HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-2, Page 66
ihStrisd .0 U ,0(0 for the Self
Cxptlel 1
$11,40 lune oolleotatl hero f
Denial food of the Army,
I Send, bars at the harbor mouth have
1 c►ntllwielx. caused a lot of trouble to vessel owears
Jno. Faille and wife, of Dakota, have ; this Pall' District
been visit Mg relatives here. Judge Fred. Juhnalhl n, of e I
Trinity Sunday school will hold a Algoma, w to etniltlimented by the wantons lestitntious of the P20811100 is
' legal fraternity on ills8appointment as the sum of $10,060,60, he:ducting land,
Ind i 's df . t 1' s col lots blrt
report on this aubjeot at its Juno session
and 01 3311000 report we have be favored
with a oOpy, on this poino report :—"The
etemtion of a House of Refuge appears to
111680 01813110(1, except, in the smallest
degree, grants to indigents by the miner
nlmlioipllities." The average oost of the
:lemma entertainment 0u tho 20th inst.
Mr. Sllorbreod, of Ilurri0tou, intends
opening up a bntobsr shop in this vil-
lage. A deo trade should he dune.
Municipal politics are Coming to tho
front. A lively run is expected in How-
iok, What's the hatter about our Thos,
Gibson having ft seat at tho Board. ?
The Verity firm ask $7,000 for their
buildings in tide place. ahauge in the terns, tea.
T118 Grand Trunk town ticket agency Eloise A. Skimmings, composer of)tlhe
has been discontinued. "National March," Was the rooipient on
lt. N, Creech has gene to Toronto Nov, 24th, 'of a beautiful haad•painted
senior judge. u l hj sa u n s i 1g np
1Vi11 Robertson, 0'110 1138, for the lash
the present feeling of :611 contemned is
sir months been book-keeper in the that large farms are a mistake, The
office of alae Coderfuh Organ Co., left on weight of ovidonoo goes to slum that 4U
`vedneedny of last (veep for Toronto, or 50 acres are bettor than 100 or over,
where he hes secured a good situation, In many vases the buildings are much
On Tuesday and Wedna8chLy of last more expensive than need be, and the
week the Fishery Commission of the utliainle eeoommead cheaper and plainer
Dominion Oovorumout held it meeting ones, The smaller institutions Buell as
here and Secured the sworn etate0lenit8 would be ample for the County of Huron,
of several of our fishermen concerning do not averege in cost over $12,000.
The eoinnnnittee next call attention to
the number of innetee, committed teen.
porarily and permanently during 1888,
and the oast per bead, 0f these Institu-
where he has it situation,
Exemption from taxes will be the ev
coaragemont offered to a 7.5 barrel per
day grist mill,
Mrs. Wm. relined met with a painful
aocidenit while out walliiug the other
day by falling and breaking her wrist.
The injured member is doing nicely.
A Dew .1011081 house will be built at
drawing room lamp and purse, presented
her by the officers and crow of the Gee.
0130010nt dredge, No, 0, and tug Delisle,
as a testimony of their esteem foe the
popular composer, 8Tesees. McGillivray
end Ferguson, engineers, made the
presentation in the memo of their brother
olUeera and crew, hoping that Miss Skim.
mines mig111 live long to enjoy the light
of their presentation, to which Miss
Skimmings in returning her sincere
Orange Ili:! 1? Xt year. thanks and appreciation of their gifts,
The grounds at the new 1i@thodist added, "I will tinnily now 1e a sial',"'
church have been nicely levelled.
The "rope gang" attend to all per-
sons retina on one streets inebriated.
A brnneln of the Epvvortlt League of ---
In view of the vote shortly to bo taken
in )hie county on the anbject of the es.
nesda evening and prayer meeting Query tablishment of a County hoose of 100-
Y fnge, we pn1111511 the following report
Snu1ay ..:;1t at 7:30. The following is submitted to the Council in 1¢3311, by a
6 list of the o 10'-s ;—Ilan. Pres., She special committee appeinled to enquire
Pastor ; fres., S. nottin-4 t lot Tice• I into the matter. The report speaks for
Pres., Miss Edgar • 2nd Vice tree., iui.F1 i%se:: incl will repay a parsed, It pro-
f-lowarcl ; Sec., Miss Padfield ; Tloms., coeds.
.3, 1100S12 01? R211013E P011 HURON.
Christian Emleavor hes been organized
ut Orange Hill, with about 30 members.
