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Notice --Mrs, Cale.
Local—II, J. Strong.
Books --J T. Pepper.
Bereein9 D. C. Boas,
Startled—Mise Geeley.
Loral --B. Leatherdale,
Locals—Dr. J. C. Ayer.
Loyal—O, A. Deadman.
Repairine--Jas. Welker,
Local—Heralds d Vauatone,
Winter Goode—dad. Irwin.
Locals—Ferguson St Halliday.
Taney Chian—G. A. Deadtran.
Star Restnnrant--E. H. Kaiser.
Fanning Mill—Koll,y h Merida.
Holiday Geode, --H. L. Jackson.
Local—Tota POST Publishing House. ,
"Bee Hive" Grocery—W. II. MoOraok.
Naiads, with prohibition and one hun•
dred thousand more people than Texas,
has but one penitentiary and nine bun-
dred and nlnetyeix prisoners. :Texas,
with saloons and one hundred thousand
leas people than Nanette, htte two pai-
1tertiaries and three tbonsand oonviets.
Tha back managers of Maine have just
reported that of the 001,000 people of that
state 140,000 have 000,274,432 deposited
I in the savings banks, so that prohibition
cannot have ruined business. A ghmoe
at local option in operation in Illinois
shows that the prohibition town of Pull -
mac, with s population of eleven thou-
sand, gets along admirably with a police
force of but two constables in all, The
Dakota Farmer says :—"Notwithetand-
'.ing the efforts of the liquor dealers to
"the contrary, drankeuneee has been al-
most wiped out—many a former moder'
"ate drinker has quit the habit, and,
"above all, a host of young men have
"started on a sober and indcstrioes oar -
"ser, under three years' influence of
"prohibition. The drink bill of the two
"Dakotas dropped off seventy per Dent.
"the very first year, and has been grow-
"ing materially less ever einoe, and no
"one has been made the poorer thereby
"bat the saloon•keepors, brewers and
(i��be +lriuscis fest.
FRIDAY NOV. 25, 1892.
Tne Young Conservative Club of To-
ronto hes p,ased a resolution that it is
quite a proper thing for them to criticise
the notion of the Dominion Government
if they see fit,
It ie, started that Hon. Edward Blake,
M. P. for South Longford, is likely to be
placed it. the positive of chairman of the
commi'tee on Rome Rule for Ireland.
Parliament will meet shortly now. The
G. 0. M. has his plane ready for preset].
ration to the house
KANSAS women a -e to have the Iran-
�'»se. Probibitiou will be looked after
in that State we'll guarantee. The day
will come when the level beaded women
of Canada will have the same privileges
as their fathers, brothers or husbands in
having a voice and vote in the great
questiuos at issue in this land. It can't
some any too soon.
TELE esaw•off' business in connection
with the scores of election protests in
this country is a great, big fraud and the
people who pay their good money to have
these cases entered in the Courts should
learn a wholesome lesson. There is only
one of two theories to be accepted. A
very elastic couseieaee was possessed by
the individual who formulated the charg-
es or else wholesale bribery and bood-
liug is winked at. If guilty the party
should certainly be punished if not why
the b'uster and fussy There's a great
deal of shawl in election protests.
Owing to the arrangement made for
the carrying of this year's grain crop by
the Boards of Trade of Termite and
3/entreat with the Railway Companies,
all export grain requires to be inspected.
The Beltway Companies have reserved
bins for this purpose a' eea•board points,
but it le made compulewy epee the ship-
per that his grain grades No. 2 Owing
to this action farmers this season will
have to be very °mteful in thoroughly
deeming their grain so it will pass the
Inspector's hands, Grain buyers
throughout Ontario will now, under these
new regulations, have to be careful also
in buying and see that the grain perches-
edleweb cleaned when brought to mar-
ket. The grain generally iu this section
is of good quality, all it requires to pass
No. 2 inspeotion is that it be web clean
ed, otherwise, owing to the above
mentioned regulations, buyers will be
eompelledito bay dirty grain at a com-
siderable reelection. The alternative is
in the hands of the farmer rind the men
who attend to this work carefully are the
persons who will be advantaged by it.
This hint is given now so that no one in
Haig locality need plead ignorance.
NOTIIIxe particularly 11510 in School
Board matters this week, J. H. Camer-
on, the proposed new Principal, has been
communicated with and has accepted the
appointment. He is attending the Nor.
mal School et Ottawa at present. Miss
Sproat, who was chosen to snoaeed Miss
Maud Abraham as Primary teaoher had
taken another position 00 the Board has
engaged Mies Cooper for this clepartniout,
Shue person sent Dr. McKelvey a note
asking hind to tender his resignation es a
member of the Board or suffer the con.
sequences. 1t is supposed to be a joke
bat is a Very silly one and the writer
could be made smart for it if known.
