HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-21, Page 101"stUid l"�U"a. attit-oo<t. Ise ,).,nr:te 1I+.ui:need, et Toronto, is home on It visit. Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has pur- chased. the Atwood trod Mitchell stave heehaws from G00. Roil. James Lune has leased the Bulmore roller mill for a term of yerit•a and re, tuovea thither on Nov. lst. Kee <7-ias r. A. Tenant will attend the Veterinary College. Russell Manning is attending Toronto University. Sara Lord Bailey is to be hero next Monday evening, Dr. Browning has been appointed a c.n•cner for Huron Cn. Bisset Bros. and Walt. Andrews have been forced to assign. Jno. Willis, of Exeter North, had one of his arum amputated above the elbow owing to it being diseased. C:ISatosa. Six carrots, weighing egi pounds, were part of Thos. Holloway's exhibit at the Huron Central. Ben Tomlinson left this week far To. rooto, wuere he purposes completing his veterinary studies. Isaac Carter, of Stapleton, had the misfortune to lose $20 by having it picked from hie pocket while ou the fair grounds here. The thief.left him $6. On Sunday evening a young gentleman accompanying a lady to a certain church, was placed fora few momenta in a rather embarrassing position, for in pulling off his overcoat, as he supposed, be also re. moved entirely the undercoat, and never discovered that he was in hie shirt sleeves until he threw the two ooats across the book of a pew. Y isl>tow<-1. The Choral society has begun work again in full farce. Miss Lorne Campbell has returned to continue her musival eduoatioa in the Young Ladies College, Hamilton. The Listowel High School Board have appointed NV. H. Stewart, specialist, from the Sobool of Pedagogy, as a science master. The addition to the Piano factory is almost fiuiahed. It is a substantial two story brick structure, end will furnish ample room for tuning room, packing room, show room end offices, for which it Ie intended, Rev. Me, Wihio, who has been tatting of the spteial meetings in the Methodist church in this place, left for his home in Cleveland, Ohio, on Wed. r ley, or last wa t Mr. Livingstone is .a: nn the meetings 0010. Miss it 11, the u at•eelist, is expected to assist tee 11A:0,1% 311'0 AtWOrr til. Ir, spite of the unpleasant day all onr toting people tock in the Brussels Indus• 1, 1e1. • The potato atop is not so abundant this year ss ueual, but the rot ie not so ben as in some 'acidities. A. McGibbon, who has epeet the sutn n • at the house of J. Murray, list ue o if.e,1 hnnte to Larked, P01130 of the gents nen who took in the „ suit ba tunneion he,ve returned• as. seg them T. ill•:;i,onalel, H. Coughlin L 1 Ivens 5:+. :;am t n n -ala ,•, iroa were held in elle I e.1:1,:tIzii tarn;.•h tact Sunday. Rey. Mr. Davidson, of Wroxeter, eeedueted tb • services on Friday. Prtiyer meetings at the Immanuel are Isegely attended every Friday evening. 7 ho brethren extecibe great earnestues:t i their devotions and no doubt great an. nils be Ile result. ifrs, :1 yc ,h, of :hie village is not ex. ie. ltd to live much longer. She ems b, .;n conlid•'d 1,, tier bed tor the post 11111e 3 m tvuitin,' 3 •ti 1ntly for her ail, n 1,111 nn ens pq.10, 10 her weary soul. News Iiia:, beet received that Jilt. John- eso, formerly 'ti:lor of the Presbyterian sreb, teal who hn.t been living In To. 1^:!,to fora number of years, 113 dead. l:T.,rh oyminttby is extended toward the 1.1. IV ee la am. 1T. r'v. 1'. Meese, t.1 this place, returned i:,.t•:; lest wtcl: front his trip to Japan, hien, The Y. P. S. C. E. oouvenbion is to be 'hold in It'ingham on Wednesday, Nov. Mel. for the Comity of Huron. I'riueipal 'Iuagrove has been re en• egad for next year at a salary of $ 700, -til advance of $100 over last year. A couple of furnaces are being placed in the ;dothodiet church for boating per. prises, whirl, will be far ahead of the sto11ea that have been used in former yeses. Teta fence has been removed from argued the Congregational church, a note walk erected and the trees trimmed, which adds greatly to the appearance of the church. 