HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-11-11, Page 44 New Advertisements. Locals --Mee. Kirk, Locals -H, 2, Strong, Locals—Win. Blaslull. Local R3. iv1. Diekernl. Locum --I)1•. J. O. Ayer. Stationery—J. '1', Pepper. I't•emiunls--\Weekly News, Lnaal....Bloomsdale Nuracry Co, Local—Ins 1'os'r Peelishillg Neese, Your Choice for 10 cents --G, A. Dead. HIRE. nts5c4% VA'St1 FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1892. LATEST dee atobes, as wo go to press, say that Cleveland is probably elected President of the United States for the next terns as the result of Tuesday's poll- ing. TEE Belleville Ontario remarks that the man who digs a ton of coal gets about 75 cents, and the man who burns it pays $0.50. It argues that coal should never go above $4 per ton in Belleville, which would give e1 to the miner, $1 for freight, $1 t0 the borne dealer and 131 to the combinester." $7.25 per ion tickles no here. WHAT about the evening classes in con. 0001000 with Brussels Mechanics' Insti- tute 3 If anything is going to be done it is time a coulmeneeneent was made. The Institute would be the gainer if live Masses were organized. 4. sign is also needed at the hall door and some letter• ing on the windows to designate the loam. tion of the library. LAST Friday, the 4th of November, brought with it its usual quota of mater. ed notes. We are pleased to understand that the money wits forthcoming in the large majority of cases. The apple orop in this section has dons a good deal to relieve small debts this season. One buyer we know of has paid out over $12,000 in Brussels this Fall, and it is probable two others are not far behind the above mentioned figure. Tan "Mareohale," Mrs. liooth•Clib• born, and Catherine Booth—both daughters of the General of the Salva- tion Army, have been arrested in Geneva, Switzerland, and will be expelled from the canton, the telegraphic dispatches say. This is not the first time that the brave "Marechale" has been arrested. Many who heard her addresses in Mont- real will remember her detailed acoouut of a similar ordeal. when she told the shalnefaoed pollee that "it was their affair if they must arrest her ; it was not her affair." Her duty was to preach the G,uape;, The manna• hn which the polios of N;hcbatel berried out the in. east did 1 they, tl strnetions showed t pat t a y, , not regard her as a real offender, and they showed her all the lenience in their power.—witness, Montreel, Tui; London Advertiser says :—Win- nipeg City Council bas an important scheme of civic reform before it. The proposal is to elect only one alderman from each ward, instead of two, as at present, and to form an executive body of three other citizens, who shall be mayor, chairman of the finance commit. tee, and chairman of the board of works. The mayor now receives 31,900 a year. Under this sobenle he will get $3,000 a year, and the other two members of the executive $2,000 each. The executive will be voted on by the p:ople. The one who gets the highest number of votes will be eleoted for three years, the one with the second highest number of votes for two years, and the one with the small- est number of votes for one year. The executive will Have supreme control, subject, of course, to a two-thirds vote of the council. We sometimes have it pro• posed that au executive of the civic government in this city should be well paid, in order that its members might be induced to give the whole of their time to the work, How do our civic refortn• ers tails to the Winnipeg idea 1 TAB advocates of a plebiscite on the question of prohibition in Ontario 0 0 0 o have 9 p apparently gained their point.. To Faye expeuse, it is said, the vote will be taken, as it wag in Manitoba, on the 000asion of a general election. The Hamilton Speo- I tater complains that the proposed plobis- oite is in the interest of the Mowat Gov- ernment, which will take this means of avoiding direeb legislation as urged by oertain Prohibitionists. The prinoiploof appealing to the people is, however, perfectly sound, and might be adopted with referenoo to other public questions with great advantage to the country. It is, in fact, an approach towards the Swies method of Initiative and Melton. duo, whioh has been found to work ad- mirably, and has the earnest support of some of the ablest political thinkers of the day, By putting the question direct- ly to the people, the Government would know exactly by the answer what they should do. If the answer ehonitl be in fever of prohibition, the old exouae that publio sentiment ie not ripe for so radical a reform could not be putt forward. At any rate popular fueling will be tested in a way which will show how parties stand, and Probibitioniste anticipate the most e1o0u'aging result. But even if they prove wrong the straggle would be the most educative ever passed through. Huron County. Blyth le agitating for oleotriu Tight, Seaforth's two 000perngee turned out over 40,000 apple barrolo bhla soaeou. Isle Honor Judge Toms lute gone on a four menthe' vacation in Indiana. Ile was accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Tams. Seaforth is to have a monthly horse and cattle fair, and the sonnei) have resolved to grant $5 per month to defray expellees. During the Show season juab termite. ated Jas. Snell, of Mullett, snooped in about $800 in prizes at the various shows he attended. Tule Reformers of West Iiuron met in oonventiun at Goderioh week before last nominated M, O. Cameron as candidate for the commons. Wm. Smithson, of Clinton, ]las sold, since the fruit season oommenoed, about fifty long ladders built espeoittlly to facilitate fruit pinking. The Jrseter Advocate has undergone a change, Mr, Sweet, one of it's proprietors, retiring, and Mr. Dyer, late of the Pay- nesville News, succeeds him. Jos. el. Williams, son of Toe. Williams, the well known lumber dealer, left Godo• rich en route for Southern California, where he will henoeforth reside. Goderioh has 113 appeals entered on the voters' list for the Court of Revision. 00 these 67 are entered by It. 0. Hays and 46 are in W. Proudfoot's name. Between 20,000 and 25,000 barrels of apples have been shipped from Goderich G. T. R. station thus far this waxes. 18 cars of apples left the station last week and the end is not yet. The Royal Tempters, Goderich, per• pose holding a grand concert at an early date for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the Sunday gospel temperance meeting during the oomtug winter. A. E. Weeks, Surveyor, who was the draughtsman for the excellent Cooper Huron County Map, is now getting up one for the county of Middlesex ; it will contain all the latest information to date. Rattenbury °beeclh officials, Clinton, have decided to extend an invitation to Rev. J. G. Scott, of Grace ohurob, St. Thomas, to became pastor of their church next year. Mr. Scott is President of the London Conference. D. C. Dorranoe, of the firm of Doe - ranee & Hargan, successors to George Whitley, Seaforth, has been re-engaged as Principal of the Harriston public school for the year 1803, at an increase of one hundred dollars ou salary. J. H. Worsell, Clinton, since the Huron Genteel Fair has sold over $15 worth of ahiokens, some of them as high as $4 a pair. From 23 hens he has supplied his own house with eggs and sold in addition over $40 worth of eggs and poultry this year. Mrs. Mertin, of Bayfield, has a set of china that is quite a curiosity and for its age is in a splendid state of preservation. They were brought out from Scotland in the year 1810 and are made in a pattern emblematic of the nation's mourning, They are only used on special occasions and are yet an excellent set. Manager Williame, of the Bank of Commeroe, Goderich, has been given a set of photographs showing the progress of the great lacrosse match between the Toronto and Moutread clubs, of which. he was referee. The views are wonderfully clear spe0finens of instantaneous photo. graphv, the most difficult scenes being reprodneeci With life lilts, yli36lllctileso ifs e ver do to The fuliowil.ing table exports from tha port of Goderioh daring the month of October just closed makes a showing which will astonish most people not in a position to taste note of the amount of trade. The total amount of of these ex. ports foot up $129,230, which inoludes the following amongst the principal items Faesh Fish $ 13,147 Horses 6,755 Lumber 5,414 Apples—Evaporated 5,350 Apples—Green 38025 bbls71,306 Eggs, 12,000 dozen 2,400 Oats, 5,500 bushels 1,650 Peau, 2.2,850 13,670 Wheat, 11250 7,426 Organs, 40 instruments 2,845 Of these items, fish, horses, lumber and eggs went to the United States, as did $627 worth of evaporated apples and 0,747 barrels of green apples, valued at $10,050. A11 the °ether shipments were to Great Britain. The total shipments to eaoh country in the items named were—Great Britain, $82,571 ; United States, $97,402. On Tuesday of last week Justice Boyd held a court at Goderioh and heard a case of considerable interest end novelty to all members of benevolent societies. In October of last year the late D. A. Purvis, of Goderioh township, beoama a charter member of Inverness Camp, No. 54, Sons of Sootland, Goderioh, taking out aoat:Whints for $1,000. In his ap- plication he bed apparently directed the money to be paid to his neicea, Mrs. Sal. keld and Miss Jacic, both of Goderioh; but owing le nlarlt0 on the application form it appeared as if the money was to simply hisn010ea and the Ger. be aid to p Py tifiaate issued and delivered to Mr, Pur•' vis made the money payable to "his notoes," On Maro111 10th Mr, Purvis died, loaving no direction no to the