HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-12-2, Page 1ti
Vol. 20. No, 21. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDA.Y, DECEMBER 2, 1892 W. H. KERN, Prop,
•IIDPfiR1,Cmumuxrs5snm5slua?MfuaMcwmf4Mewvanen/sq!eauvNrtm,vuvm,rstnCS,SpXmIW,*'RTto%tYaT.,P.vttlFNrfJ„M.FeN[vmnanlnsUA:tAVNu-uVb#aaAT.,euin'nen'nEXSMNI•.4'ertaAtlenonsTsufun,xRfq,caln�vanc'nvnM..,ldUfifncYuu,C[artaaae•rtss'rawr9svMavPrat�.S.mxrc: iv.; s.. .:e.a'uJ:.?Fen/F'/YW,s+cMF2Wa.uoM.maGuwmaaeVa,w�„S,WM,CwRwns,Lv4v+0.f,Y,wWuvu}YCYv+dCtiw�N
Cap, 01, 12. S. 0., 18e7. Any ngreauent
between the preen antnn.11y mooed and
the person in po•Sessinn as to paymont
of axes, nun:d, he emoted hetwsel ihotu
salvos ; the collector or hie mtmioipality
are not required to enquire into or be
guidocl by the terms of snob agreement.
The foregoing preetloally embrace the
salient paints of the Ad by which col.
lcobors aro governed. Of amuse, there
are other important details,—but what
wo have given IS a fan epitome of the
goueral scope of collectors' duties and
The 43rd bulletin of the Ontario
Bureau of Industries has bort issued.
Tho bulletin speaking of orope la general
says, in August attention Was clrawn to
tho foot that the yiolde of grain then
given ware beeed on observation in the
field, and fear was expressed that more
exact tend subsequent determinations
would prove the estimate then made of
yields of strain; too high rather than too
low. This anticipation has boon verifi-
ed. The reanits of threshing slow yields
much lower thou the estimate of Augaet.
Fall wheat is only six per Dent, below
previous oatimate, and remains one of
the inoote000essful corps of the year,
having averaged 21,3 busltets per Hare.
Spring wheat has turned out very poor,
yielding 12.7 per note. From no part of
the Province has the bureau reoeived
favorable reports. Barley is under the
average in yield, and the quantity is not
first plass. It has been a poor season
for two rowed barley, and very little has
been safd in its favor. Oats, though
over ten million bushels in quantity, loss
than last year, are still above the aver.
age in total yield. Rye has done fairly
well. Peas are under the average. The
bugs have bean unusually destructive,
but the ivoreased acreage has brought up
the total yield to a fair amount. Un-
fortunately, many of the earlier indioe-
tions of crops have proved misleading,
and the yield of farm produce this year
has been diSappointicg. From best to
poorest the Drops Inay be averaged
thus :—bay and °lover, fall wheat, roots,
oats, bnoltwhaat, rye, barley, eon, peas,
spring wheat and potatoes.
40111' D:. AND TOR !1CU13O. IttDAIttD
To the NN,llter of Ino Pes•r,
DMA 8111,—A correspondent of the
Enron Expositor of last wools, somewhat
of tho nature of John L. Sullivan, charg-
ed certain of the Bromide School Board
with being imbued with pertain motives
epeeist the present teacher, John Shaw.
As I am personally singled mat by mento
as being egahnet Mo. Shaw for political
reasons I deny the charge. My action
in oonneotion with tho two °there on the
Board—Messrs. Taylor and MoKolvey—
in hiring a new teacher proves the asser-
tion false. The only other Conservative
on the Board bosidc rayed! is Mr. Tay-
lor. Agan, our engaging a gontlonlon
to All Mr. Shaw's place of tho same
political belief proves ibis Sullivan nor-
respoadent guilty of manufeotnring some-
thing out of whole °loth. No 1 whon I
WAS in active political life Mr. Shaw
offended as little against me as any man
in Brussels. Ho never, to my know-
ledge, made himself offensive to me. He
always noted. the geetleman at every
meeting I held. I wish I could say that
abont this John L Sullivan aorresponrl•
enb. When the proper time arrives, Mr.
Editor, for the Board to matzo known
the reasons why they ludo a ohatge I
think most of the ratepayers all parents
having an interest in the sohool will be
satisfied. We don't wiped men of the
typo of John L. Sullivan to be.
Yours truly,
Brussels, Nov. 30, '02.