'The potato rot in this town and viain• ity has played great bavoo. Acoording to reports scarcely half a crop will be manna, On low, wet land tba damage is more serious, Halsted & Scott, bankors, have leased the building now occupied by the Bank of Hamilton and will tante possession in a short time, the Bank of Hamilton's now building being again nearly ready for 000tipation. SUPPLEMENT TO THE BRUSSELS POST Preparations are being made for the grand IIaltaw'en Concert to be held in the Town Hall on the Viet of Oct., under the auspices of Camp Caledonia, S. 0. S. set the regular mestitig of the W. C. T. U. the following officers ers were elected for the ensuing term : --President, Mrs. Helm ; Vice•Presidents, Mrs, lir. Mac• douald, Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Mrs, W. II, Watson, Mrs, S. Seliery, Mrs. 11, Ole. Quarrie, Mrs, E. W. Hughes ; Cerro. »pouding Secretary, Mrs, Jno. rester ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. H. Manuel; Treasurer, Mrs. R.1`slliott, C,ro(Leeliels. Bread is now 10 cents for thee pound loaf. R. Ar. Charlton, who did the street numbering in Brussels, has opened an enation mart in town. Dauoy beat the G. T. R. at the Court of Appeal on the question of damages for being ejected from a train. Charlie Garrote, and Allan Seeger have gone to takes university course, Ih0 former to Toronto linivereity and the latter to Trinity. Bev. Mark Turnbull, of Kincardine, has excepted the appointment es rooter of St. George's, Coderiah,tosucceed Bev. AIr. Young, Last Sunday was Rev. Mr. Tonng'e farewell to the oongregatinn. At the close of an excellent sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Swann, of Au- burn, on Sabbath evening„ the Rev. Samuel Fear, of Elora, and a former pastor of North.st Methodist church who is visiting hie son and old friends here, made a few interesting remarke'on the sermon that had just been preached and also gave an earnest exhortatiou for sin- ners to flee from the wrath to come. Mr. rear is in his ninety-first year and has been upwards of seventy years in the Methodist ministry. He is still bale and hearty and possesses a voice which ought to be the envy of most of the rising gener- ation. It is over forty years since the rev. gentleman resided in Goderiob and there are now very fete loft of his former acquaintances here. Wroeceter. (Intended for last week.) Business good. Messrs. Hamilton .1 Sanderson sold over 70 head of cantle to Mr. Hunt, of Elmira, this week, principally stockers. Allan Bong had the misfortune to have the top taken off one of his fingers in a machine this week, J Black, from Ayr, brother to onr popular miller, Robert Bleak, was in town this week renewing old amp -lain - Mimes, J- Sanderson is thoroughly renovating hie grain warehouse, preparatory to buy- ing grain this season. Ile is an old 1 hand at the business. Wo think our market this season will he owlet to any. Apple packers very busy around hero. The demand for apple barrels is emir. mous. Mr. Rowson, our cooper, has turned out over 10,000 barrels so far this season. The apple iuilnstry promises to be a good source of revenue to farmer». 3. Hooey left for i,lt.nitoba on Monday with a car load of horses and aunther car of sheep. Olt•. Hooey has been in Mani - tuba over 00 :fines with horses so he ought la know the t'oatl be this time. tie 07330 accompanied by Thos. Itiae, who intends staying a mouth there. Work on the Presbyterian 01010011 is being rapidly pushed ahead. The slaters have abent finished the roof, and Messrs. McDonald amt Coombs have the brink and stnnt-work completed. They de - 0000: ,o1'0111, crc tit for 31133 work they hive c ol:e 03 they Leave not slighted it in the least. TIL, architect says they have clone ag !Itr'o'l'O lob Pa 1ne ever »a:v, which clients v'olnmoe for thein. (itc'ae1't-:tI Pee wee 'a colony of 1,000 Japanese will he Pstabashed in the State of Sinaloa, ;5exi• co. Tho GOvelnmeut of Smit', Anatratia was Mee,' ed in the Colonial Parliament on eertnin flnanustl proposals. Capt. Andrews, who has just 1/013111 the A Swain in n 11. foot dory, announces hie intention of repeating the trip. 1'.vo horse thieved who were being enn- veyed to gent were lynnhed by titmice