chis• posal of the $1,000. Five ileioea claimed e, share of the $1,000 and they being de- osased's only surviving nefoea an ar. rangentent was come to among them to divide the money. Unfotunetely, as soon RS this agreement was reached, one of the Deices, Mee, John W. Salkeld, died, leaving no will. When her death tool, place she was on the point of signing the reoeipb for the phoney as the cheque for the amount was in the bands of the Chief of the Camp. As soon as the death took place oomplioutions arose which made it necessary to hying the ease for deoieion before the omen. As etated, the matter name before Justice Boyd on Tuesday of last week, the first witness called being the Grand Secretary, who 'hated that the society desired to have a prompt settlement of the caro and to be protected from all future liability. The Whole proaeedinge showed that all parties desired a friendly settlement, the judge remarking that all 000080ned had told the tenth and disclosed everything noose. sary. From the evidenoo given by those who had last spoken to dooeeaod on the subject of the benefiolary, the judge de- oided that Mise Jack and Mrs, Witold, or their heirs, were entitled to receive the money. Tho Sena of Scotland had requested leave to pay the money into courb, but this was refese1. The judge said it was meet essential that parties applying for oerbificatea in moll 00000ti50, THE BRUSSELS POST or hi insuean00 computes, should make the oleareet possible dir00tiona as to who was to 05001v0 the beneficiary, and to ex• amine their oertilioates to aesuee them- selves that it was correct. G".aLnaulean.0 Pel W}S. Pa'ie will hold its poultry show on 1, Doo. lit , \Vnllaoebnag expects to own a glass factory atomic, The eonetieutiou of Louisiana permits women to bold any onion connoted with pnblio education. In Chula they believe that woolen by clinging to vegetarianism will become men en judgmene duty. A woman who died recently in the Norristown asylum had not spoken to 58130110 in eleven year+. A ministerial lussoofation was formed in St. Thomas Monday. Ilon. Mr. Daly was tendered a bent -plot at Brandon on Friday evening. John Webb hanged himself on Sunday in a deserted log house near Rend Lau. The Brantford P. el, has another batch of truant school boys on dealt this week. James Smith, farmer, aged 05, of Har. while township, dropped dead on Setae day, The total assessment of London for 1803 is $15,170,087, a loco of $81,560 nom• pored with this year. Hugh J. Maodomald, M. P., says his resignation as member for Winnipeg will be handed in before next session. London City Council elonday night decided that any city oillnial found in. toxioabed hereafter stall be peremptorily dismissed. Richard It. Clarke, manager and editor of the Orange Sentinel, expired Sunday morning at his residence, Toronto, after a brief but very severe illness. A 13•year•old boy named Styonhof, while attempting to board a ballast train on the electric road at Chippewa Satur- day night, w85 run over and killed, Mrs. Cornwall, of Windsor, whose hus- band died from exposure during the civil war, bas just received $1,100 back pension, and an allowance of $12 per month. A young woman named Maloney was crushed to death in Clark's felt faotory, Dundee, on Saturday, through having her dress ()aught in a rapidly revolving shaft. Saturday's slight snowfall was general throughout the Province. At Winnipeg a 550500 snowstorm, the first of the season, matured, delaying traffic fox several 1100105, Highwaymen held up and robbed Jere. nliah O'Connor, Colchester South, of $25 as he wa+ driving along the Harrow Road the other night. A heavy snowstorm took place in Quebec Monday, completely demuraliz• ing the horse oar service. The electric cars, however, were not interrupted in the least by the snow. Men were put to work on Monday morning excavating the place for the foundation of the Macdonald memorial monument at the intersection of King and John streets, Hamilton, It is not yet known definitely when the statue will arrive. Centre avenue Toron- to, 51 C avenue, to, while intoxicated on Saturday even- ing fell from a street car. His left hand went under- the wheels and was badly crushed. The doctors at the hospital say that ono cg the fingers will probably have 10 i'a amputated. The electors of ArstbmS Mondayoda Y rejeoted two bylaws, ono to grant $25,• 000 for the exteueion of the Svulwicb, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway from Sandwich to Amherstburg, and the other to grant $5,000 for an exteueion of the M. C. R. into the town. Al Markham Tuesday morning the East York election petition against the return of W. F. Maclean came before Chancellor Bold and Justine Meredith. Counsel for the petitioner informed the court that he had no evidonee to offer. The judge thereupon dismissed the peti. Mon and confirmed Mr. Maclean in the seat. W. G. Osgoodby, late of The Canadian Queen, and now publisher of The Times, Monday by his solicitors, McDonald, Cartwright and Garvey, issued a writ against Rev. J. E. Starr, claiming $25,. 