HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-28, Page 10SUPPLEMENT TO THE BRUSSELS POST
ltstr'ict Rctvs,
Cr -orrice -
The new Methodist ohurch will soon
be oetnplete 1. 11 will bo a model edifice.
Sara Lord Bliley gave an entertain•
meet here lest w..ek nada the auspices
of the braes Band.
There le jest a danger that if the
Ladies ran the debates that the poor men
will stand no show whatever to got in a
S. T. Fennell ant wife celebrated their
tin wedding on Tuesday evening of last
week. A very pleasant time was enjoy-
ed and the host and hostess were the re•
cipients of 0001erou8 gifts.
J. U. Edgar, son of Jas. Edgar, Presi-
dent of the HJwiak Mutual Ins. Co.,
started last week for Scotland, intending
to pnrsne itis Ministerial studios in the
Edinburgh University for the next year
or so.
L u cis do we
Our Mechanics' Institute will receive
$398 as Government grant this year.
Geo, Hair and wife arrived home on
Tuesday of laeb week from a three
mouths' trip to the Old Country.
On Sunday morning 10th inst., about
sixty members of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen of this village andDun-
gennon, marched in a body to the Pres-
byterian church where the Itev. Mr. Me.
Kay preached to them an able and ap.
propriete 80001011.
David Moody recently shot a rare
specimen of water -fowl on Treleaven's
pond in this village, and one very rarely
seen in this locality. It is a species of
the white.winged gull (larne lenoopterus)
and measured over three feet from tip to
tip of wings. Its body was about two
feet in length and only weighed a few
Fishing has been very gold, many of
our local anglers securing large strings
of peroh from the north and south plate,
Wm. Warnock has reooive l from Wm,
Rennie, seedsmewn, the prize of $15 for
the Inrgost 01101901 grown from seed
peraha0ed from that linuse last Boring.
The competition wee of course very great,
Rennie's 0oode being grown all over the
Dominion, but Mo. Warnock 00100 in
first with 988 pounds, and the little beauty
was shipped to Rennie at Toronto.
A Large number of the representative
men of Goderioh attended the bangnet at
the British Exchange Hotel to give a
8o0ial "send-off" to George Drummond,
the retiring manager of the Bank of
Montreal at this point, previous to his re-
moval to Piston. The chair was owe -
pied by Mayor Butler, and .1. T. Garrow,
111. PP„ did the honors of vice-ebair.
Sons of Scotland 00000rt of Out. 3181.
T. Walker, of East Wawanosh, has
purchased the butaliering business of A.
A. Roe, of this place, tools seemed
money in the trotting rape at Dungan-
non Pair with his pacer, Miss Garfield.
Beattie Brose won the running race with
Topsy B.
Mrs. Owen Hiboh000k, of Perin, will
commence it series of lectures in town on
Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13th, under the
auspices of the W. 0. T. U. and Anchor
of Hope lodge, I. 0. G. T. The meetings
will be held in the Temperance Hall.
D. M. Gordon represented the Presby-
terian Sabbath school of 1111s place at
the Provincial Sabbath School Conven-
tion held iu Guelph this week.
While working in the Union Furniture
factory L. Pearea had the misfortune to
have four fingers on his hand taken off.
He was working with a buzz planer.
Willie, son of Mre. Robs. Orr, while
playing with a few other small boys in
T. Stiles stable loft, fell down the hatah•
way and was stunned by the fall.
The Boston club hae defeated Cleveland
n every game of the baseball champion -
hip series, except the first, which 10198 a
The oar famine in the west still cen-
times and no relief can be expected until
the bulk of the immense grain Drop has
been moved.
Champion Jini Corbett, who WAS in
01110ego on Monday, expressed a desire
to got a phenol) at MItohell, "I am," he
said, "oepeoially Anxious to meet Mitchell,
and prefer his scalp to that of any man
living. IIe insulted me once and I ant
80010118 to face him in the ring. I feel
confident I mm whip him. While I
should not be willing to cancel ley
theatrical engagement, which rules into
summer, I will mal'o all possible conces-
sions to bring on a fight. I will post all
ewessary money and will guarantee to
meet him on the date specified. Next to
Alitohell I prefer to meet Peter Jackson.
