HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-11-11, Page 5Nov, 11, 1892
1"tl".i".ct gam
Iillluetlza ie troubling a number in
this timidity.
J. Irwin of BIGGER/19, ofiloiated in St.
George's church In Sabbath afternoon.
A. shooting matoh for turkeys, gees*,
dnokn, sire. in billed for Thanksgiving
day at tiro Royal hotel,
Rev. Mr, Forrest was unable to tale
(lie work owing to Moose last Sabbath,
1118 place was Midi by Elder Smillie, the
evening service was withdrawn.
Arrangements are being made for the
holding of tho annual local Sabbath
sohoOl Oonvenbion in Walton. A good
program will be presented. The (meet.
lugs will be held in the Proebytorian
ohuroh this time.
The annual meeting of Walton Branoh
of the Upper Canada Bible Society was
held last Friday evening in the Episco-
palian alurah. A lino address bristling
with good points was given by Rev. Mr.
iiloQuarrio, of Winglnam. This Branoh
(*Redact $57.83 last year. Last year'e
officers were ro.eleoted. It is a fine br
etitution and well managed.
1t3lu a srsn 119.
Base GIiIESE FACroluss.—Considerable
excitement was created at Listowel by
the sale of the cheese offered by two
factories which have the reputation of
being the best in the Dominion --Blue.
vale and Elma, These factories brand
their cheese, and their brand is well
known to old country houses. The result
is that buyers here receive special orders
to buy these makes. Bluevale Bold at the
second oral at 11 cents, and Elam had the
good luok,to oome in on the third call and
get oent more or 1 cent over prices
offered for the ordinary make of the
distriob. In other words reputation and
quality were worth to Elma factory on
Thursday's offerings over 1111,200—all of
which shows the profit in nuking gilt
edge cheese and seanring a reputation for
it in the English mlurk b e .
In this con.
onr a buyer has drawn o u abtoutiou
to this fact : that the three factories
which won the prizes at the Western
Fair were the largest ane( finest factories
in Western Ontario—Bluevale, Elmo and
Spriugbank ; and equally important,
they are factories where the whey is nob
sent back in the milk cans. Good build-
ings, a good maker, and a °lean system
are necessary to produce good cheese.
Miahtel Fox is again indisposed.
W. D. Gilohriest has disposed of hie
livery Wetness to Wm. Hawk:haw for
the sum of $500.
Mies Miriam Dunn has been re -en.
gaged to teaoh in the junior department
of the Public sohool for 1898.
J. Loree and ohiklren left last week
for Delmore, carrying with them the
good wishes of their Atwood friends.
Mrs• Loree will continuo the business
hero two or three weeks longer.
A meeting of the dirootors of the Elm
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance 00. was
held in Atwood on Qat. 25th. The mem.
bers were all present. Applications fur
iusura000 were received and aoeepted
since last report amounting to $03,500.
It was agreed to levy an assessment of
20 per cent. on all premium notes in
force on the 31st 001. current, the Treas-
urer to be at the Grand Genteel hotel,
Listowel, ou Friday, Deo. 2nd, et 10 o'-
alock 0. m. ; Atwood, Coghlie's hotel, on
Tuesday, Deo. 0th, at 10 o'clock a. nn.,
and at the Quern's (hotel, ellivorton, on
Tuesday, Doe. 0th, from 10 a. m. to 12,
(uoon) for onlleotio n. The annual meet-
ing will be held at Coghlin's hotel, At-
wood, on Tuesday, Jan. 17th, 1898, at 1
p. on All interested are cordially in-
vitee( to attend.
Council meeting will be held here next
Tuesday, 15th inst.
Max. Raynard arrived home last Sat•
urday evening from a two months' visit
to Manitoba and Dakota.
A lively bueiuess has been done at our
railway station this year in oonueobion
with the apple business.
Thanksgiving servioe will be held iu
the Methodist ohuroh on Thursday even-
ing of this week, the pastor preaching.
Bennie Davies has taken a position in
J. T. Pepper's drug store, Brussels, in-
tending ter learn the business. We wieh
him su00859,
Rev. 3, T. Legoar, formerly of Ethel
circuit, has removed from La Moille,
Illinois to Rochelle in the same state.
The latter is a town of 2,000 inhabitants.
He hae a good salary. Mr. and Mrs.
Legear are visiting relatives at Godorioh
and St. Alarys at present.
