HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-11-4, Page 8>:911r01 Our holiday Goods Mee arlief- ing and the display in our win- dow represents glassware and other lines at only e at1S. C AU R-. Yon will be wise in selecting some while the assortment is complete. Our stock of BIBLES ANS ALBUMS are, 1 think, the best value we have had. G. A, DEAO.iXA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, 2o, SHARD TRUNK RAILWAY. eOUTHnnN ESTEN6IOx W. n. di: E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North' and South, as follows: GMI;eeenTit. (OIiG NonTn, Mail 7:111 am. 9llxed.....,...... 0:45 Express 11:70 cm, Mail 8:13p,m, eased S:i0 p.m. Express 0:3e p.m. rixat klms fclns. .A. chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. NOVEnOEI3. PLENTY of rain, ADVEETISE your Fall and Winter goods. Tint shade trees are pretty thoroughly denuded of their leaves. A Toosr. eclipse of the moon is billed for Friday night of this week, GIFPAEn Erorore, a former well known Brueselite, talks of practicing law at Gerrie. Now is the time to advertise strayed stock. Try THE Pose as the medium to find them. Txn Bishop of Huron bas declined to appoint Rev. E. W. Hunt to the Ciintoo TITS BRUSSELS POST Now, 41, 1892 .r .�m. I k574„....r4' ..... coat Tait soli block is burning coal as thou Leer week Silas dacksou 3M'ohasod the / sapply of cordwood )las lien out, They large biaelceunith shop at the bridge from rS .` ,4,7V D,I.R.D 13,4XIL OF CifILA o 1. of , am are ,t pirons of 1 nrnha i',k 2.1100 eo•d, of 't'hoe. t'1'0t•ierl of Belleville, formerly of ✓v�1� .,x:�yy F ani 3, � n Wood this Fall and Winter. lirnssols, for the mm of $1,000, We are h� ties PA it., 1), ( 1101,1 p ui lilt o l nn Oliver pleased to nota that Mr, Jackson's; bust• HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, Wilkes yearling snit from Rev, W. T. Hass is prospering oo well ASSETS, (Bevan Million Dollars) - $7,000,000 Clot] before his removal from -town, it Somme 1Veeetui,-•-A rioepateb ffron C,11'ITAL (Authorized/ 53,000,000 r is tete nothings of a splendid animal. Ilalltltx, pnblisliod in the Toronto I2nt.�j f�yq}] (� The peke ttns'�1t10, I f T i) f u tveoh, Bays, A jlilrrlldllo.nta!a nntniln �1udL,r lfdtnin,hu 1 ort •d St 1 + 1' , 1 f Ul" THAxICeoiVlfi�1 Day on Tlnnmdav of next sensation lets bean omitted in mw ]i p r0 c tlev, n ' p Ilio Atte vies inan 1 • + ' , t d r d'' .en dntr , week. Will till our correspondents send tics by the revelations of attempted bio oot- • �' their nmol gnoto of neva a day earlier ling in connection with alta pnrebeite of a edt %°r`3o-n3, M ,•Z'i' ,"2. 'ilrl%1. --AT-- than 1111101 us Thy 1'Osr will be issued on lira engine. 7',vo•thirt{a of Lha Council A Gonotal Banking Business Trausnotad. Fermate' Notes Dieonuutpd, Wednesday eviu3iug next week, had 1 int -Mend to vote for a 'Monate mach. t themes will Intro to bo oatafui how tun, which had been publicly tested and Drafts Jutted and Collections matte on all points, they dispoen of their surplus game, The fully established its claim� � . •l-7 S, but when the SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. ••� JL, ' me it un to now 01111er genies 111111 1130 turkey, oyone netforIsthetit1ithercear.s iCheepsityeoo Intormet allowed on dopoeits of $1.00 and upwards from ditto of deposit to date of woodeeek or par/ruga for a period of two then made that 1V. E, Bremner, of Brem• withdrawal and compounded half yearly, year. IN the choles of a primary teach or prOa°hod J. B. Neily, agent for the Ren- ner Bros., minima moralients, had ap- SPECIAL ATTENTION e1Yltx '00 sent 0oLLitcy]oN OP Fena1Ens' Seen Nonce. fur Bruasols public 01hool the important old, 011 behalf of certain members of the Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. matter of teaobing the children vocal Conned, and offered, in return for $200, music should not be overlooked by the to en.,nre a Majority for the Ronald eu• G. P, SOIIOLPIELD, MAxecmu. 