
payers bore will go to Ethel 011 130011110•
tion clay to see the much tallied about
4. wonderful improvement has been
made in the manse both in the exterior
and interior. It will be to very 0010•
fortable home when all the work is o0111-
Several representatives from St.
George's churn hero atteucied a vestry
meeting in Brussels 01n Tuesday. When
it was decided to ask for the appoint-
ment of Rev. ttir. Riley, now in charge
aE Ohesley. He preached in Walton o
few weeks ago.
The music was furnished by a, union
noir, led by J, Coutte. Miss Hewitt
prodded at the organ. Walton people
very hospitably entertained all the ven-
eers and gave another proof of their
ability to do so,
Dion lerneoot.—Io your issue of the
2501 ult. your eoribe from this village
asks "What is the matter with the R. T.
of T. ?" lo order to gratify your on.
respondent's wishes and also bo let the
public know that there is nothing serious-
ly the matter with them, as one would
evidently suppose from the above query,
I desire to state thee the Royal Tempters
of Temperance in Walton village
has over sixty members in good standing
tend several new members have been
initiated this Pall. In the early part of
September sides were chosen by ,Mss
Amnio Gardi001 and Janne Moore and a
contest was started. Each tilde is allow-
ed ono half hoar at tach meeting to pre-
sent a program for the goad of the order
and o ka are being allowed for the
Various seleotises. It is not yet deli•
nicely known what treat is to be provid-
ed by the losing side but since the con-
test commenced a lively interest has
been baleen in the meetings and good
work is being done. Thanking you for
your epee, I remain a
Bor.or. TeMevta.
On Tuesday evening of this week the
ladies of the W. M. S. of Dull's church
held n social nt tho manse. Although
the weather wee rather unfavorable there
was a lingo attendance. After on ex-
oelleut tee had been perboken of A.
Gardiner was elected to the chair and
the following program carried out :—
Oherns, by choir ; reading, Miss M.
Johnston ; instrumental music, Willie
Neal ; 011 ) us, by Choir ; recitation, 'Hiss
Ai, Gardiner ; harmonica selection, 1I.
Kirkby ; ies0rumental mu8i0, Prof.
Hawlciss ; dialogue, Misses 20111110 and
Jas, Mcleaclzean ; ba.by lnlittby, by three
smell glrls ; ihtott, Misses Campbell end
1MIeDougnll ; reading, 101fss M. Malice.
aeon ; oho'us, by choir ; reading, Mtge13. MclCibbin ; solo, 131100 I,. Smith ;
leading, Min K. Ewen; song, Mend
Forges and Etta Leech ; dnott, Misses
AleGnvin and eleAllistor 1 r00ita0ion, T.
A. ilavkise ; reading, Miss Kirkby ; in.
ebrurnentel 11111910, 3'i11 Smith; olosingg
song, by choir, The proceeds amounted
t0 .$16,00 which will be chinned to °hor 11
Than SUNDAY Setloon 00011 vrzo.r,• ..-
On Thursday of lnsb weep the third
heeling of the Walton 17001,001 Nobbled
School Association was held in Duf'f's
rliltr011 in tine viliaga and was one of the
most summate' twee held both aa to at-
te)danoe and general interest. Prosi.
dont Ferguson neupied the chair. The
n10nn0011 prog0un 'melded of excellent
• 'e byWaleson and bev,
;,dlt aseoP. Wa,aa nl 1 s D.
Lotman of t0 )los of interest to the oung1,
people while at the mese emoting of
children ( ()deg
took up the life of
'lfine•t, 710 Bel t1 '•do•te,ltand
tet me
Sllie Chrier n a lin
a 1
et in.
st110.11 o rn•anner, live ghee, ('Maggie
and Amide c;ampbell, (trete • t r1 11:1,10
li:Donald and Buie Johu,:tnn) nog a
mimeo of hynlne vt•ry needy,
The folkecieg 01110:11 were elected for
the owned yea' : - l r .sidmlt, SVm, Pal.
lard ; Tice Presldsut, Robe Foreueot
Secretary, OIt,. Neal; 1'reamirer, Geo.
