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The Brussels Post, 1892-11-4, Page 6
6 AGRICULTURAL, • I w an be reached in some degree by every • farmer, "In Some Way or Other." Ina rickety hone;, 'rind a garden of weed. That flourished unhindered to scatter their seede, ' Where tho oobwobs excluded the sweet light of morn, A woman eat Icily, in garments forlorn 1 She looked at the holm -win the rat•eitten ltoor. dad rho rags, not too Mean that, her little ones wore; Then smoothed her torn wrapper and peace. fully,lghsd• 'In someway or other the Lord wilt provide," Hor husband sat out by the door In the ehndo. with hand on his chair -back contentedly laid, While the briars and weeds did Itis meadows adoral, And the grass el his Heide was outstripping the corn, Of rents, o his trousers), there sure was no And lack coat was Bee remit' to fail from hie banis. But he calmly observed, when these Mete he described; 'In 901110 way or other the Lord will provide." "Tn come 10 ty or other,' it teat' be, but sore The Lord, although 1,0,1,01 :fed lore to endure, Can scarce be act c •ted to et,111•feee 4114 malt X5'110 1114 110t the,lamption to do what, he can; And although lie bequeaths:, us the (01a er ale land, And scatter his bounties on every hand, Ite doesn't pmt bread ready made on the shelf, But even achtekeu0100 0,seintronfurhimself, And 1 think IIe is far better pleased with the Who tackle lire bravely and cheer it with kites. Who rustle and huetle the journey along, And lilt up the clunes want a laugh and a 00ng, Than 0.1;40 who s0 solemnly sit them-oive0 dotvn. In idleness waiting n robe and a crown, And piously chant, Els they drift down w:thtloe td^c "Income way or other the Lord will provide." —Mortimer C. Brown, to Good Iiousokooping. tload papers and books, agrittuItorat literetaro, will always bo ;ought and read by farmers who keep obreaat of the times, The loss eduret ion the members of the fain. ily possess, the poorer and cheaper will bo the papers and books which they rend. The man who thinks the most and the deopeet enjoys the moat, It is true that we now find many lgnoraut men who make money anti a good living on a farm, but they ow 0 much of this ability to educated mon who have improved Implements of all kinds, modes of cultivation and mina ennit of crops and improved breeding of domestic aninals. These on tette what they have Darned no right to " They look over the fence and receive information without stoney and without price," Whore agrioniture thrives, there we al. wcys find a prosperone people. Itjelways has been so anti doubtless it will ever be, " Pe sure you ate right and then go ahead," should bo the watchword of every man who would form stweessfully, The largest half of the profit of farming arbor, old m nett of its real pleasure, utast come out of the vig- o^out exercise of tau worker's train of which skilled forecast is pretty runeth the ender- s p my. Thoroughly educate the fanner in early manhood, and he will h.0 foremast in every good work. (Cray Intim end tottering footsteps will find him strong, for truth, and strong nu his trod. Aud how gloriously' wonld such a patriarch sink to rest, 11 bora he wee bora and where he has lived, there he dies. In the midst of the few survivors of hie early life and of the y oath who had beet led by his example to the highest Irl. Mee, he falls asleep, Reverently they carry his remains to the narrow house and mourn that a great and gond man has fallen. Stich men there are, fixed with their descendants, on the soil. Suppose a farmer of the olden time were t0 come book tomtit,. 1Yhat would he tnink of the ease and rapidity with which the soil is now prepared for the seed ? How astonish• ed as he watches tho rapid progress of the reaper, hem's the quick strokes of ire keen blades and nee the waxing green disappear as if swept by surging fire. The stroke of rite Ittd and the panting of the strong wean have ceased, but he hears the clatter of the thresher, the buzz of its wheels and sees the sheaves disappear as if by magic in its insatiable throat. A thousand etreevwcol• tors chop the straw into dainty bite, and the " Little Giant" encs the cob together with the corn. The boy rides lois rake, thinks of sweetheart and whistles " Comin' Theo' the Rye," while the grass is left in long wind- rows. Horses ct.n ante and pivot as well ee reap and mow. Steam will thresh the grain and saw the wood and dogs churn the but. ter. Want of success to terming Is doe to the fact that the farmer docs not appreciate the dignity of his calling. Let us look at some of the considerations whieb shouldinfluenee tris decision in this important matter: " Experieuue and observation have taught that crop -growing and stook -breeding are inseparable in the pursuits of profitable bus. bairy," First the farm must be suited to his menus. Many farmers today, tired of their calling, discouraged in their efforts to improve and fail to farm at a profit, from doe fact that they are in debt, It is the bane of farm life. I do not, by any moans, say that a farmer should never incur debt in buying a farm, for the majority of