1rostee Board. '1 Ins should have been gine, Mayor Keefe has ordered a search - mentioned Fm��,��,, , mentioned in the advertisement, we lug investigation, attattssesswastatonatsatiramstrasseststatna,sAssitansatortameastat think, AT rml TnAes.—The Listowel Banner ""�� 6�p .`e�$p4qq��•a�'; 4d r s ON Wednesday r.f last week Robt• ilio- says :--On Monday afternoon of last ° " trna4tntmmal aJt ,a�n nlV �n,�.Iy , , ,u t ->� 1Isrtiu end 1 .des, Robanea Fergueau were week a match at 12 bhus rooks Was shot united in marriage, at Fordwioh, by Rev. of between eight Wren from Brussels and S. C. Edmunds, B. D. They will eon- eight from Listowel and Atwood, the thine to reside in Brussels, enjoying the former winning by eleven birds. A min- good a tl web's of friends for their future petition at twelve birds each following hPp _nts lot -of s a silver cup, presented byCat II. Est- ero notified that -the Reel eras of Be Colw B. Dlorphy, This teas won bJos. Bal - By -law compel owners of cattle to keepstraigb , of sing Brussels, ie l (tilled eleven following are the only his Iasi bird. The them in enclosures riner Nov, tat, both following are the eaprea ;— any and night, During no season of the year will stook do more damage to side- nemeses. walks 11o. than 110 the Fall and Spring MoNaughton , .1 1 0 010 1 0 1 0 0 1— 7 and Constable Broadfnot will have to J. Baltantyno..1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0— 6 impound them if found roaming about, W. Sinclair,, ,,I 01011110111— 9 This should be taken as a note of warn. Jas. Roos 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0110— 7 Aim. Jas. Irwitr 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 11101— 6 ALL the simpletons are not dead yet Jno. Hewitt. 0 1 10 0 0 01 3. 1 1 1— 7 !udnieg by the silly and annoying tricks D. U. Rose0 1 1 1 1 0 010 1 1 1— 8 Practiced on IIallawe'en night by train- Jas. Jones 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0— 4 less boys and youths. It's about time — the gate stealing trick, "tiok-tack," sign Total 84 Maiming, the, were dead and buried, I./VOWEL, Had Constable Broadfnot captured a half R. Brooks 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1— 2 dozen of these smart folks an Monday -e. Howe 0 0 1 3. 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1— 0 night and given them a night in the "cooler" and the opportunity of making W. ))33. Flay li • • •1 10 0 0 01 1 0 0 1 0— 8 an explanation before a magistrate on p y• • 1 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 0— 5 Tuesday n lesson not soon to be forgotten J Hanna O 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 01 0 1— 6 might have been taught. R. Rae 1 0 01 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0— 3 A anon time ago Rev. S. Jones was Wm. Gordon, 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 11— 5 coming home from Clifford where ho had T. Fullerton0 1 0 1 1 0 1 11 1 10— 8 been visiting and in changing cars at — Palmerston he forgot his overcoat, leav Total 43 ing it in the train. He did not miss it CUP, until he arrived in Brussels. A telegraph R. Brooks... ... 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1— 8 message wits sent at once but the =swag Hanna 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 1 article has not turned up yet nor is there D. 0. Ross1 e 1 1 1 0 01 1 0 1 1— 0 much likelihood of it now as the coat Jae. Ross 1 0 1 1 1111001 0— 8 was a good broadcloth one abort as good J. Carter 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-- 6 as new. The thief shonld at least send Sinclair . 11 1 3. 10 1 1 1 1 1 0-10 molt the gloves, handkerchief, d:°., left Hewitt 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 01100— 4 n the pooketo, T. Ballantyue0 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0— 6 Regis's ALT:tn.—As will be soeuby no- Gordon 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 01 1— 7 lee elsewhere, Chas. W. Jackson, son of Sanders . 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 01— 6 Walter Jackson, of this place, was united J. Ballantyne111 11 1111110-11 in marriage to Mies Elsie G. Robertson, Howe ... 