Regular meetings every alternate Wed•
The average coat as above of each in.
mate in the House of Refuge was about
$50. This dors not iheluds interest oe
capital mewed.. Wo have also ascertain-
ed that the average oosb of meintenance
111010010g salaries, food and clothing, of
en011 of these institutions during 1888,
ler week was as fo110tvs :--
Elgin n1. 07
Middiesex • d.11:. 1 115
Waterloo 9,1
Wellington 123
1 14
1 10
Inmatoe. Cost per head,
100 $55 04
118 40 65
167 57 09
52 83 03
1.27 51 60
75 40 133
11.4 63 97
1 Average .
John Montgomery, "11: imeordanee with the instructions Nob taking into account interest on
m contained in the resolution of the Coun• Capital.
Nen .1O t 1t • oil at its January session, your speolnl These institutions however yielded,
Prank, a little son of Riohard Roach, committee have endeavored to obtain all oertaiu roveuues which materially Qe.
while using a butcher knife accidentally the informa140n possible relating to the crease the expenditure. These '.1300ues
out oil one of 1115 fingers. cost of lands, buildings end me111Eenanc0 are derived from the procto ets of the
Retied Lagan, proprietor of LOgail a of the various institutions called Houses farm and the labor of the 13131),1108, 33,10
Banking house, left on Wednesday of of Refuge for the care of the poor, in the are given as takes from, n return to the
last week on a business trip to Manitoba. Province, and other information of a Legisltlru0 :—
The choir of the Methodist church kindred nature. Your committee have
give a concert on Dec. 27. They have aimed at giving to the Council the very
engaged Mies Jessie Alexander, elocn• fullest information concerning this ,pl,
Monist. portant matter, and the 012p3Jnettlon hes
Mr, Ring, le.ger•kesper in the Bank been obtained witlioiit reference to the
of Commerce, bolt last week for the leanings of the members of your corn -
Bermuda Islands where he will spend mitte0. The sub.00mmi£tee thouitht its
the winter months. first duty was to obtain a correct amount
The Independent order of Good Temp. of the amount spent by the various
Jars intend giving n novel entertainment municipalities of the Countp under the
t•+ the shape of a leap year hex social on heed of 'Charity: This allows a 00m-
• • of Wednesday, December parison—though an imperfect one—to be
the avomn, '" made beteeeu the cost of keeping the
• poor in our own County having a Souse
1110.3, 0, Coleman and C{iileM310 re.,,,,_ ' ee. The returns under this head
la their positions on the WatetwOr133 1 of Bei,.),- 1887 and 189$, cud.
sm steEngineer the
Roberts Council [ r itDot I bei 1g are as 1ollrace lowa rase
tllu 131310nu muu101-
n nt by
dr�. S. Mudie ',)who hs incompetent,(013 speldiog
some weeks et the pereirial home here
since his return from the Northlve01,
left last week for Columbia College,
Sonth Carolina, where he intends pur-
suing his thoolo;_i0al studies during the
e • es Hum upon
polities of the Couu
charity in 1837 end 1888 :-
13387. 113(18.
Ashfield 5158 50 $910 00
38 G8 54 83
48 30 55 47
117 73 101 58
216 71 322 00
200 50 277 15
195 GO 220 72
536 05 851 00
289 76 818 30
202 00 183 00
19 00 00 50
204 11 118 85
80 00 80 00
130 50 175 25
No Return
131 51 201. 22
102 00 117 18
05 50 120 65
278 08 470 00
171 80 234 84
918 25 200 08
172 11 70 00
156 52 173 00
207 20 100 68
Wroxeter No Return
Totals $4,251 57 $3,730 91
It will thus be sten that directly oub
of the Meal muiliaipal exehequers has
been paid the sunt, allowing for (tumid.
palitias not reporting one half the aver-
age, $0,440 fu two years. To these sums
must be added the sums of $28.1 and
$489, respectively which are the amounts
estimated by the County Treasurer as
spent by the county for the sante per.
poses as the heal grants in the same
years, and these to melte a grand total
of no less than, $10,210, or $5,105 per
Every member of the Oemty Conseil
is also aware that th, se sums do not
in any way represent the full amount of
the charity bestowed by this 0
Private Charity by individuals, Ohura1108
and 0oaieties, le largely given to the
vary 80.1110 person that received municipal
Another 1,rge item of expense to the
County is in oen080110n with the run-
ning jell. Tho manner in whish this
expense is paid US f01(0w0. The Gnvmn•
meet pay for all pioneers who aro share
ed with 110 days a 1"d the county pays
for all others, The last 1(03113101• the
Ten clen ee W. Colborne
Gode'ich Town
God:mi i Township
.1111. Sermena will be prmtuhed by Rev. 3lcliihop ,..,
klr. Forsythe, of Toronto, Inspector
for the Underwriter's Association of
Ontario, insp0:10d the Luoknow water
works and fire appliances and expressed
himself 181.11 p eased.