young farmers must do this, but it should be only after the moat careful thought and study. It is often wiser to buy a smaller farm than to run deeply in debt for a large one. The question of the size of the farm shouli be determined by the moans of the farmer, the particular branch of farming he intends to follow end his business Capacity. Both large and sinal! farms have their ndvantnge. On a large farm it will pay to invest in more labor-saving machinery end this can be kept more frilly employed. More help can be kept permanently and this will euable thofarmer to concentrate the labor on some particular work in an emergency-. On a large farm there is better opportunity for rotation of crops and diversified farming, and mora stock can be kept, whiuh will, under good management, not only keep the farm more fertile, but also give an equal in- come with leas labor then where rause of the soil must be cultivated. On a largo farm the proportnn of fencing to the number of acres may be greatly reduced, and thus one heavy item of investment and expense be mater:ally lessened. It must be remembered, however, that ot °endeot sucoossfully a Large farm, requires executive ability mud business hebite, and that many men ;tau eueeesafelly carry on a small farm who would fail on a largo ono. On the ether hand thereon many (Oven. tages connected with small farms. The man on the small farm can largely cliepensc with hired help and save his wife the extra labor which their board and lodging brings upon her, often when sho is already overburdened with the care of children. The man on the small farm eau usually control his expenses so that a feller° of crops will not be so diens• traits to Min or to the teal with the largo farm, On every farm there should be ,in unfailing supply of pare water, convenient to house and warn. Convenience to poste) like, a tore, blacksmith shop, schools end churches, will add largely to the Income of the farm and comforts of the farmer and his family. All the profi 18111 farming coma from maxi• onion crops and taking caro of the little de- tails. From the statiatirs ae shown by the census reports of the hailed States, it ap- pear:; that the averaueyield of the corn crop is al alt twenty-six 101811010 per n.ero, and that the average yield of the wheat crap is about thirteen bnshois per n'.ae, 'Chet these averages will give no profit is evident to every experienced farmer, and as these are the averages there meet be :neny who grow lees, for "le know 11301 l,horo aro ninny who grow Innen mote to the we. We might then divide farmers into three classes --those who are growing ;'ops above the average and make nneney, those who grow average maps end snake n living, and those who grow mops below the avenge and bare- ly keep scud and body together. The nian who cultivates e. smaller part of kis land can do it more thoroughly and can have it richer. The cost of grain per bushel is decreased in the meet ratio that the yield per acre is he conferred, Suppose we tante twelve dollars as the average cost of prochacing an acre of wheat or own t thts sem is to cuver prepare. lion of soil, ptantiug, oitttiug and h,afvost. ing. A r.rop of wheat averaging twelve bushels per more will cost 0110 dollar per bushel, Twenty enty bus els will bring the oust down to sixty cells per bushel, and thirty hellhole per acre will oo8tbnt forty cents per bushel. Thirty bushels of ocu'n to the acre will oast forty cents per bushel, forty 'bushels per aore will oast Obey Dents par Moshe), end eixty bushels will cost but twenty cents par bushel. You may thilik my manner° of twelve dollereper acre incorrect, but tante any ocher auuln1t yen please, and it will not change the principle. ;tory, ilia serest rosy ml luany farms to double the yield pal 40,00 and 60 led 1100 the coster bushel vernld b, un r,1:ice the 80044 11111101. nl'tivet ter teur. half. A,oarofhl study of thissuwluotoffarm man. The Silo. An excellent belletiu on the silo and corn ensitego, by elf.. C. 0. ,Tames, the Deputy Minister of Agoicnitnre, has been issued by the Deptertmcut of Agriculture. The value of the bulletin Is especially enhanced inas- much as it has been compiled from replies received from over forty correspondents who have had experience of from one to eleven years in growing corn and in matting and feeding ensilage anti those who lave made good, sweet ensilage speak most bigb. Iy of its value. The following uoeful intoe motion is given as to building a silo : The Silo.