HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-11-11, Page 8I t s t 1111 ,a 1) o' 0 b. 01 IS ti to PI 1 tl 1,1 bt te to fe 00 to te fe frOi. bg ho ab ot 00 6 terfe.,-.7.94 THS IN, Our window this week contains a display of Fancy G,lode, choice of -which you can have for MAY 10c. When buying presents for your friends or the children you will be wise in selectiur, something from our choice stock of Holiday Goods We buy in the best markets and can therefore give the best value. We will be pleas- ed to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souTDEnti EXTENsioN W. CI. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North aud South, as follows: anING SoUTEL 8010 l';',,al rr, Mail 7:10 a.m. I Mixed I.R.15 Eton. Express 1:50 a.m. Mall 3 1.i p.m. armed 8:00 pm. Express 0:38 pau. OI a.e.tusiU A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, .An' faith he'll prent it. Squaw winter. Egos 15 cents per dozen. PORE SeaSpn will 00011 be at hand. CoSoROVE Oompauy Monday evening next. Dar wood wanted—by almost every- body in town. Tnar, the public about your bargains if yon have them. Six weeks to Christmas—which falls on Sunday this year. Guars is moving slowly owing to 1.0 ; dullness of the market. A READY market is found for all the wood coming into town. A. cut load of potatoes wan shipped by W. H. McGraoken this week. Ir is reported that Dan, McDonald 1. ill in Seaforth with typhoid feta. Seam they come—the new subscribers to Tun Pon. Are you a 000eriber AMENT BRos., Brussels, have turned out 17,000 apple barrels this Fall at 111810 factory. Tam almost incessant ram during the past two weeks interferred considerably with business. A Imola has been oirculated that Win. Blashill, buteher, iutended selling out. He says there is no truth in the rumour whatever. SEVERAL items of interest did not teeth us in time for publication this week on account of THE PosT being issued a day earlier than usual. In addition to several cellars apple buyer Steep has leased the Milk store adjoining the woolen mill from P. Fergu• son for the purpose of storing apples. Tan dog poisoner has begun business again in Brussels. As a result dogs be- longing to P. Scott, P. Ameut, T. Smith, jno, Meadows and others are no more. W. M. Su:caste is offering a fine silver cup, elegantly ohased, resting on crossed guns, as a trophy for the best trap shoot- ing 18 0. sweepstake match to be held shortly. The oup is now on exhibition in the window of Jas. Jones, jeweller. Hones FAM.—The first of a Berries of monthly Horse Fairs for this season will be held in Brussels on '1hursday, Dec. 1st. Well known buyers, both Canadian and America,u, are expected to attend. Don't forget the date—Thursday, Doc. 1st, DANIEL STEWART, Chief of the Sons of Bootland, in Brussels, handed over a cheque for 61,000 to Mrs. D. McKenzie, of Seaforth, insurance on the life of her late husband who was killed here a short time ago. Rio held a beneficiary certifi- cate in the above mentioned order. List Sabbath R. F. Cameron, student of Knox college, occupied the pulpit of Knox chinch morning and evening owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev, D. Mil- lar, who was detained at Toronto, where he and Mrs. Millar were visiting, on ac- count of the illness of his baby daughter. Tan following passengers were tioketed by T. Fleother :—MIss Clara Heaily, Detroit, Mich. ; Alex. Smith, Treherne, Man. ; Wm, McLeod, Clypress, River; J. D. Remold, Halifax, N. S. ; W. B. Dickson and wife, and Miss Kate Cor. math, Denver, Col. ; Levi S. Pond, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Miss J. 111. Wright, Fenton, Mioh, Dina—Monday evening Chas, Barker, of Seaforth, died of typhoid fever after a brief illness. 