HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-28, Page 5MiSMEMUMMEECVMSEEMEMMUSMZEM
Oox. 28, 1892
Hardwood Folding Table given
away with $25.00 purchase Call
for one of our Cards,
TUE "1.uSS raaS POST
zitzzizpmpawii==•=m1V14=W:=1^4rrm.`.».pstyi..ltaaltutanitrs>av n?s;
The See -Saw of Trade swings up and down with the Weather.
Just now we are Booming Clothing, Booming Clothing do we say ;
Ha, Ha! Yes, truly ! Only that Clothing Booms itself and well it may.
Such Royal, Roaring, Rollicking, Roystering Value as we are showing
strifes a blow on the Tocsin of time that Reverberates over every
Concession in the County.
is r:fl
Dozens of Extra Pants and Vests
sliding from MO to $3.50.
in f
75 t 1
0 15 T SELECT FRO 1.
A Big Stock of All Wool and
Union Underwear.
The above Groups of Cold Shedders are stacked in Piles awaiting the eager rush of Hundreds of
Stalwart Men who want winter clothing. The stacks are only a part of the recent purchase snatched by our enterprise from the grasp of dealers who take weeks to make
up their minds whether they will buy or not What cares A. R. Smith, the Champion Clothier for the handicapped dealers, who are gasping in the grasp of the
Wholesale Clothing Cottle Fish. No writing a postcard to Montreal to know what a line of overalls can be sold for. No Iooking to the "Boss" for leave
to sacrifice a line of cotton sox. No back room conferences to settle the cut on a box of suspenders. No Sir—A. R. Smith buys his goods, pays
his way, sells at his own price and pleases every man, woman and child that comes into the shop, and that too without advice or sug-
uegestion from any man alive whether it's an overcoat, man's suit, boy's suit or Cardigan jacket. You can have every outside
want supplied at the Mammoth Clothing Palace where the doors swing open to welcome the buyers, and
where the crowd goes to deal.
411420=1=1005=0/181.40111021M.xta;211u. a 18r--•----^---ao
!l, istrC.Ct gebz.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. [lief
will preach his farewell sermon to St.
George's congregation prepltretory to ids
removal to Fenton, alieh.
On Friday evening of this week Mrs
Sage and Miss Annie go to ICippon where
they will contribute some of their en-
obauting 11e00i0 0(1 the glasses.
Rev. R. Paul 000upied the pulpit of
the afotho.ist church last Sunday in the
absence of the pastor, Bev. J. W. Pring.
His sermons wore much appreciated.
Adam Reid, of Winghnm, formerly of
this locality, fell from an apple tree last
week and received some pretty severe
injuries. We are glad to hear that ho
is improving nicely now.
C'x 1 -le T.
Mrs. Geo. Welsh is back from an en.
joyable visit to her son at Crystal City,
This week 7. Meikiljohn took posee8.
81011 of the Iiastie blaok•mith shop at
J. Anderson and sister, of 51. He'ons,
were visiting at Henry hill's for a few
days this week.
Jno. Mines is home on n visit, Colin
Murray is also back from British Colum•
bia after a stay of 2 years.
913,422 represents the total amount of
taxes to bo collected 111 Grey township
for 1.802 by Collectors McDonald and
Andrew D sig, of Motile, and Miss
Annie Miller, of this township, have
formed a life partnership. Rev. Mt'.
Stevenson, of Molesworth, tied the knot.
The trustees of S. S. No. 5 have en.
gaged Mt', Knight, of I3owiak, 108 snoaee-
eor to Geo. Dobson who has done sn011
excellent work in the .nallool for the past
two yours, Mr. Dob on gees to Ethel.
Some peroorls state that the new Town-
phip Ball will bo the bons of contention
at the next Municipal election. In this
sootion we think the Counotl did exactly
right and we will stand by them for doing
their duty.
Iie.e tit.
Rev. J, F. Parke end wife, of L ietowol,
were vieitiug in town Met weep.
On Monday evening our town fathers
hold a special meeting in Industry hall.
On Monday the 12th Division Goitre
was hold lu InduSQ'y ball, Judge Peelle
The (01900ation 000 lumen have cone
pleted the drain on the oast aide of Qu0811
street which they have 1000 working at
foe soma time past.