0 0 0 1 11 0 10 0 0 0— 4 of Kincardine, at one time a teacher in MoNaughton 010001011010— 5 the public school in Brussels, on Oot. 6th Hammond .. , 0 1 1 0 01001001— 5 at Highland, Oregon. Mr. Jackson's Jones 1 1 1 1 0 1 10 1 0 0 0— 7 bome is iu Portland. Itis bride is a Demi, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0— 2 sister of Ills. RobeMalcolm's, who Rae 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1— 6 recently removed to Einoardine. The J. Irwin 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 01— 8 many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson in J. Hamilton.., 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1— 5 this locality area unit in their expres- W. s. Rey., 110011110111- 1 1 1 0 10 1 1 0 1 1 1— 9 cion of good wiebes for their future Fullerton 1 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 1 1— 9 happiness. A. Molntosh10 1 1 1 0 0 0 01 1 1— 7 ST. James CirnnOii,—Rev. W. T. Coon TB iji �►118a�� incumbency, to the great diaappoiniment , b of St. Paul's congregation. Miss GAur.wr, of Clinton, intends opening up a stook of fancy goods, sta. t tionery, &a., in one of the stores in the Stratton Black, Brussels, next week. APPLICATIONS for the vacancies adver- tised in Brussels public school teaching staff are rolling in. The Trustee Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. LAST Monday Willie, son of Dan. Mo - Naughton, Queen street, fell out of the express wagon of T. Fletcher in which he was riding and broke both bones of his right arm near the wrlet. Ie reference to advt. of sale of "Texas Jack" stook this well known horse has made a record last week of 2.191• He and e0orncraeker" are the only two Canadian bred stallious that have enter- ed the 2.20 list this year. The sale %vi11 take place Deo. 15, 1892. TES, Clinton News -Record says :—Tau B3irssees Pose is sadly mistaken when it says The News -Record "soft-soaps" W. H, McCracken. This journal does not deal in. "soft soap" or ''taffy." Surely THa POST will have a libel suit on hand for slandering such a famous and hand- some gentleman as W. H. McCracken. A LETTER from S. J. Halliday, De Clare, Man., formerly of this locality to THE Pose reads as follows :—Times are rather dull hers at present. Threshing is all over and ploughing nearly done. wi The crops are very light Gere fu Mani- th tobe. this year, the average not being . Re over 12 bushels to the acre of wheat and ba about 40 bushels per acre of oats, Wheat is worth 59 cents a bushel, that is No.1 hard, and oats 18 cents a bushel. THrs week W. Roddick olosed a bargain with Geo. Martin, of Cromwell, Miele, for the eligible property between Gillios &Smith's bank and Wm. Blashill's block, upon whish there is a frame build- ing, built a few years ago for a photo gallery. There is 21 feet frontage. Mr. Roddick paid $460 for it. Ile intends utilizing it for a shop and purposes mak- ing several alterations and improve' ments for the present hoping to put up a brick structure in some future day. O'Leene Cur,—Monday afternoon nine members of Brussels Gun Club had the monthly shoot for the O'Leary silver oup. 4. Irwin had the top score only missing one bird in 15, The more was as fol- lows 1-3. Irwin, 11 ; J. T. Ross, 11 ; R. Watt, 111 D. C. Boas, 10; J. Hewitt, 10 ; Dr, MoNaughton, 10 ; J. Ballantyne, , 8 ; A. 0, Dames, 8 ; 3, Sones, 7, W. M. Sinclair bas offered a nup fora MIST - stake match to take place in Brussels next week. The day is not yet fixed es a number of the Listowel club aro away in Muskoka, THE Frost S F anshawe troupe pre- , seated the "Two Orphans" at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday evening muter the auspices of the town uBand. The audience was not large probably for two reagens, one was the reserved seats were 10 cents and the other the weather was bad and the night dark. The house netted 31.48.75 of which sum the Band took 26 per Dont. D. Hogg kindly loan- ed the furniture used and R, Leather- , dale the organ. The farce consisted in on° of the actors eoming to the front and telling the audience that "the show is done." There were no programs to guide those present, Clemeee.