The Brussels Post, 1892-11-25, Page 88 FANCY CHIN L1 order to eocnro some tansy Celina of special value I had to purchase an as- sorted aaee ,jest as it comes from the mannfacttu•er, .along with some beanti. tnl Dues, &ewers, plate:+, muga, c@o., it contained the following ;.--Fruit set of 13 pieces ; Tete•n.-teto sets onmposed of ten put, ouoor soul eretun together with :• ex. ekes and sewers ; spool holders, salads, chocolate pots, cake platen, tea pot stands and many other lines so suitable for holiday and wedding presents. Conte and see them and I bank you cannot fail to be charmed by them. Thie year we have something altogether new iu Xmas Cards. Cane and see the Sleeping Beauty :Sense Card, it is pretty and so cheap. A nice line of booklets as usual at special prices, G. A. DDADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o asRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. seirtie117 E::11:\,1031 W. G. & 0, Train* leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Goxxi Source, Gox eG Nou7n. 10 ate....,......, 7:10 a.m. Mixed 2A0 a.m. ' DD xprene 11x0 a,m. 3X0.11 5:19 pan, Mixed .....,,., 8:50 p.m, , Express ::0e p,r,. 'Karat `410.1:1%(teat . A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. RABBIT bunting. PAY your taxes. Osneers are well to the front. Tem sleighing livened up business this week. House Fair on Thursday of next wcck. Dec. 1st. Now is the time to hustle your heli , day goods. TnE skating rink is now a seasonab', topic of discussion. Ann yon a subscriber to Tern Pose :' Try it for a year if not. FLEIGEs and cutters were brought int, requisition on Tuesday. A. R. Sat/TU was away to Toronto this week on a purobasing trip. He's s. push. 01. Areal: mon District news on page 6 of this issue. Send along the news, 1t is always welcome. LAST week Messrs. Ballantyne & Wil• ton planed a hot air furnace is Fergu- son & Halliday's Dry Goods store. G. A. DEADIIAN has been greatly im- proving his real estate by a system of underdrainiug. W. Ellie did the work. J. M. PARSONS, the hustling representa- tive of the Bennis' Fire Engine Works, has gone to British Columbia on sbusi- ness trip. A 01EIt0HA_7T informed us this week that his advertisement in TUE Pose paid him well. This is the result of the right kind of advertising every time. HELLO ( Are you a member of the Meohanioe Instituto 7 You can secure 100 times more reading this way than by the investment of $1.00 in any other way. bALVAT10N An3IY.—The War Cry Of. last week contains an obituay notice of the late Thomas Norton. .A. good picture of the old gentleman is given in oonnectiou with the eketoh of his life. Bnossrrs Band is hard at work on new music. Among other pieces is "St, Leon" march, a composition of Harry J. Whitley, of Kinoardine, Bandmaster Jones says the boys are doing well and will give te good account of the hard practice they ore now putting in. MuenneaL,—Several complaints have been made to the Reeve of persons lead- ing horses on the sidewalks of several streets. If this is continued somebody will be under the necessity of paying a flue. The street, not the sidewalk, is in. tended for horses. Constable Broadfooe wits enforce the Cow Bylaw and all annuals found roaming the streets and beeakiug into gardens will be promptly impounded. The pound is kept by Jno. Coueley, near the Ronald foundry, so that Si you neglect to comply with the law you'll know where to go for your 00w. Tim will of the late Joseph Bozell hag been probated. He left property valued at $5,467, of which $3,500 was real es- tate. Jos, G, Roeoll, a eon of the toga. tor, and Wm. Bellington, of Elma, are the executors. The will [Reposes of the property among the sons and daughters, Joe. G. gets lot 8, con. 5, Elmo, ; Charles and k,dmund, $1 eaab ; Abram, the east half of lot 0, Don. 0 ; Joseph G., the use of the east half of lot 5, con. 6, encumber- ed with the maintenance of the widow or as aliowanao of $150 per annum, and at her depth the lot is to be sold and the proceeds divided among the three daugh- ters The residue of the entate gives ow: - thief' to the wid'W and L1,' Wane° equal. ly to Joseph 0;, Abraham and John, TUE following from bars, D. McKenzie, of Soafortb, speaks for itself t— iro Camp Den Lomond, No, 81, ,Sons of Sootland. GEN1Td:Atml.