On Snt•'urday John Hamilton met with
a 00rions accident when exorcising his -
horse, by getting thrown off and /cooly -
fug 001110 injuries to hid fade.
Tllo 0nnpars in W. t!oSiroy's establish•
meet struck for wa higher ee on Satin.
g t.
day. They resumed work n.goin on
111011day with Homo itetre080
On Tuosd.31 a largo unmbm' of our
oitlzene were iu Goderich attending e: art
is 00(01( sees in the trial of one Googen
Who wax committed to 'tend hie trial a
few d ys (90 foe striping hotel keeper
IC.IIy with a elub,
On Sandal morning itev. T. Id, 1I,f t.
ley or Trinity ohureh preccilod hie 1ir0t
of a series of dis0odr0es on the Apostle's
(treed, 01111011 was an able m10, Notwitll
stet.diug the ln(18ntenoy of 1110 weather
that a was a good congregation presetrt.
On Friday evening the Band eoneel't
in Indoetry hall was well patronized.
Proeeods Over iCi
Tho Ladies Aid irl or
the aietbddist
ahurab are busy making erraugements
for holding their opening anniversary
services anti dinner on Thanksgiving
Regular meeting of the I. O. F. No.
80 was held in their hall on Tuesday
evening, a lerge turnout being present.
Ltev. 111. Gattung, of New FIeenburg, one
of the special organizers of the order, was
present and gave an interesting address.
Business 15 brisk.
Me.linntson has returned from his
visit to Berlin.
There is a good opening for a times ane
mantle manor hero,
A. P. Bong had the misfortune to have
the top of one of his fingers smashed.
Kra. Wheeler is breaking up house and
going to live with Leer daughter be Sbret-
John Sanderson hes fixed up his store•
house preparatory to baying grain this
Miss Fortune, of Oheeley, is biro on a
visit to her brother, R. II. Fortune, our
popular V. S.
Several of our ep'rts intend leaving
this week dor Muskoka, for the deer
shooting there.
Messrs. Hamilton t4 Sanderson ship-
ped two oars of oab,le to the Montreal
market this week. ,
Our miller, R. aleck, is so ru.hod wibh
orders that ito has to run the mill night
and day to steep up with the demand.
Miss Chalmers, who has been visiting
at Mr. Iinntsone' for the pent month, re,
turned to her home in Boston this week.
Mt'. Davidson, oontra0tor of the Pro by
tariau ohuruh, is rapidly pushing the
work through. The slating and br'itk•
work ie completed,
Wm. Johnston, who hes been Summer•
ing 111 Castle Dickson, at Goderiah, for
the stabbiug J. Cameron, of this place,
is bank to town again.
Prof. D. C. Munro has been lecturing
in the Towu Hall the last few niyy=,,hts on
Phrenology, He is an able epee er and
handles the subject w'dl.
Our tonal nimrods aro having a great
time bullying and shooting this find
weather, but there is a great deal more
hunting dorso than shooting.
Mien Lou. Stewart, who has been r.n•
gaged in the dress and mantle malting
business here for the past 6 ,years, has
given up shop and r, turned to her home
in Winghnm.
It is ((111100004 that oar wedge Imp
tory is sold. We lope the rumour is
true, as it 0109 Or great benefit to the town
and in a good locality where a good buei•
nen hes always been done.
Our cooper, Mr, Thomson, 1, very biley
halting "pple barrels to supply the en.
00111005 demand there hens Noon for then].
At one time this week there were 15
wagoes waiting to bo filled vault barrels.
A stranger, giving Itf9 name e8 30110
Velentyno, 00119 committed for trial to
Goderioh by11ha ietrltte S emit r., ou
Monday of tis wee](, for 810at111g a goat
robe from J. W. Saudorson's general
atom. He pleaded guilty, 08 was
noticed inviting the store, with the robe,
by emerge McInb 011, one of the olorke,
who fol owed him anti ttoou ed him of
the theft, Ile would not give np the robe
tff! 'eked in eh,t,'L'1' by 0 moi,tble Puffin
who also took him to Godmvieh, Valet!.