If the Englishmah refuses to conte to the
S. Cook raised this season over 2,000
head of celery.
Several changes in Clinton business
firms are mooted.
The work of levelling up and ocher•
wise improving the Park was performed
hast week.
Miss M. Doherty left last week on a
visit to Omaha. She was accompanied
from Detroit by Aire. Fred. Jaokeon, who
intends residing there, Mr. Jackson hav-
ing a good position in that Dilly.
While Dr. Worthington was alighting
from his buggy his toe caught in the
robe, and, notwithstanding all his efforts
to save himself, 11e was thrown on his
face. .A. sprained foot was fortunately
all the injury sustained.
The Following parties from Clinton at-
tended the Provincial Sabbath School
Convention at Guelph this week :—From
Ontario street church, Bev. W. Smyth
and wife, Mrs. Crich and Miss M. Ship-
ley ; from Willis Presbyterian church,
Mrs. G. Swallow, and Misses McGee:ye
and Helen Coats ; from Rattenbery
street church, Rev. Mr. Shilton and wife,
The Advance says :—A. checker match
was played at the residence of Jamee Mo.
Lauohlin in Wingham last week, between
three experts of the town and three
from Turnberry. The exponents of the
silent game in WIngham had better pick
up a few new moves somewhere before
they play a return match. The contest-
ants were Wm. Walker, Paul Powell and
Denial Frazer for the township, and Jas.
McLauehlin, Thos. Leslie and R. A.
Graham for the town. The result was as
follows :—Walker 5, MOLauc1lin 1 ;
Powell 8, Leslie 1 and 2 drawe ;• Frazer
4, Graham 0 and 1 draw. Score -12 to
2. After the game 1Ire. MoLauchlin en-
tertained the visitors to 190 expellent sup-
per. The return match will be played
in a short time.
C etteral N ewes.
Prince Bismarck is suffering from a.
ante neuralgia.
Hail and snow storms are reported in
Northern England.
Much valuable timber has been destroy•
and 1D's. a, Hodgens.
ed in Southern Jersey by fo'est• fires,
The total number of deaths from
7Cxeter. obolora in Femme since April is 8,18-1.
The £unons Jubilee Singers, nine fu An unknown disease is killing largo
horde of cattle in Garner township, Iowa.
A. flood lo San Sperttte, a Sardinian,
village, has caused the loss of fully 200
Hon. Edward Blake will tit hangs ratted
by the Reform Clab, of Liverpool, on
Nov. 10.
Thomas Nelson, heal of the great pub•
lishiugfirm of Nelson .11 Sons, I'1 llnhurgh,
and New York, is dead.
Len Joe has the honor (6) of being the
first Chinaman ever been:i drunk in the
streets of New York.
Burglars broke into St. Peter's R. C.
ohurch, Danbury, Conn., Sunday night
and stole 55,000 worth of altar furniture.
Thos. Acheson and sister Bella were A otained•glaSe window has been pet in
attending the funeral of their uncle in the perish church of Hyth8 in memory of
Toronto. It is believed that they are ' Lionel Lokin, inventor of the lifeboat.
Lakin's body lies in tho parish olturoh•
yard, and a 00riolts inscription records
his connection with the invention. He
took out a patent in 1785, but the con.
oet'vatiVe Lords of the Adinirdty saw
nothing good in it, and it wee not 08009•
nixed by the Government 131' 00010 time
The longest horse railrorol in the world
rens from Buenos Ayrre to San Martin,
its the Argentine Ropubllc, the distend()
being abort fifty miles, and the subedul0
time of the trip thirteen home. Trains
number, will appear here on the 81st
In some parts of the village rats are
beer—mire; a nuisance to many inhabi•
The Royal Templars of Temperance
will occupy the hall in Wood Bros.'
block shortly.