There is a strong feeling that the Trustee
Board did not do right in declining Mr.
Shaw's application, more particularly as
be had met them on the question of t'e•
dilation in salary, the objection rsi,ed,
There is considerable foroe in Chia, es-
pecially when it is taken into oonsidera•
tion that the teachers of the next two
departments were re-engaged. Mr. Shaw
has a record held by fele teachers in On-
tario. Tn the 80 years he has taught he
IMS 11 years in No. 1, Mullett township,
and was engaged for the 1211 year when
be took Walton school ab ati increase of
salary. After 0 ,yoare there he same to
Breesels where lie has been Principal for
104 years. No person in Brussels today
Will deny that lie is a tiptop teacher with
it method of imparting instruction squall.
ed by few, ponce his claim should have
carried more weight than it diel, backed
up as it was by the expressed wish of
about a hundred ratepayers whose opin-
ions should certainly bo worth some-
ALL is not gold that glitters in the
United States any more than in Canada
and while President Cleveland is unques-
tionably a man of great executive Ability
he will require his best powers to lift tho
lbepnblio out of the Slough of Despond
that the Republican party have placed it
in. Here is what a eorrespondeub from
Washington has to say on the outlook
"If Mr. Cleveland calls an extra session
of Congress next Spriue it will not bo on
account of the tariff 0000e bot because
means 111091 be provided to meet a large
deficit in the Treasury, that will come as
a heritage from a four years' adminis•
tration of the finances by the Ropunlioan
party." This statement teas made by
Senator Carlisle when asked as to the
probability of an extra se.siol of the
House. Only once in the history of the
Government has it been necessary to call
Congress to Washington in order to avert
a financial crisis. President Van Berea
un 1837 called as extra. cession to devise
ways and means to supply an impendin:t
deficit. When President Cleveland left
the White Muse iu 1850 there wee a
surplus in the treasury of nearly 8100,-
000,000. When Mr. Cleveland comes
bark next March he will find immediate
action ase-esiery in order to meet the
heavy drafts made upon the treasury at
the cad of the fiscal year. So good an
authority as Senator Carlisle has declar-
ed that until additional revenue is pro.
vidsd it will be useless to talk of passing
bills and making material additions to
the free list. Reduction in tariff duties
will undoubtedly inoreese the import» -
tions and proheb'y augment the total
receipts from customs, but adeletions to
the free list simply wipe out revenue.
The World editorially says :—On Jam 1
next there will be on the era i 1 roll
1 p stat o 1
full 1,000,00:1 names. The appropria.
tion fm• the payment of pensions which
Co ;;;rtes is exeeet.,d to make et the eoui
ing session is $186,000,000. These figures
are startling. They show that the pen-
sioners are in the proportion of nearly
one in 12 to the voters of the who'()
Union. And this for a war that ended
more than a. gnatter of a oentury ago.
They show that the cost of the pension
list absorbs more than 40 per cent of the
nation's revenue. It will be the duty of
the Demonratio President and Congress
to revise the pension list in the interest
alike of deserving veterans and of an
imperilled treasury.
LATE despatches from Penis slate that
the groat Panama canal project has been
practically abandoned, and that those
who induoed investors to take up the
last issue of the o'ampany'a bonds may
be prosecuted. This is a sad ending to
the career of the great DeLesseps. The
new oanal oonpany asked some time aro
for au extension of one year in which to
resume work, the present limit expiring
ou Feb, 28011, 1808, at which time, unless
operations haus begun, all the comes -
stone made to the company lapse, and
the property on the isthmus escheats to
the Columbian government. Men who
have studied the matter think the pro-
ject dead and thet work will never be re-
sumed, and that if it were it oould not be
completed in ten years and would re.
quire a mtut of money. The only actual
canal is seven utilise on the Atlantic aide
only navigable by small boats and this is
rapidly filling up, owing to the washouts
from hillsides and the growth of tropical
verdure. All along the line of lbs oanal
are the wrecks of the moat oastly machin.
cry, inoluding hundreds of huge dredges
and fully as many blank lido -wheel shoal
water boate of a peculiar French model.
The value of this ruined plant is pieced
at $2,000,000, and will revert to the
Colnrubiau government, but it is gees.
tionable if much can be realised ort of
it owing to its condition and position.