111 wife was buried about a month •go, her death being the result of a long seige of consumption. Three young children are thus !eft orphans. "Charlie," as he was familiarly called, was a well•known horseman and had handled "Carlisle" for several years. AUOIMI) TIM WOBLD,—The map entltled eAronnd the 'World," issued nob long eintse by the Canadian Peoiflo Railway Compeiv, must be now familiar to the general Canadian public. It is not, how. ever, and cannot beoome, to familiar. It shame on a fat surface the northern hemiephere, whieb embraces the bulk of accessible civilization, It le a remark- ably lonid mop. The fleet faot which strikes the eye in it IR the eouthern Cana- dian boundary, midway, or nearly go, between the equatorial an 1 &rode effete.% This boundary is irregnIt ly continued to a, complete cirouroferonc, by the Cana- dian Paoiflo ocean route., dosoribing a 'single within a circle. In othov words, the circle fornsed by the Canadian Pacific Railway and ocean transportation lines, takes in Canada, the Britieth 1810,1120, Europe, Ana and japan, constituting as vite hove said, the hulk Mame-Bible nation, Christian and nomChristien. The rest of the World, in t word, is "not in it." During the past week J. T. Pep. i per, the local C. P. P. agent, hats been busily engaged placing maps in I3russels and the adjacent publio Behoole Where they can be seen and annotated, TfIE BRUSSELS POST lattEMSOrneserwarmesaferunatimmumusasseconsinnwormsurersoranciressamsourinaciesturraszningroaerixonsursrountyb Cott Rose is ready for your tax- Butte Soeirrr.-, Tho annual ineetieg es. of oosi4s Braneh of the Upper Canada, 1 Ton nostool 'e mill he 0:ten ou '11 Bible 14 iy wee. 1 in iodville church giving day from 4:au to .00 Melock for on Thursday menthe( of last week. lbw, the dietrthution of troth matter. John Rotel, B. A., oonduoted tho dove. ',Awl Sabbath morning J. Irwin con. tional exercises after which Proeident dented the service in 8t, John's chapel], Strenhan offered n few appropriate re. The evening Meeting was withd, awn, marks. The annual report ryas read Seemed Board will meet Friday (Wu, allowing that 6112,76 had been collected elfleaoles ls an 1rim-41a Point4 Oou 0101,..1h101060, United S tato, ,0241191and• ing of this week, The question of en. on this Branch lent year. On motion of ' gagIng teachers for 1t493 will oonstdute I Reeds. Memo. Ross Rod Jaime the report the older lutetium. I was received and adopted. Moved by Da. Bence, twormary d the Provincial Rev. S. Jones, seconded by Dunoao Mo. Board of Health, believes that °holm Lanoldin that last year's (alcove, vie. :— will viait Canada nes t year. He urges T. Strachen, President ; resident minis. that every mimicip,t11 ty 1uiild clean up ters, Vice ['mantas ; W. H. Kerr, Seo• and prepare. retavy•Treasurer ; A. M. MoKay, Assist. Tilt: Cosgrove Company of minden! ex- 110 Scerotary G. A. Deadman, Deposi. pa's, accompanied by an cloentioniet tor ; A. Stewart, H. Dennis, A. Straoh. and a condo vocalist, will appear in the an and 1. T, Pepper, Executive Com - Town hall, Brussels, next Monday Mu- mitten, be re eleoted, Bev. 11. aletanar- lop, nutter the auspices of the Canadian rio, of Winghttm, delivered the annual Order at Foresters. toldvess giving a brief outline of the Tun Exeoetive of Fthr on County Rah. wads being done end the duty of Chrie. bath School Associatio a will meet in tian people to the muse. A vote of Clinton on Tuesday of next week, at 10 thanks was tendered the reverend lectur. to make prahminary arrangements et for his able address. Moved by Rev, for the next County Conventioe, whioh J. Ross, seconded by Rev, S. Jones; that will be eell iu Blyth next February. the colleotors of last year and the Sem. Costrimrs.—On the inside pages of Tun, tary-Treasurer he accorded the than Posr may he found the continued serial, of the meeting for their past services. "Beyond reoall" ; a short story, "Tho Carried. A collection of 65.92 was taken vagabond of the regiment" ; poem, "Some at the olose of the meeting. The at. folks" ; "A. pound of ditto" ; "Health tendanoe was miserably small for such a notes" ; "Agricultural hints" ; "Some noble (muse. Brussels Branch has a costly things" ; "Mr. and Mrs. Bowser" ; record equalled by few places iu this "Horrors of the slaver" ; "Reoipes", &o., Province. During the pest 10 years the &o. A lot of splendid reading not excel receipts have been as follows led by any paper. 