—It is with failings of deepest gratitude to your noble Order that I hereby aoknowledge the receipt oi;.:hnguo for ono thousand dollars, be- ing payment in full of insurance effected by my late husband. 'Cho benevolent ah'eraeter of your Sooiete will be mere fu'l,yappeenieted what f' is remembered thee my !tete husband was a niomber soaroelytong en0ngll to slake tela pay rnen3 obligatory oa your part, Such geeer0us oonduot in ministering to rim 001533ort of the fatherless and the widow in their atiliotion is beyond all praise and sltoulcl commend the Brotherhood of Ole Sona c,f Scotland to all who in. any way Level the wellbeing of others de. peuchng on them. May Ood abundantly prosper and extend the uscfnlnoes of your noble Grilse fa rho heartfelt wish of, Yours ever sincerely. Ciseszer1NA Mal{ltnz1E, Soaforth, Noe. 3,'32. Ilt's•ict, in your taxes before Deo. 11t1 Now for 110013, Our buyers are read for or, market to pen 1 i.m'„d y er next week. Don't for, it Tun r ' anrt lit t cl 11 Sec an TI et r lea in t, 1 h . "" L. 11 1: t,.:•r, of \Viselietn, 1(111 it pnrehnFed it from lI. Kelly. Rev. De. Bltaus, of Toronto, le e Felted to preach the aunivatry Krohn of the 131ne:•els Methodist churoll lie month, ADyearteases ruse have their (hauge 0 .arts. in by Monday (10011 en 111.31(0 eu of alteration. A dawn el advto, demo be diatribnte,l and 3'e :.ut in an Imur u two. 1, i„nx'e Cnision, -• dext Smola, nev, 1Ir. Riley, of (Mosley, will 00ndt the me,„iog and evening bervioes in 0 Jolui s church. 3Ir•. Irwin t,.ok lab Sabbath morning's service, lisox Cnenell,--A new °loch line bee pinocd in this edifice—Next Sabbat evening the Christina Endeavor will to Melville church at the clone of tl preaching1services to joist in the nliio tneetini•. Oevr',, to uavngation 11100in3 on th St. hawrence and the Mail Steamer running from Portland mud Ratites in stead of Montreal the English mails wil )wive Brussels cu Thursday instead o Friday during the winter. A Rt0 vote ought to be polled at th municipal election as it incurs on holiday. The statute Bays it must talc place on the first Monday in Januar and the nomination a week before Christmas and New Years fall on Sun day, but will doubtless be celebrated o 1 the fnI3owfoe eronatty, so that th nominations will practically be held o Christmas day and the elections on New Years day. TUE Winghe.m Advance says :—Slim Jim, an ex -bugler in gannet Black Watcl regiment, one of the most talented wiu• Slow Ietterers we know of, and who struck Sun last week, is agaio fighting in the -rots of the army, bat the army he is ow a bugler in is Gghtiug to win the Tula of men for the Master. Slits Jim is joined the Salvation Army, and the mond evening after his conversion made :le remark that he had then been sober r a longer time than he had been in the 'act ten years. This remarkable cheese- cr could do well in any town as a sign Muter if he would kill his desire for etrang drink. Iftemera Cnoncn.—By arrangement 1, ".veep the Christian Endeavor organ- .• lions of Melville and llnox churches .1 the Epworth League of the Mettle. •t church a union meeting will be held et Sabbath evening in the first men. ' med church, commencing at 7;45 '.:leek. The subject for consideration :a “if ow to be lights in the world,” Aots 13-47 ; Eph. 5-6 to 8. These anion gatherings will be held three or four omen a year, the place of meeting al. 0:mating with the churches interested. A. 11f. McKay, President, will oonduot next Fabbath evening's Cervico:—Sixtoeu young, persons are preparing for the Gen- eral Assembly's Higher Religious In• atruotion Examination trhieh will be held on Jan. 28th, 1803,—The oollectlon for the Upper Canada Tract Society, in connection with Dr. Moffatt's visit, was $20.10,—A short series of eermons on "The five points of Calvinism" will be commenced by the pastor next Sabbath evening. THE BRUSSELS POST Nov. 25, 1892 1, 11sT of passocgere 0oltetedl Via, the (1. y P 1., by J T. Pepper, 3183303 agent - W. 1 Matto fan 1, 't1 -for0 • .1 i 1 3(a A.