The isthmus is almost a continual line
of deserted villages and settlements of
the canal company, the only inhabitants
being a few atives and Jamama nogroos,
Me latter of whom live in dirty huts, At
every turn end mattered along tbo panel
ars sooros of locomotives, some under
sheds but most of them exposed. 'There
are thousands of flat and dump oars side-
tracked and Tying about. In several of
the larger towns are iron and machinery
yards in whieb are tons of rails, iron,
apparatus and machinery of all kinds,
all maty and as good as worthless, and
all placed there at twenty times their
cost, The scene i0 doecribod as one of
ruin, wreckage and ctosolatlon, where
nothing le to be soon save the remnants
of clepa^lel greatness, the monuments of
d!aappcinted ambition and unrealized
hopes. These are all that remain as an
equivalent for the millions of dollars
sunk in the project,
Nortiiwest Notes,
J. G. Dagg is in the 'flsld for the Sel-
kirk mayoralty,
The new Welton of Qn'Appello will
likely reside aiRogine.
An offorb is being mads to start a Con.
servative newspaper at Edmonton.
Winnipeg schools oxen et 0:80 and will
oontinn" until April opening at thio hour,
Arrangements aro being made for the
opening of a lodge of Cd,lfeliows tet
Libornle of Winnipeg have asked ex -
Attorney General Martin to be their can-
didate when Hugh John Maodonald
W. W. Macdonald, Oonservative nomi-
nee as snooesaor of Hon. Edgar Dewdney
in the representation of Eastern Assisi•
bola in the Dominion Parliament, wee
sleeted by aoelemabion.
Moefartan's circus wag billed to give
two performances ab Vancouver recently
and it arrived in doe oottrae, The mem
agement, however, did not like the idea
of he! lug to pity $200 to the city for the
privilege of performing, dad so did not
show at all.
It. LaTouche Tupper has received a
letter from the marine department, Ot-
tawa, stating that the tender for the
oonstructien of the proposed doh hatch-
ery had been awarded to 11. Moncrieff,
Selkirk. The work will, in all probabil-
ity, be now pushed forward as quiokly as
At Lord Aberdeen's large farm adjoin.
ing Kelowna, B. C., there are already
planted 06 acres in apples, 16 in pears,
one in peaehee, three in plums send one
in eherries, with about seven acres in
haps and a considerable area iu goose'
berries, oerranbs, strawberries, etc., be-
sides melons and tomatoes. This enter'
prise on the part Of His Lordship—future
Governor General --will contribute great.
ly to attract attention abroad to the
Okanagan country, even if it is sibeeted
iu the midst of a es.•a of mountains."
From De Olare, Alan.—We are hewing.
a very nice Fell out here. The weather
is fine. We hada slight fall of snow but
it has all disappeared and Indian Sum-
mer has commenced, Wild geese and
prairie chickens are veryyplentiful this
Fall and deer is to be had along the river
banks. This is a grand country for a
poor man. 1u the settlement that I live
in there is lots of vacant land to be had
for 98 50 per acre and upwards. There
is also some Government land for home-
steading A man men g't a homsebead
of 160 mares for $10.00. I advise anyone
who wants to get a home for themselves
to come out to this pert of Manitoba.
To be sure we had a pear crop this year
but that is not the rule. There is Duo
thing that we have got and Iltat is a ;,,od
government. The Greenway Govern-
tnent can not be downed, What we
want here in Manitoba is Free Trade
with the United States. I bhink that if
we could get a change of government
down at Ottawa we would halve better
times and get better prices for our
gl'ain. S. I. fxALLILAT.
Perth (Jaunty.
The city of Stratford is hi 5 different
tow ships and contains no less than 23
licensed hotels.
It is rumored that the friends of Mr.
Doherty, of Mitchell, intend putting him
in the field for the mayoralty of 1808.
Isaac Iiord's name is also mentioned as
a probable candidate,
A. E Eloonbe, salesman for Talton
Bros., tailors, Stratford, has di'app •aced,
taking with him about $900 of the firm's
money. tie was married Thanksgiving
Day to olio of the employees io the store,
acid to be ',bout twice hie own age, who is
now deserted. Elaombe is an Engli-h-
man about 2I. years olcl.
In 1891 the Ontario Government to
relieve the judges, established a Damage
Trials Court and appointed 33. M.
Britain, Q. C., of Kingston, as the refer•
ee. Monday at Oagoode Hall, before the
Court of Appeal, were argued the first
appeals from his decision that yet have
been up. The owes were Hiles vs.