1,1EmILLE Cramem—Last Sabbath was the 13th anniversary of Itev, J. Ross' Pastorate. An appropriate discourse was preached et the morning 'or'e in which the work of the past WU briefly reviewed, B4,NIC 0.F 2,7 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO. ASSETS, • • (Sov•111 Milian Dollars) - 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . If8,000,01.10 1882, 6 106.69 ; 1883, 6 80.81 ; 1881, 145.04; 1885, 105.82 ; 1888, 171.42 ; 1887, 142.31 ; 1888, 141 71; 1889, 127.09 ; 1890, 125.62 ; 1881, 142.76 ; Tile church is iu a vigorous OMMItiOn.— Making a grand total of 51,355.00. The attendance at Melville oluiroli Salt. in 1888 Walton and neighborhood or - bath school last Sunday afternoon was ganized a Branch of their own end took 148, the largest in the history of the charge of a portion of the field covered school.--Thae itksgivinservice on Thus- by our oolleotors. •iay of this week 1111"e. ns. Sermon by tl,e paStOr. Titatinhe ARM. —Last Sunday night Business Locals. a (114 01 young fellows chased, caught and abused ans. Knechtel. Complaint PURSE found. Apply at Tim POST. has beau made and the youths will like- COMFORTABLE house to let, Apply to ly have an opportunity of explaining S. B. Sande. their cowardly and impudent interfer. Fon your photos go to Strong's over ecce with unoffencling citizens. The Standard Bank. magistrates are already iu possession of Wu, Bassumr, pays cash for hides, the Eames Of four of the gang. There is skins and poultry. trenble ahead for somebody and the pub. Lawn, pork and sausage at Win. Bias- lio wont sympathise with the effetidera hill's meat market. it they are iu,de emtert for their Balsa by the quarter at bottom prices rowdyism. at W. Blashill's, the old reliable butcher. TRY. our Alligator harness oil. Best A PIECE 00, oil in use for leather of any kiud. I. C. We met with qMte an amident Richard,. arise as me seam to dams' Leave your order for a first•Mass quart- Tqa ;woman drodped a log 03 type, er of beef at Wm. Blashill's, the leading Furl made 03850311 mess. Ilo4Spo,3 gime go fix up, yiud so ere dipu,1 try' But Woes 80 008009 all 0. pieoe 0; printesa pi. Soma ;opts sego do rios understund Ifni mysteries of the guide' Are earl drone to raise a fuss, 13 0. 1111531140 15 011351, 00e8209130as sale nog snadaged ppheu umithittes 'Duty ; They'll stoma tioAk 01 10 sheurselves mage a peiuter's SALYATIONARMY.—The Sal vation Army self -dental week dates from Nov. 5131 to 12111. The Army expects to raise 520,- 000 in Canada and Newfoundland during this week, to be:apportioned as follows :— $500 for rescue and social operations, $5,.. 000 for the relief of sick and wounded officers and officers in need, 82,500 for the training of officers, 55,000 for the as• sistanee of small corps in their indebted• nen to the territorial headquarters, 6500 to the Freuoh work, 52,000 for general extension. The soldiers will he expected to deny themselves some creature cons. forts so that the money that would have been spent upon them can be given to the fund. The general peblio will also be asked to give of their means. Principal Grant, Prof. Blailde, Dr, Withrow, Rev, Dr. Thomas, S. H. Blake and Rev. Dr. Briggs have approved of the seladenittl scheme, and Sir Oliver Mowat wrote, "I feel much interest in the operations of the Salvation Array, and have much pleasure in enclosing et contribution to the self- denial fund." ROYAL TEMPLABEL—On Tuesday oven• log the semi monthly 'meeting of Brus- sels Council, No. 880, Royal Templars of Temperance, was held. Two candidates were initiated. For ''the good of the order" (luring the next 8 months the members have been chosen on sides captained by Miss Annie Ross and 5, Moore, respeotively. The