—With a few exceptions the silos of Ontario have been befit in the car• ners of, the barn, sometimes ntelizieg the root cellars in the Ilaaentent 0a the lower part. The silo should he from 10 to' 11 ft. RIO, and should be built to withstand enormous pressure. The main features of tried silos which have been built in ordinary farm barns are es follows 1 Upon a snbsten- tial stone foundation are laid sills 10x10 inch, firmly imbedded in the foundation or secured to ie by iron rods firmly bolted down. The studs should b0 2x10 inch, sat 12 inches apart, mortised into sills. Leave the two studs 18 inches apart where doors are to be plical. Secure the plates and rafters firmly, so that there will be no ne- cessity for iron rods to prevent or overcome spreading. Board up the outside with one layer of inch lumber, battening the joints. On the inside first 'place a layer of inch lumber, pipe or here'ook which need not be planed; over that one, or better, two layers of tarred paper; over the tarred paper a layer of dressed inch lumber running up and down, which should be tongued and grooved or jointed. Into the corners should be fitted boards with bevelled edges, the space be - hied packed with sawdust or grout. Over the entire smooth and perfectly air -tight surface of the interior thus obtained apply one or two coats of linseed oil or of hot coal tar and resin (one gallon teal tar to three pounds resin). The floor may be made of cement of had -packed clay well drained, and should be made level nr at little higher in the centre. Upon the floor spread a little cut straw before putting 10 earn. No rough atone should be left ex posed, but ally foundation above the floor should also be oovcr0d with sheeting. The walls should be left hollow. The doorway is made by cutting down from plate to sill between the two suds, lett eighteen inches apart, ]hanging eloee•fittng doors on the outside to close this opening, each door be- ing about four feet long. As the silo is filled the inner wall is boarded up tight, the door closed, and the space between filled with sawdust. If the doors for removing eusil- age are not conveniently placed for filling, a small door well be necessary, situated according to recuiremonts. Ventilate Dither by roof or gable, If the silo is more than sixteen feet long, it is advisable to divide by removable plank partition. The two moat important points to eo observed in coratructi0n are to have it very strong and perfectly airtight. Cost and Capacity of Silo,—One ton of ensilage will 1111 about fifty cubic feet. The cost of Bile depends upon so many eireu l' stances that it might bo advisable to give a few examples fent. tons 21:x15:c27 Separate brick, four rooms lee 51,00» 0lows of darn 123 11.1 Separate hu flti'g, wooden., 225' 200.1 12s1Lx°e float house axed over, 75 10 .et et 11ny of num 129 70 ee ., 80 45 rim 00 1100 40 iiix12x21 Ag'dnst been lexbls 2 in lain k barn barn I8x=1x15 in bay of barn It will be seen that where a root cellar or corner of a barn is utilized, the cost may be easily kept under 51 for cavil ton capacity. A root oollar alone is not deep enough for silo, '.liow Shall We Make The ATM Pay?' ISP wit, ti. Luna%%. This depends entirely upon knowledge and agriculLevel training. There is uo 00• oupation requiring more varied information, a wounder judgment and more common 801150 tial cultivating the soil and raising stock. Is this saying too much 2 It is a strong statement but true. The celebrated Sully said " that agriculture is the breast from which the nation derives its support anri nouriohnlenL," But itis also an art as "ilia disposition or modification of a thing by human Skill to answer the purpose intend ed." Arts depending upon the skill of rho hands aro called dooful, somotit1)80 trades, Other© liberal or fine. Now, ie is plain that au net becomes more difficult in prootic; es its rules, and the eottingecien whiuh modify then, become More numerous, Estimated acrordiug to t this standard, agriculture tapes more sub. jeots of knowledge and coven a wider field in science than any other art or profoseion, The physiology and pathology of 'orate life; laws of horcclity ; effects of crossing mt breeds ; the laws of plant life, and the in- ' fluence of haat, light and moisture on their ggrowth ; the best means for preserving fruits std grains ; some degree of drill in ritaoitanispt ter an ., ttu.ro nintnwith the laws! of ntoollauism, at acfplaint:noo with the laws of machinery, is this too brood 2 It n BRUSSELS POST. eomeot 0110100 that brains on the frtr»n coapt for more than unset°, and that 800008s de- pends more of a system aria plan, wisely cho,ol1 and failhfnlly 'mounted, than on pbysteal lnhnof, Twenty Thousand Pooket-Kuivos. It is always difficult week for it boy to eoloot a ucw pocketknife. The trouble is there are so many good ones to oeloat from. Altrek Twain las drawn an anusingooutr'ast between a boy's new knife while It is in the store and nfl.et hellos taper it home. While in the store, beside dozens of other glitter. Ing knives. it looks °heap and common• place; but at home, where it has all the field to itself, it looks so handsome and valuable that it makes the boy grin from ear to ear. Soule of the large cutlers in New York keep 0,0)00 peeket.knlves constantly in stork. Think of selecting oue knite out of 20,000 lying shining in Ole eases: There are about 1500 devout kinds of pookct•knivos in use in thin country, and either throe or font' sires of out kind; so when the cutler buy. several of ;nolo she of every kind, he Mee 111,000 knives for the customer to sweett from. 4ty'leo in pocket-knives "longe just a9 surely, donnish not quite as oftru, us alpha in 1,101.0111'1 clothes.. The cutlers say that a styleoeldam beide its popularity for