A doepateh from Berk's Fa11s says :—
A fatal accident oco0rred at Wm. Milne's
now mill, three miles west of Trout
Creek railway station. F. Gather, a
young millwhight who inside his hone
at Powaesan, whoa working on the frame
of the mill at an elevation of 25 feet from
the ground missed hie footing, fell and
smashed his head on a rook beneath.
Death resulted almost instantly.
sat'.ON' •
Township Connell will moat at Ethel
on Tuesday of next week.
Miss Wright, of Jamestown, left for
Fenton, Michigan, this week.
It is stated that Roberb Dark has leas-
ed Mee. Wm. Shine's farm, 12th con.,
for next year.
Wm. Habltirk jr. arrived here from
Itilruitobe this weak. Homay spend the
winter in this county.
Ontbberb HutchIuson, lob 18, non. 5,
pulled bwelve harrole of apples off one
Northern Spy tree this fall. This is an
unusually lege yield.
"Wm. Pollard, who leas been differing
from a cataract on his right eye, intends
going to Toronto to have it removed.
We trust the sight will be restored all
The following aro the officers of Court
Jamestown 0. 0, 1a —J. P. 0, It,
Alexander Moffat • C R., john Forrest ;
V, 0, 18., Robert Shaw; 13, S., William
Reid ; 'Treas., Wm. McKelvey ; Chap.,
D. Simpson ; S. W., H. A. Shaw , J. W.,
0.B. For1088 ; S. R. Peter Moffat ; J,
li„, J. B. Smith,
A Young Peerless' Christian Aeeocta.
tion wee °reanlsed Friday evening of
last week, in 8. S. No. 1. The following
ollioors wore appointed :—Pree„ 7. A.
MoLnohlin ; Vioo'Pres., Jas, Betz ;
Trees„ W. Ritchie ; Soo., Miss 13. Betz.
From the fact that the A.esociation is
oomposed of the young people of No, 1
is n sufficient guarantee that their meet.
ings will be edcoesefol and interesting.
Wisteeel1l1 sea•
The Bank of Hamilton removed to I
their new building last week.
The sl010re have the roof on the new
Pnglieh (Oswalt Meant oompleted.
D. MoGormack, hotelttoeper, Wing.I
11010 18 offering to compromise at 25o. on I
the (10(11((',
Mayor Clegg, who has been ailing for
eome time, has gone to Toronto, to eon-
eulb with specialists.
A. Galbraith, grocer, lute dispersed of
his Stook of groceries, eta„ to 1). A. Mc-
Clure, of Welland, who has batten pas -
T. L, Jobb has moved his carriage
works rind blaokemith shop from opposite
the Exohnnge hotel, to the shop lately
oorupled by R. Dreavor,
Miss Hattie Reid, daughter of Atiatn
Reid of Lower Winghnm, has been en.
gaged for next year by the trustees of
S. S. No. 0, (flolmes' school) Turnberry.
The Methodist congregation of this
place have had a now piece added to
their ahnroh and it will now be able to
give greater aoaommodation to the largo
congregations that attend that ohuroh.
The choir will now occupy a position
behind the minister. A new ohuroh will
likely be erected in the near future so lie
bo afford butter aeoommodation for the
Sabbath sohoul and congregation goner.
List toevtel.
A. Moyer Re Co. leave made nearly 22,-
000 barrels this Fall.
The Night School at the Mechanics'
Institute rooms, opouect Imlay evening.
Wm. Climie, df the Banner, has boeu
appointed a Deputy Game Warden by the
Ontario Game and Fiib Commission.
The ladies of Knox church purpose re•
prating the entertainment given a year
ago, "The Temple of Fame" on Friday,
Nov. 18th.
A partnership has bean entered into
between (Robert Roth and Arthur Roth,
brewers, for the carrying on of the Lie -
towel brewery.
The Cosgrove Family will give one of
their popular 801108 s in the town hall on
161hunder the auspicesices
of the Mechanics' Institute,
Mrs. Thornley, President of the Lon•
don, Ont„ W. C. T. U. is expected to vielt
the Listowel W. 0. T. U. on Nov. 29811,
and will � probably give a public address.
Mrs. M1Ertiu, wife of R. Martin, had
the misfortune to slip on the walk in their
yard Net week, breaking her arm at the
wrist. Two of the bones were fractured.