000 dunnages for slander. The suit is the outcome of Mr. Starr's 0000110 ger. mons on gambling, in which Mr. Osgood• by maims slanderous statements were made in respect to him. Oa Sunday about ten of the young people of Alvivaton, amouget whom were Lorenzo Lviadole and his wife, took a hand Lar and started for a ride down the Grand Trunk track. The hand oar ran off an open switch and lir. Madole and his wife were pretty badly hurt. Mr. Madole was peeked up in an unaonsoiou e state and parried to Ms home. He has been in a comatose state saes. Nearly every one on the oar ens hurt more or less. They had a narrow escape for their lives. For the mastic*, caused in Toronto by the decease of N. G. Bigelow, 51. P. le., the names most prominently mentioned ou the Conservative side aro 'William Laidlaw, Q. C., W. D. McPherson, B. B. ShepLLrd David. Creighton, J. W, bt . John, Barlow Cumberland, GI arlse Kilda, anti Ald. John Shaw. On the Liberal side the names spoken of are those of Dr. Ogden, Barrister N. W. Rowell, 11. U. 11'10PIie0000 and Philip Jltmie•oti. It is said that when a colored clergy. man, nota bemired miles from Elora, wag latoIv r•eatlicgthe banns of marriage of a couple of his members, the girls of his oongre.;ation all over the oltureh set up a good lively giggle. It was more than tie reverence could stand so be shouted out, "Jess slop dab letlYin', dar. You'll get due youselves some clay, an' you wont late." This only increaood the giggle, until somebody started up, 1'n gib dar bettor° I do, Tell 'cm I'se a comic', too. Some peeuliaroiroumetanoes connected with the death of old Mr. Mahler, of Delaware, who suioided reaently while mentally unbalanced, are related, A fine black horse was tied in a (tali near whore the suicide was found hanging, and the lhoese appeared to leave been foe. cinatod by the horrible eight, and refused to burn its plead away from the spot even after the body had been removed, al. though ihie nooessitated a severe strain. ing of its nook. A few days afterward the horse was bakon out of the stall and Mitchell to 0cultivator, bolt it had beet out only a sheet time when ib fell dead, Tho brain of the deceased was sent bo Toronto for examination, when Rens found that the unfortunate men oonld not have lived longer than two weeks anyway, owing to a growth on the brain. Nov, 11, 1S92 NERVENrROL uISANs era a new d[xrovor that ours t11a {' FOR p/��9Q�wo•gt Oases of Nervous inn•TH If?'r•A""Iy 2-93 -`+yp3 BEANu hllity,l,natYigoranaPali'���mmrogggmmmFip ��rr © Fzd {Y fug Manhood ; restores the wel11111010 of body or mind or 1110 errors of excesses of youth. Th1s Remedy absolutely aures the most obstinate o1seswhen all other 0fl1W0• ntran'0 have failed even to relieve. Sold by drugslets at 31 Per (10001age, or six for a5, or gout by mail on receipt of price by address- ing 'Pus Lame 1Gsurolnm Co.Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet, Sold In Brussels by G. A, Bl➢ADM N, THECOOK'SBESTFR END LARGEST SALE 134 CANADA. T ,a) In a dangerous emergency, Avtiit'S CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt to act and sure to cure. A close taken on the first symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, chocks further progress of these complaints. It softens the phlegm, soothe the in- flamed membrane, and induces sleep. AS it remedy for colds, coughs, less of voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and cvon consumption, in its early stages AY -`+ Cherry Pectoral excels all similar preparations. It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agree- able to the taste, does not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken nsually in small doses. "From repeated tests in my own family, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has proved Itself a vary efficient remedy for colds, cough, and the various d,s• orders of the throat and lungs."