The elide, listen. services of the l5'tho•
diet church will be held on Sunday. Leo.
Wesley Cue -eon, of Harristen.
asked for in plate 00080110ns,
13160 is Seaforth
Lieutenant-Colonel Aylmer, of Lon• S•a"ray
B t 1' theTurnborry
don, inspected the Armory and other
800oatrement0 belonging 10 No. 8 awn.
pauy, of 33(30 Broca a tl ion, in Usborne
village, and found everything in first. East Wawa00011,
class condition,
Aoa" dine to the annual report of the
Bureau of Iudnotries,there are 22 cheese
factorise and 7 creameries in the County
of Bruce. In 18111 there were in this
county 3,255,353 lis. of ohiese menu.
featured, to the mamma of $212,807.00,
and 280,625 lbs. of butter, valued at 3158,-
The Breve and the village solicitor, P.
A. lllalcomson, were eummooed to *ed.
erioh for examination fu the pending
suit of Roe vs. the Corporation of Luck•
now, for injuries sustained in the village
by a stallion belonging to Mr. Roe, in
June last, Tha anmet took fright, it is
claimed, at the whistle on the pumping
blouse of the waterworks building, and
hence the nation,
55orn a are doing; the town.
The htt6veley estate is likely to revert
to the 0 -own.
W. Murray recently killed a chicken
that dressed G lbs.
It id '0n1oted that counefllor Jerome
Andrews is nn nspirent for the Reeve•
It is rumored that Rev, father West,
of the parishes of Goderi011 and Clinton,
may be transferred to another field of
The other day while W. Poster was Government wee charged with 1111 deys
out strolling 3)1300 In the weals, his dog, and line County with 1613 days. 0f thie
which id t6 "deed spelt," dideovered a 1515 days, 1433 days is ohargeabl8 t, the
West Wawanosh
Careide n porcupine, and came hark
with his mere all filled with quills.
took :.nliiderl6ble time t0 remove them.
A. IL Manning, Reeve of Clinton, has
33:1413314413.1011020)1118)1(1 the letter to all the
meinhere of Parliament ill the county,
all the Mayors, 11087-8 0,11,1 Deputy
Reeves :--Doan 000, --'-The Mildewed
Cotulcils of Godo Ich, See3fort1 and Clin•
ton leaving passer) r0001ntions favoring
the holding of a nonference en the sub
joot of a County house of Refuge, and
several of the R70Vee and Deputy 13.00ve8
having reglloeted me to undertake the
oallfn1 of each conference at Clinton, I
have plea;are in complying with 0001
1'0,1010, and on 'boh112 of rho Connell of
011to:1, i invite you to a. t n1 811111 con-
ference in rho Council Chamber, Olin.
ton, on friday, Doe. 2311, 1892, nommen•
cin( at 11 001091333, in. In view of the
aubmiesioi of the queebi0:1 of the erten
tion of a Mosso of Iiafn a to the Rohm? popular
vote at the coming Municipal 111001ions,
1315 thought advisable that there should
he some substantial agreement •-(I01)
Al to the form of tllequestion to be sub.
tinted • (2nd) As to file probable a•
mount neeess8ry to bo expended in the
purchase of land0 and the erection of
buildings ; and (3rcl) the cost. of main.
tena,00e; other partinor.t questions may
also be dismissed,
maintenance of indigents. In ammo.
queuco of thie the County had to pay
$643, against $10.37 paid by the Giver"
meat or about 14/16t110 "f 'ho whole 031•
prune. If there had been no indigents
confined the Government would have
lied to pay nearly 3wo.thfr10 and the
County ane•third. In thie way the 0o8t
to dm County was for iu(lieents Omit
.v r $1,'•0 for the quarter. This (Fierier
is not above the average, 1W that the
County pays annually ebnnt $1,600 for
mlli„teneuce of helie;ente in jail.
