HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-2, Page 88 TIIE iBRUSSELS POST
taa+cntt rtadarn'mew. "22''31*N7ttiemrm" mas^rrt>aa gfis ci`w vow,r'Y!t+st"rn ''''''-'' '''"'"unrn'rst3. 'rnl4calt, r...unrnaramavmrx4;nrAm
(TT. R, M.I)Icxsov wee in Godoriah an 1 Owren to seine neeeesa'y lepaire Wing
IWeeneeday. made to the engine the eine rte light tools
Hiles 1 LLNN ITEwtro, of Seaforth, is ' a holiday fel a few nights this wool),
Y ,., ..w , ... j home on n y 1 •iG.
F' ,1.A1n,: 11 :1.',) Of \Vieglnun, ha s
' . wo t1 Dia Com 1. will ho held le lensed the yank) .1 •,tiro is the Van840nu
llrnssels on 'rneaday, 27th Met, • blest( and will no' t out a rc. tauraut next
SC11001, examinations and entortaia. Monday,
melds will now vowed to take their MNestts I .Modell h V:LN9roNE have load.
ienin48, ed the implement yvareroom of Menne
In order to ;moue some fanny China of
(mocha value I had to purcllaee at as-
sorted ease just as it comes from the
]uannfaetnt'er, Along witu enure 1'a.ulti•
fel pups, samisen, plates, winos, dm., it
nontaiuott the following ,—li'rnit sot of
33 pieces 'rete seta4) data eonlponed of
tea pat, 0)1404 • and cream together, Willi
} 0z, ours and senors ; spoon holders,
aalide, oh000late pate, cake plates, tea pot
stands mud many other lime so suitable
tor holiday ^.0:d wedding preeeute. Conte
t and see them and I blinds you cannot
fail to be charmed by them, This year
Are helve something altogether new in
Xmas Cards.
Come and ace the Sleeping Beauty
1 g Y
Xmas Card, it is pretty and so cheap. A
nice line of booklets as usual at special
Druggist, Bookseller, hc.
00UTt1441144 EXTENeiON W. O. 4t D.
Trains Ieave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows ;
Moil 7:10 a.m. Mixed 0:45 ¢,m,
Eaprese 11:50 a,m. ;Elan 3:19 p.m,
Mxed...... _. s;50 p.m. Express ....,leas pen. Filen. Brans leaves shortly for Penin.
eel; , a at¢tlon 0n the C. P. 11., where he
l ':.4 charge of a large gang of stone
re ( eel
�a. • hers preparing material for bridges
LL O Ccl I, .0.1) 5 T telll,5 r t culverts on the above mentioned rail-
_. - _ _ :4d. He will move there for the WM-
A chiel's aluang ye raisin' notes, Few young men get in more work
An' faith he'll pront it. ' good pay than Mr. Hindu. We wish
'ntelf and wife continued prosperity.
cm of live liege wt41) shipped on Carlin fi Kirkby, net) door N"rtll of the
Aulerioau hotel, eq a store room for port)
during the Winter,
De There -ley •I:est of a series of
mo111141V Room Pala was held in Brus•
lg. A num) it et horse.) were 4(10rltl
for sale the met a114 will bo held 011
Timmins', Jan, 5, 114113.
Now 0ubserib,re 00ntian0 to roll in,
Ttr4r Poser eeve1' had no !ergo a circulative
a0 01 present, 1f you 044et the news
Wee Tile Pow. We club with all the
city Weeklies 41t $2.2•5 in advance.
G. T. 11, Nome—Owing to the nnmar.
ons changes made in that staff of the
Grand Trunk reilwuy lately, W. 1i.
Tilliu, assistant superintendent, Stmt.ford, has been traus,orred to Loudon,
and thereby relingni8hes control of the
\Vellingtoa, Grey & Bruce and Georgian
Bay t2 Lake Er10 sections or his old
district. The employees of these two
breeches deet in the oliioes at Pahneeston
Saturday, Nov. 20t11, and presented Mr,
Tiffin with )4 very handsome illuminated
address anti a 9ilter tea service for his
wife. The adnrees, w17i011 was signed by
R. A.•Shea and II. Hyndinan, jr., of
Pellner$tou, on behalf of the men, 1401
forth the faots that 31i'. Titan 4900 leave
ing a portion of the division after having
boon in charge of it .Inde its construction,
tweotytwo years ago, and )vas thereby
oeparatel from some of he omployoea of
the road who have bee. under his super-
vision during the whole of that period,
and that most of those present had 44101Vn
up from boyhood Leder him. Conductor
John Quirk, of Kincardine, feel JOln1
Forbes, of ]iIarrieton, who made the
presentation, expressed their regret 111
parting with one who lied been so long
assooka4ed with them. Mr. Tiffin, in
reply, saki he could never forgot the
kindness shown him. It had been his
duty 10 maintain strict diseip'ino, and
after doing so for se 101)3 a period he was
gratified to know they eutertainetl such
kindly sentiments toward himself and
family. A nu4riber of other speeches
closed a very enjoyable hoer.