—Last Monday evening the Brussels Gerling Club was re.organizecl. The meeting was hold at the Queen's Hotel, II. Dennis In the :hair, Oflioore were clotted ae follows : -Patron, F. C. and Rogers ; Patronage, Mrs. 1''. C. Romig ; grip Ire sxient, IIDennis1"a 0 P es1c kat , m D. C. hoes ; SeeretaryTrcasnror, G. P. g Sebolticld ; Chaplain, Itev. G(-. F. Salton ; Committee of Management, W. F, Scott, A. Currie, W. Thompson and 0, W. Laird, Reproseutativee to Ontario As. so°i0tion, W, lvl. Sinclair and J, Ilar• weaves ; Skips, A, Currie and 1.1. W. Laird ; Honorary members, Rev. W, T. Cluff and J, li. Grant. The club purpose getting to work as goon as ice eau be ob. Rained and expOOt to place the knights of the stave in limeade in thole 0uatomary position, Viz, 1st plane, preaohed the closing sermon of a pleasant 8.1 the oottdueion of the shooting the cup and prosperous incumbency of 8 years, was prosented to the winner at the Royal last Sabbath morning. His text was Hotel. The targets need were U. S. blue "Bear ye cue another's burdens," the rooks, a very hard bird, many of them same words he used in his initial sermon. being pierced three or four times and The work of the past was reviewed and unbrolten. Ballantyne is a pretty shot, words of exhortation and thanks tender. He was closely followed by Sinclair. In ed to the members and friends of the last week's report we omitted James ohuroh. There was no [melee tin the Ross' name from the match score. He evening. Mr. dull left for Fenton, killed 5 out of 9. If the Atwood Bee or Mich., his new charge, on Tuesday after- any of our other respected contempor- noon intending to drive all the way. acres wish to set the scores in the match - Mrs. Oluff and the children will remain es we can eupply them with "goose eggs" iu Brussels for a week. Tbeir removal is of wbioh we ordered a supply to tide us a source of sincere regret both to St. over the shooting season. John's congregation and their large circle offriends in other churches. If good Business Locals. rhes will help them in their new home ey should, as they will, do well,— gular eervioe will be held next Sab. th morning. IIrn,00 r,,—Last Tuesday evening Rev. Joo. Rosa, B. A., assisted by Rev, D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, per- formed the marriage ceremony between George Robb and Miss Maggie MoOrae, two well-known young people in this locality, at the residence of the bride's parents. The bride was tastily attired in a cream minium dress with feather trimming and carried a bo uet of natural flowers. She was attended by Miss Little, of Guelph, who wore a mauve de laine dress, trimmed with sills lace. Jos. Ballantyne, of this place, supported the groom. The wedding gifts were of a valuable character. After a most in- viting repast had bowl partaken of the evening was very pleasantly spent in social chat, vocal and instrumental mesio, &c, There were 80 or 40 guests present. Mr, and MIrs. Robb have the heartiest congratulations for their future happi. noes in which Tun POST joins. They In• tend residing in the nortb0r0 part of Bruml/els, Mr, Robb being busy now en. larging and improving the house. Onr'r.—A telegram was received by John Shaw on Monday of this week con• taining the sad news of the decease of his youngest brother. Dr. Alex. Shaw was born in North Carolina in the year 1865, carne to Canada when two yeare old and settled in the township of Uullett with the rest of the family. He went to sahooi at S. S. No, 1, Fowler's Corners, and obtained a 2nd Class oortilicabe. Ile attended the Normal sohool at Toronto and then taught for some time at Lead. bury and Winthrop in lelal(illop, and Mullett, when he geed up teaching and attended McGill College, Montreal, Tho deceased oommonosd practice in Bans. oroft, Miob„ and after two year's stay there went to Watontown, Dakota, where he was milli about two months ago when