A 0110000 for the amount at which the
town has settled its olaitn against the
Rosbaoh estate, namely, $6,000, and
about $90 interest, arrived last week, and
has been deposited by Morphy Rc Cashew,
solicitors, in the Bank of Hamilton,
pending the signing of a release by the
Blow cgs-
1liiss Maggie King, of Gerrie, is at
present visiting friends and relatives on
the let con.
Quite a number of the young folk of
the let 5011, attended the concert in Ger-
rie on Saturday evening last.
Robe. Smillie, who obtained a 2•td
plass e51811(ate in July, is going to Her-
ristou Hight Bebop' at present.
The missionary sermon will be preach•
ed in Johnston's Church next Sunday
evening by the Rev. W. W. Leeoh.
Aire. Robinson, of Toronto, who has
been visiting her brother, Alex. Emhot,
for several months, purposes returning
home this week.
Joseph Smillie, of the 1st oon., who
is at present attending the 11I 'del school
at Gliuton, has been appointed 0/000000/'
to James L. Wilson as teacher in S. S.
No. 10, Morris.
Wm. McLeod, who has been visiting
relatives and old friends in this locality
fora month or more, has returned to his
Western home—Cypress, Manitoba. The
old gentleman enjoys the best of health
and is a firm believer in the future of the
great Northwest.
This week James Grieve, of Seaforth,
disposed of his 50 acre farm on the 6111
lino, near Brussels, to Allan Adams for
the sum of 12,500. The purchaser tapes
possession at once. Mr. Webster, the
present tenant, has had the farm for four
years and is leaving it in splendid condi-
tion. AIr. Adams has a good farm at a
low figure.
Li rettinA)t'oole.
Our older mill is doing a rushing busi-
ness these days.
R. F. Cameron, of Toronto, wee home
this weals on a visit.
Business is now very 11risll end our
merOhants and meohanios are prepared
to meet the wants of all.
Not wishing to interfere with your
regular seethe we beg leave to propose J.
J. Mitabell for Connoilmtun. He world
bo the right man in the right plane.
The other morning a bunch of Drape
Was observed hanging on the door knob
of the Royal Templars' Hall. We have
read of the hanging gardens of Babylon ;
the Gollosue at Rhodos ;the hurtling
mountain at Mauna Loa ; the geysers of
Yellowstone park, and the toad to Ripley
end hundreds of other things bub we
think this beats them alt. This society
is strong end healthy and is every day
spreading sentiment that eau never die.
A few days ago one of our rehired
farmers when oub driving placed his pipe
in a roar pooltsb after 10.010g a pull. IIe
bad nob prooseded far, however, when be
discovered that his pooket was on fire.
He put it out, as he thought, and pro.
oeoded 0u his way, Further on when
passing a farm hours bo was hailed by
leo noticed large
b inmates w
one o
f the g
volumes of smoke issuing from the rear.
Here the fire was speedily and effectual•
ly extinguished. Ib was forbuuate that
the fire wee discovered at this jun0bure
et had be gone much further he would
have been in a nude state. It is out now
and others of our retired fanners should
take warning,
Another resgnimaux baby was born at
Jn01ts011 Park, Chicago, last week.
Two or three hundred meabanics have
arrived in Se Louie during the past
week and some of then tell a sad story
01 t11eie expeeionoee, A warning MS
issued some time ego from Oh1Oago state'
ing that there were 30,000 idle mon there
seeping employment on the World'° Fair
buildings. From an ad:aunts it appears
that mon are still applying utero in
largo numbers, Those who have arrived
ab Sb. Louie say not one in ten of the
new arrivals in Chicago get work and a
large majority of them are destitute or
will soon beoome so. The nniolle of the
yiarl005 teadee are enviously taxed to dare
for the mon,
Cn'S9l'e<>,i'It.l Ivo v't+i.
Vienna leas been 'inland free 110(11
Continuous rains aro destroying the
cotton Drop in Arkaneae,
Another revolution has oommonued in
Rio Grande do Sal, Braze.
A big strike of the Knighbs of Labor
is in progress et New Orleans,
Thursday, Nov. 21, will be Thaukegiv
ing Day In the united States.
A snow white deer was killed near
Loolchaven, Pa„ on Sltmrday,
The Eviabad 'Tenants Commission open•
ed he inquiry ab Dublin Monday.