Grigg • Committee, d. Bolger, J. Hew.
itt, T. Devideon, T..Jaclts011, D. Camp
bell, 1Z. 13rotherenn, D. Knight, J. Low.
son and J. Moore, Musical Committee,
hisser I:, Pollard, 1:, \V11110100011, A.
Hewitt, 11, Smillie and Ai. llamihon,
The evening 0000000 opened about, 7
o'e,look, the President in the ohair.
Atter devotional oxer/line and the read.
ing and disou.sing of the miuttes, Mrs.
'lea. Smiliie's report as delegate to the
Provincial. Association was read in which
she exp, eased the great pleasure it was
forl r
to to attend the largo gathering.
Mr. Smillie followed with "What I paw
and heard at the Provincial S. S. A600010.
Lion," Dud judging by the full resume
given he kept both his ecus and ears open.
The report war enjeyed by the Unveil -
"Beet methods of teething" was die•
eusned by J. Smillie, J. Bolger, D. Camp.
bell, W. 1I. Kerr abet J. Moore. "The
teacher aid the class" was introduced by
W. H. Kerr, the blaoltboard beim' owed
to explain the points given. The closing
address by Rev. W. (Newell wap a fine
one and was based on the 000013817 of
Spiritual Power. Votes of thauka were
given to the choir, W. 11. Kerr and the
retiring President after which the hymn
"God be with you till ave meet again,"
teas sung and Bev. D. Forefeet offered the
dosing prayer. This brought to a close
a pleasant ta11(1 profitable session.
rnntaceinet Pio NV.-:.
Joseph Groom wan fined 911 and caste
et Belleville 011 Saturday for selling
potatoes unfit for food.
The Pluton skating rink, with bowling
alley attached, was completely destroyed
by fire early Saturday morning.
Geo. Friday, the sexton of the English
°larch at Moult Forest, while attending
to the church lamps the otter day, fell
end broke a rib.
The editor of the Shelburne Free Press
laid out one of the Conucfllors of that
village the other day for using iwpertin.
sit language to him.
Two spinsters aonneoted with the W.
0. T. U. at St. Thomas are spoken of as
probable candidates for school trustees
at the coming elections.
The survey being made between Essex
and Amheretburg by Miohi;an Central
engineers has caused much speculation
among people along the route.
Electric alarms are to be placed by the
M. 0. R., at the street oros0iuga between
the station and Kettle Creek bridge, to
give warning of the approach of bruins.
5, Grigg, of Landon,has leased to Hon.
Thos. Greenway, of Winnipeg, sufficient
],end near the World's Fair Park on
which to erect a handeomo building for
Manitoba exhibits.
The other day Josiah Long, while
driving in Yarmouth, found a large eagle
struggling to free itself from a barb wire
foam, in which it had become entangled.
He killed the bird.
The extent of this year's Manitoba
Drop can be judged, nye a Montreal des.
patch, from repute made by W W.
Ogilvie, that he was Saturday receiving
19 barges oontaining 102,000 bushels.
The Toronto Street Railway Company
has informed the city that the whole of
its system will bo operated by eleotrloiby
next year. This will tnean the repaving
next year of thirty odd miles of track at
a cost o[ over 0300,000.
The G. T. R. has put on five new and
modern Pullman cars to accomodate the
excursion travel to the World's Fair..
The ours travel between Boston and Chi-
cago. The Palladia Company, who
maoufaotnred these•ears, olaim that they
are the finest ever turned out of the
Some idea of the cost of education in
Toronto may be gleaned from the fact
that Saorotary Wilkinson, of the Board
of Education, paid 561 teachers on Satur-
day their salaries, amounting to over
025,000, The 60 caretnkero were also
paid nearly 92,000. In all 827,000 a
month for salaries,
At a thrashing near Brampton, a pint.
form fell nearly 20 feet with four men.
All esoeped serious hurt but ono nutn,
Wm. Mew, a fanner, who wont down
head first. A duo of his fork passed
clear through his nose ab the bridge,
perforating the bone, Mr. Maw received
other injuries and is a badly hurt man.