—A. W. Bartlett, Pittsfield, " For the last as yrars f have been taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral torlung troubles, and am assured that its use has a ed My Life I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the nest effective way of taking this medicine ,s in small and frequent doses:'—T, M. Matthews, P. IYL, Sherman, Ohio. "My wife suffered front a cold ; nothing helped her but Ayers Cherry Pectoral which effected a tura'—R, Alnero, Plympton, N, S, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass, Prompt to act, sure to cure FST ARBA!; Piotou1is C. E. PERRY Was awarded First Prize for The best and finest col- lection of Photos. AT THE BRUSSELS FAIR. Don't mistake the place when you want First-class work. C. E. PERRY, Gallery Next the American Hotel. One Dollar - One Year. THE TORONTO we®k1ST NOW . SUBSCRIBE NOW 1 The Bed Family Newspaper published in Canada. The NV e 1 y 1sT c)'vv re: Aud a choice of the following Premiums until JANUARY lst, 1894, for the pries of Ono Year's Subscription, One Dollars No. 1—Etching—Christ Leaving the Prwborium. No. 2—Tinted Etching— The Retreat from Moscow. No. 3— Photo•Gravure—Women and Ohilclren neat. No. 4—Pbobo•GraVuro — The Fathers of Confederation. No, 5—Sou- venir Album of Canadian Stateomou. No.6—Engraving--Bird'o•Eye View of Toronto, 28x14. Or ono of the following literary pewits' 11000: Princess Sunshine, Mrs, Madan ; Lovoe a Tyrant, Amite Thomas ; Ourb awl Srnine, 371 Randall Roberts; nailing Quest frank Barrett; Soul of Countess Adrian' Mrs, Camppbell Praod; Hies Shalbo, W. IR, Aorria; The Plaoadllly Puzzle, 1"arges Ilunto ; livery inch a Soldier, W J 0olguboun ; Daughters OX Belgravia, Mrs Alex Fraser ; ..toll of Ilounr, Annie Thema ; Bootle's Children, Jahn S Winter ; Beyond Compare, Chas Gibbon I First Lova Mrs. lbiddo11 ; Englishmen of the ItuO n,Florence iorenco Warden' hoodwinked, T W Spslsbt ; 5l. Oubbbert s flower, Florence Warden • Mau with a Secret, Fergus Bump' Forestalled, Mrs hidden ; Thu Hou Miss L T3 Meade • Prince Sero Panlue, Goo O1n0t; angle Town, Sarah Serge ; Tho Witness of the sun, Amelia hives ; Without Love 0r TACOS BO, 13awloy Smart 1 Blood White RO90, 73 L verseon , 1,rhe Bogue,W 17 Norr15 • Sow- ing tee Wind, M 30 Lyne Linton ; A do15per Crash, Frank Danby Arasiuell, Rev I3 Gonad; Little Chatelaine, Bari of Desert; Rook or the Ityo, Mrs Y3 Bonnard ; The Last Coup, Hawley Smartt By Misadventure, Frank Barrett; Black Business, Hawley Smart ; 011881 f100 Manchester Dick Dono- van ; Rival Princes Justin McCarthy • lung Aimed 1Oar1 of Lytton;.ThoToglfrissoa Florence �VVsrdon ; Old Blnzeeei Hero,1) d Murray 1 Fox, One and the World' ltt > Ind• Caton'T 03100 ;aP AMissionary io lO not raw, te AMae. Ile v. Our line of Base Burners is more complete than ever before, "Radiant homo," "Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant Peninsular," &a. These stoves are constructed in the Most n10410r11 style, and aro tho most powerful Double Heaters made. They are finished in the highest style of the art and ..we warrant everyone good baking ovens. If you aro in need of a Feeler Gook, be sure and see our stock before purchasing. "Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly improved this season and are selling fast and giving good satisfaction. Wo will take your old stove. Handsome Ranges I We carry a stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect. Second Hand Stoves l Our second hand stoves are going off fast. I£ you want one, you must secure it early. They aro good ones and chow). Just opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays. BALL AN f YNE & W ETON. liQUIDATIO Julep Quicll tit the Chance of Securing ALE BIC, BARGAINS During the Great Liquidation Sale of Geo, Good's immense stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Brussels and Seaforth. Ilats and Caps, &c. The entire stock must be sold re- gardless of profit. Call, examine, buy and be happy. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods, Brussels store to Rent. J. R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOR. THEE YE GO i Wet feet again, and all because you dicl'nt come in and get a pair of Rubbers or a good pair of Boots that would keep your feet warm, dry and comfortable. It's the cheapest in- vestment you can make so don't put it off any longer. We have a good assortment of all classes—from a cheap Eastern make up to the bust goods manufactured by Cooper & Smith, and J. D. King & Co. A Suit of Clothes or all Overcoat )'o(1 can get from us, also a Hat or Cape—Keep the boys Warm COMTle in and see what we have got to suit you. Dress Goods of all kinds, cheap and stylish and a Pattern given away FREE. GENTS' FURNISFIINGS—hats, Caps, Shirts and Drawers, Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Collars, &c, A special line of heavy All Wool Tweed at 506. per yarn—just the thing for heavy winter pants, suits or overcoats. GROCERIES—Try our 80c. Japan Tea or 4 lbs. for $1.00. It can't be beat for flavor and quality. A call solicited. lex. Str LOOK I MI(I LOOK! HARM J. ST 0 C, I E P OTWIRAPHER, Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to turn out work that is second to 110110. A look at his photos, will convince you that they are first-class. Tho public are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery. Pictures Copied and also En•iar sjed to c�razl size. n. Crccyora at reasonable Prices. A s entail of0 made ut-door Views. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand over Standard Hank, H. SrTR ONG-.. LLi