(FlLdial Gibs , Victoria, ,et 11, C. no, 111, 1 lyml3, Victoria, 11, 0, and return ; John Gees, Grafteu, 1e I1)altote; Genre Baltot, Ron, ltlIeh,; (4 i'l m. Yu, rest, O1 ilea, 11Mee.10110 BEV', Prineees street, x• Brussels, 1318p05511 of the property arlrev. lir] liacd in 'rut: P,01' to James 'McIntosh, x1 trifocal, of Cranbr001,. There is au acre Of : oil epee, whish are lore Sweetie, 00(11. f tied, ,t0., sitmtted 1} 101100 north of this t'° prion paid was ;12/10. Mr. 3 Ihlot,sh will hike possession at once. r l'ezO,,r,--The following solution is gieett 10 the nitre figura pilule appearing y' in last 10001:'0 issue of Tan ruse :— at 2 1) 4 t. 7 5 i3 t IS 1 ti The sum of molt dolman horizontally, u perpendicularly or diagonally had to bo 11 111. go On1Tn.ulY,—The Gold Field News of le Sept. 16th says :—"It is Our sad duty to n record the demise, ou Wednesday morn• in3,of John Richardson, tweed mantl- e factures: of Ifawich, N, B„ who but re- s sends' arrived in Barberton, aeoempaui• ed by his wife and two little ones, on a 1 visit in search of health. Deceaseds, who 3 was a partner in the firm of Blonkhorn, Rieha0dson & Co., had been in delicate o health for the past five or six years, raving early in 1887 contracted a severe O oo1d, Whitt eventually wetted in his y lungs and was the 0ause of his having, ander medial advice, to 'winter' in . sunnier and wanner olinies than his u native land. The Riviera, iu the South e of 'Preece, Australia and the Cape were n in turn suc0eseively recommended and 03106en for the Health resort or the in- valid ; and so great wee the benefit he derived from his first short stay of some 1 six weeks at the Cape in 1500 that he prevailed upon his physioiane to allow him to whiter at home in the tall of 1830 and 1801, so that be alight attend to 30030008 affairs. This regrettable step, alae, mtdid nearly all the good of his so• journ in South Alma, and his previous roorulting experiences must at the ap- proach of last winter he WAS again 00' clerod to the Cope for a moth longer stay. Durban was next tried and sub. sequently Barberton by way of Dolagoa Bay. Since his arrival leers deceorod wee in hie usual state but last week the variable temperature, 110W 1103, then sold, developed a sharp attach of in- fluenza while pleurisy again asserted itself and the patient gradually ileaee13 his end, Dr. Mitchell did all that was possible to bo dune and Mrs, Richard- son was unremitting in her attentions but all was of no avail and the patient pseud away at six o'clock ou Wednes- day morning. Deceased was only 33 years of age. During his short stay at Barberton (he arrived ou July 27111) Mr. Richardson macle many friends who were drawn towards him by his mnuly, warm- hearted, cheerful and unselfish dieposi- tfoe, which, with his genial Scottish manners endeared him to all who had the happiness to know him. Not less worthy of all esteem and sympathy are the bereaved widow and little ones, The funeral took place 011 Wednesday after. noon, the Rev. B. G. Fitzpatrick (Church of England) officiating, and was well at- tended, The remains of deceased were interred in the Barberton cemetery, but will shortly bo removed to Eawich, N. 33., to be there dieppoeed with Ole relics of his fathers," The subject of the above notice was a nephew of Mrs. Robert Burns, of Bruasele. METHODIST CHnoOH,—Rev. A. H, Ran• ton was unable to come to Brussels ow- ing to a prior engagement in Toronto. He expected to have had a week inter- vene between his work in London and his going to the Queen's pity.