1,37!)0 any ho coulee front the Settee, hub
it is thought he wag too lazy to work for
a 11vh19 and twtut, d a Winter's; keep hew:
ar charge. We 0uppae0 be will get it.
itelfte rire-
Miss Shurrio is still quite poorly and
under the demotes ca1'0.
Mrs. D. Nichol has gone t, Grand
Forks, Dakota, She was ticketed by
J. T. Pepper, Brussels.
The total amount of taxes to be collect.
0r1 this year in Morris township is e12,-
26 1.74.
12,-261.74. Collector Mooney will 80011 com-
minute work.
Win. Hanna disposed of fifteen coon
skins in Brussels last Saturday. This
was the result of his heating expeditious
during. the mouth of October.
301111 Currie had the misfortune to fall
out of an apple tree recently while pick•
ing fruit and in the descent struck his
shin against a ladder inflicting a severe
out. It had to be stitched up by a doe -
Quito a hit of ktdlcieg about the heavy
drop in the poles of apples by the buyers.
,Chore may be a few rows over it but the
returns from the sutnmer fruit have not
been of a favorable character, heavy
losses being reporte1.
Christopher Miobie intends leaving
shortly for Alma, Wellington county,
where he takes the position of herdsman
Sunnyside term, the property of Sas.
Bunter, it prolninent breeder of short
horn cattle, Shr.'pehiresheep and Olydes•
dale horses. Mr. Michie is a steady, in-
dustrious young mut and ono who has
always manifested a deep iuberest and
taken en native part in everything otelou•
Need to promote the general welfare of
the community in which 115 resides.
Although he may bo only temporarily
absent he will be much missed here. He
was in the same locality last winter and
enjoyed his work.
A. 'Taylor, toaohee of S. S. No. 4, will
not remain in this school next year as he
has engage,] to teach in Helleb et an in-
oroased salary. No. 4 trusbo a have se-
cured the services of bliss 0. Halliday
for 1803. She has a 211d class certificate
and will receive 9810 per 000010.
Rtltvntv,tx.-What alight have been a
fatal runaway occurred about 11 mile
north of Blyth on Tuesday of last week.
Alex. Nichol, "1 lot 17,00n, 7, was return.
ing home from Btyth with a load of apple
barrels and when 10 little way out of town
meb a mw1 driving in. Eaoh had their
reepeobive doge and the cure started to
fight. Iu the ecrilmnage the dogs got
under ivfr. Nichols wagon and frighten.
ed the horses thereby musing the reuse
way. ltir. N. was thrown from the load
011 to a pile of ebonite by the side of the
rued and though not seriously injured re•
twitted a bad shaking up iutereelly and
001n0 ugly bruises. The wagon was own.
plotely demolished and apple barrels
rolled Octet in all directions. Mr. Niob•
of had a very narrow escape.
a/d•Jt o 1,
A shingle mill has been added to our
saw mill.
The McAllister bleak 19 honied by hot
aft' now,
We 1000 91(11 to notion th tt De. O tic
is gdf10 reeovarud from his mane ill
Thos. watt, of Belettal', hag pltratnes
ed the cottage by the bridge feorn Wnt.
Simpd:n, Prion p.ticl9200.
R. Di'worth 1('10 bnlgllt. the 11'arin
farm net bide or the old piece. Ho has
5'1d t le timber to W. Millis,
Our nob 101 trustees peed ur salmi a
visit this week. We extent, I,1,ys, that
their wholesome advise will produce a
good effect at (11,00. -
The'lbwoehfp Heel hal taken 0'1 Title
afliti8hed appearance) on the outside, and
stands a building that the township arty
well feel proud bo own
Legh week Fred, Laird 100111 George
Eckel lar arrived home from three visit to
the West. Tee,. pies Neer:bly reports
of this111" '
ye 9 ,.r"p.
Ol'euiie, 81(1 n1 lti0hard Rupp, is away
to St. Thomas whore his brother W. G.
holds a situation. The former expecte
to 5eoar0 employineub on the Michigan
Central railroad.
S. Nichol is putting an overcoat on
his b'aokenlith shop -that it may be
warm through the 0omittg winter of
cent so. IIs has moved We family into
Wm. Simpson's new brink house.
Messrs. 1111100 dc Heffernan, of Ethel,
and McDonald, of Walton, have pure
chased the timber of another township,
(01,000 acres) in aiuskoka, This pur-
obese planed 80,000 sores eh the diepo9•
al of our enterprising friends.