former pre- sented the program on Tuesday which was an excellent one as follows ;--Chorus, "A better day is coming ;" reading, ',Life, its true objeet, Mrs. Jas. Kerr ; reading, "The wake of Tim O'Hara," 51Ise Grace Aldridge ; solo, "Breakers ahead," Miss F. El, Kerr ; reading, "The victor's etory," ales. Wm. Ainley ; dialogue, ''A slight misunderstanding," Misses Maggie McNaughton and Annie Ross ; solo, "Save the boy," Dr. Cavan. agli ; reading, "The bridal wine cup," W. J. Spence. Marks are given for each ra'unt 16.1.11e'r,Tsetn by the 1100818 at olose of (leader. A new member counts 25 points, It is expeoted that a fresh awa,keniug in Temperance sentiment will take owe in Brussels and to aid it a team of Temperance revivediets will visit the town shortly, under the auspices of No, 886. Are you helping the clause along ? BASE BALL Pon 1808,-5. radioed base bali ohange in the formation of the dia- mond Las been proposed. The plan seems to be a feasible one and worthy of oonsideration. The suggestion has been made through the instance of the league magnates. The new scheme is to in- orease the bases of the diamond from four to five, thereby making a larger field 88 50. to cover and changing the dupe of the diamond to that of a pentagon or five.sided flaunt, This would put first base ten feet further out than it 10 now plaoe second base to the right of its p scent location, make third louse about whore the shortstop usually plays and push the fourth base about ten feet to the left of the preseut third base. The promoters of this fathoms olaiin thab 10 would increase the batting in that there wotild not he so many foul balls and that the fielding would of necessity he much livelier, They also olairn that stealing Lases would bo udder, and that also the strain upon the oattherhs throwing arra would not be so groat as it is under the present conditions. nu; new field (Mild tot reqiure any more players to (lover it, the mond basemen taking caro of that base, the shortetop looking out for third and the present third baseman being ass signed to fourth base. A. coon, sound, gentle driving horse for sale, with or without harness and buggy. alio. D. RONALD. REMEMBER we do no second class work in the photo line. 11. J. Strong, over Standard Bank. H. J. Strong wishes to remind the Public that his photo studio will he open all day Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Fon sale or to rent, a comfortable and commodious residence on William street, Brussels. For pactioulare apply to 11. M. Dickson. FIRST-CLASS oysters on hand to -night and regularly during the seaeon, in bulk or by dish. MRS. R/111:, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. BABY DAX.—Bables photos that were taken ou June 7th can he had for $2.00 per dozen at 14. J. Strong's photo studio between now and Nov. 21st. GREAT bargains in hoods, naps, jackets, &o. These are last year's stook and will be sold at the price of the yarn. Call and get bargains at Mrs. Kirk's, oppo' site Queen's Hotel, Brussels. BEAUTIFUL Houe.—Beautify your home with our choice Oleinatie, Golden Syria. gia, Weigelia on Hydrangea—nothing More attractive. Plant our Iron Olad apples, select pears, special merited and rave plums and cherries. It will pay you. Dou 1 delay. BLOOSISDALE Nensenr Co., Woodstock. WELL -Dm -MO &ND DRILLINCL—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction, Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence sawed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Bruesels, 84.02 COBSETS.—JUSt in a job lot of Cromp- ton, Yetisi, Coraline, 660, and 0 & 13 oorsets, 'to sell at 25 per oent. below regular prices. Also another lot ithe "Queen" to sell at 65c., regula dollar geode. 