At this season of the year when poi.
lectors of municiol rates, (if at all) are
oompelled to resort to legal methods in
order to enforce their demands, it will be
important to them, OS well as the general
publio, to have full knowledge of the law
in relation thereto. Sections 122 to 137
of the Consolidated Assessment Aat,18132,
provides that immediately after receipt
of the colleotor'e roll, (which should not
be later than the 1st day of October) the
collector is required to oommetoe his
ditties ; and the first thing to be done is
to prepare notices to be served on each
taxpayer, specifying the amount of taxes
payable. Then, in cities and towns he is
required to call ab leash once on the per.
son taxed, or at his usual residence, or
domicile, or place of businsss, if within
the municipality, reed demand pnymett
of the taxes. This may be done by leav-
ing the notice at either of the places above
named. In townships and villages, the
collector is required to call on the person
taxed at least ono, the mune as in cities
and towns; but is not regnired t0 leave a
notice unless a bylaw of the municipality
empowers or requires him to do so ; bot
on calling on the person taxed Ise is re -
mined to enter the date on itis roll op.
posite the name, on which the demand
was made.
Any person neglecting to pay his taxes
for fourteen days after demnnd, the col-
Ieotor may, by himself or his agent, sub-
ject to the exemptions provided for by
Sections 27 and 28 of the Aot respecting
laudlord and tenant, levy the same with
posts by distress of the goods and ohattels
of the parson who should pay the same,
or if any- goods or ohattels in bis posses.
sion, wherever the same may be found
within the oonnty in which the local
municipality lies, or of any goods and
chattels found on the premises, the prop-
erty of, or in the possession of any person
on the premises. The cost of making
dittress shall be those payable to bailiffs
under the Division Corte Aot. The
form of the warrant is given in the Act
and shoutd be closely followed by the
collector in issuing it ; and the oo!lector
is liable for anything done by his bailiff
which he had authorized hint to do.
This act also provides that if at any tinea
after demand has been made, although
the fourteen days may not have expired,
if the collector has reasonable grounds
for bolioving that the party by whom
taxes are payable is about to remove hie
goods and chattels out of the muuioipality
before such fourteen days have expired,
and making affidavit to that effect before
the mayor or reeve of the muuioipality,
or before any justice of the peace, such
mayor, reeve, or justice shall issue a war-
rant to the oolleotor authorizing him to
snake immediate levy for the loxes and
With respect to non-residents whose
names appear on the resident roll, the
collector is required to send him a notice.
by post, entering the date on the roll
when such nobioe was sant. It is im.
dartant for oolisators to bear in mind, in
ealing with nan.residsnts whose names
are on the resident roll, that by Section
126 of the Assessment Aab he can only
malas distress of any goods and chattels
which he may find on the land, after one
month from the delivery of the roll to
and after fourteen days froth the
time such demand or notice has been
transmitted to welt non-resident. With.
out this notice being given the collector
has no authority to manse lite disbrese.
After a colleeto' or his uaililf has wade
a seizure, notices are required to be post.
ed up in at least three public places in
the township, village, or ward wherein the
goods and chattels were ,lietrainod, giving
at least nix days public notice of the time
and place of the solo, and the name of
the person whose property is to be sold.
Only souls portion of goods and chaebols
so seized shall be sold a; only be noes.
nary to meat the taxes and costs. If
snore that the cum requhvrcl should be
roalized, she Act is very plain as to how
the overplus shalt be disposorl of.
Section 12.1 m,aoto that the levy small
'be made by distress of the goods and
obatbels of the orsan who ought to pay
the shine. This clause leas sometimes
puzzled collectors, by the words "who
ought to pity the satno," The Act con.
templates that Ilia parson "tvho ought
to pay" 15 the 000 in. possession of tho
property in respect of which the boxes
two payable at the time of the seizure,
If he is not a0tually assessed lot the
ptemisee, oto„ asimenttoned ie Station 27
of Cap, 148, It. S. 0„ 1887, lie is entitled
to exemptions motioned and onmmorated
in Seobion 2 and following Scebimis of
CIlnacltaia News.
Coal is ,$6,80 per ton in St. Thomas,
Quebec Legislature meets on January
The S. A. barracks at 0rillia have
been burned.
Slavin, the Cornwall murderer, will be
hong Dao, 16111.
A 251b. catfish was caught at Leam-
ingtoe last week.
J. C. Abrahams, hotel.keeper, of Of.
tervillo, bas assigned.
