HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-11-18, Page 8TiIE BRUSSELS POST ,sleeps rsrta •.-- - ...._._ .>_.. .. _ ,,:,. .--_-._ . - enneerammateemeararresentemeareemeetrungaztemenewacramu+,maorenearrtarsrrwurnseronarassamra; Ler Friday 7, C. Teak was assessed 0, O I',—Tho following officers were S1 .dX,%).11?.D BANE OF , NOTE: PATIO, ?D and costs fur selling liquor an Suu- installed fu conn('otton with Court I rhe• ee. ll ' d ( 1 Tito hi:wieipel oleotion pot is begin- esters, Brussels, ou Tuesday evening of ]ling L, buil iu several towuetlipe in this week1lnv'on Co. P. (1, R. Bro. Gerry ; I, se Sabbath evening Rev. ,Ino. Dose, 0. R., Bra M''latt; B, se., preached a tuutt ivateuotive star. V. 0. B. lite. J, 4Vilbee ; OUP will(10w Ellis week mentally; mon from tthe text 'lsphrahn ie a cake Chaplain, Deo. Reid ; R. S., Bro, Smith ; F. S., Bro, Konig ; Treasurer, Bro. Blashitl ; S. W. 13ro. Seel ; 7. W., Bro, Cro'.ier ; S. B., Bro. Kirkeonnsll ;Willem7.13., Bro. W. Willem ; Physicians, Bros. McKalvey and Graham, IHSWF Noy,;i ., L892 doe, A. ..tat ta, .u: Las Oveter of re., a display of Fancy Goods, &e., a choioc of which you can have for ONLY 1100. When buying presents for your friends or the children you will be wise in selecting something from our choice stock of Holiday Goods. Wo buy in the best markets and can therefore give the best valve. We will be pleas- ed to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, dc. DRAM TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN nevermore W, 0. & B. Trains bare Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorge eot'TU. (liana Sonja, trail•10 a.n,. Mixed 0:45 a.m. Express .....,i1;6ts Mm. Mail 3:1:5 pan, ➢fixed........, 0:60 Pan. ]:sprees 0;88 van: >,t,*man in town this week the Cos• grove Concert Company were photo - 'in T (c� etes collectively and individually, .Drat etes fr111s, by H. 7. Strong, artist. The photos. are utilized as au advertising medium in the visits of the troupe to the various A chiel's amang ye Eakin' notes, omens. The order speaks well for Brus• An' faith he'll punt it. els. CoiooExcrNG next Monday evening Rev. Man. 1. H. Banton, evangelist, will oondnot ."0vival services in the Methodist church Foxes are said to be plentiful this year, n this place for a week. He is well and WHAT about re organizicg the foot• rtvorably known in tine locality and his ball club ? old friends will be pleased to hear that Mooxorx Horse Fair on Thursday, he has been most successful in his Deo. ist, at Brussels. evangelistic labors. One thanks aro due to T, Gibson, 11I I Ow Friday of last week Frank Bloom - P. P., for government reports received Bloom- field, beetle:: at the Central Hotel stables tbis week, in this place, received a kick an the knee A. M. McKAr et Co. have had an arc ' ' ens a horse which will lay him aside electric light plttoed In their hardware some time. It was fearad al first store this week. :et the joint was go badly injured that THE Sabbath evening service in Knoe nputation might be necessary but it is church will commence at 0:30 instead of ' ' be hoped he will soon be better, 7 o'clock ae formerly. TRAM:SOWING day went by very quiet - A NEw tapestry carpet, with Masonj. si • Serviceioe was held in Melville church emblems interwoven, has been piaoed o: "t 11 o'clock. Rev, S. Jones preached the floor of St. John's Lodge room, Brus on appropriate discourse. His subject eels, was "Abiding in Christ," Rev. J. Boss, J. Inwnn took oharge of the service ie St. John's church last Sabbath morning. He also went to Walton for the afternoon service. Coisr000e Bno.oxsraor is On the book - out for the boys who have been orna• menting sidewalks, fences and buildings with chalk pictures and writing. A FORDWi=H correspondent says:— Hunter dr Henry have employed Geo. Russel, tinsmith, of Wingbam, and are prepared to do repairiug on the shortest notice. Ae a live pigeon match, held at Sea - forth on TllanksgivIng Day, A. 0. Dames, of Brussels Gun Club, set the pace for 1st prize by killing 9 out of re possible 10 birds. He missed the last shot. Ab, is a crack shot. Tan (TREAT STAR ALOIANAC,—In Mout- real the Star Almanao is just coming out. It is simply a wonder, thoroughly practical, marvellously comprehensive, and absolutely overflowing with things we all ought, but do not, know about. No amount of praise seems to do it justice, Sltvnn Ger.