Meenoinse Cuenca,—Last Sabbath
evening Rev. 0. F. Salton preached a
pointed discourse from the words found
in 2 Samuel 3rd chapter and 33rd verse,
'Died Abner as a fool diet]) 3" After
giving the historioal setting of the event ;
recitrog the killing of Josh's brother by
Abner, in self defence, painting the
ohmmeter of Jeab, his jealousy and
hatred of Abner, his plot to entrap 11i1n,
and his treaoberens display of friendship
at the gate of the city of 1iohron, and the
mardor of Abner there, it was shown
that Abner died as a fool diet]) : 1st,
Because be trusted one whom he knew
to be an enemy. 2nd, He placed a false
value on Joab's trnthfulnese. 8rr1, His
unused advantages. 4113, He died one
step from safety, Hebron being cue of
the cities of Refuge.—Rev. It. Paul
preaa1)011 at Londosboro' last Sunday.
A Distriotrevival is in progress there.—
An enjoyable time was spent at the
Teachers' tea in the sellout room last
Friday evening. There were 40 persons
present. After tea was over and the
dishes washed, Rev. Mr. Belton gave a
blackboard talk on "Adaptation." Rev.
Mr. Paul followed tvitrr a Normal lesson
on "The Tabernacle in the wilderness."
—The song service "Jessica's First
Prayer" drew a large eomp4eny to the
Epworth League meeting last Monday
evening. The pastor read the touching
story of this little girl, and the musical
selections were given by the choir. Next
Monday evening there will be a reception
social instead of the regular piogratn.
Thursday or tide week by 3Iesere, Gteott
(4 Jones,
Teeter rlannlifine of stave wend core)'
into tow ». A ready market le found for
all that comes,
We regret to hear unit Mrs, James
Dell 10 serk"usly ill but lope 011e Will
a on he better.
CHARLIE Gr440Au tonsorial artist, of At
wood, is in town relieving 11, N. Barrett
who in nn the sick Bet,
Sone of the neighboring Curling olnbe
have had a preliruiunry practice and
"souped" her up in great style.
0, P, Sonoi,t'oo o left on the afternoon
train on Monday for Chatham, followed
by the good wishes of a largo eleole of
11.3. Sruos) is finishing 000 oabinet
photos for the Cosgrove Company, They
speak in very complimentary terms of
the work done.
I on .
Lear Saturday II. 3, Strong's photo
"ape;y hid a clow call from Bre. The
timely arrival of II, J. Menden saved the
deett•uotion of property.
A. M, PAY, of Stratford, was in Brum.
sets on Wednesday on a brief vial.
Postodice work evldentiy agrees with A.
M, by the way the adipose tisane is a0
Sr. Jo044 5 Cncncu.—Rev, Ili'. Riley,
of Chesley, tools the ton services in St.
John's ohnr011 Met Sabbath tri111 great
naceptibility to the congregation. Ilis
discourses were on the Advent, and
Growth in Grace, respectfully, Rev.
Mr, Cassidy, of Brantford, is expected
for next Sunday.
13ELVILLE Cuuncn,—Last Sabbath
VEOEsroElt, • ening the union meeting of the Chris -
Gera your skates ready. ".11 Endeavor Associations of Brussels
SCHOOL Board meeting on Friday even. .led Melville church, President A. M.
Ing of next week. 1e$ty occupied the chair. A very en.
Atha. Fussro4 and Elia were in Blue. Iny ble hour was spent in snored song,
vale visiting last week. ,r, testimony and the reading of
14 pare left to pay your taxes, Square s' -• enrol texts. Aboot thirty persons
alp with Colleotor Ross. 1 part.
R. L. TAxaon was in the Co. town on .'.NrEsTO of inside pages, Beyond Re.
'legal business this week. • A. Canadian Tennyson ; Words of
LOANE RENTED, of Fordwiob, was tomo . -Mom ; Health Notes ; Are 3.toms
.an a brief visit this week, . i ,3neta ? ; Agricultural Notes; Poison
Quma number of dressed hogs were ' 1 the Congo ; Awful results of Earth -
marketed at Brussels this week, .1411000 ; Wife or Daughter ; Graiue of
Miss Ptr0000ON, of Wineham, was •;old ; Elder Lamb's Donation ; ]douse
visiting her sister in Brussels this week. of Refuge ; Bears ; The Printer's
Dream ; &o., &o, At auras time every
advertisement should be perused,
O'LEARY Cur.—The monthly shoot for
the silver cup presented to the Brussels
Gun Club was held last Friday. Fifteen
birds were sbot at. The following was
the result :—Joe Ballantyne, 12 ; Jno,
Hewitt, 11 ; Jas. T. Ross, 10 : Jas.
Jones, 10 ; D, C. Ross, 0 ; Jae. Irwin,
8 ; A. 0. Dames, 7 ; Dr. MaNaugbton,
5 ; W. M. Sinclair, 8. This puts the
cup in possession of Mr. Ballantyne for
the month, Dir. Hewitt still holds the
hinitet1 average.
KNOX Cuuncn.—On Sabbath evening
Rev, D. Millar will preach a sermon
especially adapted to young men. Tho
subject will be "Tree Manliness," lst
Kings 2.1, "Be thea strong and show
thyself a man," and lot Cor. 16.13,
"Quit you like men, be strong."—. -The
Christian Endeavor Sooiety meets after
the eveuing service. Next Sabbath
evening there will be a consecration
meeting. The paster will preside and
the topio for the evening will be "Every
day mercies," A01.8 13 47 ; Eels. 5 6.8,
MnNIerrAL BYNAMES —Every muuioi-
pal oounoil should endeavor to have its
5nanoial business completed as near as
possible during the present mouth. The
Aot requires a meeting of the council to
be held on the 15th day of December, for
the purpose of preparing a financial
statement for publication, showing a de-
tailed statement of receipts and expendi-
tures for the portion of the year ending
on date of moll meeting, together with a
statement of the assets, liabilities and
aucolleoted taxes. A similar statement
in detail respeoting the last fifteen days
of preceding year, 1801, is new required
to be attacked thereto.
IT ie generally concocted that no local
newspaper can be published without
home patronage, and every man ie inter.
meted in lreepiug up a home paper. If a
Paz poll tax season is litre end some
.of the boys see disadvantages in being
ampton, are visiting their grandmother
1)) town.
Tonto to spend the Winter with her side
.ter, Mrs. Leppard.
Conserv meeting:next Monday evening.
A11 persons having outstanding 0000unt0
.should present them.
Exool e) Rr9E0s was home from Owen
Beane last week. He bas gone to Luck -
,now to fill a situation.
GECDGE FULTON, of Harrieton, WAS re.
'mewing old acquaintances fn Brnstels
and locality this week.
THE Ronald foundry whistle blows at
B a. in. instead of 7 o'olook and 5 p. m.
,instead of 6 while the days are ehott,
13140s514445 Salt Works is doing a rattling
'business, the large ebipmeuts keeping
She men hard at work to keep pace with
•Tomes McLAucHLIN and Jas. Cline, of
'Wingilam, were in town last Tuesday
attending the funeral of ,the late Mrs.
Zones left standing for hours on the
street after dark will be stabled and fed,
at the expense of the owner or owners,
after this date.
DraINa the pact season D. A, Lowry
and men have built fourteen different
brink structures and plastered seventeen
besides minor jobs through the country.
Oen thanks are due to Mrs. J. Y. S.
JI1r14 for 5, generous sample of prime
oysters. She keeps a candy an baud
during the season and serves them at her
whop if desired.
:9o11IN 0100e shaves from accidents were
•experienced from children (letchingon
,passing sleighs. Constable 13roadfoot
gives warning )bat this dangerous prao.
1100 must cense.
THE Wiughan Salvation Army Band railway or factory is wanted the news•
acts rmpanied by a number of soldiers papers are expected to wont for it. If a
paid a visit to Brussels corps on Trans- public meeting is wanted for any purpo0e
day evening of last week. Ceps, Win. the newspaper is called upon for free
gins, Lieut. Keeler and J. Mesut were
the leading spirits among the visitors.
,The hand plays very nicely for a 01019
Some person or persons has started the
4403011 that I Was moving my business
from Bressels, but up to the present I
have not decided to do so, It is no doubt
started by opponents in order to try end
do try business here an injury. I have
• a lewdness in another town but that has
nothing to do with my business here as
it is. going on as usual.
.Dm xoo oar ONE 7—A largo number of
'ane0in4tr have been sent out from this
off/ last week and again this week to
peree.0 in arrears for subscription to
31011 t?oe'r. We hope yon will give the
nue) eeary attention oe our money hae to
be int.de in the bu0ine09 and at this
seven of the year we have settlements
<i,110, nose be made.
THE Wingltanl Advalt00 0ay0
Rai a.r, who has been living in town for
see .nal 7110110115 pest, ha,: gone to Betimes
'to ruble, having purc'iaaad the reagent'.
rant 31',iinmes formerly carried on by
Tl: y. Rutledge. The people of that
ivill04e will find a vast 1111:.lon014 in the
ohar;,;ter of the two ye ;g )nen, Wo
harm '10 heeitatiou in race. amending 11r.
"Kiser to the 13,tueolitee, mid hole he
uvifl 4411co0ed in his undertaking.
T, r liviei et of Texas Jack stook domes
t Off Doc le, 4492, Thio is the last nonce
of it. Don't 14)1(18 this aha1100 of invest'
ing 33 ail, if malty, got a horde worth
'$5,000 Diglzty Mennen of getting a
horrofor e5. Enquire of an uemit fur
011141'09,741450111 e the editor of time paper,
on o. ncl,5:e Deo, 10, 1811e, From the
10114 u, the 111th spud $5 dlroot to Lewin
Wigle I , nen lou, Ont., and he will
eco that year 'N)terest is fairly dealt
148'.:2). t
uotioe. If any of the societies have a
supper or reeepbion of any kind, the
newspaper is expected to give the neces-
sary notice. The newspaper most puff
the schools and everything else to ad.
vanoe the interests of the business men
of the place, and then give them a hand.
BOMB nobioe as they pass away. And
yet some of then do nothing to keep up
a home paper,
Heaenee Foo A THoo5.--Offloial5 of the
Standard Bank are still endeavoring to
unravel the mysterious robbery of $8,-
900 from its math drawer at the Chatham
branch. But their efforts have not
rsaalted in a tangible alas. The robbery
ooeerrel meant~ eight weeks ago. Teller
Brown upon entering the bank didoover•
0d that his onab box tone missing from
the vault, and when it was subsequently
fouled iu the office, it was empty. Teller
Brown said he plesed 111e oaslr in the box
the afternoon hefore,bet had 0101 locked
the box. Or whether he put it in the
vault or '10t ho was not positive. A cite
teeiive had been sent for, Oe the day of
the di00overy of the robber;, Longer.
keeper Ponnelather was taken down wllh
I'.phoid fever, and en0pioiou rested '43.44)
Bine. In fact, he was ahal'ged while sick
•11 bed o4 the robbery, bet ho 04104giy
denied it. His eko)41005, 49hi0h was sup.
pot. 1 to be feigned, was prover to bo
genuine by the doobor, Mr. Peunefather
has been disehar,sacl from the Gant) 401'
marrying without the ro11881111 of the
bank authuribiee, as it is an eetabliehcd
rule that its ernpl0yren not reeeivitm a
cortain salary shall not marry. The
bank did not lose a cent of the money
stolen, beeacree 'railer 23110w1.'14 father,
who i, the ex•inathnmatieal master of
Lipper Canada College, paid half the
mots 3t and the 4lfarallt00 fund the reel,
Phis is the 0,00ney G, P. Soholdold, tete
ei bruesele, hies been promoted to,
Business Locals.
GET a flue photo of yourself for Xmas
ab Perry's. .
Co2lromen7E house to let. Apply to
S. B. Smale,
Fon your photos go to Strong's over
Standard Bank.
LAMB, pork and sausage at Wm. Blae.
hill's meat ma4kat.
Loeic out for our grand Xmas display.
Ferguson c2 Halliday.
No1HINO nicer than one of Perry's
photos of yoneeelf for a Xmas present.
.Boer by the quarter at bottom prices
et W. Blashill'9, the old reliable but0her.
Tax our Alligator harness oil. Best
oil in use for leather of any kind, I. C.
TIIEBE is 110 plan in Brussels where
you can buy goods as cheap no at
Ferguson ee Halliday's
LEAvE your order fora first -eland quart-
er of beef at Win. Blaelrill's, the leading
Game bargains in men's and boys
uinderolothing, stock complete.
Ferguson es Ilalliday.
SEE our $1.25 lacing gloves they are
finest in the t1'ade.
Ferguson ez Halliday.
FIRST CLASS oysters always on hand by
the dish or in bulk. A large stools of
Xmas goods for sate.
Mns. Kmr,
Oen stook or gent's furnishinge 1e well
assorted with goods suitable for the
Christmas trade. A. 11. Smith.
Reneetn044 we do no s000ed class work
in the photo line. H. 3, Strong, over
Standard Bank.
T1lo our factory cotton ab 15 yerd0 for
one dollar, it is regular Aa. foods.
Ferguson rot Tlallielay.
We bought another stook of ovoraoats
Met week in Toronto 80% less than eegu•
lar pries and 00)1 snake it interesting for
anyone wanting an overooet,
A.. R. Smith.
Fon gale or to rent, a 00mforlable and
commodious residence on William street,
Bruesels. For particulars apply to R,
M. Dickson.
We buy !clothing in largo quantities
and got the benefit of clearing ant linos
300(1 to 40% less than regular prices). IVo
will not bo undersold, A. 11. Smith.
3.4914 yen tried our Oel0brated ,Jackson
waist, the great health onset. For sale
only by Ferguson 4b Halliday,
Oen first manic of teething was good
value Anil sold well but we gob a job lino
in Toronto last weep that will 0nrpri09
you. If you want anything in the
clothing line dont fail to nail at
A. 13,. 13mit
FENCE POSTS 'IVA.orttn.•••-•'1.7118 undo1'
aigned will pay the highest ra011 1niel Shoop Warn., each........
for any gnan)lty of sound cedar tenet Lamb shins 010h,,,•.,,,
poets, delivered at Brussels. For pantie 141911105 per barrel
Ware apply to 11. Leotlercli'e, Brno 1Vuol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
90144, i 1154444 •4' )4) 4 ,l,+r..,r
ST,Eld1r,D,-1RD 0.1e
>Mmr,sxtzZ� 3 1a7 0., 7111.
HEAD OFt-10.., • !0(10630.
A£t9I3Tel, (Seven Millien Dollars) .
CAPITAL (Antlrorizsd)
4490'!')144 all principal points 10 Ontario, e,1t"d.„', lfa,ilnba, 1'1011,,) ,Stites cC Roy
farevwsigfi,s, ,l i /1'•
A General Bunking Duskiest; '1'raneaoted, Femme' Notes Diemen
,1)raft8 leveed and C'.ollectione made on all point'.
Interest allowed on eepeelle of $1.00 u1d npw•ards front date of deposit to date
tthdr)4wa1 and compounded hilt yearly,
Seeew. 4111TNTION (1117114 TO T110 COLLECTION Or FUME ell' SALE NL'11:0.
Every fa0ility afforded Customers living ata distance.
W. D. HART, Meeenrn,
.DEC, 2, 1892
, Rooks 1111(1 Bibles
I Annie i�V';all's Ponits,
Thu Rainbow Series,
10 I1'a1'18y Books,
Sea Noels,
S E3 133
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts I3ougIlt and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
i✓J` ra Erle17 17
&2,3.741"/:,%nc1 rdbri'if•We0i"`Z'„
Interest Allowed on One Dollar tied Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April, Sl:eeial Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect to \t'I'l(e Insurance I11. old English or Canadian Companies, Or Ll Mut-
ual Companies as may Ile desired.
. 15121170,3131.711821
Fon the beet and finest photos go to
Wm. BLASHILL pays 0as11 for hides,
skins and poultry.
SPe0)A1 bargaiue in Photos for Christ.
leas. Fl. J, Strong.
Now styles in table linens for Saes
trade just to hand, nobby patterns.
Ferguson c4 Halliday.
PAnnsoL found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this
notice by calling at Tun POST Publishing
Fon Hosiery and gloves you are missing
it if you don't buy them from Ferguson
cC Holliday, Steel) always complete, as.
0014tn18nt rho largest and prices the
Ona Dress good department is always
complete and we are always showing the
newest styles. Ferguson 4G Halliday,
500 Cords good hard wood wanted in
exebang0 for harness, or oath will be
paid for any quantity of good dry wood
delivered et ono, 1)eeo11 and maple, short
or long. Apply at I. C. Richards' h)lr.
nese shop.
THou0ANns of 11902 aro saved mutually
by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
In the treatment of croup and whooping
cough, the Pectoral has a most marvel-
ous effect. It allays inflammation, frees
the obstructed air passages, and controls
the desire bo cough.
Eastman Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blom.
lsl1e5 from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throats, eta. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
Fon pity's sake, dont growl and gran.
ble because you are troubled wit1) indi.
gestion, No good w0.0 ever effected by
snarling and fretting. Be a man (unless
you happen to be a woman) and take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which will relieve
yon whether man or woman.
WELL-DIGo1Ne AND DEmrrlv0.—George
Birb has all the neoes0ary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wella cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Ttrnberry at., Brussels, 34-41
Do IT Now.—E. Moody et Sons, Lock.
port, sold 63 barrels of pears for $1,200,
nearly $20 per barrel. Mr. Glow, of
Green 0o., N. Y., sold the fruit of two
plum trees in 1889 for $73.62. Average
price received for plume in Ontario bas
been from $2.00 to $4,00. Reader, dont
delay, we supply you with choice stock,
apples at 20c, pears and plums at 40a,
end guarantee satisfaction. Bloemedale
Nurseries, Woodstook, Ont, William
Aldridge, Agent, ab McKay es Co's.
Hardware store, Brussels.
BI LLEn.—In Morrie, on Nov. 28011, the
wife of Mr. David 3, Hiiller of a
IIrxns.—LI Viotoria, B. 0., on Nov. 18t11,
the wife of Mr. Frank Rinds of a
dangh ter.
So1Nawc—A.TTn15010.—In Christ ohuroh,
Listowel, on the 23rd inst., by Rev.
J. F. Parke, rentor, Mr. William
Frederick Schnook, of Grey town
ehip, to Mrs. Priscilla Attridge, of
13Ar14Es,—In Morrie, on Nov. Ord, Wm.
Bohlen, aged 06 years.
C1A19IELL,—In MoKillop, on Nov. 28rd,
Thomas Campbell, aged 60 years.
Rennet,—In Walkerton, ori Nov. 26th,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of William
Easton, aged 42 years, 11 months,
Mcit',-1n Grey, on Nov. 28th, Jessie
E„ daughter of Jas. 14loKay, 161,11
cone aged 0 years, 4 months and 21
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat,....
Oats .,.,,•...............
Butter, tube and rope,...
TvKgs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ..,.,,,,,,
Hay per ton
Salt per 141,1 , retail....,.
.Bides trimmed.. •.,
hides rough
60 64
57 61
90 85
53 54
20 27
15 16
15 00
360 400
85 00
5 00 6 00
1.140 05
,tLL 3433I115 INDEBTED
to the late Dr. Cale, of Ethel, either
by note or book Cto0ouut, will confer a favor
by settling the sante as 800n as possible.
bred Cow 4 years old • 1 Reiter nearly
pure broil ; 1 Btt115 years old ' 1 hull 0:df 0
mouths old, G. A. DISARMAN,
Druggist, Brussels,
quantity of bard 0111 soft cordwood
wonted at Brussels Salt Works. 81.25 to
31.50 per cord for eat wood old 81,50 to
82.50 101'' hard wood.
1...J nags 0fthe undersigned, Lot 14, C011.
15. Prey, 011 01• about Nov, 12, 00 aged cow,
reel and white 1 n color. the owner is re-
quested to prove presort,, pay expenses
and take her away, et once.
Maitland Skating Rink,
T05')Ens will bo received, up to the 10th
inst,r the lease
of Alai land Skating and CurltngoRink, Brus-
sels, for the season. Tho lowest or any ten -
dor not necessarily accepted. Per further
information address A. N. Ray, Strottord, or
00.11 at Tal: POST Publishing Rouen, Brussels,
DEn5IGNED 13418 50140140) good Forme fox
5015 cad to r0nt, easy torm0, in Tow11shii18
of MOrrlo alct Groy, P S. SODTT,Bruseale,
) Being South half Lot 27, con. (3, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all (neared, Good buildings,
Ane votingbearing orchard. Immediate pos-
505410)), asy Terms. Apply to
W. M.
,to Brussels
and 12, non 10, Ghe rey is offerecre d foram 5. 103
beredl rylBuildings b.a
010120 , tviel ,
mo, School house within JO rods, Posses-
sion given at one if desired. For further
particulars as (*price, terns, cbo,appp y to
or NELSON BRICKER, on farm. idle P. O.
1. USING lata 11 and 12, con.18, Township
of Grey. County of Huron, containing 200
acres, the pr operty of the late 301)1 Robert-
oU,00tion50 s6115ono sed bush, mixed timber•
balance partly 0400red, 8011 clay loam,
meetly rolling, Feuoes w1011 straight rail
fences and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Commodious dwelling
1)04)80, with largo )woodshed attached and
an exao110ut ooh14r under house. Two large
barns, stone stabling and other outbuild-
ings. •1'wo good bearing orchards, orna-
mental trees and small fruits, se nillo5
from Bruesels, a lively town on the G. 1e, R„
convenient to halloo!, olmr511e0 and post
ranee. Tufa prenorty lies woll, is a first-
class grain and stook farm mud should be
seen by intending purchasers as it is elror-
ed at 0 bargain, For further particulars
apply to 141It8, JN 0,1to19n1;TSONy
tbo promi500, or by letterR 10 Channrook P,
0. 00.4
Creditors of Donald 4foNah', late of the
Township of GI 3, in t1)0 Oouuty of Rune,
deceased, who dkd on or about tlto seventh
day of October, 14112, and all others 1'nviug
ohms 1400.1804 i.iis estate 0.00 hereby nodding
to mond bg post, prepaid, or otherwise
deliver to the nnne'8igned, Agent for
the Ex0.e111ol, of the said deasaeoll, on or
before Lino 014404 Day of December, 0002,
their Christian 115m00 111113 sutnmmos, ad•
dresses and doeoriipious, and full particulars
of theirelalms statomonto of their 8,0059) is
,1118 11)410,0 Of foe seeu•itlo0, if any, hold by
thorn and in default thereat and huui0dtato.
ly after the said 15411 day of neoen11,00' t110
assets of tbo said 110aeasod will bo dietrib 4•
ed nn15)44at those entitled thereto Laving
regard only to the dolma of vh1011 notice
ellen have been given a8 armee required,
And tbi0801)90 being given aider the pro•
1110to00 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
Chem. 110, Soc. 8(1, 1110 Executors 0)111 1.00 140
118510 1'02 the Pahl assets, of any part tdn•r0-
81, 4o a17 London of whose olalin notice 01111
not 11avo linen receival by him at the time
Of Paid rWwtrlhutlon,
A. 51, 1hllt,Agentfe'1110entor„
10.4 t1,sn11ro51s 1', f)
Come and deo them and many
OthAr,S At
PeDper's Drug Store,
.71.4:0 001leltnt' and Conveyancer. 00)10 -
tioue made, OAloe—V4Dat01t)'e 131001), Bruce
reds. 21.3m
• 8011e00er,Co0Voyanoer,No4n1•)'110U•
So, Odico—Grahmn a Dloolc, 1 door north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Pr19)400 Puede to
Barristers Solie14 114, Notaries Public,
Godexleh, Ont, ,3
PC 0, 0A1IEn0N, 0, e„ Tn)4Ir 1)044'11,
11 UA
UC IONEERSr11U0'141101.408,
teed nal eAlof forme, stock,lem, tlY Toren
o.11oyibe11arern08,1 at1'1'xeo FOOT POblf ntig
801180, Br'ussele,
Licensed Auotiouoor. Sales eondnot
04 on reueonable torn»). Farms and farad
eto011 a 90eeialtr. Orders lett at TEE PnsT
P oblisb ing 1{0000,19)'USF001S, 01' sent to Walton
1'. 0., will r000iva prom p t attention,
tut no an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to 0011110ot sales of farm stook at reasonable
every pors. Knowing
on I amgithe t standing
to f sell Ito
goal marks and got good 0050111~ when sold
ou credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
mea Call. 32• l' S. SCOTT.
Vi• II. frIo0EAOIlllN,
yebeslrt hs Grocery, Tuororrystreet, Buses.
son th of 41414 NcKay,6 Co's Shop—Next store.
Ladio5'audobildr5us hair coating 0. specialty
A 11oNAII•t,
Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by
mllpointlnelt of Lieut,-Oovornor. Commis-
sioner, So , Q.13, Conveyancer and Alcott
Fire Insurance ea, O1Aee at the Oranbrook
Post Ofilee.
Clerk e Fourth Division Court
Co, Iiur0n, Of Conveyancer, Notary Public
invested Loan
to loan, 1100
oi ections made.
01115e in Grallan'e 13 lock, brussels,
Mos Merles, of Wingham, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting, dories
may he ancertained 0t Mise Nellie Ross' store
whore samples of work may be seen. Miss
Mortes would also take a few mono pupils in
i. 00)8, ands pil, io the St.Art of Teaching of A.
W. Thayer, Mos. Deo., Now 'York, wilt giyo
Joanne to pupilo either at Thoe Furrow's,
Turnber149 Street, or 1f preferred, at their
own homes, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day at Walton, 'forms moderato.
S. Out. , Residouee and Edinburgh,
gin' Wilson
Block, Corner of 50111 and Turub0rry Ste.
1UU 3.0 tee .`*•.3 T 1
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and Cif Toronto U.
Voretty. Or, 840E—)vox A.R. Smith's Store,
2:011 Seuvxne,—Lal'ge breed, bred from
let prise stook, will be leapt for 8ervi08 on
001 20, ann. 8, Groy, ono aged and one yomlg
boar. Pod igre08 clan be seen on application.
Terms, 81,00 to be paid at time of 0orviee
With privilege of returning If Dummy.
21.4 J. I(, BA14P114, Proprietor,
uneersignod wilt koop for service on
Lot 11, Oou, 5, Grey, a thor0' bred Chester
1Vhite nig, with pedigree and from import-
ed stook, Also a tho10' brad Berkshire bog,
Terms 141.00 to be paid at Limo of service
with privilege of returning if neaes0a'y..
10.0f A. SHAW, Proprietor,
UuderoignOd will keep for 00rvi00 on
North b Lot 20,00u,7, 5101718, n thorn' brad
nester White Dog, This pig was awarded
1101008 at 0:oeooto hurl London 11'atre. Rio
sire, "Royal" UPS taken 18t at 1,11) Industrial
for years. Terme, 31,00 to be !,aid at Limo
of 0ervie0 with priv11ok.0 of returning if
000000a'y. SAMUEL WALKER,
104.1 Proprietor.
J1113 13 0IIE83ER W13I1 MAN
Theundevsieue43 wi11 Hoop for Servi5o a
Thor&'11red Chester While Boar, on Lott,
Cote, 17, Grey. Terms $11.00, paynbla at Mme
of se'vio0 with 51421)og5 of ramming 11 ea.
winery ,
1&5 WILT. utz DENNI3TT,
k SHIRE I30A13,
Tho undersigned will 41001> for 0ervi40 this
I I'1'0.01't nation the ImjirOved 1a'p8e white
e4lshiro1te143y' ou let 2a, eau, 0,
1401','10, 40 withal)8 limited 110011)e' Of solve
hilaofebel oevlao,lithlt!oply)1agoofpDelnre)
fltg if lineneary, Pedigree ma�ybe nee up.
os 11p1tif teal'ton, 3101371I1'T 21101001],
'ROAR 303SERVI03,-1T31.5
Unde'sig,nn,1 will keen for corvine at
13lo,rlboauk, tln5 There' -brad Mester White
Boar, "Uncle Hatn," No, 4,001, Tbio hog na0
taken 1st prier) as the four fel" 110 19410 oa-
111bitod an 1110 0t0c1; /MS been egn4111y WO.
0095101 it prize wince e. Pedigree inay be
50011 Olt al pl cation, :rorm8, 31.00 to be paid
at 4b0 thee 57 0revlco with privilopo of re.
turning it 00n00sa'y. 8. 8141 1.1.
Grey, NOV, 10th, 10111,
1 d ley Co ge, is pr of. the real l l
60 1 00 VOtei00 wI College, is prepared Ltreat all
65 00 disoa80s of domo9tioa4ad alimme 111 a cone-
1 00 1 50 potent 1011111)1, Parttnular attention paid
17 19 to veterinary dentists Calla nlomp4Jy at.
COt(nekol fir, dildoe and Ei,Ot'ma'y—Pw 1 noor3
5 10 6 1Ltoll,,,1'1 e.o,,.siseksit e