—Last Sendav evening Rev. G. F. Salton preaohed a sermon on the Dance. There was a large oongrcgation, It was the souroe of considerable discussion on Monday.—On Friday evening of this week a Teacher's Tea will be given in the sohool room of the church, the 8. S. or- ahestra and members of the choir are also included. After supper, whiolt will be served at 7 o'clock sharp, two or three topics presented at the Provincial Con- vention will be taken ep and discussed,.— A song service entitled "Jessica's First Prayer" will eoustitnte the program of the Epworth League next Monday even. ing. The public cordially welcomed.— At the Epworth League last Monday evening the topics was the book of Romans. The following psrsous took part :—•i Ors. Salton, "Garay Christians" ; Miss Braden, "Oataoombs" ; 13, B. Wil- son, "Authorship" • B, Gerry, "Date and plane" ; J. T. Pepper, 'Plan and purpose., Two Suooizse —Os Monday of this week the match between Brussels and the oombiued Gut olnbs of Liatawel and Atwood Dame off on the Agricultural Park here. The day was against good shooting es the wind was strong and snow flakes flew into the fates or the marksmen at intervals. Each than shot et 25 birds, A. 0. Dames' and J. Jones' scores of 19 and 18, respectively, did not oount as Listowel was two men short. Jos. Ballautyna captured the silver cup with the very creditable total of 21. Brussels olub defeated the vieilo•s by 21 points. The sown wan as fol- lows :- 111111588Le. LI0TONVEL. Ballantyne, 21 Brooks 17 Hewitt 18 Hay. 10 J. T. Ross 13 Sanders 15 Sinclair , 15 Hanmoud..,....1''2 D. C. Rots,,.., 18 Ray 11 Irwin, 18 Howe 10 Watt 18 Banns.. 8 MoNaughton.,, 0 McIntosh 7 Total 117 Total 90 After dinner a 12 bird match sons shot by sides captained by Jos. Ballantyne and A, C. Dames. The storing was close told the victory hang in the balance until the last shot was Dred, as the fol- lowing figures will show :-- TOLLA111'YNe. 1,A008, Ballantyne 10 Dames. 7 J. T. Boss 7 Hewitt 7 Watt 5 I3roolcs , 7 Hanna 5 D.0,Boss.,..,, 5 0 Ray 0 blaNnughton.... 4 S nolair,.....,, 9 Total 40 Total 41 The losing side paid for a guppor at the Quoin's Hotel. ]'here will be two or perhaps three matches yot baton the ownership of the O'Leary one: is thudded, At percent it would be e difficult matters bo name rho probable winner as there ie only a difference of 5 birde between the four highoet 060000, 3116 averages being J, Hewitt., '725 ; W. 13. Sinolafr, :731; J. Irwin, •711; and I. Ballantyne, •608, Business Locals. GO.IrFORTABLE h011se to let. Apply t0 S. B. Smale, Foe your photos go to Strong's over Standard Bank. Wet. BLAentoa pays oash for hides, skins and poultry. LAUD, pork and sausage at Wm. Blas - hill's meat market. Loots out for our grand Xmas display. Ferguson & Halliday. BEEP by the quarter at bottom prices at W. Blashill's, the old reliable butcher. TRY 0110 Alligator harness oil. Best oil in use for leather of any kind. L C. Richards. THERE is no place in Brussels where you can buy goods as cheap as at Ferguson & Halliday's ',von your order fora first-class quart- er of beef at Wm. Blashill's, the leading butcher. GREAT bargains in men's and boys underclothing, stock complete. Ferguson &Halliday, A GOOD, sound, gentle driving horee for sale, with or without haroees and buggy. JNO. D. Renee. SEE our $1.25 laoing gloves they are fl nest in the trade. Ferguson & Ilalliday. REnIEilsoER we do no second glass work in the photo line, H. J. Strong, over Standard Bank. Tu! our factory cotton at 15 yards for one dollar, it is regular 8c, goods. Ferguson & £Iedliday, Fon sale or to rent, tet oomfortablo and aonmodious residence on William street, Brnesele. For particulars apply to 1t. M. Dickson, Lave you tried our celebrated Jackson waist, the great health corset. For sale only by Ferguson & Ilnlliday, tense -mem oysters on hand tonight and regularly during the season, in hulk or by dish. Mee. Tarok, opposite Q swan's Hotel, Brussels. GREAT bargains in hoods, cape, jackets, &o, 'Phase are last year's stook and will be sold at the prise of the yarn. call and get bargains at Mrs. ICirk's, oppo- site QOeen'e Hotel, Brussels. Pentane will do well to take their gristing and chopping to Uembly & Vanstone's mill. Highest prion paid for wheat. Any quantity of ilour, bran and shorts on hence, F1:Nce POSTS WANTED.