moo than two or three yea's. lloys of this gen- eration da not know anylhiocJ shout tin Barlow knife, though a few years ago nearly every boy in the country had ono, Ash your father about 11, and he will tell you that the Barlow knife toes one of the best tools a boy ever carried. It had only 0110 largo blade, but that was always made of wood steel; and the handle wee about half Gone and half iron. The great thick knives containing a large number of blades are also entirely out of fashion. They were much in demand at ono time ; and boys and men too, thought that the more blades a knife had, the better it was, This lel the cutlers to iuernne° the number of blades as ,00h as possible, and there were not only six -bladed and eight - bladed knives, but some that oontained eighteen blades —nine at each end of the handle. People 40011 loaned, however, that the many blades were only a bather to carry, and that the small tools contained in the 'male, such as sorew-drover, gbmlet, and button -hook, were very pretty to look at, but were seldom of any use. Many bladed knives aro still kept in stock, but few people buy them. A knife made for exhibition at tho last Paris Exposition by tile toted firm of Rogers in England con- tained 305 blades and tools. The pocketknives moat used at present eontabn only two blades. They are thin, but wider in the haucdle then the knives used a year or two ago, and the !Inutile is usually made of bone, shell, or i ory, The metal tips at the ends are very small, and often there are no tips at all, nothing allow- ing but the ivory and the spring at the bank. These knives sell from twenty-five cents to 5100. A big price that for a small knife -5102 ; but it a not the knife that ever costs so much, only the handle. In a 5100 knife the handle is made of gold and two or three small diamonds Imre set in it. Nobody buys such knivesexeept the people who have more money than they know what to do with ; and the antlers say that the blades are precisely the same in the twenty-five cent knife and the 5100—the difference is all in the handle. Many curious things aro to be found in the big cutler's shops in a large city, but none more curious, perhaps, than what is called the " knife -fork," for the use of one- armed men. A matt with oulyone arm has a great deal of trouble with the ordinary knife and fork, and after using one be has 10 lay it. clown before Its can pick up the other. The knife -fork is a broad knife Made rounded almost into a semicircle like a gar. den sickle, but with the cutting edge on the outside. The end of the blade is clivitl• ed into three prongs like a broad fork. Ths blade outs the meat and the prongs pick it up, and with this useful ioetru neat tiro ono armed man is said to get hes fell share at any table, even whop be has only " Der min- utes for refreshments." The cutlers say, too, that a pocket knife requbres some attention to keep it in good order, and that a good knife well eared for should last for many years, The dirt should be cleated out of the,joiuts occasionally, and the whole knife be oiled. They are inclined to make o little sport of the city men who go out into the woods hunting in the fall, A Now•Yorker going into the woods, they say, wants enough knives to supply awhole tribe of Indians) so at this season they al- ways keep a !urge stook of 11 knives an hand. A Thousand Battle Burned. A telegram from liaise City, Idaho, Bays: —Mattson Bros. have received word from the snperintendelt of their stock range in the Bear River Falvey diet more than 1,000 head of fat cattle have been destroyed by the great forest fires that have for weeks been sweeping over that eaglon. Nine houses and four whine were also destroyed, and three herdsmen fatally, burned. The mettle were feeding h, a small valley on Tuesday, A strong wad snddonly blow a sea of fire down upon theut, The an. hunts stampeded, but they ran in the wrong direat ion. .Before the cowboys could turn the maddened animals the herd was sur- rounded by flames. Tho tattle huddled in the °entre of aclearing, about a mile square in extent, and tate cowboys thought thoy might remain quiet and eventually escape, , n1 ars of eh dens and spark; fell toper, the herd, however, and presently a steer tan amuck among its eompaniots,• got• ing them with its ]torus mud bellowing frightfully, Tho other animals broke and tall in tell directions, Many of them dashed into the midst of the names, where they perished in lhorrible agony. Others ran into tho harming forest near where the cabins had stood and paused to drink ata water -holo, hot the fluid was scalding hot, ata the poor bruleu, inaddan• ed by their ialtetslfied se/Tering, viciously charged coop other and every other lfiring ob' b'eeti'nsight. Tosave tholrlives the four eow. oys who were within the fiery circlet at- tempted to force their horses thronh a narrow belt of blazing grease -wood, the shrubs standing about two feet high, Be. fore they had gone ton feet the animals bad hnitalod flame and dropped to the earth, Choir riders being compelled to run book to to their starling place, After nine 13 0111.4 the wind Breve the limos onward, hurl the neem 00 Itausom'0 range attended bo the moods of their suffer. hag friends. Only tweety-seven cattle out ot 1,050 escaper the flanges, their half burn. ocl bodies bong strewn ovor five awes of ground, 7JieeoU1aged hospitality. Drnmmor.