—Next Monday a 25 bird match to decide the question of euprem• acy of Brussels and Listowel Gun Clubs and also the ownership of a beautiful silver cop, a present from W. M. Sin- clair, will take place on the Agricultural Park, in Brussels, commencing at 0:30 o'clock a. ne Exoelleut shooting Is ex. pecked, On1T.—On Tuesday of this week, Mrs. John Johns, of Wingbam, died after a brief illness of a liver ailment, aged 58 years. The deceased bad recently be - cense a resident of that town having come with her husband from Landon, Sbe was an aunt to W. F. Vanatoue, of Brussels. He, Mrs. Vanetone and Mies Lily Vanstole attended the funeral on Thursday afternoon of this week. THE eight youths summoned to appear on Monday afternoon before bhs beak for assaulting James Kneobtel settled the case by each paying $1.00 and costs. The names are not given here ae this was the first offence for the majority of them and we hope the boys will never be found engaged in anything of the sorb again. Lees street roaming after night is one of the best means of keeping out of trouble. CLINTON News•Reooed says :—Henry Young and William. J. Pooh, of Bayfield, were callers at the Newe.Record office last Friday. The gentlemen had been in the township of Grey for seven weeks packing apples for James Steep, of Clinton. They re. port a big yield and that the root crop suffered while the owners watched the apple cullers. Messrs. Young and Peck in ono day drove 20 miles and peaked 28 barrels of apples in five hours. They are hustlers and left on good terms with everybody. Mr. Young had charge of a gang and received a reward of 35 for his faithfulness and good work, 001 ttlruet , o Tire program next Tuesday evening at the Royal Templar's Connell le under the direotion of J. Moore argil t eeietante, Meeting connsoncee at 7:80 o'oloolc. A. Clown has taken a saltation with the well known firm of Stene : Wellington, nuuse:s mote'Toronto, Ile ]las 113 miles square of territory in tlsie locality and ie doing wall in hie oauvae. ISAIAH, son of James Dudley, who lives In Graham's survey, South of Brussels, has boon dsulgoronely DDI with diphtheria. It is to be hoped thit every precaution will be taken to prevent Its farther spread. A =Emu of the Bible Society Direc- tors of Brussels Branoh will be Jtelrl at Tun 1'oer Publishing House on Friday afternoon of title week at 2 o'olook. Those interested will please bear the meeting in miucl. Rev, S. Joems was agreeably surprised last week by the return of his overcoat which he left in the train at Palmerston several weeks ago. Mr. Creighton lef no stone unturned until the missing garment was recovered and restored to the right- ful owner. Messes. WarreEv ez Tone, of the Clinton Newa•Record, have diesolred partnership, the former retiring to the office of Collector of Customs. Mr. Todd will continue the business. We wish both gentlemen many years of hap• pinese in their respeative callings, the pastor, briefly referred to two or three reasous for thankfulness. Bev. R. Paul assisted in the devotional exercises. A. PUZZLE.—Arrange the nine figures - 1 to 9—in three rows like this. 0 0 0 o o 0 So that when added up, each line bort. zonted, perpendicular and diagonal shall total up to 15. Lacer Tuesday night the accommoda- tion train, due at Brussels at about 8 o' - °look, did nob arrive until after 10. Heavy apple shipments and difficulty in climbiug grades caused the delay. One passenger enquired of the conduator if there was any danger of return tickets expiring before his destination was reach- ed, Tam Truetee Board of the Methodist church and oemetery have entered into an arrangement with Samuel Rivers' whereby he assumes the caretaking of the church and cemetery for the next 12 months. He oommeuoed his duties last week, Further particulars will be given again as to what Mr. Rivera' work will be in connection with the cemetery. Bons au OAREson.—Boys who are in the habit of tearing down bills will do well to remember that they are liable to a heavy fine. Bills posted belong to the person or society by whom issued and until they are outdated should not be disturbed ; you might as well steal the amount it cost them for printing and posting. THERE was a dispute over obs result of the speeding in the ring at Beat Huron Fall Fair, arising out of the foot that the races were open to trotters and Gus. Goebel entered his speedy pacer and won both the buggy rave and the open rage. The Committee on Attrac- tions have decided that Goebel is not en- titled to the purses owing to the reason stated above, Br notice elsewhere it will be observed that hire. D. 0. Olappison, wife of a former pastor of the Methodist church, Brussels, died at her home in Toronto on Friday of last week. The funeral was on 'Monday of this week. Mrs, Clap- pisot was a Godly woman whose life ex. hibited the faith she professed, IbIr. Clappison, who has been in feeble health, and family have the sympathy of their friende in Brueeele. DIED.—On Tuesday evening of this week George Edward, eldest son of R. G. Vincent, of bhie town, died after an illnees of a week. The cause of his de- cease was worm fever. He was a briglsb, promising child autl had always been very healthy. He was nearly 13 years of age. The funeral took place on Thurs- day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Vincent are deeply sympatlliesd with, THE Cosenovlss--This eonoorb Done. pang drew a goocl house last Monday evening in the Town Hall and surpassed any program rendered by them on form. Mnrnonrse Cnrnru,—Last Sunday T. er visite. The doegeoyes are clever Hilliard, of Waterloo, preached morning musiciane and give an entertainment and evening. Iiia topic at the first decidedly unique yet very interesting, mentioned service was Faith in God," Miss La Dell contributed several recite - and at night his dlecoiseee was based on tions and Mr, Harvey brought down the the 27th verse of the 7th chapter of the house in his oomio speoialtiee. This several gardening implements, Sale will 73ook of Daniel, from witi°h he showed Mesmeris worthy of patronage, They eonmonoe at 2 o'olook, F, S, Scott, the leading principals underlying this were here under the anepioes of the Clan- Auctioneer. kingdom to be (1) The Fatherhood of adtan Order of Forester's, Go.1; (2) The brotherho 1 of than ; (3) Al a meeting of the Executive of Only °Weans who aro able to read and The universality of sin ; (4) The Atone. Huron Go. Sabbath School Association, write have the power to vote in Bolivia lnenb. lVlr, H liiaed is an excellent held in Glisten on Teesday of this week, and weave other South American re. preacher, On Monday evening he de. the time of the annual Oonvenbion was publiee, livered a lootut•e under the auspices of fixed for Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. den paire of shoes and three suits of the Epworth Leagee on "The Uneeen 24th and 2511s, 1808, in the village of olotltee wore woen mit by J, Edwin Stone /Mimeo." ',Che add: dealt with the Blyth. The program was °utile od and on his walk from San Francisco to New five 8011003 and a largo fond of valuable the names of speakere associated there. Yoric, The trip was mado in 128 days, information was presented by Mr. 1331, with, It is the intention of the Excess. the distance travelled being 8,324 miles, Barre in the hour oeattpiorl by five to procure as complete statiebioal Two Siamese motlteyshave boon train- Min,—Next Sunday evening Rev, returns as povefblo from nil the Sabbath ed by Aaron Ilowelle, who owns a cherry Mr. Salton's eubjaot will be "Is dancing sohoole in the Oounty for presentation at farm near Goshen, 39..Y., to pick eller. ration01 ?"--Last Monday evening W. H. the Convention and persons interested in ries. They viols more and eat lees than Kerr was elected President of the Hp• S. S, work will confer a grout favor by any boys lee has tried. Ile eetintates worth League owing to the removal of giving all the assistane° they can in that the monkeys thus eerie hint 60 cents Robt. Gauloy to Wieghaln. attaining bbe end deeired, , a day. Business Locals, Woon for sale at the Bee Hive. COMFORTABLE house 10 let, Apply to S. 33. female. Fos your photos go to Strong's over Standard Bank.L Wee Baesnupays cash for hides, skins and poultry'. Learn, pork and sausage at Wm. Blas, hill's meat market. Foveae a small aura of money. Apply to Geo. Thomson, Brussels. Buse by the quarter at bottom prices at W. Blashill'e, the old reliable butcher. Tim our Alligator harness oil. Best oil in use for leather of any kind. L 0. Riohards. LEAVE your order Inc a first-class gnart- er of beef at Wm. Blashill's, the leading bnbuher. A coon, sound, gentle driving horse for sale, with re without harness and buggy, Jam D. 1RosALn. REMEM52Ia We do no second class work in the photo lino, II. J. Strong, over Standard Bauk. H. J. STRONG wishes to remind the public that his photo stndio will be open all day Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Fon sale or to rent, a comfortable and commodious residence on William street, Brussels. For particulars apply to R. M. Dfokeon. FInsT•CLAse oysters on hand tonight and regularly during the season, in bulk or by dish. MEL Kum, opposite Queen's Hots], Brussels, BABY DAY.—Babies photos that were taken on June 7th eau be had fur 32.00 per dozen at 91. J. Strong's photo studio between now and Nov. 21st. GREAT bargains in hoods, caps, jack els, Aso. Those are last year's stook and will be sold at the price of the yarn. Call and got bargains at Mrs. Kirk's, oppo- site Queen's Hotel, Bruseels. 500 cords good hard wood wanted in exchange for harness, or oath will be paid for any quantity of good dry wood delivered at once, beech and maple, short or long. Apply at I. 0. Richards' har- ness shop. THE fall of the year is a trying season for elderly people. ",Tse many cheerless, dark, dismal days act depressingly, not to say injuriously, on both old and young. Now is the Limo to re.euforoe the vital energies with Ayer's Sarsaparilla— the best of all blood medicines. IT is no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse hair so as to make it look grace• fol or becoming. By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor this difdcalty is removed and the hair made to assume any style or ar- rangement that may be desired. Give the Vigor atrial, WELL-Droau so AND Demme:cr.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin svelte and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to Isim in a way that will insure satisfaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west Mae of Tulnberry st„ Brussels. 84.19 CommBliulL11Ienn ConIN A MT.-8011thAmerican Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents, Warranted by G. A.. Deadman. OoasETs.—Jost in a job lot of Cromp- ton, Yatisi, Coraline, 000, and 0 do D oor'sets, to sell at 25 per cent. below regular prices. Also another lot ;bhs "Queen" to sell ab 05e., remelts, dollar goods. We have sold 110 pair of this one lino in the last three months and everybody is pleased with them. Buy now and save money, Irwin es MoBain. WHEN the kidneys are clogged, good health is an impossibility ; but when working properly the reverse is the case. That dull bank -robe is the kidney's cry for relief, If Dodd'e Kidney Pills are used the result will be marvellous. Weemphatically state that the have never known a Me of kidney disease that a persistent use of Dodd's Kidney Pills will not aura. Do IT Now,—H. Moody ..% Sons, Look - port, sold 08 barrels of pears for 31,200, nearly $20 per barrel. Mr. Glow, of Green 0o., N. Y,, sold the fruit of two plum trees in 1889 for 373.02. Average price received for plums in Ontario bas been from $2.00 to $4.00. Reader, dont delay, we supply you with ohoioo stools, apples at 20o, psare and plums at 40c, and guarantee satisfaction. Bloomedal° Nurseries, Woodstock, Ont. William Aldridge, Agent, ab McKay t2 thee.Hardware store, Brussels. AUC'rloN SALE. An auction sale will take place at the residence of the late Thema% Norton, Turuberry street, Brus- sels:, on Saturday, Nov. 19th, when the following household furniture will be of- fered for sale :-5 bedsteads, one of which is iron, (single) with spring mat- tress ; 2 large spring mattrasees ; 1 Muffed mattrase ; 1 dressing bureau and wash stand ; 10 chairs with cane seats ; 4 chairs with perforated seats ; 12 oliaire With wood tarots ; 1 sideboard ; 2 Pens - broke tables ; 1 clock ; 1 crooking stove and stove pipes ; 1 large kitchen table ; • NERD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS (Seven Mflifor Dollars) $7,0000o,Oo0000 CAPITALCAPITAL(Authorised) - - - - - t;9,0, Agencies in all.principal points in Ontario, t,1+teb e, illdnitobd, ]'sited St,u,•o d Jing!"nd, A General Banking Businses Tranaaeled, Farmers' Notes Disoountod, Drafts Issued and Collections macre on toll points, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and npwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and eompouuded half yearly, Spurn, ATTENTION 0500» To 'rue COLLECTION OP FARMERS' SALE Ner'tse, Every facility mike:dacl Castomors living at a distanos, 0, 1'. SCHOLFIELD, MANAOEn. ec.a.,s,®la mtitxe0zzxcmrmnrmmnrars aum.-1awna.mnvffICaa GILLEN 2 MITE, anTEITEM, V s e LI Ir iU , Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. L'ARMEIIS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. As7a r".i'ei^&y'e3 Rama' ;res•tif7s`pagreM 'e Interest Allowed on One Dolier and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Con - pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the cud of the Month): of Ootober and April. S1'eoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. Tv,, effect to write Cnsnr:ince En 0111 l:nglisl, er Canadian CosnlltinieR, er in Rut - nal Companies as may be desired, • AGENTS re11 CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANAni&N BANE Or COMMERCE, Dr, A. Reeves Jamieson, the original of Mark Twain's obaracter, "My Friend the Doctor," in "Innocents Abroad," died on Saturday 111 Chicago from the Micas of a stroke of apoplexy, Rev, 7. R. Moffatt, editor of a probi- bition paler at Dannvilie, Va„ died Mat week from the effects of a sbot fired by J. T. Clark. The editor had attack- ed Clark in his paper. Aportion of Gen, Benedidt Arnold's flag ship Congress, sunk in Ootober, 1770, in lake Champlain, has been raised by Capt. C. W. Aclatns, of West Addison, Vt. The timbers are of oak and are sound. The steamship Empress of Japan sail- ed from Vancouver on Saturday for the Orient. She had 88 first, 0 eeoond saloon passengers and 330 Chinese. Also took 00 bags mail and 1,900 tons cargo, prin- cipally flour. The popular amusement in the United States for the next few weeks, will be the payment of ridioulous election bets, and the performance of outlandish capers, according to promises made when the fight was on. Boston has a woman's club, of which it is impossible to become a member uu• less the applicant confesses that she is over 80 years of age. We dont know anything about it, but will venture the opinion that the membership is very small. 80LQS7 BAY.—In Donegal, on Nov, 1st, the wife of Mr, Wm. Bay of a daughter, BEai..—In Brussels, on Nov. 75tb, the wife of Mr, Jas. Bell of a son. licanaunl.—In Grey, ou Oat. 80111, the wife of Mr. Robert McOallum of a son. O.tMrnEoL.—In Atwood, on Out. 24bb, the wife of Mr. Robt, Campbell of a daughter. KITTeoN.—In Wingltam, on Nov. 4th, the wife of Mr, Robt, Iiittson of a daughter. SwEErox.—In Elmo, on Oat, 21st, the r. In, wee on of a son, wife of MTV S (still born.) ZKrA1.1RrE07), Honrog—HusnAnD,—At the Methodist parsonage, Gorrie, o1 Nov. Obh, by Rev. J. Greene, Mr. Cyrus H. Hor- ton, of Lakelet, to Miss Sarah 7, Hubbard, of Howiok. GAR7(»Tx—NAsn.—AI the residence of the bride's father,Mr, Thomas Nash, on Nov. 9th, by Rev, J. Greene, Mr. Ernest Garrett, music teacher, of Forays/oh, to ,Miss Carrie Noels, of Howiok. CHITTICS—WADE.—At the Methodist parsonage, Gerrie, on Nov. 8rd, by Rev. J. Greene, Mr. H. 0. Ohittiok to Mies Marietta Wade, both of Bel• more. asba, CALF,—In Ethel, on Nov. 1.113s, 'William Frederick Cale, 101. D., aged 84 years. HANom.—Tn Elma, ou Nov, 5th, Timothy Hance, aged 74 years, Jortxs.—In Wingham, on Nov. 15th, Dillies, beloved wile of John Johns, aged 58 years. Orenensox,—In Toronto, on Nov. lint, Maria Melissa, beloved wife of Rev. D. 0. Olappison, formerly of Brum sale. VrNasNT.—In Brussels, on Nov. 15th, George Edward, eldest son of Robt. G. and Elizabeth Vincent, aged 6 years, 7 menthe, 8 weeks and 4 days. AT.70'.S1:OST 00,A.z 76:.. SATURDAY, Nov. 19th.•—Household fur., nitnre, dos., at the residence of the late Thos. Norton, Brussels. Sale at 2 p. m, le, S. Scott, auo, Ttnsener, Nov. 22ND.—Farm stook and implements, North half lot 28, nor, 5, Morris. Sale commences at 1 o'clock. Jos opt Webster, prop. la S. Scott, anat. Fail Wheal) ...... ....... Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls„ , Eggs per dozen Four per barrel Potatoes.., Hay per bon' Salt per bbl., Hides trimmed Hides rough Shoop skim:,eaoh,.,, Lamb skins oaoh., . , Apples per barrel ,, Wool..,.. fork 41:46 ....... ....... 00 58 80 55 25 15 15 8 50 85 5 00 1 00 11 65 02 85 50 20 10 00 4 00 00 0 00 THF, PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • TERSE'S% FOR SALE, -1 ese bred Cow 4 years old; 1 Pfeifer nearly Pare bred ' 1 Bulls years old ; 1 0011 Calf u months old. G. A. DII,AIIAIAN, Druggist, Brussels. CORDWOOD WANTED,—ANY quantity of hard and soft cordwood wanted at Brussels Salt Works. 81.25 to 81.30 per cold for Loft wood a1,1 81,00 to 32.60 for hard wood. 12.19 '7. COLAMAN, Proprietor, QTRAYED ON THE PREM - 16, Greys on or albout Nov, 12, all aged cow, red and white in color. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenscs and take her away, at once. 18-4 JAMES CUSIO, REAL ESTATE. ____ T-IIARms FOR SALE.—THE UN• nsansrer/ED has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morris and Grey. Pt S. SOOTT,13russols, 87.19, ['130100 FARM FOR SALE, -- 1 Being South half Lot 27, con. 0, rlorris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orchard. Iunnediate pos- session. Easy Terms. Apply to tr. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, &e,, Brussels. Gt,OOD FARBI FOR SALE.