'We have sold 110 pair of this one line in the last three months and everybody is pleased with them, Buy now and save money. Irwin 8 MoBain, 600 cords good hard wood wanted in exchange for harness, or oath will be paid for any quantity of good dry wood delivered at ono's, beech and maple, short or long. Apply at I. 0. Richardshar- ness shop, "A eineuram stuseees and medical tri- umph," so speaks an eminent physician in reference to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; and the eulogy was none too etrong. No other medicine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases of the throat and lungs. Examen Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumpe and blene- helms from horses, blood spavins, ourbs, splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats etc. Save 560 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. "Normea enemas like success," and nothing will more (pinkly insure einem than true merit, )for fifty years A.yer's Sarsaparilla has maintained its popular- ity as the superior blood•purifier. It stands npon Its own merits and never fails to give satisfaction, WriAT 05 DANDRUFF ?—A disease of tido scalp that amuses falling of the hair, fad. lug of the hair, in feet, death of the hair, It irritates the thalp and causes scales and menial° eruptions—pram:lee bald. tiess, Bear in mud that Anti -Dandruff Fell Wheat removes Dandruff with three applications Spring W1oab..... —stops fallioog and restores fading hair to Barley its original color. Sold by druggists at Peasao 75 cents per bottle. ° AUCTION SALR.—An emotion sale will tubber, tuba and rolls take place at the residence of the late Ugge per dozen.... . . Thomas Norton, Turnberry street, Brus- Flour per barrel eels, on Saturday, Nov. 10131, when the Potatoes following household fuvniture will bo of- Hay per sou Wed for ealo :-5 bedsteads, one of Salt per retait...— which id inn, (single)with 5901814 mat- Tildes trimmed trees; 2 large spring mattrasses ; 1 Hideo rough .. stuffed matt/we ; 1 dressing bureau and Sheep eking, each wash stand; 10 chairs with cane seats ; Lamb skins oath, thaire with perforated s ; eate12 chairs A P with wood seats ; 1 eideboard 2 Pem• WoPolle!. P . .. .. .. : ... broke tables; 1 °lock ; 1 cooking Stine I{ ....... segraYeT7.k. t5* Rea.717Ms A General Banking Business Transaoted, Fernier& Notes Dlemountecl, Drafts Ideated and Cellootione made on all points, SAVINGS SANK DF.PARTMENT, In Weed allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwerde from date of depoeit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, BIMETAL ATTENTION (MTN TO THE COLLECTLON 00 FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afferdcd Customers living at a distance. (2.1', SCHOLFIELD, MANMER, lortaav.V.V=EMEZtOMIII. IMISTPXOIDOCir.........16WW00.11:11,0.10911.1:10=1 OILLIES & SMITE, BAITICEILS, 13 S S Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISOOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. KINGS' NONA' VAPAVareVILVT. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Ciirrent Rates. Interest Com- pomided Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We CtrVet to write Insurance in 01,1 .11:nglieli Or Canadian COMPO111039 er 111 35,05. Mali Companies its may be desired. AUENT5 FOE CANADA AND MIMED STATES TUE CANADLIN BANN OF COMMERCE. VARICOMISMOCI•395011.2E113 and stove pipes ; 1 largo kitchen table ; THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. several gardening implements. Sale will commence at 2 o'clock. F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, n NE MILOII 00W FOR SALE ki Will calve in January. Apply to al- Mils. W7L,IneCULLOBITF.soh, Perth County. W. J. Freeland has resigned the posi- tion of precentor and choir leader of Knox thumb, Stratford. Rev. M. P. Campbell, St. Alarm has received and accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Essex. The annual athletic games of the ool. legiate institute will take plaoe on Nov. 11 and the oommencement exercises on Nov. 18. Tho number of teachers iu training at the Stratford Model School is 43, and at Mitchell 25. This is a vary large total for the county of Perth. G. D. Newman, 13. A., of Queen's College, has