['he question naturally iteise0-110(0
1130011 of this large sum would b0 saved
to the loud municipalities by the erection
of It Mosso of Refuge. f,onl the infer'
Irlution in the hands of your Oonlmit108
it is quite evident that only a very smell
proportion of the charity grant to iu•
digests would remain. It ie nob pro.
tended that there wo•,ld be no amount
to be 0pene by the local mmilaipalities
for charitable purposes but itis oeteblisll-
edbeyond all question in Lite counties
winere Houses of Refuge have been mot.
ad, that adding the items for 0barity
and fi0reased County Grant for House
of Refuge, together, the reonit is a lose
sum by a considerable amount 111811 the
sum previously spent foe like Interesse,
The 0peei111 committee, appointed by the
County Council of Ontario County to
11(1111,. t. ,t 010 00
Waterloo 2,640 00
York 9-,'10,2 00
Lincoln 1,21)10 00
Middlesex. 1,6'0 00
Norfolk, 1,2153 00
Brant 000 00
The folios -dug shows the actual oosb of
m11ntalance of 8x011 institution after al.
lowing the 130venee.
54,100 76
1,761 89
7,740 86
Lincoln 1,910 76
Middle= ,,,,,,,,,,,,••,4,338 20
...,1 1,141 7,t
Norfolk 1,10,00
"It will be seen tent in the matter of
municipal tended would the less nnde amount
a Poor House
83'010111 111 all probability, than that now
spent. If to these grants be added 5. pro-
portion of the amounts spent privelely,
then a very much larger saving oat be
shown. It must also he borne in Hind
that the present system is very intends.
factory and insufficient. Under it one
mnnicipt1lity frequently tenet care fur
the poor of another, but with a House of
Refuge the burden would be equitably
borne. At present many deserving poor
really suffer rather than go to jail, which
might be their fate if they applied for
Your attention is also dir00ted to the
constantly inc'eesingl mamba), of those
doetitnte end partially insane persons
who by law are made wards of the 001101y.
This piesselt session fear new applica-
tions are being made, end the Treasurer's
estimate for this kind of relief is largely
increased. These persons could be cured
for in a great majority of cases much
better and more cheaply in the House of
Refuge. In all the en31nties whore snap
Houses exist these persons are committed
to them. This item of expenlditnee in
the near future will, we are afraid, as-
sume very targe proportions. It adds a
very considerable amount to the sums
given above as the sums spent in oharity
in this county.
Houses have been established in the
counties of Elgin, Waterloo, York, Lin•
coin, Middlesex, Nor6dk, Wellingtonand
Weiland, A00ording to the rst0rn8 sent
to the Onterio Government, these houses
gentian 770 imitates. Of this number
420 were over GO years of age, and 122
children under 16 years of age. The
number is made up of persons helpless
through disease, accident or mental in.
lirmity, It wi11 thus be seen that rho
very large portion OF the imitates are
ihronub 950 unfit to cern for themselves,
and bereft as they lnearfy always are of
persons dee to care for them, without
the presence of a home mist suffer soy
e'oly even when granted the nlu0fuipal
and charitable 800101anoe commonly
swsr aQt 2100114avl11116a a rmtm acs9maea
Ontario luta. Life, iN � � TO LOAN,
013.4.3) arinl;,y • vv.tll'i3,eLoo,uN•r' Any Amount of Money to Loan
01110 arum or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Ccut, , Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying wlloll required.
,Apply to •
A. Hunter,
Division, (103)4'2 Clerk, Brussels.
Assurance in force Jan'y,'0'2, .514,03-1,807
New business written in 18111 2,11(11,950
increase over 1800 1116,800
Cash income for 1801,,,,,,,, 517,020
Ineroase over 1800 07,620
Liberal Conditions of Polloles.
Cash and Pahl -up Values guaranteed on
00011 pollee.
All ,livldenlls belong to and ata paid only
to nolloy holoers,
Premiums payable du1•lug the month in
endue they fail lino.
po110105 are lnooutostablo two yokes fro
date of 18000,
Ne restriction On travel, residence Or ee-
Lapsed policies may be revived within six
mouths after lapse,
Death claims paid at cue on completion
of plain gapers,
Dlslriat Agent, Ethel,
The Y. 31. 0. A.--of--Montreal sent the
following slip to the clergymen of that
city :—
"Tho following facts end figures illus.
trate tate need of special effort on behalf
of the yo0ng men of Montreal :—
"Number of licenses 1x808(1 since May
1, 1,802 ;--1101018, 148 ; • aloeta and res.
temente, 53061 retail liquor shops, 464,
total, 018.
'Number of disorderly houses reported
by the polio, 118.
"Ono drMMotive, who has heti many
year: experience in the city, says there
aro at least doable that number of disor,
dale, 110(1880, not including "honsee of
rendezvene, which are now alarmingly
On the 11101 0000.
"Num her of neon arrested by the
pollee during the year, 6,007) of this
needier there were under 30 yens of ago,
5,20') ; nnmbor et men sentenced last
year, 2,20 1of en at resent
in q6, Vi,, 0,1
11 umber de Paul peaiberdiary, 472
number Under thirty years of ago, 207.
"Four theatres open aid well filled'
every night, with 5, :eating oap001ty of
at least 4,200, one half of the 811(11011085
being young Wren.
"13y actual 0011311, between 0:50 and
ten O'allOk on Monday night, Oct, 24,
there entered two up -town 0aloon0 Oi
young (1)0(1.
For !Bronchitis
"I never radioed the good of n medicine
so much as 1 have ;n the hast few months,
during which time 1 have suffered intensely
from pneumonia, followed by bronchitis.
After trying various remedies without
benefit, I began the use of Aver's Cherry
Pectoral. and the ,'frust has !veil marvelous,
a siurie done rclirl,ne me ui . holain:•, mid
..curinli 't gaud u3;hes res6" -- "1. A.
Iliggb:.,:d hc:n, Gra. -n, r,, L•.ug}fountain,
'• Last Spring 1 wan taken down with La
grippe. At times 1 wag emnrIctolvr+rustr:n-
La, and u, difficult woe my I'''13,013 that
sty brcult seemed as if confined in an iron
age. 1 procured a huttleaf /.yera Cherry
Pectoral, and*, sooner had I began Caking
it than relief followed. 1 could nut believe
that the effect would be so rapid."—W. 11.
Williams, Cook Ci y, S. lIok.
Lung Tr" u �
'• For niers thaa (rise. v-2.0 jeer., 1 was
n ,sufferer from lung tr.ul1e, attended with
hroughing so severe al tines as to cause
emorrhage, the paroxysms frequently last-
ing three or Four hours. 1 tuns 30,1000,3 Cu
try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after laking
four 1•onles, was thoroughly cured. I can
con faiontly recommend thismedicine'-Prang
11o:,n,unt, Cloy Cesare, Bons.
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. 3. C. A•.er & Co., Lowell, Macs.Sold by all Lhuin;i.•'r. j'r.ce $, ; the bottles, 43.
tritt-crritelli ' a act, 11(372 kD 00.02°3
•—D af1.LER IN—•
Piotore . )1' LfOS, 860,
DEE. 2, 1892
A 100ont d150090ry by an
old 13hy0l0ta11. liu000neful-
ly used 01001111y by thous.
ands of r,AnuI
ss,. s UM
only perfectly .safe and
reliable medicine 111ne0Y-
er0d, Beware of unprincipled druggists who
off or inhaler mod/eines in 1n0oe of this. Ask
for (1001('0 e0780a ROOT Oobcpe'1an, take no
(I1ln,tiLtt to : of inclose 81 and 4 three.oelt
Cnnaaa lostaeo etalnp8 in letter, and we
will sena, sealed, by return Mall. 10,111 0001.
od partieuh3rs L1 plain envelope, to ladies
only, a stamps, Address i°on(i Lily Cow.
pasty, No, 0 Putter Block, 131 Woodward
at o., Detroit, M1011,
l:6'8nld in lll000els by J'.'1', 11I:1?P111R, G.
A,111341);11.011 and all responsible druggists
balance 1892 FREE
Our line of naso Bin'llois is inai'o complete than ever before.
r(Raclill.nt; lime," "Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant
1'elllli$Ular," S'C. These stoves aro constructed in the most modern
style, and are the most powerfnl Double Heaters ]mile. They aro
finished in the highest style of the art I.lnc1 we warrant everyone
good baking ovens. If you aro in need of a Parlor Cook, be sure
and see our stock before purchasing.
"Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters
Aro greatly improved this season and are selling fast and, giving
good satisfaction. We will table your old stove.
Handsome Ranges
We carry a stook of the best n this line, all prices. Call and inspect.
S ;;cBand Hand Stoves!
Onssecol,' hand stoves aro going oft fast. If you want one, you
Feist secure it early. They are good ones and cheap.
Fust opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night
i Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays.
Special Attention given to
1 ,b, tcn ligderate.