t leen in the Big Born 11lonntaius, Wy• otniu, TilegQueen Regent of Sprain maned a decree reoent'y Betting apart Angntet 12 es a netianal holiday forever in honor of Cantabile. Reports are received of immense 105 - see of cattle and horses in Wyoming and Northern Colorado, owing to the severe snow storms. Mrs. Susan Neil, 70 years olel, who lives on a ranula in Steverick County, Texas, !tilled a full•growe panther with en axe the other day. The Board of Education of Detroit has adopted it resolution, after a fierce fight, Practically excluding Catholics from toaohing in the Detroit publio schools. The price paid for The Pall Mall Gar. Otto is stated at £100,000. Its former owner, Yates Thompson, sold it beoauee he was finally tired of spending money for a party that Rave him nothing. OhriStiau Jagd, a member of the Danish royal family, and ft florist, Springfield, Wes., is missing. His pert. net, Henry G. Honking, charges him with swindling to the extent of $0000. John Allen, aged 70, has just died in a Ind near Seaford, Delaware. Concealed in different part of the but were stooks and bonds worth many thousaude of dol. tars, and in a box $20,000 in oohs was found, Heavy rains have oansod much dam• age in the vicinity of Genoa. The petition against the election of James Grieve, 1ST, P. for North Perth, was dismissed at Stratford on Saturday. Grand Sire Campbell, of the Supreme Lodge of Odtifellows, was given ft grand reeeptiof and banquet by the Stratford Cddlellowe on Saturday, .A.111 o'clock last night, just after the close of the speaking at a political rally St. Louis, fourteen persons were hurt by the explosion of a eityrooket during a fireworks display. Michael Biatoliford, candidate for the Legislature, was struck in rho eye by it flying 'Melilla and fatally hurt. Iritis Mergnart was hit in the temple. His skull was lectured and lie will die. Three others were severely in. jttreJM, and nine less seriously. At 7 o'clock Saturday in St. Thomas, a maiden lady named Miss Henderson, who keeps a boarding house, was shot three timeslby a boarder named Sullivan, Sullivan is a wcll.known character aboat the city. Some tune ago he was con. witted to the asylum for insanity, but was afterwards relonsed. IIe had board. ed for six of seven years with Miss Hen. dorson and though his mental condition was never regarded as sound he was not considered dangerous. Miss Tlendereon was preparing his breakfast at the time when Sullivan snddenly presented a revolver and fired three shote. One en- tered her arm, one her leg and the other her body, the later burying itself in a vital spot. She is not expected to live, Sullivan in under arrest, There were several boarders, mostly railway men, in the house when it happeued. 3, B. Trayes, of the Port Hope Times, is dead. The Women's Medical College at King- ston was formally opened on Wednesday of lash week. The Brantford trotting stallion Gen- eva won the Johnson stake of $2,500 at Lexington, Ky. McLEOD'S System ilenovalter ----nND OTDED TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of 11Iemory, Bronchitis, Oen- snmptiol, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidnoy and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, .Female Irregularities and General De• bility, LABORATORY DODERICH, ONT. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Soba by 3. T. PEPPER. Druggist, Brussels. 00. klIPM 4c1 ieTA St" Cnd'Eiaodrod and Forty-one galllisolna Photographs Ear 0013 Grand j ElL. M All tha aooaorva ive ' sr'tbXi3 ci 1092 rn fneludinA• 71001 i rze .sire pro' ogrnphe of Sir hhn Abh tl, Premier, mid Slr John I homprnn, Iv.• , r f lb: noose nl Common., Nut rounded by the Cabinet alieivter, nod ;t''t 'al vat ud:her side rho members of the !louse Irani every Province in the Dominion, making a loud of 141 ,.plondid photo. graphs 1 et cry t'ne n. perluua likeness. This great picture is n rrproti.a'tian by Photo. gravure process on copper pinto of the pienirc presented to Sir John Thmupron to the Cunsorva. Oval Menthol,. during Mu lint 6u.3e1u1,. '8"t'9nr"s €PrdiGt:l' k3:. Pa°i::-v URE 005T OVER :11300. 'Int EMII: 0 11aa secured the eopvrigitt to repro. dice this Ornnd Picture. it ds printed on a 1 chit plot. paper in photographic Inks, tad is 3 loot 0 inches by a fest s inches 1n tile, nail nutkcs a splen- did picture for frnndntl. A key giving the name of each member and consitrucncy represented isrinted un the margin, making avaluabie work of reference, blO EXTRA CHARGE Wnl bo made for this strand Pratniunl, Out It tam ba GIVEN FF1EE '0o ivory 0uba0ribor for alto ookly pre FOR 1690. Tint Wnraty 11MP1310 is without doubt the beat Weekly fix $,.es published in Canada, containing Is pages of 1atmt 1 acs of the day, Sett�ocigl depart, melte on Agriculture, Woman's N:mplre, Our Curiosity Shop, Old World Diary, aha 'mast Sporn. big Leonia, ala. Only Ono Dollar poi year. Sent to any address in Canada. or the United States, livery subscriber will got the Premium picture as a Preseek Send 1n your subscription at once, or order lbrattgh our local agent. Address: THE EMPII213, Toronto, Ont. MOCK t h THEDDCi/ ° S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAN ADA.' Private Funds to Loan. e2O,OOO Have boon placed in my hands for Investment 0D real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTMEST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. AI. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. SIMEOr CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUl1IPTION CUBE, is without a parallel in the history of medi. Dine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a toot that no other 0nre can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronohitte, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If yon dread that insidious disease OONSUMP. T10N, DON'T PAIL to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10a., 50o. and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back lame,ues Shilah's Porous Plaster, 25o, O4t. 21,1892 OE'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an Did physleian. Successful. Iy treed msutaty by thous- ands of 1,1317IEe, Xu the onlyperfectly safe and reliable medicine discov- ered. Beware et unprincipled druggists who offer infsrier medioinee to place of this. Ask for 0001e6 COTTON 11001' OaMPe0ND, take 110 sttbstiLeto 1 or inclose 51 and 4 three -0011: Canada postage stamps in letter, and we 1Brtlpanelkt1ieipicuarsin linvope,o ladies only, _ stamps. Address pond O,IIy com- pany, No, J Fisher Block, Nil Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich, Ir1Soltl h, 131nssels by J.7.', PEPPER, (1, A, I)IiADSIAN and ell responsible druggists ev err triune. TAUS. FLETCHERl,! _Practical Watehin.ca%ver and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we aro opening out Full Lines in SOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware Irons Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY I WEDGING RINGS, LADIES GEN RINGS, BeoOCNEs, EARRINGS, dm. lt.--Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, &o., in stook. PI, Ft.—Assurer of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. w°,iti't�ii�^i„:)1'tT: s•'.' W ""'r'",ytsr^�"".'',.F i' '.ais:s's Our Stook in above lines is now complete with Fall and 'Winter Goods. We are giving Extra Valn° in these lines, This Accounts fur the fact that our . a1e's arc Largely ncreasing, September being not only the best Months' business we have had since coming to Brussels, but it is away ahead of any other Month in Boots & Shoes. 1Vo have Mens' Long Boots from $1.25 to $3.50—All good value. We have '\Vomons' Shoos, from the finest Kid to the heaviest ifip, Boys' Long Boots and Misses' and Children's ",hoes of all styles and prices. In RUBBERS UBBERS ttO V E t, SHOES Wo have the celebrated "Granby" make---Tlloro aro n0 better in , the Market. We have (6) Five Styles of Alen's Rubbers, 11Ot Count- ing Overshoes. (6) Five Styles of Women's Rubbers, as well as Misses' Boers' mad Children's. Wo have the Cardigan Overshoes in Women's, Misses' and Children's sizes. Tho Stocking in these is now made fight to the toe, so there is no clanger of these ripping. We have a Button Fastener and BZGttons can be fastened with wire so they don't corse off When you want Boots 8s Shoes give as a call, 1