Parkhill purposes to build a new town
hall at a net of $6,000.
A newsboy found a gold watch in
South London Friday.
The federal eleotiou in Soulanges has
been fixed for December 13.
In Brookville 5110,000 has been ex.
pended in new buildings this year.
The Platteville flour mill has an order
from the West Indies for 600 barrels.
Lieu l.GovornorRoyal has called the
North-west Legislature to meet on Deo:
The net earnings of the Canadian
Paoilio railway last month wore over a
Hon. Mr. Foster sailed from Liver-
pool for Canada on Thursday. Sir John
Abbott has gone to Paris.
Radcliffe, the hangman, has gone to
Dorchester, N. 13„ to assist the tit/forth.
nate murderer Buok out of the world.
Dr, G. W, Phillips, a olive of Oxford
county, bas been killed at Butte City,
Montana, by the aooideutal discharge of
his revolver.
Isaac Nelles, of Seneca township, Hal.
almond County, died ou Sunday night,
aged 98. Ile was the father of 17 child.
ran of whom 14 survive him.
Frank and Sid. Hodgies, of Biddulpin,
killed a coon the other night that weighed
thirty ponnds. Another was killed near
Innerkip the other clay that weighed 22
Harvey Scott, of Thorndale, was be•
fore Squire Garner, of Thorndale, the
otter day, on a charge of aseaniting
Martha Scott and pulling her hair. The
case was settled.
Tho salt operatives at the Canadian
Pacifsa Railway, Windsor, have snook a
think vein of salt at depth of thirty feet
below tho first vein, it promises to be
as thick, if not thialser, than the one
drools last week.
A. T. herr, a former Torontouiau, is
ou the Acrania en route to New York in
°barge of a Now 'York detective. He is
charged with embezzling 1[12,000 from
the Jarvis -Conklin Trust Company, of
Kansas City, 1110.
Wm. O'Connor, champion oasman of
America, died ab hie home in Toronto cm
Wednosday of lash week, from typhoid
fever. O'Connor died leaving an estate
valued at 540,000, inoluding $16,000 in.
suranco, tho O'Connor House, 516,000,
and the residue in real estate and oasts.
A matt mimed James Crowford, a
furter et Purple Valley, .me killed last
Smithey slight on bis way hone from
Wiarton. A gravel pit has been dug
within six Inoins of the road, and the
right-hand runner of his sleigh ran dif,
upaetbiug the sleigh, The box foil on
the prostrate mon in the pit, Molding
hien down till suffocated. Ito seas about
60 yours old and Moves a wife and eight
While rho wind was blowing very hard,
shortly after 6 o'clock Saturday after-
noon at Montroal, a carter named ;Wien
Lefebvre was driving along bile Beaver
Liu wharf when a barrel foil front a
wagon that WAS preceeding ht front of
him, This barrel buret and the con.
bonne, pari; goon, were blown by the
wind into the faoe of Lofebvre who teas
almost anffabnted by the powder, ire
swallowed quite a quantity and soon felt
the symptoms of poisoning, fie was
ballet to his Homo, whore a priest end a
debtor wore suamottod awas a
s otsl
sometime after that rho powerful mottos
administered noted and saved his life,
Tho now Dominion coign nr Petrel wits
Munched at Owen Sound 011 Sabnrda,y,
it in expeoterl that el ;elide ears will be
ruining on the streets of I)rant1ord ;boat
Tito gross receipts of the Temple of
Fame at Galt were $549.10, tho pr000ede
amannted bo 62111,40.
The Kingsville °timing factory closed
Saturday after a most anaoesaful season,
rbasing 350,000 cans of fruit in its store-
The wife of Thome Hall, a reseeded
farmer of Eramnsa township, molded
Monday morning by jumping into the
els tern.
Doge nbont Tilbury aro killing sheep.
Recently the Township Council paid out
over 5200 for sheep killed by tleoso oanfno
A, S. Ball hos been appointed local
representative fat' Mr. Hoskins, official
guardian, to snowed the tato Ashton
Fletcher, Q. C.
Miss Rate C. Strong, mezzo-soprano,
formely of Motet Forest, hae been en
gaged as soloist in the oleic of Bt. Basil's
11.'0. Church, Toronto.
Over $1,300 was raised in n collodion
at the Brant Avenue Methodist ohu101),
Brantford, on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Allen,
of Hamilton, preaohsd.
A. fatal case is reported in South Sim.
coo in whioh re boy of night fell into a
oomatose condition after eating two nut -
maga, and disci within twelve hours.
Hereafter the fees at the Gneiph Agri
°alturel College will be only five dollars
from students for inaidantal expenses
There will be no entrance fee and no
chargee for tuition,
Randolph Hoffman, of Gesfield, was
horn in the seventeenth cautery, and is
today 108 years old. 1?`riday the old
man walked fifteen miles. He retains
all his faculties unimpaired,
A big meeting was held on Monday
night in Montreal to discuss the political
future of Canada. A striob poll of the
meobiog was taken, with the following
result :—Por independence, 1,614 ; for
political union, 902 ; for remaining ool.
°nista, 304 ; for imperial federation, 29.
While a young sou of John Brubaoher,
Berlin, was watching some men at work
in a saw -mill a belt soddenly broke anti
struck him a savage blow on the arm,
inflicting such a severe injnty that the
doctors found it necessary to amputate
the arm above the wrist. The little fel-
low is now doing as well 05 may be ex-
As result of proceedings token by
Postoffioe Inspector 13opkirk, Mrs. Ann
Madill, of Clifford, was fined 510 recent-
ly for using panelled stamps. As it
may rot have been generally known that
this offence is subject to such severe
punishment, this case should serve as a
A potitiot signed by seventeen Wood
stook grocers, praying that a by -taw
abolishing shop liquor licenses be sub.
mibted to the ratepayers, was presented
to the Town Council on Monday night,
but as that body was taken by surprise,
they declined to take action without
further consideration.
As Wilson MoOredie was working in
rho mill ab Aylmer using the emery
wheel, whioh was revolving at a terrific
trate, the friction became too great for
the composition in the wheel and it burst
with a crash, one of the pieces entering
his right arm. A doctor, after probing
about four inches, was able to help the
victim, and he is now doing nicely.
A Middlemiss correspondent writes :—
't While digging a drain on the farm of
A. J. Fryer, near this village, J. McIn-
tyre unearthed the bones of some huge
monster of the prehistoric ages. A tnsk
measuring about six feet in length and
ten inches in diameter, also some very
lorge ribs and other large bones were
found. Owing to the abundance of
water further researches are impossible
ret present.
The heaviest man in the world is now
on exhibition in Port Hope. He is only
a little over 80 years ; was born in the
neighboring township of Seymour,
County of Northumberland. He [brings
down the scales at 716 pounds; measures
two feet around the neck, and two fest
and one inch around the arm ; five feet
four inches around 1115 breast ; six foot
four incline around the waist.
Joe Donot'bns, the champion amateur
skater of the world, is about to become
professional, and has issued a challenge
to A. D, Norseng, of Norway, to skate a
live -mile race, to take place ab Atinnea-
polde the labor part of December or Jan.
uary nest for 5500 a side, and to Herold
IHagen, of Norway, for a live -mile moo
for $1.000 a aide or a series of moos of
one, five or ten miles for 52,500 a side,
the date and place to be deoided upon
when the =toll is made. Donoghue
also iassos a challenge to S. D. Drun and
S. McCormick, of St. John, New Bruns.
Two sons of John Dougherty, hotel.
keeper, of Westwood, aged respeolively
9 and 11 years, dating the absence of
their parents at olnar011 Sunday, went
on the mill pond with a hand sleigh.
The parents supposed that they had gore
-o their grandfather's, some two miles
away, and their absence passed unnotio•
ed. Evening tenting on, the parents be.
came anxfons, and on scorching, their
mitts were fomul on the ire, and further
up a bele in the iso showed where they
had broken through. Their bodies were
recovered about midnight.
The 0150101 of Wm. O'Conner, the
groat oarsman, tools pines of I„ ttutday
and was attended by an camomile num.
bar of friends and admirore of the de=
0e51.008 oarsn)ue. Over o hnn,lred 000.
rime were lo line, The fnnrral pro.
passion loft the house of the deeneed at
half.past tet for St. Pobrtrk's ohuroh,
where a, service ons held, leather Gra.
you con looted the nervios. The church
was necked. The pall bearers woo tes
relieve :-_Eriward Ilanlan, Joseph
Bogota, John Ryan, Prod. telasaap, Wm,
ltmnnedy, Con. T. Enright. All of those
gentlemen ware intintabs triode of bio
deceased oa•enmu, som0 of theta baying
been oonnaetsd with him AS bookers,
The Bowel oniblelue sent in by the friends
of the dead obampioi wore 00010000e
and boisubiftll,
A boy of 11 natnsd ler,,;1 lost his l'f•
in Renfrew the other day while out
shooting with a commotion named Iles.