—slay I offer you a little genu inn old Bourbon? ltospeetablo Marty. —No, sir, ,you niay not, Whisky% acurso, Demmer (epoingutically) —I admit _ Fir.+ toc9ahla Pa't —T'vc r o dm 1, t yet u ninon c, The trouble ot it f0 you ac thin '1:1,0 much whisky. YOUNG FOLKS. Katy -Did and Katy -Didn't. It woe u riddle long nngeessed, but 1 will toll lb° cone n•ee 11410, dust what It. war that Baty did, and tall tlant Katy didn't do, She did go straight to bed cot eight, nn,l didn't leant t0 wait Lill nine; Biu didn't rare for party gown;, Aho d1,1 sot stitch°° nowt and Inc ; Sho did sit very still In distrait, and didn't creak ho little fon She did rig tt all vacation line, and didn't trot when wheel Megan. No wonder this am musing child is sung about with melt dalgltt Beneath rho great round barveetenoon, on every pleasant entente night. The Way to Manage Bonny. Mame Shartodge has a fever, nod her mother lots sent Bennie over here to Aunt Ann's for fear he'll caloh it. Aunt Ann 14 going to ]seep hitt till Maine gets well if it takes two months, she says, booanse site fa sorry for Mrs, Short lodge, Ile 018ep0in the trundle -howl in Aunt Ann's room, and he look. real ;hoeing in itis night-gown. When be lint came, Marian end 1 eerier) hie hair and she wed him picinros, cell played With ]rim all the time we W0111 not 11 school, But after a day of ttvo we gob tired, end there were so many other things we wanted 41 du we 00111di1't 110 bothered with ]lennie. No when he came hanging Aroundwith hie picture -book, we'd say, " 01, rust 10101ty, Ronnie 1 We can't stop to show pieturea now, By and hyo the w111." 'Then in a minute or two he'd coma again, and say : ' It is bimeby now, Semarial 1" That's the way he mixes our names cop, beoaooe he hears Aunt Aun say "Jane and Marian," when elle speaks to us. Well, of course we couldn't etop to show him pictures when we bad ell our lessons to ]earn, end worsted work to do; and besides, I an learning to crochet, So w11011 he kept teasing us, we'd say : " 01t, do get out of Dar way , Ben I Don't you see we're busy 7" Anal once or twice we gave him it Little push. 1t didn't hurt hum a bit, but he weut in a corner and cried, end Aunt Ann said wo ought to havetnore patience. I felt sorry myself when I heard him sobbing : "I want my toanlma 1 I want my mamma I" For we had heard that vary clay that Monte was wort°, and her another was all tired out, but she couldn't leave her a minute. So than I told 'Rennie that I would show hien ten pictures if ho would let me deme afterwards, and Marian said-slto would give aim a lozenge if Ile would let lar alone, and so we got as much es an hour to do our own work .got peace. Bennie went and eat clown by himself in itis little chair ; and ho look- ed 80 forlorn and so cunning I had half a mind to go and p'ay with him, bet I just turned away and wouldn't notice him, and got all the red done in the bookmark I was working, before dark. After sipper he cried again to go home. Aunt Maria had one of her headaches, hot elle took him in her lap and got ]tint to Bleep, and Marian and 1 had a chance to do our sums. When we went up -stairs to bed we agreed that it was really trying to have a child like that in the house. "It mixes up your duties so," said Marian, "It makes you feel as if you did wrong to ]Darn your lessons and mend your stockings. I know Aunt Ann actually frowned at us when we were sphering 1" Iatniled under the bedclothes, for Marian cover does mend her stockingge till the very last minute before she puts them on, but I agreed with her that it woe too bad to be made to feel selfish when we were doing things 100 ought to do. The next morning 0110 of the girls in school lent us a splendid book to read, bet she said WO must finish it that same day, for she could not let us keep it any longer. So we thought we would read all we could at noon to get aatare As we turned into our yard, there was Bennie watching for us at the window. Ile laughed and clapped his hands when he saw us, and we could hear hint call Jamarian 1 Jamerian I" "There, now l' said Marian. "Ifo won't let rte read ono word. Let's go up to the garret and stay ti11 dinner is ready." So when we went an we just laid our books and slates on the table in the front entry, and slipped upstairs instead et go- ing into the sitting -room. 17e found a nice place cop in the west garret by the window, and there w0 sat side by side, reading as fast as we could, fon' nearly half an hour. It was a fairy -book. " I wish I could lea fairy," said bbarian. " I could make so many people happy hither a fairy ora missionary." I thought it was very noble in Marian to 10aet to do so much good, and when Annt Ann called us to dinner we wont down with our arms around each other, and felt pleas- ant toward everybody. Bob the m10u10 we opened the sitting. room moor, Bennie eau to meet us, exclaim- ing