The firm of Le. it O. Gurney, limited,
Hamilton, ere Seeking incorporation by
letters patent as the Guruoy Foundry
Company, limited, to pnrahase the To.
ionto business of the first named concern,
the capital stook being placed at e40,000.
The proposed inoorporators aro Edward
Gurney, W. 11. Carrick, le. F. Spinner
and T. B. Alain, of Toronto, and Fred.
Massey, of Montreal,
H. A, Measly has announced his i0•
Minion of donating 0100,000 Por the pun,
pose of providing a site for tend erecting
a handeonle 11311010 hall in Toronto. The
site is slightly east of Yongo street and
two or three blocks north of Queen. IIe
rloaa not, however, intend endowing the
hall, and before he lauds oven bio money
wants some sort of guarantee then the
running expenses will be dnly rained. A
public meeting hats been celled to discuss
the projoot.
The Winnipeg Tribune of Saturday
stye :--"F. W. Reclean, of London, secre-
tary of the Farmer's Advooale, who is in
the Province eb preoent, Wes 0010 0111011011
deeding on day last week neat' Bird's
Ile espied a wolf, end having 5
driver and a span of good horeee he gave
chase. They 00013110 up to within shoot.
ing distance, and ;tl1llel3h the 11010.10
were galloping wildly lir. Hodson took ie
ohsols0 at the anims.1 and broke ono of
his lege. The Wolf took to some Willow
bnehee anti Mr. Reckon gob another shot
et him and Mittel hint. It Wee a largo
animal at l moat weigh aboub 40
cvt,4Y'A'1 Wrsa<OlssatA.>Gmt4YYUY•lel,/uWn.:�td+4w4Nthw%MM
W. H. KERR, Prop,
A woeleawin•, comet' t„ol; 11touat
1 etre ae Friday t' •A 'n :o r 'usleeting
1 d 1t r C nk
ride between 1 1..t! a.. c,F `� 'a
1 ¢ ..a1ut 1100
1I. Smith, of POtrulu�t, f'r• 250 ti side.
Thu amount of weed 0111 00013 oor3 of
four•f„nt wood, sawwl 01100 in half, The
nettelt 1011,1 well by Smith. Time, 52
minutes, 5 seconds. (Quite a numbn• of
Sande Newt were ,n0 land, neul return-
ed home with a lighter pocket.
A deal of nlatiirnetll proportions is just
about cloyed in WYindse. For wane time
past n •gutiatiene lluv:, been quietly pro-
graming for the pu•chano of the Walker.
villa, Sandwich tb Amho,Otba'g .Illeotriv
1Znilwray. The parkas melting to obtain
p080ession ore well-known oapitalists, and
their acquisitive of the property will
mean w grant deal for Windsor. Wm.
Gibson, of Boamsville, M, 1'. for Linooln,
is the gentleman who figures as the
proepective purchaser, hub the opinion is
quite general that be is only acting for
the Hendrios, of Hamilton. The eon.
masidede raistion abouta wi0h,q •trausfar will be
t or$10000.Oln
The °ranee Iusarmeuco S:: ioty, form,.
Orly under the autipiar's and diree:tion of
the O'and 0101,010 Lodge of Ontario
Wed, becomes, after January 1st, 1893,
an in0titntion under the Grand Orange
Lodge of 111101sh America. Reoently the
executive officers of Ontario Nest, Mes•
ors. Nineteen, of Hamilton ; Lockhart,
of Simon County ; Fitzgerald, of Lon-
don. and l?arkeill, of Aliellend, mot with
N. C. Wallace, AL P., Gruel Master of
British America ; Robt. Birmingham,
Gran'.i Seoretnry, and Sane Ilughas, M.
P., Grand An titer, and arranged the
transfer under authority of resolutions
regularly adopted at St. John, Kingston
and Montreal. The formed transfer will
be made on January let, after the ao.
counts have been audited,
Last month is clistingeished for eon.
taining the natal dap: of Hon. 1V111red
Laurier, Sir John Thompson, and the
Icon. J. A. Chapleaa. Tee Liberal lead-
er wa0 born jest eleven dare later than
the Prince of 1570108, November 20, fifty-
one years ago. Sir John Thompson wag
forty.eiglt on the 10th and is nearly two
years younger than Mr. Van Horne.