The latter WAS 1011,111104 hie gun, when the
woapon ncoidentolly disobarged, lulling
Prowl instantly.
Chief of Polio Ayres, of 1Valls ,burg,
was sot non on Smithey morning by a
men whom holed looked on bhp night
before for being drunk ansl disorderly,
anal badly beaten. The follow escaped.
Ayres bad just opened the door of the
lock•np to give the prisoner lite breakfast
when the assault meourred.
Owing to the repent death of Walter
Darling, tate inspector of the Dominion
Bank, ;several important °images hove
been made in the stall of the institution.
Mr. Darling has been summated as in-
spector by T. G, Brough, late manager of
the Toronto brauah of the bank. W. W.
Nation, late managor ab Bra iptou,
takes Mr, Brongh's plana as manager of
the market branch. 1\I. H. Holden, the
late efficient discount clerk at the Toren.
to office, becomes manager at Brampton.
E. A. Begg„ of the Toronto state takes
Mr. IHolden's plume as discount clerk.
All the promotion% are good ones end
It was learned Sotorthey that Oliver
Thornton, formerly of Essar, Ont., died
a few clays ago 1n Merritt, Minn. The
news °rooterd profound astonishment, as
it had been believed in Plssex for nearly
a decade that he hast been mnrilored,
mod that his mnrdorer had escaped the
gallows. Thornton disappeared frotn
Eoosx 10 yeao•0 ago. A year later a skele-
ton with a bullet bolo in the forehead
was found in a tot near where he had
lived. Nobody doubted but that it was
Thornton's skeleton. John Kenyon was
arrested and charged whit being Thorn -
tan's murderer. A very strong net of
afromnetentiel evidence was woven a.
round Kenyon and he narrowly escaped
lynching and jaclioial hanging, After
his osaaps through MIA disagreement of
the jury he left for parts unknown with
a rninsd reputation. Nothing has been
learned since that time to change the
common belief until the report of Thorn•
ton's death in Merritt,
fzten ornl INTca"vc*S.
Nancy Hanks, 2.04, has earned 683,000
this season.
Eighteen miners have been killed by a
tave-iu at a mine near Pachuca, Mexico.
Nineteen thousand cooks are turned
out annually by the model kitchen
schools of London.
Five hundred thousand people are de-
pendent upon the sugar industry in the
state of Lonisiana.
Ten thoueand people watched the bann-
ing of Allen Harrison at Huntington, W.
Ya., the other day.
Eight men and boys are to be hanged
at Chestertown, 1118., on Dec. 13th for
the murder of a Dr. Hill.
No rags are permitted to be imported
into the United States from oountries
where cholera existed lost year.
In 18 Russian districts during the past
weak there were 3,813 oases of cholera
and 760 deaths—an awful record,
Sam. Johnston, the oldest negro in
Georgia, has just been murdered. He
came from Africa over a century ago.
Dr. Scott, father in-law of President
Harrison, who is ill at the White House,
is so low that his recovery is doubtful.
Mise Meta L. Cowles, of Greene, Oho.
uongo county, N. Y„ hae passed her ex-
amination and entered on the pracbioe of
All rho canals of New York state
closed far the season November 30,
except the Erie, which will alone Ave
days later.
Afsoul Melk, the reigning soversigtl of
Chitral, Indio, and his younger brother,
have been murdered by the brother of a
former ruler.
Lo Union, San Salvador, is in ruins
from earthquakes. Arany persons were
killed. Tho people are living in tents,
fearing further shooks.
It is reported that Iiieut. Jephson, who
WAS with henry M. Stanley's last Afri-
can expedition, has been appointed Brit-
ish commissioner to Uganda.
The Government of Bengal is taking
steps to combat the bites of oohs. It
is estimated thin 20,000 die annually in
India from this frightful oanso.
Of Chicago's 1,208,669 people only
202,669 aro of native American stook.
The German leads with 884,958. The
Irish are third, numbering 215,584.
Tho Tana o' Shunter Inn at Ayr,
famous wherever the verse of Robbie
Barns is read, woe Bold at ;notion reedit.
ly after brisk biddcling for ;bone 516,000,
A costly pipe is that which tie Shah
of 'Persia smokes on state pensions. It
is stated to be worth 5320,000, and is
set with rubies, diamonds and emeralds.