joyously : "See my pretty horsed I dtawed'em all myself. Look, Jana'ian 1" We looped down. It was my slate 1 Ile had got It from the entry table, and robbed out all my sums that I worked so hard over the evening baler°, and that I was keeping on my slate for that afternoon's recitation 1 I was so provoked I could been shaken hint, "Torn newghty, naughty boy I" I cried "1Vow you've spoiled lily lesson, and I shall lose my perfect eard, and I do think it's too' mean 1" A cloud aameover'hisbrightlitblefaoo, and hes Hp quivered. I didn't mare if be did cry, I thought he ought to after doing such a thing as that, I expected Atone Ann meld scold num, but she didn't; she only looked 80,1, Tltero was no time to spare. Marian and. I ate our dinner, and went off to school es quick as WO 00111d., Before the bell rang I stepped op to the teacher and told hoc how Botnio Shnrtledgo had robbed out mysutn8, and asked her to excuse my lesson, She Was a great dual nicer than I thought she would be, 11 Co'tainly I will excuse yon, Jane," she said, pteaeattly, "and you shall have your merits met bhc sane, Poor little Beanie 1, I suppose he doesn't know what to do with himself away from his mother. I ant so glad ha is with you and your aunts, you aan make him so happy 1" I sat down 8t my desk, thinking to my self that folks didn't know what a trouble Bennie teas ; bot all rho afternoon I hops remembering how glad his ]into face looked through the patio when he saw us coining home, and how timid and sorrowful he was after I scolded him, When school was out, and Marian and I went home, there was Bennie watching again, but ho didn't call out to urs. We aleppod our hands and laughed, and than be laughed, too, and mob us at the door, Something had come °vet us both, so that wo did not want Le pusih hire away. Wo gob the fahy-book and finished it, and we let him sits all the pictures, Titan wo wanted to do our suets for 11001 day, and I thought lo niy,olf 1 1(01, dear, now we Shall lltvo a time 1" Rut 'Marino said 1 "Bonnie, want to do sums, too 7 Thoro's au old ;tato in the closet, and I'll give yon a p Anil then, don't you think, that little mite drew cop 111s lilt)° chair turd sat down net ae sober', 411,1 1)111110 little marks and lints all Door his woe 1111 wo hod Ihtishml ovory n100 of our 11011113, and Its thought ]to wee elphefing just 00 much 110 1V0 acro, Than he trotted up In Aunt Aum for her to cee, and the looked as pleaosl Ile enuld bo. \Volt, jest Wet little thing, that seemed like an aoaidenr, has boon the greatest help to Marian anti 1110. 1Ve haven't hada bit of brottroubleer. with 130niie since, and we love hint bettor every day, I wish ha wits toy little h When he waits to hang around n9, wo let hire. 11'ihen Wenn writing compositions, wo give him some paper to scribble on, too. When we study our spelling, we give him a word to atoll now and then. Ile is no dunning! no spells like than: "B.1 -d, oat:" And whit WO aeric with 0111' worsteds, WO 1(4 ltim have a needle threaded tend a bit of nevem, at111 he le j118111.9 buoy rte ire ,1'a. 11e isn't any trouble at all, now too hetet found nit how to manage him; and when he thinks 114 11114 done sohnethiter pretty well, his vofee sounds raWeld as he calls Dorn: "Look; Leek, Jamu'ien!" Phoiographiog Lightning Every month, almost every day, the photo. graphic camera develops new marvels. The stars and planets,ney, even the filmy nobnllc', are photographed nightly, and it is known that celestial objr'nts which the hamar eye, aided by the most powerful instruments, fails to delete, are depicted upon the salmi. Live plate. Objects melt s0 deep in space that light, travelog at tea lemming speed of 12,000,000 miles a minute, only brings n message from them eller ;.colones, reveal their shapes to the all -seeing eitmara. The instantaneous plate is a great (Beon- chanter, es well as a great discoverer. It shows its the noble, bounding steed gother• al 101.01. cost tulgraceful lamp with bis foottockod under hm ad he hely du•e, 1 into a cnrioae curve. Even the young girl, " whose motion is a song," is depicted upon the nngelbutt iusbnttaneols plate with one foot r'absed, bent sidewise, balancing heree'f with a hand, ae if she wore about to fall over, Fen Imitate it is, 110 doubt, that we 010 given eily bunco, and not camera glht. Among the aihierelnan is of recent photo;. r'aphy is the aatchieg of 1helivhlnieg flash and dept:ting it Miring its progress, Strangely enough, though wt hare always thought and spoken of "jagged lightning," the camera shows us that there is no such thing in existence. The angles are not sharp, but wide all curvsd,ihe branches are biunt- ended, and no they plunge downward, seen like narrow ribbons with their forward pro- jection shaped Nice the blade of a table - knife. Moro marvelous yet, the camera has shown 118 black lightning ; that is, electrical discharges which, so far from making adaz- rling glare, mark their passage by a dead - bleak ribbon or line. Science has not yet explained what the camera has submitted to it, Oh I Eliza I The counsel prosecuting in a breach of promise case was