—The under- signed will pay the highest oashrice for tenet quantity of Sound ceder fence poet), delivered at Brussels. For mai- allure apply to R, Leatherdalo, Bros. gels, Moot p-oplo suffr for years from troublesome and rep11151 a sores, boils, and erupriocs, without eve: testing the marvelous onrative properties of Ayor'e Sareeparilla. She experiment ie, ear. Witty, worth trying. 130 sire ,you get .Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. THE sma11050 "oat -boil" is large enough to show that the blood node parifyiug— a warning wllioh, if unheeded, may result, not in more boils, but in some• tiring very Muth wore°. Avert the clangor in time by the use of Ayoe's Sar- eaparflfa, Cared'othets, Will WAG you. i'@1 tent rranCeneit m=r. ^4i'ereeeetinkaRILIMr9FdnnOOpiee?Sla'ekaR enli eaQNlHpa4 'etrab '4x Esme d8# 5.7 1 ✓V D,fl Z'i la :13.4XIE isF al ,,V,,11),:!, ' HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, - - (Seven 11illicn Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL 1 AL (Autho31i ei) . - $3,000,03.9 Aneecn'd ie allprineijlel pohlfa if, Cnt"rhl, QnrLrv', Iron ih'hn, 1.011'4 CLII, rel'• Po • ;ItNtii'''a' a ,jY' ick°, . ien.T''(-�Flra A Gottoral Banking Businces Tl'110ietoled. Farnlo1's' Notes Discounted, Drafts Ist'ned and Cloilroliot5 131aa0 on tt11 points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Iuteroet allowed ou dep00its of $1.110 end up„awls from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and coinenn ad0d half yearly. STECLIL ATTENTION GIVEN To T313' CoLtect'ION OF I•'.uixalts' Sur N,.11:0. Every faoility Worded Customers living ata distance, G. P. SCIIOLF IELD, Me3Aoltn, 1,71WV0111.0121111M421.1415.1..1.12.13 GILLIES 84 TS MIS t, BAIL � M Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13onght and Sold on alt points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, �•1,'�E''dcE''k!!M Bed Cori ✓f:5 e.5,54.Srat tt r. Interest Allowed on Ono Dollar and Upwards 8,3 Current Rates. Intermit Con - pounded Twine a Year, Boinfl Addled to the Pttineipal at the arid of 1130. Menthe of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect 1* vi'r'ile Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or In Mut. mel 0ompanlee as ntny be desired. AOP.NTS i'oi CANADA. AND UNITED S'TA'PES : TEE CANADIAN P,ANs. aF C0s31sncE. SPECIAL bargains in Photos for Christ- mas, II. J. Strong. Elm: styles in table linens for Xmas trade jest to eland, nobby patterns. Ferguson ,e Halliday. Ovenenoie,rubbers, boots and shoes, big bargains at the Liquidation Salo at Geo. Good's store. PARASOL found. Owner may have it by Proving property and paying for this notice by telling at TEE POST Pnblishi0g House, Fon Hosiery and gloves you are missing it if you don't buy theta from Fe, guson & Halliday, Stook always complete, se- sortment the largest and prices the cheapest. Oun Dress good department is always complete and we are always showing the newest styles. Ferguson & Halliday, 500 cords good hard wood wanted in exchange for harness, or oath will be paid for any quantity of good dry wood delivered at once, beech and maple, short or long. Apply at I. C. Richards' har- ness shop. WELL -DIGGING AND DnumniG.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all tvorlc entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west nide of Turnbsrry et., Brussels. 34.33 Do IT Now.