Township of Ellice and Crooks vs. Town-
ship of Ellice. They warn tried at Strat-
ford. The taking of the evidence lasted
seven days. The appeal books cover over
one theusend printed pages. Plans, pro -
flies, county atlases were profuse. 01,
Wilson, Q. 0., of Chatham, appeared for
the township, and J. P. Mabee and T.F.
W. Goering, of Stratford, for plaintiffs
in both oases.
A stranger registering as "II. C. Car.
roll, Boston," and claiming to be a repre-
sectabivo of a liquor house in Buffalo,
hes succeeded in playing a smart game
on a number of hotelksepers in various
Canadian cities. His latest exploit was
at Stratford. He registered at the
Albion Hotel, and after ordering from a
cooper 18 five•gallon kegs he celled on
the hobae with samples of various wince.
As the prices were advantageous and
the samples good he received large
orders. The following morning ho gob
six of the kegs, and with the essiatanoe
of a pump proceeded to manufaobare the
wine, the component parts of which have
since been found to consist of some
coloring and flavoring matter and a good
quantity of water. Carroll then pasted
on the head of each keg an express con•
parry label. Fie succeeded in realizing
on several orders before the fraud was
exposed, He Aed before he could bo ar-
The grain blockade at Nanette City is
Lord Chief. Justice Coleridge has re-
covered from his reoent illness.
News roaches Washington indicating
the probability of war between Chili and
Mrs. Langtry bas bought Lord Ash•
button's steam yaoht, Lady Arable, for
Tito Queen Regent of Spain and the
Qneon of Portugal will attend a bull light
in Madrid.
Vivo thousand employees of the Bass
breweries in England have amok against
new regulations.
It is said a compromise between the
strikers and rill owners at homestead,
Pa, is being considered.
At Boston last week Gaiseppe Talose,
whose wife died six weeks„ ago, killed his
two children and himself.
The Dentoorats of South Dakota hay-
ing failed to fuse with the populfs0s, have
Withdrawn their tiakst from the doll,
. csrtve 11811 otnilOT maw'ese=11,a112tacssa csmvele axiotvsa SLOT IS
A women noted Kern, living at Mul•
hansou, lorance, driven to dF-sperallori by
the miscotdaet of a e iosipetud Inhibited
pub her font' yoiingost children in a wheel•
barrow and followed by Oho fifth pro.
()coded to the. oemotory. After olioriug
prayer she drew a tnifo end out the
throats of the four y'onngccl children and
then killed herself. The lifth ecoid was
saved by the sexton of the cemetery,
Stone 86 Wallington,
Nllr11y Mit
32 Church S€„ TORONTO.
Branch Offices at
Nurseries :
Largest in Canada,
Over 700 Acres.
Special Attractions this Season,
Price Greatly Reduced.
The New Rnesiau Apple, the Bitson
Pear and drawl Duke Plum.
Now that Jack Frost has re,
slimed business and Winter has
come to hand a well macre, com-
fortable, stylish cutter will be a
cs. 7tp L1gj
Can make your old Cutter
almost as good a9 11ew-
ltopairs neatly and promptly ex-
ecuted. Old rigs refitted, paint-
ed and trimmed.
Jas. Walker,
Ohl Santa glanced down
from. his busy workshop at
the boxes and crates labelled
and cried
What does this mean ?
Then he turned to Madame
Santa and said
Must get Miss
Gauley's stock ready
For her new store in Brus-
sels, so ire at once shipped
our goods and we are ready
to show Santa's latest manu-
factured goods for the Xmas
of 1.802.
Miss Gauley,
vivo DOOit1 SOUTH OF
Nov. 25, 1802
TerSuamaacstataa>g OWISuttrsrrsartmstw
The stock is Complete in all lines
in. Quality and Price.
If you want Winter Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets,
Mantles, Yarns, hosiery or Gloves,
We can Interest You.
Ours U'S are selling fast ---the rea-
son ---Our values are the best.
If you want a Readylnade Overcoat or Suit, we have the
styles, quality and price that will suit you.
Rubbers, Overshoes and
Felt Boots for Everybody.
Cardigan Overshoes for Women and Children.
Full lines of Crompton Corsets, We keep no ether'
li special drive 111 these g0Cal8, six dos. pairs to
sell at 25 per cent. below regular price.
It will Pay you to get our prices before, Buying.
Late Irwin 86 'IoBaint
Next Door to American
FILO „10
Now is the time to buy the Best
NUDE IN TIIE DOMINION. It is Manufactured by
It May be seen at work Every Saturday at the
Show ltooln,
Next Jackson's Blacksmith Shop,
Inquire for them at American Hotel, Brussels.