De. May, Superintendent of Moohen-
105' Iustitutss and art 00h0018, iuspeuterl
the Ethel Ins'iboto lately. He found
everything in good shape and took the
trouble to urge upon the directors the
fermabion of evening lasses, Ile prais-
ed our line library of judiciously selected
A meeting of the Directors of the
Ethel Meobanioe' Institute will be held
on Tuesday Beetling next in the Reading
Room, bo consider the appointment of
teacher of evening classes-aomineroial
Deur-e- which they have decided to or.
gamine. This commercial course col•
Prizes arithmetic, writing and book-
keeping and is reoommeuded to the
serious attention of our young meet and
maidens who may, for a merely nominal
feu', reueive such instruction as has
plow 11 others in the way of onetime large
selariss as aioouuNanbs and may 010 as
much for them. E urate E'r ptrticnl.tl•s
of any of the dirootors or of the Sears
rotary, Mr, Stubbe.
The Sone of Temperance applied to
the Township 000,1oi1 for permission to
rant the Township FI1011 after temple.
tion. This was the first of a number
of similar reel tests 11110(.y to have been
maple, and whloh would have borne out
our etatemenb made last eprin9 that the
Hall if built et Ethel count be
made to vedette a r00011n0 iu rants that
would pay a flair interest on the motley
spent 011 it and thus 0001 the Township
comparatively nothing. We are et trey to
say that the Oouncil seem to have de.
aided not to lot the hall for any perpeee.
This decision but places another whip in
the band of then "down with the beetle"
people who expect to drive them from
office next January, an event WO 011o0ld
be sorry to see.
Listowel tannery will he lighted lip by
gas, the pipe. being uo.v pub in,
Glilies of aI (41(1 heave began the attach
tion of it nett' triol' moulding shop ie
001(11eetion ,011(11 the.Lieto1001 foundry.
Tee Royal Istel has changed intends,
A..blctntoo11 having retired, sed Wnt.
Dili1011, Labe of Walkerton, tormefly of
Drayton, ha+ token pos0esei et.
Rev. AL.. Detv1hey, of Mitchell, eon.
dnote I the attune' 'Tlntnksgivhl3 erviu0 in
011010' Gl1n'.l1nu So witty, Thu u11L1'uh
wa8 daunabud by the King's Deee tura
for th,, ocenelOn.
line. 1, 13. Ilitee 1ne 11109 beta 0)1lion001
nt Welland, Lest Sabbeelt wee h s leer
eervice5 here Bev, J. L. Devise', of
Burlin, takes his place 111 Lloi01001, It ul
Rev. J. 'ho.vm 9 •1005 10 11011(1,
Mr. NI beat, x (In 110 111 the 11:1n% or
11,miu.ou, herr, lune both tren.f reed to
the hood mile, .0 iteeniltnw, 111)11 1v J.
Ilowat.'0 the alt, Forest braoah,tv'ts pre.
0,11041 to the position yeented by Me.
Teb10tt 1,1 the l.,ietow,1 office.
The nightsobn.•l in mm1150110'( with the
Mechanics' Institute sus been p aced on
it 0/1008501111 basis and will begin work
on the first of No' ember, continuing
'10108 a week till the government course
is completed.
S ttoor, Ctlsnausx's DAV.-The tuvn
80110019 oe'ub abed the dienovory of
America and the battle of Q0eenstou
Heights auniv0rsary with 'tames and
sports in the cricket park. The we,,ther
was delightful, it being a genuine Indian
summer's day, and the gathering of
children, parents, 'etchers and frieade
01(10 large, The program or spurts was
carried out m good style. both o mpeti.
tore and spectators "lan1Iesti'lg ltosu h1.
tenet. in the various games. A9 en ob•
jest lesson, the commemoration of two
each imporbont events ie our country's
history in this public way, hen doubtless
left a lasting impression on the minds of
the scholars. The list of prize0 winurre
w.ts a8 follows (--Foot ball -Sen. -Ludo.
'vel vs, Harriebon,won by Listowel. Jun. -
Form 1, B. S. vs. Pnb. School, Drawn.
Kicking foob•ball-A McDowell, 140 ft.