Smale's Block,
One Dollar - One Year.
Weekly ewso
The Best Family Newspaper published
in Camila.
The Weekly. News
And a oboioe of tbo following Premiums
until JANUARY let, 1804, for the price
of Ono Year's Sttbeoriptinn, One Dollar :
No. 1—Etching—Obeid Leaving the
Plmtoriam. No. 2—Tinted Etching—
The Retreat from Moscow. No, 3—
Photo.Gravur8—Women and Children
First. No. 4—Photo-Gravure -- The
fathers of Confederation, No, 5—Sou-
venir Album of Canadian Sbateemen.
No. G—Engraving--Blyd's•Eye View of
Toronto, 28x14.
Or ono of the following literary prollue.
bions 1
Princess Sunshine, ma. maul.; Loves a
Tyrant, Annie Thomas ; Curb and Sraflio,
Sit Randall ttobert0; Baffling Quest, Prank
*Barrett; Soul of Countess Adrian; Mrs,
Campbell raod; 01(180Shatto, W. (1. Norl'is;
The 11ocadiily Pa um, 110rgne nnnle • ]ovary
{moll a Soldier, W J Colgal10un ; Daughters of
-Belgravia, Mrs Alex T,raaer; ]len of 110000',
Annie Thomas ; Bootle's Children, Join 8
Winter; Beyond Clompare, Ohao Gibbon;
171001 Loy 8,0,Irs. ]01(111011 ' Isuglisbmee of bbo
Time OM11,Plnrmnce Warden i Iloo0Whnkud,111
W 9pcdrht ; St. 0uth1101.5 0 rower, Moreno
Warden; \tau with a secret, Venus Time•
L'orestallod Mrs 1033110,1 ; The Mon Mee LT
Meade • Pr1uc0 Serge Panino, Gee (Meet'
X,oio 1/own, 01311331 51y3180 The Witness of
the sun, Am0110 Hives.; Withont reeve or
License, Hawley Stuart • Blood White hose,
B h Par eon Tho iboguo, W 31 Norris; sow-
ing the Wyind, ;Mrs IS Lynn Linton A Dopper
ora011, Prank Denby Aru(ine11, 'Roy s 11
Gould ; T.itthe Chatelaine, 13;1111 of Denali
Book o1• tato Rye, Mrs Il Kennard 1 13110 Last
Coup, 'Cawley smart; By Misadventure,
'Prank Barrett; 13laat( 13ttetness, Hawley
Swab ; hien from I,tanehaator, 1)1Ck Nene.
van ; Rival 1'11001'0 Jnotin McCarthy ( Ring
of Meanie Marl of Lytton The Pot I'riuooe,
I'loreueo Warden ; old Mazer's ]0810, 3) 0
141,700 y 11br Ono and 3110 W01111' h1 Rd•
wards;' The 'Great Missionary I'aiiot0, Rev,
canon Taylor ; rube Biltk'o 0','1' 4 elem.
� .9.- vJ a
WHEREAS : A Great LiquiclatiCiii Sale is now going on of the big
stocks of Boots and Shoes at George Good's stores, Brus-
sels and Seafortb,
AND WHEREAS : It is absolutely necessary to clear out the en-
tirb stocks at once :
AND WIIEIIEAS : The balance will be sold at from 30 to 80 per
cent. below regular cash prices. rTherefore bo it
RESOLVED : That we, the citizens of Brussels 513(1 ceaforth, and
all people of the surrounding country will Embrace this
opportunity of getting our supplies of winter boots and
shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers, Batts and Caps, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, &o., at these
reduced prices, thereby making money by saving looney.
This is indeed a sensible resolution on the part of the people, and
we on otic part will see that the people are benefitted by acting in
accordance with it.
A set of Light Bob -sleighs for sale cheap.
J. R. GREGORY, Liquidator,
don't Voll 1Vt111tt0
(1 BR nice piece Of.
GoodCl Stylish,
Dress oo d s, leap anC1 and
Ui.9 perhaps also something nice to suit the
Children ? We Will give you good bargains now and a good
assortment of all kinds to choose from
Coatings for Children, Misses and Ladies.
Overcoats and Suits for Boys—All sizes. Overcoats and
Suits for Men --All sizes and Very Cheap.
n for old and
Boots, Shoos and Rubbers oun �
pep•apaICICIA 11111.71101...
good line of Fresh Groceries always on hand
Our 300. Tea or . lbs, for $.Z.00 Beats
the Record.
���j ,�.