It is expected that the betrothal of the
Duke of York will bo announced in Jan.
James Talbert was lynched near Fort
Stephens, Mass„ by a mob on Sunday
An immense cavern has been disoov
orad about six miles oast of Harrison-
burg, Va.
The first. class British battle ship Royal
Oak wee leun0hed on Saturday at Birk.
onhead, She will oast 4750,000.
The largest ironclad cruiser ever built
in Maeda was launched on Friday in the
presence of thoOzar and Czarina,
It has been proposed to build a ao-opor-
ativo steel plant near Homestead, Pa.,
and colonise the looked -oat strikers.
It is reported that the members of the
Hungarian Cabinet have tendered their
resignations to Emperor Preside Joseph.
The monument to the anarchists hang-
ed in Chicago five years ago was unveiled
last Sunday in Waldheim cemetery,
Rumors whioh have b'eh circulated
that the wife of Rev. Dr. Talmage had
become insane are withont foundation.
The lady is in perfoot health.
Not more than half a pelmet crop will
be macho in Virginia. The failure is due
to dry weather in August. The orop is
also very short in North Carolina.
Fred Tattle and wife, Swedish settlers
on a claim three miles from Okarohe, I.
T., were found dead inside their house
last Sunday, Y
The had been shot.
Thomas ham Smyth
champion l0 stone
Y p
pugilist of Ireland, was charged with
wife mnrcler at Belfast last Saturday.
He Strunk his self° on the forehead. with
Ins fist, killing her.
Aaoording to Free Russia, ships aro
being built on the Clyde for the Russian
Government whioh are fitted with iron
cages, in which it is designed to trans.
port political prisoners to Siberia by way
of the Lena river and the Arctic ocean.
The steam whaler Beluga,whioh reach-
ed San Francisco from the Arctic on
Sunday, brought the news of the destruo-
tion of the whaling bark Helen Mao,
Captain Thaxtar and the loss of 35 of her
orew. Only five of the vessel's men were
saved. She was crushed in the ice
without warning and the dame and
men had no time to lower the boat and
get away.
Influenza has made its appearance in
New York again. The fatality of the
disease is due Largely to the earelessness
of the people who appear to treat it with
indifference until too late. With the
probability of being again visited by the
epidemic, groat oars ehotld be tauten in
the protection of the pereon, especially
the feet and chest, both of which are
liable to be sadly neglected at this season
of the year.
The hazardous task of entering a den
of hyenas to attend a wounded wild
animal was performed by Veterinary
Surgeon Stanton, at Clarksville, Tenn.
Two hyenas belonging to Sells re Renfro's ,
0hobs engaged in a deroe fight, and be.
fore eepertted one of them had broke(
the other's leg in two planes. Dr.
Banton was called and entered the hyena
nage 1011ile the beasts were growling
hideously, tied the wounded animal with
rope and escaped unhurt. Several
hundred persons watched the operation
with eager eyes, expeuting every moment
to see the surgeon eaten alive.
The largest apple tree in New England,
and probably in Lhe world, is in the
northwestern part of Cheshire, Coen,
Its age can be traced by n family tradi-
tion to 140 years, at least, and it may be
20 or 25 years olcler. It is, at tho pros•
ent time, of symmetrical shape; the
trunk is nearly round, without a soar or
a blemish on it ; there are eight large
branches ; five of then have been in the
habit of bearing one year, and the re-
maining three the next. From the five
branches 110 bushels of apples have boon
gathered. The tree measures 13 feet 8
inches around, is 00 feet high, and the
branoboe spread 100 feet,
(Harty Hilliard Wylie, the "dead
broke" 'cyclist, who rode from New
York to Chicago by way of Wheeling and
Indianapolis, on a wager that be could
complete the trip without the expendi-
ture of a cent, finished bits journey at the
City Hall, Chicago, on Sunday afternoon
at 5.06. He was met at Pullman by
members of the ChWeego 'Cycling Club,
who, after a royal dinner ab the hotel
Florenoe, acted as an eseort while enter-
ing the city, Wylie left New York Oct.
17 at 9.30 a. in., and was given blhree
weeks to make the trip, He has some 15
hours to hie credit. The trip, although a
tough ape, was a very pleasant one, and
he was tendered every courtesy by the
different clubs along the way. Ile will
make Chicago his home for the present.