Mr, Cbspieau is no longer a young man.
Re completed hie 52nd year on the tenth.
He is three years younger than the lion.
Mr. Meroier. It is interesting to glance
at the ages of other of our public men.
The Hon. MoKenzie Bowell is within a
year of 70, but "age cannot wither or
custom stale his infinite variety." He
WW1 bora the same year as Goldwiu
Smith and Archbishop Tache, Sir
Richard Cartwright will be 57 next
month, just a year older than Deleon
McCarthy. The Hon. Geo. E. Foster i0
still a juvenile of 45. Speaker White is
55, a year younger than the Hon. A. S.
Hardy. The Zion. David Alills is 61.
J. D, Edgar was 61 last summer. His
honorable friend, Sir Adolph Caron, is a
ring man of 49. William Patterson is
53, end his namesake, the Secretary of
State, is precisely the same age, but very
unequal in lung power. The Hon. John
Costigan is 57, and the Hon. L. H.
Davies is 47. The Ilon, John Carling is
64, but as genial and pleasant as on the
sonny side of 50. The Hon. John Hag.
garb was 56 on Nov. 14. Sir Oharlee
Tupper will be 72 on his next anniver-
sary, end ex•Premier Abbott is four
months older. The combined ages of the
Federal Ministers foot up 756 years, and
give an average of 54 years,
A, I. McColl spent Sunday in Wing.
Miss Winger, of Detroit, is visiting in
Airs. C. Pellet and ollildren, of Pres-
ton, are in Lown.
John Ellie is home from Escanaba,
Michigan, hospital.
Mrs. Bauslough, of SeaEorth, is renew•
ing old friendships in Brussels.
Mrs. Hunt, of Southampton, is visit•
ing her parents, Princess street.
Mardio McLennan, of London, 001115d
on his Brussels friends this week.
J. Newton, of Adrian, Mich., is vial 1.
ing at Thee. Maxwell's, John street,
Mies Ida Reid has beeu visiting her
slater, Mrs, Longman, in Wingham.
R. Black, the hustling mill man, of
Wroxeter, was in 13ruesele on Tuesday.
James McCracken, of Teterboro', 18
visiting his brother, Councillor McCrack-
Miss Mary Howe has been confined to
the house for some weeps with a sore
James Irwinmarc! I
'not, ,las been on
the sick list this week with an attach of
Fred. Frey, a former Brussclite, was
In town this week for a few dues. IIe is
living 00 Waterloo now.
George Rogers, agent of the Ooufedera.
tion Life Assooietfon, London, wee in
Brussels 0 por0ion o[ this week.
Will Avery, who bas been wonting is
Wi nghatu daring the past few months,
has returned to ilia home here.
James Goleta, an old and well known
roeidarmt of Guelph, mile a visit with
James Wilson and family last week,
W. Willis, of Lnoknow, formerly of
Brussels, has been hovering between life
and death dining the posh v e in or so.
Rev. Geo, P, Saltou preached at Lon.
dssboro' on Thursday evening Dud Fri.
day of last week in 000nooti011 with the
special revival work going On.
We woloomo Jas. Moielpino end family
as residence of Bruenie The seine
greeting is extended to Mr. Currie and
family, who have moved hero from SVrox•
In a tetter received from F. W. 0'•
Ilrieu, V. S•, formerly, of Brussels, he
Mates that he is peo0120rnng• in Ilannibal,
Missouri, Ile it well pleased with the
election of President Cleveland,
S. W. Laird end family oxpeat to re•
move to Strafford, 0(r. Laird is engaged
with T. Ballantyne, M. P. P., in cheese
baying and finds 11, will be more oonven.
innt to have hie home in Stretford.
Goo. Feer, of Godorioh, while engaged
in fixing a window inn lois store, fell off
the laddie on which he was standing au1
and:til0'0 00v01e in'n1108 on1' r
a nils fen, leg
011d left hand, bet after having his
'monde attended 00,10 able to be amend.