he wont to Colorado thinking to improve hie health which got shattered abputthroe years ago. Bo went to Lon- don, England, to tltudy ag a specialist while there heti an attack of la pe whiob ended in pleurisy, develop. into consumption. Ile left London as eon as he w10 able enol went bao1 to Dakota but never got bettor. Ile left for Colored° and diad at Colorado Springs. The funeral took plana on Nov, 1st, Dr, Spain was known to many of our resi- dents and was most highly esteemed, lee called here on his way to London, Ills carat and suonoeS was an undoubted illu,tration of pluck, patienoo and per. sevranee. Ho had a splendid practice at Watertown and was a modern a0 well as a model physician. The subject of this notice was unmarried, ConuoRTABLE 130000 to let. Apply to S. B. Snide. Tire our Alligator harness oil, Best oil in use for leather of any kind. I. 0. Riobarda. A Goon, sound, gentle driving horse for sale, with or without harness and boggy, Jxo, D. Renee. THE wisest course in politics is to vote for the best man, and you cannot be mil/ - taken. So, in the us° of blood -purifiers, you cannot be mistaken if you take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best—the Superior Medicine. Try it this month. Asa your neigbbors if they use Dodd's Kidney pins? They strengthen the nerves, tote the system and the most stubborn oases of kidney disease yield to their influence, They are especially ap- preoiated by the old. Ask your neigh. bore about them. Fon the cure of headache, constipation, stomach and liver troubles and all de. rangemonte of the digestive and assim- ilative organs, Ayer's Pills aro invaluable. Being sugar -mooted, they aro pleasant to take, always reliable and retain their virtues in any climate. Wionr.Dl0aixe AND DaIr0INa.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin walls and is peeper - ad to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and pub in proper shape. T°rms reasonable. Reeidenoe mooed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84.tf :Genius appreoiats Anti•Dandrttff from the fact that it not only thoroughly to - moves; Dandruff with throe epplioaticns but stops falling of blip hair, restores fading hair to ite original color and :tattoo it soft and pliable without leaving any indication of a dressing being used. Clear tie crystal, clean to use, Me a valuable toilet preparation. CORSETS,—Just in ajob lob of Cromp- ton, Yetiei, Coealine, 066, and 0 es D corsets, to soil at 25 per cent. below regular primas, Also another lot :the "gnome" to self at Oso„ rogula dollar goods. Wo have sold 110 pair of this one line h the e 1 est three menthe and everybody is pleased with them. Boy now and sem money, Irwin 11 M°Bain. TExbltus WANTED.—T011(10111 will be re. oolvod for the caretaking of the Mother. dist church, Brume's, Aleo for grave digging ab the cemetery and amount par day asked for work at cemetery, separate and joint tendon asked for. Tenders re. aeived up to 6 p, it. on Wednesday, 9th inst. For further pal'bleitlara ae to duties, dtlo, apply to B, Glinnv, or J, T. PRrrrtn. Transact a General l3ankiu„ Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, afa mural "r$° • ', r? 72l P'.?tpan wzo'3t. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Ootober and April. Spacial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. we effect 1e write Insurance at old English er ('ttnadian Companies, or in Mut- nal Companies as may bo desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND Ile ro» STATES : 7110 CANADIAN BANic os' 001131E11031. setotastattestasswassamatmasotesscenostaltAssemeententrmwwwwszesmatmostsmststattstearsa 500 cords good hard wood wanted in 0TRAYED ON THE PREM— exchange for harness, or cash will be 1D Isms of no undersigned, lot 4, con, 14, paid for any quantity of good dry wood Grey,on or about Oat, 21st, a rod and white delivered at once, beech and maple, short heifer calf. The owner is ragnostod to Prone or long, Apply at I. 0. Richards' her- pro1U 2ty,payesponses and talcs bar away, Iters shop. R'M, ltl`1'OHI'E. -...._—._..