The conditions of the wager were that he
should be compelled to eat at lend three
square meals a day and find a good bed
tab night, and was nob allowed to defraud
any one or receive money to pay his ex-
penses. His journey has been an tin.
qualified 8000005, and as a result about
$3,000 °hanged hands. The wheel used
wits a
nenmabio safety.
. y
The sensation of the week in the world
of horsemen is the announcement that
Robert Bonner has determined to Dna°
more pit Maud S. against. tilno, Mand
S. has still a host of ndmirere, fu spite of
the recent brilliant pertormanoes of Miss
Nanny Hanks. She was the queen as
long as she remained in motive life, and
it 10 nothing bub fair that she Should have
the advantage of iailated sulkies and
other things which go to matte up the
fast trotter of today, Ib ie also pleasing
to know that Mr. Dormer has shown
111101self to be poasesasd of rich red spelt
ing blood by his doterminnblou to put hie
favoeibe mare again in. luurnees. His
determination'will ho of great benefit to
the Imbue, foe ft will pat an end to a
most harrowing discussion among horsey
perilous SS to what Meld S. could and
could not shave done under present condi-
tions. Mr. Bonner utas gond to groab
pains to fertilize hie track in order to
make it like the treble in Indiana over
Which Nancy made her faeb records, and
Which ilr. Bonner impede tae possessing
peculiar elastics properties.
A r°onnt dlsoovory by nn
old pllyttiolau. 8uooaeefal-
ly mod monthly by Moms -
ands of 'atoms. Is the
only perfectly sato and
reliable medicine discov-
ered. Beware of unprincipled fi'ns'iste who
otTo,' isle rim; nladiehms m place at titin. Asir
for Camas COTTON Rno'r Ooou'ouvn. take 1,10
snbstitutn: or 1n01000 101 aad d. eltren-Dent
Canada postage stamps in letter, and 110
will sent(, sealed, by return mdll, Pull seal-
ed particulars in 1,1015 envelope, to ladles
only, 2 stumps, Address Pond Lily Com-
pany, No. 0 Fisher 13look, 111 Woodward
ave.,1)otsoit, Mich,
18r'Sold In 135 assets by J. T, PTPPAIla, G.
A. D19 ADMAN and all responsible drugglste
Now is the time to purchase stook in
this Sale.
Shares .not to exoeod 3,200 in number.
Oorncraolter, b.s., five years old, reoord
2:20, beads the Het, Texas Jack, jr., b.s„
six yeare old, record
Dams of four in the 2:30 list. Fanny
Walker, a noted six year•old trotting
mare ; about 10 A 1 pacing mares and a
lot of young Texas Jack pacers, all in
this sale. This is not a matter of ohoioe
but of neuessity to pay up an estate.
A catalogue giving description and poli.
greo of every horse, eta., in this sale goes
with eaoh share. Sale sure to take place
whether shares are all sold or not.
Agents wanted everywhere to sell
shares. If you don't see an agent send,
direct to the undersigned.
Lewis Wigle,
Leamington, Ont.
"After sairuriag (or cl:;:ul;wen'y.fi
from scrofulous soros co the Ir,(,
trying various mediad course without bcnr:ir,
1 Iteg,ut to use Ayers Sarsaparilla, and a
Wonderful cure was the result. Fire h.vd,
sufficed to restore me to health." -11;',&1-:'a
Lopez, 3z; li. Commerce st„ San Aatcnio,
"3Ty daughter was aftlic:cd for nearly a 1-et.r
with et tarn:. The physi4els 1,1.-. +:. C,. t,
help her. m• (1..tcr ,:..11,0:,,..., •
Sit mnrilln,'
month:; froKol r •i1, -i.
1141.1 several ye••es, i w; of '
in;lammnory rhr;mu.:iam, 1r
times as to he entirely balpb..• �I•'• ; ; • -L
t•.va ywtrs, whenever -1 felt li,' L16,, the
di., Foo, 1 began 1 s mho Ayer' .lar-art,1'la,
ml have not hada spell fora long tine.' --
0. T. 11.mabryElkunb, ?:.:n, 0'..x.
For ceeti 1310'00111 (R1;; :ere:a, .-eM
hest rwerne.^.f.F 83
.lav A>
t ` Y,,�''' btu ,i'�)11 %4
r spa rfm
Prepared by Dr, J. C. Aver S Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists, d'ricc $t ; sic bottlers, 95.