The Carnegie Company are coking ark
vantage of the collapse of the strike to
compel their employees to sign an agroo-
ment not bo belong to any labor organi•
A Poughkeepsie young 10001811 is suing
the Central Hudson railroad for 640,000
boom the man so whom alio was en-
gaged was killed in a collision on the
Not a penny of tho puree and side
wager Sok MoAuliffe won at New Or.
loans is left. The champion went
through it oil in els missies, playing it
Against horsey,
Tho Moxioan gavernmant will restore
the import duty on corn on Bomber
1st. The Kish be oorn from the United
States is new so great that a railway
blaoliado is feared.
T. J. Jamas, who lives in Boone,
flaunty, Ia., hos raised the largest squash
ever known in that part of the &pnntry.
In is 5 toot and ibd inohee around in the
middle and weighs 120 pounds,
A000rdiug to etatisttas jest made pub,
lio there are 960,000 persons imprisoned
in 875 jails do Bussle. Ninety pot' cent.
al the prisoners aro mon. The prisons
woro built to hold. only 070,000 persols.
A despatch reoefvsd ab Paris frenl Por•
to Novo stelae that the French troops
have entered Abomey, the eupital of
T)ahorney, without opposition. c siti
on Xing
Behanzis; Isaa vanished and the French
nes in fell posseesion of the capital.
A. jomky i, 011 1 13rssvnr ha l the cn,v,t
on tt hors doll (1 Cornet ill th,i Epsom
moos in Viet'nia, Australia, and when
within rix furlongs from home the horse
fell, throwing Brewer some distanoe,
Brewer quickly remounted, and won the
race by ie leug'le and et half.
e1. sennalioual trial is abaft to b' gin do
Pelornso, Sicily, A. couple of peasants
poured some corrosive sublimate into the
°bailee front which the celebrant par-
takes of tho holy wine in the church.
Tho priest drank it and fell dead at the
foot of the alter.
There have been 140 additions to the
2.15 list so far this soon, or 21 more
than had got into the list in all previous
years of turf history. Up to data no loss
titan 240 horses have gone in 2,15 or
better in barmen, and 124 of the number
are trobtele, while the remaining 122 are
pacers. Seventy -Ave of the newcomers
in 1892 are trotters and 81 are pacers.
The beat record at each gait ds now 2.01.
Twelve trotters and 20 pamers have gone
in 2.10 or bettor as follows :—Trotters,
Nanny hanks 204, Kremlin 2.07e, Mor-
tba Wilton 2.08, Stamboul 2.074, Suuol
2.09 1 4, 'tIv.nd S 1,08;, Palo Alta 2.0s7
Allerton 2.00 1.4, Moquette 2.10, Alta
2.10, McKinney 2.10, Nelson, 2.10, Jay
Eye•See 2,10. Pacers •—Mascot 2,04,
Hal Pointer 2.0.4d, Direct 2.058„ Flying
.lib 2.05 3 4, Joburton 2,00 1.4, Jay -Eye.
Sea 2.00 1.4, Guy 2.00 3.4, W. Wood 2.-
07, Stikwo0d 2.07 1.2, Roy Wilkes, 2.07
8-4, Blue 'lig'., 2.08 1.4, Storm 2.08 1.2,
Valetta 2.00 1.4, Manager 2.09 3.4, Rob.
art J. 2,011 0.4, Crawford 2.011 3.4, Win-
slow Willson 2.09 3 4, Cricket 2.10, Major
Wonder 2.10, Gambrel 2.10.
A number of very comical wagers were
mode in the neighboring Republic on the
result of the repent Presidential election.
At Utica, N. Y., one party wagered that
if Cleveland was elected he would wheel
a barrel of apples from that city to New
York, and his opponent was to perform a
like feat in case Harrison was chosen.
During tho past week this wager was
paid,—the news of the man with his
barrel of apples being telegraphed ahead
from plane to plane, and on his arrival be
was greeted with the cheers of political
friends. The New York Press of Satur-
day tells us of another wager which took
plain in Shartebowu, Iud. John Masten
and Martin Wooley wagered that if Cleve.
lond was elected, Masten was to publioly
bug and kiss the wife of Wooley, who is
young and handsome. On Friday night
last the hogging, and kissing took mace
in the town ball before an audience of
500 people. The strangest part of the
exercises 000urred after Masten had
bugged Mrs. Wooley. It seemed that the
two ladies had made a like wooer, and
consequently Wooley hugged and kissed
Mrs. Masten. It is sold the 500 people
present enjoyed the scene with the wild-
est enthusiasm.