__—.-....;._. -. ..--- 0f0RDW00D WANTED.—ANY aoRr7. quantity of hard and soft cordwood GmsON.—At Wroxeter, on Oot. 26th, the wonted at Brueoals Salt works, 01ac to 81.00 per cord for soft wood and ;31,00 to wife of 11Ir. Thee. W. Gibson of a 02,00 for hard wood, daughter. T. OOLEAN, Eau0n.-In Brussels, on Oct, 80113, the 12-bf PTIropriotpr, wife of 1vlr. Jacob Earner of a dangh• r — ter, pROPERTi FOR SALT'',.—THE MoGILLIounDY: -In 4Goderioh, on 003. vudersigued °hare her pro0Party,)13 utiles 21st. the wife of Mr, D• MoGillione- north of Bruasols, for sal0 on liberal terns. There 3s cue Sara of 11013(1 Upon wilioli there dy, 0f the Signal, of a daugbtor. are twon. bonsos, stable and a email orobard. --- The el roc is °or further located ou rho MARRSF,L, gravel road. For further particulars as t° WARD—Maxrox.—At the residatee of the price, terms, dna., apply to bride's father, on Oct. 17th, byRev, ]tilts. J O. n]N s St., D A. Henderson, M. A., of twood, Princess St., Brnasela Mr. Edwin Ward, of Logan, to Miss Sarah M., daughter of Mr, Henry Manton, of Elm, JAocsox—RonEnrsox.—In Highland, Ore. gen, on Oct. 6111, by Rev. J. L. Her - echoer, Mr, Chas. W. Jackson, of Portland, Oregon, formerly of Brue• eels, to Miss Elsie G, Robertson, of Kincardine, Ont. MOMARTIN—FEn0Ueox.—In Fordwioh, on Oot, 26th, by Rev. S. C. Edmunds, B, D,, Mr, Robert McMartin to Mrs. Rebecca Ferguson, both of Brussels. BnowN—Siors.--At the residence of the bridegroom's mother, Grey, on the 19th Oct., by the Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr, James Brown, of Grey, to Miss Lucy Smith, Of MOrniogton. JACEsoN—CHEIniTON.—At the residence of the bride's pimento, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. W. Smyth, of Clinton, assisted by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. H. L. Saokson, jeweller, to Miss Clara, eldest daughter of Her, J. A, Creigh- ton, both of Brussels. Roan-11foOatE.—A1 the residence of the bride's father, ou Nov. lot, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, as - ACRE AORE elated by Rev. D. B. McRae, of FARM FOR SALE. Orenbrook, Mr. George Robb to The 2011 Hare form being lots ll Miss Margaret Mo rae daughter of and 12, con, 10, Grey, sere os btlt for ease. 120 Mr. John MoCrae, both of Morris. bard 0rBalkl ,qs Orswolaos, 1 Oxchaid, 011 CLUpo—WonoLno.—At the residence or �o School haus° within 40 rods. Poeaoa- 000o given at once If desired, Per further partioulara as to prioe, terms, ,to. apply to 9-tt M1RS. WAL33ER, or NELSON BRIC1E10, on far°Hovius P. 0, REAL ESTATE. TIARIv1S FOR SALE.—THEDERUN- stile and to rent eaNED sy Terme in Townships of Morris and Groy, F S. SCOTT, Brussels, 37-tf, r'IHOIOE FAi3.1 FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, oon.0, Morrie, 100 acres, nearly all cleared, Good buildings, Ane 30un bearing orchard. Immediate 10e - session. Easy Toms. Apply to tP- 1V. 11 f. 8IN 0LAI$ Solicitor, the„ Brussels. GOOD—PARK FOR, SALE.— Tho undersigned desires to dispose of leis 100 acre farm being Lot 21, Con. 7, dray, adjoining the thriving village of .flthel where aro shops, churches, solionle, On the farm ie n comfortable dwelling house, good bank barn, tip-top orchard, wells and neces- sary' outbuildings, 80 acres °loured, balance bush. The land is iu a goal state of mum. vatlon and is wail folioed. For lir10°, terms and other particulars apply 011 the premises to L. DOBSON, 0•tf Proprietor Ethel P. 0. Mr. Wm. Law, 251 Borden St. To- ronto, on Oct. 12th, by the Rev. Dr. Rankin, Methodist minister, Mr. Noble T. Cluff, of Seaforth, to Miss Mary Hannah Wortley, mooed daugbtor of Mrs. John Wortley, of the township of Groy. AVCT201•7 TUR0DAT, Nov. 15TH,—farm stook. Lot 17, con. 14, Grey. Sale at L o'olook p. m. L. McNeil, Prop. Goo, Kirkby, Auct. Webeesiete, Nov. 16ru.—Farm stook, implements, 40. Lot 6, non. 12, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'elook. T. d$ W. Watson, propts. Geo, Kirkby, ane, TUESDAY, NOV. 8T11.