youthful and fresh, and delighted in ehowiug himself off; but he didn't know what a guy he was until it fell on hint with a doll and sickeaiug thud. The defendant had taken the stand. " You say," Said the rising young coun- sel, after several impertinent questions, " that you never made love to her 7' " Not to my knowledge," replied the de- fendant. "Never called her pee name, either, I suppose 7 ' �' No sir." "Now, as a platter If fact, didn't you call her Lizzie after you had been to see her only throe or four times, and alweye after that, when you know you should have called her .Hiss Smith if you had not been seeking to 10tH her young and trusting heart ?" No, sir, I did not," The plaintiff pulled tine attorney's sleeve, bob he paid no attention to her. "Ah, indeed," very sarcastically. "I presonle you never' called her Lizzie in your life?„ " 1 never did, sir." The man of law sat forward with a sharp crack of the chair legs on the floor. . " Pd like to know why you never did, ear 1" hs asked, with the air of a than who knew he had the facts. "13ocauao "—and the witness was as cool as a palm -loaf fan cool,{ make him in June —" beeans° her name was Ellett.' Then it was that counsel heeded rho pleinti0's wild clntuhings, and wanted to hit himself in the neck with a law book, hub it was too late. Makes Its Own Trouble. "That's a nighty poor circular yott have to advertise your eye wash." " Why w, "It in so illegible it gives a man sore eyes to road it." "'\Yell, isn't that )rood for the eye wash ?' Tloo noted eacReon if the Lubon Medical Company is now sti Toronto, Canada, and may be oonsulte4 either in parson or by letter on all chronic diseases paeuliar to room. Mtn, young, old, or middle-aged, 1r110 find themselves ner, oust, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptom° : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital. ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of aught, palpitation of the heart, missions, look of energy, pain in the kindoys, head. ache, pimples on the Moo or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, apecice before the eyes, twotching of the muscles, Dye lids and olsewhere,bashfuhass, deposits in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of the scalp and epine,weak and flabby muscles, dosire to sleep, failure to be rested by sloop, constipation, tinll uossof hearing, lossof voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunkeneyessurroundedwibh tt'A111N 01100030, oily looking akin, eta, aro all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to fusnnity and death unless cured. Tho spring or vital force having lost its tension everyfunotion wanes in oonsequenee, Those who through abuse committed in ignoranoo may be per- manently cured. Send yott, address for book on all diseases peeediar to man, hooka sent free sealed, Iloardieease, the symptoms of which are faintspolte, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip lteate, hot flushes, rui,h of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with boats aeon, rapid and irregular, the soond heart beat quicker than the first, pant about the breast bond, oto, con positfvoly becnroti. No cure, 'opo . Send for book. Address 211. V. 1)24, 114 Maodonell Avo. Toronto, Otte For evening <lrosaos ihoeeof chiffon over apps of inexpensive silk aro perhaps to most faslnouuldo, but there is an in0xlan0- tailo supply of spcotted am broidor d silk mulls, awl lolfont.o spider -web organ. dies. Nov, 4, 1892. ''!CO'GYlkl�h�0.[pe�yr�l�lTh�A511M1�1YeiqusfirW , LATE FOREIGN NEWS A company hoes boon formed at Copen- hagen with the °hjeol. of building a verman- rut Blind Tower in Limb airy, Pilo tower, d'hieh will be hull of steel and iron, and W111011 will be lighted by elterweeity, is to be i1170 feet in height, A Vienna oorrespoulent telogrephe t—Ie 14 announced from St. Petersburg that Pelee; Rrapotkln, a tvealthy young Houten. ant, has aonuuitedsuicide iuthat city, The papers aro not allowed to report on the sub• feet, and oven in military circles nothing is known of the eaume of the eoboido. The marriage of 11. B. II. Princess Marie of Edinburgh with 1L 13 31, Prince Ferdin- and of IRoamanla will take plane of the 10th Jemmy non at Signarlogen, the residence of the parents of the beidegrootn. Tho Gennlm Emperor's money matters have otcadilygrown more harassing, IIs 19 said to be 8o deeply involved n•Ith ntoney lmldersthat the court officials havedifficulty 10 getting their sabu'bee. Complete statistics of the great fire at tit, John's, Newfoundland, have just been issn•' ed, The number of louses ,lo,,trey'ad 1005 2,55n, the number of families burned out 1,171, :led the total number of persons burn- od out 10,03.1. An English company is being formed for the a^elitnatlzation of elephants in South America. The valley of the Amazon and its tributarlos aro thought to be very suit - 'dela for elephant farming. The death of Count di Trapani is an. nouncod. Born on the steps of a throne, the thirteenth son of Francis I. of Naples, died in a -garret ; for the vary modest lodg- legs he 000upled on the fourth floor of a bouoo in the Roe