—E. Moody & Sone, Look. port, sold 68 barrels of pears for $1,200, nearly $20 per barrel. Mr. Glow, of Green Go., N. Y., sold the fruit of two plum trees in 1839 for $73.09. Average prioe received for plums in Ontario has been from $2.00 to 114,00. Reader, dont delay, we eupply you with choice stock, apples at 20o, pears and plums at 40e, and guarantee satisfaction. Blor,msdale Nurseries, Woodstock, Ont. William Aldridge, Agent, at MolOay 313 Co's, Hardware store, Brussels. REnsocA Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says ;—"I had been in a distressed condition for three years from nervous - nese, weakness of the stomach, dyspepsia' and indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine, which did me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot- tles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grandest medicine in the world," A trio! bottle will convince you. 'Warranted by G. A. Deadman. TORW- HANsumn.--Iu Ethel, on Nov. 14th, the wife of Mr, John Haneuld of it, son. Meller.—In Concordia, Kansas, on Nov. Olh, the wife of Rev. George McKay of a daughter. PATT0N—McDOn6ALL,—On Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, atMelville Manse, Brus• sets, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., Mr. David Patton, of Morris, to Mies Christina McDougall, of Win3ham. SELLAne—AntrsTuoNo.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov. 2lyd, by Rev. J. W, Pring, of Btuevale, Mr. Joel II. Sellars to Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. 111olnard Arm strong, both of Morrie township. Curr -"Hi osn,—In Goderioh, at the residence of the bride's father, on Nov. 16th, by Rev. Wm, Torrance, Mr. R, H. Cult, of Meadow Bank farm, Grey, to Miss Nellie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Hillier, merchant, Goderioh, xox�la. Lownrs.—Io Hullotb, on Nov, 0111, Wm, Lotvr1e, aged 75 years, FOBSOTII.--111 Morris, 011 NOV. 28rd, Jessie Anu, eldest daughter of Alex. and Mary Forsyth, aged 0 ,pears and 11 months. :eoomx.,S Svi1r.zakr.:7'Z.'ia, Fall Wlleat .. 60 05 Spring Wheat 58 02 Barley...... ,.. . . ... .... 30 85 Peas 55 56 Oats...... 25 26 Dubber, tubs and rolls.... 15 16 Eggs; per dozen. 15 GO Flour per barrel . „ -. 8 50 4 00 Potatoes .,. , 35 00 Slay per ton .. 5 00 0 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 05 Hides trimmed - 81 Hides rough.. , . , .. 8 Shoop skins, oac11........ 00 1 00 Lamb shins each ,. 05 00 A spies per barrel„ ,. ,, 1 00 1 50 'l•ool.................... 77 38 Poric.................... 0 00 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, itLL PARTIES IND.EI3TED to tllo late Dr. Cale, of Ethel, Dither by note or book account, will confer n favor by tattling the same as soon ae poselblo, JERSEYS .FOR SALE. -1 bred Oow 4 pears olci; 1 Hoffer nearly pure br0d ; 1 Bull 0 yonrs 01,) c 1 lull Calf 0 months ohs, 0. A. DI(ADMAN, Druggist, Brussels. rIORDWOOD WANTED.—ANY wanted atllt. r aof is 9 ltaWorlke, a 5145 to 51.50 per 0ord for cat wood eta 01.00 to 82.50 for hard wood, 19.-33 T. OOLGMAN, Proprietor. QTRAYED ON THE PRE1I— Ism 00 (110 undersigned, 1,01 14 Con, 10, Grey, on or a.be11 Nov,10, an aged cots, red and wbito in. color, The owner is re. quested to prove property, pay expo0so8 and take her [way, at mum.18-4 JAMES CII3I0, REAL ESTATE. 1 1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - sale and 30 fou easy terms,, inhas several Toawnshi 1e of Morris and Gray, F S. SOOTT,Braesole, 07-t1. rlI10IOE FARIII FOR SALE. — J Being South half Lot 27,0ov.0, Morrie 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, One voting bearing orchard. Immediate 3105- 500e1011, Easy Terme. Apply bo 11- 1VSolic torr,, ,LF.o,1B3,russels. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— Tbe undersigned desires to dispose of his 100 acre farm being Lot 21, Con. 7, Grey, adjoining the thriving village of Ethel Whore are shops ,°hurmltue, schools. On the farm le a eomfortable dwelling.bola°, good bank barn, tip-top orchard, wells and neoea- sary outbuildings. 85 sores aimed, halftimebush, The land is in1 a good state of culti- vation and is well fenced. For ]Heide, terms and other partloulars apply on the premieee to L, DOBSON, 0 bf Proprietor Ethel P. 0. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 000 more farm being lots 11 and 12, 000. 10, Grey, ie offered for sale, 120 nares are cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings ilrst•e1aaa. Orchard, well, &o, School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at ono8 if desires. For further particulars as to price, terms, &c. apply to MUS. WAL1tLkt, 0.11 Roseville P, 0. or NELSON BRIOI(1.110, on farm, Q. PLENUM 13'A.Ii,M FOR SALE. L limo 10 10 11 00,112, con, 15, of Grey, County of Huron, containing 200 acres, the property of the late John Bobert- son, 150 norms cleared and free from ob. etructioas, 15 0oree bush, mixod timber, balance partly cleared, Soil Olay loan, mostly falling. Folioed with straight rail fences and watered by two wells and a spring privilege. 0omtnediolls dwelling 1louee, with largo woodshed attached auggd barns, stone stablingdlandt other oubbuilcl.- Inge. Iwo good bearing n1.Oharde orna- mental T3iuseeie, a livelynton'n 05 3110 i0. Miles , convenient to school, obm•obe0 and poet Moo, 'This property lies well, ie a Bret, ohms grain and stook farts and eboultl be soon by intending purehaeors- as it ie afar - ed at a 10rgais, For further particulars apply to MSS, JNO,11,0131a06'PSON, or DANIIOL 1100]013TSON, on the pr00)1050, or by letter to Oranbrook P. 0' 80.4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Creditors of Douai MONair, late Of the Townebun ip of Grey, in the Comity of Buren, deceased, alto di0,0 on or about rho seventh dap of 08tober,1502, and ell othore having Olaimo against his estate aro hereby 21111aec to 'sande by poet, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the ml100sto0ed, Agent foe t110 ,1R3e011'tors Oftee Bata deaeasod, 01, or before rho AKtit tray Of Deceniker, 58(42. their Ghrlat3au nam oil 8.1,11 0ur013,nce, 011' 13005380 and descriptions, mad full partioulare of their Onium, statements of their amounts Hud nature of the securities, if any, held by thea: and in default thereof and 1nunedintu- 1y after *1,s said 10th any of December the assets of (110 said deceased will be distribut- ed nlaouget Close 0113531010 thereto, having regard only to the claims Of which notion Shall baro been 0131011 as above required. And this notion boinggivon tinder the pro- visions oiled Revised 811101110,1 of Gn10110, Oboe. Ile, Roo, g0, the Pixo5ato•8 will not bo liable for Neo said assets, or any part there- of, to any person or whose Giallo notice shall 1103 have loom l'eoaived by him at the time Of said dl0Uributton, A, MoNAlI0, Agent Poeles00uters, 10.4 (,rnubrook P. O. Ga'oy, NOV.10111, 1802. VETERINARY. U. WARWICK—,er. o ]Isnot Graduate pl of the noe3 11 VO ocume of Collage, 10 domesticated animal to boat 30- poten3 s of er,0r110animals 1 n eons - potent 'veterinary de Pstry. Ca attention paid t0 80t0rlllary dentistry. Calle pr001301q are north of 30. 013308 and 1 rry st, BeTwo 10003 north o(brk1 o ','mrobaxy et„ Brussels, Books a113.1 Bibles, 4tllll10' The P11illbaly Series, Pansy Books, SCbtt'S Novn10, Came and see them and many others r7t Popper's Drug Store, P 3 131. l'S'311;1•lii, LUr'iiiA7. AND tL ON eENANCI S. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Conveynueer. flans Made, Gilloo—Yaustone'e Bleak, farts• sets. 21.31 INT M. SINCLAIR, • Rolloitor, Onbvoyaneer, No Lary Pub - Ile, &o, 011100—C rahaln 8 1110811,1 door north of P+epper's Drug Store. Private Faints to Loan, (•1AMERON, HOLT & HHOLlES, UVJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publio, Godeoioit, Ont. Al, 0. CA3150010, et. 0., 1,1III.IP HOLT, 011I1L1:Y 1103101110. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYi11ANN, r knotionecn, 1e always roads to at- tend wales of farms, farm stook, 00. Terme cheerfully glvon. Granbroolc P. 0. Sales may be arranged ab Tan PoeT Publishing Douse, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales oonduot ed on 10ae0na11Io terms, ]Parma x11,1 tar= stooks snooialty, Orders loft at Tun Po8T Publishing Eon so ,lirnesele, or soutto Walton P. 0,, will r000iee prompt attention, T.TAVING TAKEN OUTLIOEN- en as en Anottoneer, I am prepared bo conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prloe0. 