The Brussels Post, 1892-11-18, Page 5r'k
rvaammeavamas)asvmmlsvusrvossn a wmuasmssmassmm sumnrucmccuremmrtr "ux+maz ss
"1115-trict �•d�,,,•tetost
Wold lute been received In Wings=.
of the death, in Michigan, of the Rev,
J 013, \Villianeoai, formerly' pastor el the
Baptist rhuroh hero. The cleuoased was
a 10017/)/30 of M1ttlend Lodge, No. 110,
L 0. 0. F. and also a member of the
Oenerlian Order of Foresters, and at one
time 000upied the position of high Chop•
lain of the latter institution.
set. twoocd.
W. F. Forrest brought home a fine
door on Wodneedtty as a trophy of his
bunt hr 1l1'aekoko,
A prominent citizen of Monkbon inter.
✓ iewed Atwooditea on the subject of ox.
tending the Bell telephone line from At•
wood to Monkton-0 milds.
For several Sunday evenings posh M.
B. Needs has been discoursing upon
"The Life of Obrist," in the Baptist
ohuroh to appreciative audiences.
S. H. Harding, who hes had charge of
our Atwood Publics school for the past 6
years, has decided to elms his connection
with t11e same at the end of the year.
Tho trustees have therefore advertised
for a new teacher. Mr. Harding has
been a very eneeeeslul teacher during the
thno bo has boon here, He certainly
possesses many good qualities of head
and heart which have won for him the
esteem and rasped of the community.
Wo have not learned his intentions for
the future, but wish him success,
131:Se t .
Service was held in the different
churches on Thanksgiving Day.
On Saturday Wm. Etnigh left this
station for Buffalo with a13 carload of
The Sunday School scholars of Trinity
church have commenced practising three
carols for their Xmas tree.
Alex. MOKellee anti wife, of Portage
la Prairie, returned to town on Friday.
Will. Collison, of Mullett, returned on
Saturday from Manitoba, after an ab-
sence of several months.
Our tux collector expe8ts to make his
annual visit sometime during the weak,
On Friday night John Deoholur's vale•
able horse took sick with pnralysi8 with
little hopes for recovery. It is vary un-
fortunate for him, 0,0 he needs rho ani-
mal badly at the present time.
On Thanksgiving Day Bev. Dr. Wil-
loughby, of Toronto, preached the 11111.11.
ver8ary sermon of the opening of the
new Methodist church in this burg, there
being a good congregation present. Af-
ter service a dinner 31008 served by the
ladies of the church, in the basernont,
which was freely partaken of by the
!ergs crowd present. An ncljoarnment
was made to the body of the church
where excellent addresses were delivered
by the several ministers present. The
choir discoursed some appropriate mllei0
on the mansion at intervals. The col-
location and proceeds of dinner amounted
to 1110 haucleonle suns of 0200.
G or rice
Wm. Bean is having a fllrneee pub in
for heating his store,
003 was cleared by the promoters of
the concert Held on the evening of Nov.
Tho Hall was packed,
Geo. Dane, who tab been in the To-
ronto hospital for months has so far re•
covered to be able to return 1101110.
Cawing to a freight train off the track
between Orangeville and the junction the
ni bt train cu Wednesday of la8t week
did not ranch tide station until about
two o'clock uext morning.
Bev. John Hough •h isrenewing b
,o Io of
acquaintances in these parte. He 010,8
stationed hero in tho early days, being
the second elethodist minister of the
place, and again filled a three year's
term eight years ago, He is 110w 011 the
8nperannuated list.
Thanksgiving day was observed here
by the bueinobs places being closed and a
union service in the town hall. The
sermon was preached by Bev. Mr. Os-
borne, Baptist minister, of the 2nd line
and Gorda congregation. In the even-
ing (service was hold in the Episcopal
Mrs. Wm. Green, who has been in
poor health for some tune, died hero on
Tuesday morning last at tho ago of 82
years. 81(0. Green is very frail. They
wore among the early settlers in this
township. They have several sone and
danehtors among them being 114bs. H.
Perkins, wise of our postmaster, end
George Green, of Goderioh.
At a meeting of the united congrega-
gations of the Fordwich and Gorrie Pres-
byterian churches, es, hold iu the former
place, a unanimous call was extended
to Rev. James Cameron, at a salary of
0800 per annurn, These congregations
have been for over a year without a
pastor anis their selection was made with
the greatest etre and unanimity. Rev.
Mr. Cameron is a young 10131011, a brilliant
}mealier and has had considerable ex.
patience, so it is expected the church
will continuo to be prosperous under his
.L1.ti to 'tv.•, l .
A 13ylaw fixing the rate of taxation
for the warrent year at 20 mills on the
dollar, was passed at the Towu Connell.
The King's Datigbtees are malting ex.
tensive preparations for their entertain -
anent in the town hall on the 26tH.
The ladies of h11e W. C. T. U., of this
town have engaged Joe Hess, the mole.
brated tenlperauce leoturar, for a week's
meetings, iu the seoond,woek of Deccan.
bet next,
Anniversary sermons in the Methodist
Olnt10011 Sabbath School worts preached
in the Methodist Chetah on Sunday by
Bev, 3. Ooolt, ni:• A„ Ph. B. On Blom
day evening Mr. Cools gave a lector°,
illustrated by stsroophioal views.
"Coo riNltNTriL 1JN10N."--Elgin Myers,
Q. C., (late Crown Attorney of Dtlforitr
County, Orangeville, now al Toronto)
and D. McGillicuddy, of the "Signal,"
Godarieh, will deliver addresses as the
above subject in the Town .Ilan, Listo-
wel, on Monday evening, Nov. 21, 1802,
0onrmenoing at 8 o'clock. Seats rosere-
od for ladles, W. G. nay will preside as
Mitre Gibson and Miss I ramie, two rat
our best public) school tetuabers, 1111011(1
giving up teaching at Ohrintmae, and
have handed in their rOeignittiOns which
were acoepted by the board. 1lfsa
Morris daughter of .Andrew 810rrl3, has
been appointer{ to one of the 03100013
poei0ion0, and i1ft's. 011011, now teaching
in Blanebard, was offered the primary
()lass, ata salary of 0325.
Rev, James Livingston, the popular
Aletheclist preacher 0f 131110 town, has re.
0010011 a 101111311111101133 iuvitab1011 from Kin-
cardine to beoocno the pastor of the
Methodist ohnrolt in that town,
Dr, Dingman w118 ',elected as chairman
of tho High eio110o1 hoard, in the plane
of Dr. N101101, deooa(soca, John Living.
0tono, jr„ 11118 berm appointed by the
Town Uounoll IIiglu Helmet Tru8teo to
1111 the unexpired torn of the late Dr.
By-law No, 212, for regulating the
measurement of wood and the weighing
of 00x1 offered for sale within the c0r•
potation, was introdnood at the Commit,
read anis passed. The Bylaw provides for
the measurement of wood and tho weigh-
ing of coal offered foe sale, and fix88 a
charge of la. to be paid to the ollloer who
may be appointed by the Cou10il to do
the measuring or weighing ; it also pro.
video for the imposing of a penalty in
oaeoe whore the owner of the wood or
coal refuses to have it measured or weigh•
ed, said penalty not to exceed 020 and
'WWPx•o s Ito es.
Wm. Thompsoo, t110 Minim and stave
manufacturer, of Teoswater, is going to
stook the yard at the caw mill here with
hard wood loge this winter.
David McBride anal Andrew GOmmill
have returned from Dakota where they
have been sojourning all summer. They
WON 01031 greatly taken up with the look
of things in that country,
John Ireland, formerly of this plane,
and Mies Ida Coyne, of :Mount Forest,
wore united in marriage on Saturday,
Nov. 6111. Mr. Irelau(1 and hie bride
have the best wishes of all old friends.
The Bible Society meeting was well
attended. Addresses were given by the
resident ministers, and the ground of
the workings of the Society was most
ably covered by rho agent, Rev. Mr.
Mom:house. He nlad0an earnest appeal
to all to add their quota towards
making up the deficit at present existing
in the funds, and showed at length the
great work being accomplished by that
grand old institution, the British and
.Foreign Bible Society. Thee, Gibson,
AM. P. P., President of the Wroxeter
Auxiliary, occupied the chair.
The roads are in a deplorable state at
3. Sheppard and his assistants warn
packing apples in this looality last weak,
Geo. McCall, 8th line, is making prep.
mentions for eulargiug his barns next
Rumour has it that a wedding. is on
the program on the 3rd line for Wednes-
day of next weak,
Misses Minnie Simpson and Annie
Tigers and J, !Eggert, of Shopparclton,
were visiting at Mrs. Wni. Belly's for a
few dap' last week.
Thanksgiving clay passed off very
quietly in this township. Some of the
local 811013130 were rambling through the
woods but game was very scarce.
The ratepayers of this township aro
notified that taxes must be paid on or.
before the dates appointed by the Col-
leotor. This is by order of the Commit.
Mre, Joseph Duncan, of i.tarristou, is
at her father's, John Bir'd's, waiting on
her slater, Mise Lizzie, who has been
dangorouely ill with palpatatiou of the
Teasels of farm stook and implomonts
belonging to Jonathan Moore came off
on Friday anil was well attended. The
day proved nufavurable blit everything
sold fairly well.
Thomas hillier had over 180 barrels of
ripples o 3 le from his orchard this year, Mr.
1IIIlat is a auaoosefnl farmer. J. li. Boll,
• farm,i
who is oilthe )!')alicI.3" miles
north of Brussels, 13,11 1110 barrels of
apples. Ho had is great crop.
On Oct. 1301 Jas. Sherrie, Wan,
Wri ;11t, Alex, Bird and Harry F itzsim-
mons put up 30 barrels of apnlos in 8
hours and made two moves, auo 3 miles
and the other i• a mile. The pocking
was dale on the farms of Jas. Bowman,
Morris, and Jas. Strachan, Grey town-
Robert Ylli11, Q131) line, is having a new
dwelling erected. The oarpeutor work,
which has been in oharge of W. IT.
Cloakey, is now finished and it will be
veneered with brick uext Spring. Tho
residence will be one of the 0108t com-
fortable and modern on the line, and wo
wish Mr. Ynill and family many years
of happiness iu it.
Wal tour.
A 8erv100 was held at 10:30 a. tit. on
Thanksgiving day in the Methodist
Dian. -On Monday horning of last
week John McKay, 10th con. MoKillop,
died after a brief illness, The trouble
started with a pain in the right eye
whin effected his brain. Mr. McKay
was an old resident and was highly res.
sheeted, Ho was a con0ietant member of
the Methodist ohuroh: The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon at the
11111 burying g1oand, J3ullet13. A wife
and large family of seven children are
left to mourn the loss of husband and
father. Tho funeral sermon was preach.
ed on Sunday afternoon, The Quarterly
Board passed a reeolatiou of sympathy
with the bereaved family.
Sonooe ltemonr.-'Tile following is a
report of the 0)8.11111)113 of the pupils for
the mouth of October, of the Junior de-
par13m0n13 of Walton school, based upon
proiicienoy, good oondaot and regular lut-
13cndatl0e :-Seoond class sr. -John
Caister, Ida 130110013 Annie Campbell ;
SOdaad class jr.-Lewis MoDonald,
1Iary Gray, Ellie Ryan ; Part second
Glass -Maud Ferguson, Minnie Bennet,
Thomas Williamson ; First class fir,-
r,Itobbin Iltunphries, Annie Gray, Carrie
Johnston ; first olass ,jr,-George Cais-
ton, Willie Weiss, Corti° Grigg, Annie
jioharcleen ; Primary class -Hannah
Ii'hluucry, 'tilde Campbell, M11111 10
Bonnet, Willie Bonnet, Vera McDonald.
J. 13. Kntxtlr, Teanhor.
Seenty Sonoot, Coevegeton,--Vhe third
meeting of the Walton Union Sunday
School A1880oiahiun will bo hold in Duff'e
ohuroh, Walton, on Thareclay, Deo. 1st,
commencing at t p, in. The following is
the program :-1''icet seseno8, 'Thursday
afternoon from 1 to 1:30 -Devotional
exorcises ; address, POt013 Watson ; sing-
ing by the children ; mese mooting of
Bentley school pupils, addresses ;-"Life
of 1fooes," Goo. Grtrg, "Life of Joseph,
Jae, Bolger, "Life of'011ri013," Jas. Snail.