Cures others, will cure you
One Hundred and Forty-one
handsome Photographs
In One Grand
All the Conservative
Members of
1892 p ° l i •7 (ent1892
Private Funds to Loan,
Have been placed in Iffy 111811118
for Investment on real estate,
No Commission.
.13e1'r0Wers can have loans corn -
plated in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Ineludi 1g extra largo size photographs of Sir John
Abbott Premier, and Sir John Thompson leader
of the House of C1)111111011:11.Surma, Jed by the
Cabinet Ministers, and grouped on either side the
members of Tho douse from every Province in the
Dominion, making a total of 1,1, splendid photo-
grnpits 1 every ono n perfect likeness,
This great picture 1s a reproduction by Photo-
gravure process on cooper prole of the picture
Ilreecnted to Sir Sohn 'rhampsun •by tbu Conserve.
(110 ivfcebere during 1110Inyst 500001.
c o >8
'l'Ita EMPIRE las secured dee copyright to repro.
duce this Grand Picture, it Is printed on s neinl
Inlate paper In photographic Inks, and is 3 feet 6
ches by a feet 4 inches m sive and makes asalon,
did picture for framing, A lu•y giving the not to of
each m etic:reed constituency represented is p�rinted
un the margin, making a valuable Ivorlc of reference,
tylll bo made for thin Grand Premiere,
but Yt will be
To Every Subscriber for Otto
Fon 11193.
P05 WaeltLX 1011/1108 1s without doubt the best
Weekly for $t.00 published in Canals, conlnin;ug
1a pages or latest news of the day S metol depart-
ments un Agriculture Woman 1%atpire Our
Curiosity Shop, Old World diary, the latest Sport.
105 Everitt, oto. Only Ono Dollar por year.
Sent to any address in Canada or the t. 1 t .d States,
Livery subscriber will got the Premium Picture as a
Smtd 10 your subscription nt once, or order
trough our local agent,
Address: `Yf1S EIIIP1I1E, 1'01Ont°, Cott.
Any Amount of 1Vloney to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
cine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on ait'
p st Ivo guarantee, a teat that no
other onre can successfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. It you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T PAIL to use ib, it will onre
you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOH'S MIRE, Price 100„ 50o.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back
lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25c.
system Reaovator
AND 000011—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palea'a-
tion of the Heart, Liver C"mplalut, Nem:.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
suml)tio» , Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
3'. M. 11IoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by 3. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Blnesels.
0 it FI ;V AI."
In Tourist Sleeping Cars, Toronto to
Seattle Without Change, leaving Toronto
Every Friday at 11;20 p, m.
NOY. 4, 11, 1S, 25
DEC. 2, 9, 10, 23, 30
Apply to any 0. P. R. Ticket Agent
for lull partioulars.
Agent, Brussels,
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
LOW EST .11,1res.
Private and Company funds.
5'oliridor, (tc„
Ontario Mutual Life.
MEAD Oe'Ei41t, • WATERLOO, 0N1'.
Assurance in force Jan'y,'02,114,934,807
New business written in 1801 2,004,960
Increase over 1800 346,890
Cash become for 1891 547,620
Increase over 1890 57,020
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on
each pulley.
A11 dividends belong to and ate paid only
to policy holders.
Premiums payable during the month in
which they fall duo.
Policies are incontestable two years from
date of issue,
No roetrietion on travel, residenoa or 00-
Lapsed policies may be revived within six
months after lapse.
Death (mime paid at muco on completion
of olaitn papers.
DistriotAgent, Ethel.
G. Hod,
Picture Frames, &c..
Special Attention given to
Prices Mderate.
Smale's Block,
Practical TVictchnzair✓er
ct,ncl Jezveler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by ns.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
S.Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, rec., in stock.
R. R.—Issarar of Marriage Llfenars.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
.•.,'�--- -"— 1 Bn7snl\n i•Imn0fl,llfes nurfr lrniunvo, 0 Dnn•.
0r,(T-Its salon Is mnrv,dlons—le my owe case
o lbw nppllrntlons not only thoroughly nnuoved
GUARANTEEDpromoted* (
nontdlarlier n t n00uit
Lame It
10(11(0 growth,
Restores Fading hair to its
original color.
Stops failing of hair.
Reps p
the Scalp clean
Mattes hair sok and Pliable
prenoios Growth.
0 0 0
10 el• 0