The roof on the new reotory is corn.
pleted and the bricklayers are buisly en-
gaged erecting the walls of the saltool
Fruit trees amounting to the sum of
58 were stolen one night recently from a
building adjoining the Commercial Hotel
Oct. 28, 1802
A reaam discovery by nn
old physician. eueeeseful-
ly used monthly by thous-
ands of r,AmEs. Is the
only perfectly enfo and
reliable nto,llom0 disarm.
omit. liewitro of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferior medicines in place of l018. Ask
for cook's Oe000N Rom, 0041000103. take no
substitute; or inoloso 01 and 4 throo.0 out
Canada lostaga stamps in letter, and we
will sena sealed, by roturn nail. Pu11 00,11.
ort partioiilnl'0 in plain Ouvolope, to ladies
only, S stamps. Address Pond Lily Com-
pany, No, 3 Fisher 1310019, 131 Woodward
amen, Detroit, Mioli,
1 'Sold 119 1310ss010 by J. T, PEPPER, r.
A. DE All ALAN and 811 responsible druggists
front I will matte a preference in Jack•
son's favor. I am anxious to fight right ,lJracti,cal 1.Ktichnbaker
away. Sullivan did not fight a champion-
ship battle fpr yeare, and here Goddard, and Jeweler
who has no claims whatever upon my
favor or consideration, is trying to force
me to meet hint before my honors have
grown cold. Be has no call upon ma and
I will pay no attention to the kangaroo.
He eau bluff to his heart's content and
claim the earth if he wants to ; it won't
effect me any. I am champion, and at
the proper time will be ready to defend
my title."
heirs to itto,000 each.
A sprig heavily laden with second
growth of red raspberries ve8,0 found in
the garden of Thos. Snell. It contained
eleven ripe and nineteen green berries.
The insolvent Bissett stook was dis•
posed of to .10110 MoDenell, of Hensel!,
for 60 cents cm the dollar. Having leas-
ed the building from W. G. Bissett, Me,
1111D0nell will conduct a hardware busi•
nese in the premiers as heretofore.
Cie oelor1elt,
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farin Pro-
perty et
Man kip 11 pretties now tulle the ?let. 1 leave Buenos Ayers every hone l)1 the
form. day, end twice tearing the nigh!.. Every
West Ilnr.11 election trial is set for i Horning and evening expeees train leave,
carrying only baggage. The night pas-
sengers are furnished narrow little bunks,
where they may snooze the long hours
away if the train does not run off the
track too often. When 991,11 au accident
°cones the passengers ere expected to
turn out and help lifb the Oars book 0n.
Dec. 13th at Goderiell.
Sir. 'hilted Empire called in last week,
bound up, and took on 10 Dare of salt and
9 core of apples.
The estate of Geo. Giant, grocer, of
Gederloh, is offering, to compromise at
25o, on the dollar.
A Convention of West Huron Reform•
ors will be held here on Friday afternoon
of this week to prepare for the protest„
elect odioors and nominate a cklndidete
for the House of Commons.
The first annual series of athletic
everts under the mullion of the Godo.
rich Collegiate Institute will be held on
the Fair Grounds on friday, Ont. 28th,
commencing et 1:30, The athletic coo•
petitions will 0olnpriee foot racing, jump-
ing, Melting footbale throwing lacrosse
ball, tug of rear, ttto,
Elder Hawkins (..tiered) Will preach
morning and evening in North Street
lllethodiet church on Betsday, Oct. 80th,
and on Monday evening leotard an his
alaye lire and how he obtained his lib•
arty. In this lecture he will sing a
number of the plantation songs.
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitor, cdc,,
Duohess, the big elephant in Lincoln
Pare, Chicago, while being taken to iter
winter quarters, suddenly became mad -
cloned enol, escaping from her keeper,
rushed oub of the park, through the
crowded streets, tearing up siclewalk8,
twisting in pieces iron fenoos, breaking
heavy doors, tossing about wagons, fright•
ening women and children and playing
and h9Vo0 with people's bower beds, It
was two hours before a wagonload of
polite could effect her capture, though
confining hoe depredations meanwhile to
a limited area in the neighborhood of
North Clark street end Webster avenue.