11o. Addresses interspersed by singing
by tho anthem "What teachings of
Christ give Op°°ial direction to the reli-
gious 1313an11ug of the yotnlsg 7" Wm. Pol.
lard 1 Whose, Bev, D. Forrest ; 001100.
bion ; • int( eXueoi^03. honeud Soxeiun,
Thursday 0033:3f'"nt C%::)) 1,1 9:';(1 --
opening 03 ,e; , , 31.13 11u,i of 11111111403 1
report of Provincial Sunday 5011ou1 halm
gale, "What I saw and heard at the
Provincial Sunday School Convention,"
Jas, Smillie ; "Bast; muth0ds of teaching,"
to be discussed by 1110 teachers ; address,
1', JJavileou ; address, W. 11. Kerr 1 ad•
ch'eme, Rev. W. Ottewnll ; collection ;
oloeing exeroiee0. Suitclhle music) will be
supplied at i itervals daring the sessions,
Speaker,, lntroduclug subjeole a1'0 request-
ed not to exceed liftoeu militates. The
oflicore aro :---Pro8i lent, Robb. Verge.
son ; Vi10•Preeklent, Jae. Smillie ; Seo.
rotary, Mrs. Neal; Tremenrer, Geo.
Grigg, Ample acuominoda`ion for
strangers will be provided.
Tho annual ni0°13ing of 111e Walton
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Sooiety was held 1❑ St, George's ohitrob
on Friday evening, Nov. 4th. James
Smillie presided at the meeting wbioh
was calmed by devotional exercises. The
annual report was read showing that
003.00 had been oollooterl on this Branch
lash year. Moved by Jonathon Moore,
seconded by Rev, W. Othowell that the
report bo adopted. Tho depositor gave
an account of all the books purchased or
sola during the past year. Moved by
Rev, W. Ottatvell, seconded by Jonathan
1looro that the last year's officers be re-
eieutod. They are as follows :-Peesi-
dont, Samos htnillia ; Seeretarv, 1l. H.
Ferguson ' Treaonrer, David Moore ;
Depositor, Win. M. Smith ; Managing
Committee, Wm, Neal, Andrew John-
ston, John Hewitt, Jubn Shortreed,
David Knight, Thomas Williamson,
Alexander Gardiner, Wm. Pollard, Jas.
Bolger, Robert Brotherson and Peter
Watson, Short addresses were deliver.
ed by the President, Jae, Smillie, Rev,
D. Forroah and Rev. W. Ottowell. The
agent of the Bible Society, Rev. 1Ir, Mc -
Quante, of \Vingham, was than called
upon and gave a very interesting and
instructive address on the work 113acom-
plished by the Society. Moved by Rev,
D. Forrest, sec0mted by Rev. W. Ctt0well
that a voto of thanks bo tendered Rev.
Mr. MoQnitrfie. List year's oollectors
were re -appointed and were tendered the
thanks of the meeting for theie past
Alt 0012 P •¢•sl
Miss Lizzie Fraser, of Stratford, spent
Sunday with friends hero.
Geo. Longmire has taken a position as
clerk in J. 11. Thoanson's store.
The Sept. and Dab, make at Silver
Corners cheese factory has been sold at
10 cents per lb.
J. At. MoDonald, wife and daughter, of
Jackson, Alicia„ were visiting at the
parents of the former,
Timothy Homan, of Silver °ornere, one
of the °arliast settlers, passed away on
Saturday, 6th lust„ at the ripe age of 72
years. Deceased was quiet and units.
sliming and highly roapooted. He leaves
quite a large family W01 pens/Clod for.
OBIT,. -On Saturday, Nov. 6th, the
spirit of Timothy Il.tnca, out. 11, IBm't,
passed into the great beyond. Tho
subject of this sketch was born in York.
shire, England, in the year 1818, and
emigrated to Oanada in 1848. Shortly
afterwards he was nailed in marriage
to Alias Ann McDonald, daughter of rho
lata Wm. McDonald, of the towes11ill of
Russell, to whom six children wore bort,
throe 80n8 and three daughters, who,
with his willow, survive him. In 1858
deceased moved into 14ima townallin, then
called the "Queen's Bush," and settled
on lob 1, non. 11, which was then a wil-
derness. In mammon witb others he suf.