Montaigne were little be ter. The deceased Prince fought gal. 10ntly in defence of the kingdom of his nephew, He had been a great bnvalid for yearn, and lived an absolutely retired life. Who says the olrl goldfields of Austral:n aro exhausted? At 13endigo, where they Irate been diligently extracwog the precious metal ever ei11c0 Lord Salisbury visited the place 1,t 185.1, the gold yield for July was 10.112:1 z, being 0000oz more than the July of 18111. Since the first of January tip to the departure of the lest mall Bendigo had turned oat 112,500 oz of gold, mut the dtvi• donde exceeded the calls by 155,01:0. The deepest shaft is Air, G. Leusell's No, 180, where they aro getting gold at a depth of 2850f1. A movemone is on foot in Melbourne in favor of cremation. A committee of the Royal Society of 1 ictorie. which was ap• pointed to muskier the subject estimates the cost per body at the moderato sum of 11 1s, this will itolude the fee for medical examination and the expenee of a memorial tarn. Tho cost of carriage must depend upon the wishes and position of the mourners. There has been a new development of the Australian frozen meat trade. Refrigerab ing stores have been established at Port Said, and fresh meats, fruite, 00., are being conveyed thence from Australian porta by steamers passing through tine Suez Canal, The quality of the meat is said to be much superior to that killed locally. The new departure will prove a boon to all who pass through the canal. Ono hundred and twenty-five families in the province of Sassari, in Sardinia, were, on the 15th of this mouth, ejected from their home, and all their goods and chat- tels sold for ncu"pnymeut of the Govern• meet imposts. Ono home end alt it contain- ed was valued at 1 lira mid 50 eenteaimi, or rt little over la, Four others realised two lire each, or is (id of our money. Fifty households, with all they contained, were valued at sans ranging from 5s to 10s. The remainder did nog reach even 5s. Some while ago a Indy in St. Petersburg, eufeeiugg from a nervous malady, fell into a death -like trance, and the latter haring last. ed three clays, rho doctor pronounced her dead, and issued a eerti6eate to that effect. Bet in the eleventh hour 'soother physician, a friend of tiro family, hit upon the idea of applying n microphone to the heart of the supposed deceased, and thesensitive Metro - meet quieltly showed that there still was life. The lady has since recovered, and thus been saved from an aoffal death by this valuable inatrtmten t. 1h 1870 Senator Perazzr of the Italian Par- liament whilocoming down an sllphinegho- ter at the height of 14,000 feet, dropped kis coat in a crevasse. The guides, knowing the annual sato of glacial movement, told him that it would probably 00010 out front the glacier's mouth lot about aeventeon years. Last August sone tourists sow a coat in the morabue, and, on examination, it turned out to be the Senator's, One of the first effects of iubroducieg par- liaments into Japan has been to stimulate inventors to discover soma means of doing away with lobby divisions. Prod. &mak- aw0 of the University of Tokio hal devis- ed an eleceeleal maohha by which each member can record his vote without leaving his seat„ There will !tea hoard placed Meek of the President's chair, like a hotel boll - board, The yens being first called, each member desiring to vote y00 presses his aye button and tecords his vo1u0, and the same way whin 1110 noes. A Chicago elan says in all seriousness, that Ire ares once living in a hotel 'ii the windy city where the anstout was chiefly that of Irevelling drummers who were ao- cnatonod to being called at all softs of bout's, One night he had just reached his room 0910011 a terrific atetm buret ever the city and three dietinet claps of (Mutat& sounded, close to the hotel, Said he; "livery leen in t.ite house sat up, yawned, and shout - ad, 'I hear you. All right.' A murder Itne been Committed at Fon tenay•sous•Bois, alone to l'moeun0s. The owner of the hottee, \I. l'liesta, had,goue on a holiday, leavii g it in charge of a female servant, On his return home on Saturday morning be was unable to obtain admission. On the door beteg forced Open the place was found to have been sacked, the furniture destroyed, and ail the valuables and jewel- lery stolen. In a beak room lay the dead body of the servant; site had bean strangled, the marks of a man's fingers being impriet. ad on her throat, Close by her 1000 the body of a small terrier, which had been stabbed. Tito pole° believe that the none darer is tho nephew of the owner of the house, The murder zooms to have moon committed no, tho day of the itepublia fete, as on that evening the aopposod murderer, who was praviottaly known to have been Without money, °hangecl a bank nate for It001. Els Interpretation, Johnny—Itlamma thinks I should live among deaf people, Papa—Is that so 7 Jo]nty—Yea. Site thinks I should be seen, not hearth, In accordnngs with 01111n'•00 otignette, all hn eino9s nf 'Mata requiring u the weep' ° rt a attention is tralwnoted b.awccn the 1 out of two o'clock and six 0'e cork in rha merit ng,