Tug of war -Form 1, H. S. vs. Public
Soho 1, won by l:1 S. team. Putting 15
lbs shot • 1st Il. Tutihen,2nd .1, ala0utch•
eon, 8rd J. MaJormacet. Standing
broad jump -let B. ruglten, 11 ft. 5 in.,
tad, 0. Tulle too, 1.0 ft, 11. f•1., 3ed W.
Wynn, 10 ft. 0 in. Itonnirg breed
jump -Let 4V. Wyou, 10 ft. 3 Mu., 2nd P,
Field, 18 ft. 6 he, drd 13. Tulhen. Bun.
uin9 hop, step end jumpL-let 13. Tug.
1109, 42 ft, ii in., 2nd P. Field, 84) ft. 8
in., 3rd A. Bamford, 88 ft. 4 in. Stand.
lug high jump -W. Wynn and B. Tug -
hen n tie, 4 ft 10 in. Running 11ig11
jump-Isb B. Tughen, 5 ft. 5 in , 2nd A,
Bradley, 5 ft. 2 in., 3rd W. Wynn, 6 ft.
1 in. Running broad jump, boys under
14 years -1st W. Field, 111 ft. 3 in., 2nd
1t. Livingotoue, 15 ft. 0 fn., 3rd Berl
13,1y, 14 ft. 5 in. 100 yds. drill, boys
under 14 years• -let 11. Livingstone, 2nd
J. Baird, 3rd Earl Eley. 440 yards
ruse --let J. A. Duff, 2nd George
biitabell, 3rd A. Terry. 100 yards
rape -1st B.Tughsn,2nd W, Wynn, 3rd
A. Bamford. 100 Nerds three legged
mice --1st R. Campbell and N. Kidd, 2n11
J. W. So nit and 0. Campbell, 8rd J.
Large and L. M0Ouloheon. 120 yards
hurdle race -1st 0, Wynn, end W.
Plaid, 3rd B. Tughen. 78 yards seek
reee-let A, 13amf0rd, 2nd F, Large, 3rd
0. Fnllarton. Team read, 100 yards•
1st Bamford and Enflame, 2nd Mo
Ouboheon and Large, 3rd Fields and
Bradley. Winner of most points, 13,
Tugheu, Tug of war between Forms 11
and III of High School and the drawn
games football between Form I, II, S.
and Publiu School, topather with a font -
ball match between Listowel and At.
wood, alone off on Stehurdey, Oub,
22114, ou the reek park.
A grand moat will be held under the
auspices of the L. 0. L., No. 767, in the
Town Hall, Corrie, ou the evening of
Nov, 5b11, Jas. Tax and Miss (Sate Strong,
of Toronto, win take partin the program.
Joseph Dunlop, the Chicago journ'list
tvltose old home ie Porth county, lilts die
posed of the C11110age Mail at a 980311, and
will now publish au evening 9.i.per of in.
dependent views to be known as the
Clhialgo Drepat011.
The clatters of the 28th (.Perth) 'Batt.
have sent oodgratnlations le Hon. T. M.
Daly on his lev.tion to the Cabinet.
Mr. Daly in his younger days 1t'n0 pay
meter of Oa 28th, the only battalion t0
whish he ever belonged, and th0ee ivho
were associated with him hnvm 9(0asa111
re0olleetto09 of limes they n+cad u, have
at ohn19,
allies W111/e1
The undersigned has en-
larged his Factory to double
the capacity and is open to
buy any quantity of Apples.
Small apples will not b3 ac-
cepted Windfalls, sweet or
sour, that are of any size will
be taken
Winter Apples 25 cts
per bag
L. Mahler,
Y -our best remedy for
rysipelas, Catarrh
heumatism, and
-c rofu l a
';',,,It -Rheum, Sore Eyes
"bscesses, Tumors
'-f.nning Sores
:3 -curvy, Humors, Itch -
A -nem ia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
I"i«irgvvorm, Rashes
1-1rlpure Blood
Lear) guidness,
L-iver Complaint
A -I I cured by
M ;
Prepared by Dr, J. C, AycreeCo,,.Lowell, Mass,
D;.1d1:y all Druggists, Price 41, six bottles, $g.
Cures otlherpy Wf91 cure you