been appointed to fill the vacantly in the Mitchell High School at a salaryeof $800 per year. This has been a busy year in the build- ing tradee at Stratford. The total ex. penditure reaches over $130,000, and a superior class of buildings has been erect- ed. The total building expenditure in Stratford for this season amounts to over 5130,000. For the season of 1801 it was less than $50,000. The new Gordon block is approaching completiou, and is one of the handsomesb in Western On- tario. While amending a ladder Wm. David- son, of 'Darlington], slipped and fell on a hay fork. One of the tines entered his body 100 1315 groin, and turning upwards inflicted a painful wound several inches iu length. Ho WM stunned by the fall and lay for a considerable time. It is thought he will recover. A woman hen lately been admitted for the first time to the London society of compositors. The sooiety refuses to ad- mit women who are not paid at the same rate as tnen. Mr. Asquith, the Home Seoretary, granted a respite of a week to the mur- derer Neill, who was to have been exe- cuted Tuesday for poisoning Matilda Clover, ohiefiy on the affidavit of an American, Rev. Dr. Matthews, who is acquainted with Neill's family. In hie affidavit the minister declares he believes Neill and other members of the prison. see family are insane. The respite oomes on the public as a great surprise. People had already forgotten the wretch- ed man and are not overpleased to be re• minded of him by the prospect held out 02 1310 prolonged existence. He was 00- 095102 for the consideration of evidence 01081 00 its way showing that in the 13. B. and in Canada Neill so omidnated him. self as to show that he was not respon- sible for his actions. There is always a disinclination to hang a man after a respite, but the oase needs to he very strong to save Neill'S neck. e—V-C=201,1* TUESDAY, Nov, 1.6rn.—Farm stock. Lot 17, oon. 14, Grey. Sale ut 1 o'clock p. m, 1, McNeil, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auot. SATURDAY, Nov, 1901.1.—fioneehold fur- niture, &o., at the residence of the late Thos, Norton, Brussels. Bale ab 2 p. m, 10. S. Scott, atm. WEDNESDAY, Nov, 16sea—Farm stook, implemente, &o. Lot 0, con. 12, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'clock. T. & W. Watson, propts. Geo. Kirkby, auo. TUESDAY, Nov. 22sen.—Farm stook and implements, North half lot 28, con. 0, Morris. Sale commences ab 1 o'olook, Joseph 'Webster, prop. F. S. Scott, anat. FRIDAY, Nov. 11T10.—Farm etoolc, im- plements, &o. North half Lot 26, eon. 9, Morris. Sale, =reserved, commences at 12 o'olock tharp, Jonathan Moore, Prop. Goo, Kirkby, Audi. 01105Z2=Z.,51,===1, 00 68 80 55 25 15 15 8 50 85 5 00 1 00 3 60 05 1 00 17 0 00 65 62 85 50 26 16 CO 4 00 00 00 05 1 00 00 1 50 18 00 TERSEYS FOR BALE. -1 El bred Cow 4 years old ; 1 Heifer nearly purebred: 1 Bull 2 years old ; 1 Bull Calf 0 months old. 1+,),, DEADMAN, Druggist, Brussels. nORDWOOD WANTED. —ANY quantity of hard and soft eon -tweed wanted at Brussels Salt Works. 5125 to KM per oord for soft wood art' $1.00 to 5150 for hard wood. T. COLEMAN, 1240 Proprietor. pROPERTY FOR SALE.—TRE undersigned offers her property,)* miles north of Brussels, for -sale on liberal terms, Thereis one core of land upon which there are t)vo houses, stable and 0 small orchard. The place is conveniently located on the gravel road. FOE further partionlarS as to prloo, tenns, &c, apply to MRS. 1200, 5110002.10, Princess St., Brussels REAL ESTATE. pARms FOR SALE—THE UN- DMISIGATTOD has several good Farms or sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, S. SOOTT,Brussels. 37-02. CIROICE FARM FOR SALE.— kJ Being South 1) alf Lot 27,005.0, Morris, 100 mores, nearly all °loured. Good buildings, 000 3000 hearing orchard, Immediate pos. elusion, Easy Tema Apply to W. 14. 8oSitgra,Lrboh.i,1116 tf ussols. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— The undersigned desires to dispose of his 100 acre farm being Lot 21, Con, 7, Grey, adjoining the thriving village of Ethel where are shops,ohurolies, !schools. On the farm is a comfortable dwelliug..house, good bank barn, tip-top orchard, wells and neces- sary outbuildings. 86 mires cleared, balance bush'The land is In a good state of matt- vation and is well finned, For price, terms and other particulars apply on the premises to L. DOBSON, Proprietor 0.0f lethal,. O. 200 LOIRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 aore farm, boin g 1015 11 mid 12, can. 10. Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance wall tim- bered, Bulltlings first-class. Orchard, well, &e, School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars 08 00 priee, terms, &o. apply to AIRS. WALICHR, 9-00 Roseville P. 0. or NBLSON DIMMER, on farm. QPLENDID FARM It'OR SALE. L) Slums tete 11 and 12, 005, 13, Township of Grey, County of Huron, containing POO acres, the property of the late John Robert- son, 160 acres cleared and free from ob- structions, 15 mores bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared. Soil cloy loam, mostly rolling, Folioed with straight rail fences and Watered by two walls and a spring 8117E80. 00811)30(liOUS dwelling house, WW1 large woodshed attached men au excellent cellar under house. Two large barns, atone stabling and other outbuild- ings. Two good beaten orchards, erne - mental trees and smell fruits, miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T. 11., convenient to school, churches and post office. This property lies well, is a first- class grain and stook fs,rin and should bo seen by into tiding purchasers as it is afar - ed at a bargain. For further particulars MRS. JNO,ROBERT SON, apply to or DANIEL ROBERTSON , ou the menneee, or by letter to Cranbrook P. 0, 1194 Notice to Creditors. orealtore of Joseph H. Rosati, late of tho Township of Elnia, in the County of Perth, doomed, wbo died 00 00 about Lho eleventh day of 0 ctobor, 1803, and all others having claims (Wand his Mato are hereby notified to sone by pest impala, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, lexoentore of the lost will and testament (0 010 said &wami, on or before the 28t10 Sony or, November, sage. their 0181611121 DEMOB and aurnamos, ad- dresses and deseriptions, end full partioulars ef their olef)8s, statements of their athounte and na,laire of the sonorities, if any, held by thorn and in default thereof end Moneatate• ty otter the BAR 2801 clay of November the assets of the said cleansed 53111 be distribut- ed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard onlbe 10 100 claims of whith notice shell have boon given as above vequired. And this actin being giVon under the pro- visions o f the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Mm, 110, Sea 80, 100 00000111000 rein not he nithie for the said assets, 08 0117 part there- of, to any person of whose claim notice shall not halo been toaelved by them at the time of said distribution, JOSEPH 0, It0ZilLI41 , Wbf, KELIANGTON, J "1"1,"6, 1041 TrOltbridge P, 0, Blinked, 24,1892, Nov, 11 1802 NOTE PAM, EN VELOPBS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, .LIEnatle=1111200 PEPPErt'S DRUG STOD,E, DrUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T4 L. TAYLOR, 13ARRISTER, O• WWI tor an 0 Cony °veneer. Collo- tion a made, Oilleu—Yonstoue's Block, Sm. eels. 21 -eon W.sl‘,!1,101StoIaLiwAGyIll, .1Int ary Pub. lie, &o, Office—a reliant s Meek, 1 dem. north of Popper's Drug Store, lertvete Funds to Loan. riAMERON, LIOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 0 02811511, Ont. 01. C. CAMERON, Q. 0,, PEILIP 0017, 3)1181E7 110001018, AUCTIONEERS. A, RA.YMA.NN, xi • Auetioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, Aso. Tome cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may be armuRed at Ton Posm Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotioneer. Sales conduct ori on reasonable terms, Farms and farm etooka 