many fore t mya£ the privations incident to
pioneer life bet byindustry and 'itiont
p Y P
r h' ) ft his
toil 110 clew ad is farm and la
family in affluent circumstances. Abunt
two year8 ago the old gentleman had a
titmice of paralysis, and although he re-
covered suflieiently to walk about his
farm, he never regained hie former
health or spirits, For 1110 past three
months he 1)130 been confined to his room
and suffered a great deal svhioh 11e bore
with Christian fortitude, always looking
to the end a8 a happy release from his
troubles. Deceased was a member of the
English church, and, when in good health,
was a regular attendant at the 0ltnroll in
Henfryo. Tho funeral, which was large-
ly attended, left his Tato residents on
Monday of last week, and proceeded to
rho church in Henfryn, where the beautis.
fol and impressive Anglican service for
the dead was read by the pastor in
charge, Edwin Loo. The remains were
interred in the Elam Centre cemetery.
1:3111,01,1:1 le.
There is to be 1313 social in the Forester's
Hall hero on Deu. 61
Quite a number of our citizens tusk in
the concert at Gerrie on Nov. 51311.
Fulton Timmins, sat of our genial
postmaster, 18 attending school iu Lind•
say, Wo wish his 8neeesa.
Tho advanoo agent of Dr. Knight, of
Palmorsbon, wits billing the town last
Saturday in aaln0nn0Oment Of a free
lecture to bo given here on Nov. 23th, on
"The horse end his diseases, &u." All
lovors of the noble animal should 001110
and hear the lecture so as to be able to
treat him for cliseasos when the 0ymp.
toms appear.
Unioe Thanksgiving 0oevioo was bold
in the Presbvtorian 0huro t on Thanks.
giving Day at 11 a. nt. Quito a large
mmnber were present though many more
might easily have been. The eormou
was preached by Rev. J. W. Pring of the
Methodist church, who dealt with many
objects for which thanksgiving is appro.
priate and our duty. A Morel thank
offeeiug for benevolent purposes was
taken Op,
Rev. W. Wel Leach, of Londosboro',
brother of our 004oemod b0wllsnlen,
Joseph mid Edward Leech, preached
missionary 80rtn0us in the Methodist
011000bes on the Blas/ale o:rotrib on Sun.
day last. Though the roads were bad
the co)Igregatione were faiely good and
the oontribetlons to the 111188ionary fends
sabiefaotory. Tho sermons w01•0 earnest,
practiced, intereobing expositions of Di•
sine Troth and were attentively listened
The Quarterly meeting of rho 1.13013110•
dist church was held on Sunday, Nov,
Ulm The attendance was good and the
naeotin(, a time 0f retrashing. The
sermon by him pastor was ou the Jewish
Passover. Al large number partook of
the Sacrament of the Lord'e Supper,
Tho bushleso meeting o:a Monday showed
the cirOnit to he in tt good condition and
in every way prosp0ron0. The Tenstee
Bored of Btttovalo ohuroh decided to
build Moto 811048 an there is not 0u11i0ien13
roomy to shelter nearly all the horses,
The work will be proceeded with at once.
'1'ha 11 11 11011000111g of 1131avalet Branch
Bible Society was held in the Presby. I
Milan church bore on Monday, Nov. 7th,
' 11,1 7:30 p, 101. The Pronldont, Joseph
Leeolt, acceptably filled the chair. AI•
though the neoaelou WWI ilnpo rtaut and
the speaker of the evening a prominent
tntnisl013, there were very fete people
peewit, presumably ou aa:0mA of tile
dark, wet, windy night and bad state of
the roads, After devotional exercises by
Rev. J. W Pring, the chairman, in it few
well eh000n rvmurks, stated the objoot of
the meeting and iutrodaeed the Rev. H.
Mcelvarrlo, of Wtnglianl, to give the an-
mmaul addruss. This born, naturally, on
the work of the U. C. 13. S., its diffuse'.
ties, its aims atm its triamphe. It wa8
aharnoterised by earnestness and • brood
liberality and was full of stirring infer.
matron relating to the all important
theme of sending the word of God to the
dark pinoes of the earth. Tho collection
sena good for the number present. Tho
following officers were appointed for the
ensuing year besides the usual oollectore
for their respective fields of operation
Presidout, Joseph Leech ; Viee-Piesi-
dents, the resident m111810re ; Secretary,
Mr, McDonald ; Treasurer, Mr. Robin-
son ; Depositor, Wln. Blesser. Revs.