During her freedom Dnoheee killed a
horse attached to a milk wagon and
smashed the vehicle itself to kindling
wood. She had boon uneasy foe several
days and had taken little or no food.
Amy Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required..
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Di1'isiola Court Cleric, Brussels.
One Hundred and Forty -ane
Randsome Photographs
In One Grand
Ail the Conser'vat'ive
l4embers of
Thanking the public for past favors and
support end wishing still to 0eour0
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of time
Latest Designs
,.. F 't ' 1892
teReAlso a Full Line of Veo0rxle and
Violin Strings, dc., in stook.
N.119.—lsaurer of slarriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Including extra large sire 111101.0g11101111 .1 Sir .101111Abb u, Premier, and Sir Jhnhom'',on, leader
of the I louse of Commons,urroundrd by the
Cabinet hiinistcrs, and grouped on either side the
memhcrs of the !louse from every Province in the
Dominion, making 0 total of ,a, splendid photo-
graphs I every one a perfect likeness.
This great picture is a supraduction by Photo-
gravure, process on copper pads of the picture
Live Illcmbcrs during the'last sestsion.the Conserve
00ST OVER 0000,
T1191 Rmernrl has scarred the copyright to repro.
duce this Grand Picture, It is',Cluednus ,ctl
plate paper in photn,ntphir inks, and i0 3 li. •t 13
mchos by a foot 4 ntahrs m ,ice, mrd malt, a sp1011-
4id picture for framing. A key giving the name of
tmember inicounselled
nhmagtaking constituent!) of reference.
win be made for this strand Promium,
but It will bo
G1Vf 64 FREE
To Every Subscriber for the
Private Funds to Loan.
nave been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Throe Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
This GREAT 00UGH CURE, this
successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
cine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a test that no
other sure Dau successfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child
has bile Croup, or Whooping Cough, nee
it promptly, and relief ie sure. If you
dread that insidious disoaee CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T FAIL to nee it, it will cure
you or Dost nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10o„ 50c.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back
lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25o.
2 k1y Empire
FOR 1893.
Tne Wssi4ty Ealonta is wilhent doubt the hest
Weekly for $tax, published in Canada, containing
10 pages of latest news of the clay. Special depart-
ments on Agriculture, Woman's Empire, Our
Curiosity Shop Old World ninry, the latest Sport.
lag Events, eta Only Ono Dollar per year.
Sent to any address in Canada OP the United States.
livery subscriber will get 1910 Premium, Picture as a
Send in your subscription at mac, or order
through our local agent.
Address i THE EMPIRE, S'oronto, Ont,
sA TJc.sxFRti;:'.,t''fESSE"7aN�"a^t'•-iRCct'x,�Ait L',Ll• 'EfS
Our Stock in above lines is now
complete with Fall and
Winter Goods.
We are giving Extra Value in these lines,
This Accounts for the fact that our Sales are Lamely
September being not only the best Months' business We
have lead since coming to Brussels, but it is away ahead
of any other Month in Boots & Shoos.
We have Mons' Long Boots from $1.25 to $3.5O—All good
value. We have Womens' Bhoes,from tho finest Kid to the heaviest
Kip. Boys' Long Boots and Misses' and Chilcll'enls Shoes of all
styles and prices. In
We have the celebrated "Granby" snake—There aro no better in
the Market. Wo have (5) Five Stylus of Men's Rubbers, not Count-
ing Overshoes. (5) Five Styles of Women's Rubbers, as well as
Misses' Boys' and Children's.
We have the Cardigan Overshoes in Women's, Misses' and
Children's sizes. The Stocking in these is now made right to the
too, so there is no clanger of these ripping.
We have a Button Fastener and Buttons ectn be
fastened with wire so they don't oome off
When you want Boots & Shoes give us a call.
IRWIN & ' `r '{r iytIN
`.: ' °rl: