HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-28, Page 88 YWJR OHOI JE Our Iiolidity et 0041S aro arriv ing :tuts the display iu 011r Win- dox represents gIMs\itrO aria other lilacs n•t only Cts. EACH. YOU will bi+ Wise iu scicetiug S011.10 while the assortment is complete. Our stock of BIBLES ANJ A SUMS are,- I think, the best valise evil have hail. G.- A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SODTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains fears Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING So vim. GOING Nonrn. Mail 7:10 a.m.Mixed 9:15 a. Express 11:00 a. Mail ,m Mail 3:13 pan, Mixed 8:00 p,m. Express 8:38 p,m, vont VleWs Items. A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll punt it. SLIGHT flurries of snow. NEXTTueeday will be Nov. lat. WATCH the marriage notices. Two weddings are close at hand. LAST Saturday Was an unusually brisk day for business in Brussels, A. Now shingle roof is being put an the National Roller mill this week. THANNSGIv.ING Day will be observed on Thursday, Nov. 10th, this year. Tau salt business iu oonueotio0 with the Enterprise Works, of this place, is booming. TEE annual Promotion examinations for Huron County public schools ware held last week. TEE Punch and Judy whistles are now takiug their innings in Brussels. Any person fond of the music should be in clover. Doonrs REEVE SrosuroG, of Wingham, was in town on Monday ou a batter pur- chasing tour. He handles a large amount of this commodity. NOTE -um ns, billheads, envelopes, &c., always in stook at THE PosT Publishing House. Have your business card printed CUarnas.-A. meeting for the re -organ• ization of the Brussels Curling Club will be held at the Queen's Hotel on Monday evening next,commeneing at 8 o'clock. on a thousand of them. A. 11. MUSGROt'E, of Wingham, and others are expected to address the meet• ing at the reopening of the club rooms of the Y.M.C. Aseooiotion, Brassele, this (Friday) evening, ON Thursday of last week C. E. Perry photographed the eclipse of the sun through smoked glass and secured a very correct representation of the obscuration which be purposes enlarglug. Owxos to the storage room in and about Brussels station being so fully taken up by apple barrels, it was found necessary to utilize the Maitland skating rink as a temporary storage place. FALL I'am Pnrzns.-The Treasurer of the East Huron Agricultural Sooisty (D. Stewart) will be at the Queen's hotel, Brussels, on Saturday of this week, (29th inst.) and the following Saturday, from 1 to 6 o'clook p. m„ to pay the prizes awarded at the recent Fair. Thinners TAKES it 4GAIN.-A8 the Gun Club shooting match at Listowel on Monday, for a silver cup, offered by Lawyer Morphy, Brussels team came out victorious by 11 birds. There were 24 GOLDEN Lrvics,--Wednesday of last competitors, Joe Ballantyne headed the week was a day which caused many a score and Dame into possession of the heart throb in the bosoms of the fair trophy. The following is the individual ones of Blyth, the pause being the mar - more of the town team :- riage of one of Blyth'5 loveliest dangh- Ballavtyue, li, W. Sinclair, I0, tete and a most general favorite, Miss J. 3. C. Rost, 0, 3. Irwin, 0, Annie M. Shane, youngest daughter of X. Hese, 8, J. Jones, q Wm. Shane, to Roberti Stanley Hays, barrister, Seaforth. Mise Birdie Hays, Dr. McNaughton, 5, J. Hewitt, 4. sister of the groom, and Mies Fanny CRtr.--The following item taken from Ranee, cousin of the bride, were the the Preston paper refers to the father of bridesmaids. while C. R. Shane, of Mrs. Samuel Plum, of Brussels :-Last Windsor, brother of the bride, and Dr. week one of the oldest settlers of Wil- J, W. Shaw, of Clinton, attended the mot township passed quietly away in the groom. The bride was attired in a bean - person of Peter T. Howell, who died near tiful °ream faille gown trimmed with New Hamburg on Friday evening, Oat. ohim'on lace, with train and carried a 14th, of heart failure, aged 76 years and boquet of bridal roses and wore the 6 months. Mr, Howell was born in An- oustomary bridal veil and orange bliss- . caster Township, Wentworth, in 1816, soros and looked the ideal bride. Miss ' ' his parents being prominent United Em. Hays wore a pale blue pongee silk gown pirs Loyalists. About forty years ago with natural flower Miss Rauoe wore he moved to Wilmot where be resided a red bengaline gown with natural mow• ' until his death. The funeral took place ors, The ueremouy was performed by from his late residence on Monday after- the Rev, 3, F. Parka, of Listowel, assiet- n0011 to followedtbe by a large ooneoureethel e'and waed of sorrow- churchHee, at 11 a. m,,, vhichleyat Trinity ' was bea li. ing relatives and friends. Deoeasod fully decorated for the occasion. After leaves a widow and 6 ehtldred, being as the ceremony the party numbering about follows :-James E„ of Preston ; Gordon 45 guests returned to the residence where J„ Mrs. Jahn Green and Dire. Isaac a pleasant hour or two was spent over a Green, of •Wilmot ; Mrs. Samuel Plum, bridal luncheon and oongratulations, of Brussels, all of whom have the heart- after which the happy couple loft on the felt sympathy of the entire community afternoon train for New York, Buffalo in their sad bereavement. and other American cities. The Pres. MELvirsia OHURcu.-Bsv, Dr, Moffatt, outs were moat wetly and useful and Tract Society Agent, of Toronto, will no. ehowed the high esteem in which the oupy the pulpit of Melville ohuroh next bride was held. Amongthe invited Sunday morning at 11 u'cloak,-Tho guests were Rev. and Mrs. arke, Liste- annual Bible Society meeting of Brits- wet ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Higley, Blyth ; eels llrauoh will be Lead in this elm oh 111rs, Hays, ,hiss Hays, Hooter Hays, 14, on Thursday eveningof next week. Rev. Hays, Sheriff Gibbons, Mrs, Reynolds, H. McQuarrie, Presbytc,ian minister of ars Mr, and Mrs, Reqnolde, Jr., Gode- TVingham, Will address t1,s gathering.- rich ; Mrs, W. Rattenbury, Mr. and Mrs. IBev, 3, .hose, B. 1A.,, Mr., Tarte and Mrs. J. Rattenbury, Mrs, S. Rance, II. G. R. G. Wilson attendee: the Christian Rance, Misses Alice and Fannie Ranee, Endeavor Convention at London last W. Jackson and wife, Mrs. T, Ranee, A. week. Tho various sessions were very Rance, Mrs, It. Reed, Misses Katie and profitable, -The pastor gave an interest. Hattie Reed, Harry Reed, Clinton ; 0. ing ecouunt of the Christian Endeavor R. Shane, Windilor ; Wm. Ranee, Chi - Convention, held at London, at the even. sago ; Mr. Callender and wife, London ; ing service last Sunclsy.-i31der Stewart ?Miss Ethel Mande, Lucan ; Mr. and Mars. Jas. Derr were at Guelph this Twaddle, Seaforth ; Mr. HIsaouk, wife week as delegates ion the Provincial Sab• and daughter London ; A. W. Belfry bath school Convention. --The following and wife, Winnipeg ; Dr, Elliott and delegates were appointed to attend the wife Lucknow; Joe. Carter and wife, Christian Endeavor Convention at D. Milne, Miss Maggio MoQuarrie, J. S. Wingham next Wednesday 1 -Rev, John McKinnon, Miss Ella ]bMoKinnon, thee Ross, 13, A., Mrs. Neil MoLauohlin, A. IVC, Kelly, Miss A. Kelly, Blyth ; Mrs, M. McKay and John B. I8IoLauohliu. Whitt, Cliebon. THE BRUSSELS nr � nr>~o Eosin exeelleut l51101e was iliaooureod Forman Division Court wale held hero here iatsb Friday by three Italiana, on two on 'Iateaday, Report may be read in an. violins and a liar 1. other ani"mil. Nt,te 1Vrdneecay evening Ilio 1 rust r 1100 following 18 a 1n ter from the A 1'atlrhawe Company will appear in ! urnn Co.Union of Christian Endeavor t15 Town Hall under the auspicea of the II 1-4,0 the Christian Iandeavor Soalabiss of Band. Brussels "DEAR 1'nlgsps,-On the 1193. W. T, Cirsr will preach the otos- 22nd of Jona last delegates from the die - Perrone., of Ilia i'icne:hon ey in c, n. f. rent Y. P. 13. C. 1,. bocie8ine and hp• neotion with Brneoels and Walton next worth Leagase In the county suet at Sea. Sabbath, forth and formed thonrelvee into a nu, bindle of dry goods and woollen County Milan, The abject of the Prion shoal navertiled in Tun Tose were 010101• is to make a general knowledge of 0, L, ed by their respective owners on Friday work and progress t1rongbota the ootid• and SRtnrdmy of last week, ty available at all tinges froth a central Wool, will hone be a soaves commodity source and to arrange for anneal 0000sn• iu Brussels. There appears to bo (mire dons whore one mutual hopes and fears, rt Iloautily of stove and cord wood through sum:eases and debates may be r'ejoieed in the country, the most of it ant lust year. and prayed over, and where new plans A N151517R of Brnsselites will attend the may be put in operation in the name of Comity Christian Endeavor Convention our common ?Master. It 15 the desire of to be hold in the Congregational 0h0ro1, the Union that every society in the Wingham, on Wednesday afternoon and county may bo found of its roll. The evening of next week. one condition to membership is the A PHILOSOPHICAL mathematiofan hes adoption of a pledge to strive faithfully foiled that a girl with a well-filled pro- es a sooioty and individual members to gram travels 111 ;miles, during an aver. follow Christ's leading and do His will. age evening of thinning, Now, if ho will Our convention will be held at Winghmm figure out what would happen in case the or, Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, in the Con• same girl were asked to ear'l'y her father's gl'egatianal ohuroh, with 581810179 at 2.10 diener three-quarters of a mile, humanity and 7:90 p, m. We hope for at least two will be indebted to him. BUMS SocrrTr.-Phe annual Meeting of Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in Melville ohnroh ou Thursday evening of next week, Nov. 3rd, commenoing at 7:30 0' • oloob. Rev. IL MaQuarrie, of Wingham, will deliver the anneal address. A large attendauos asked for. Collection in be- half or the Society, WE have received from the Ontario Government the report of the Bah and sane commissioners, which oontains nearly 500 pages. The work is nicely il• Matt:mod with all the different kinds of fur -bearing animals, fish, ducks, and other wild fowl to be found• iu Canada. It also contains a description of the vari• onus speoiss and their habits. Any person desiring to see it may do so by calling at TILE Pon. Publishing House. ANOTHER SwINDLER's Mh1•IfoD.-Look out for him I A tramp travels about, falls sick 173 8. farmer's house, writes a prescription for some medicine, which be asks the farmer to sign, in order to make sure that it will be sent to his house. The traveller gets better and concludes not to send for the medicine, keeps the farmer's signature, and the next thing the farmer knows he bas a note to pay. The warning is given for the hundredth time. Don't sign your name to any paper for a stranger. Manna, AssocIATiois.-A meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in the council chamber, Clinton, an Tues- day of last week. Although the attend- anae was not large, the meeting was enthusiastic. Some questions discussed were "Recent doings of the Ontario Medical Council," "Pauper practice," "Sooiety practice." A resolution was passed, disapproving of the treating by contract the members of fraternal sooi- eties. A oommittee was appointed to find out the feeling of all the members of the Assooiabion, and to confer with the societies. Some interesting oases were reported and presented. OvnrINa.-Dr. Beaton, of Orillia, bas been elected president of the Outside Curling Association, the new name of the Ontario branch of the Royal Caledonia Carling Club. The plan for grouping the clubs for the primary competition for the Ontario Tankard for 1899.93, pre- pared by the executive committee of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, inoludes the following arrangements No.10.-London, Bright, Paris, St. Mars, Guelph, Woodstock, umpire ; to be played mainly at Stratford. No. 11. -Brantford,', Fergus, Milton, Guelph Royal City, Galt Granite, um. pare. No. 12. -London, Forest City, Aylmer, Bolin, Stratford, Platteville, Seaforth, umpire. No. 18. -Elora, Preston, Goderioh, Lis- towel, Forest, umpire ; play mainly at Stratford. No. 14. Simaoe, Embro, Thomasville, Chatham, Petrolea, Sarnia, Aylmer, De• troll', umpire. No. 15.-Wingham, Kincardine, Brus- sels, Wroxeter, Luoknow, umpire. No. 16,-Wiarton, Walkerton,Dnrham, Howiok•Thistle, Chesley, Owen Sound, Harristoi, umpire. - delegates from your society, whose names should be sent in to J. Ritchie, Chairman of Billitling Com., when Wingham will gladly provide for their comfort. Kindly give a portion of the time eh your next meeting to prayers for our convention." Signed, J. Gnloo, Seo, J. C. Barren, Pres, Business Locals. COMFORTABLE house to let, Apply to S. B, Srnale. ALL sizes of boy's underclothing to hand this weep. Ferguson & Halliday. Wank in want of ahirtings, cottonadee, sheetings, cottons, flamnetlettea, bowlinga, or gloss cloths, call and sae our goods and prime. Ferguson dr; Halliday, CoaironT,mLE briok residence, on Wiliam street, Brussels, for sale. Also the frame residence north of the Norton Terrace. Apply to W. 13. Dloasox. A PAlICEr of dry goods found iuoludiog dress material, &o. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. THE POST Pab• lfehing House. Ws w•id give more honest quality for a dollar than bas ever before been offered you. Coins in and learn what pleasure, satisfaction and economy there is in trading with us. Ferguson & Halliday, Arsactir N. -E. Hersee, proprietor of the Bloomedale Nurseries, Woodstock, Ont., will he at Brussels a short time in the interests of Fruit Growers, and those who intend going into the same. It will pay you to see him. IN dreas goods we are showing the finest and most complete assortment of new and popular styles you ever laid your eyes on. An immense line of new novelities as well as all the standard grades. Ferguson & Halliday. WHEN a Laster considers it necessary to presoribs sarsaparilla ho simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the drug store oan furnish. Ayer's Sarsa- parilla is the Superior Medicine. NOTICE. -As I am removing from Brus- sels I desire al] persons Indebted bo me to call at Onoe and settle as the accounts wiil be plaoed in other hands for collec- tion after Nov. 1st. A, Barron. THERE is no better medicine for family use than Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Their sugar-coating makes them easy and even agreeable to take, and as they contain uo calomel or other injurious drug, they are perfectly safe for patients of any age. THE Wosmmti or WONDERS. -George Thomson, Brussels, has to band nature's most wonderful life giving St. Leon Water to clear the system of poisons, oven the deadly virile of cholera, and bring health, strength and joy life long. Even physicians declare it 'impossible to narrate its value." Send in your orders. WDLL -DIGGING AND DnILLING,-George Birt has all the neoessary machinery for digging and drilliu wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out atd put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Resldenoe s000ud door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st„ Brossela. 84-11 LAnrss appreciate Anti -Dandruff from the fact that it nob only thoroughly re. moves Dandruff with three applioatione but stops falling of the hair, restores fading hair to its original dolor and makes it soft and pliable without leaving any indication of a dressing being used. Clear as crystal, clean to use, it is a valuable toilet preparation. 0oitst9os,-Just in a job lob of Cromp• ton, Yatiei, Ooralins, 696, and 0 & D oorecta, to sell at 25 per cent. below regular prices. Also another lob the "Queen" to loll at 65A, regula dollar os one line inthe Jlast three ve sold 110 months and everybody is pleased with thele, Buy now and save money. Irwin & MoBaln. FERGUSON & Hamann do the leading dry goods trade. This is an aaknowledg• edfeat that may be proven any day. The busiuoss has not been built up by blow or puff but by keeping the best class of dry goods and eelliug at close prloes. Everything new, tasty and fashionable always in stook. We take pleasure in waiting on our customers. Call ill and see our doses goods, gloves, furs, &o. aox;,sr • Fausyrini -In Brussels, on Oat. 94111, the wire of 111r. Alex. Forsythe of a daughter. 110030, -In Elisa, on Oct, 8111, the wife of Mr, Albert Horne of a daughter, TANvo:s,--TD Elmo, on Oot, 11th, the tvife of Dlr. J. F. Tanner of It dough. tar. KM'er13,-In Elmo, on Oat, 611, the wife of Mr, Wn1, Kitobetl of a eon. HAarn.ro3,--Til Elmo, o1 Ont. 1011, the wife of Mr, Wm, Hamilton of a son, (still•boru,) Hays-11n,lt1E.--At Trinity church,Blyth, On Oot. 10th, by Rev. 3, F. Pants, Listowel, assisted by Rev. T. L. I:Iighley, Blyth, Mr. Robert Stanley Hays, barrister, Seaforth; to Mise Annie 181,, youngest daughter of Mr, Wm. Shane, Blyth. =smirk FIILL, In Wingham, on the 0111 fust„ Sarah, beloved wife of Galvin Hill aged 62 years, POST S.7.7.„4.A'.D<1.8.1) ,134,E 011' G, t,71.,21)e , =.�T,4.3.T'1$+T--NT:141.T.r a.o HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO. ASSETS, • - (Seven Million Doliara) • CAPITAL (Authorized) - -• 92,000,000 .l2)u+eir,r in all principal points In 0518715, f3Sd,1, 7ldnituLn, 1 UiI,S1 Slatrset•liuyfnutl. 67,000,000 Oz re to /PLL° ,Ys'it%1,'15C;(I"• A General Banking Busineos Transaoted. Partnere' Notes Dleooulitod, Drafts Issued and Co)Jeotions made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on depoeite of 181.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date Of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. 1PEC'itL ATTENTION GIPI;N TO THE COLLECTION OF 47'.11(111:RS' SALE Nu•1T:a, Every facility afforded Custotneis living at a dietetical G. 11. SCIIOLFIELD, DIAN,Iosn, .mno....,.mrmu a, .. maxmsvm.�,oemo e„®wnstermee,mm -- CILLI $ EMITE, BANKER/1, -RR IT 88-.E1 , Transact a General Backing Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 1"`zd''iVIS AM'. : 'lgreaerNl'JA%e,'1"3pe Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current (totes. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements macle for Time Deposits. we effect to smite Insurance In old ltng1161) or t555fldian ('omplulies, or is Jlrlt- not ('ompaules as 51183' bu desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANK or COMMERCE. McNEIsn.-At Dlolsswortb, on the 18th inst., Margaret McNeish, aged 75 years, 4 months and 21 days. Hawcrr..-In Wilmot township, neer New 1iamburgll, o1 Oot. 14th, Peter T. Howell, aged 70 years and 5 months. FttiDST, OCT. 28. -Faro stock, imple- ments, fie., Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris. Sale unreserved, at 10:90 e. m. Carter Bros., Props. Coo. Kirkby, Anat. SRTTSSUES S Fall Wheat ., 00 05 Spring Wheat 58 62 Barley 30 35 Peas 55 56 Oats 25 26 Batter, tubs and rolls.. 15 10 Eggs per dozen. 13 14 Flour per barrel 3 50 4 00 Potatoes ,,. 35 00 Hay per ton ............. 5 00 6 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 05 Hides trimmed 34 Hides rough „ 3 Sheep skins, each........ .60 1 00 Lamb skins each 65 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 6 00 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED. — A GENERAL servant. Good wages. Apply to 141138, R, L. TAYLOR. ONE MILOH COW FOR SALE `J Will calve iu January. Apply to' 14- MBS. WM. MOOULLOUGH, Brussels, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on fano security. Particulars may bo obtained by applying at TH10 POST Publish- ing Rouse, Brussels. T71ARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN• JAL DEneraoion has several good Farms for sale and to rout, easy terms, 111 Townships of Aforrls and Only, F S. SCOTT,Brussols. 97-t1. I-1110I0B FARIVI FOR SALE. - %)ng acad 3odMorris. d,10acres, nearly all cleared, buings flue young bearing mallard. Immediate pos- session, Easy Tortes, Apply bo IV. EI.8LNOLAIB, tf- S011oitsr, &o„ Brussels, GOOD FARM FOR SALE.-- Thu ALE.- Tho undersigned desires to dispose of his 100 ears farm being Let21, tion. 7, Grey, atjoinlug the tbriviuqq village of Ethel where are shops, churches, sollon]s. On the farm is a comfortable dwelling house, good bank barn, tip-top orchard, wells and 515805- sary outbuildings, &Snores cleared, bulimic bush. The laud Is in a good stato of eniti- ration other and well fenced. For price, terms icalars apply on 1110 premises to L. DOBSON, Proprietor 9•tf Ethel P. 0. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, The 300 acro farm, being lots 11. and 12, sou. 10. Grey, is piloted for sale, 120 sores are cleared mud the balance well tim- bered.:Schoollhlliotseflwi bin 840 loOrchard, e arPeasee sire given at mum if desired, For further Particulars as to price, terms, &o, apply to 11.1.5MS8. \ALISER, or NELSON BRIC50R, on farm vi11e P.O. VA.RM FOR SALE. -THE UN- baneiaxEn offers for sale the north east quarto rot lot 28, ooneeseion 5, Morrie, Ooun ty of Huron, contaiuin g 50 acres, The laud is of first quality and in a high state of oultivabion, well fenced and under -drained, 45 acres cleared, New frame house, 5 rooms, milk house with oonorete waifs, 2 wells, good barna and shod, orchard, ate. Eight adres of fall wheat. Thideble rorty joins the ao poratioo s50 Brussels. Suit. able tern' will be given. Title perfect, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 06- Seaforth P, 0. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. A. HMG lets 11 and 12, con, l8, Township of Grey, 001108y of Huron, containing 000 acres, the property of the late Jo10 Robert- son. 100 acres cleared and free from ob. structions, 10 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared. Boil slay loam, mostly roiling, Fenced with straight rail TWO MILOH COWS FOR fences 0115 watered by two wells and a TWO ODs 0 and the other 2 ysm'a of spring privilege. Coinmodious dwelling ago. Apply to MRS. D. LIVINGSTON, house, with large woodshed abtaobod aur) 14 miles north of Brussels. au exoallout cellar under house, Two largo Warne, 8800. stabling and other outbuild• JERSEYS .F011 SALE. -1 78 logs. •Iwo good bearing orchards, orna- mental trees and smell fruits. (1} miles bred Ooiv 4 years old' 1 Heifer nearly from Brussels, a lively town on the Of, B , T. ., pure bred ; 113011 0 years old • 1 Bull Calf 8 onveuient to school, churches and post mouths old, G. A. I:MADMAN, o1Lce, This proporty lies well, is a flat - Druggist, Brussels. Blase grain and stools farm and should be seen by iuteucling purchasers as it is eifer- od at a bargain. For further particulate apply to 10168, JNO.ROBE1TSON, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, 00 the premises, or by letter to Oranbrook P. 0• 80.4 QTRAYED ON THE PREM - 1L) Isms of the uneersigned, lot 4, eon. 14, Gley, on or about Oat, 21st, a red and white heifer Galt. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. 10.2 WM. 161TC1IE, i* TRAYED 1+'11016 THE PREM. 17 0808 of the undersigned, 'Lot 1, Con. 5, Grey, on or about Oct. 13th, a white pig about 1 year olds with a ring in 185 nose. Any information leading to its 080030ry will be thankfully received, 7A8, STRAOHAN, DOG LOST.--OOLLIE DOG Loss, Berk brown lu color, has sum 11 Wan on Ms nook, animus to the uauelof Coins.' A reward will be paid tor his re- covery. Left home Saturday lith inst, P. 160BE1171'5030 lot 8, con, 0, Gray. LT AT LOST. -A BROWN Cbristy Stiff Hat, dropped from a wagon on Thursday, on 10th eon., Grey, be. tweet Brussels and Ethel. Pinder will please leave it at Tem Pose Publishing House and oblige. 1TEEL CROWBAR LOST BE - mans Geo, Kirkby's Morris and Betts - solo. Has the inhale B. A. stamped on it. The 110115r will be rewarded by leaving it at Tun Pon Publishing Reuse Brussels. 13-tf wilds. NEWSOME. C011DWOOD WANTED, -ANY `v✓ quantity of hard and soft cordwood Wanted at Brussels Salt Works. 01,25 to 51,50 par oord for soft wood atd 51.00 to 92,00 for hard Wood, T. COLEk4AN 12-t1 Proprietor. D.110PERTY FOR SAL'', --THE undolelgued otters her prop1 erby,] } miles north of Brussels, for sale On liberal terms, There is ono acre of laud upon wiricll theme ate two hooses, stable and a smell orchard. The plaoo is oonvonienily seated on the gravel For ,rrthher poi:antnrs me to a & P p MRS. JN0 SINCLAIR, Princess St„ 111501015 REAL ESTATE. ( 00D FARM' FOR SALE. - VI Befog Lot 12 Con. 0, Gro township, 1 v ah p, Then Co., known' 00 the Haokell farm. The ls a sold as 1.00 0 is well liberal and will be sok] ahem) aud on ming liberal corm(, Posm be 8iou as r asone , For 50 eon- corned ban be goon n, 0 ap For fur6her partiellars as 60 prise, &n, empty to JOBNBP•AT.'2'1E, olio 107031bl0D7ARrii1D, 14.4 Soalorbh, Strabtord. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS. Creditors Grey, theComity aof Ruroof u deeemsed, who died en or about the seventh day of Ostober,1892, and all others having claims against his estate are hereby notified to send by poet, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of, the said deceased, on or before the 30711 Buy or November, 1892. their Christian names au(t surnames, ad• dresses and doseriptions, mud full particulars of their alalma statements of their 800001183 and velure o1 the 355m'I1.155, if any, held by them and in default thereof and Mmm:diate- ly after the said 80th day of November the ascots of the said deoeao8,0 will bo distribut- ed amongst those enabled thereto having regard only to the alatme of which notice shall have beengiven Be above required. And ails notloo beiug given under the pro- viero0e of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap, 110, Soo. 88, the Executor will not be liable for the said assets, 01• any part there- of, to ally person of whose claim 11otiee shell nob have boon received by him at the limo of coda diotribntloo, A, /MCNAIR,Exceetor, 10-4 Oraubrook P. 0. Grey, Oot, 31(1, IB02. • Notice to Creditors. Creditors of Joseph 13, Bogell, late of the Townshipp of Mina in the Colin0y of Porth, deceasel[, who died 011 Or abort the eleventh day of October,1802, and alt others having 01570)8 against his aState are hereby notlaodt to sand by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver will ctrltesstamentoftileen l deof cease1,1ou or before the 28111 Day or NOvenlbel', 2802, their Cbrietian Dames and suruamag, ad• drosses and desoriptiol8, and full uartionlars o1 their 0laims,5tat0019n61 of Mei ra0Malta and nature of the securities, if any, held by thou anti hl default thereof and hnmediate- ly after the Hale 28th day of November the mese le of the eruct deceased w111 be distribut- ed among0t those outitled thereto haat 0g regard oily to the Matins of wblo1 notice ellen hove been Won a0 above required. And this notiso being given under the pro- visions of the Bovlged Statutes of (10taelo, Obep, 110, SOa. 38 tho llxeoutors will not be liable for the Said assets, or any part there- of, 80 any person o1 whose claim notion shall not have been received by them at the time of sold dlsbi00, 1Osiribul]Pll (4,B0710LI,, Exooutora, WM,1770LLINO'71050, 10.0 Trowbridge P. O, Eimri, Osb, 24, 1802, Oo'r, 28, 1802 LL Pet WA -AT- pLro tfo re heap1 PEPPER'S DRUG STORE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. IlL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Conveyance', Onllee- tlous made. Office-Vanstouo'e Block, 13rna• eels. 91-3m VT M. SINCLAIR, • Senator, Conveyancer, NoLary pnb- lio, &s, Cillos -Graham s Slook,1 de or north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan, ('YABIERON, HOLT tC IIOLMES, 'k/ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Godeligb, Out, 3I. 0. CAAI110010, 41. 0., PHILIP SOLI, n0DLET MIMES. % B. DICKSON, • a5/0o u,'ecosPablie, &a. .005 over BnkLullo' B1ook, Bru eSela, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Anobioneer, is always ready to at- tend gales of farms, farm stook, &c, Terms elmerhdly given, Orembr0ok P.O. AM: may bo arranged at loos POST Publish 11g House, Brussels. (111011GE KIRKBY, Licensed Aaotionser, Eales ooudnob ed ou reasonable tonne. Farms and 05101 5teeka specialty. Orders left at TSE POST Publi sh lug Ho use, Bre Eisele, or seutto Waltau P. 0., will receive prompt attention, tEAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN• els as an Auctioneer, I ash proparad to 0oudttot sales of farm stock et reasonable every i10rKnowing uoI ear iu the position g to l sell rto good marks mud got good saeu•ity when sold on credit, 8atMara°t1ou enema toed, Give mea call. 3e- F S. 80GTT, BUSINESS CARDS. H. MOORACKEN, . Lumina. of Marriage at Grocery, 1'uruborryStreet, Licenses.7 soeells. 17?N. BARRETT, south of A. Tonsorial . Malloy & C0'e hardware store. Ladies'aud obildoeus hair matey, a eueolulty t MONAIR, .Cl.• Insurer of 5torriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Fire Inallah000 Oo, Oli]ce atnthe Oraubx ok Post 01110, ROBERTCUNNINGHAM• INSII1ANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTF;R Clerk of the Fourth 0Iv18ion Court Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pubiie Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to loan. Collections made, Office 111 Graham's Sloth, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, to give insbruetloao In oil pau ting, (aria where samples of work may Nellie scene store Miss 11orie would also take a few more pupils in music, m A. HAWKINS, Brus- sels, and pupil, ianistn the Ar6 PEi Te chin( of A, W. Thayer, Mus, Doo., New York, will give lassoes to pupils either at Thos. Farroiv's, canner atQheir Own houeen and mes. 'feriae modeOr if pro- forma, - ate, 40. MEDICAL CARDS. 'CTM. F. OALE, M.D., C.M., Member of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Ofllee and Reeidoueo-Wain street East, lethel,ontario, A. MoNAUGIrTON, M. D. • 0.10„ L. R. 0.P, Edinburgh, M, O. P 8, Ont. Residence .and oflloo in Wilson' Block, corner of 11111 and Turnberry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, elf • Honor Graduate of the Ontario VeterinaryCollege, is prepared to treat all diseaaeo odoinaettoated animals In a our. potent manner, Pa971501ar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle proon b1y at• tended to. Office and Infirmary -Two doors north of bridge Turnberry et„ 131'useele, DENTAL. 1.13 EN '1'Ilei Or M. CAVANAG H, L. D. S., D. D. S„ Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Ifni - varsity, Oo'sion-Over A.11, Smith's Store. B1'nsaeis, IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for seryiee this proaeut season the Improved largo white Yorkshire pig 'Bondy en 101 28, 00e, 0, Morrie, to which a. limited number of sows will be taken, Terms 41,00 to be paid at Wine Ofservioe, With the privilege of return, Mg if necessary. .Pedigree may be goon up. on 11Gl)l featton, 1(0131113T 810.17001, t Proprietor, OAR FOR SERVICE: -TH.E nndoreigned will km) for Service on Lot 12, Oen. 18, Grey, a pure bred Chador White Pig,imported from the state of Iowa by RobertAdams, of ftol(illop. Terms, $1.00 to bo paid at time of 881vl0e with privLlogo of returning if 1300001111' a DANIEL 1110hf1LLAN, 10.4 Proprietor. B0AR F011 S1I1VIOE.-THE Undersigned Will keep for 0orviae ab blorriebauk, the Thoro-b,'od Chester White Boar, "Miele Sam," leo, 4,801, 'Phu, bog 0155 taken 101 prize at the four fairs he Wag ex- hibltod and hie stook has been equally sue• oesstol SS poise winnoro. Pedigree may bo g000 on application, Tema, 51.00 to be paid at bho limo of sorvloo with privilege of re- turning if mummy, S. SN10LT1, Propriotbr,