— The undersigned desires to dispose of 111s 100 cele film being Lot21, Con. 7, Grey, adjoining the thriving village of Ethel where are shops, aliurohes, schoele. On the farm is a comfortable dwelling -house, goon say' outbuildings 85 ace s olenred U lance bush. The laud is in a good. state of culti- vation and is well fenced. For price, terms and other particulars apply on 8110 premises to L. DOB SON, 0.6f Proprietor Ethel P. 0, 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE+'. l� Tlse 200 aero farm, boiu g lots 11 and 12, eon. 111, Gray, is offered sal for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balauoe well tim- bered. Bullinge Rrst-class,. Orchard, we11, & h o, School house within 40 rode. Postee- elon given et once if desired, Per further particulars as to prise, terms, dso, apply to 9•1Y M08, WAL0D0, or NELSON BRIO00R, 0u farm, P. 0. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Bnoseo lots 11 and 12, con. 18, Township of Grey. County of Huron, containing 200 awes, the property of the late Joins Robert- son, 100 Korea cleared and freta from ob- structions, 15 acres bush, mixed timber, balanoo partly cleared. Soil cloy loam, mostly rolling. Fenced with straight ran fauces and watered by two wells end a spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with .largo woodshed attaohed and an barns, atone sellent tabling ct and other outbuild- ings. Two good bearing orchards, orna- mental trees and small fruits,1. mites from Brussels, a lively town on the G. 51.3.0., eouvenient to school ohurchos and 11post. °Mon. This property lies well, is a Rrst- class grain and stock farm and should be seen by intending purohasere as it is ciler. tad at a bargain. For further particulars apply to MRS. JNO,ROBERTSON, or DANIEL 13013f1TSGN, en the premises, or by Eetber to Oranbrook P. 0, 00.4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Oreditors of Donald McNair, sato of rho lownahlp of Grey, in the County 0f H'uron, deceased, who died 0u or about the seventh day of Ootobor,1802, and all others having claims against Ings estate aro hereby nobiilecl to 'Rend by post, prepaid, or o0h0rw1se deliver to the undersigned, Agent for the Executors of the said deocased, on or before the 354i fray ,,5 1@eeelnbey, 1802, their Christian Nato es and surnames, ad. drosses and descriptions, and tailartianiare of their claims statements of theiraccounts and Maitre of the sesssefbios, if any, held by them and in default thereof Mid imnmediate- lyaftor theeaid 15th clay of December the assets of the said tdeceased will be dietribnt- anoiooelooaohw thereto, regad only those entitled ui notice shall llama boon gluon a5 above s'oqulred, And this notion being giver under the pro - Viacom of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap, 110, Seo, 80,the Executors will not he liable for the amid assets, or any part thyro, of, to any P010011 0f who o olaitu notice ehall not have been reuetved by hips et the time of said distribution, A, lMMCNA IR, Agent for Executors, 10.4 9b'ssotbrook P. 0, Grey, Nov, 10111, 1802, .. VETERINARY. t�D. WARWIC3, . Ironer Graduate of the 00 Ontario 03. 1 00 Veterinary of Oollostj is pranimat to treat 01- 9 diseases of dOm08t10 at0d animate 111 a 5001- 1 00 1 50 getent ivauunr. Pat•tscufar attention Y0035 17 18 tended to. @moo and irnbrru aiy-0'wottloota 8 00 e0 north of bridgo 'purmborry 0t„ Drussole, Eli VELUM S, 1300.1113, FANGS GOODS, —AT— PE PJ.31l)B'lS DRUG STORE BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, o. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made, Otltae—Vanstouc's Block, lima - 5015. 21.8m AI. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyanonr,NoLary Pub - 110, dce, OOloo—Grahatu a ].flesh,l deur north of Pepper's Deng Store, Private Fauds to Loan, (1AMERON, HOLT & HOL11IES, �V Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Gocletlolt, Ont, 11. 0, 1011011015, 41 0„ rIIILIP MOLT, DUDLEY HOLME6, AUCTIONEERS. �RAY11.2ANN, . Anetioueer, se always ready to at- tend fifties of faros, farm stook-, 50, Terms cheerfully given, Oraubrook P. 0. Salus may be arranged at Ter PORT Publishing Rouse, Brussels. FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed edPaltad on analterms. Patens stooka specialty. Orders lull at Tun Posts P ubll sh ing Ho use, Brsssois, or sent to Walton P. 0., will resolve prompt attention. AVING TANEN OUT LIOEN- to conduct sales of farm stank at yonsotpiab]e htiC0e. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I cul in a po salon to sell to on crd. e ticks Satisfaction guartanteed onGi e 12100 call, 02- 100 S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARETS. ITT H. bto0EA0I1JN, Iasul'er ofhlatrlagadeesssee, Offiae athis Gronery, Turn berry street. Brussels. IQ N. BARRE"TT, ll' Toseorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. III, Ms1ay ds Co's hardware store. Ladies'andahlldrens hair cutting a specialty A tlioNAIR, c1..• Iseurex of ktarriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oomm3s- si5ner, 50., Q.13, Conveyancer and Agent Piro Insurance Go, Mee at the Oranbrook Post Office, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• ALEX. HUNTER Co, Hulnrk ofOohvvsaouoar, rotary Public Land, Loan loan. Oolleotions ce Agent. lsnndo 01115e in Graham's Bleak, Brussele, TOIL PAINTING, Miss Morley, of Wingllam, 90 Pre/10ra to give instruction iu oil palubing. lerms where samplesiof v at Sties may the sheens Mass Mortes would also take a few more puplle in Musk, rp A. HAWKINS, soils, an • ti Organist in the t.Art of Teaching of A. W. Thayer, Rlus..0oc., New York, wilt give leseone to pupils either at Thos Far'row's, Turuberty Smoot, or if preferred, at their owu hooses, Terms moderate, MEDICAL CARDS. t/ • A. MONAUGIITON, M. D. S. Oat,, O. hliesiillnuoo and Edinburgh, 1n'Wilson' Bloat, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ole. DENTAL. 13: Lai WI'I M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S„ Surgeons, Ontario, oandC olfegToronto Unil versify, OPPxOE—Over A. R, Smith's Store. Brussels, OARS FOR SERVICE.—THE nndersigoedwill keep for service on Lot 11, Oen. 5, Grey, a thorn' bred eh ester White pig, with pedigree awl from innport- ed atop k, Also a thorn' bred Berkshire hog. Terme 51.00 to be paid at time of saryioe With privilege of returning if necessary. 10•tf A. SHAW, Proprietor, ROAR FOR SERV3OE,—THE Uudersignod will keep for service on North 1 Lot 20, Con. 7, Morris, a there' bred Cheater White Hog, This p54 was awarded prizes at Toronto and London Fairs, His dire, 'Royal" has taken 1st et the induatelal for years, Terme, ;.11,00 to he paid at time of earvloe With privilege or returning if nseeseary, SA.M171il, WALKER, 10.11 Proprietor, TAIIJRD CHESTER WHITE BOAR FOR SERVICE, Who undersigned w111 keen for service a Thorn' Brod Chester White Boar, on Lot 2, Oon. 17, GroyyTerme $1.00,payablo at time of service with privilege of returning if no- osleary, WILLIAsf 00NN19TT l 18.6 Walton, MPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK - .I_ SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for star vice this present seamen the Improved la -g0 white Yorkshire pig "]ready' on lot 20, oou, 0, Morrie, to which a limited number of sows Will be taken, ?Perms $1.00 MI be paid at time of sorvioo, with the privilege of renam- ing if necessary. Pedigree may bo soon up- on applioablon, 10011190T 1Vie.I•bOL, 1655 Proprietor, 0AR FOR S] RVIOE,—THE mulorsignea will hasp for so•rioe on Lot 12, Oen. 18, Grey, a pure bred Chatter 'tVhito PI , imputed from the stabs of Iowa, by Robert Adeline, of Mol(illop, Tering, $1,18 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning 1f neosasal'y, 10 ,i DANT1tL M°MILLAN, Proprietor. ]3OAR FOR SERVIOE.—adze Uudot•siguodwill keep for sorvieeat h lorrielratsk, the There' -bred Chanter White Boar, "Uncle Snm ' No, 4,001, This hog boo talean 153 prise at the. forty /aims he wee OX.. 1libttod and his ebook has been squally euoe emend es prize wineeen, Pedigree may be reties time of servieo Terme, siivllotob 9pls- terming if neooesaey, S.13F191i's, Proprietor,