Messrs, Hartley and Prang made a few
remarks and the meeting closed by Rev.
Mr, AloQuarrie propounding the benedic-
fl31tit e I.
Muddy roads.
Turnip lifting fa engaging the atton'
Wm of the farmer0 in this locality.
There was service in both the Presby
toriau and Methodist ohurolies on
Thaukegiving day.
Township 00011011 was held on Term -
day. The new Town Hall will matte a
capital Coupon chamber.
Sennuo C.wL.-"Dr. Cale is stead" were
the few sad words that start'erl the 1.031'
dente of :Ethel and surrounding comltry
on Friday evening of last week. Hs had
recently' passed through a siege of
typhoid fever bot had recovered sufti'
ciently to resume his praotioe. A 'sold
contracted lead to inflammation of the
bowels and despite all that medioal at•
teudants and the willing offices of rola•
fives and Mende the grim messenger
soon olaimed the patient, The doctor
was born at Stratford, Perth Co„ 011
September 22nd, 1868, and received a
liberal education. He decided to outer
the mortioal profession and became a
student of Trinity Uuivoreity, Toronto,
graduating in April 1880. In May of the
08.1110 year he located at Ethel and dur-
ing the six years he pr 1011031(1 here he not
only worked up a lucrative and rapidly
increasing practice but mado hosts of
friends. Dr. Colo was gonial, obliging,
willing t0 lend a hand to every good
ranee and in short exercised a moulding
in11nonce in the neighborhood from a
moral standpoint that might well be
coveted by others. Ho was a consistent
member of the Episcopalian church and
was the leading spirit in having reenter
services establiehed hero by that denom-
ination. Although this is true he nob
only wished God 'speed to other churches
bet aided in many ways the carrying o11
of religious work and by 10ic0 and act
five evidence of his desire to see the
Mas13er'e Oa08 advancing. In the
establishment of rho 19:echanies' In0ti-
130te and new Townsbip Hall, and l0
oouneetion with benevolent societies, &o.,
he took an active part and 13110 progre80
of these institutions was largely due to
his energy and zeal. He will be greatly
missed 111 and around Ethel but be has
left a ohmmeter behind him that is well
worthy of emalatioli particularly by the
young. The subject of this notice was
united in marriage to Miss Emily Cov
onoY, of 'Mitchell g
on An uet 18111, 1883
and the young widow and thr,e little
children now mourn the sudden decease
of husband and father. • Tho interment
was made in 013. James' cemetery, To.
route, on Monday afternoon, the remains
being conveyed from here 'by the early
train on 1Monday. An impressive Der•
vitae was Held at the home of the dermas -
ed on Sabbath evening. Rev, Mr. Leo
accompanied Mrs. Onle to Torouto. Tho
people of this oommunity sympathise
deeply with the bereaved.
The population of Japan is given as
Fally SI�PB
You, the readers of Tilr POST,
aro interested in the establish-
ment of a Book and Fancy Store
in Brussols because yogi will now
bo ablo to secure the latost novel-
ties at REASONABLE Prions.
It is my intention td carefully
study your wants and with Fair
Treatment scum your patronage.
Since locating hero I have met
many of Brussels' courteous citi-
zens and they aro holpiug me to
dispose of many boxes full of
Books, Toys, Fancy Goods and
Stationery, which have boon
bought at Closest Cash Prices
and marked with a view to fol-
lowing out the old motto, "Livo
and Lot Livo."
Have you seen our stock kind
readers 7 If not your pro8011C0 is
appreciated, but your looney
111or0 80, by
M os C a e 1
TWO D001115 SOUTH Of+'
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S-crofu la
salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
A-bscesses, Tumors
R-unning Sores
Scurvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia., Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
I-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -ll cured by
AYE?9 qJ�J nn
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Prepared by Dr. 3. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price syr ; six bottles, 83.