The illness of Mrs. Ballington Booth,
wife of the commander.iu.ohief of She
Salvation Army, caused moll comment
among the Salvationists. It had been
known for several days that Mrs. Booth
was not well, but it was not until the big
oonsetration meeting which was held at
Aesooitetion Holt, New York, Wednesday
night that it was generally learned that
she WAS so feeble and worn out that she
was in danger of a collapse. It was ad-
mitted at the S. A. headquarters
that Mo. Booth had weakened her sys-
tem greatly by participating in the affairs
of the recent Continental Congress of
the army very shortly after the birth of
her baby. The latter was born only a
few weeks ago, and yet Mrs. Booth et.
tended the meatiugs of the oongress and
MS one of the most enthusiastic speak-
ers. She was constantly at work and it
was observed that the strain eras telling
upon her. The officers at the Ronde et.
headquarters are not inclined to talk
mush shoat bee condition. It was learn.
ed that she had been induced to go away
bo a quiet country place where she could
rest in seclusion until she felt better.
The place seleoted for her retirement
will be kept nerd and all information as
to the time of her departure and the
length of her stay is refused by those in
her couddenee.
Perth County.
Mitobell will establish a cheese mode
Stratford curlers are already at work
on the ice.
Ex•Ald. Monteith and ex -Mayor Gor.
don are candidates for the Stratford
Jas. Mood, of the 6th of Wallace, took
off cue acre 54 loads of turnips consist•
ing of 1,200 buthols.
John French, the Stratford jail -brok-
er, was on Saturday sentencedto three
month's imprisonment.
.Elis Lordship Bishop O'Connor was
present at the Stratford Loretto festivi•
ties ou Saturday afternoon.
Aloe. Smith, lot 10, oon. 9, Elliot), has
about 1,200 bnehels of wheat in his barn,
one-half of which is the product of last
Z. E. Gill and Well. Potorfield, of
Monkton, piled 10,00e fent of inch lim-
ber into a box our in 2+ hours. This is
big worts.
Richard :Roder, 54 yoore old, living
at Stratford, nn Duo time iingtnn.n of the
G. T. R., wad found dead in bed by his
wife Tuesday morning.
W. J. Freelaucl, lata choir toaster of
Itnox church, Stratford, hos been pro•
seutol with a bandsone soorotary and n
neatly worded address by the members
of the ollnir, The oddness is being 11.
hunt tad and • in form
fo • n _ 1 •
un, putt 1 t h e la
A. voting man, rather stylishly dressed,
s000npalied by it young woman whose
attire was t oro oiled to the spring of
the year or the sonny south, arrived m
Strotford the other night and pts up at
also American House. They wanted to
got married std were in stunt hasto to bo
made o.to that they we'o np town the
next morning before all the business
hooses wore open, Ho WAS George Sett,
formerly of Goll, and the girl gave her
relinero Pn tet Iona
Gtetsby. They
had boon living in Dotreit and wont to
Seratfotcl to got mottled, 1
Jae, Milli, milk mon, who live; hoar
Stratford, not with a perttlior and pain•
fol madding the other morning. ITe: was
engaged in Lending his cattle, which wore
in sone in the stable. The feed was be
Mg passed into the animals from the
front of the stalls; In feeding one ani-
mal Mr, Mille pat his head forward over
the manger and while in that position
the env suddenly raised her head, it is
snppaged to "hook" at another owe. In.
stood the horn passed through Mr. Mills'
cheek and up nearly to the eye, inillering
a very painful guilt the entire length of
his face.
.Huron County.
The new rector of ht. Paul's church,
Clinton, Rev. Mr. Fairlie, arrived last
Au effort is being made to start a lodge
of the Canadian Home Cirole in Londes.
B, Charohill, of Hallett township, will
likely be in the field for deputyreeve or
Itis rumored that Goderi,di 0dd•fel-
leas will give ie big bail during the
festive season.