—Farm stook and implements, Lot 82, Con. 11, Grey, Sale, unreserved, oommances at 1 o'clock. John Hodges, Prop. A. Reymann, Amt. Tummy, Nov. 8TH.—Farm stook and implements, Lot 85, 0010. 16, Groy, Sale, unreserved, commences at 1 o'olook sharp. Jas. Re11y, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Amt. FnxnAY, Nov. 11TH•—Farm stoop, plements, deo. North half Lot 20, oon. 9, Morris. Sale, unreserved, oommances at 12 o'clock sharp, Jonathan Mooro, Prop. Geo, Eirkby, Aust, 3311aTTas=131.,s Fall Wheat ............. Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Buttor, tube and mile Flourar demon Aper barrel.......... Potatoes „- Hay per ton Salt per bbl., retail.,,... Bides trimtned Hides rough Sheep skins, each Lamb skins eaoh Apples pee tiarroi,.., ,, Wool Pork 60 68 30 55 25 15 14 8 60 35 5 00 1 00 31 8 60 10 17 6 00 65 62 86 50 26 16 00 4 00 00 0 00 e6 1 00 00 1 60 18 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NE MILCU COW FOR SALE 14• W111"111.113'? a6oAi saGx, Bmiseols TERSE'YS FOR SALE. --1 el Brod 00w 4 Dara old' 1 Heifer nearly pure bred '.1131111 2 years old f 1. Shill Calf 0 months olio 0. A.DAIIMA, 1)rugLglab, BrussNels, V+AR12I FOR SALE,—THE UN- DERB[eNED offers for sale the north east quarts rof lot 28, aouosesion 0, Morris, County and l a of fist equality and in m b i gh state of oultivatiou, well fenced and under-drainod, 1.9 aoree oleared. Now/ram° booso, 8 rooms, milk house with oonere(0 walls, 2 wells,. good barns and shod, orchard, eta. Alight cares of fall wheat. Phis desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit• ab]e toric wi11 be given , Title perfect, saran8 GRIEVE), 00nsr, 80- Bent or le) 1.0. C PLENDXD FARM 1+'0R SALE. ko BEING In is 11 and 12, eon. 3.0, Township of Gray.County of Huron, containing200 aoree, te pc opa•ty of the Into John Roert- son, 170 OOree cleared and free from ob- ebruotlona, 10 aures bush, mixed timber, balanoo partly cleared. Sol clay loam mostly rolling, Penned with straight rail fences and watered by two walk ands a Spring privilege, coin°dfons dwelling hone°, with largo woodshed atbaobod and an excellent collar under house. Two large barns, stone stabliug and other outheild- Inge. Two good bearing orchards, orna- mental trees and small fruits, i:] miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G, T. It., convouienb to school, churches and post caooe. This property lies wall, is a first- .74) la IN rj4 = y'1' t Wass mein and stook farm and shooed be Soon by intending pure hmoors as Itis rflor- M. CAVANAGH, L, D, Sn D. D. So od 08 a bargain. For further' particulars Gradual° of the lioyal College of Dental apply to NIBS, MO. ROBERTSON, Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto DANIEL R014E14720N, on varsity. OITGIOE—Oust A. R. Smith's Store. the pronto°e, or by lettor to Oranbroolt P. Brussels, 0, 80,4 DRUG STORE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCusR, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, J.ks Soiloitorand CouveyallonO, Colloo- tions made, O01oo—Vanobone's 131oa1, Brus. sets, '83.0101 nt. SINCLAIR; • Solicitor, Cony°yan0Or, NOtary Pub. Ito 110 011ino—[;sham s ]hoot,) dc ,,r north et Peelmr'a Drug Shore. Private Funds to Loan. r1AMERON, HOLT Ss HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, t[. a, 01313;310N, 12. Out. Q• 0v 000Ln' HOLT, DUDLEY ITOLME9, • Solicitor, Clouveyanaer, Notary B. DICKSON, Block ,Brussols, L 1 AUCTIONEERS. A. • RAYMANN, T tontsal enof£aims,farmistook,letc. Termts cheerfully given, 0r'anbreok P.O. Soles may be arranged at Tau PosT Pvbll$hing House, .B1•usssle, GEORGE KIRKBY Licensed Auctioneer, (Sales oroutuot ed on reasonable terms, )Farms and Parra stock a specialty. Osiers loft at Tun Pon Publishing Boase, Bruasols, or sent to Walton P. O„ will receive prompt attention, IT•AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN• to conauet solos of farm stockc Iat reasonable prions. knowing the standing of nearly every parson I am iu n position to sell to good marks and got gond0eucurity when sold On Oredit. Satiefa011a11 gunraute°d. Give mea°aH. 32- D' S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. UT EL ilio0RACKEN,. oMarriage hie GrooryTorerrytre,Biussls. N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door south DIA. Id. McKay dt O's hardware store. o Ladles' and ohlldrens hair nutting a specialty MoNAIR, + Iesuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie - Fire IneuraneeQ° Co. ConveyancerliaOranbrook Post 01110e. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, tetemeNOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. it HUNTER, Co, Rulon, ofConveyaucer, Notary Court Land Loan mud Insuranoo Agent. A'uuds Invested and to loan. Colleotfons made, (Moe in Graham's Bloch, Brussels, ®IL PAINTING, to givMiss struction in of il painting. ting. lornio maybe ascertained at Miss NeilRose' store where samples of work may : bo seen. Mise Mori° would also take a fete more pupils in mueia, rp 1A. HAWKINS, • sola, and piiplll In the John'srof Teaching of A, W. Thayer, Mus. Doc„Now York, will give lessons to pupils either at Tilos, Farrow's, ferred,oab `ttheir o0n homes. Tgiluie mopder- ate. 40 - MEDICAL CARDS, UTM. F. OALE, M. D„ 0. M., Member of the College of Physician,and Surgeons of Ontario by examination, Oilfoe stud Residouoe--Main street ]Oast, Ethel,Ontalio. T A. MONAUGIITON, M. D. ex S. Ont. > ii eidsueeland Edinburgh, iv` Wilson Bloc It, corner of Mill anti Turnborry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 8.”. Honor Graduate of rho Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated. animals In a oom- potont manner', Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at- tended to, °Moe and Infirmary -Two doors north of bridge 'i'urnb any et., Brussels, DENTAL Notice to Creditors. Oro(1itors of Joseph H, Resell, lata of the Townsliil1p of 7tlma in the Conn ty of Perth, deceased, who died on or abeut rho eleventh clay of Ootobar, 1802, and all others havingq claims against itis estate aro hereby notified to send by post,propaid,or Othorwieo deliver to the undersigned, Exeoutors of rho last Will and testament of the said (beamed, 011 or before the 28(13 bay of November, 0892, their Christian names and a rnamoo, ad - dr Mee an d de erip Mona, and full partiou lave of their olaims,statemente of theira000mlts theinature 1 defai011 bhlOreotan4iminodt tdtd by ly miter the sal,& 21811 day of November the assets of the said doaoasod will be distrlbtit- od autongst those entitled tlleroto 1laving r85311l only to the elaims of which notice shall bavo been given as above reentrod, And this notice being given under the pro. visioneofthe BoVioodl Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 110, Soo. 80 do I:xooutona will not be liable for rho Said assets, or any part there- of, to anyporson Of whose ololm notion shall 1,011bavo boon received by them at t13o limo of Said distribution, JOSEPH 111)81111115.31103013013,)pleon Ore neeW0,1 ohne LINGTON, f Vilma, Oat, 24, 1802, Trowbridge P. 0, IMPROVED LARW' GE 1l'ITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The Undersigned will keep for service this present season t110 Improved largo white Yo•kshlro nig 'Randy on lot 20, eon. 0, Morris,. to wliloh 8 llmltod number of sows will bo taken, Terms 01.00 to be paid at time of orvioe, with the privilege of return- ing if nonessary, Pedigree may be soon up- on application, 1001310RT I4101101', iu f Proprietor. OAR FOR SERVIOE.-.—THE unclarreguee will scoop for arvioo on .Lot 12, Con.18, Groy, a pure bredl Chef ter White Pi imported by Robert Adana, McKillop. Tonne, i3100 to bo paid at Limo of sorvloo with privilege of returulug If 110000sarv, DANIEL 16foldI1,LAN, 10.4 Proprietor. VI OAR FOR SERVIO1,--'I1H73 Unrtprsigocd will hoop for service at 1111o1'riebank ilia Thorn' -bred Cheater White Bear, "Thiele Sam," No. 4,801, This bog has taken 1st petro at the four faits 13e Was ex- hibited and his stook hes been equally sue - easeful ns prise wlnne•a. Pedigree may be at thio time of eoiviae 131tb spo$1,00 yy'i otggo be rood turning if noao00ary, 8, 8140111,o, Proprietoo,