1(uowing the standing of nearly every poreou I am Ina position to sell to good marks and got good security when sold on Gretlna Satisfaction guaranteed, Give me acall. 52- F S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. 11. MoORACKEN, o Issuror of Marriage Lioeneee. Ofos at his Grocery,'1'nrnberry, street, Broseate, 4-." N. BARR,ETT, . Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south 015. N. Infefiay & Co's hardware store. Lathes' and ehildrens hair cutting a spoo3nity A MoNAIR, .31.• isomer of iimrrrnge Licenses, by a1L'noiutmont of Lieut,-Govaruor, GOl,imie- eionor, &o,, Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire I31su1•au0o Go, Office at the Oranbrook Post Oilroo, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Polr'th Division Court Land, Loan and Insun. rance Agent. Pupae inye0131 and to loan, O011ootiooe made, Office in Graham's Stook, Bruss°le. OIL PAINTING, Mise ivories, 01 Wingham, le prepared to give instruction in oil painting. Terms maybe ascertained at idles Nellie Boss' store se ,tere samides of orus Would also take d foie more may Im on. 1 ups aspss musio. 111 A. HAWKINS, Brus- sels, anOrganist Mil, in the,Art of .Tonob1Dg' o1 A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doe„ Now York, will give lessens to pupils either at Moe Farrow's, Turuberry Street, or if preferred, at their own homes, Terms moderate, IVJEDICAL CARDS. T A. MGNAUGRTON, M. D. 0 0. i1I., L, R. 0. P., IOdinburgb, M. C. P S, Ont. Residence and o80oe in Wilson' Blow l3, earner of Mill and Turnuorry Ste, DENTAL. 1) ENTItiTI M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the -.Royal Oolloge of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto IIsi. vorsity. 011010E—Over A. B. Smith's Store. Brussels, OARS FOR SERVICE,—THE Undersigned wi11 keep for 801010° 011 Lot 11, 0011, 0, Grey, a tboro' bred Chester: Waite peg, with pedigree and from import - ad 010013. A1e0 a (bore' bred Berkshire hog. Torras 51.0010 bo paid at time of .sorVtoo with privilege of returning if neonssar 10•tf A, Si{AW, Proprietor, OAR FOR SERVIOE.--THE Uuderuigned will keenfor service on North t Lot 20, 0011, 7, Morri, a thorn' bred ()heater White Hog, ¶0!ots pig was awarded. prises at Toronto and London Fairs. His Sire, "Royal” has taken 1st at the Lulustrial for yea's. Terms, 51,00 to bo paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 3A1r2II10L WA])Z31Il0, 10•(5 Proprietor. DUKE CHESTER WHITE BOAR A FOR SERVI017. The undersigned wi1I 110811 for service a Moro' Brod Chaster White Boar, on Lots, 0°31.17, Grey. Term8 51,80, payable at (Imo of seryioo with privilege of returning of no - enemy, 18.6 WILLIAM 131NN10TT, Walton. TMPROVI1ID LARGE WH'I'TE YOEX. SHIRE 13041e. Tee undareigued will koop for sarvioo (hie present season rho Improved. largo white Yorkshire pig "]toady" ou 101 20, Doe, 0, Morris, to 01111511 a limped uumbor of Rowe tofele,itii'ileOfLime OvleW1the privilege return„ hag 11 nea080ary. Pedigree may be nen Up - Ont 00p i8ation, ROBERT,344.IOIIOL, 66 Proprietor, OAR FOR SERVIOE,--TI1E undersigned win goon for service ole Lot 12, 0011,18, Oroy, 0. pure bred Choltor White Mg, hnporLed iron the Mate of Iowa by Robert Adams, of Mo1(Utlop. !Germs, 31.01 3o be paid at time of service with trriviloge of (0tnr0lug if 0eao00n.r DANIELL etol10LLAN, x04 Proprlotor. OAKS 13'OIi, S.ERVIOE.-T.LTE Unestrign-ed3Wfi113oep for service at M'-rrisbauk, the 0ilore'•brod alinne& White Boer, 'Tinge 1(0,11," No, 4,801, This hog lata taller 1033 pone 113 tiro font fairs leo was ex- hibited and hie stock has been equally ate. 0000001 08 eelaa wlunere. Pedigree may bo soon or application, Terms, 51,00 to be paid at tela time of service with privilege of re., burning if necessary. 0. SN11r,I, Proprietor, 1 1