E Campion, Q. C„ and M, 0. John.
stone barrister, Goderiab, have entered
into partnership,
Mayor Doherty, of Clinton, is putting
a 80 foot briok addition to the boiler
house at the organ factory. -
James Turner, Purr Line, killed a
porker last week which tipped the beam
at 247 lbs. Ib was only six months old.
tars. Croft, who was visiting in Clin-
ton E short time ago, fell the other day
and broke her ankle bone, She resides
at Tara.
The employees of the Doherty Organ
Factory, Clinton, raised a $15 purse for
Mies White, who is fn destitute oiraum-
Mrs. George Nott, of Tnaketemith, the
well-known prize winner, has this year
collected over $250 in prize money award.
ed her at the different shows.
Last week shoemaker Henry Beacom,
of Clinton, was conveyed to the London
asylum. At times he was dangerous and
before looked op drew a pistol several
times without just tango. The county
will be asked, and should, pay the neces-
sary expense to over the case.
A sad affair took place on Friday
morning on a farm on the Huron road,
Tuakersmith, nearly four miles west of
Seaforth. An aged woman, about 70,
named Mrs. Gibbins, went out to the
barn, and her daughter-in-law, thinking
she was rather long away, went out to
look for her, and was horrified to find
her banging by a rope from a beans in
the barn quite dead, her feet nearly
touching the floor. A dootor who was
passing at the time, was coiled in and
took the body clown. Temporary in•
sanity is supposed to have been the
oaaee of the accident. The coroner
thinks an inquest unnecessary.
DEnonnexa CATTLE.—Mr. Elliott, of
London township, the gentleman who has
achieved considerable notoriety through
the doborning of his cattle, and who was
prosecuted by the London Humane
Society, visited the farm of John Ma.
Millan, M. P., in Hallett, on Tuesday
last, and dehorned 35 of Mr. Moilliilan's
cattle, The most of those cattle were
three-year-old steers, which Mr. McMil-
lan imported from the Northwest this
fall, and which he is feeding for the old
country markets. Two of tho animals
were heifers of his own raising, one a
yearling and the other a two-year old.
The operation seemed to have no ap.
printable effect on these young animals.
As soon as it Sons over they event book to
their feed as if nothing had happened.
Tho older animals showed more excite•
merit, but all of them took their redone
as usual the saute night, and on the fol.
lowing day none of therm seemed to suffer
from the results. The operation is a -
very simple one and isquioklyperformed,
each horn being taken off in a little over
a minute, so that the suffering to the
animal can not be anything serious.
These ace the first that Mr. McMillan
has had dehorned, and if the experiment
proves beneficial, as he believes it will,
he will continue the praotioe with all his
cattle. On the following day Mr. Elliott
dehorned some 25 head for Joha Robb,
of the 2nd con. of Taukersmith, and with
equally satisfactory results as in the
011,55 of Mr. BTotlillan's anbtle. We be-
lieve that the practice will very soon be.
come so general that very few animals
will be sent to the shambles with their
horns on. This is another of the devices
which skill has devised to oheapen the
octet of production, as we believe that
cattle of all ]rinds will give better results
on loss feed without the horns than with
them. Besides this, a considerable say.
iug can be effected in the labor of feeding
as a large number can be kept loose in
one apartment instead of having them
stalled up separately. A11 this goes to
decrease the cost of production and that
is what is wanted, Canada can 510850
the (polity, either in beef or batter, to
Otte the best markets in 1110 world, if it
can only make them cheap enough, The
results of the experiment made by Mos
Mollfillan and Dir. Robb will be waited
for with mush ialbsrest by a great many.
We feel oonvinasd that they will not bo
disappointed.— [Expositor,
.leer[`Ct to.tt a,oa'AI. 109w,9.
L.ts-r Tuesday 000011114 oflioers were
planted for tits cement torte in. commotion
with St, John's Lodge, A. le. ca A. M.
W. J. Nooses and family have decided
to remove to Listowel in the near fa! ire
for the pm•poee of seeming the ad.
vantages of the high r.ci ool for the
young folks, Mr, Notte,n hoe been a
resident of Brussels foe yore and we
aro vary loath to part with nim and his
exoollent family.
Too Aanherebburg Holm—the loading
weekly of Lessee County, h:,s entred i!s
nineteenth year and waxes stronger and
bMtor, if posclh`o, as it apprnaehos its•
m ijoriiy. Ibiessrn. Balfour i4 Atllci are '
hotline. The fanner is the M. P. P.,
for South Essex, sent) the latter 'Reeve of
the old burg, $40000 t01114 ,L'' frim,