8110010.167, Ordors left at Tun 1,0sT Feb11E311134 House,Brussele or soutto Walton P. 0., )v111 receive prompt iittention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 611 as an Auetioneer, I EDI prepared to conduct Woe of farm stock at reasonable prices, Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get 00 ,0 security when sold onor Batisfacttlon guaranteed, Give m. 5. SOOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. %%T H. MoORAOKEN, r • Insurer of Marriage Licenses, ORlar, at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. *PQ N. BARRETT, _L Id • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south 01 .1. M. McKay & Oo's hardware store. Ludies.aml eh ildrens hair cutting a apaoialty AMoNAIR, . Issuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut,..0 overnor, Commis- sioner, ere., Q. B. Conveyaneer and Agent Fire Inatiranoe Go. 011ica at the Oranbrook Post 0111ce. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- rilensaarialt FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan end Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to Mau. Collaotione made. Oflico in Graham's 13 lock, Brnssols. OIL PAINTING, Miss Moriee, of Whighanc, Is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. 2.ernis may be ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store where sampled.; of work may be soon. Miss Movie would also take a few MOM pupils in music. rri A. ELA.WIIINS, I. • Organist In St. jollies Church, Mus- sel% and pupil, in the Art of'Teaching, 00 2. W. Thayer, Mug, Doe., New York, will give lessons to pupils either &Vilma Farrow's, Turnberry Street, or if preferred, at their own homes, Terms moderato, MEDICAL CARD& WM. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M., Member of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Offloo stud Residence —Main street East, Ethel,ontario, JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0,312,1, 11.0.P., Edinburgh, 35.0.0 B. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson' Bleak, corner 00 3511 and Turuberry Sim VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a emu- petent manner. Partioular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at- tended to, OCIlee and Inlirmary—Two doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels, DENTAL. IDUNGC1W3C1' M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se 13, D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dratted Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OFEICE—Ovez A., R. Smith's Store, Bruesois, -DUBE CHESTER WHITE 130411 IL FOR SERVICE. unclereigned will keen for Garvin° a There' Bred Chester WILIM 13oar, On Lot 2, Con,17, G1'oy. Terms 8100, payable at tiros of service with privilege of returning 11 110. emery, WILLIAM li16N101100, 18.5 Walton. TMPROVEDLA.RGE WHITE YORK - I. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service this present season the Improved large White Yorkshire pig "Ready' on lob 20, eo a. 0, Morris, to whleh a limited number Of sOWs will lin taken. Perms 51.00 to be paid at tints of aerves, with the privilege of return. ling 11 0000000.07, Pedigree nloy bo men up- on application, 1001314110 13101101., 10.5 Proprietor. OAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will hoop for serviee en Lot la 00n,18, Grey, IL pure bred Clue tov White Pig, imported from the state of Iowa by Robert Ad003s, of aleNillop, Perms, $1.00 to impala at time 01 Berrie() with privilege of returning if necessary, DANILL lffoldlaLAN, le 4 Peoprieter, OAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE thooraigllio 10111(00p for seevioe itt Morrishank, the Thorot-brod (Mester White Boar, "Uncle Sein,” No, 4,001. This hog has taken 100 1,0150 00 11,0 lour fairs ho Wag OX - Whited. dud his stook hits boon eetally sun. easeful as prize whinerS. Peeigrea may be Seen on application, Tonna, 81.00 to Do paid at the time of serviee with privilege of ae- turning 13 1100358109', 5, arrow Proprietor. 0