Cures others, will cure you
P ''EILoolb ' S
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, la
without a parallel in the history of medi-
cine. All druggists aro authorized to sell
it 011 a positive guarantee, a teat that no
outer Duro eau successfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sone Throat or Brouchitie,
use it, for it will cure you. If your obild
hoe the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief ie sure. If you
dread bloat insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, 1100'r FAIL to 1188 it, it will cure
you or omit nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOH'S OU11E, Price 100„ 50c.
and $1.00 If your lungs aro sore or bac:.
lame,use Shiloh's Polus Plaster. 25c.
C) IN 31 WVn.'
-TO -
MO, C'dtLinigill
In Tourist Sleeping Cars 7.013011130 to
Senttlo Without Change, leaving Toronto
Every Friday at 11:20 p, ❑1,
NOV. 4, 11, 18, 25 .892
UEC. 2, 0, 10, 23, 30
Apply to any 0. P. R. Ticket agent
for full particulars.
Agent, Brussels,
One hundred and Forty-one
Ilandsonle Photographs
In One Grand
All the Conservative
f4embers of
1592 r h i 1 9 i 1392
Includin8 extra large size photographs of Sir John
Abbott, Premier, al d 53, John Thompson, leader
of the house of Commons, surrounded by the
Cabinet Ministers, and grouped on either Rid, rho
members of the !louse frrnn every Province in the
Dominion, making a total of t.1, splendid photo.
grapphs; ovary ane n perfect lilcenosa,
Tl,is greot pictore ,s a reproduction by Pcture
gravure process on copper pinla of the pictw•e
presented to Sir Jeln, Tlmmpson by rho Cousorvs-
th•o Members during the Inst session.
OO8T OVER 8500.
Tan, 1311131st. has scoured the copyright to rem -
duce this Grand Picnu'e. It is printed on s, 'll
plate pnper in photographic Cults, nn I s 3 ibrt 3
inehen bye rode inches le siva, and normo 11 splen-
did picture for fl'nnling. A key giving the name of
each member and constituency represented is printed
m1 the margin, 10111t111g amicable work of reference.
Will bo mad° for tills Grund Premium,
but It will be
GIVEN l='R „In
To Every 8ubacelbgr Por 6100
p it
FOR 18911.
Tine W111:g1.v liylrner, is without doubt the best
Weekly fees,. published in Canada, containing
ea pages of latest news of 31110 any. Special depart -
menta on Agdeuln,re, Woman's 4'ulpire, Our
Curiosity Shop, 0),) World leier •, the latest Sport-
ing Events, etc, OnIy Ono 0allaO per year.
Sent to any address in Canada or the United States.
Every subscriber will get the l'rwuinn, Picture as a
Send in your subscription nl: ones, or order
through our loved agent.
Address) THE (EMPIRE, Toronto, On.,
Private Funds to Loan,
Have been placed in 1115 hands
for Investment all real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
SOliCitor, 811188818.
System Renovator
---,Nm 0.13131113
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver (tamplaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPP.I:II,
Dragglst, Eli rissole.
NOW is the Hine to purchase stook in
this Sale.
Shares not to exceed 3,200 in number.
Corncrackor, b.s., five years old, reoord
2,20, heads the list. Tone Jack, jr., bs.,
six years old, record 2:273.
Darns of four in the 2:110 list. Fanny
Walker, a noted six year•old trottiug
mare ; about 10 A 1 facing mares and is
Mt of young Texas Jack pacers, all in
this sale. This is nota matter of choice
but of necessity to pay up an estate.
A catalogue giving description end pedi-
gree of every Morse, are„ in this sale goes
with each share. Sale sere to take 1)1040
whether shares are all sold or not.
Agents wanted everywhere to sell
shares. If yon don't see an agent send
direct to the undersigned.
Lewis Wigle,
Leamingtut, Ont.
FUR',i <J
Picture Frames, &c.
Special .Attention given to
Pic Moduate.
Sri ale's Bleck,
.Practiecal TT/'ate1Lnacaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver- Plated Ware
from Establlehed and Boilable Makers
felly warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
WllnolNo 11SNOe,
LtnIns Gest Rome,
Emnitgo5, too.
t:&'Also a Fn11 Lino of Vrot,rss and
Violin Strings, &c,, in stook.
N. at.•-fs3nrer oellnrringo Licenses.
'1". Fletcher, - Brussels,